Home Address Professional Address
2413 E. 4th St. Department of German Studies
Tucson, AZ 85719 Learning Service Building 301
ph.: (520) 327-7609 University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 tel.: (520) 621-1395
FAX: 520 621-7385
2015 NEH Summer Institute, “Negotiating Identities: Expression and Representation in the Christian-Jewish-Muslim Mediterranean,” Barcelona, Spain
2008 NEH Summer Institute, Oxford, Great Britain
2004 NEH Summer Institute, Oxford, Great Britain
1986 Ph.D. in German, University of Virginia
1982-1984 Graduate Study at the University of Oxford, Great Britain, St. Peter’s College
1983 Università di Urbino, Italy, (Summer School)
1982 Staatsexamen (State Exam = comparable to advanced B.A., equivalent with the M.A.), Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany,
1981 Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, (Summer School)
1979-1980 Exchange Program-Study Abroad, Millersville University, PA
1977-1982 Undergraduate Study of German, History, and Pedagogy, University of Marburg, Germany; Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen, Germany
2022- Affiliate Faculty, Institute for LGBT Studies, University of Arizona
2021- Affiliate Faculty, Judaic Studies, University of Arizona
2021- Affiliate Faculty, The American Literary Translation Association (ALTA)
2021 Middlebury College German Summer School, VT, 8 weeks, June-Aug.
2020- Affiliate Faculty, Religious Studies, University of Arizona
2020- Faculty Advisor, Bollywood Fusion Dance Team, student club
2020 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe), cancelled due to COVID-19
2019 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 8 students; 4 countries)
2018 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 12 students; 8 countries)
2017- Faculty Advisor, Growth International Volunteer Excursions Student Club
2017 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 11 students)
2016 Summer Study Abroad at St. Mary Immaculate, Limerick, Ireland/The University of New Mexico (Ireland in the Context of the Middle Ages, 17 students)
2016 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 9 students)
2016- Honors Faculty, University of Arizona
2015 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 15 students)
2015- Professional Development Consultant for the AATG, five workshop topics included:
2014 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 11 students)
2014- Co-Director and Advisor, Thematic Minor in Medieval Studies
2013- Affiliate Faculty Member, Religious Studies, UA
2013 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 11 students)
2012 Faculty, ACMRS/ASU Summer Study Abroad at the University of Cambridge, UK, 5 weeks (11 students)
2011 Director, ACMRS/ASU Summer Study Abroad at the University of Cambridge, UK, 5 weeks
2011 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 17 students)
2011 Faculty, ACMRS/ASU Summer Study Abroad at the University of Cambridge, UK, 5 weeks (5 students)
2010- Honors Professor, Honors College, UA
2010 Faculty, ACMRS/ASU Summer Study Abroad at the University of Cambridge, UK, 5 weeks (9 students)
2010 Faculty, Summer Course, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, S-Korea (Masterpieces of Medieval Literature, 9 students)
2010 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 17 students)
2009 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 25 students)
2008 Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 29 students)
2007 Faculty Consultant, College Board AP, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ (Lincoln, NE)
2007 Director, Summer Travel Course (Southern Medieval Europe, 27 students)
2006 July Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 20 students)
2005 July Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval England, 10 students)
2004 July Director, Summer Travel Course (Medieval Europe, 13 students)
2004 Lecturer, “Jewish History in the Context of the Early Modern Age: Social, Economic, and Cultural Issues,” Temple Emanuel, Tucson, Feb.-March (4 week seminar)
2001-2003, Summer Faculty Consultant, College Board AP, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ (San Antonio, TX)
2000 Summer Director, Arizona German Summer School, Heidelberg, Germany
1994 Promotion to Full Professor, University of Arizona
1992-1994 Associate Professor of German at the University of Arizona, tenured
1992 and 1993 Summer School, Intensive German Program, University of Arizona
1987 to 1992 Assistant Professor of German at the University of Arizona.
1988 Summer Institute, University of Arizona, Intensive German, Language and Literature
1986-1987 Full Time Lecturer in German, University of Virginia
1984-1986 Teaching Assistant in German, University of Virginia
1985 Instructor, Foreign Language Summer Institute, German, University of Virginia
1983-1984 German Instructor, University of Oxford, Great Britain
1982 and 1983 Sept Instructor, Intensive German Language Courses, Millersville University, Pennsylvania, at Marburg, Germany
1976-1977 English Language Teacher/Military Training Assistant, German Air Force
2021 Guest Professor, Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Spring semester
2020 Outside Evaluator of research and professional activity of research-oriented institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences for the period 2015–2019 (April)
2019 Visiting Professor at the Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July
2019 Visiting Professor at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, June
2018 Visiting Professor at the Franz-Karl-Universität Graz, Austria, July
2018 Visiting Professor, Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyne v Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, June
2018 Visiting Professor, Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, Poland, June
2018 Visiting Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel, March
2017 Visiting Professor, Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, Poland, June
2016 Visiting Professor, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, July
2016 Study Abroad Program at St. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland (through the University of New Mexico)
2016 Visiting Professor, University of Sydney and University of Western Australia (March)
2016 Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Feb.-March)
2015 Visiting Professor, University of Bristol, UK, Benjamin Meaker Fellow (Oct.)
2015 Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Aug./Sept)
2015 Visiting Professor, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (March)
2014 Visiting Professor, Fremdsprachenphilologie/Modern Languages, L. N. Gumiljov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kasakhstan, May 2014
2013 Visiting Professor, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan (June-July)
2012 Visiting Professor, Universitet Uppsala, Sweden (March)
2010 Visiting Professor, Summer Course at Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea (3 weeks course: “Masterpieces of Medieval Literature”)
2010-2013 Summer Course, St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge, UK, ASU/ACMRS Program (5 weeks course: “Medieval Travel Literature”)
2009 Visiting Professor, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (June-July)
2008 Visiting Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland (Oct.)
2008 Visiting Professor, Uniwersytet Adam Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland (Oct.), Institute of History and Institute of Education
2008 Visiting Professor, Summer Course at Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea (3 weeks course: “The Power of a Woman’s Voice in the Middle Ages”)
2005 Nov. Visiting Professor, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
2004 March Visiting Professor, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
2003 March Visiting Professor, Monash University, Melbourne, NZ
2001 Nov. Visiting Guest Professor, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
1999 Summer Visiting Professor, Germanisztikai Intézet, Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest,
May-August 1999.
1997 Summer Adjunct Professor, Summer School, State University of New York New Paltz at
1996 Summer Guest Professor, Università di Trieste, Italy
1996 Summer Guest Professor, Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg, Germany
2022 Interviewed by Bill Buckmaster Radio Show, April 19, 2022, at 31:30 minutes;…
2022 Nomination for the Einstein Foundation Award 2022, Einstein Foundation, Berlin, by Fidel Fajardo-Acosta, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, April
2022 Nomination for the COH Outstanding Teaching Award (not successful)
2022 Appearance in a New Year video program by Wei Zach, University of Arizona, (Feb. 4, 2022)
2022 Interviewed by Radio Talk Show Host Bill Buckmaster, on my book Wisdom from the European Middle Ages, Feb. 1, (30 min. into the program)
2022 Jan. Honorable mention as editor-in-chief, Humanities,…
2021-2022 Chatfield Outstanding Tenured Researcher Award, COH, Nov.
2021 Interviewed by The Medieval Herald 45, “Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature,” Oct., discussion of my book; online at:…
2021 Interviewed by Bill Buckmaster in his Radio Show, online at:…, at ca. min. 31 (Oct. 26, 2021).
2021 Honored with a personal entry on the blog page MedievalJewishStudiesNow, Aug. 15,
2021 Shortlisted, for the category “Literatures written in languages other than English,” Literary Encyclopedia Book Prize, Aug., with my book: Prostitution in Medieval and Early Modern Literature (one among three selected titles)
2021 Interviewed by Bill Buckmaster in his Radio Show, at 33 minutes, online at:… (June 17).
2021 First and second prize for poems, #ThisIsCleanAir competition:
2021 Interviewed by Joanna Thompson, Freelance journalist for HowStuffWorks, NY, on the Myth of the Chastity Belt, May;
2021- Selection as a new member of the Board of Directors, Arizona Humanities
2021 Resource Person in Virtual International Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Professional and Research Writing” organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, ITER, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University) in collaboration with Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (Scopus Indexed) during 15th – 19th April, 2021.
2021 One of the “Tulliola- Renato Filippelli” World Award Winners of the foreign section E (Premio Mondiale “Tulliola- Renato Filippelli” Vincitori della sezione stranieri),…, for his book Wildgewordenes Amerika, 2021.
2021 Nominated for the Five Star Faculty Award (Student Nominations only), Feb. (not successful)
2021 Nominated for the College of Humanities Distinguished Teaching Award, Feb. (not successful)
2021 Interviewed by Bill Buckmaster,… (Jan.), at 30 minutes into the program
2020 Interviewed by TV station KOVA (Channel 4), on “Vigil held in Tucson to remember those lost to COVID-19,”…
2020 Interviewed by Bill Buckmaster, “Are we hardwired for happiness?,”… (30 min. into the program)
2020 Albert Nelson Marquee Lifetime Achievement Award, July
2020 Honorable mention for my haikus by Dr. Sally Abed, University of Alexandria, Egypt,… (June)
2020 Congratulations to the graduating seniors, May 15: (at 1:55 min.)
2020 Interviewed by ABC Evening News on COVID-19 planning at the University of Arizona:…, also at Good Morning America: (quoted, May 13, 2020).
2020 Honorable placement of haiku on the Pima Country Public Library Webseite, April 18:…
2020 Nomination for the College of Humanities Distinguished Undergraduate/Advising Mentoring Award (not successful)
2020 Interviewed by Bill Buckmaster’s radio show, March 31 (starts at min. 31 into the program),… on the history of pandemics, March 31
2020 Educator’s Award, Top Hat, finalist (LMS), March
2020 DAAD AA Excellence Award in International Exchange; also: DAAD Alumni Association Scholarly Exchange Award (since 2009), only 8 other winners so far
2019 Man hat uns die Nacht geraubt,” Nachts nicht von wo, ed. Stefan Flach, Peter Rosenthal, and Michael Weißmann (Cologne: Weissmann Verlag, 2019); interview of the editor on the radio… (at 1:49 min.)
2019 Outside Professor of the Department: Philosophy of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
2019 Invited to provide an endorsement of Medieval Travel and Travellers: A Reader, ed. John F. Romano (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2019)
2019 Nomination for the Henry & Phyllis Koffler Award for Teaching, Nov.
2019 Nominated for the “Global Excellence Service Award,” University of Arizona, Nov. (not successful)
2019 Interview by KGUN9 TV station on Volleyball in De Anza Park, Aug.,…
2019 Interview by Bill Buckmaster on his radio show: The Holocaust and Its Memory, Aug. 22. 12:30-1:00 p.m.:
2019 Bio Entry on
2019 Speaker at the 2019 TedEx Talks, University of Arizona (March 15),
2019 Early Book Lecture Series, April:
2019 Nomination for the College of Humanities Distinguished Undergraduate/Advising Mentoring Award (not successful)
2019 Speaker at the Spring 2019 TedEx UoA conference
2019 Honorable mention in Haiku contest, poem published in HAIKU EXPO
ARIZONA MATSURI – A FESTIVAL OF JAPAN Selection of 2019 Haiku Arizona inspired Japanese Poetry, “hostile desert screams”
2018 Personal gift from Chinese student, (David) Yichuan Xi (stone stamp) in recognition of my teaching
2018 Eic Travel Award, Humanities Open Access ($500), in recognition of my service as editor-in-chief for the journal
2018 Research and travel grant, Charlemagne: A European Icon, University of Bristol, UK, $800, to attend the Rencesval International Conference, Toronto, Aug.
2018 Keynote speaker, New Book Roundtable, Society for Medieval Germanic Studies, 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2018 Nominee, Mikelle Smith Omari-Tunkara Outstanding Faculty Fellow in a Dorm Award, May
2018 Invitation by Angel Encinas to attend the Pre-Commencement Ceremony in COH as his favorite professor, May
2018 Certificate of Recognition for service in the Delegate Assembly, Modern Language Association
2017 Knighted as Grand Knight Commander of the Most Noble Order of the Three Lions (
2017 Invitation to the Apple Polishers Dinner, Ladies of Chi Omeag, UoA, Nov.
2017 Award for Excellence in Leadership and Service, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (Oct.)
2017 Nomination for the University Distinguished Outreach Professor (not successful)
2017 Talk on Special Collections, University of Arizona Library: (Aug.)
2017 Article about paper, “Prominenter Besuch in Borsum,” Hildesheimer Land, July 11
2016- Member of the PEN-Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland;
2016-2019 Post-Secondary Representation on the AATG Executive Council for the Southwest Region
2016 Michael Delhoyde Award for Distinguished Contributions in Editing, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (Oct.)
2016 Honorable mention, festschrift for A. Classen, Lo Que Pasa 8-17-2016…
2016 Festschrift in honor of my 60th Birthday, Mediaevistik vol. 28, articles ed. Werner Heinz, reviews ed. Albrecht Classen
2016 Honorable mention by Dr. Diane Richardson, Ph.D. thesis, “Toward a Pedagogy of Ambiguity: Embracing Ambiguity in a Multiliteracies-Based Foreign Language Classroom” (UA)
2016 Nominated and invited to the College of Humanities Pre-Commencement Ceremony as her most favored professor of COH by Luna Smith
2016 Interviewed for the video “Special Collection, University of Arizona Libraries,” (May 7, 2016)
2016 NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, Certificate of Merit (Faculty Advising Category)
2016 “Magic Has Shaped Our Understanding of the World,” Interview in Lo Que Pasa (April 27, 2016),
2016 Honorable mention/interview in Lo Que Pasa, March 14, 2016:…
2016 ACMRS/CHE Collaborative Research Visit to Australia, Sydney and Perth, March
2016 Gold Medal Book Reviewer, 2000-2015, The Sixteenth Century Journal
2016 Invitation to join the Athens Institute for Education and Research ( (accepted)
2016 Interview by Rita Abundancia for El Pais Jan. 26, 2016:…
2016 Interviewed by Lauren Oyler for Vice’s Broadly Channel (online) on the medieval chastity belt:…;
2015 Nomination for the CARA Award for Excellence in Teaching (not successful)
2015 Featured on Lo Que Pasa, Oct. 8, 2015:…;
2015 Interview with Atlas Obscura, Sarah Laskow, for her article on “Everything you have heard about chastity belts is a lie,”… (last accessed on Aug. 17, 2015)
2015 Excellence in Academic Advising Faculty Advisory Award (May)
2015 Interview by Bill Buckmaster on his radio show,… (April)
2015 Nomination for the College of Humanities Distinguished Teaching Award
2015 Nomination for the Academic Advising award through the UA Program for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising (Feb.)
2015 Dedication of Sophie A Digital Library of Works by German-Speaking Women ( to Albrecht Classen
2014 Article about myself, “Meet a few of the readers of the Arizona Daily Star (page A11), 12-28-14
2014 Interview with Spiegel – Geschichte, on Love, Marriage, and Sexuality in the Middle Ages (Dec. 2014)
2014 Honorable mention in Arizona Daily Wildcat, 11-7-14
2014 Interview on “Marriage, Family, and Sexuality in the Middle Ages,” with Marginalia: Los Angeles Review of Books, Sept. 30, 2014:…
2014 Interviewed by Max Lancaster for his article “High expectations, no grade inflation,” Arizona Daily Wildcat, 9-18-14.
2014 Article about my visit to Borsum, Germany, in the Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung 7-19-2014: “Auf den Spuren der Jesuiten”
2014 Interview by Bill Buckmaster, Buckmaster Radio Talk Show:… (ca. at min. 30)
2014 Report about our new Thematic Minor in Medieval Studies, The Daily Wildcat 2-10-14 (…)
2014 Invited to join and new member of Faculty Row: America’s Top Faculty (
2013-2015 Member of the Arizona Council for the Humanities Road Scholars’ Roster (Speaker)
2013 Blurb on the back cover of G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Tree of Salvation: Yggdrasil and the Cross in the North (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
2013 Interview by the Boston Globe (on the medieval Chastity Belt), 11-11-13 (at:…)
2013 Interview by the Arizona Daily Wildcat (on Chivalry), Oct., “Basic morals of chivalry still relevant,” 10-30-13, p. 4
2013 Sterling Membership of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (
2013 Nomination for the Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftungspreis by Prof. Reinhold Glei, Universität Bochum (not successful)
2013 Interview by KAMP Student Radio Station, UA, Sept. 9 by DJ Red Viking of the Archers (
2013 Interviewed by Arizona Daily Wildcat, 9-10-2013, on “Google Glass not for classroom” (…)
2013 Pre-Selection for the NEH Summer Stipend, 2014, by the University of Arizona
2013 Nomination for the Dan Shilling Public Humanities Scholar Award, April
2013 Interview by Brigham Young Radio, Provo, on the Relevance of the Middle Ages for UsToday, April 4: “Positively Medieval” (Thinking Aloud:
2013 Honorable mention in List of top professors at Affordable Large Universities:…; public-colleges/
2013 Honorable mention in Green Valley News & Sun, “UA architecture gives history lesson,” March 4 (…
2013 Honorable article about two recent books, Early History of the Southwest Through the Eyes of German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries and The Letters of the Swiss Jesuit Missionary Philipp Segesser, in Kino Heritage Society Newsletter, (2013)
2013 Commentary on Robert Göbel’s volume of poetry, Der kleine Tod und das Leben (Berlin: Rhombos, 2012) on back cover.
2012 Nominated and invited as their most favored professor of COH by Nicholas McNutt and Mason Storm Byrd to the COH Pre-Commencement
2012 Interviewed by Bill Buckmaster on the Buckmaster Radio Talk Show:…; universities-pitch-for-more-funds/; reaired on 1-1-13.
2012 Twitter Correspondent for Pro7 SAT1, TV, Germany, tv station, Dec. 3 (Ken Follet, Tore der Welt)
2012 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Arizona Professor of the Year (for the state of Arizona)
2012 Honorary Member of Golden Key International Honour Society, Arizona Chapter
2012 AATG Friend of German Award in recognition of exemplary leadership in the advocacy of German and German language education at the local, regional, or national level
2012 Featured in US Today College, Nov. 2012:…; of-the-year; and mentioned in US Today, Nov. 27, 2012
2012 Featured in the Arizona Daily Star 11-14-2012:…
2012 Featured in Global Research 11.2 (2012) (Global Initiative Newsletter, UA)
2012 Honorable invitation to lunch, “Take Your Faculty Member to Lunch,” Oct.
2012 Honorable mention and acknowledgment by Miguel Angel Batista Morale in his Master Thesis “Cecati 118 Nogales Sonora: Curso de Asistente de Enfermeria: Tesis para optar el titulo de Asistente de Enfermeria,” Feb.
2012 Interview by Tony Paniagua, KUAT, Arizona Public Media:… (Sept. 18)
2012 Interview by Bill Buckmaster on (9-5-12) about my new book The Letters of the Swiss Jesuit Misssionary Philipp Segesser (1689-1762). Interview starts around minute 29:00 (Sept. 5, 2012). For an aticle in about this Segesser, see online blog at: publication,….
2012 Appointment as Research Ambassador for the DAAD, USA
2012 Article about my visit in Borsum and Hildesheim in the newspaper Hildesheimer Land, 6-19-2012
2012 Cited as authority in the national TV Show “Jeopardy” (May 18 and Sept. 14, category AC)
2012 Quoted on the back of the dust jacket of Len Scales’s The Shaping of German Identity: Authority and Crisis, 1245-1414 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012).
2012 Appointment as external reviewer for Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), Italy
2012 Nominated and invited as their most favored professor of COH by Abigail Cochrane, Afsaneh Sarabi, Afsaneh Sabai, Halil Fried, and Kevin Spencer Jung for the Pre- Commencement Ceremony, May
2012 Nomination for election into the executive committee of the Division on German Literature to 1700, MLA
2012 Nomination for the Outstanding Faculty Award, Accolades, March
2012 Nomination for the Public Humanities Scholar Award, Arizona Humanities Council
2012 Award of the “Outstanding Academic Title” for Handbook of Medieval Studies (2010) by Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries (selection from 7,263 titles reviewed and 25,000 submitted)
2011 Nomination for the Carnegie Professor of the Year Award, Dec.
2011 Guest appearance on the Buckproduction TV station, Toronto, for a sequence on the medieval chastity belt (with Steve Santini), Dec.; aired on Feb 14, 2012 at 9:30pm EST.
2011 Honorable invitation to the Pi Beta Phi Sorority annual fall scholarship dinner, Nov.
2011 Honorable invitation to the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority annual fall scholarship dinner, Oct.
2011 Dust jacket comment on Richard F. Cassady, The Emperor and the Saint (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2011).
2011 Honorable mention in UA News: (Jan.) for the Handbook of Medieval Studies
2010/211 Featured speaker in the AZ PBS show “The Secrets of the Divine,” Nov. 18 and 21 ( Also aired on national PBS, Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011, 7 p.m. EST (Nominated in 3 categories for Rocky Mountain Emmies, Oct. 2011; received the award)
2010 Nominee, U.S. Professors of the Year Award
2010 Nomination for the Public Humanities Scholar Award, Arizona Humanities Council
2010 Nomination for the Outstanding Faculty Award, Accolades, April
2010 Honors Professor, Honors College, UA
2010 Honorable mention of book publication, Tierliebe im Mittelalter, Dolomiten, Feb. 13/14, 2010, p. 10
2010 Extensive article on talk at Texas Tech in The Daily Toreador Feb. 5, 2010, p. 3
2009 Honorable mention by Peter Dinzelbacher for help with his Introduction to Henry C. Lea, Studies in Church History (1883; Badenweiler: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann, 2009), 3*
2009 Interview by SWR2 Kultur (Südwestrundfunk), Freiburg, Germany, about the “German Volkslied,” Nov. 29, 6:00-6:30 p.m.
2009 Honorable Dinner invitation to ΧΏ Sorority, University of Arizona, Oct.
2009 Article on research dedicated to the Swiss Jesuit Philipp Segesser, Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Oct. 28, No. 249.
2009 Invitation to serve as Field Editor for the Edwin Mellen Press (I rejected)
2009 Nomination for the Carnegie Professor of the Year Award
2009 Nomination for the Public Humanities Scholar Award, Arizona Humanities Council
2009 Interviewed for article “Clickers too complicated?,” Arizona Daily Wildcat, Sept. 16, 2009
2009 Article on new class, Trad 104, Arizona Daily Wildcat, Sept. 9, 2009
2009 Article on public lecture, Borsum (near Hildesheim), “Als der Borsumer Pater die Indianer bekehrte,” Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, July 21, 2009; and pre-announcement with a full-length article in Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung. July 7, 2009
2009 Radio interview on the topic of a public lecture: “Lachen im Mittelalter,” Martin-Luther- Universität Halle-Wittenberg, by Friederike Hübner, on Radio Unimono, at (July 20, 2009).
2009 Article on public lecture at the Lutherhaus, Wittenberg, “Derber Spott über das Alltägliche,” Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (Wittenberg), June 26, 2009, p. 16.
2009 Dust jacket blurb for Molly Robinson Kelly’s monograph The Hero’s Place: Medieval Literary Traditions of Space and Belonging (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009)
2009 Nomination for the Outstanding Faculty Award, Accolades, April
2009 Five Star Faculty Award (UA’s Highest Teaching Honor), selected by a committee of Honors College students and based on in-class observations, and interview, teaching philosophy, and course materials as well as testimonials from students), $1000.
2009 Honorable invitation to dinner by the Ladies of Chi Omega, April
2009 “Museum Documenting Jesuit Contact with American Indians,” extensive report on UANews, Feb. 24, 2009 (
2008 “German Studies Professor Edits Book on Medieval Sexuality,” extensive report on UANews, Dec. 19, 2008 (
2008 Mention of my book The Medieval Chastity Belt, by Konrad Marshall, “Chastity Reinvented,” Nov. 27, 2008, p. 16.
2008 Selection for NEH Institute, Oxford, UK, “Holy Land and Holy City in Classical Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,” July-Aug. (5 weeks)
2008 Award for Distinguished Faculty Service to the College ($3000)
2008 Henry & Phyllis Koffler Prize for outstanding accomplishments in Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity ($10,000)
2008 Nomination as an Outstanding Faculty Advisor
2008 Nomination for the Five Star Faculty Award, Finalist
2007 Interviewed by Sarah Hannah Gómez, “What do you know about Erotica?,” Red Blue: University of Arizona’s Monthly Magazine (Nov. 2007), 10-11.
2007 Excellence in International Education and Service Award (UA)
2007 Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award, Southeastern Medieval Association
2007 Honorable Mention by Marcel Duclaud, “Hat Luther seine Katharina geliebt?,” Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, July 12, 2007
2007 Honorarable Recognition by the German town of Harsum (near Hildesheim) (“Eintrag ins goldene Buch der Stadt, 16. Juli 2007:
2007 Interview with Bill Buckmaster, Arizona Illustrated, KUAT, Tucson, May (Book on Chastity Belt and Conference on History of Sexuality):…
2007 Course “Tales of Love” nominated for inclusion in the College Board AP World Languages Best Practices Study in German Language
2007 Publication of Poem (“Holocaust Mahnmal”) for the Photo exhibit “Remnants & Remembrance (Berlin, 2005), Black & White Photography by Ben Golden, Tucson Jewish Community Center (and nationwide), April 2007
2007 Honorable Mention, Arizona Theatre Company Rep Fest 2006-2007 (in recognition of contribution to “I am My Own Wife”), 44.
2007 Dust-Jacket blurb for Kathleen Andersen-Wyman, Andreas Capellanus on Love? (New York: Palgrave, 2007).
2006 Nomination, SEMA (South Eastern Medieval Association) Award for Scholarly Achievement
2006 Certificate of Honor, Student Union Advisory Council
2006 AATG Outstanding German Educator Award and Checkpoint Charlie Foundation Scholarship (College-University Level) for outstanding achievement in furthering the teaching of German in schools of the United States
2006 Nomination to participate in the fourth year of a Learner-Centered Education Grant, UA
2006 Dust-Jacket blurb for G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Gemstone of Paradise: TheHoly Grail in Wolfram’s Parzival (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2006)
2006 Honorable mention, “Amerikanischer Professor wirbt für die Nordheide,” Kreiszeitung- Wochenblatt Uddeloh, June 24, 2006.
2006 Honorable Mention, “¿Hemos cambiado tanto?” Diario de Sevilla, Spain, 2-24-06
2005 Honorable Mention/Interview “Achtung, partygoers . . . It’s time to celebrate Oktoberfest,” Arizona Daily Star, 9-21-05, Accent E1.
2005 Preselection for the NEH Summer Stipend (UA), Sept.
2005 Nomination for the AATG “Outstanding German Educator Award,”
2005 Honorable Mention, “Love in the Middle Ages? Enlightening,” Arizona Daily Star 7-12- 2005 (Accent E2)
2005 Distinguished Undergraduate Advising/Mentor Award, COH
2005 Ordinary Member of the American Academy for Medieval and Chivalric Research
2004 Bundesverdienstkreuz am Band, Federal Republic of Germany
2004 University Distinguished Professor
2004 Nomination for COH Distinguished Undergraduate Advising/Mentoring Award (by students in German Studies)
2004 Honorable Mention, “Grimms’ stories shown as mirror of German life,” The Huntsville Times (Alabama), 3-13-2004
2003 Selection as Senior Candidate (UA) for NEH Summer Stipend
2003 Selection as NEH Summer Seminar Participant, “Representations of the ‘Other’: Jews in Medieval Christendom,” Oxford, England (5 weeks)
2002 Humanities Seminar Faculty Teaching Award, COH, University of Arizona
2002 Guest Coach, University of Arizona Football Team, Sept.
2002 Interview by Radio Station KSZA on Humanities Seminar “The Future of the Past,” aired in September
2002 Certificate of Appreciation, personal recognition by student Jason Baran
2002 Interview by and article in Arizona Daily Wildcat, April 25, 2002, “Music, poetry reading focuses on Medieval, Renaissance eras.”
2002 College of Humanities Distinguished Achievement in Humanities Educational Outreach Award ($1000)
2002 Honorable mention and photo in Arizona Daily Star, March 25, 2002
2001 Honorable Mention, Concert Program by Prof. Wanda Brister and Arizona Wind Quintet, Oct. 22, for assistance in translation and diction
2001 Honorable Mention by Martin Lhotzky, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 9-20-2001, p. 52: “Gralssuche im Weltraum” (Report on Conference in Wetzlar, Germany)
2001 Honorable Mention by Cary J. Nederman, Worlds of Difference (University Park, 2000)
2001 Preselection for the Fulbright Distinguished Chair at the Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria, 2002.
2000 Nomination for the Sarlo Family Foundation Faculty Award
2000 Honorable Mention for Scholar Assistance by Claire Richter Sherman, Memory and Knowledge in Early Europe (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000), 218.
