Peace, Community, and Happiness in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age
University of Arizona, Tucson, May 2-3, 2025 (first social meeting on May 1, if you like to join us).
Our world faces increasing violence, hatred, disagreements, and wars. It would be inaccurate to project the pre-modern world as peaceful, on the contrary. But the issues of peace, community, and happiness were already deeply on the mind of medieval and early modern thinkers, poets, artists, and theologians. Let us explore this large topic to demonstrate that our field is vibrant, relevant, and meaningful for the post-modern world. We work now very much with interdisciplinarity. So, please share this call for papers widely. Thank you.
Please submit an abstract in English to me at:, preferably by Dec. 30, 2024, or latest by Jan. 31, 2025. The program will not be finalized until March, so inquire with me if there might be a slot still left for you.
Maximum: 24 speakers.
Registration: $120. This will cover all your meals, refreshments, social get-togethers, local transportation, hand-outs, folders, etc.
I cannot afford to pay any air fares, hotel rooms, or honoraria. Very sorry.
Hotel accommodations: tba.
University of Arizona, Tucson, May 2025
Ca. 25 speakers max.