History of the AATG AATG Chapter

We have so far only fragmented historical knowledge about the history of our chapter, but here is what some members remember:

Rose Maher reports (2006):

We were a big part of the AASG and went to our first conventions the year after I started teaching- 1973- at Blue Ridge HS in Northern Az.  Chandler HS hosted the AASG convention in both 1976 and 1980.  We also sent students to the summer AASG camp in Ca.

Three summers (1978-80) were spent as a sponsor at the Summer German Camp at Camp Tontozona.  Wayne Senner was the ASU connections and I worked with Judy Fullerton, Betty Schiele, Carla North, my husband, John, and others, whose names I don’t recall.  We had all kinds of activities: traveling in Germany, lessons according to level ability, sports, outings, folk dances, songs, arts and crafts, and a culminating evening of performances.  The meals were German and the students were required to name utensils, foods, common eating habits, etc. while waiting in line for their meal. It was lots of work, but well worth it!  (except for making sure the boys stayed in the boys dorm and the girls in theirs!)

I attended a superb seminar sponsored by the Goethe Institut in San Francisco based on Jugendliteratur and they did send speakers to our meetings, but I don’t have names or topics.  They were extremely supportive with personnel, materials, and finances.  I worked with them as part of the GAPP program from 1980-2002 and attended seminars sponsored by the Institut both here and in Germany while on the GAPP exchange.

I served one year as president (1986-87). Together with Judy we established the AATG Media Library with a grant from AATG.  Others were Judy Fullerton (several different times), Rich Helt, Betty and Bernhard Schiele, Marilya Veteto-Conrad, Mary Wildner-Bassett(?)Inge Schmidt.  Dora Mitchell was an active member, but I’m not sure she served as president.   She was especially involved with the Fulbright Exchange Program for students and then with GAPP.

Other members who were active include Gertrude Ash, Bob Bordwell, Renate Schulz, Renate Mousseux, Gina Hatton, David Mikleton, and Terez Ecklund.  I’m sure there were more, but those are the names that come to mind.

Albrecht Classen reports:

The list of Presidents is as follows (needs completion and considerable extension back into the past:

2006-2008 Albrecht Classen

2005-2006 Judy Fullerton

2002-2005 Albrecht Classen

2000-2002 Inge Schmidt

1999-2000 Birgit Zimmermann

1996-1999 Albrecht Classen

1993-1996 Albrecht Classen

1991-1993 Jutta Bailey

1986-1987 Rose Maher

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