2000 Honorable Mention with Summary of Public Presentation, “Enorme Idealisten und hochbegabte Leute,” Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, Hildesheim, Germany, July 20
2000 Preselection (UA) for the NEH Summer Stipend Competition
2000 Preselection for the Fulbright Distinguished Chair at the Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria, 2001
2000 Honorable Mention of poem “Wanderer” by W. Biechele, “Interkulturelle Grenzgänge,” Im Dienste der Auslandsgermanistik. Festschrift A. Madl (Budapest: 1999), 39.
2000 Nomination, Distinguished Humanities Educational Outreach Award, Spring.
2000 Robert L. Kahn Lyrik-Preis 1999 for poems in Trans-Lit.
2000 Honorable Mention of a Public Lecture, Mainzer Rhein Zeitung Febr. 4, 2000, 24
1999 Nomination, AATG Outstanding Teacher Award
1999 Interview with Budapester Zeitung (90 minutes), July
1999 Interview with The Budapest Sun, (80 minutes) July; article appeared July 29- August 4, 1999, S 2, p. 6.
1999 COH Nomination for Graduate Council
1999 Provost’s General Education Teaching Award ($2500.)
1998 Nomination, Provost General Education Teaching Award, Spring
1998 Inivitation to Scholarship Dinner, Pi Beta Phi Sorority (Arizona Alpha Chapter), Nov.
1998 Winner of the AATG Membership Incentive Program 1997-1998 for the Arizona Chapter
1998 Member of “Faculty Resources” by invitation, Mellen University and The Edwin Mellen Press.
1998 Honorable Mention, Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, Hildesheim, Germany, May 30, 1998
1998 Honorable Mention, Hersfelder Zeitung, Bad Hersfeld, Germany, May 23, 1998
1998 Nomination, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching U.S. Professors of the Year, UA
1998 Nomination, Faculty Mentor Award (Graduate and Professional Student Council), April
1998 Nomination, Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award, Febr.
1998 Nomination, Provost’s General Education Award
1997 Faculty Dinner, Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, October
1997 Honorable Mention, Peter Lang Publication Advertisement for M. and M. Löschmann, Einander verstehen
1997 Honorable Mention, “Bad Hersfelder Zeitung,” Nr. 136, 16 June 1997, p. 20, and Nr. 136, 18 July, 1997
1997 Nomination, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching U.S. Professors of the Year, UA
1997 National Selection as Summer School Instructor, State University of New York New Paltz, Stade/Germany
1997 Nomination, Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award
1997-99 Elected Member, MLA Delegate Assembly, Divisional Representative: Comparative Studies in Medieval Literature
1996 Honorable Mention by Ralf Meutgens: “Kulturkontakt zum Kreis Neuss,” Kölner Universitätsjournal 25, 2 (1996), p. 54f.
1996 Nomination, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching U.S. Professors of the Year, UA
1996 Nomination, MLA Delegate Assembly
1995 Honorable Mention by Prof. E. DuBruck, “Introduction,” Fifteenth-Century Studies 22 (1996), ixf.
1995 Guest at “Parents’ Association Advisory Board Family Luncheon” Invitation, Oct., UoA
1995 Senior Nominee for the NEH Summer Stipend chosen by the UoA
1995 Nomination for the President of Chapter President’s Assembly, AATG
1995 El Paso Natural Gas Foundation Faculty Achievement Award ($3000)
1995 Honorable Dinner Invitation of Teachers, Kappa Kappa Gamma, UA
1994 Selection as Member of the Wakonse Teacher Conference, UA
1993 Nomination for an Excellence in Teaching Award (Summer), UA
1992 Appointment as Secretary for “Foreign Language: German Literature before 1900,” Rocky Mountain MLA
1992 Nomination for Membership on the Rocky Mountain MLA Executive Board
1992 Senior Nominee of UA for NEH Summer Stipend, 1993
1992 Nomination for Ballot for the Position of Post-Secondary Representation on the AATG Executive Council for the Southwest Region.
1990 Honorable Mention in Dirk Schümer, “Mehr als Hetäre und Gebärerin. Ein Wolfenbütteler Kolloquium über ‘Die Frau in der Renaissance.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Oct. 31, 1990, p. N 3
1990 Nomination for the Five-Star Faculty Award, UA
1989 Nomination for an Excellence in Teaching Award (Summer), UA
1986 Edgar-Shannon-Award, Z Society, U of VA
1985 Qualification Exam for the Ph.D. passed “With Distinction”, U of VA
2022, Fall Sabbatical Leave, COH
2022 Grant from the Academic Engagement Network, AEN, for a symposium on antisemitism in the academic discourse, April ($3000)
2021 COH Faculty Research Grant, applied for, Fall
2021 “Deutsch macht Spaß” grant from the AATG/German government ($500), Fall
2021 EIC Travel Grant from MDPI, for my work as editor-in-chief of Humanities, Aug.
2021 “Deutsch macht Spaß” grant from the AATG/German government ($500), Spring
2021 German Academic Research Summer Grant for 2021 (granted, 3 months, Euro 7750.)
2020 “Deutsch macht Spaß” grant from the AATG/German government ($500), Fall
2020 “Deutsch macht Spaß” grant from the AATG/German government ($500), Spring
2020 Grant from the AATG/AZ chapter to attend the AZLA conference in Sept.
2020 German Academic Research Summer Grant for 2020 (granted, 3 months)
2019 Student-Faculty Interaction Grants for 2019/20 ($930)
2019 Frankfurt International Translators, Oct. (applied, not successful)
2019 Extension of the Outreach Grant, with an additional $800.
2019 Grant from AATG/StAfDaF for an immersion weekend, Fall ($1000)
2018 Student-Faculty Interaction Grants for 2018/19 ($1470).
2018 Grant from AATG/StAfDaF for an immersion weekend, Fall ($1000)
2018 College of Humanities Faculty Research Grant ($5000)
2018 Travel to Conference Grant, Charlemagne: A European Icon (Bristol and Edinborough, UK), for the 2018 International Congress of the Société Rencesvals, Toronto, Aug. ($850)
2018 Charles Koch Humanities Research Grant ($7500)
2017 College of Humanities Teaching and Outreach Grant ($ 4276.43)
2017 Käthe-Hamburger-Fellowship, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (rejected)
2017-2018 Student-Faculty Interaction Grants, UA (ca. $1100).
2017-2018 Humanities Research Grant, Charles Koch Foundation for the Humanities ($7500.)
2017 Short-term Fellowship at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel in the framework of Dr. Matthias Roick’s Freigeist Project ‘The Ways of Virtue. The Ethica-Section in Wolfebüttel and the History of Ethics in Early Modern Europe’” at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany (ca. $700.)
2017 Marbach, Weimar, Wolfenbüttel Senior Fellowship (rejected)
2017 Chapter Grant (from StADaF) for the AZ AATG chapter ($1000)
2016-2017 Student-Faculty Interaction Grants (ca. $1000)
2016 Chapter Grant (from StADaF) for the AZ AATG chapter ($1000)
2016 ACMRS/CHE Collaborative Research Visit to Australia ($AU 4000.)
2015 College of Humanities Initiatives Grant ($5000), rejected
2015 Benjamin Meaker Visiting Fellow, University of Bristol, UK
2015 Chapter Grant (from StADaF) for the AZ AATG chapter ($1000)
2015 100% Student Engagement Strategic Investment, UA, Vice Provost, Digital Learning and Student Engagement ($15,000), rejected by the Dean of COH
2015 Sabbatical leave, Fall
2015 American Academy in Berlin Fellowship (not successful)
2014-2015 Faculty Student Interaction Grant ($1000)
2014 NEH Summer Research Grant ($6000)
2014 Chapter Grant (from StADaF) for the AZ AATG chapter ($1000)
2014 Support for UAMARRC grant, COH, UA ($1000.)
2014 Support Grant from the DAAD for 11th International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies ($500), and university-wide grants from individual departments, ca. $2700
2013 Director’s Fund for Excellence Award, Confluence Center, UA ($300).
2013-2014 Student Faculty Interaction Grants (ca. $1600)
2013 Support funds for the 11th International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies from UA depts., ACMRS, De Gruyter, etc. (ca. $3000)
2013 Faculty Summer Research Grant, DAAD (ca. $5000)
2013 Support for UAMARRC grant, COH, UA ($900)
2012 Online Education Project (OEP) grant, UA ($9,035)
2012 Support Grant from the Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, L.A. for conference on “East Meets West,” UA, May ($600)
2012 Student Faculty Interaction Grants (ca. $1500)
2012 AATG Chapter Grant for the AZ AATG ($800)
2011 Student Faculty Interaction Grants (ca. $1500)
2011 AATG Chapter Grant for the AZ AATG ($800)
2010 Student Faculty Interaction Grants (ca. $1400)
2010 Faculty Summer Research Grant, DAAD (ca. $3000)
2009 Research Grant from the Swiss National Fonds for the Sciences for the Segesser Project (CHF 5,190.00)
2008/09 Student Faculty Interaction Grants (ca. $1200)
2008/09 AATG Chapter Grant for the AZ AATG ($858).
2008 Research and travel summer grant from UAMARRC ($500).
2008 VP Research Grant (matching funds for AvH Transcoop Grant) in support of Int. Symposium 2009 ($10,000) (committed, not paid out)
2008 Sabbatical Leave, Fall
2007 UA Foundation Grant (matching funds for AvH Transcoop Grant) in support of Int. Symposium 2009 ($7000; not paid out)
2007 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Dec. ($150)
2007 Grant from Delta Phi Alpha for Induction Ceremony ($250)
2007-2008 Student Faculty Interaction Grants, UA ($1000)
2007 Foreign Travel Grant, UAMARRC, July ($500)
2007 Grant from the Dean of Humanities for German Campus Day, April ($400)
2007 Grant from the University of Arizona Foundation for the preparation of a Handbook of Medieval Studies ($4,425)
2007 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, April ($150): Pre-Departure BBQ
2007 Foreign Travel Grant, UA, March ($750)
2007 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Spring ($250): Ger 278 Luncheons
2007 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, April ($360): Dept. BBQ
2006 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Dec. ($200)
2006 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Oct. ($200)
2006 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Sept. ($75)
2006/07 Funding Grant from Dean of Humanities for international symposium on “History of Sexuality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, April 2007 ($2,500), and a grant from the Vice President of Research ($3000).
2006 German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD, Summer Research Grant ($7,772.)
2006 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, May ($100)
2006 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, April ($175)
2006 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, March ($150)
2006 International Travel Grant, UA, Feb. ($550)
2006 Dean of COH support for German Campus Day ($300.)
2005 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Dec. ($100)
2005 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Oct. ($100.)
2005/06 University of Arizona Foundation Grant for editing the Handbook of Medieval Studies ($1,500)
2005/06 Funding Grant from Vice President for Research, UA, for international symposium, on: “Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, April 2006 ($3000.)
2005 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Aug. ($75)
2005 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Aug. ($400)
2005 International Travel Grant, UA, July ($600)
2005 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, May ($75)
2005 Dean of COH Support for Summer Research ($1000)
2005 AZ AATG Chapter Grant from StADaF, for October ($550)
2005 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, April ($350)
2005 Dean’s Support for German Campus Day, Feb. ($275)
2004 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Dec. ($150)
2004 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Dec. ($200)
2004 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Oct. ($300)
2004 Turning Information into Knowledge Grant (Einstein’s Protégés), UA ($3000)
2004 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, Sept. ($75)
2004 Support Money from Provost, UA, for RMMLA conference, Oct. 2006 ($6000)
2004 Funding Grant from Vice President for Research, UA, for international symposium, on: “Words of Love and Love of Words in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” May 2005 ($2000)
2004 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA, June ($100)
2004 Foreign Travel Grant, UA, Sept. ($600)
2004 StADaF Grant for AZ Chapter of AATG, May ($700)
2004 Support Grant from the Dean of COH for German Campus Day, April ($400)
2004 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, UA ($250)
2004 International Travel Grant, UA ($945)
2004 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, March ($300)
2003 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Dec. ($220)
2003 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Dec. ($275)
2003 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, September ($225).
2003 Funding Grant from Vice President for Research, UA, for international symposium, on: Children and Family Relations in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, May 2004 ($2000)
2003 StADaF Grant for AZ Chapter of AATG, Oct. ($800)
2003 NEH Summer Institute “Representation of the ‘Other’: Jews in Medieval Christendom” ($3200), Oxford, England
2003 College of Humanities Career Development Fund Grant ($3000)
2003 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, April ($180)
2003 Support Grant from the Dean of COH for German Campus Day, April ($400)
2003 Foreign Travel Grant, March ($1000)
2003 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Feb. ($250)
2003 Provost’s Author Support Fund ($1000)
2002 Funding Grant from Vice President for Research, UA, for international symposium, May, on: Love, Marriage, and Transgression in Medieval and Early Modern Literature ($2000)
2002 Foreign Travel Grant, December ($500)
2002 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, December ($250)
2002 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, October ($250)
2002 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, September ($250)
2002 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, May ($176)
2002 Foreign Travel Grant, UoA, March ($600)
2002 Support Grant from the Dean of COH for High School Campus Day ($300)
2002 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, March ($300)
2002 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Feb. ($336)
2001 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, December ($270)
2001 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, September ($275)
2001 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, June ($166)
2001 Small Grant, UoA ($5000)
2001 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Study Visit Grant ($6000)
2001 AATG/StADaF Chapter Project Grant ($500), and Small Chapter Project Fund ($100)
2001 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, April ($200)
2001 Foreign Travel Grant, Spring ($600)
2001 Sabbatical Leave, Fall 2001
2001 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, March ($250)
2000 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Fall ($300)
2000 AATG/StADaF Chapter Project Grant ($450), plus AATG Small Chapter Project Grant ($100)
2000 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Fall ($350)
2000 Foreign Travel Grant, Summer ($550)
2000 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Spring ($138)
2000 Humanities Research Initiative Small Grant, UA ($500)
2000 New Learning Environments and Instructional Technologies Grant, UA ($12,700)
2000 COH Dean’s Office Grant for High School Campus Day ($300).
2000 International Visitor Travel Grant for Prof. Peter Dinzelbacher, Salzburg/Princeton ($375)
2000 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Spring ($250)
2000 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Spring ($200).
1999 International Visitor Travel Grant for Prof. Manfred Markus, Innsbruck, Nov. ($300)
1999 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Fall ($180)
1999 Student Faculty Interaction Grant, Fall ($200)
1999 Faculty-Student Curriculum Development Grant, Fall ($4000)
1999 International Visitor Travel Grant for Alois Hotschnig, Innsbruck, April ($150)
1999 Teaching Fellowship for Budapest, Hungary, Summer, Rotary International, Tucson District ($10,000)
1999 Faculty-Student Curriculum Development Grant, Spring ($4000)
1999 Student Faculty Interaction Program, April ($223)
1999 Support Grant from the Dean of COH for Campus High School Day, March ($300)
1999 Student Faculty Interaction Program, March ($300)
1998 Student Faculty Interaction Program, December, UoA ($200)
1998 Student Faculty Interaction Program, September, UoA ($300)
1998 StADaF and AATG Chapter Project Grant ($250)
1998 International Visitor Grant, (Manfred Markus, Innsbruck/Austria), UA ($200)
1998 Foreign Travel Grant, UA ($350)
1998 Student Faculty Interaction Program, April, UoA ($225)
1998 Student Faculty Interaction Program, March, UoA ($300).
1998 Individual Research Grant, Humanities Research Initiative, UA ($3000)
1997 International Visitor Grant (Gabrielle Alioth, Switzerland/Ireland), UA ($200)
1997 Student Faculty Interaction Program, UoA ($120)
1997 Student Faculty Interaction Program, UoA ($150)
1997 StADaF and AATG Chapter Project Grant ($500)
1997 Small Grant, UA ($3000)
1997 Foreign Travel Grant, UA ($500)
1997 International Visitor Grant (Dr. Alfred Kolleritsch, Graz, Austria), UA ($200)
1997 StADaF and AATG Chapter Project Grant ($700)
1997 Dean’s Discretionary Community Outreach Grant ($200)
1997 Provost’s Author Support Fund, UA ($861)
1997 Student Faculty Interaction Program, UA ($468)
1996 International Visitor Grant (Dr. Otto Marchi, Lucerne, Switzerland), UA ($300)
1996 Dean’s Discretionary Fund Award, Honorarium, Prof. W. Pfeiler (Greifswald) ($100)
1996 Student-Faculty Interaction Program, Fall ($175)
1996 Computer Equipment Grant, Consulate of the FRG ($1250)
1996 Student-Faculty Interaction Grant, Consulate of the FRG ($500)
1996 Foreign Travel Grant, UA ($300)
1996 Individual Research Grant, College of Humanities, UA ($3000)
1996 February, Faculty-Student Interaction Fund, UA ($300)
1996 Dean’s Discretionary Funding Award, Travel Grant ($380)
1996 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Study Visit Grant ($7,500).
1996 Dean’s Discretionary Funding Award (“Deutsche Ecke), ($200)
1996 Faculty-Student Weekly Lunch (“Deutsche Ecke”) Grant, Consulate of the FRG ($150)
1995 Dean’s Discretionary Funding Award (Speaker’s Honorarium), UA ($150)
1995 International Visitor Grant (Prof. M. Markus, Innsbruck), UA ($200)
1995 December, Faculty-Student Interaction Fund, UA ($200)
1995 Together with Mary Wildner-Bassett, AATG Chapter Project Grant ($502)
1995 Foreign Visitor Grant, Consulate of the FRG ($150)
1995 Publication Grant for Student Paper “Das Fenster, Consulate of the FRG ($400)
1995 International Travel Grant, International Programs, UA ($250)
1995 International Travel Grant, American Council of Learned Societies ($500)
1995 Research Grant, University of Arizona Foundation ($2705)
1995 Foreign Scholar Visitors’ Grant, UA ($450)
1995 February, Faculty-Student Interaction Fund, UA ($150)
1995 AATG AZ Chapter Conference Subsidy, Goethe-Institut, Los Angeles ($2000).
1994 Sabbatical Leave (1 year, taken 1 semester), UA
1994 International Travel Grant, UA ($600)
1993 Provost’s Author Support Fund, UA ($295)
1993 Independent Research Grant, Fac. of Humanities, UA ($3000)
1993 December, Faculty-Student Interaction Fund, UA ($300)
1993 September, Faculty-Student Interaction Fund, UA ($1,180)
1993 Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, Los Angeles, Publication Grant for “Das Fenster” ($800)
1993 Provost’s Teaching Improvement Award, UA ($380)
1993 Foreign Travel Grant, Dept. of German and University of Arizona Foundation ($850)
1993 May, Faculty-Student Interaction Fund, UA ($500)
1993 January, Foreign Travel Grant, International Programs, UA ($500)
1992 December, Faculty-Student Interaction Fund, UA ($228)
1992 Research and Travel Grant, General Education Committee, UA ($250)
1992 Provost’s Teaching Improvement Award, UA ($1,200)
1992 Research Grant from the American Philosophical Society ($2,500)
1992 February, Foreign Travel Grant, International Programs, UA ($700); Complimentary Award from the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, UA ($169).
1991 May, Provost’s Author’s Support Fund Award, UA ($1,000)
1991 Faculty of Humanities Research Mini-Grant, UA ($850)
1991 March, Travel Grant from the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and the Vice President for Research, UA ($600)
1991 January, Travel Grant from the Vice President for Research and the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, UA ($650)
1990 Travel, Room and Board Grant, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Invitation to an “Arbeitsgespräch”) (ca. $1,400)
1990 American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grant ($500)
1990 National Endowments for the Humanities Foreign Travel Grant ($750)
1990 January, Foreign Travel Grant, International Programs, UA ($200)
1990 Small Grant, University of Arizona for a One-Year Study and Research Project ($2,650)
1989 Foreign Travel Grant, International Programs, UA ($850)
1988 Summer Fellowship, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, U of CA, Los Angeles ($500), including housing (ca. $2000)
1988 Foreign Travel Grant, International Programs, UA ($900)
1988 Austrian Government Travel and Lecture Scholarship ($1200)
1987 Ryder Travel-Fund, U of VA ($200)
1985-1986 Three Ryder Travel Fund Grants, U of VA ($350)
1985 Raven Fellowship, U of VA ($1,500)
1984-1986 Du Pont Fellowship, U of VA ($4000)
1984 Travel Grant St. Peter’s College, University of Oxford, Great Britain, ($200)
1983 Gerrans Fund Travel Grant, University of Oxford, Great Britain ($200)
1982-1984 Michael Foster Scholarship, University of Oxford, Great Britain ($4000)
1982 Study Abroard Scholarship, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany (ca. $3000, declined)
1979-1980 Exchange Scholarship, Millersville University, PA (ca. $4000)
– Approaches to German Studies (UA)
– Communication and Miscommunication in Medieval German Literature (UA)
– Materials and Methods of Literary Research/Literary Theory (UA)
– History of the German Language (“Deutsche Philologie”) from ca. 400 A.D. to ca. 2012 (UA)
– Middle High German Literature (UA)
– Erziehung und Bildung im Mittelalter (UA)
– Gender Issues in Medieval German Literature (UA)
– Der Fremde und Fremdbegegnung im Mittelalter (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg), July 2009
– El tema de Tristán e Isolda en la edad media: La tradición alemana y europea (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Sept. 2015
– Mittelhochdeutsch, ein Lesekurs (voluntary, Spring 2018)
– Appropriation of the Past: Tristan from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century (Ger 501) (Spring 2021)
– Middlebury, VT, Summer School: Literatur GRMN 3200: Weisheit, kluges Handeln, Lehre: Gattungen wie Märchen, Rätsel, Sprichwörter, Parabeln und Schwänke
– Middlebury, VT, Summer School: Literatur GRMN 3302: Lebensbewältigung und Sinnsuche in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte: Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart
– Humanities Seminar, “Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival,” Fall 2020 (newly developed)
– Ger 392 Directed Research: Michael Ende, Momo, and Social-Political Aspects of Germany (Summer 2020)
– Gottfried von Straßburg, Tristan, Honors Colloquium, Spring 2020
– Toleration and Tolerance in the Middle Ages and early modern age, online, Winter 2019/20
– Religion in the History of German Literature, online (Summer 2019)
– Ger 412 Tales of Love (from the Middle Ages to the 20th c.), Fall 2017
– Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival, Honors Colloquium, Fall 2016
– Happiness, Love, and Hope in the Middle Ages, Humanities Seminar, Fall 2016
— Amor, vida, sexualidad, y muerte en el relato corto alemán y europea en el Edad Media tardía, for the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Feb. 25-Feb. 27, 2016 (together with a completely new textbook online), 9 hours block seminar, all in Spanish
– History and Culture of Ireland: course developed for the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, taught in Summer 2016 in Ireland
– Ger 379 Religion in German Culture (developed and taught in Winter 2015)
– Ger 320 History of Tolerance from the Middle Ages to the 18th Century and Beyond (developed Fall 2015)
– Ger 160C1: The German Speaking World (Spring 2015)
– Ger 392a: The Middle Ages: German and European Perspectives in Theory and Practice (submitted Sept. 2014)
– Ger 312: War, Death, and the Hero: Medieval Epics: Beowulf, Nibelungenlied, and Rolandslied (submitted Sept. 2014; accepted Nov. 2014, and approved by the Gen.Ed. Comm. Feb. 2015; first taught in Summer 2015)
– History of German Literature: From the Hildebrandslied to Bertolt Brecht, May 2014, Fremdsprachenphilologie, Eurasian National Gumiljov-University, Astana, Kasakhstan, May 2014
– The Medieval Quest as a Model for Us Today,” Fall 2013 (Humanities Seminar)
– Medieval Women’s Literature, online course, Summer II 2013
– Medieval Answers to Modern Questions, online course, Winter 2012/2013
– Periods in German Culture: The Middle Ages, Fall 2011
– Honor in the Midd le Ages, UoA, Honors College, Spring 2011
-The Rise and Fall of the Hero: War, Blood, and Human Destiny in Ancient and Medieval Heroic Epics, Humanities Seminar, UoA, Fall 2010
– Senior Seminar, Capstone: From the Middle Ages to the Present
– Crossing Borders: Medieval and Renaissance Travelers and Travel Narratives,” ACMRS (ASU) Cambridge Summer Program, July/August 2010
– Masterpieces of Medieval Literature, Sookmyung International Summer School 2010, Seoul, S-Korea, June 2010 (three weeks)
– Holiness in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, developed for the NEH, based on an NEH Institute, Summer 2008
– History of Mentality: Approaches, Methodology, and Materials,” Institute of History, Uniwersytet Adam Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland (Oct. 2008), invited, developed and taught
– Women in Medieval and Early Modern Literature, Institute of Education, Uniwersytet Adam Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland (Oct. 2008), invited, developed and taught
– The Power of a Women’s Voice: Medieval Women’s Literature (developed and taught in Summer 2008, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul)
– Crossing Borders/Crossing Cultures: German Jesuits in 18th-Century Sonora
– History of German Culture and Literature, 1200 years (en lieu of Ger 496, new teaching approach)
– Medieval England Travel Course (Summer 2005)
– Castles, Cathedrals, and Courtly Love: Medieval Travel Course: Europe (Summer 2004, 2006)
– The Future of the Past (Humanities Seminar Program, COH, Fall 2002)
– Advanced German Usage (Spring 2002, first time taught)
– The History of German Literature: Heroes and Monsters (Humanities Seminar Program, COH, Spring 2001)
– The Female Voice in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. Forerunners of Modern Feminism? (Pre-session, UoA, 2000, taught 2002)
– Medieval and Early Modern European Women’s Literature (developed for ACMRS Cambridge Summer Program 2000)
– The Legacy of Medieval Literature: Medieval and Modern Voices in the History of German Literature (developed 1999)
– Utopia in Western Literature: From Plato to Shangri-La (Humanities Seminar Program, COH, Spring 1999)
– Deutsche Frauenliteratur: Die ersten 800 Jahre (1999)
– Love and War, Death and God. Medieval German Poets Speak Up (1999)
– Tales of Love: The Topic of Love in Past and Present German Literature, UA (1998)
– Voices Past and Present: Medieval and Modern German Literatur (“Gateway Course), UA (1998)
– German Literature and Culture, Oral Expression and Written Composition, Summer Program, Stade, Germany (University of New York at New Paltz) (1997)
– Die deutsche Heldenlieddichtung des Mittelalters (developed and taught, Università di Trieste) (1996)
– Begegnung mit der Fremde und den Fremden im Mittelalter (University of Freiburg, newly developed and offered) (1996)
– History of German Literature, German 400a, Correspondence Course (1994/95)
– Europe: From the French Revolution to the End of the Cold War (newly developed, Hilo Community College, HI) (1994)
– Medieval Answers to Modern Problems (newly developed, UA) (1992)
– Women and Love in Western Literature from Sappho to Christa Wolf (newly developed, UA) (1990)
– Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages (newly developed, UA) (1989)
– German Literature for High School Teachers (UA) (1988)
– History of German Literature from 1800 to the Present (UA) (1987)
– History of German Literature from 800 to the 18th Century (UA) (1990)
– German Lyric Poetry from 1200 to the Present (U of VA) (1987)
– Medieval Literary Criticism and Literary Theory (newly developed course, U of VA) (1987)
– Weimar and Nazi-Reich: Culture and Literature (newly developed course, U of VA) (1987)
– many different ones prior to 2014
– Hartmann von Aue (Reid Sisson), Fall 2014
– Helene Kottannerin, A Fifteenth-Century German-Hungarian Writer (Agnes Cser), Spring 2013
– Novels by Renate Ahrens (Kirsten Bruhn), Spring 2011
– Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan (Anneke Mack), Fall 2011
– Translation of the biography of Heinrich Schenker by student Tashiri , short two week replacement of Prof. Chisholm, Fall 2010
– Teaching German in Elementary School (1994-2010)
– Translation of Philip Segesser’s 18th-century letters into English (2008)
– Translation of the Nibelungenlied and Old-High German Texts (2006)
– Deutsche Kultur des Mittelalters (2006)
– Berlin and its Modern Architecture – a web-based project (2005)
– History of the German Language (2004)
– Scientific (Pharmaceutical) German (2002)
– The Protestant Reformation
– The Nibelungenlied and its Modern Interpreters
– German Voices Past and Present
– Medieval Philosophy and Ethics within the Literary Context
– German Philology Past and Present
– Women and Arts during the Middle Ages
– Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival
– Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages
– Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan
– Translation German to English: André Kaminski
– Middle High German: Freidank’s Bescheidenheit, Wolfram’s Parzival
– Elisabeth Borchers’ Lyric Poetry
– Women and Love in Western Literature from the Antiquity to the Present
– Heroic Poetry in German Medieval Literature
– The Role of Women in Middle High German Lyric Poetry
– Middle High German Pre-Courtly and Epigonal Courtly Romances (12th and 13th Centuries)
– Middle High German Courtly Romances and Heroic Epics of the 13th Century
– Martin Luther and Women, 3-term project
– German Literature of the 15th and 16th Centuries
– Literary and Historical Texts of the 16th Century in Germany
– Medieval Mongolian History and Literature (Kota Fleming, Spring 2018)
– Reading Middle High German (Carolin Radtke, Nick Petry, et al. Spring and Fall 2018)
– How to write a C.V. in German (Mengdi Han, Fall 2018)
– Survey of German Art History from the Middle Ages to the Present (Makenna Lockwood, Spring 2021)
– “Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan and Isolde and Its Reception in Hans Sachs and Richard Wagner” (Matthew Mulconrey and Fay Fuselier Yurwit), Spring 2021
– Member of numerous Master Exam Committees, 1987 to present (Dept. of German Studies):
– Graduate College Representatives for 21 Ph.D. Oral Defenses, Campus-wide, 1989 to 1999 (Finances, Political Sciences, Linguistics, Psychology, History, Astronomy, Geophysical Sciences, Hydrology, Spanish; Comparative Culture and Literary Studies; East-Asian Studies; Rehabilitation, Special Education and Physical Education)
– 16 Ph.D. Prelim. Exams 1989 to ca. 1998 (four in Anthropology, one in Nutritional Sciences, one in Education, one in Sociology, two in Astonomy, two in History, one in Chemistry, two in Spanish, one in Plant Science, one in Language, Reading & Culture),
– Advisor to German Student Club (“Deutscher Studenten Club”), Fall 1991 to 2014
– Advisor and Assistant Editor of Student Journal: Das Fenster, UA, Spring 1992 to 1997
Organizer and Director of a Late Medieval German Christmas Play (“Hessisches Weihnachtsspiel”) with Undergraduate Students, UA, December 1990
– Organizer and Director of a Late Medieval German Christmas Play (“Hessisches Weihnachtsspiel”) with Undergraduate Students, UA, December 1991
– Organizer and Director of Theater Play (“Erlauer Spiel”), with Undergraduate Students, UA, December 1992
– Creation and Organization of a Community-Outreach Program, “Adopt a School Program,” UA, Tucson, AZ, Fall 1992 to Fall 1993, Sam Hughes Elementary School
– Organizer, “German Christmas Fest,” UA, December 1992
– German Language Class, Univ. Students teach Middle School Students, Mansfeld Middle School, Tucson, Spring and Fall 1993
– Organizer, “Springfest,” UA, April 1993
– Organizer, “Oktoberfest,” UA, October 1993
– Organizer, “Christmasfest,” UA, December 1993
– German Language Class, Univ. Students teach Elementary School Students, Sam Hughes Elementary School, Tucson, Spring 1994 through Spring 1995.
