Telgte in Tucson 2 – Dichtertreffen
Das nächste Dichtertreffen wird vom 13. bis 14. April 2018 in Tucson stattfinden. Alle, die literarisch-kreativ tätig sind und etwas vortragen wollen, sind herzlich eingeladen, daran teilzunehmen. Programm unten.
Wir bitten alle zu verstehen, unser Treffen muss von den Teilnehmern selbst getragen werden, d.h. wir werden eine Gebühr von $120. nehmen, womit aber auch alle Verpflegungen, Raumkosten, Medien, Empfaenge, Erfrischungen und lokaler Transport vom Hotel zum Uni-Campus abgedeckt sein werden.
Organisation und Leitung:
Dr. Albrecht Classen
University Distinguished Professor
Dept. of German Studies, 301 LSB, The University of Arizona
520 621-1395;;
Teilnehmer: Max. 15 aktive Teilnehmer, beliebig viele Zuhörer sind mehr als herzlich willkommen.
Leseorte: z.T. im Hotel Riverpark Inn (in der Hospitality Suite, Zimmer 134 (das von einem Teilnehmer-einer Teilnehmerin selbst benutzt wird, aber einen zweiten Raum zur Verfügung hat), z.T. an der Universität, Details im Programm
Unterkunft: I have made a special arrangement with Riverpark Inn, $76/night (plus tax [12.05%] plus $2 per night). Price subject to change. Within the USA, call: 1-800 551-1466, refer to “Dept. of German Studies/ “Poets Symposium,” or to my name (Classen). Local number: 520 239-2300. Transportation to and from the symposium (at the University of Arizona), will be provided by means of the new streetcar ($4./day, covered by the registration). For international guests, please fax your reservations to: 011- 520-239-2329.
The hotel can pick you up from the airport if you make a reservation ahead of time and if the van is available. Email your itinerary to Jill Ward, Manager. A tip of ca. $5. or more is expected.
For a downtown map, click on map
For a campus map, click on campus
Alternative transportation from the airport: There are three additional (common) options:
1. Bus no. 25 to downtown ($1.75), 6th Ave. and Pennington St. right next to Ronstadt Bus Depot, from there you walk in the direction west on Congress to Granada, turn left (south) to the I-10, through the tunnel, and the hotel is right there (this is by now all a pleasant walk, with good sidewalks, traffic lights, etc, so really safe). Or you can call the hotel at 239-2300 (but they might not have the van available). Alternatively, you can walk down Congress West to the I-10, pass under it, then turn left (South) and walk along Frontage Road to the Hotel (max. 15 minutes), also good sidewalks, traffic lights, etc. But now there is the better option: Buy a transfer ticket (same price) for the bus, and when you get to Ronstead, go to Congress, which runs east-west parallel to it, and hop on the streetcar, the ticket is still valid, and the streetcar will stop right next to the hotel.
For bus no. 25 (really easy and very cheap, just $1.50), see their schedule). Once you have reached Ronstadt downtown (Pennington St/6th Ave.), follow the instructions outlined above.
2. Take the airport shuttle (one way: ca. $28; round trip: ca. $45), Stagecoach ( Subject to change
Reservation Information 520-889-1000 •
3.regular taxi (ca. $25-$35, one way).
All prices subject to change.