The name of the Chapter shall be the Arizona Chapter of American Association of Teachers of German (AZ/AATG).


The purpose of this chapter shall be to further and improve the teaching of German in Arizona and to promote a sense of joint effort and a spirit of mutual aid among its members at all levels of teaching.


1. Any teacher of German or anyone interested in the teaching of German may join the Chapter and the National Organization upon payment of the annual dues as specified by the By-Laws of the National Organization and the Chapter. (See National Constitution §3, #2.). The Chapter can also decide to wave the annual dues for membership in the state Chapter. It is expected, however, that all state members are full members of the national AATG.

2. Full-time graduate and undergraduate students are warmly invited to become student members .

3. Any teacher at the time of retirement may elect Emeritus Membership.

The dues for this type of membership are defined in the By-Laws of the National Constitution.

4. The annual dues, which include subscription to the official publications of the National organization, are payable to the National Organization directly, and no member in default is qualified to exercise any privilege of membership.


1. The officers of the Chapter are a President, a President-Elect (Vice President), a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Chapter Testing Chair. 2. These officers shall be elected at the annual meeting for a term of two years on the basis of nominations made by the nominating committee and/or from the floor. In the event that the Secretary or Treasurer resign from his/her office before the term expires, the President shall be entitled to appoint a successor for the remainder of the term.

3. The new officers elected by the membership shall be recruited, in a rotation system, from K-12 and then from the college level, and vice versa. Under special circumstances, at the pleasure of the membership, officers can serve longer than their two years, if no new candidates come forward.

4. The President-Elect shall automatically assume the office of President at the end of the President’s term.

In the event that a vacancy arises for some other cause, a special election will be held for a new President-Elect at the next Chapter meeting. The new President-Elect will then take office as President at the end of the term of the President who has resigned. In case both President and President-Elect are unable to perform their duties for the duration of the term, the remaining chapter members shall be entitled to appoint a successor for the President for the time being, until the next Chapter meeting, where new officers will be elected.

5. All Chapter officers are strongly encouraged to make every possible effort to recruit new members. The President should try to identify and appoint an individual who could assume this as his/her central task.

6. If special circumstances arise that require the impeachment or removal of an officer, the membership needs to be informed about the situation and must vote with a two-third majority to carry this out.


The administration of the Chapter shall be in the hands of the Executive Council, comprising the officers provided for in Section IV. The Past-President shall be a member of the Executive Council

for two years succeeding his/her term of office. The Chapter can decide to extend that period.


The Chapter shall meet at least once each year, but two meetings per year should be the norm. The time and place of this meeting shall be determined by the President after due consultation with the Executive Council. The meetings should take place at various places throughout the state, as circumstances permit.


The Constitution of the Chapter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any annual meeting. Such amendment or amendments may be proposed by the Executive Council or by written notice to the Executive Council by at least four members of the Chapter no later than two months prior to the annual meeting at which action is to take place.

The President shall submit such proposed amendment or amendments to the membership at least one month prior to the time of final action.


By-laws may be adopted or changed at any annual meeting of the Chapter by a two-third majority of the members present or by mail by a majority of those returning ballots by a stipulated deadline of no less than three weeks.


    At least one month prior to the annual meeting the President of the Chapter shall appoint a committee of three members to present nominations for the offices to be filled at the meeting. The members of this committee shall come from the membership at large and should not include any member of the Executive Council.

    Two candidates for each office shall be nominated if possible. These nominations are to be forwarded to the Secretary prior to the meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor. Members who wish to nominate themselves may contact the Secretary prior to the meeting.


    The Executive Council shall meet prior to the annual meeting of the Chapter, if circumstances permit. Special meetings may be held at the request of the President or any two members of the Executive Council.

    3. DUES

    (See National Constitution):

    “The annual membership dues shall be set by the Executive Council and ratified by the membership by electronic ballot.  Decisions on membership dues can also be made during a chapter meeting after a two-third majority of those present have voted in favor.

    (III, 2): Any Chapter may level an assessment on its members beyond the national dues subject to approval by the Executive Council. All Chapter members must also be members of the Association.”


    The Executive Council shall be responsible for the annual program/s or meetings and shall arrange that the meeting announcement reaches the Chapter members in sufficient time to permit attendance. All communication will be carried out electronically via email.


    It shall be the policy of the Chapter to distribute copies of the minutes of the previous meeting to the membership as soon as practicable after the last meeting. These minutes may be read at the next annual meeting at the discretions of the Executive Council. For practical reasons, these minutes will be posted on the website of the Chapter.


    Elections shall be by acclamation unless secret ballot is reqested by one or more members at the annual meeting.

    7. Dissolution of the Chapter

    The Chapter may be dissolved only 1) at a special meeting called for that purpose;  2) through a vote by a majority of the remaining members of the Chapter; or 3) through clear evidence that the Chapter is no longer active. No member of the chapter shall be entitled to any distribution or diversion of its remaining property or proceeds. The balance of the money, other property or assets received by the Chapter from any source shall be distributed for exempt purposes to qualifying charitable beneficiaries, preferably the national organization, the American Association of Teachers of German which is registered as a 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Last update: Dec. 16, 2018.

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