– Organizer and Director of a Late Medieval Drama (Dietrich Schernberg’s “Frau Jutta”) with Undergraduate Students, UA, April 1994
– Organizer, “Springfest,” UA, April 1994
– Organizer and Director of Drama Performance (“Frau Jutta”), UA, April 1995
– Organizer, “Springfest,” UA, April 1995
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus-Fest,” UA, December 1995
– Organizer, “Deutsche Ecke,” Weekly Luncheons for Students and Faculty, UA, Spring and Fall 1996
– Organizer, with Mary Wildner-Bassett, Student-Award Ceremony, UA, Spring 1996
– Organizer, “German High School Campus Day,” Project of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Spring 1997 (160 students attended)
– Organizer, “Springfest,” UA, April 1997
– Organizer, Series of “Volleyball Fests,” Student/Faculty Interaction Program, Fall 1997, UA
– Organizer, “Deutsche Ecke,” Weekly Lunches for Faculty and Students, Fall 1997, UA
– Transliterator and Translator of 17th through 19th-century handwritten church records in Sutterlin, 1994 to present.
– Organizer and Chair, “German High School Campus Day,” Project of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Spring 1998 (100 students attended)
– German Studies Departmental Party, Faculty-Student Interaction, April 1998 (40 participants)
– Organizer, “Maifest,” UoA, May 1998 (90 participants)
– Member, “Early Academic Outreach Speakers Bureau,” 1998-present
– Organizer, “Adopt a School” Program,” German at Sam Hughes Elementary School, Tucson, AZ, Fall 1998-present
– Organizer, “Germanfest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, September 1998, UA (70 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus Party,” Student/Faculty Interaction, December 1998, UA (60 participants)
– Organizer and Director of Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim’s Play “Dulcitius,” performed by students of Ger. 496a, Feb. 1999
– Organizer, “German High School Campus Day,” Project of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Spring 1999 (110 students attended)
– Organizer, German “Frühlingsfest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, April 1999 (110 participants)
– Organizer, Student/Faculty Interaction: German/Hungarian Restaurant (May 1999 (16 participants)
– Volunteer at the Oktoberfest, German Heritage Klub, Sept. 1999
– Organizer, “Fall Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Nov. 1999 (92 participants)
– Organizer and Presider, Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Tucson, Nov. 1999
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Dec. 1999 (50 participants)
– Organizer, “Dinner with Class,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Feb. 2000 (15 participants)
– Organizer, “German High School Campus Day,” Spring 2000 (120 students attended)
– Political Advocacy for German AP Courses at University High School, Tucson, March 2000
– Organizer, “Spring Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, April 2000 (53 participants)
– Organizer, “German under the Stars” Fall Fest, Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Sept. 2000 (73 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus-Party,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UoA, Dec. 2000 (63 participants)
– Organizer, “Springfest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UoA, March 2001 (60 participants)
– Organizer, “German High School Campus Day,” UoA, March 2001 (150 participants)
– Organizer, “Spring Semester Award Ceremony,” UoA, April 2001 (60 participants)
– Organizer, “Summer Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UoA, June 2001 (17 participants)
– Organizer, “Fall Fest/German-American Week Celebration,” UoA, Oct. 2001 (61 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UoA, Dec. 2001 (44 participants)
– Organizer, “Student/Faculty Interaction, Trad. 104,” UoA, Feb. 2002 (31 participants)
– Organizer, “German High School Campus Day,” UoA, April 2002 (178 participants)
– Organizer, “Spring Fest,” UoA, April 2002 (68 participants)
– Organizer and MC, “Medieval and Renaissance Spring Poetry Reading by Members of UAMARRC, accompanied by Collegium Musicum,” April 2002 (ca. 110 participants)
– Organizer, “Student/Faculty Interaction Program, BBQ in the Park,” May 2002 (22 participants)
– Organizer, Welcome to the Fall Semester, Aug. 2002 (72 participants)
– Organizer/Supervisor, German-After-School Program, Sam Hughes Elem. School, Fall 2002-present
– Organizer, “Student/Faculty Interaction Program, Novemberfest, Nov. 2002 (51 participants)
– Organizer and MC, “Medieval and Early-Modern Winter Poetry Reading by Members of UAMARRC, accompanied by Sonora Musica,” Nov. 2002 (ca. 130 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UoA, Dec. 2002 (61 participants)
– German Voice Over for “Walbro Engine” Video, Film Creations, Tucson, Nov. 2002
– Organizer, ““Student/Faculty Interaction Program,” Springfest, Feb. 2003 (30 participants)
– Translator for Dr. Martin Čičo, Curator of Medieval Art at the City Art Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia, at the Art Exhibit “Gloria et Miseria. Views of 16th and 17th Century Society,” Museum of Art, UA, Feb. 2003
– Participant, “Meet a Professional at Pizza,” Introduction of Study Abroad Programs to Freshmen, UA, Feb. 2003.
– Organizer and Director, 3 performances of own dramatized version of the Brothers Grimm “Hans im Glück” by German 475, March 1, 2003 at the Foreign Language Fair.
– Organizer, “German High School Campus Day,” UoA, April (70 participants), April 2003
– Organizer, “Book Award Ceremony,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UoA, April 2003 (46 participants)
– Organizer, “Fall Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Sept. 2003 (49 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Dec. 2003 (69 participants)
– Organizer, Film Evening for Trad. 104 Class: The Name of the Rose, Dec. 2003 (115 participants)
– Organizer, “German-after-school” program, Miles Exploratory Elementary School, Spring 2004-present
– Organizer, “Spring Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Feb. 2004 (56 participants)
– Organizer, “Book Award Ceremony,” UA, April 2004 (42 participants)
– Organizer, “German High School Campus Day,” UoA, April 2004 (100 participants/5 high schools)
– Organizer, “Summer BBQ for Medieval Travel Course,” UoA, June 2004 (11 participants)
– Organizer, Debriefing Social-Get-Together for Medieval Travel Course,” UA, Sept. 2004 (10 participants)
– Organizer, “Fall Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Oct. 2004 (59 participants)
– Organizer and MC, “Medieval and Early-Modern Winter Poetry Reading by Members of UAMARRC, Nov. 2004 (ca. 200 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus Fest,” Student/Faculty Interaction, UA, Dec. 2004 (67 participants)
– Co-Organizer, German Student Club Film Evening, UA, Dec. 2004 (20 participants)
– Organizer, Attendance of an all-German Church Service, Phoenix, Dec. 2004 (11 participants)
– Participant, “Meet a Professional at Pizza,” Introduction of Study Abroad Program “Medieval Britain” to Freshmen, UA, Feb. 2005
– Organizer and Coordinator, German High School Campus Day, UA, Feb. 2005 (90 participants)
– Organizer, “Spring Fest, BBQ, Department of German Studies,” April 2005 (75 participants)
– Organizer, “Pre-Departure Summer Travel BBQ,” May 2005 (11 participants)
– Organizer, “Post-Summer Medieval Britain Tour Get-Together,” Aug. 2005 (14 participants)
– Organizer, “BBQ for Trad 104,” Sept. 2005 (32 participants)
– Organizer, “Altweiberfest,” Department of German Studies, UA, Oct. 2005 (58 participants)
– Organizer and MC, “Medieval and Early-Modern Winter Poetry Reading by Members of UAMARRC (Nov. 2005 (133 participants)
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus-Fest, Dept. of German Studies, UA, Dec. 2005 (40 participants)
– Organizer, German Campus Day, Feb. 2006 (110 participants)
– Participant, “Pizza with a Professional – Sizzling Summer Opportunities,” UA, Feb. 2006
– Organizer, Excursion to San Xavier del Bac with students of Ger 430, March 2006
– Organizer, Springfest, Dept. of German Studies, UA, April 2006 (77 participants)
– Organizer, Pre-Departure Summer Travel BBQ, May 2006 (22 participants)
– Volunteer Instructor for a course on “Women in the Middle Ages,” The Oasis Institute, Tucson, AZ, 8 two-hour classes, Sept.-Oct. 2006
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Oct. 2006 (63 participants)
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus Fest, Dec. 2006 (63 participants)
– Presenter, “German Christmas Storytelling and Show and Tell,” Tucson Children Museum, Dec. 2006
– Organizer, Excursion to St. Benedict convent, Tucson, with Ger 278 class, Febr. 2007
– Organizer, Breakfast with students (Ger 278), Feb. 2007
– Organizer, Lunch with students (Ger 278), March 2007
– Organizer, German Campus Day for high school students, April (100 participants)
– Organizer, Pre-Departure Summer Travel BBQ, April 2007 (33 participants)
– Organizer, Lunch with students (Ger 278), April 2007
– Organizer, Spring Fest, Dept. of German Studies, May 2007 (72 participants)
– Organizer, De-Briefing Party for Medieval Travel Course Summer 2007, Slide Shows, Sept. 2007 (22 participants)
– Organizer, Excursion to Aqua Caliente, Tucson, with RAs of Sonora Residence Hall, Sept. 2007 (9 participants)
– Organizer, Departmental Fall Fest, Oct. 2007 (55 participants)
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus-Fest, German Studies Dept., Dec. 2007 (58 participants)
– Organizer, Build your own sandwich event, final weeks, Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, Dec. 2007 (ca. 80 participants)
– Organizer, Attendance of German Christmas Service, Hillside Baptist Church, Phoenix, Dec. 2007 (11 participants)
– Organizer, Excursion to Phoenix Art Museum for Exhibit of Illuminated Manuscripts, Jan. 2008 (UAMARRC)
– Organizer, “Build your own sandwich event, meet your faculty fellow,” Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, Feb. 2008 (ca. 60 participants)
– Organizer, Excursion to San Xavier del Bac, together with a lunch, March 2008 (20 participants)
– Organizer, Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, UA, April 2008 (14 inductees, ca. 30 participants)
– Organizer, Pre-Departure BBQ, Medieval Travel Course, April 2008 (33 participants)
– Organizer, Spring Fest, Department of German Studies, May 2008 (66 participants)
– Organizer, De-Briefing Pizza Party, Medieval Travel Course, Sept. 2008 (14 participants)
– Organizer, Pizza Party with the RA Staff of Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, Sept. 2008 (17 participants)
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Department of German Studies, Nov. 2008 (36 participants)
– Organizer, “Build your own sandwich event, meet your faculty fellow,” Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, Nov. 2008 (ca. 50 participants)
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus-Fest, Department of German Studies, Dec. 2008 (46 participants)
– Organizer, attendance of a German Christmas church service in Phoenix, Dec. 2008 (8 participants)
– Organizer, “Build your own sandwich event,” Arizona/Sonora residence hall, Jan. 2009 (20 participants)
– Organizer, Pizza Party with the RA Staff of Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall (18 participants), Feb. 2009
– Organizer, Build your own sandwich event, paper clinic, Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, March 2009 (20 participants)
– Organizer and Leader, Excursion to the Dale Chihuly Glass Art Exhibit, Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden, with Honors students, March 2009 (12 participants)
– Organizer, Spring Fest, Department of German Studies, April 2009 (95 participants)
– Organizer, Paper Clinic,” Arizona/Sonora residence hall, May 2009 (25 participants)
– Organizer, Pre-Departure BBQ, Medieval Travel Course, May 2009 (23 participants)
– Organizer, Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, UA, May 2009 (6 inductees, 15 participants)
– Organizer, De-Briefing Party for Medieval Travel Course Summer Slide Shows, Sept. 2009 (19 participants)
– Organizer, Build your own sandwich event, paper clinic, Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, Sept. 2009 (22 participants)
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Department of German Studies, Oct. 2009 (54 participants)
– Organizer, Build your own sandwich event, paper clinic, Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, Nov. 2009 (20 participants)
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Dec. 2009 (40 participants)
– Organizer and Leader, Excursion to a Karl May Exhibit at the Tombstone Courthouse State Historic Park (14 participants), Jan. 2010
– Organizer, attendance of a dress rehearsal at the School of Dance, UA, Feb. 2010 (10 participants)
– Co-Organizer, German Student Club BBQ, Feb. 2010 (ca. 50 participants)
– Organizer, Lunch with students (Ger 312) at Paradise Bakery, Tucson, April 2010 (14 participants)
-Organizer, Build your own sandwich event, Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, April 2010 (25 participants)
– Organizer, Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, UA, April 2010 (7 inductees)
– Organizer, Spring Fest, Dept. of German Studies, April 2010 (61 participants)
– Organizer, Honors Table, Accolades Awards Ceremony, April 2010 (4 students)
– Organizer, Pre-Departure BBQ for Medieval Europe Travel Course, May 2010 (16 participants)
– Welcome with Eeegees sandwiches to the move-in students of Pima Hall, Aug. 2010
– Organizer, De-Briefing Party for Medieval Travel Course Summer 2010, Sept. 2010 (13 participants)
– Organizer, Excursion to Sea Life, Tempe, with Honors Students, Sept. 2010 (15 participants)
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Oct. 2010 (52 participants)
-Organizer, Breakfast in Pima Hall: Meet your Faculty Fellow, Nov. 2010 (ca 15 participants)
– Study Abroad Program: Medieval Study Tour, International Education Week, Nov. 2010
– Organizer, Excursion to San Xavier del Bac, with Ger 430 students (18 participants)
– Participant reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages,” DSC (Pablo Neruda and own poetry), Nov. 2010
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Dec. 2010 (40 participants)
– Organizer, Chicken Dinner for Students, Pima Residence Hall, Dec. 2010 (20 participants)
– Organizer, Attendance of German Christmas Service at Mountain View Lutheran Church, Phoenix, Dec. 2010 (8 participants)
– Organizer, Spring Semester Welcome Dinner with the R.A.s of La Cienega Residence Hall, UoA, Jan. 2011 (7 participants)
– Organizer, “Build your own sandwich” event, La Cienega Residence Hall, Jan. 2011 (26 participants)
– Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Jan. 2011
– Organizer, Attendance of Carmina Burana dance performance, School of Dance and Theatre, UA, with students from La Cienega, Feb. 2011 (16 attendants)
– Participant reader, “Walther von der Vogelweide,” “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages,” DSC, UA, Feb. 2011
– Organizer, Create a Salad Bar, Group Project, La Cienega Residence Hall, Feb. 2011 (29 participants)
– “Study Abroad: Medieval Europe and Cambridge,” La Cienega Residence Hall, Feb. 2011
– Participant Reader, “Oswald von Wolkenstein,” “Fisch out fo Water: An Evening of Accented Languages,” DSC, UA, Feb. 2011
– Participant reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages,” DSC, April 2011 (Johannes von Tepl and Charles d’Orléans)
– Organizer, Create a Salad Bar, Group Project, La Cienega Residence Hall, April 2011 (25 participants)
– Organizer, Cooking of a Taco Dinner, for La Cienega Residence Hall, April 17, 2011 (25 participants)
– Organizer, Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, UA, April 2011 (10 inductees)
– Organizer, Springfest, April 2011 (83 participants)
– Excursion to Picacho Peak with students, along with lunch, April 2011 (11 participants)
– Organizer, Predeparture BBQ with students (and some parents) of my summer study tour, May 2011 (28 participants).
– Organizer, Fruitbasket, “Apache and Santa Cruz Residence Hall, UA, Aug. 2011 (32 participants)
– Translator, two poems by Thomas Kunst for a public reading at the UA, Oct. 2011
– Organizer, Pizza and photo event with students from my medieval travel course May/June 2011 (14 participants)
– Organizer, Spaghetti dinner, Apache and Santa Cruz Residence Hall, UA, Sept. 2011 (28 participants)
– Organizer, Kaffeeklatsch, Yavapai Residence Hall, UA, Sept. 2011 (25 participants)
– Organizer, “Study Abroad Opportunities Now and Tomorrow,” Yavapai Residence Hall, UA, Oct. 2011 (27 participants)
– Participant reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages: My own recent poems,” UA, Oct. 2011
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Oct. 2011 (47 participants)
– Organizer and Presider, Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Tucson, Nov. 2011 (20 participants)
-Organizer, Cooking of a Taco Dinner, for Yavapai Residence Hall, UA, Nov. 2011 (30 participants)
– Organizer, Visit of a dress rehearsal, School of Dance, UA, Nov. 2011 (16 participants)
– Organizer, Thanksgiving dinner for students of Hopi Residence Hall, UA, Nov. 2011 (8 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus-Fest,” UA, December 2011 (60 participants)
– Organizer, late night breakfast, Apache-Santa Cruz residence hall, Dec. 2011 (66 participants)
– Organizer, Thank you dinner for graders and T.A. in Ger 160D, Dec. 2011
– Organizer and cook, pancakes on Sunday, Yavapai residence hall, Jan. 2012 (30 participants)
– Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Jan. 2012 (4 hours)
– Organizer, Sandwich bar, Yavapai residence hall, Feb. 2012 (26 participants)
– Organizer, Salad bar, Yavapai residence Hall, Feb. 2012 (15 participants)
– Participant, staffing the booth of the College of Humanities at the book fair (2 hours), March 2012
– Organizer and cook, pancakes on Sunday, Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, March 2012 (35 participants)
– Participant reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages,” DSC, April 2012: my own poetry
– Organizer and MC of Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, April 2012 (20 new inductees; 40 participants)
– Organizer, MC, and cook, Spring fest, Dept. of German Studies, April 2012 (76 participants)
-Organizer, Pizza party, Yavapai Residence Hall, April 2012 (25 participants)
– Organizer, Fruit basket, Yuma Residence Hall, Aug. 2012 (40 participants)
– Organizer, After-School German program at Miles Exploratory and Sam Hughes Elementary School with four students, Fall 2012
– Organizer, Taco Bar, San Pedro Residence Hall, Sept. 2012 (46 participants)
– Participant reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages,” DSC (Walther von der Vogelweide), Sept. 2012
– Organizer, Pizza and Discussion of Study Habits for Students, Yuma Residence Hall, Oct. 2012 (29 participants)
– Organizer and Teacher, Review session for Ger 160D1 in preparation of exam, Oct. 2012
– Participant reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages,” DSC (Petrach’s sonnets), Oct. 2012
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Oct. 2012 (43 participants)
– Organizer, driver, and guide, excursion with students to Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Nov. 2012 (8 participants)
– Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Nov. 2012 (4 hours)
– Participant, Judge, Third Annual North Area Chili Cook-off!, Nov. 2012
– Excursion with students to San Xavier del Bac, Nov. 2012 (11 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus-Fest,” UA, December 2012 (56 participants)
– Participant reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages” (my own poetry), Dec. 2012
– Organizer, Late-Night Breakfast, Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, Dec. 2012 (40 participants)
– Organizer, Thank you dinner for graders and T.A. in Ger 160D, Dec. 2012 (6 participants)
– Organizer, Cook a soup together, Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, Jan. 2013 (20 participants)
– Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Jan. 2013 (4 hours)
– Organizer, Taco Bar, San Pedro Residence Hall (32 participants), Jan. 2013 (3 hours)
– Organizer, Pizza Dinner, San Pedro Residence Hall, Feb. 2013 (13 participants)
– Host for students of Empire High School, Vail, introduction to German Studies, tour of library, Feb. 2013
– Organizer, Build your own sandwich event, San Pedro Residence Hall, April 2013 (30 participants)
– Organizer, Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, UA, April 2013 (6 inductees, ca. 33 participants)
– Organizer, Spring fest, Himmel Park, together with Book Award Ceremony, UA, April 2013 (81 participants)
– Co-Organizer, Late-Night Breakfast at the dorm, San Pedro Residence Hall, May 2013 (37 participants)
– Organizer, Debriefing Social-Get-Together for Medieval Travel Course,” UA, Sept. 2013 (17 participants)
– Organizer, reading group, Middle High German, Nibelungenlied, UA, Sept.-Dec. 2013 (once a week meetings throughout the semester)
– Organizer, Get-to-Know-Each-Other event, San Pedro Residence Hall, Oct. 2013 (22 participants)
– Organizer, Cooking of a Taco Dinner, for San Pedro Residence Hall, Oct. 2013 (44 participants)
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Himmel Park, Nov. 2013 (25 participants)
– Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Nov. 2013 (4 hours)
– Organizer, Preparation of a Pancake Dinner, San Pedro Residence Hall, Nov. 2013 (24 participants)
– Participant, Judge, Fourth Annual North Area Chili Cook-off!, Nov. 2013
-Thanksgiving Dinner with students in Graham/Greely, Nov. 2013 (10 participants)
– Organizer of St. Nikolaus Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Dec. 2013 (56 participants)
– Participant reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages: Group reading of Der Ritter und die Nüsse,” Dec. 2013 (together with Ethan Roger, Charly Mostert, Carolin Radke, and Ranae Bowen)
– Late Night Breakfast, Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, Dec. 2013 (50 participants)
– Organizer, cook your own soup, Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, Feb. 2014 (20 participants)
– Organizer, together with Fabian Alfie, a reception in honor of the new Thematic Minor in Medieval Studies, March 2014
– Organizer, leader, and driver, excursion to Tuzigoot/Cottonwood and Montezuma’s Castle, AZ, one day excursion (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.) for Honors College and German Studies, March 2014 (10 participants)
– Organizer, fish dinner, Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, March 2014 (16 participants)
– Participant, Study Abroad Fair, March 2014 (4 hours)
– Co-Host for students of Empire High School, Vail, introduction to German Studies, tour of library, April 2014
– Judge, Ace of Cake Competition, Student Hall Residences Competition, April 2014
– Organizer, Cooking of a Taco Dinner, Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, April 2014 (25 participants)
– Organizer, Spring fest, Himmel Park, together with Book Award Ceremony, UA, April 2014 (52 participants)
– Organizer and MC, Delta Phi Alpha Honor Society Induction Ceremony, UA, April 2014 (34 participants)
– Organizer, Pizza Welcome Dinner, Brawls/Eller Lodge, UA, Sept. 2014 (30 participants)
– Organizer, De-Briefing Meeting for Medieval Travel Course Summer 2014, Sept. 2014 (13 participants)
– Organizer, Sunday Brunch for Brawles/Eller Lodge, Sept. 2014 (24 participants)
– Participant, Study Abroad Fair, 4 hours staffing a booth, talked to ca. 90 students, Sept. 2014
– Organizer, Sunday Lunch for Brawles/Eller Lodge, Oct. 2014 (12 participants)
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Himmel Park, Oct. 2014 (35 participants)
– Co-Host for students of Amphi High and Cholla High School, Tucson, introduction to German Studies, tour of library and campus, Nov. 2014
– Organizer, Pancake brunch for Brawles/Eller Lodge, Nov. 2014 (13 participants)
– Organizer of St. Nikolaus Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Dec. 2014 (100 participants)
– Organizer, leader, and driver, excursion to the German Christkindel-Market, Phoenix, Dec. 2014 (9 participants)
– Organizer, Cooking of a Taco Dinner, Raws/Eller Residence Hall, Feb. 2015 (20 participants)
– Organizer, Cooked a Spaghetti dinner for Raws/Eller Residence Hall, March 2015 (18 participants)
– Organizer and Presider, Spring Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Tucson, March 2015 (17 participants, 4 speakers)
– Organizer, Spring Fest, Dept. of German Studies, April 2015 (65 participants)
– Organizer and MC, Delta Phi Alpha Honor Society Induction Ceremony, UA, April 2015 (7 inductees, 17 participants altogether)
– Judge, LMIT Award 2015 (two translation projects), April
– Organizer, Build your own sandwich event, Rawls/Eller Residence Hall, May 2015 (8 participants)
– Organizer and Lead Editor, Translation of Thomas Schuster’s novel Astrogatia Concordia: The Perfect System (by T. H. Moedriach, 2011) into English (8 students)
– Banana and Nutella Evening, Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, Aug. 2015 (30 participants)
– De-Briefing party for the Medieval Summer Travel Course, Aug. 2015 (10 participants)
– Fall Fest, Himmel Park, Tucson, Nov. 2015 (69 participants)
– Organizer, together with Don McCarthy, Thanksgiving Dinner, AZ/SO and Coronado Residence Hall, Nov. 2015 (27 participants)
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus-Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Dec. 2015 (120 participants)
– Organizer, Pizza with a Study Abroad Advisor, AZ/SO Residence Hall, Jan. 2016 (22 participants)
– Organizer, Taco dinner, AZ/SO Residence Hall, Feb. 2016 (37 participants)
– Reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages: 2 poems by Rilke in French and one of my own poems, Feb. 2016
– Organizer, Pizza and Ping Pong Night, AZ/SO Residence Hall, March 2016 (16 participants)
– Reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages: 2 poems by Miguel Unamuno (in Spanish), April 2016
– Organizer, Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, UA, April 2016 (17 new inductees)
Organizer, Eegee’s sandwich and Ping Pong night, AZ/SO Residence Hall, April 2016 (21 participants)
– Organizer, Spring Fest, Dept. of German Studies, April 2016 (65 participants)
– Organizer, De-briefing party for students from Summer Study Abroad, Aug. 2016 (11 participants
– Backgammon evening with Chinese food, La Aldea, Sept. 2016 (25 participants)
– Study Abroad Fair, booth for Medieval Europe, 4 hours, Oct. 2016
– Organizer and Presider, Fall Meeting (immersion weekend) of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, at ASU, Tempe (5 presenters; 24 participants), Oct. 2016
– Picnic in Agua Caliente State Park with R.A.s from La Aldea, Oct. 2016 (four hours)
– Fruit Basket event, La Aldea, Oct. 2016 (10 participants)
– Fall Fest, Department of German Studies, Nov. 2016 (40 participants)
– Organizer and Leader, Excursion to Tombstone, Bisbee, Naco, and Sierra Vista for Honors Students (Nov. 2016; 12 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus-Fest,” UA, Dec. 2016 (82 participants)
– Organizer, “Pizza Dinner,” La Aldea, Jan. 2017 (ca. 20 participants)
– Organizer, “Happy Hour Sandwich Bar,” La Aldea, Jan. 2017 (ca. 15 participants)
– Organizer, “Saturday Night Movie Event with Food and Entertainment,” La Aldea, March 2017 (ca. 25 participants)
– Reader, “Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages, “Hildebrandslied,” March 2017
– Organizer, Taco Dinner, La Aldea, April 2017 (ca. 25 participants)
– Organizer, “Spring fest,” April 2017 (ca. 68 participants)
– Organizer and MC, Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, UA, April 2017 (11 new inductees)
– Organizer, Easter Egg Coloring, La Aldea, April 2017 (ca. 20 participants)
– Touring of the UoA Library for students from Canyon del Oro, May 2017
– Organizer, Sandwich and Pasta Dinner, La Aldea, May 2017 (ca. 25 participants)
– Organizer, “De-Briefing Party for Medieval Europe Summer Study Abroad, 2017, Sept. 2017 (6 participants)
– Study Abroad Fair, booth for Medieval Europe, 4 hours, Sept. 2017
– Organizer, Fruit Basket, La Aldea Residence Hall, 20 participants, Sept. 2017
– Organizer, Attendance of Modern Jazz Dance Performance, School of Dance, Sept. 2017
– Organizer, Friday night snacks for gaming group, La Aldea Residence Hall, 25 participants, Oct. 2017
– Organizer, Fall Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Oct. 2017 (39 participants)
