The 2022 symposium at the University of Arizona will focus on Globalism and Meeting the Foreign World in the Pre-Modern World. This is a broad topic, but it suggests many new reflections. I invite submissions by Jan. 31, 2022. Date of conference: April 30-May 1, 2022, online, Arizona time, 7:30 a.m. start time:
That link will be open also on May 1. No password needed. Feel free to share this link.
We would become myopic once again if we demanded of all pre-modern scholars suddenly to think about connections between Africa and Europe or Asia when they did not exist. Global can mean many things. I just read a fascinating vol. on falconry, primarily in the Middle East, and learned that the Mamluks imported heavily gyrfalcons from Iceland and Sweden to Egypt. That’s global! This symposium will simply widen our perspectives beyond traditional medieval and early modern Christian Europe and explore the wider connectivity across languages, religion, culture, and economics. Globalism is here to be understood as a broader perspective toward the foreign world, but not in the traditional approach pertaining to medieval and early modern travel literature. Instead, the question will focus on the encounter of the foreign through literary, artistic, economic, religious, or musical contacts or studies.
There will be space for a max of 25 talks. The meeting will be online, though an in-person meeting would be preferable. Hopefully, then in 2023.
Please let me have your abstract (ca. 200 words max) by Jan. 31, 2022.
Registration: $00.
There are firm plans to publish a volume based on the presentations, with the papers fully developed and deeply researched, with De Gruyter.