- At the end of each paper you must include a bibliography of at least 3 monographs and 3 articles (in journals or edited volumes, all in print format) specifically pertaining to the text your paper is focusing on. I do not expect you to have read that material, but you must work with the library material and the library catalog. Failure to do so or wrong references (inappropriate) will lead to a deduction of up to 10 points per paper. We will practice this bibliographical work in class well in advance of the first paper. Your references must be from the time period between ca. 1970 and 2017, nothing prior to that. You are not allowed to use the bibliographical information contained in our textbook since that would be too easy and prevent you from learning how to do proper bibliographical work!
- Format: Books: author’s first and last name, title in italics. Book series, if present, and the vol. no. (City: Publisher, year). Examples:
How to cite your secondary sources :
Trumpener, Katie. “Memories Carved in Granite: Great War Memorials and Everyday Life.” PMLA 115 (2000): 1096-103. – this is a journal articleHanks, Patrick. “Do Word Meanings Exist?” Computers and the Humanities 34 (2000): 205-15 – journal article.
Kurlansky, Mark. Salt: A World (New York: Scribner’s, 2001). – this is a monograph!
“Selected Seventeenth-Century Events,” Romantic Chronology. Ed. Laura Mandell and Alan Liu. 1999. U of California, Santa Barbara. 12 November 2003 <http://english.ucsb.edu:591/rchrono/>. (last accessed on Month, date, year) – this is an online source
- Articles: author’s first and last name, “Title of the article,” title of journal or volume in italics, vol. no. (year): pp. You can also use chapters in edited volumes. Or chapters in a monograph.
- If you use the MLA format, or another format, that’s ok, as long as all the information is present and you use a consistent system.
- If a book is a translation or a commentary, or an edited volume, make sure to add the editor’s or translator’s name.