– Organizer, Build your own sandwich event. La Aldea, Nov. 2017 (ca. 25 participants)
– Organizer, “St. Nikolaus-Fest,” UA, Dec. 2017 (99 participants)
– Volunteer, “Late Night Breakfast for Students,” Student Union, Dec. 2017
– Organizer, Pizza Night, La Aldea, Nov. 2017 (ca. 30 participants)
– Organizer, “Build your own sandwich event, La Aldea, Jan. 2018 (ca. 30 participants)
– Co-Organizer, Party for Super Bowl, La Aldea, Feb. 2018 (ca. 25 participants)
– Study Abroad Fair, booth for Medieval Europe, Feb. 2018 (2 hours)
– “Pie Evening,” La Aldea, March 2018 (ca. 35 participants)
– Organizer and MC, Induction Ceremony, Delta Phi Alpha, UA, March 2018 (5 new members)
– Organizer, Spring fest, Department of German Studies, April 2018 (60 participants)
– Volunteer with Move-In for freshmen, Aug. 2018 (3 hours)
– Organizer, Debriefing Social-Get-Together for Medieval Travel Course,” UA, Aug. 2018 (12 participants)
– Study Abroad Fair, booth for Medieval Europe, 4 hours, Sept. 2018
– Game Night with Pizza, La Aldea Residence Hall, Sept. 2018 (20 participants)
– Sunday Brunch for residents, La Aldea Residence Hall, Oct. 2018 (35 participants)
– Fall Fest, Dept. of German Studies, Oct. 2018 (37 participants)
– Participant, COH Study Abroad Fair, staffing the both, Nov. 2018 (4 hours)
– Organizer, Night with Pizza, La Aldea Residence Hall, Nov. 2018 (20 participants)
– Organizer, Sandwich evening, La Aldea Residence Hall, Nov. 2018 (20 participants)
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus fest, Dept. of German Studies, Dec. 2018 (73 participants)
– De-briefing pizza event for Ger 312 (online winter course), Jan. 2019 (6 participants)
– Cheese and cracker evening, La Aldea Residence Hall, Jan. 2019 (15 participants)
– Contributor, Gaming and Dance Night, La Aldea Residence Hall, Jan. 2019 (30 participants)
– Participant (booth), Study Abroad Fair, COH, Feb. 2019 (4 hours)
– Organizer, Attendance of a Dress Rehearsal, “Dances from the Heart,” UA School of Dance, with residents of La Aldea, Feb. 2019 (10 participants)
– Organizer, Salad Evening, La Aldea, March 2019 (10 participants)
– Organizer, Surprise event with spring rolls for Spring, La Aldea, March 2019 (ca. 15 participants)
– Participant, Foreign Language Fair, UoA, March 2018
– Organizer, Spring fest, March 2018 (49 participants)
– Organizer, Surprise dinner, La Aldea Residence Hall, April 2019
– Organizer, pizza event, La Aldea, Residence Hall, April 2019
– Participant, representing the Dept. of German Studies, at the Student-Faculty Interaction Grant Showcase, Student Union (2 hours), April 2019
– Organizer, Fruit basket, La Aldea Residence Hall, April 2019
– Organizer, Asian food, La Aldea Residence Hall, April 2019
– Organizer, Induction Ceremony for Delta Phi Alpha, May 2019 (3 students)
– Organizer, Sandwich event, La Aldea Residence Hall, May 2019 (15 students)
– Organizer, “De-Briefing Party for Medieval Europe Summer Study Abroad 2019, Aug. 2019 (10 participants)
– Study Abroad Fair, booth for Medieval Europe, 4 hours, Sept. 2019
– Organizer, Sandwich event, La Aldea Residence Hall, Sept. 2019 (15 students)
– Organizer, Build your own sandwich event, La Aldea Residence Hall, Oct. 2019 (20 students)
– Organizer, Fall fest, Dept. of German Studies, Oct. 2019 (ca. 30 participants)
– Organizer, Movie Night with Snacks, La Aldea Residence Hall, Oct. 2019 (ca. 25 participants)
– Organizer, Pizza evening, La Aldea Residence Hall, Oct. 2019 (ca. 20 participants)
– Organizer, St. Niklaus Fest, Dec. 2019 (60 participants)
– Organizer, Veggie and Cheese Event, La Aldea Residence Hall, Jan. 2020 (ca. 15 participants)
– Organizer, Pizza evening, La Aldea Residence Hall, Feb. 2020 (ca. 20 participants)
– Organizer, Attendance of a Dress Rehearsal at the School of Dance, with residents of La Aldea, Feb. 2020
– Study Abroad Fair, staffing of booth, campus, Feb. 19, 2020 (4 hours)
– Organizer, Movie and pizza event, La Aldea Residence Hall, Feb. 2020 (ca. 15 participants)
– Volunteer, Campus Pantry, March-September 2020 (two hours per week)
– Picking up of books from the Benedictine Monastery of Erlach, Sonoita, and cleaning up of departmental library
– Organizer, Novemberfest, University of Arizona, Nov. 2020 (ca. 40 participants)
– Organizer, Springfest, University of Arizona, April 2021 (ca. 35 participants)
– Study Abroad Fair, online, University of Arizona, Sept. 2021
– Member, COH Graduate Student Research Grants Review Committee, Oct./Nov. 2021 (8 cases)
– Organizer, Novemberfest, University of Arizona, Nov. 2021 (ca. 50 participants)
– Organizer and Driver, taking 8 participants to the AZ AATG Nov. meeting at Ironwood High School, American Leadership Academy, Queen Creek, AZ, Nov. 2021 (organizing and driving the van)
– Organizer, St. Nikolaus fest, Dept. of German Studies, Dec. 2021 (47 participants)
– Preparation for the Medieval Europe Study Abroad program, May-June 2022, with interviews of ca. 16 students @ 30 min. each, coordinating with travel agent numerous times (ca. 4 hours altogether, setting up the itinerary, etc., for a total of ca. 20 hours. Cancelled due to COVID-19
– Study Abroad Fair, University of Arizona, Feb. 2022 (4 hours)
– Organizer, “Kaffeeklatsch,” Feb. 2022 (ca. 25 attendees)
– Organizer, “Kaffeeklatsch,” March 2022 (ca. 20 attendees)
– Organizer, Induction Ceremony for Delta Phi Alpha, 9 new inductees (25 attendees), March 2022
– Organizer, Spring Fest, Dept. of German Studies, March 2022 (22 participants)
– Organizer, “Kaffeeklatsch,” April 2022 (ca. 20 attendees)
– Honor’s Thesis Director for Tanya Amber Settle, Univ. of Arizona, 1990-1991: “Women in Martin Luther’s Life and Theology”
– M.A. Thesis Advisor for Sandra McGregor, Univ. of Arizona, 1994-1995: “Translation of André Kaminski’s Herzflattern (1984),” not completed
– M.A. Thesis Advisor for Angelika Ryan, Univ. of Arizona, 1996: “The Nibelungenlied and Parallel Russian Heroic Epics,” not completed
– M.A. Thesis Advisor for Brett Wilson, Univ. of Arizona, 1997: “Father-Son Relations in Medieval Literature and 20th-Century Star-War Movies,” not completed
– M.A. Thesis Advisor for Petra Schlüter, Univ. of Arizona, 1998: “Communication as a Social Phenomenon in Medieval German Literature”
– M.A. Thesis Advisor for Jennifer Rideout, Univ. of Arizona, 1998: “Mothers and Daughters in Medieval German Literature” (Superior)
– M.A. Thesis Advisor for Jonathan Paton, Univ. of Arizona, 1998/99: “Communication and Violence in the German Middle Ages” (Superior)
– M.A. Thesis Advisor for Frank Congin, Univ. of Arizona, 2000/01: “Cultural Tradition of Women Writers at the Habsburg Court” (Superior)
– Certificate of Commendation Award for Jonathan M. Wiens, UA, May 2002
– Certificate of Commendation Award for Liza M. Raiser, UA, Dec. 2002
– Certificate of Commendation Award for Paige Haber, UA, May 2004
– Placement of Alicia Sampson and Gary Tang in the 2005 Transatlantic Internship Program with the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest
– Placement of Scott Cooper in the 2006 Transatlantic Internship Program with the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest
– Support and successful placement of Aaron Wright in winning the Contest for one week in Munich offered by Lewis and Clark College (for June 2007)
– Nomination of Scott Cooper for the Undergraduate Senior Graduating Award (March 2007, successful)
– M.A. thesis by Melanie Bathan, “Dietrich von der Gletze and Mulan: Cross-Dressing and Gender Roles in the Middle Ages and Today” (2007)
– nomination of Todd Patrick Savoy and Emily Moore for the 2008 Transatlantic Internship Program with the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest
– M.A. thesis by James Howell, “Historical Awareness in Medieval German Literature,” 2008
– Independent Study Project with Ph.D. student Antonella Cassia, German Travelogues, 17th-19th centuries.
– Placement of Stephan Classen in internship position, Karlsruhe, Summer 2007
– Nomination of Adam Breen for the “XXX German-American Young Leaders Conference,” Atlantik-Brücke, Aug. 2008.
– Placement of Kyle Kryger, Todd Savoy, and Robin Sendlein in internship positions in Germany (Summer 2008)
– Nomination of Courtney Johnson and Daniel Sullivan for the Honors College Outstanding Senior Award (successful, May 2008)
– Nomination of Stephanie Duisberg, Amphi High, Tucson, for the Outstanding Teacher Award (AATG, successful)
– evaluation of Ph.D. entrance papers by Silke Lipinski and Andrea Beierl, Jan. 2009
– Honors Thesis by Sabine Köhler-Curry, “Late-Medieval Women’s Communities in Conflict with the Secular Authorities: The Case of the Convent of Wienhausen,” Spring 2009
– Nomination of Sabine Köhler-Curry for the Outstanding Senior Award, COH, April 2009, received commendation
– Successful nomination of Ivan Grubisic for the Pillars of Excellence Award, April 2009
– Successful nomination of Ivan Grubisic for the Outstanding Senior Award, COH, May 2009
– Placement of Chris Floess in internship position in Germany (Fall 2009)
– Nomination of Kyle Kryger for the Outstanding Graduating Senior Award, COH, May 2010 (received commendation)
– Nomination of Elizabeth Merkhofer for the Outstanding Graduating Senior Award, COH, Dec. 2010 (winner of the award)
– Nomination of Jason Ernst for the Pillar of Excellence Award, Dec. 2010 (successful)
– Nomination of Piotr M. Banaszczyk, Bambi Nehring, and Jason Ernst, for the Outstanding Graduating Senior Award, COH, May 2011 (except for Jason, all received Honorable Mention)
– Nomination of Tina Badstübner for the Outstanding GIDP GTA award for Fall 2010-Spring 2011 (successful)
– Placement of Yi-Chieh Chen in internship position in Germany, Karlsruhe (Summer 2011).
– Successful nomination of John Doyle Wagner for the Pillars of Excellence Award, Dec. 2011/March 2012
– Director for Diane Richardson’s Term Paper “Sprachkritik im Kontext der österreichischen Nachkriegsliteratur: Konrad Bayers „Kasperl am elektrischen Stuhl“ (April-May 2013)
– Nomination of Glenn Allen Elms for the Pillar of Excellence Award, Honors College, Dec. 2014
– Director for Senior Thesis, Reid Sisson, “Hartmann von Aue: the Relativity of Perception,” also submitted to the University of Berkeley German Undergraduate Essay Contest, Feb. 2015
– Nomination of Laisa Neuner for the Provost Senior Award (Jan. 2016)
– Co-member of the Dissertation Committee for Agnes Czer, “Friedrich Schiller’s Sense of Poetic Calling and the Role of the Poetic Idea in His Emerging Professional Identity” (Spring 2017-Spring 2018)
– Nominating Jasmine Acfalle and Lili Steffen for the graduating senior award (Spring 2017)
– Nomination of Alex Zormeier for the graduating senior award (Fall 2017)
– Nomination of Ciara Daniels for the graduating senior award (Spring 2018); she received Certificate of Honorable Mention
– Nomination of Carolin Radtke for the “Make a Difference—TEACH GERMAN!” award from AATG/Klett (Sept. 2018)
– Nomination of Makenna Lockwood, Rigel S. Carlson, and Alexandra K. W. Johnson for the Pillars of Excellence award (Honors students), March 2019
– Nomination of Baley Lockwood for the Undergraduate Centennial Award, Fall 2019 (successful).
– Nomination of Marie McClure, Makenna Lockwood, and Trenton Hollenbeck (not successful) for the Honors College Outstanding Student Awards (March 2020)
– Nomination of Alexandra Waverli Johnson for the DAAD Young Ambassador Program (April 2020; successful, June), for 2020-2021
– Nomination of Makenna Lockwood for one of the Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships awards, July 2020
– Nomination of Makenna Lockwood for the College of Humanities Graduating Senior Award Feb. 2021 (not successful)
– “La représentation de l’allemagne et des Allemands par des chroniqueurs français et bourguignons dans la deuxième moitié du quinzième siècle…” Dissertation by Guido Gerloff, UA, Spring 1991 to 1993 (discontinued)
– Advising of Milton B. Knutson, Dept. of French and Italian, UA, dissertation on François Roncet, UA, Fall 1993
– “The Libro de Apolonio: Language and Versification,” by Christopher J. Donahue, Co-Directed, UA, Spring and Summer 1994
– “The Image of the Turks in Early Modern German Literature,” by Robert Shea, University of Toronto, Fall 1995 to Spring 1997 (discontinued).
– “The Negotiation of Gender and Power in Medieval German Writings,” by Daniela Hempen, University of British Columbia, Spring 1998 (Ph.D. thesis rejected)
– Member of Doctoral Committee for Juan Félix Bellido, “Mujeres escritoras medievales. La autobiografía de Leonor López de Córdoba,” Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Filología Alemana, Sevilla, Spring 2004
– Ph.D. Qualifying Exam, Veronica Ostertag, UA, 2004 (Minor)
– Ph.D. Thesis Co-Advisor for Marsha Frakes Waggoner, UA, 2004-2005: “Middle English Anchoritic Literature” (passed in April 2005)
– Ph.D. Minor Advisor for Tina Badstübner (2007/2008)
– Master Thesis by James Ford Howell, “The Use and Representation of History in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival (Spring 2008)
– Outside Evaluator (“Opponent”) of Dr. Susanna Niiranen’s doctoral disseration, « Miroir de mérite ». Valeurs sociales, rôles et image de la femme dans les textes trobairitz du XIIe et XIIIe siècle,” University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Jan. 2009 (in French, detailed report of 4 pp.); examiner in Jyväskylä, March 2009.
– Member of Ph.D. Committee for Casey Hasey (April/May 2009)
– Ph.D. Minor Advisor for Agnes Cser (2014-2015)
– Supervisor for Senior Thesis by Reid Sisson, “Hartmann von Aue: the Relativity of Perception: Medieval Epistemology for the 21st Century,” also submitted to the Berkeley German Undergraduate Essay Competition, March 2015
– Supervisor for Martin Opitz and Carolin Radtke, term paper in partial fulfillment for the Ph.D. requirement (April 2015)
– Chair, M.A. Exam of Mark E. Rogers (April 2015)
– Member, M.A. Exam of Nicholas McNutt (April 2015)
– Faculty Mentor for Amalie Sielaff (2016-2017)
– Mentoring Agnes Czer (Jan. 2017)
– Mentoring Thomas Fuhr and Yannleon Chen (2017-2018)
– Director, Ph.D. diss. by Carolin Radtke (2017-2018; broken off)
– Member of the diss. committee for Agnes Czer (2017-2018): “Ich bin und bleibe bloß Poet und als Poet werde ich auch sterben’: Friedrich Schiller’s Sense of Poetic Calling and the Role of the Poetic Idea in His Emerging Professional Identity as a Dramaturge”
– Chair, M.A. exam of Nick Petry, April 2019
– Faculty Mentor for Wojtek Gornicki (2019-2020)
– Mentoring of Ph.D. and master students Sally Abed (Alexandria University, Egypt), Alex Ukropen (University of New Mexico), William Mahan (University of California Davis), Maria Raid (University of Vienna), Michael A. Conrad (University of Zurich), editing and supervising their contribution the volume Pleasure and Leisure in the Middle Ages, ed. A. Classen (2019)
– Mentoring of Ph.D. and master students Jessica K. Zeitler (Pima Community College, Tucson), Filip Hrbek (Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic), Edward Currie (Cornell University), Isidro Luis Jiménez (University of Arizona), Sally Abed (Alexandria University, Egypt), and Emmy Herland (University of Washington, Seattle) editing and supervising their contributions to the volume Imagination and Fantasy in the Middle Ages (Walter de Gruyter, 2020), with numerous intensive rounds of editing.
– Mentoring of M.A. student Atusa Stadler, Bozen, South Tyrol, Spring 2020
– Mentoring of Dr. Reinhold Münster, Schweinfurt, Germany, in his article “The Anthropocene, Technology and Fictional Literature,” for Humanities Open Access (Feb.-July 2020), appeared on July 2, 2020 at file:///C:/Users/aclassen/Downloads/humanities-09-00056%20(1).pdf
– Mentoring of Abba Abba and N. D. Onyemachi in their article “Weeping in the Face of Fortune: Eco-Alienation in the Niger-Delta Ecopoetics,” for Humanities Open Access (June/July 2020)
– Mentoring of anonymous colleague, article Fighting Food Poverty through Film, Or why Global Challenge Research needs the Arts and Humanities,” for Humanities Open Access (June 2020)
2020-2021 Mentoring of Matt Mulconrey and Richmond Embeywa, 2020/2021
2020-2021 Mentoring of Amina Boukail, Arabic Literature Department, University Jijel-Algeria, Nov. 2020 to Jan. 2021; intensive editing of her paper (ca. 10 iterations); ultimately she withdrew from the project
2021 Mentoring of Sally Hamid, Alexandria, Egypt, on her book manuscript, Mapping Western and Arab Travel in Medieval and Early Modern Times, for consideration in our book series, “Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture” (Walter de Gruyter), Jan.-Feb. 2021 (rejected).
2021 Mentoring of María del Mar Navarro, UoA, for her Ph.D. thesis (not on the committee; she asked me for help in understanding some of the texts in German, so we developed a research exchange over several months), “Mapping Isotype: A Systematic Review of Studies Conducted on Pictorial Statistics 1920s to 2020,” Feb.-Oct. 2021
2020-2021 Mentoring of Filip Hrbek, University of Ústí nab Labem, Czech Republic, with a paper on early modern pandemics in Bohemia, Nov. 2020-March 2021
2020-2021 Mentoring of Abel Lorenzo-Rodríguez, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and Doaa Omra, University of New Mexico, with their papers on early medieval monasteries and prisons, Nov. 2020-April 2021
2021 Mentoring of Florian Kehm, Historisches Seminar, Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz (with paper submitted to Mediaevistik)
2021 Mentoring of Madeline Zimring, Berkeley University, CA (with a final project from Middlebury, VT, Summer School), Aug.
2021-2021 Mentoring of Esther von Stosch, UoA
2021-2022 Mentoring of Asmaa Ahmed Youssef Moawad Etman, Higher Institute of Languages and Translation, Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt, Sept.-Dec. (intensive editing work with her; review of numerous versions; much feedback, etc.)
2021 Mentoring of Filip Hrbek, University of Ústí nab Labem, Czech Republic, with his paper on Czech medieval doctors and their critics (vol. ed. A. Classen)., Oct.-Nov.
2021 Mentoring of Amany El-Sawy, University of Alexandria, Egypt (with her paper submitted to my volume, ultimately accepted; ca. 18 revisions, Oct.-Dec.
2021 Mentoring of Brian McDermott, University of Georgia, Dec. (prospectus for his doctoral research project)
2021-2022 Mentoring of Mohamed Mohamed, as Faculty Fellow, Dec.-Feb.
2022 Mentoring of Doaa Omram, University of New Mexico, with her contribution to my vol., Jan.-Feb.
2022 Mentoring of Dr. Reinhold Münster, University of Schweinfurt, Germany, article for a planned volume
2022 Mentoring of Esther Nekoye Masibili, Spring (her research project)
Service to the Department
2021 Member of the APR Committee
2021 Member, Search Committee, 2-year lecturer position (Spring)
2020- Director of Outreach Strategies
2020-2022 Chair, Executive Committee
2019-2020 Organized, planned, advertised, the Study Abroad Program: Soccer in Germany (failed due to lack of student interest)
2019-2020 Member, Search Committee, Assistant Professor Search Committee
2019 Third-year review committee for Dr. Joela Jacobs (Fall)
2018 Member, Master Exam, Laura Tellechea
2017-2018 Member, Master Exam, Amalie Sielaff
2017-2018 Co-Chair, Colloquium Series, organized 8 lectures, invited from across campus, chaired.
2017 Chair, Master Exam, Matthew Mulconney
2016-18 Chair, Ph.D. Committee for Carolin Radtke (broken off by herself)
2016- Member, Study Abroad Committee
2014-15 Member, screening and interviewing candidate for new Asst. Prof. position at the MLA annual convention, Vancouver, BC
2014 Interview of 10 graduate students for 3 grader positions (Ger 160D1), Aug.
2013 Member, Selection Committee for the Federation of German-American Clubs Award
2013 Taught Graduate Class on Konrad Bayer, “kasperl am elektrischen Stuhl,” April
2013 Evaluation of Ph.D. candidates for our program (7 files)
2012-2017 Member, Executive Committee
2012-2021 Chair, Undergraduate Committee
2012- Member, Study Abroad Committee
2011-2012 Member, Executive Committee
2009-2011 Chair, Undergraduate Committee
2009-2010 Member, Executive Committee
2009-2011 Member, Study Abroad Committee
2009-present Delta Phi Alpha Faculty Advisor
2009 Member, Undergraduate Committee
2008- Honors Advisor
2007-2008 Member, Search Committee
2007-2008 Co-Organizer (with David Chisholm) of Faculty Lecture Series
2007- Delta Phi Alpha Faculty Advisor
2007 Clean up of the Departmental Library
2006-2007 Cross-listing of Ger 278 with History
2006-2007 Member of the APR Committee
2006 Member, Ad-hoc Committee for Trad 103 course
2006-2008 Member, Graduate Grievance Committee
2005 Member, Ad-hoc Library Committee
2005-2006 Member, Weinel Scholarship Committee
2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Creation, Coordination, and Updating of Application Package for Provost’s Award for Meritorious Departmental Achievements in Undergraduate Instruction
2004 Local Coordinator for the International Educational Cooperative Program (Work Program, Dr. Günther Seefeldt)
2004 Member, Weinel Scholarship Committee
2003- Chair, Undergraduate Committee
2004-2005 Member, Ad-hoc Ph.D. Planning Committee
2003-2008 Member, Study Abroad Committee
2002-2004 Member, Executive Committee
2002-2008 Chair, Undergraduate Committee
2002 Omnibus Committee
2001-2002 Member, Search Committee, Assistant Professor Search Committee
2001 Chair, two M.A. Examinations, Spring
2001 Member, Executive Committee
2000 Member, Ad-hoc Course Planning Discussion Group (German Culture Course)
1999 Member, Oskar Grunow Fellowship Selection Committee
1999 Organizer and Director of a Preceptorship Program
1998-1999 Member, Executive Committee
1998-2000, 2000-2001 Chair, Teaching & Curriculum Committee
1998 Chair, three M.A. Examinations, Spring
1998 Volunteered in Graduate Student Study Group, Spring
1997-1998 Member, Assistant-Professor Job Search Committee
1997-1998 Member, Teaching & Curriculum Committee
1997-2000 Member, Study Abroad Committee
1997 Chair, two M.A. Examinations, Spring
1997 Member, Ad-Hoc, Taos Fellowship Evaluation Committee
1997 Member, Ad-Hoc Merit Evaluation Committee
1997 Member, Oskar-Grunow Fellowship Selection Committee
1997 Member, Delta-Phi-Alpha Honor Society’s Selection and Induction Committee
1996-1997 Member, Assistant-Professor Job Search Committee
1995-2000 Local Coordinator for the International Educational Cooperative Program (Work Program, Dr. Günther Seefeldt)
1995 Member, Prof. Jane Rice Fourth-Year Review Committee
1995-1997 Member, Executive Committee
1995-1996 Chair, Teaching & Curriculum Committee
1995-2020 Undergraduate Advisor
1992 to 1994 Chair, Study Abroad Committee
1992 to 1994 Undergraduate Advisor
1993 (Fall) Coordinator of German Language Courses (German 202)
1992-2000 Member of Promotion & Tenure Committee
1992 to 1994 Member of Teaching & Curriculum Committee
1992-1998 Member of Library Committee
1991 (Fall) Co-Coordinator of German Language Courses (German 201)
1991 Member of the Task Force for Departmental Mission Statement and Renaming
1991 (Spring) Coordinator of German Language Courses (German 202)
1991 to 1992 Departmental Recorder (Minutes of Faculty Meetings)
1988 to 1991, 1992 to 1994 Member of the Teaching and Curriculum Committee, Dept. of German
1989 to 1991 Member of the Graduate Committee, Dept. of German
1988 to present Public Relation Officer for the Dept. of German
1987 (Fall) to 1988 (Spring) and 1989 (Fall) Coordinator of German Undergraduate Courses (German 201)
1987 to 1992 Chair, Library Committee, Dept. of German
1987 to 1991 Member of the Executive Committee, Dept. of German
1987 Member of the Grunow-Fellowship Selection Committee, Dept. of German
2022 Organizer, Early Book Lecture Series, XVII, April (A. Classen, Cynthia White, Paul Milliman)
2022 Revised two Gen Ed. courses (Ger 278 and Ger 379) for the Refresh Gen.Ed.
2022 Member, Review Committee for the COH Graduate Student Research Grants (13 applications)
2022 Member, Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC), Spring
2021 Revised Ger 160D1 for the Refresh Gen.Ed. program
2021 Workshop for 3 German students enrolled in World Literature: Principles of research, writing of a research paper, bibliography, Nov. (1 hour)
2021 Member, Review Committee for the COH Graduate Student Research Grants (15 applications)
2021 FERPA Training and Test, Aug.
2021 Spring Convocation, May
2021 Member, Council of Graduate Schools, grant proposal committee, Spring
2021 Workshop, Spring meeting of the AZ chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German, March
2021 Workshop on Smart Enough? Intellectual Biases in Higher Education (and Life). ALVSCE Perspectives on Diversity & Inclusion Series, Feb.
2021 Workshop on Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How To Be An Antiracist (2019), Feb.
2020 Workshop on Study Abroad, Medieval Europe, outreach effort to students, Oct.
2020 Workshop with Tophat (LMS), Toronto: Top Scholars Chat., Oct.
2020 Workshop, Zoom New Features, Oct.
2020 Member, DAAD campus selection committee (1 candidate), Oct.
2020 Member, selection committee for the Centennial Awards, 10 M.A. students and 21 Ph.D. students, Oct.
2020 AZ AATG Chapter, Stammtisch meeting, July (zoom)
2020 Workshop, Fulbright Application, July (zoom)
2020 Fall Teaching Workshop series, June/July (zoom)
2020 Participant, Conference on “Remote: The Connected Faculty Summit,” online, ASU, July
2020 Workshop, “Keeping all Students in Mind: Tidbits for Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment in Zoom,” May
2020 Participant, “Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion Speaker Series: Suicides and Suicide Prevention among Students,” April
2020 Self-Paced Class, “Time and Labor: Timekeeping and the FLSA: Your Responsibilities,” April
2020 Chair, Working Group, “How to maintain (or create) international programs of a high quality and diversity,” University Regents and Distinguished Professors, April
2020 Participant, Faculty Community Connection Series, April-May
2020 Workshop Series, The Future of Research at the UoA, April
2020 Workshop, Faculty and Professional Advising, April
2020 Member, Teaching Continuity Faculty Learning Community (FLC), March-August
2020 Organizer, Early Book Lecture Series, April (A. Classen, Cynthia White, Paul Milliman, Jiang Wu), cancelled because of COVID-19
2020 Workshop, Online Teaching Technology, March
2020 Interim Chair, Dean’s Advisory Council, March
2020 Member, Selection Committee for University Distinguished and University Outreach Professors, March (12 cases, ca. 1100 pp. material)
2020 Participant, Student Success Conference: Building Bridges: Collaborating for Student Success, Feb.
2020 Workshop, “Humanities Data,” COH, Jan.
2020 Workshop, “Leveraging Campus Resources for your Research and Teaching,” COH, Jan.
2020 Workshop, “Recruitment, Outreach, Advertisement for Study Abroad Programs,” Jan.
2019 Driving School for HOV, renewal, UoA, Aug.
2019 Workshop, Developing Banners for an AATG-sponsored exhibition “First Encounters,” Cherry Hill, NJ, Feb. (Thu-Su.)
2019 Attendee, “Bolstering Student Achievement: Student Success Conference 2019, UoA, Feb.
2019 Workshop, “Increasing Intercultural Competence,” UoA, Jan.
2019 Member, tenure track search committee, evaluation of 63 files, Nov.
2019 Member, selection committee for the Centennial Awards, 10 M.A. students and 24 Ph.D. students, Oct.
2019 Tour of campus for Prof. Alfred Gouaffo, University of Dschang, Cameroon, Oct.
2019 Voice coach for Christine Renee Graham, opera singer, Flagstaff, Middle High German, Oct.
2019 Campus workshop, General Education program, UoA, Oct.
2019 Sept., Co-Organizer and Co-Staffer, Major Fair (ca. 3 hours)
2019 Member, DAAD campus selection committee (3 candidates) (Sept.)
2019 Introduction to graduate students, Dept. of German Studies, Aug.
2019 Workshop, Introduction to the SALT Center, Aug.
2019 Workshop, SHARP Smart Office, Faculty User Training, Aug.
2019-2020 Member, College of Humanities Promotion and Tenure Committee
2019 Workshop, Disability and the SALT Center, Advising, April
2019 Organizer, Early Book Lecture Series, UoA, April, 3 lectures
2019 Judge, Grad Slam Competition, March
2019 Workshop, “Peer Review of Teaching Protocol,” UoA, March
2019 “Promoting Equity Through Inclusive Teaching Practices,” UoA, March
2019 Volunteer, Festival of Books, CoH, UoA, March
2019 Workshop, “Bias in the Classroom,” UoA, Feb.
2019 “Perspectives on Diversity & Inclusion Speaker Series: Mentoring Across the Racial Divide: Advising to Expose the Hidden Curriculum,” by Dr. Stephanie Troutman, Feb.
2019 Organizer and chair, Spring meeting of the AZ AATG chapter, ASU, Tempe, Feb.
2019 Workshop, Works-in-Progress with Dr. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, UA, Feb.
2019 Member, Selection Committee for University Distinguished Professors
2018 Workshop, “Models of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences,” Dec.
2018-2019 Member, Search Committee, Provost Position
2018- Member, Regents and Distinguished Professors (RDP) group
2018 Workshop, Strategic Advising Dashboard, Dec.
2018 Moderator and chair, Colloquium talk by Beth Plummer, History, Nov.
2018 Moderator and chair, Colloquium talk by Prof. Christian Veillet, Astronomy, Oct.
2018 Member, selection committee for the Centennial Awards, 7 M.A. students and 13 Ph.D. students, Oct.
2018 Member, DAAD campus selection committee (3 candidates)
2018-2021 Member, External Honors and Awards Committee, COH
2018 Sept., Organizer and Co-Staffer, Major Fair (ca. 3 hours)
2018-2021 Member, College of Humanities External Honors and Awards Committee
2018 Workshop, Meet Advisors and Student Support Groups Across Campus, Sept.
2018 Tour of campus for a potential M.A. candidate, Lauren Cassidy, Aug.
2018 Interim Chair, Dean’s Advisory Council, May
2018 Grad Slam Judge, Competition, March
2018 COH Awards Committee (5 Teaching Award appl., 6 Senior Awards, 6 Teaching Assistant Awards)
2018 Volunteer for College of Humanities at Book Fair, March (3 hours)
2018 Judge, Student Showcase, graduate and undergraduate projects, 3 hours, Feb.
2018 Organizer and Chair, Spring Meeting of the AZ AATG Chapter, ASU, Tempe, Feb. (two workshops, 1 literary reading, 24 participants; drove 4 participants)
2018 UA Gallup Alumni Survey, Scores and Results, Feb.
2018 Strategic Planning for the University, Workshop, Jan.
2018 General Education in the United States: Trends and Practices,” offered by Susan Albertine, Jan.
2017 Health and Safety Overview, UA Travel with Students, Dec.
2017 GER 508 Symposium: Fremdenfreundlichkeit (graduate student conference), 3 hours, attendance, Dec.
2017 Faculty Fellow Resource Series: Introduction to Handshake, Nov.
2017 Organizer and Presider, Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, NAU, Flagstaff (20 participants; drove 8 people up and down, booked the hotel, put together the program)
2017 Member, Selection Committee, DAAD, Oct. (2 candidates)
2017 Chair and Moderator for Claudia Sandberg’s showing of her movie “Hidden Films: A Journey from Exile to Memory,” Oct. (organized the refreshments as well)
2017 Workshop, AZ Humanities, AZ Speaks, Phoenix (webinar), Oct. 19
2017 Participant, Advisors and Undecided Undergraduate Students, Mixer, Oct.
2017 Organizer and staff person, German table at Major Fair (3 hours), Oct.
2017 Workshop, “Exploratory Practice,” Goethe-Institute Chicago, Sept.-Oct. (weekend)
2017 Staffing of Booth, Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts, “New Faculty Members Meeting,” Sept.
2017 Workshop, Adobe Creative Cloud, May
2017 UA Inclusive Excellence Symposium, March
2017 Oceans and Deserts 2017: Charting Transdisciplinary Currents in Environment and Culture, German Studies, March
2017 Volunteer, Festival of Books, UoA, March
2017 Ethnicity, Gender & Transborder Studies Summit, Pima Community College, March
2017 Workshop (8 hours), Preparing for International Trips, Programs & Research, March
2017 Moderator, Discussion Panel for movie “Lili Marleen,” March
2017 Judge, Student Showcase, 3 hours, Feb.
2017 “Learning Better,” The Center for University of Education Symposium, Feb.
2017 Moderator, Discussion Panel for movie “Hannah Arendt,” Dept. Film Series, Feb.
2017 Member, Committee for the selection of Distinguished Professors and Distinguished Outreach Faculty Awardees
2017 Workshop for Graduate Students, Letter of Application, C.V., Job Interviews, Feb.
2016 Open Textbook Workshop, Library, Dec.
2016-2018 Member, COH Awards Committee (ca. 50 files each time)
2016 DAAD/GAES research grants selection committee, Oct.
2016-2019 Faculty Fellow, La Aldea Graduate Housing
2016 Judge, translation projects for the LMIT Award
2016 Organizer and Co-Chair of the Early Book Lecture Series XII (3 lectures, April)
2016 Attendance of Oceans and Deserts: Charting Transdisciplinary Currents in Environment and Culture within the Arts and Sciences, UA, April
2016 Judge, Graduate Slam, March
2016-2019 Member, Dean’s Advisory Committee
2016 Creating LGBTQA+Inclusive Academic Environments (Jan.)
2015 Library Webpage Consultation, UA Library (Nov.)
2015 Attendance, 9th Annual SAEM/AISS Symposium: #MeetGenZ” (Nov.)
2015 Faculty Fellow Resource Series: Textbook Ordering (Sept.)
2015 Participant, Study Abroad Fair, 4 hours (Sept.)
2015 Member, Gen. Ed. Writing PLC (Fall)
2015-2016 Faculty Fellow, Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall
2015 High Occupancy Vehicle Training Class (4 hours), Aug.
2015 Workshop on Collaborative Learning Spaces, Aug.
2015 Workshops on how to use Top Hat software for teaching, Aug.-Dec.
2015 Three workshops on how to use Notebowl (Feb. through May)
2015 Welcoming Address to Empire High School German Students, and tour of the library, April
2015 Judge, Donna Swain Study Abroad Scholarship (69 applications), April
2015 Member, Working Group, Non-Tenure-Track Faculty at the UA, April
2015 Organizer and Co-Chair of the Early Book Lecture Series XII (3 lectures, April)
2015 Participant, Workshop, Development of New Library Space Roundtable, March
2015 Judge, Grad Slam Competition, March
2015 Workshop on BowlNotes, Learner Centered Software, March
2015 Chair for Keynote Speaker Joellen Russel, Oceans and Deserts: Charting Transdisciplinary Currents in Environment and Culture within the Arts and Sciences, March
2015 Faculty Fellowship office hour en lieu of Richard Ruiz, César Chavez, March
2015 Workshop on Digital Learning, D2L, and Future Planning for UA, March
2015 Workshop on RefWorks: Introduction to Basic Features, Feb.
2015 Workshop to Improve Instructional Feedback on Student Writing, Jan.
2015 Translation of Chapter 125: The Epigrams,” Julius Caesar Scaliger, Poetices in septum libri (1561), for Peter Medine, Jan.
2014 Participant, Workshop, UA Vitae System, Dec.
2014 Member, Ad-hoc Committee, Interviewing of Candidates for the Position Director of Special Collections, Dec.
2014 Judge, Political Debate, in RSSS 195A: “The Other Kazakhstan,” Nov.
2014 Participant, Symposium, Global Higher Education: Innovative Opportunities, Outcomes and Pathways, Nov.
2014 Judge, Graduate and Undergraduate Student Showcase, Nov. (3 hours)
2014 Collaborative Learning Spaces Workshop, Oct.
2014 Attendance of the 8th Annual Student Affairs and Enrollment Management/Academic Initiatives and Student Success Symposium, Oct
2014-2015 Mentor for graduate student Nicholas McNutt
2014 Workshop, “Teaching Talk: Effectively Using D2L Tools,” Oct.
2014 Workshop, “Health and Safety Considerations: UA Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program Planning,” Oct.
2014 Member, Review Committee on Graduate Student Applications for a DAAD research grant, 2015
2014 FERPA: A View From Far and Near, Oct.
2014 Organizer and staff person, German table at Major Fair (4 hours), Oct.
2014 Workshop, Strategic Faculty Hiring Plans, Sept.
2014 Consultant/Advisor for German Transfer and Freshmen Students, Sept.
2014 Member, Interviewing and Consulting committee for Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship applicants, Sept.
2014 Voice Coach for Prof. Diane Winslow, Theatre, and her students, Sept.
2014 COH Peer Review/Dean’s-level Audit Committee, Chair
2014 Member, Promotion Committee for Jiang Wu, East Asian Studies, UA
2014 How to market a Study Abroad Program, UA, Sept.
2014 Organizing and staffing a table for German Studies, 2014 Bear Down Experience, Aug.
2014-2015 Faculty Fellow, Colonia de La Paz Residence Hall, then replaced by Rawls/Eller Lodge
2014 Participant, Workshop, De-Briefing e-Content Textbooks, May
2014 Participant, Workshop, Classroom Technology Upgrade – Innovative Learning Project, May
2014 Participant, Workshop, “Bringing Every Subject to Life, The New York Times for the classroom, (April)
2014 Organizer and Co-Chair of the Early Book Lecture Series (3 lectures, April)
2014 Consultations with Michael Spieth, Goethe-Institute New York, (March)
2014 College of Humanities and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Retreat, Feb.
2014 Participant, Workshop on how to improve the library catalogue website, Feb.
2014 Workshop for Graduate Students, “Bibliographieren fürs wissenschaftliche Arbeiten,” Feb.
2014 Workshop, “Study Abroad for Engineering Students,” Jan.
2014 Participant, Arizona Humanities Speakers Bureau Speaker Orientation, Phoenix, Jan.
2014 Participant, University of Arizona Forum on Strenghtening International Research Collaborations, Jan.
2013 Establishment of a Thematic Minor in Medieval Studies, UA
2013 Participant, Innovative Technology in the Language Classroom: A Professional Development Workshop for Language Instructors, UA, Dec. 14
2013 Organizer and chair, 16th “Work-in-progress” Symposium, UAMARRC, Dec. 6 (6 presenters)
2013 Judge, Graduate Student Showcase, Nov. (4 hours)
2013 Organizer, 11th Early Book Lecture Series, Special Collections (for 2014)
2013 Staff person at booth for the Faculty Fellows tent at Family Weekend, Oct.
2013 Organizer and staff person, German table at Major Fair, Oct.
2013 Participant, 2013-2014 kick-off, Advisors introductory meeting, Sept.
2013 Faculty mentor for graduate students Chris Ludwig and Chelsea Steinert
2013 Moderator and Participant, Freshmen Welcome Event, Faculty Panel Q&A Session, Aug.
2013 Participation in the IT Summit 2013: Exploring Collaboration and Best Practices on Campus (July)
2013 Hosting of the Honorary Consul of Germany, Helge Jordan, and William M. Drozdiak, President of the American Council on Germany, May
2013 Workshop on Textbooks Online, Cengage Learning, UA Bookstore, April
2013 Workshop on Panopto for online class development
2013 Organizer and Co-Chair, “Early Book Lecture Series, X,” April (3 public lectures), Special Collection, University of Arizona Library
2013-2015 COH Peer Review/Dean’s-level Audit Committee
2013 Workshop on Ellumination and related Softwares, Feb.
2013 Evaluator/Reviewer of 10 grant applications for the Community Connection Grants, Feb.
2013 Evaluator, Pilot Study of New Website for Special Collections, Library, Jan.
2013 Member, Student Club, Olympia Academy – discussion forum, Jan.
2013 Workshop with the Office of Instruction and Assessment, Jan.
2013 Co-Evaluator of Ph.D. qualifying exercise paper (Agnes Cser)
2012 Member, Review Committee on Graduate Student Applications for a DAAD research grant, 2013
2012 Organizer and chair, 15th “Work-in-progress” Symposium, UAMARRC, Nov. 9 (6 presenters)
2012 Organizer and staff person, German table at Major Fair, Oct.
2012-13 Mentor in the Arizona Assurance Program (Mentor for Amaris Henry)
2012-2013 Member, Learning Spaces Council
2012 Workshop, Introduction to Panopto online software for teaching
2012-2013 Member, Academic Awards Committee, COH
2012 Workshop, Research Ambassador, DAAD, New York, NY, Aug. (2 days)
2012 Faculty Fellow, Yuma Residence Hall
2012-2014 Faculty Fellow, Posada San Pedro
2012 Workshop, How to work with Studiocode software, May
2012 Workshop, How to operate with clickers in the classroom, May
2012 College of Humanities, Student Awards Committee, May
2012 College of Humanities, Senior Awards and GAT Awards Committee, April
2012 College of Humanities, Advising and Teaching Awards Committee, April
2012 Shuttle driver for the conference attendees, Multilingual, 2.0?, April
2012 Conference, Multilingual, 2.0?, 3 days, attendee, April
2012 Two-day lecture series, “From the Latino Archivo to Your PC or Laptop or Hand-Held Device: EBSCO,” April
2012 Organizer and Co-Chair, “Early Book Lecture Series, IX,” April
2012 Workshop, “Copyright and Fair Use,” ILC/UA Library, March
2012 Workshop for students in Ger 278: Review session for exam, Feb.
2012 “Neither) Here Nor There: Stories from Life on the Borderlands,” Story Telling Workshop on the Border, Museum of Art, Feb.
2012 Workshop on email list service using sympa software, Feb.
2012 Workshop for the ACMRS Cambridge Summer Program (set up of room, advertisement, chairing of workshop), Feb.
2012 Member, Workshop on Classroom Space Technology and Pedagogy, Jan.
2012 Attendance, Symposium on “Political Discourse, Civility, @ Harm,” Law School, UA, Jan. (5 hours)
2012 Faculty Fellow, Posada San Pedro Residence Hall (Spring)
2011 Hosting the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Los Angeles, Marc Eichhorn, Nov. (4 hours)
2011 Introduction to Prezi Presentation, Workshop, Nov.
2011 Grant Development Workshop, Nov.
2011 Member, Faculty Advisory Team – Campus Technology Update Project, Nov.
2011 Participant, Cyber Citizen Forum, workshop, Oct.
2011 Participant, preparatory workshop for conference on Multilingualism, Oct.
2011 Organizer and staff person, German table at Major Fair, Sept.
2011 FERPA Web Course (Sept.)
2011 Faculty Fellow, Santa Cruz/Apache Residence Hall
2011-2012 Faculty Fellow, Yavapai Residence Hall
2011-2012 Mentor for Graduate Student Christina Butler
2011-2013 Member, Dean’s Advisory Council
2011- Member, Committee of Regents and University Distinguished Professsors
2011 Sabbatical Review Committee
2011 CPR workshop for study abroad faculty, UoA, May
2011-2013 Member, Undergraduate Council
2011-2013 Member, Committee on Conciliation
2011 College of Humanities, Senior Awards and GAT Awards Committee, April
2011 College of Humanities, Advising and Teaching Awards Committee, April
2011 Judge, Southern Arizona Language Fair, April
2011 Member, 1885 Society Arts & Humanities Graduate Fellowship Committee (8 applications reviewed)
2011 Workshop, High Occupancy Vehicle Training, March (4 hours)
2011 Workshop, Attendee, How to Order Textbooks, UA Bookstore, Feb.
2011 Organizer and Co-Chair, “Early Book Lecture Series, VIII,” Feb. (3 lectures), welcome and good-by speech
2010 Organizer and Chair, 14th “Work-in-Progress-Symposium,” UAMARRC, Nov. 19: 5 speakers (ca. 350 attendants)
2010 Workshop on “Making your case: How to reach out to donors,” by Tom Ahern. Nov.
2010 Participant, Workshop on Graduate Studies for Undergraduate Students, Oct.
2010 Organizer and staff person, German table at Major fair, Sept.
2010-2011 Member, College of Humanities Sabbatical Review Committee
2010 Workshop, Social Networks, Sept.
2010 Introduction to Drupal workshop, Sept. 2010
2010-2011 Mentor for graduate student Jessica Nicolle (German Studies)
2010-12 COH Peer Review/Dean’s-level Audit Committee
2010-11 Mentor in the Arizona Assurance Program (mentor of Nathaniel Ponvert and Amberly Roudybush )
2010-2011 Faculty Fellow at Pima Residence Hall
2010 3 Workshop on how to use the TurningTechnologies clickers, Aug. (5 hours)
2010 Judge, Southern Arizona Language Fair, April
2010 College of Humanities, Senior Awards and GAT Awards Committee, April
2010 Workshop to Design an Institute of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, March (8 hours)
2010 Fribourg Study Abroad Selection Committee
2010 Workshop, Supplementary Instruction for Large Classes, Feb.
2010 Organizer/driver, ride to the ACMRS conference, Tempe, Feb. (with 2 grad. students)
2010 Initiator and Co-coordinator of “Early Book Lecture Series VII,” UAMARRC and Special Collections, UA Library (organized 4 lectures by UAMARRC members), Feb. and March
2010 Member, “Responder Committee” (campus-wide use of iclickers)
2010 Workshop on iclickers, advanced level, Jan.
2009- Advisor to the “Paintball Club,” UA
2009 Participant, Departmental Retreat, Dec.
2009 Workshop: “Degree Audit Training,” UA, Dec.
2009 Workshop: “Copyright and the University in the Era of Google Books,” UA, Nov.
2009 Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Nov.
2009 Workshop on iclickers for large classes, Nov.
2009 Organizer and Chair, 13th “Work-in-Progress-Symposium,” UAMARRC, Oct. (6 papers)
2009 Mentor in the Arizona Assurance Program (mentor of Adrian Lira and Morgan Maxwell)
2009 Book Discussion for Honors Freshmen, Aug. (John Kotre, White Gloves, 1996).
2009-2011 Member, Committee on Conciliation
2009- Chair, UAMARRC
2009-2012 Member, COH Peer Review Committee for Annual Performance Review and Post- Tenure Review
2009 Organizer and Chair, 12th “Work-in-Progress-Symposium,” UAMARRC, April (5 papers)
2009 College of Humanities, Senior Awards and GAT Awards Committee, April
2009 Participant, Symposium “How to read our documents,” GEMS, Feb.
2009 Member, Senior Awards Screening Committee (ca. 50 nominations)
2009 Participant, Study Abroad Fair,
2009 Pronunciation Coach for Actress, Arizona Theatre Company, Feb.
2009 Organizer and Chair, 11th “Work-in-Progress-Symposium,” UAMARRC, Jan (5 papers)
2009 Ad hoc member of the Dean’s Advisory Council
2008-2009 Initiator and Co-coordinator of “Early Book Lecture Series VI,” UAMARRC and Special Collections, UA Library (organized four lectures by UAMARRC members), Feb.
2008 Roundtable Discussion on Online Courses, UoA, Dec.
2008 “Meet Ten Perfect Strangers,” Faculty-UoA Bookstore relationship, Nov.
2008 Introduction to Cornell Spider Sweep, workshop, UoA, Nov.
2008 “Effective use of a Power Point Presentation,” Teaching Center, UoA, Nov.
2008 Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Nov.
2008 Member, Award Committee, COH Graduating Undergraduate Senior Award
2008 “How to teach a large-size class,” Teaching Center, UoA, Oct.
2008 Member, UoA Working Group on the Project Bamboo
2008 Organizer, German Table, Major Fair, October
2008 Judge, “Battle of the Towers,” Arizona/Sonora vs. Coronado Residence Hall, Camups, March
2008 2008 Advisor & Officer Club Summit, UA, Feb.
2008 Ad-hoc Member, University Wide General Education Committee
2007-2008 Initiator and Co-coordinator of “Early Book Lecture Series V,” UAMARRC and Special Collections, UA Library (organized four lectures by UAMARRC members), Febr.
2007 UA Advisor In-Service, Dec.
2007 Participant at the Peter and Pat Likins Day (Freshmen and their parents), Nov.
2007 Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Nov.
2007 Nomination of Courtney C. Johnson for the Undergraduate Senior Award (successful)
2007 Organizer and Participant, German Table, Major Fair, October
2007 Attendance, “World Class Student Affairs: Passport to Success,” Sept.
2007-2008 COH Peer Review/Dean’s-level Audit Committee
2007-2010 Faculty Fellow (Sonora/Arizona Residence Hall)
2007-2010 Member of the Group for Early Modern Studies Steering Committee (GEMS)
2007-2008 Replacement Chair for UAMARRC
2007 Advising Kick-Off Event, Workshop for Academic Advisors, Aug.
2007 Chair, April Meeting of PAL
2007 Member of the Panel, “Conference Paper Writing and Delivery:? Choices and Protocols: A Faculty/Student Round Table Discussion,” UAMARRC, April
2007 Participant, “Speed Leadership Workshop,” Omicron Delta Kappa, April
2007 Member, Undergraduate Senior Award Committee, COH
2007 Co-Coordinator, Committee for Foreign Language Booths at the Foreign Language Fair, March
2007 Assistance with German Pronunciation for a theater production, Dept. of Theatre, Feb.
2007 Participant, Study Abroad Fair, Campus, Feb.
2007 Initiator and Co-coordinator of “Early Book Lecture Series IV,” UAMARRC and Special Collections, UA Library (organized four lectures by UAMARRC members), Febr.
2007 Nomination of Susana Ruiz for the University Staff Award for Excellence
2006-2007 Member, College of Humanities Sabbatical Review Committee
2006 Member, Award Committee, COH Graduating Undergraduate Senior Award
2006 Judge, Student Showcase
2006 Teaching Teams Program Faculty Development Workshop, “Ensuring Equitable Access to the Learning in Your Class,” Oct.
2006-2008 Member, Poetry Center Advisory Board
2006 Organizer and Participant, German Table, Major Fair, October
2006 Teaching Teams Program Faculty Development Workshop, “Learning about learning and what it means for your teaching,” UA, Sept.
2006 COH Peer Review/Dean’s-level Audit Committee, Chairperson
2006 Nomination of Michael Hart-Slattery to Thunderbird graduate school (successful)
2006 Nomination of Robert Gibboni III, Honors’ Award (successful)
2006 Workshop, “Managing Large Classes,” Turning Information Into Knowledge, April
2006 Workshop, “Getting Your Students to Do & Understand the Reading,” Turning Information Into Knowledge, April
2006 Nomination of Naomi Bishop and Aaron Graf for “Graduate School Experience Seminar, University of Philadelphia (Max Kade and DAAD fellowships)- not successful
2006 Co-Coordinator, Committee for Foreign Language Booths at the Foreign Language Fair, March
2006 Judge, Arizona Foreign Language Fair, UA, March
2006 Workshop, “How to Keep Writing Assignments From Killing You,”Turning Information Into Knowledge, March
2006 Workshop, “Why Can’t I Just Use the Internet?,”Turning Information Into Knowledge, March
2006 Nomination of Nathan Harwell and Christina Butler for the Graduating Senior Award (Butler receiving an Honorable Mention, Harwell a Certificate of Distinction)
2006 Workshop, “Best Practices in Honor Teaching,” Feb.
2006 Initiator and Co-coordinator of “Early Book Lecture Series III: The Brilliance of the Middle Ages,” UAMARRC and Special Collections, UA Library (organized four lectures by members of UAMARRC)
2006 Nomination of Rafaela Farney and Susana Ruiz for the University Staff Award for Excellence (successful (for Ms. Farney)
2006 “Creating an Effective Persona for Your Classroom,” Feb.
2005 Workshop, “Teaching Teams Toolkit: Preceptors,” Nov.
2005 Member, Award Committee, COH Graduating Undergraduate Senior Award
2005 Judge, Graduate Student Showcase, Nov.
2005 Organizer and Participant, German Table, Major Fair, October
2005 With Marie Rozenblit, Coordinator, Workshop, McKinsey&Company Presentation
2005-2008 Elected Member, Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure
2005 Chair, University Hearing Board, Aug.
2005 Workshop, Editors of Scholarly Journals Roundtable, UA Library, April
2005 Co-Coordinator, Committee for Foreign Language Booths at the Foreign Language Fair, March
2005 Workshop, “Managing Large Classes,” Turning Information into Knowledge, March
2005 Workshop, “Learner-Centered Education I: Philosophy and Practice,” Turning Information into Knowledge, Feb.
2005 Workshop, “Critical Thinking and Learning Outcome,” Turning Information into Knowledge, Feb.
2005 Workshop, “Exploring the Disconnect between Instructor Expectations and Student Skills,” Turning Information into Knowledge, Jan.
2005 Initiator and Co-coordinator of “Early Book Lecture Series II,” UAMARRC and Special Collections, UA Library (organized four lectures by UAMARRC members)
2005-2007 The Henry and Phyllis Koffler Prize Award Committee
2004 Co-Coordinator, Committee for Foreign Language Booths at the Foreign Language Fair, March
2004 Member, Award Committee, COH Graduating Undergraduate Senior Award
2004 Member, Small Grant Faculty Committee (Fall)
2004 Organizer and Participant, German Table, Major Fair, October
2004 Moderator, Steering Committee Meeting, Partnership Across Campus, Sept.
2004 Two Day Faculty Retreat, Rio Rico, AZ, Sept.
2004 Workshop, “Who are your students?,” Turning Information into Knowledge, Aug.
2004 Summer Freshmen Orientation Exhibition, German Table, May/June and August
2004 Member, P&T Committee for Del Philipps, Russian and Slavic (for Full Prof.)
2004 Member of Panel, “Shaping the Future of Scholarly Communication,” UA Libraries Special Collections, April
2004 Chair, P&T Committee for Peter Ecke (for Associate Prof. w/tenure)
2004 Member, COH Students Awards Committee
2004 Judge, Arizona Foreign Language Fair, UA, March
2004 Member, Small Grant Faculty Committee, Spring (UA)
2004 Participant, Study Abroad Fair, “Medieval Travel Course,” Feb.
2004 Turning Information into Knowledge Workshop #3: “Critical Competencies”, Feb.
2004 Initiator and Co-coordinator of “Early Book Lecture Series I,” UAMARRC and Special Collections, UA Library (organized six lectures by UAMARRC members), Jan.-March, Moderator of four sessions
2004 Teaching Teams Faculty Workshop, Jan.
2003 Co-Coordinator, Committee for Foreign Language Booths at the Foreign Language Fair, March 2003
2003 Advisor Training Workshop, Nov. (UA)
2003 Member, Honor Consortium, Fall (UA) (honor students advising fair)
2003 Member, Small Grant Faculty Committee, Fall (UA)
2003 Member, Fulbright Faculty Committee, Fall (UA)
2003 Organizer and Participant, German Table, Major Fair, October
2003 University Hearing Board 2-day Training Workshop (Rules, Cases, Principles), Sept.
2003 Summer Freshmen Orientation Exhibition, German Table, May
2003 Boyer Partnership Assessment Project (Student/Faculty Interaction Program Assessment)
2003 Judge, Arizona Foreign Language Fair, UoA, March
2003 “Transformational Publishing,” UA Library and the School of Information Resources and Library Science, Feb.
2003 Participant, Study Abroad Fair, “Medieval Travel Course,” Feb.
2003 Member, General Education Course Preview Subcommittee
2003 Participant, Preventing Plagiarism,” UA, Jan.
2003 Moderator, Steering Committee Meeting, Partnership Across Languages, Jan.
2002-2003 Member, General Education Subcommittee, Community Outreach
2002 Local Coordinator for the International Educational Cooperative Program (Work Program, Dr. Günther Seefeldt)
2002 Organizer and Participant, German Table, Major Fair, October
2002 Member, Graduate Council Graduate Program Review Committee A
2002 Member, Grant Selection Committee, UAMARRC Graduate Research Grant, Fall
2002 Participant: Introduction to Citrix and GTC (Corporate Web-Based Security Applications), June
2002 (Fall)-2005 (Spring) Member, University General Education Committee
2002 Participant: Workshop, Introduction to XanEdu Course Pack Development Services, March
2002 Workshop, “Learning about Learning Styles” by Dr. Nidhi Mahendra, UoA, March
2002 Judge, Arizona Foreign Language Fair, UoA, March
2002 Participant, Workshop, “Managing Copyright in a Digital Environment,” UoA, March
2002 Participant: Workshop, “Improving Multimedia and Online Courses with Instructional Design,” Starlink, UoA, Feb.
2002 Faculty Advisor, International Relations Society
2002 Workshop, “Safety on International Travels,” UoA, Feb.
2001 Offered: Pronunciation and Translation of Middle High German for Prof. Wanda Brister, School of Music (Concert Preparation), Sept. and October
2001-2002, 2002-2005 Elected Member, University Hearing Board
2001- Executive Committee, UAMARRC
2001 Moderator, Steering Committee Meeting, PAL, UoA, April
2001 Member, Review Committee for the Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship Program (Graduate College)
2001 Workshop, “How to compress images for a website,” FICII, UoA, April
2001 Organizer and Participant, German Table, Major Fair, March
2001 Judge, Arizona Foreign Language Fair, UoA, March
2001 Workshop (4 hours): Shaping the Future of Scholarly Publishing: A Faculty Seminar, Febr.
2001 Workshop: Advanced Power Point, with Audio and Video, Jan.
2000 UCITA Satellite Teleconference, UoA, Dec.
2000 Chair, College of Humanities Grade Appeal Committee
2000-2001 Member, Academic Advising Task Force
2000-2002 Member, Dean’s Academic Advisory Council
2000 Participant, General Education Fair, UoA, Nov.
2000 Support of Prof. Richard Kinkade, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, for the Nomination to a Distinguished Professorship
2000 Heinle & Heinle Videoconference, “How to Mentor TAS,” UoA, Oct.
2000 Adobe Image 5.5 Workshop, UoA, Oct
2000 Certification for Driving a 15-Person Van, Defensive Driving Training, Oct.
2000 Organizer and Participant, German Table, Major Fair, Sept.
2000 Participant, German Table, Study Abroad Fair, Sept.
2000 Participant, Teaching Team Preceptor One-day Workshop, Sept.
2000-2002 Member, Committee on Conciliation
2000 Member, Rules and Policies Committee, Graduate Council
2000 Cataloging of Premodern Books (15th-17th centuries) for Arizona State Museum, translation of titles and creation of brief synopses.
2000 Chair, Selection Committee for the Provost’s General Education Teaching Award
2000 Member, Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Committee, Prof. Julian Kunnie (Assoc. to Full)
2000 Judge, Mr. and Ms. U. of A Pageant
2000 Grades on the Web Workshop, Jan.
2000 Member, Selection Committee, Provost’s General Education Teaching Award
2000 Week-long Technology Workshop, Faculty Center for Computing and Teaching, Jan.
1999 Judge, Student Showcase (Humanities, Graduate), Nov.
1999 Organizer and Participant, German Section, Major Fair, Sept.
1999 Organizer and Participant, German Section, Study Abroad Fair, Sept
1999-2003 Member, Graduate Council
1999-2002 Member, University Hearing Board
1999-2001 Member, Pizza with a Professional (Freshman Orientation and Advising)
1999 Participant, AP German Testing Conference, April, UoA
1999- Early Academic Outreach & Development APEX & MESA Programs, Speakers Bureau
1999-2002 At-large Committee Member of the Dean’s Academic Advisory Council
1998 Member, Sabbatical Review Committee
1998 Judge, Sixth Annual Student ‘98 Showcase, UA, Nov.
1998 Organizer, General Education Fair, UA, October
1998 Organizer and Participant, Major Fair, German Table, UA, September
1998- Faculty Advisor, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity
1998 Workshop Series General Education Round Table Discussion Series, Febr.-May
1998 Participant: Study Abroad Fair, March
1998 Organizer and Participant, Multicultural Week
1998 Member, Committee on Graduate Study
1998-2000 Member, Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure
1997 Organizer and Participant, Major Fair, German Table, UA, October
1997 Review Committee, Provost’s Author Support Fund
1997 Workshop “Career-Related Advising to Undergraduate Students,” UA, Sept.
1997- Member, Partnership Across Languages Executive Committee (PAL)
1996-1997 College of Humanities, Teaching Award Committee
1996-1997 Member at large, Dean’s Academic Advisory Council, UA
1996-1998, Chair, College of Humanities Promotion & Tenure Committee, UA
1996 Organizer, German Section, Majors Fair, UA, October
1995 Technology Workshop for Faculty, November
1995 Library Discussion Group, December
1995-1997 Chair, Buddy Faculty Group, UA
1995-1996 Member, College of Humanities Promotion & Tenure Committee, UA
1995 Teaching Across Languages: Que tal, UA, May
1995 Spring Discussion Series: The Role of the Research University
1995 Instructional Technology Pilot, UA, April-May
1995 Member, Committee on Ranked Faculty Involvement in Basic Teaching, Faculty of Humanities = Hurwitz Goals Team # 4
1995 Faculty Development Retreat, Nogales, AZ, February
1995 Invitation of Jürgen Zander, presenter of: “Die deutsche Kultur in Namibia,” UA, Jan.
1995 “Improving Student Writing” Symposium, UA, Jan.
1994 Member, Panel Discussion, “International Teaching Assistants Orientation
1994-1997 Member, Partnership Across Languages Committee
1994 Orientation for International Teaching Assistants Program
1994 Member, Selection Committee, Tübingen Exchange Program
1993-1997 Member, Faculty Buddy Program
1993 Chair, Sunset Review of Poetry Center, UA
1993-2000 Member of the Humanities Research Advisory Committee, UA
1993-1994 Member of the Head Search Committee (Dept. of German Studies), UA
1993-1995 Intercollegiate Conversations, UA
1993-1995 On Course Advisory Committee, UA
Spring 1993 Dean’s Advisory Committee on 21st Century Curriculum Development, UA
Fall 1992 Reader/Judge for the Columbus Quincentenary Essay Competition, UA
Fall 1992-1999 Member of the CCLS Steering and Advisory Committee
Spring 1992-Spring 1993 Appointed Member of the General Education Committee, UA
1992- Member, Advising Center for Exploratory Students Mentor Program, UA
1991- Member of Student Mentor Program, Honor’s Program, UA
1989- Member of the UA Faculty-Student Honors’ Dialogues.
1989-1999 Member of the Grades Appeal Committee, UA
1988-2002 Member of the Campus Library Council, UA
1989-2000 Member Graduate Committee, UA
1987- Member of the University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Committee (UAMARRC)
1987-1992 Member of the Faculty of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory (Graduate) 1986-1987 Counselor, International Center, U of VA
1985-1986 Registrar, Institute of German-American Relations, U of VA
1984-1986 Translator for German Department and School of Arts and Sciences, U of VA
WORKSHOPS (beyond the campus)
2021 Workshop: “Networking among German teachers,” Chandler High School, Melanie Mello, Feb.
2021 “Standing against Structural Racism: Anti-Racist Teaching as Anti-Racist Action (Dr. Natasha A. Kelly),” provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Goethe-Institute, Chicago, Dec. 4 and Dec. 11
2021 Attendance of the November meeting of the AZ chapter of the AATG, Ironwood High School, American Leadership Academy, Queen Creek, AZ, 8 hours
2021 3rd Annual Leiden Austrian Studies Lecture: “‘Revisiting a Renaissance Classic: Theuerdank, Maximilian I (1486-1519) and the Discovery of the World’,” Nov. 2
2021 Acceptance of two potential Workshops for Arizona Humanities: What is Language and What Language/s Do We Actually Speak?; and: The Grimms’ Fairy Tales, Aug.
2021 Participant, Brightspace Help Functions, Use of D2L, April
2021 Participant, Talk on “Fieldwork in the Humanities,” by Debra A. Castillo, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Parley 1, Dept. of English, University of Gour Banga, India (West Bengali), Lecture Series, Feb.
2021 Participant, Impact Talk on “Orientalism, Critical Religion, the Music of India: A German Critique,” by Isabella Schwaderer, University of Kiel, organized by Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, India, Jan.
2020 Editorial Board Meeting, MDPI, Journal Humanities, Chair, Dec. 15 (global)
2020 Workshop, “The Kids are Not Alright: Applying the Lessons Learned from Fall 2020,” Top Hat, Online Learning Management, Dec.
2020-2021 Participant, Mediävistischen Kolloquium der Uni Duisburg-Essen, Nov.-Feb.
2020 Workshop on “Ethical Futures for a New World?,” organized by Palgrave, London, Nov.
2020 Workshop on the best practices with Top Hat LMS, with reps. from Top Hat, Nov.
2020 Online conference, “Jewish Romance in the Middle Ages: Literature, Piety, and Cultural Translation,” Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Yale Judaic Studies Program, and the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Oct. (Participant)
2020 Business Meeting of the AATG chapter of Arizona, Sept. 25
2020 Workshop, “How to Go Public with Premodern Studies,” Newberry Library, Chicago, Sept. 25, Participant
2020 Poetry as Community with Laura Tohe, Arizona Humanities
2020 Top Hat Pro Workshop, Aug.
2020 SPARK, online workshop, Goethe-Institute (April)
2018 Participant, Symposium, “Mit Deutsch in die Zukunft: Best Practices für die Anwerbung von neuen Deutschlehrenden” (1 whole day), Annual Convention of the ACTFL/AATG, New Orleans and World Languages Expo, New Orleans, Nov.:
2018 Workshop, “Male: Men’s Role in Confronting Everyday Gender Based Violence,” UoA, Oct.
2018 Workshop, “Mitigating Unconscious Bias,” UoA, Oct.
2018 ACMRS Seminar Toward Entering the Profession, ASU, Tempe, April 20
2018 Spring meeting, AATG Executive Council, Feb. (webinar)
2018 Consulting D2L on their new prototype, online workshop, Jan.
2018 Arizona Humanities Frank Talks Scholar Orientation, Jan.
2017 Darla Deardorff, “Developing and Assessing Intercultural Competence in Education Abroad,” Webinar, Dec.
2017 Interview with HEUTE UND MORGEN, Cologne, Germany, Internet Platform for Teaching German, Dec.
2017 AATG Executive Board Meeting, 2 days, Nov., Nashville, TN
2017 Workshop on “Ferpa and Student Advising,” Nov.
2017 Meeting of the Executive Board, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, WA (minutes taker)
2016 Fortbildungsseminar, “Projektbasiertes Lernen im Deutschunterricht,” Goethe-Institute Chicago, Oct.
2016 Open Access Week – ‘Sci-Hub: Road to Open Access or Road to Ruin?’, Oct., UoA
2016 Meeting of the Executive Board, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Salt Lake City, April
2016 Trainerseminar “Curriculumsplanung,” Goethe-Institute Boston, April
2015 Meeting of the Executive Board, Sixty-Ninth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 2015
2015 State-wide meeting of all members of Arizona Humanities Road Scholars, Phoenix, Oct
2015 Trainernetzwerk USA “Interkulturelle Kommunikation,” Goethe-Institute, Chicago, Jan.
2014 Trainernetzwerk USA “Redaktionsworkship,” Goethe-Institute, New York, Oct.-Nov.
2014 Webinar, Educational Travel with WorldStrides International Discovery Programs (Sept.)
2014 Boost Your German Program, Webinar, Goethe-Institute, USA, April
2014 Workshop on scholarships and grants by the DAAD, Feb.
2014 Multiplikatoren-Workshop, “Technologie für die drei Kommunkationsmodi,” Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2014, Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, CA
2014 Mentor Network USA, Introductory Workshop, Goethe Institute, at Goethe-Zentrum, Atlanta, GA, Jan.
2013 Multiplikatoren-Workshop, “Der deutsche Wald,” Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, April
2013 Multiplikatoren-Workshop, Kreatives Schreiben, Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, March
2012 Breakfast with Chaucer: Reading Chaucer’s Middle English, 38th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Gulfport, MS, Oct. 2012
2012 Multiplikatoren-Workshop, Eine Kiste Deutsches. Landeskunde zum Entdecken und Ausprobieren, Goethe-Institute Washington, DC, May
2012 Multiplikatoren-Workshop, Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, “Globales Lernen,” Jan.
2011 Workshop, “NAM_GI San Francisco_11_Moodle FB mit Workshopmethodik _Spielwiese,” Goethe-Institut, San Francisco, March (2 days!)
2011 Workshop, Deutsch und Science, Goethe-Institut, Chicago, Feb. (2 days!)
2010 Participant, Workshop Trainernetzwerk, “Echoseminar,” Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, Jan.
2009 Participant, Workshop Trainernetzwerk, “Dramapädagogik im Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht,” Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, Dec.
2009 Participant, Workshop Trainernetzwerk, “Literaturdidaxe im Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht,” Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, April
2008 Participant, Workshop Trainernetzwerk, “Stimmbildung mit Ute Kaiser,” Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, Dec.
2007 Participant, Workshop Trainernetzwerk, “Neue deutsche Popmusik im Unterricht,” Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, Nov.
2006 Trainerseminar USA “Werbung im Deutschunterricht,” Goethe-Institute, Chicago, Dec.
1999 Invited Participant, Reading by and Workshop with Peter Rosei, Goethe-Institute, Houston, TX, Oct.
1998 Workshop, “Thomas Brussig,” Goethe-Institute, Houston, TX, April.
1997 Workshop “Video im Deutschunterricht,” Goethe-Institute, Houston, TX, Oct.
1997 Workshop Participant, “Erzählen und kein Ende: Uwe Timm,” Goethe-Institute, Houston, TX, April.
1996 Workshop Participant,”Kreativität im Deutschunterricht – Heinz Blumensath,” Goethe-Institute, Houston, TX, Nov.
1995 AATG Southwest Chapter Presidents Workshop, Goethe-Institute, Houston, TX, February
1994 Workshop, “Jugendliteratur im Deutschunterricht,” Goethe-Institute, Los Angeles, April
Editor of Journals and Book Series
2021- Editor-in-chief for Humanities and Social Science Research,;
2020- Editor-in-chief for Global Journal of Arts and Social Sciences…
2015- Editor for (online)
2014 Series Editor, Renaissance and Baroque, German Literature (Peter Lang)
2011- Editor in Chief, Humanities – Open Access Journal (ISSN 2076-0787):;
2009- Editor-in-Chief, Mediaevistik
1992-2013 Editor, Tristania. Edwin-Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, Lampeter, Wales, and Peterborough, ON, Canada
2022- Associate Editor, International Journal of Culture and History,
2022- Member of the Advisory Board, book series, Critical Plant Studies;
2022- Member of the Editorial Board, VIT Press International Journal of Art and Design (VITP-IJAD),
2022- Member of the Editorial Board, Creative Flight, journal ed. by Dipak Giri, West Bengali;
2021- Member of the Editorial Board, Faculty of Education Alexandria University Journal,
2021- Associate Editor, Sankalp Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SJMS);
2021 Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Culture and History;
2021- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of the Faculty of Arts: Literature & Linguistics, Cairo University;; see also
2021- Member of the Editorial Board, Creative Flight;
2021- Member of the Editorial Board, Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS);…
2021- Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Research and Analysis in Interdisciplinary Studies, KD Publications, Pune
2021- Member of the Editorial Board, Research Journal of Education (RJE);
2020- Member of the Editorial Board of the Magallat Kulliyat al-Adab bi-l-Gamiʿat Faruq al-Awwal (Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts), University of Cairo, Egypt,
2020- Member of the Editorial Board of Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities;
2020- Member of the Advisory Board, Litinfinite Journal,;…
2020- Member of the Advisory Board, Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities,
2020- Member of the Editorial Board of Critical Literary Studies, Department of English Language and Literature of the University of Kurdistan in Sanandaj, Iran (
2020- Member of the Editorial Board of Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts
2019- Member of the editorial board and associate editor, International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL),
2019- Member of the Editorial Board, Global Journal of Arts and Social Sciences,…
2019- Member of the Editorial Board, Biuletyn Historii Wychowania/Bulletin of the History of Education,
2019- Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Literature and Arts,…
2019 Member of the Scholarly Committee, International Conference, “Wenn jemand eine Reise tut…”: El viaje en la literatura alemana, Universitat de València, Spain, May 29-31, 2019
2019- Member of the Editorial Board, The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies,
2019- Member of the Editorial Board, Annals of Global History;
2018- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
2018- Member of the Editorial Board, Annals of Language and Literature (…)
2018- Member of the Editorial Board, Open Journal of Women’s Studies;
2016-2021 Member of the Editorial Board, Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal.
2016- Member of the Editorial Board, Thalloris, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Germanskiej, Zielona Góra, Poland
2016- Member of the Editorial Board, Global Journal
2016- Member of the Editorial Board of Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
2015- Member of The History of Emotions: A book series published by ACMRS
2014- Member of the Editorial Board of Progress in Arts and Humanities (PAH)
2014- Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Access Library (OALib) Journal
2014- Member of the Editorial Board of Open Journal of Social Sciences
2013- Member of the Editorial Board of Exégèse: Journal of Contemporary Studies in Applied Literary Theory
2013- Member of the Editorial Board, History Research (
2012- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Advances in Literary Study (ALS): (
2012- Member of the Editorial Board, medievalist journal Arcanum (
2011 Member, Editorial Board, Humanities — Open Access Journal (
2006- Member of the Editorial Board,
2005- Member of the Editorial Board, Futhark (Sevilla, Spain)
2004- Member of the Editorial Board, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History (Tempe, AZ, published by ACMRS)
2004-2014 Member of the Advisory Board, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Tempe, AZ, ASU)
1995-2002 Member, Editorial Board, The Medieval Review (internet review journal)
1990 Member of the Editorial Board, Conference Proceedings, South Eastern Medieval Association Medieval Perspectives
1988-1994 Member of the Editorial Board of Synopsis. Yearly Journal of Book Reviews ed. by Guy R. Mermier, (Queenston-Lewisburg: The Edwin-Mellen Press)
2022 Organizer and Chair, one session, “German Literature since the 19th Century,” Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association, for Oct.
2022 Member, Jury for Poetry Price, Trans-Lit2, Jan., global
2021-2022 Participant, year-long Mediävistisches Kolloquium Universität Duisburg-Essen (monthly meetings)
2021 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “Pre-1900 German Literature,” Seventy-Fourth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct.
2021 Organizer and Chair, one session, “German Poets Read from Their Works,” Seventy-Fourth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct.
2021 Member, Organizational Meetings of MEMGS (Medieval and Early Modern German Studies Network), June-July
2021 Participant, Online Conference, Remote: The Connected Faculty Summit (organized by ASU), June
2021 Organizer and Chair, 19th International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies: “(Mis)Communication, Translation, and Community,” 21 papers (speakers from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, Spain, England, and the US), May 8-9
2021 Organizer and Chair, Telgte in Tucson 3, 3rd international meeting of German poets, virtual, March 6 (9 speakers), 7 hours:
2021-2023 Member of the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeg Vlaanderen Review College,
2020 Organizer and Chair, 2 sessions, “Universally Shared Themes, Topics, and Motifs in Eastern and Western Medieval Literature,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2021
2020 Organizer and chair, one session, “German Literature Pre-1900,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Oct. (conference cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020 Organizer and chair, “German Poets read from their works,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Oct.
2020 Chair, one session, “Medieval Unfreedom II,” Unfreedom: ACMRS 2020 Conference, ASU, Tempe, AZ, Feb.
2020 Chair, one session, “Freedom and Unfreedom,” Unfreedom: ACMRS 2020 Conference, ASU, Tempe, AZ, Feb.
2019 Member, Evaluation of Submissions to the Competition for a Prize related to “First Encounters,” exhibition with banners, AATG (12 entries), Dec.
2019 Organizer and chair, 3 sessions, Germanic Studies, Seventy-Third Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2019
2019 Organizer and chair, 1 session, RMMLA Poets Read their Works in German, Seventy-Third Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2019
2019 Organizer and chair, 2 sessions, “Universally Shared Themes, Topics, and Motifs in Eastern and Western Medieval Literature,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2020 (cancelled due to COVID-19)
2019 Member on NEH mock panel for writing workshop, UoA, NEH Workshop, Tucson, Sept.
2019 Inclusion of talk, “The History of the (Berlin) Wall: German Experiences for Arizona,” in the Catalog of Arizona Speaks
2019 Organizer, one session, “Continuity and Reception of the Middle Ages in the 16th Century,” Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft, International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2020 (did not materialize)
2020 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “Universal Themes and Topics in Literature, East and West,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2020
2019 Organizer and Chair, three sessions, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, El Paso, TX, Oct.
2019 Member, Grant Committee, Scholarship for Study Abroad, Southern Arizona Japanese Culture Committee, April
2019 Organizer, 1 session, AATG session at the MLA, Seattle, WA, Jan. 2020
2019 Organizer and Chair, 3 sessions, German Literature, Seventy-Third Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Convention, El Paso, TX, Oct.
2019 Organizer and Chair, 1 session, German Poetry Reading, Seventy-Third Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Convention, El Paso, TX, Oct.
2019 Organizer, 1 session, AATG-sponsored session, Modern Language Association, Seattle, WA, Jan. 2020
2019 Professional Development Committee, AATG (Austria and Mit Deutsch in die Zukunft, 21 and 34 applicants respectively): reading all files (ca. 6-8 pp. each), evaluating them
2019-2020 Chair, Committee on Research and Scholarship, AATG Executive Council
2018 Chair, one session, “Flipped and Interactive K-16 German Classrooms,” Annual Convention and World Languages Expo/AATG, New Orleans, LO, Nov. 2018
2018 Organizer and Chair, one session, “German Literature Before 1900,” Seventy-Second Annual Convention of the n Language Association, Cheyenne, WY, Oct. 2018
2018 Organizer and Chair, one session, RMMLA Poets Read their Works in German, Seventy-Secod Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Cheyenne, WY, Oct. 2018
2018 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Pets in Medieval Literature,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, May 2019
2019 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “Forgotten Texts from the Sixteenth Century,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, May 2019
2018 Organizer and Chair, Fall Meeting of the AZ chapter of the AATG, Tucson, Sept., immersion weekend (9-14/15), 27 participants
2018 Member, Business Meeting of the AATG Executive Board, online, Aug. 23 (three hours)
2018 Member, AATG Chapter Projects and Presidents Committee, evaluation of 29 chapter projects (July)
2018 Organizer and Chair, one session, “The Continuity of the Middle Ages: Hans Sachs and His Contemporaries,” 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2018
2017/18 Organizer of one session, “Innovative Outreach Strategies for German Language Programs,”ACTFL, Nov. 18 (rejected)
2017/18 Organizer, one session, “Poetry in the German Classroom,” ACTFL (Nov. 2018; rejected)
2018 Professional Development Committee, AATG (Austria and MINT, 25 and 21 applicants respectively)
2018 Outside Review Committee member, Dept. of Languages, Philosophy, and Communication Studies, Utah State University, Logan, Feb.
2018 Chair, one session, “Re-Reading Medieval Italian Landscape,” Twenty-Fourth Annual ACMRS Conference, Reading the Natural World: Perceptions of the Environment and Ecology During the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb. 2018
2018-2019 Member, Committee on Research and Scholarship, AATG (national)
2018 Organizer and Moderator, guest lecture by Prof. Maciej Mackiewicz, Universität Poznań, Poland, Jan.
2017 AATG representative at the Community College Committee: ACTFL/AATG, Annual Convention, Nashville, TN, Nov.
2017 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Late Medieval Anticlericalism as the Staging Ground of the Protestant Reformation” (4 speakers), 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2017
2017 Chair, one session, “Medieval Medicine” (4 speakers), 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2017
2017 Organizer and Chair, one session, German Literature prior to 1900, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, WA, Oct.
2017 Organizer and Chair, one session, German Poets Read from Their Works, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, WA, Oct.
2017 Member, Committee to select participants for two AATG seminars in Austria (Music) and Leipzig (MINT)
2017 Organizer and Chair, Spring meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, at IST, Tucson, Feb. (22 participants), with workshops by Anja Schmitt, Goethe-Institute, Chicago, and Vera Dindoyal, ZfA, San Francisco
2017 Chair, one session, “The Unpleasant Other: Re-Examining Ethnicity in Spain, Ukraine, and Early Modern England,” Twenty-Third Annual ACMRS Conference: Paradigm Shifts During the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb. 2017
2017 Chair, one session, “Redefining Concepts of Good and Evil from the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Centuries,” Twenty-Third Annual ACMRS Conference: Paradigm Shifts During the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb. 2017
2017 Chair, Charles Davis Award Selection Committee, RMMLA (5 papers submitted)
2016 Master of Ceremony, “Sterling Keynote Address, Mimi R. Gladstein,” Seventieth Annual Convention, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 2016
2016 Master of Ceremony, “Luncheon and Keynote Address by Marsha S. Collings and Ruben Espinosa, Seventieth Annual Convention,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 2016
2016 Organizer and chair, one session, “Modern Approaches to Teaching the Middle Ages: Challenges of the Present as a Catalyst for the Rediscovery of the Past,” 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2016
2016 Chair, one session, “Gender Studies,” 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies, May, Kalamazoo, MI 2016
2016 Co-Organizer (with Leslie Morgan), one panel, “The Court and Savage Spaces,” International Courtly Literature Society, at the MLA, Jan. 2017
2016 Organizer and Chair, Fall meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, at IST, Tucson, Feb. (22 participants), 3 workshops
2016 Member, RMMLA Huntington Library Research Grant Selection Committe
2016 Member, RMMLA Faculty Travel Research Grant Selection Committee
2016 Chair, one session, “History of Emotions 1: Cinema, Drama and Philosophical Nuances,” Twenty-Second Annual ACMRS Conference: Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, Feb.
2016- Member, Athens Institute for Education and Research (
2016 Member of the Nominating Committee for the AATG Executive Council
2016 Chair, one session, “A Public Privacy: Lovers in Romance,” The 131st Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Austin, TX, Jan.
2015 Organizer and Chair, one session, “RMMLA Poets Read Their Works in German,” Sixty-Ninth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 2015
2015 Organizer and Chair, one session, “German Literature Before 1900,” Sixty-Ninth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 2015
2015 Chair, Sterling Keynote Address, Charles G. Davis, “The Practicality of an Impractical Education,” Sixty-Ninth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 2015
2015 Organizer and Chair, Fall meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, at NAU, Flagstaff, Sept. 11-12 (17 participants; drove 4 of them from UA to NAU)
2015-2017, Member of Arizona Humanities Council AZ Speaks (three lectures)
2015 Chair, one session, “Pedagogical Approaches to Mediterranean Studies,” NEH Institute “Negotiating Identities: The Mediterranean: Expression and Representation in the Christian-Jewish-Muslim Mediterranean,” Barcelona, Spain, July
2015 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “Medicine and Magic,” 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2015
2015 Meeting of the Executive Board, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, April
2015 Member, Graduate Student Travel Grant Committee, RMMLA
2015-2018 Elected Member, Executive Committee of the Division on German Literature to 1700, MLA
2015 Organizer and chair, one session, “German Literature Pre-1900,” Rocky Mountain MLA, Santa Fe, Oct.
2015 Organizer and chair, one session, “German American Poets Read from their Works,” Rocky Mountain MLA, Santa Fe, Oct.
2015 Chair, one session, “Crafts as a Determinant in Family, Urban dn Literary Identity,” Twenty-First Annual ACMRS Conference: Trade, Talents, Guilds, and Specialists: Getting Things Done in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, Feb. 2015
2015 Chair, one session, “Skills Real and Imagined: Education, Humor, and Shape-shifting in Literature,” Twenty-First Annual ACMRS Conference: Trade, Talents, Guilds, and Specialists: Getting Things Done in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, Feb. 2015
2015 Member, Charles Davis Award Selection Committee, RMMLA (6 papers submitted)
2014 Organizer and Chair, one session, “RMMLA Poets Read their Works in German,” Sixty-Eighth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boise, ID, Oct.
2014 Chair and co-organizer, Fabian Alfie, “La Compiuta Donzella: The First Woman in Italian Literature (that we know of!),” Fearless Females Lecture Series, ACMRS, Tucson, Sept.
2014 Organizer, two sessions, “Medicine and Magic,” International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2015 (6 papers)
2014 Chair, “New Books Germanic Studies Roundtable,” in memory of Ulrich Müller, 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2014
2014 Chair, “The Relevance of the Middle Ages Today,” 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2014
2014 Organizer and chair of the eleventh international symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies, “Death and the Culture of Death,” UoA, Tucson, May (24 participants)
2014 Co-Organizer (with Leslie Morgan), one panel, “The Memory of Objects in Courtly Literature,” International Courtly Literature Society, at the MLA, Jan. 2015
2014 Organizer and Chair, Fall meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, at NAU, Flagstaff, Sept. 5-6 (20 participants; drove 9 of them from UA to NAU)
2014 Organizer and Chair, Spring meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, ASU, Tempe, April (18 participants; drove 8 of them from UA to ASU)
2014 Meeting of the Advisory Board, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Tempe, AZ, ASU), Feb.
2014 Chair, one session, “Fire, Flood, and Destruction in the Old and New World,” Twentieth Annual ACMRS Conference: Catastrophes and The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Phoenix-Scottsdale, Feb.
2014 Chair, one session, “Plage, Pestilence, and Catastrophe in European Literature,” Twentieth Annual ACMRS Conference: Catastrophes and The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Phoenix-Scottsdale, Feb.
2014 Organizer and chair, one session, “Storm at/of the Court,” ICLS, 129th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, Jan.
2014 Chair, one session, “Integrating Ecocriticism into College-Level German Curricula,” 129th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, Jan.
2013 Invitation of Prof. Timothy Graham, Director of Medieval Studies, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, for a guest lecture at UA (organizing the event, getting a room for the lecture, getting a lecture room, sending out invitations across campus, organizing dinner and lunch with colleagues, pick-up from airport, touring of campus, breakfast meeting, lunch meeting, moderating the lecture)
2013 Organizer and chair, Fall meeting of the AZ chapter of the AATG, Tucson, Nov. (4 workshops)
2013 RMMLA Executive Board Meeting, Vancouver, WA, Oct.
2013 Organizer and chair, one session, “German-American Poets Read from Their Works,” 67th Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, WA, Oct.
2013 Organizer and chair, one session, “German Literature Before 1900,” 67th Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, WA, Oct.
2013 Organizer, one session, “The Relevance of the Middle Ages Today,” 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2014
2013 Organizer and chair, three sessions, “Multilingualism in the Middle Ages,” 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2013
2013 Organizer (with Deborah Fraioli) and chair, one session, “Women and Epistolary Literature: From the Margins to the Center in Medieval Literature,” 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2013
2013 RMMLA Executive Board Meeting, Vancouver, WA, April
2013 Organizer and chair, Spring Meeting of the AZ chapter of the AATG, ASU, Tempe (4 workshops; 21 participants
2013 Chair, one session, “Pearls Before Swine: Animals and Religion in Medieval Literature,” 19th Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Phoenix, Feb. 2013
2013 Chair, one session, “A Signifier with Nine Lives: Cats in Medieval and Early Modern Culture,” 19th Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Phoenix, Feb. 2013
2013 Member, Davis Award Selection Committee, RMMLA (18 papers to be evaluated)
2013 Member, MLA Delegate Assembly, Boston, MD, Jan.
2013 Chair, one session, “Courtly World and Ecocriticism,” 128th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Boston, MD, Jan.
2012-2015 Elected Member, MLA Delegate Assembly, German Literature to 1700
2012 Chair, one session, “Fortune and Misfortune in Medieval France & Spain,” 38th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Gulfport, MS, Oct. 2012
2012 MC of the RMMLA luncheon and the keynote speaker, Sixty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Oct. 2012
2012 Organizer and chair, one session, German-American Poets Reading from their Works, Sixty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Oct. 2012
2012 Organizer and chair, one session, “Border Studies: Past and Present,” Sixty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Oct. 2012
2012 RMMLA Executive Board Meeting, Sixty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Oct. 2012
2012 Organizer, three sessions, “Multilingualism in the Middle Ages,” 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2012
2012- Member of the Editorial & Advisory Board of the journal The Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal
2012 Organizer and chair, Fall Immersion Weekend meeting of the Arizona Chapter of the AATG, Flagstaff (drove 9 people to Flagstaff and back), Sept.; 3 workshops
2012-2015 Elected Member, Executive Committee of the Division on German Literature to 1700, MLA
2012 Member, Committee on Graduate Student Convention Travel Grant, RMMLA
2012 Chair, one session, “Comparative Literature,” 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies,Kalamazoo, MI, May 2012
2012 Chair, one session, “The Outrageous Middle Ages: Transgression, Perpetration, and the Scandalous,” 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2012
2012 Organizer and chair, Spring meeting of the Arizona Chapter of the AATG, Tempe, AZ, ASU, April (invited Pres. of the AATG, Kathey Fegely, and workshop by Astrid Klocke, NAU)
2012 Meeting of the Executive Board, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, March
2012 Organizer, one session, “Courtly World and Ecocriticism,” 2013 Modern Language Association, Boston
2012 Organizer and chair, one session, “Border Studies,” Sixty-Fifth Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. (Boulder, CO)
2012 Organizer and chair, one session, “German-American Poets Reading from their Work,” Sixty-Fifth Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. (Boulder, CO)
2012 Chair, one session, “Perfidious and Phallic Fabliaux,” Erotica and the Erotic in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: 18th Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, AZ, Feb.
2011 Organizer and chair, one session, “German Creative Writers Read their Work,” Sixty-Fifth Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct.
2011 Organizer and chair, one session, “Border Issues and Literature,” Sixty-Fifth Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct.
2011 Chair, one session, “Music and Interdisciplinarity: New Theoretical Perspectives,” Thirty-Fifth Annual Convention of the German Studies Association, Sept.
2011 Organizer, local liaison, advertisement person for the Madsen rock group, performed at Empire High School, Vail (Nov. 4); took 2 students and one colleague to the concert; emails w/ flyer attachment sent: (Az Daily Star);; (Tucson Weekly); (Arizona Daily Wildcat); KUAT Channel 6 (Arizona Public Media); (KVOI radio 1030 AM); Zocalo (magazine); (Tucson Sentinel, online); (Tucson Scene, online); (Tucson on the Cheap, online); AATG listserv; UA German Dept.; blog w/ flyer: (to be published 10/28/11); online calendar listings already in place for November 4, 2011:; (…);, and; (…); (…);;; posters: UA German Dept.; Bookman’s on Speedway; Bookman’s at Grant; Zia Record Exchange; Toxic Ranch Records; Post on Facebook (2 weeks before event);
2011-2014 Member of Arizona Humanities Council Speakers Bureau
2011 Organizer, two sessions, “The Outrageous in the Middle Ages,” 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2012
2011 Chair, one session, “Medieval Letters of Love and Friendship: Personal or Public, Spontaneous or Literary?,” 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2011
2011 Meeting with students and faculty of the ACMRS/ASU Cambridge Summer program, Scottsdale, May, 2011
2011 Member, Organizing Committee, Medieval Academy of America, conference in Scottsdale, AZ, Oct. 2010-April 2011
2011 Organizer and chair, Spring meeting, Arizona Chapter of the AATG, Flagstaff, NAU, April (4 speakers)
2011 Meeting of the Executive Board, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, WA, March
2011 Organizer, one session, 4 papers, “Courtly Values in Medieval Courtly Literature,” The 126th Annual Convention Modern Language Association (Meeting Jan. 2012)
2011 Chair, one session, “The Iconography of Dancing and Political Satire,” Seventeenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Humanity and the Natural World in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2010
2011 Member, Selection Committee, Medieval Academy of America Graduate Student Paper Prize, Feb. (8 papers)
2011 Member, Selection Committee for the “Robert L. Kahn Prize,” on behalf of
2011 Chair, one session, “Narrating Early Modern Violence,” 126th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 2011
2011 Chair, one session, “Courtly Religion,” 126th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 2011
2010 Organizer, two sessions, chair of one, “Women in/and Literature I and II,” Sixty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Albuquerque, NM, Oct.
2010 Organizer and chair, one session, “Ecocriticism,” Sixty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Albuquerque, NM, Oct.
2010 Organizer and chair, one session, “German Creative Writers Read their Works,” Sixty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Albuquerque, NM, Oct.
2010 Organizer and chair, one session, “English Renaissance Literature,” Sixty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Albuquerque, NM, Oct.
2010 Organizer, two sessions, “Pornography in the Middle Ages,” 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies,Kalamazoo, MI, May 2011
2010 Chair, one session, “Challenges of Authenticity: The Letters of Abelard and Heloise,” 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2010 Organizer, two sessions, chair of one, “The State of the Arts in Medieval Studies: Where Have We Come From, Where Are We Today, Where Are We Going from Here?,” 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2010 Organizer, Spring meeting, Arizona chapter of the AATG, Tucson, May 2010
2010 Organizer, one session, “Pan-European Medieval Narratives,” MLA 2011 (Jan.), rejected
2010 Chair, one session, “Natural Law and Church Authority,” Sixteenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Humanity and the Natural World in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, Feb.
2010 Chair, Charles Davis Award Selection Committee, RMMLA (15 papers, each ca. 15 pp.)
2009 Organizer and chair, 1 session, “Transgression at Court,” The 125th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, Dec.
2009 Organizer and Presider, Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Tempe, October (Speakers: Swiss Consul Roland Rietmann, L.A., Judith Schalansky, Villa Aurora, L.A.)
2009 Organizer (3 sessions) and chair (1 session), “Friendship in the Middle Ages,” 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 7-10, 2009
2009 Chair, one session, “Countries, Islands, Communities,” “Natural and Constructed Spaces in the Middle Ages and Renaissance,” Annual Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association Conference,” Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, April 2009.
2009 Organizer and Chair, one session, “German Creative Writers Read their Works,” Sixty-Third Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, Oct.
2009 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Practical Approaches to Teaching Culture,” Sixty-Third Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, Oct.
2009 Organizer and Chair, one session, “German Literature pre-1900,” Sixty-Third Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, Oct.
2009 Organizer and Chair, Spring Meeting, AZ chapter of the AATG, Tucson, Feb. (25 participants, 2 presenters)
2009 Meeting, Executive Board, RMMLA, Portland, OR, Feb.
2009 Chair, one session, “Scatology and Self-Knowledge,” Fifteenth Annual ACMRS Conference: The Five Senses in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2009
2009 Chair, one session, “Early Modern and Modern Visual and Cultural Theory,” Fifteenth Annual ACMRS Conference: The Five Senses in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2009
2009 Member, “Davis Award Selection Committee,” Rocky Mountain MLA
2008 Organizer and Presider, Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG (2 speakers), ASU, Tempe, Nov.
2008 Chair, one session, “German ‘Sturm und Drang’ and Romanticism,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 MC, Luncheon Banquet, Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 Chair, one session, “German Literature before 1900,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 MC, Luncheon Banquet, Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 Moderator, Discussion about the film “Enlightenment Guaranteed,”
2008 Chair, one session, “German ‘Sturm und Drang’ and Romanticism,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 MC, Luncheon Banquet, Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 Chair, “Creative Writing in German—Readings by Authors,”
2008 Chair, one session, “German ‘Sturm und Drang’ and Romanticism,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 MC, Luncheon Banquet, Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 Chair, “Practical Approaches to Teaching Culture,”
2008 Chair, one session, “German ‘Sturm und Drang’ and Romanticism,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 MC, Luncheon Banquet, Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
2008 Successful nomination of Stephanie Duisberg, Tucson, for the ISE Language Matters Award (Grade 9-12 Outstanding German Educator)
2008 Organizer and chair of four NEH/Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Research Forums, July/Aug.
2008 Organizer and chair of two Sookmyung International Summer School Research Forums, Seoul, S-Korea, June
2008 Organizer of two, and chair of one session, “Peace in the Middle Ages,” 43rd International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2008 Organizer and Chair, Spring Meeting, AZ AATG, Tucson, April
2008 Organizer, Host, Chair, Guest Presentation by Prof. Nadia Margolis, Univ. of MA, Amherst, April
2008 Organizer, three sessions, German-pre 1900, RMMLA
2008 Organizer, one session, German-American Poetry Reading, RMMLA
2008 Meeting, Executive Board, RMMLA, Spokane, WA, March
2008 Chair, one session, “Sovereignty and Tyranny in German Law and Romance,” Fourteenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Law and Sovereignty in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb.
2008 Chair, one session, “Speaking for the Slave, the Jew, and the Muslim in Saxon and Anglo-Saxon Law and Story,” Fourteenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Law and Sovereignty in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb.
2007 Organizer and Chair, Ninth “Work-in-Progress Symposium: Current and Future Research,” University of Arizona Medieval and Renaissance Committee, Oct.
2007 Moderator, one session, “‘A Pall of Orthodoxy’: Academic Freedom in the Classroom,” Sixty-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 2007
2007 Moderator, one session, “Panel Discussion on Academic Freedom,” Sixty-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 2007
2007 Chair, “Creative Writing in German – Readings by Authors,” Sixty-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 2007
2007 Discussion Moderator, Film: The Live of Others, Sixty-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 2007
2007 Excursion Leader, Banff (42 participants), Sixty-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 2007
2007 Organizer and Presider, Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG (4 speakers), Flagstaff, Sept.
2007 Organizer of two sessions, “War and Peace in the Middle Ages,” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI
2007 Chair, one session, “Marie de France,” XIIe Congrès de la Société Internationale de littérature courtoise: Mythes à la cour, mythes pour la cour, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007.
2007 Organizer of two sessions, “Anti-War Sentiments in the Middle Ages,” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2007 Chair, one session, “Anti-War Sentiments in the Middle Ages,” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2007 Invitation and hosting of Prof. David Tinsley, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, for a guest lecture, April
2007 Chair, one session, “Transculturality and the Nineteenth Century,” Building Bridges: International Conference on Transcultural German Studies, Tucson, March
2007 Organizer and Chair of AZ AATG Spring Meeting, at ASU, Tempe, Feb. (three presenters and business meeting)
2007 Member, “Davis Award Selection Committee,” Rocky Mountain MLA
2006 Attendance, 40th Annual Convention of the ACTFL/AATG, Nashville, TN, Nov.
2006 Member, Workshop, “CV/Cover Letter Help Session,” Sixtieth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2006, Tucson
2006 Organizer and Chair, Arizona Chapter of AATG, Fall Meeting, Oct. (Tucson)
2006 Organizer and Chair, Ninth “Work-in-Progress Symposium: Current and Future Research,” University of Arizona Medieval and Renaissance Committee, Sept.
2006/07 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “Anti-War Sentiments in the Middle Ages,” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2007.
2006 Chair, one session, “Representation of/in the Court,” 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2006 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Medieval German Literature,” Sixty’s Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain MLA, Oct.
2006 Organizer and Chair, one session, “German Literature to 1900,” Sixty’s Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain MLA, Oct.
2006 Chair, one session, “Church, Wealth and Its Critics,” Twelfth Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, AZ, Feb.
2005-2006 Local Arrangement Chair for the 2006 Annual Meeting of the RMMLA, Tucson
2005 Chair, one session, “Dissolution of Borders and Construction of Authenticity,” 24th Annual Conference of the Western Humanities Alliance, Tucson, Oct.
2005 Organizer and Chair, Arizona Chapter of AATG, Fall Meeting, Oct. (Tempe)
2005 Organizer, one session, “Issues of Performance in Premodern German Literature,” Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Milwaukee, WI, Sept./Oct.
2005 Organizer and Chair, 8th “Work-in-Progress” Symposium, UAMARRC, UA (7 papers, ca. 35 participants), Sept.
2005 Organizer, two sessions, Chair, one session, “Troublemakers, Rebels, and Whisteblowers in Medieval Literature,” 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2006.
2005 Organizer, one session, “Animals and Heroes in Courtly Literature,” 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 2006
2005 Organizer, one session, “Hans Sachs and the Sixteenth-Century,” 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May
2005 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “Old Age in Medieval Literature,” 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May
2005 Organizer and Chair, Arizona Chapter of AATG, Spring Meeting, April (Tucson, AZ)
2005 Chair, one session, “Literary and Social Functions of the Feast,” Eleventh Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, Feb.
2005 Member, Testing Committee, National German Testing Program for High Schools, AATG, AZ Chapter
2004 Chair, one session, “The Early Modern Period as Interdisciplinary Enterprise,” The 120th MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Dec.
2004 Organizer and Chair, Fall Meeting, Arizona AATG Chapter, Tempe, Oct.
2004 Workshop organized and run, “Reading Out Loud Workshop: Middle High German,” Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Charleston, SC., Oct. 2004
2004 Chair, “Mostly Middle English Manuscripts,” Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Charleston, SC., Oct. 2004
2004 Organizer and Chair, “7th Work-In-Progress Symposium,” UAMARRC, Tucson, Oct
2004 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Language, Power, and Literature,” Fifty-Eight Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Sept./Oct. 2004
2004 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Poetry Reading by German-American Poets,” Fifty-Eight Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Sept./Oct. 2004
2004 Organizer, two sessions, “Old Age in Medieval Literature,” 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies (2005)
2004 Organizer, one session, “Hans Sachs,” 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies (2005)
2004 Chair, German Language Networking, 2004 Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, UA, Sept.
2004 Chair, three sessions, “Teaching Tools and Approaches,” 2004 Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, UA, Sept.
2004 Chair, one session, “Revisiting Hans Sachs I,” 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May
2004 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Children in the Middle Ages: New Perspectives,” 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May
2004 Organizer (with Shana Bell) and Chair, Spring Meeting, Arizona AATG, Tempe, March
2004 Chair, one session, “Contexts for Anglo-Irish Ecclesiastical Writing and History,” Tenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Translatio, or the Transmission of Culture, Tempe, Feb. 2004
2004 Creation of an extensive package for the seventh-year review of SGRABL by the MLA
2003 Ex Officio Member (RMMLA), Delegate Assembly, The 119th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, San Diego, Dec.
2003 Organizer of two, and chair of one session, “Family and Family Relations in German Renaissance and Baroque Literature,” The 118th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Dec.
2003 Invitation and Hosting of Dr. Hans Jürgen Wendler, Consul General of Germany, Los Angeles, Guest Lecture, Nov.
2003 Invitation of Prof. C. Stephen Jaeger, Director, Medieval Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, Guest Lecture, Nov.
2003 Chair, one session, “The Margins of the Globe,” 29th Annual Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Fayetteville, AR, Oct.
2003 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Women’s Voices in Poetry,” Fifty-Seventh Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Missoula, MT, Oct.
2003 Organizer, Moderator of Film Showing, Discussion Leader, The Vertical Ray of the Sun, Fifty-Seventh Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Missoula, MT, Oct.
2003 Organizer and President, Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Flagstaff, “Minoritätenliteratur in Deutschland” (Marilya Veteto), Oct.
2003 Organizer, two sessions, “Revisiting Hans Sachs,” 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 2004
2003 Organizer, one session, “Children in the Middle Ages – New Perspectives,” 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 2004
2003 Organizer and Chair, “6th Work-In-Progress Symposium,” UAMARRC, Tucson, Sept. (9 Speakers)
2003 Member, Executive Board Meeting, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, WA, May
2002-present Member, Advisory Board, International Courtly Literature Society
2002/03 Organizer of two sessions and Chair of one session “Discourse on Love, Marriage, and Transgression,” 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 2003.
2002/03 Organizer of two sessions, “Late Medieval German Language and Literature: New Research Directions,” 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 2003.
2003 Organizer and Presider, Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, ASU, Tempe, Feb. (Speaker: Doris Demmel, Goethe-Institute, SF, Michael Wolff, German Consulate, LA)
2003 Organizer and Chair, “5th Work-In-Progress Symposium,” UAMARRC, 9 Speakers, Jan.
2002 Chair, one session, “Foreign Encounters: Medieval” (Division on German Literature to 1700), The 118th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New York, Dec. 2002
2002 Ex Officio Member (RMMLA), Delegate Assembly, The 118th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New York, Dec. 2002
2002 Master of Ceremony, Business Luncheon, Fifty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Scottsdale, AZ, Oct. 2002
2002 Organizer, Chair, one session, “Late Medieval Women Writers 1500-1700,” Fifty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Scottsdale, AZ, Oct.
2002 Introduction, Presentation, and Discussion Leader: Run Lola Run (movie), Fifty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Scottsdale, AZ, Oct.
2002 Organizer, Chair, one session, “Poetry Reading by German-American Poets,” Fifty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Scottsdale, AZ, Oct.
2002 Organizer, one session, “Human Relations in Medieval German Literature,” Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, San Diego, Oct.
2002 Chair, one session, “Bound to Petrarch: Questions of Source, Influences and Comparison,” 28th Annual Meeting of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Tallahassee, FL, Sept.
2002 Introduction of Peter Ecke, Participant, 19th Annual Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, UA, Tucson, Sept.
2002 Organizer and Chair, AZ AATG Chapter Meeting, Tucson, UoA, Sept.
2002 Organizer and Chair, 4th UAMARRC “Work-in-Progress” Symposium, Sept.
2002 Organizer, one session, “Marginal Figures in Courtly Literature,”118th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, New York, NY.
2002 Commentator and Moderator for Kelly Cherry, “Thomas Mann’s Doctor Faustus,” German Literature Between Faiths: Jew and Christian at Odds and in Harmony, University of Alabama, Huntsville, June 2002.
2002 Organizer and Chair, three sessions, “Violence in the Middle Ages I: Violent Aspects of Courtly Romances; II: The Otherness of Violence; III: The Disturbing Functions of Violence,” 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2002 Chair, one session, “Representation of Power in Medieval Europe and in Africa I,” 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
2002 Member, Executive Board Meeting, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, WA, April
2002 Organizer and Chair, Third UAMARRC Symposium: “Little Known But Significant Documents and Issues”, UA, Feb. (31 participants)
2002 Organizer and Co-Chair with Ingeborg Schmidt, Spring Meeting, AZ AATG, Tucson, AZ (34 participants)
2001 Chair, one session, “Literature of the Holy Roman Empire, Twenty-Seventh Annual Convention of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Oct.
2001 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Modern Medievalism,” Fifty-Fifth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, B.C., Oct.
2001 Organizer and Chair, Special Event, “Open Discussion on the Role of Literature in Tomorrow’s Society,” Fifty-Fifth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, B.C., Oct.
2001 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Poetry Reading by German-American Poets,” Fifty-Fifth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, B.C., Oct.
2001 Organizer, Coordinator, and Chair, Second “Work-in-Progress” Symposium, University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Committee, Sept. (9 speakers)
2001/02 Organizer and Chair, three sessions, “Violence in the Middle Ages,” 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2002.
2001 Meeting of the AZ AATG, Chandler, AZ, Sept.
2001 Chair, one session, “Origins of Medieval Chronicles and Romances,” 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2001.
2001 Chair, one session, “(Re)Inventing Tristan across Literature and the Arts,” 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2001.
2001 Chair, one session, “Tristan and Isolde: The Supporting Cast,” 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2001.
2001 Organizer of two sessions, and Chair of one session, “The Medieval Convent as Gesamtkunstwerk,” 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2001.
2001 Co-Chair, Tristan-Society, Business Meeting, 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2001.
2001 Chair, one session, “Toward a More Unified View of Goethe,” Moses “versus” Christ: Judeo-Christianity in German Literature, University of Alabama at Huntsville, March
2001 Organizer and Chair (12 speakers), Conference of the University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Committee: “Work in Progress” Symposium, Tucson, Feb.
2001 Meeting of the Arizona Chapter of AATG, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb.
2000 Chair, one session, “Textuality of the Medieval Hunt,” The 116th MLA Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., Dec. 2000
2000 Organizer of one session, “The Family in Medieval Courtly Romances,” The 116th MLA Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., Dec. 2000, Co-Chaired with Judith Rice Rothschild
2000-2001 Member, Executive Committee, South Eastern Medieval Association at SAMLA
2000 Participant, Fall Meeting, Arizona Chapter of the AATG, Chandler, Oct.
2000 Organizer and Moderator, “Money as a Universal Theme in the History of German Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present,” Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Houston, TX, Oct.
2000 Co-Organizer and Participant, “Berlin 2000: Capital of the New Germany,” University of Arizona, Sept.
2000 Organizer, two sessions, “The Medieval Convent as ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’,” Thirty-Sixth International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2001.
2000 Attendance, CALICO 2000, Tucson, June 2000
2000 Chair, one session, “Fantasy and Fable in Medieval Literature I,” 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2000
2000 Organizer and Chair, one session, “The Foreign/er Among Us: Medieval Mentalitätsgeschichte,” 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2000
2000 Chair, one session, “Cinema Tristaniana: L’Eternel Retour,” 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2000
2000 Participant, Spring Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Tempe, March
2000 Chair, one session, “Fear in the Legends of Saints,” Sixth Annual ACMRS Conference: Fear and Its Representation in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Febr.
2000 Moderator, “What Works & What Doesn’t: Roundtable Discussion, Teaching Teams Training, U oA, Feb. (2 hour workshop with 40 participants)
1999 Chair, one session, “Topics in Germanic Philology,” The 115th Modern Language Annual Convention, Chicago, Dec. 1999.
1999, Presider, Business Meeting, “Division of Germanic Philology,” The 115th Modern Language Annual Convention, Chicago, Dec. 1999.
1999 Participant, 16th Annual Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, Univ. of Arizona, Oct.
1999 Participant, German Forum, Tucson
1999 Co-organizer, together with Jean Godsall-Myers, 2 sessions, “The German Middle Ages in Modern Times,” Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Atlanta, Oct.
1999 Co-organizer, together with Dr. András Balogh, and Chair of a 2-day seminar, “Experience of the Foreign in the Middle Ages: Medieval German Literary Witnesses,” Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest, Hungary, June 1999.
1999 Workshop, “German Studies in the United States and Germanistik in Hungary,” Germanisztikai Intézet, Kossuth-Lajos-University, Debrecen, May (2 hour presentation and workshop).
1999 Conference Participant, “Pleasure & Power in a Gendered Perspective,” Central European University, Budapest, May (4 day conference).
1999 Workshop, “Medieval and Modern German Literature, Language Instruction, and the American Experience Regarding the Study of German,” Német Nyelvü Irodalmak Tanszéke, Janus Pannonius University, Pécs, Hungary, May (2 hour presentation and workshop).
1999 Workshop, “Modern Approaches to Teaching German Language and Medieval Literature at the College Level,” Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Piliscsaba, Hungary, July.
1999 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “Encounter with the Foreign/er in the Middle Ages: Anthropological, Sociological, Imagological, and Mental-Historical Studies,” 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1999.
1999 Chair, one session, “Spoken Word and Written Speech in the Middle Ages I,” 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1999.
1999 Organizer and Chair, Spring meeting of the AZ AATG, Tucson
1999 Twenty-Third Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct.
1998 Secretary and President-Elect, Discussion Group on Germanic Philology, MLA.
1998 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Foreigners in Courtly Romances,” 114th Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, Dec. 1998.
1998 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Electronic Publishing and Tenure,” 114th Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, Dec. 1998.
1998 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “The Middle Ages in Modern German Literature I and II),” 32nd Annual Meeting of the ACTFL/AATG, Chicago, Nov.
1998 Participant, Fall Workshop of the Arizona Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German, Phoenix, Oct
1998 Chair, one session, “German Medieval Literature,” Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting, South Eastern Medieval Association, Decatur, GA, Oct.
1998 PAL Facilitator for “Networking Across Language Communities,”14th Annual Language Teachers’ Symposium, University of Arizona, Sept.
1998 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Meeting with the Foreign/er in the Middle Ages: Tolerance or Xenophobia?,” Chair, one session, “Sang versé, sang géurisseur, sang aliment, sang du Christ dans la littérature médiévale allemande,”Chair, Business Meeting, Tristan Society, 33rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1998 Participant, “1998 Technology Enabled Learning Conference,” UA, April
1998 Organizer, with Richard Helt, and Presider, Spring Meeting of the AZ AATG Chapter, Flagstaff, Invitation of Prof. Richard Rundell, Las Cruces, NM, as Speaker.
1998 Chair, one session, “Political and Religious Images of Union,” Fourth Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Tempe, Febr.
1997 Organizer and Chair, “Technology in the Classroom,” 113th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Toronto, Dec. 1997.
1997 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “German Medieval Studies as a Paradigm for German Studies, 31st Annual Meeting of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Nashville, TN, November
1997 Arizona Humanities Council National Issues Forums Facilitators Training, Tucson, Oct.
1997-1998 Secretary and President-Elect, German Sections, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association.
1997 Organizer and Presider, Fall Meeting of the AZ AATG Chapter, Tucson, October; Invitation of Prof. Dieter Jedan, Southeastern Missouri University, as speaker
1997 PAL Facilitator for “Networking Across Language Communities,”13th Annual 1997 Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, University of Arizona
1997 Organizer and Presider, German Section, 13th Annual 1997 Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, University of Arizona
1997 Organizer, one session, “Meeting with the Foreign/er in the Middle Ages: Tolerance or Xenophobia,” 33rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI
1997 Chair, one session, “The Impact of the Printing Press on Courtly Literature,” Chair, one session, “Orthodoxie et Héterodoxie au Moyen Age,” Chair, one session, “Tristan-Studies, II,” Presider, Business-Meeting, “Tristan-Society,” 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1997 Chair, one session, “‘Is that the law?’”: Precedent and Profession,” Crossing Boundaries. Third Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, AZ, February.
1996 Organizer, one session, “The Word, the Book, and the Magic of Reading,” Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Waco, TX, Oct.
1996 Organizer, one session, “The Impact of the Printing Press on Courtly Culture,” Organizer, one session, “Tristan Studies,” 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI
1996 Chair, two sessions, “Tristan Studies,” 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1996 Chair, “Sex, Love and Marriage in Medieval Literature and Reality, I,” 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1996 Organizer, one session, “The Book and the Magic of Reading,” 112th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C. December
1995 Organizer and Chair, one session, “The Book and the Magic of Reading,” 111th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, December
1995 Chair, one session, Comparative Literature, 49th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, WA, October
1995/1996 Organizer and Chair of Spring 1996 Meeting of the AZ AATG Chapter, Tucson; invitation of Prof. Judith Ricker, University of Arkansas, as speaker.
1995 Organizer (with Richard Helt) and Chair of Fall Meeting of the AZ AATG Chapter, Flagstaff
1995 Organizer, two sessions, “Tristania,” 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI.
1995 Organizer, Chair, one session, “The Book and the Magic of Reading,” 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1996
1995 Chair, two sessions, “Tristania,” 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1995 Chair, one session, “King Arthur and the Holy Grail II,” 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1995 Chair, one session, “Late-Medieval German Literature,” 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1995 Introduction to Worldwide Web Network, Library, University of Arizona, February
1995 Organizer, “Comparative Literature,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Conference, Spokane, WA
1995 Together with Judy Fullerton, Organizer of February meeting of the AATG AZ Chapter, Tempe; presider, invitation of Johanna Whiteman and Kay Dubois (Washington) as instructors
1994 Organizer and Presider, November meeting of the AATG AZ chapter, Tucson, invitation of Carolyn Kemplin (Dallas, TX) and Sinasi Dikmen (Germany) as speakers
1994 Secretary, “Comparative Literature” session, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, October
1994 Organizer, seven sessions, “Fifteenth-Century Symposium,” 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 1995
1994 Organizer, two sessions, “Tristan-Studies,” 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 1995
1994 Chair, one session, “Comparative and Postmodern Approaches to Tristan Versions,” 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May
1994 Chair, one session, “Animal Epics in Medieval Literature,” 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May
1994 Chair, one session, “Late-Medieval German Literature,” 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May
1994 Chair, one session, XVth International Humanitas Congress, Tempe, AZ
1993 Organizer, Chair, one session, “Canon and Canon Transgressions in Medieval Courtly German Literature,” 109th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Toronto, Ontario, December
1993 Organizer of the February 1994 Meeting and Chair, AATG-Arizona Chapter, Tempe, AZ; with 4 speakers for a panel discussion: Dr. R. Sosa, Dept. of Eduation, John D’Andrea, Dept. of International Economics (Tucson), Prof. Gerald Kleinfeld (ASU), Prof. Don Penrose from Thunderbird (Int. Business School), Phoenix; and workshop with Uwe Kind
1993 Chair, one session, “Problems in Translation from Foreign Languages,” 47th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Denver, October
1993 Secretary, Session “German Literature Before 1900,” 47th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Denver, October
1993 Organization (with Richard Helt) and Chairing of the September Meeting of the Arizona AATG Chapter in Flagstaff
1993 Organizer, eight sessions, “Fifteenth-Century Symposium,” 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1994
1993 Organizer, three sessions, “Tristan,” 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1994
1993 Chair, two sessions, “Tristan,” 28th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1993 Chair, one session, “Late Medieval German Language and Literature,” 28th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1993 Chair, one session, “Humanist Debates,” Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Flagstaff, AZ, April.
1993 Organizer, one session, “Translation,” 47th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Denver, October
1993 Assistant Member of Local Arrangement Committee, joint Meeting of The Medieval Academy of America and the Medieval Association of the Pacific, April, Tucson, AZ
1992 January, Organizer and Chair, AATG, Arizona Chapter Meeting, Tucson, AZ
1992 Organizer, four sessions, Chair, two sessions, “Tristania,” 28th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1993
1992 Organizer, one session “Late Medieval German Languages and Literature, 28th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1993
1991 Organizer, five sessions, “Tristania in the Middle Ages, the European Reception, Modern Tristania,” chaired two sessions: 27th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1992
1991 Organizer and chair, one session, “15th and 16th Centuries German Languages and Literature,” 27th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 1992
1991 Conference, chaired three sessions, “Late Medieval Tristan-Reception and Adaptation,” “Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan: New Directions,” and “German Language and Literature in the Late Middle Ages,” 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May
1990 Organizer, one session, “Women in the Nordic and Germanic Heroic Epics,” Seventeenth Annual Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association Conference, Birmingham, AL, 1991
1990 Chair, one session, “Teaching the Middle Ages,” Sixteenth Annual Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Raleigh, NC, September
1990 Chair, one session, “Laying the Foundations, V,” Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, NEH-funded Seminar, organized by Heiko A. Obermann and Peter Dykema, UA, September 1990.
1990 Organizer, three sessions, “Tristan-Studies, 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 1991
1990 Organizer, one session, “Late Medieval German Languages and Literatures,” 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 1991
1990 Chair, one session, “Dreams, Nightmares, and Dreaming in the Middle Ages,” 106th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, December
1990 Chair, one session, “Late Medieval German Literature and Language,” 25th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May
1990 Organizer, one session, “Dreams, Nightmares, and Dreaming in the Midle Ages,” International Courtly Literature Society at the 106th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, 1990
1989 Chair, one session, “Modern Psychological Theories and the Medieval Courtly Romances,” 105th Convention of the Modern Language Association Conference, Washington, D.C., December
1989 Chair, one session, “Comparative Literature,” Fifteenth Annual South Eastern Medieval Association Conference, Houston, TX, October
1989 Chair, one session, “Middle High German II,” Fifteenth Annual South Eastern Medieval Association Conference, Houston, TX, October
1989 Organizer, five sessions, 25th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 1990
1989 Organizer, one session, “Late Medieval German Language and Literature” 25th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
1988 Organizer, one session, “Modern Psychological Theories and the Medieval Courtly Romances,” International Courtly Literature Society, 105th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C. December 1989
1988 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Teaching the Middle Ages,” 14th Annual South Eastern Medieval Association Conference, Richmond, VA, September
1988 Organizer, one session “French and German Literature,” Annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, Los Angeles, 1989
1988 Organizer and Chair, one session, “Comparative Approaches in Literature,” Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, April 1989
1988 Organizer, five sessions, “Middle High German Literature” 24th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazo, MI, 1989
1987 Organizer, four sessions, “Middle High German Literature” 23rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 1988
1984 Panelist, Workshop on “International Affairs,” International Center, U of VA, October
2021 Chair and Moderator, one session, Prof. Santanu Das, “First World War and Postcolonial Studies,” Contemporary Trends and Development in Cultural Studies and the Humanities 2, organized by New Literaria: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Midnapore College (Autonomous), West Bengal, India, Oct. 2021
2021 Organizer and Chair of the Eighteenth international symposium, “Communication, Community, and Translation in the Pre-Modern World, May 8-9, online (22 presenters from the US, Egypt, Austria, Israel, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Belgium, and UK)
2020 Organizer and Chair of the Seventeenth international symposium, “Liberty, Imprisonment, and Slavery,” Nov. 21 and 22 (19 presenters, from the US, Canada, Spain, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Israel, Egypt, Algeria, Mali).
2020 Chair, two sessions, NEW LITERARIA- An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities in collaboration with Department of English, Assam University (Assam Central University), Silchar, India, “Re-thinking the Postcolonial: Texts and Contexts,” Sept.
2020 Organizer and Chair of the Seventeenth international symposium, “Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” Tucson, May (20 speakers, but cancelled due to COVID-19). Resumed online in Nov. 21-22, 2020, with new speakers, coming from Israel, Egypt, Algeria, Mali, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Austria, Canada, and the USA
2019 Organizer and Chair of the Sixteenth international symposium, “Imagination, Fantasy, and Monstrosity in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age,” Tucson, AZ, May (29 participants from the USA, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Sweden, Egypt).
2018 Organizer and Chair of the Fifteenth international symposium, on “Pleasure and Leisure: Toys, Games, and Entertainment in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” Tucson, May (24 participants from the USA, England, Germany, Egypt, New Zealand, and the Czech Republic)
2018 Organizer and Chair, Telgte 2 in Tucson. Dichtertreffen der Society for American Writers in German, 10 participants, Tucson, April
2017 Organizer and Chair of the Fourteenth international symposium on “On the Road again: Time, Space, and Identity in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time,” May, 25 papers (contributors from Israel, the Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Italy, and the USA)
2016 Organizer and Chair, Telgte in Tucson. Dichtertreffen der Society for American Writers in German, 11 participants, Tucson, Sept.
2016 Organizer and Chair of the Thirteenth international symposium on “Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” 13th international symposium, UA: May, 24 papers (contributors from Finland, Israel, UK, Italy, Czech Republic, and the USA)
2015 Organizer and Chair of the Twelfth international symposium on “Hygiene, Medicine, and Well-Being in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age”: 18 papers (Czech Republic, UK, Italy, and the USA).
2014 Organizer and Chair, Eleventh International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies, “Death and the Culture of Dying,” May
2014 Hosting of Alexander Wildgans, Bundesbeauftragter für Deutsche Immersionsschulen in den USA, San Francisco, April
2013 Invitation of the German writer Volker Altwasser to speak at the Fall meeting of the AZ AATG, Tucson, Nov. (last minute cancellation on his part)
2013 Chair, one session (4 papers), “Sei wi du willt namenloses Jenseits”: Neue interdisziplinäre Ansätze zur Analyse des Unerklärlichen, University of Vienna, Oct.-Nov. 2013
2013 Co-Organizer with Manshu Ide, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, International Symposium: “Fremdes Mittelalter – Die Fremde im Mittelalter: Xenologische Hermeneutik”
2013 Chair, one session, with Koji Ota, International Symposium: “Fremdes Mittelalter – Die Fremde im Mittelalter: Xenologische Hermeneutik,” Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan
2013 Organizer and Chair (25 talks) of the Tenth International Symposium of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, “Mental Health, Spirituality, and Religion,” May (recruited 24 speakers from 8 countries, organized housing, conference site, food, transportation of participants twice a day, advertisement, setting up packages, leading discussions, organizing 3 evening receptions, soliciting funds).
2012 Member, Editorial Board, Translation as Intercultural Operation, Universidad de Cordoba, Spain, June through October, Conference Organization and Preparation for Publication of the Proceedings
2012- Member, Editorial Board for Translation Series: Middle High German to Spanish, for Portaleditions (together with Eva Parra Membrives, Universidad de Sevilla)
2012 Organizer and Chair (23 talks) of the Ninth International Symposium of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, “East Meets West,” May (recruited 23 other speakers, organized housing, conference site, food, transportation, advertisement, setting up packages, leading discussions, organizing evening receptions, soliciting funds
2012- Member of the Research Group “Crime/Detective Narratives International,” with Prof. Eva Parra Membrives, Universidad de Sevilla
2012- Member of the Research Group “Minne-Lexicón: diccionario de términos y motivos de la lírica religiosa y profana de la Edad Media europea (s. XI-XV),” Universidades de Córdoba and Sevilla, Spain
2012 Member of the Organizational Committee for the “I Congreso Internacional de Literatura Trivial y de Entretenimiento, Sevilla, 26-29 de junio de 2012
2011 Organizer and Chair (4 talks), Research Forum, ASU Summer School, University of Cambridge, at St. Catharine’s, July
2011 Organizer and Chair (8 talks), International Symposium, Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Cambridge, at St. Catharine’s, July
2011 Organizer and Chair (22 talks), Eighth International Symposium, Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Arizona, Tucson, May
2011 Organizer and Chair (12 talks) of the 4th International Symposium, Wahres Leben und Tod vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Neuzeit: 4. Symposium der Theophrastus-Stiftung Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany, March 2011 (15 speakers from the USA, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, and the UK).
2011 Member of the Scholarly Committee, VIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL: Traducción, Texto e Interferencias, Cracow, Poland, and Sevilla, Spain, June 30-July 1
2010 Participant and Speaker, Neue Konzepte zur Rolle der Literatur in Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Internationaler Germanistik, Herder-Institut der Universität Leipzig, Germany, Sept. 2010 (invited) (3 days)
2010 Organizer and chair, Research Forum I, II, and III, Sookmyung International Summer School 2010, Seoul, S-Korea, June 2010 (ten speakers over three weeks)
2010 Organizer of the Seventh International Symposium on “Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age,” May, Chair of 25 sessions
2009-2010 Organizer and Chair of the 3rd International Symposium on Theophrastus Paracelsus, Constance, March 2010: “Religion und Gesundheit im 16. Jahrhundert” (16 speakers from Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, and the USA), chair of seven sessions.
2009 Co-organizer (including funding organizer) of international conference on Kultur- und Kommunikationshistorischer Wandel des Populären im 16. Jahrhundert, Freiburg i. Br., Nov. 2009 (15 participants)
2009 Invitation of Judith Schalansky (Berlin), to a reading at UA, Oct.
2009 Organizer of the Sixth International Symposium on “Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age, University of Arizona, May, chair of 15 sessions
2008 Organizer of the Fifth International Symposium on “Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, University of Arizona, Tucson, May; chair of 23 sessions
2008 Invitation of Swiss writer Catalin Florescu to a reading, sponsored by Pro-Helvetia (cancelled last minute), April
2007-2009 Member, Selection Committee, Exchange Program Fribourg, CH,-UA
2007 Host to Profs. Eva Parra and Juan Fernando, Universidad de Sevilla, at the UA
2007 Organizer and Chair of 20 sessions, Fourth International Symposium, “History of Sexuality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Tucson, AZ, May (25 participants from AU, UK, AZ, USA)
2007- Coordinator of internship positions for our students through the Steuben-Schurz Society, Frankfurt, Germany
2006 Chair, four sessions, Alterskulturen des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. 16. Internationaler Kongress, Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, Krems a. d. D., Oct. 2006
2006 Chair, three sessions, “Zwischen Herschaft und Kunst: Fürstliche und adlige Frauen im Zeitalter Elisabeths von Lothringen, Gräfin von Nassau-Saarbrücken (14.-16. Jahrhundert), Kolloquium an der Universität des Saarlandes,” Saarbrücken, Sept. 2006
2006 Organizer and Chair of 24 papers, Third International Symposium, “Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” Tucson, AZ, April (participants from AU, UK, NL, CAN, F, and USA).
2005 Host to Prof. Eva Parra Membrives, Universidad de Sevilla, as guest to the UA, Oct.
2005 Organizer and Chair, Second International Symposium, “Words of Love and Love of Words in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” Tucson, AZ, April/May (moderated 25 papers/sessions, organized all social events [3 receptions, 2 lunches, 2 dinners, 4 refreshments; two excursions]; participants from NZ, AU, Portugal, Poland, England, Canada, and the US)
2005 Member, Selection Committee, Exchange Program Fribourg, CH,-UA
2004- Member of the Advisory Board, Centre for Medieval and Early Modern European Studies University of Auckland, New Zealand
2004 Co-Facilitator of the Visit by Dr. Bernd Fischer, German Embassy, Washington, D.C., Oct.
2004 Organization, Welcome, and Introduction of Prof. Robert Rehder, Dept. of English, University of Fribourg, CH (Poetry Reading and Lecture), August
2004 Invitation and Hosting of Prof. Eva Parra-Membrives, Universidad de Sevilla, April/May
2004 Organizer and Chair, First International Symposium the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, on “Childhood and Family Relations in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age,” UA, Tucson, April-May (moderated 23 papers, organized all social events/refreshments, excursions, and social get-togethers; participants from Spain, Germany, France, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, The Netherlands, USA).
2004 Invitation and Hosting of Dr. Bernd Fischer, German Embassy, Washington, D.C., April
2004 Invitation and Hosting of Prof. Constant J. Mews, Monash University, Melbourne, April
2003 Organizer, one session, “Violence at the Medieval Court,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 14-17.
2003 Organizer and chair, Conference on “Discourse on Love, Marriage, and Transgression in Medieval and Early-Modern Literature,” UA, Tucson, May (moderated 19 papers/sessions, organized all social events/refreshments, excursions, and social get- togethers; participants from France, Austria, Poland, England, and the USA)
2002 Chair, three sessions, at “Soi-même et l’autre dans la littérature mediévale. Colloque international,” Centre d’Etudes Médiévales de l’Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, Amiens, March
2002 Academic Evaluation (“Gutachten”) for the Research Project “Der Gesamtbriefwechsel Christine Lavant,” submitted to Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Vienna, Austria, Jan.
2001 Successful Nomination and Support of Dr. Nadejda Guerassimenko, Andrey Rublev Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art, for a Congress Travel Award, 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI.
2000 Chair, one session, “Material Culture and Art: Everyday Life in 15th-Century Europe 2,” 4th International Congress The Fifteenth Century, Antwerp July.
2000 Chair, one session, “Late Medieval Women 3,” 4th International Congress The Fifteenth Century, Antwerp July.
2000 Chair, one session, “The Concept of ‘Memoria’ in Courtly Medieval Literature, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July
2000 Evaluation (“Gutachten”) of Dr. Bernhard Krause, Univ. of Mannheim
2000 Invitation of Gabrielle Alioth, Swiss Writer, April
2000 Invitation of Prof. Peter Dinzelbacher, University of Salzburg, Febr./March
2000 Nomination of Günter Grass to receive an honorary degree from the University of Arizona
1999 Invitation of Prof. Manfred Markus, Dept. of English, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Nov.
1999 Chair, two sessions, Interdisziplinäres Symposion der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft: Bilanz der Spätmittelalterforschung, Kaprun, Austria, Sept.
1999 Organizer and Chair, two sessions, “Meeting the Foreign/er: Hermeneutic Perspectives I and II,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July
1999 Invitation of Mr. Alois Hotschnig, Writer, Innsbruck, Austria, reading from his work, April.
1998 Invitation of Mr. Rüdiger Löwe, Head of the Political News and Public Discussions Dept., Bavarian Television, Munich, October
1998 Chair, one session, “New Voices and their Implications in 13th Century Romance,” Ninth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of British Columbua, Vancouver, August
1998 Chair, one session, “Literary and Socio-Historical Contexts, III,” Ninth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, August
1998 Invitation of Dr. Wolfgang Schopf, University of Frankfurt, April
1998 Invitation of Prof. Manfred Markus, University of Innsbruck, Febr.
1997 Invitation of Gabrielle Alioth, Swiss writer, Nov.
1997 Chair, one session, “Aspects of Medieval Archeology and Architecture in Slovenia, Livonia and Latvia (Twelfth-Fifteenth Century), Fourth International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, England, July.
1997 Invitation of Alfred Kolleritsch, Poet, Graz, Austria, April
1996 Invitation of Dr. Otto Marchi, Writer and Historian, Lucerne, Switzerland, Nov.
1996 Invitation of Prof. Wolfgang Pfeiler, Dept. of Political Science, Univ. of Greifswald/FRG
1996 Chair, two sessions, “Ich – Ulrich von Liechtenstein,” Akademie Friesach, Austria, Sept.
1996 Chair, one session, “Madwoman, Mystic, or Misunderstanding? The Challenge of Margery’ Kempe und Alice Kyteler,” 3rd International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Geat Britain.
1996 Chair, two sessions, “Text im Kontext: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur 1450-1620,” International Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, May.
1995 Invitation of Prof. Manfred Markus, Chair, Dept. of English, Univ. of Innsbruck/Austria
1995 Invitation of Herbert Kuhner (poet, Vienna), Prof. W. Heindl (Vienna), and Prof. Jürgen Koppensteiner (Uof Northern Iowa) to the AZ AATG Chapter Fall Meeting, Flagstaff.
1995 Chair, two sessions, international conference “The Fifteenth Century,” Kaprun, Austria, July.
1995 Invitation of Catrin Gersdorf, Univ. of Leipzig, Germany, Presentation of a Paper, March
1994 Invitation of Sinasi Dikmen (Germany) to the UA, Reading from his Work at the AATG AZ Chapter meeting
1994 Chair, two sessions, “15th-Century Studies,” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, United Kingdom, July 1994
1994 Invitation of Folke Tegetthoff (Austria) to the UA for a Presentation of his Work
1993 Invitation of Elisabeth Borchers (Germany) to the UA, Reading from her Work at the UA and at ASU.
1993 Evaluator for Promotion to the Associate Professor of Dr. Margret Jackson, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada
1993 Organizer, three sessions, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England, July 1994
1993 to present member of the Advisory Board, Mediaevistik
1993 Evaluator of Research Grant Proposal, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. February
1993 Evaluator of Manuscript by Sarah Westphal, Textual Poetics of German Manuscripts, 1300-1500, McGill University, Ottawa, Canada
1993 Chair, eight sessions, International Conference on “Erec, ou l’ouverture du monde arthurien,” Centre d’Etudes Médiévales, Université de Picardie, Amiens, France, January
1992 Chair, eight sessions, International Conference on “Mondes nouveaux, nouveaux mondes au Moyen Age,” Centre d’Etudes Médiévales, Université de Picardie, Amiens, France, April.
1991 Chair, two sessions, conference on “La chanson des Nibelungen hier et aujourd’hui,” Centre d’Etudes Médiévales, Université de Picardie, Amiens, France, January.
1990 Chair, two sessions, “Court and Culture, I and II,” International Congress Perpignan, Fifteenth-Century Studies, Perpignan, France, July
1990 to 2008 Member of the “Redaktion” of Mediaevistik, ed. P. Dinzelbacher (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang).
2022 Recommendation of Marie McClure for Middlebury Summer Immersion program, April
2022 Recommendation of Cody Grande, for the US Navy, Information Warfare Community, April
2022 Recommendation of Sally Abed, Alexandria University, Egypt, for the Brill Fellowship and the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, March
2022 Recommendation of Ceara Weiss for Seoul National University, S-Korea, March
2022 Recommendation of Drake M. Galouzes for the Study Abroad Program, Leipzig, UoA, Feb.
2022 Recommendation of Ceara Weiss for Johns Hopkins University, Boston University, Emory University, Northwestern University, M.A. program, Feb.
2022 Recommendation of David De la Mora for a David Evans & Lucille Nutt scholarship, UoA, COH, Feb.
2022 Nomination of Talitha Cuthbertson for the Graduating Senior Award, COH, Jan.
2022 Letter of recommendation for Amelia Knochel, UoA, for Medieval Europe Study Abroad program, Jan.
2021 Recommendation of Drake M. Galouzes, for the SILLC Study Abroad scholarship, Nov.
2021 Recommendation of Doaa Omran, University of New Mexico, for a position at the University of Pennsylvania, Nov.
2021 Letter of Recommendation for Prof. Peter Ecke for the Gerald G. Swanson Prize for Teaching Excellence, UoA, Oct.
2021 Recommendation of Madeline Zimring, Berkeley University, for the “Germany Close Up – North American Jews Meet Modern Germany” Program, Berlin, Oct. (success)
2021 Recommendation of Ian Orringer for the Ph.D. program in Political Sciences, Yale, Georgetown, San Diego State, Columbia University, Princeton University, Aug.; School of International Service, DC, The Fletcher School at Tufts University, Georgetown Grad School, George Washington University, Sept.
2021 Recommendation for Sultan Al-Sudairi for the Master Program in History, Marshall Foundation, Aug., successful selection within the UA, Sept.
2021 Recommendation for Manuel A. Colores, for Law School, UoA, June
2021 Recommendation of Elle Nangia for Study Abroad, Paris program, Feb.
2021 Recommendation of Talith Cuthbertson for a position as a tutor in the SALT Center, Feb.
2021 Recommendation of Alain Touwaide for the Position of Director of Byzantine Studies, Dumbarton Oaks, Jan.
2020 Recommendation of Molly E. Courtwright, Medical School, Jan.
2020 Recommendation of Ian Orringer for the VDAC scholarship 2021, Nov.
2020 Recommendation of Dr. Jan Alexander van Nahl for the promotion to Associate Professor, University of Iceland, Nov.
2020 Recommendation of Leslie K. Jull for the graduate program for the Colorado State University’s M.S. in Biomedical Science, Nov.
2020 Recommendation of Dr. Niccolino Applauso, Morgan State University, MD, for the National Humanities Center Residential Fellowship Program, Mellon-HBCU Residential Fellowship, Oct.
2020 Nomination of Makenna Lockwood for the Centennial Undergraduate Achievement Award, Sept.
2020 Recommendation of Makenna Lee Lockwood for the Marshall Scholarship, Aug.
2020 Recommendation of Dr. Jala abd Alghani, Haifa, Israel, for a faculty position at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, July
2020 Recommendation of Dr. Abba Abba, Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria, for a Radcliffe Institute Fellowship, Harvard University (July)
2020 Recommendation of Dr. Na’ama Shulman for the “Spinoza Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Haifa, Israel, April
2020 Recommendation of Dr. Sally Abed, University of Alexandria, Egypt, for one of the Brill Fellowships, March
2020 Recommendation of Christian Vazques for CEA Study Abroad, March
2020 Recommendation of Sultan Al-Sudairi for his portfolio and future job applications, March
2020 Recommendation of Gabrielle Marie Mitchell for the Leipzig Study Abroad Program, UoA, Feb.
2020 Recommendation of Cameron Rosisnki for Denis Krylov and his San Francisco company Transparent House (Feb.)
2020 Recommendation of Mengdi Han for the German Summer School in Taos, NM (Feb.)
2020 Recommendation of Kota Fleming for the M.A. program at George Mason and Texas State University
2019 Recommendation for Dr. Craig A. Meyer’s tenure and promotion at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (based on his articles published in Humanities Open Access), Dec.
2019 Letter of Recommendation for Mandy Han, for the M.A. program in German Studies, UoA, Nov.
2019 Letter of Recommendation for Veronica Ostertag, for a Lectureship position at German Studies, UoA, Nov.
2019 Letter of Recommendation for Nicholas Hansen, Penn State Law School,
2019 Recommendation of Talitha Swerdlove Cuthbertson for one of the SILLC Global Awards, Sept.
2019 Recommendation of Tyler James ‘TJ’ Fox for the Masters Program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ (Sept.)
2019 Nomination of Bailey Lockwood for the Centennial Undergraduate Achievement Award, Sept., successful.
2019 Recommendation of Courtney Baxter for Medical School (August)
2019 Recommendation of Jasmine Acfaller for Medical School (May)
2019 Recommendation of Davis Millar for the Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program at the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, and London Business School (April)
2019 Endorsement of Łukasz Chwałko’s recent film, The Life and Work of Jacob Böhme, April
2019 Recommendation of Belinda Kleinhans for the promotion to Associate Professor with tenure at Texas Tech University, April
2019 Recommendation for Kat Lewis, study abroad program in Copenhagen, March
2019 Recommendation for Christian Vasquez, for the medieval Europe program, March
2019 Recommendation for (Angela) Chaoqun Guo, for the Leipzig program, Feb.
2019 Recommendation for Ciara Daniels’s application to our M.A. program, Feb. and March (two times)
2019 Recommendation for Eric Nash, German teacher, Chandler Preparatory Academy, in support of his program, Feb.
2019 Recommendation of Courey Ryan Arnold for the Provost Senior Award, Jan.
2019 Recommendation of James Staples for the Msc in Osteoarchaeology at Aberdeen University, Jan.
2019 Recommendation of Prof. Jalal abd Alghani for a joint appointment in the Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University, Jan.
2019 Recommendation of Manuel A. Colores for Study Abroad in Orvieto, UoA, Jan.
2018 Recommendation of Corey Arnold for a Teaching Assistantship with Fulbright Austria, Dec.
2018 Recommendation of Dr. Michael Conrad for a position as Post-Doc at the University of Chicago, Art History, Nov.
2018 Recommendation of Mendi Han for a DAAD Study Grant, Nov.
2018 Recommendation of Nicholas Petry for the Ph. D. in Transcultural German Studies, University of Arizona, Nov.
2018 Recommendation of Matthew Mulconrey for the Ph.D. program at Harvard University, UCLA, Chicago, UC Irvine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Nov.
2018 Recommendation of Dr. Na’ama Shulman, Jerusalem, for a post-doc from the Martin Buber Fellowship, Oct.
2018 Recommendation of Mengdi Han for the Global Studies Award, undergraduate student category, Oct.
2018 Recommendation of Carolin Radtke for a grant from the University of Arizona – Graduate and Professional Student Council, Sept.
2018 Recommendation of Jasmine Acfaller for the Master Program in Public Health, UoA, Sept.
2018 Recommendation of Xi Yichuan for the 2018 Centennial Achievement Awards, Undergraduate Nomination, Aug.
2018 Recommendation of Carolin Radtke for the 2018 Centennial Achievement Awards, Graduate Nomination, Aug.
2018 Recommendation of Empire High School for the nomination as an AATG Center of Excellence, Aug.
2018 Recommendation of Jasmine Acfalle for Medical School, May
2018 Letter of recommendation of Melanie Mello for the Goethe-Institute/AATG Certificate of Merit, May
2018 Letter of support for Eric Huelsman in a petition case, May
2018 Recommendation of Alexander Zormeier for a teaching job in Germany, March
2018 Recommendation of Ciara Daniels for membership in Phi Beta Kappa, Feb.
2018 Recommendation of Michael Lyons for a job application, Feb.
2018 Recommendation of Ciara Daniels for the Graduating Senior Award, Spring 2018
2018 Letter of Recommendation of Talia Voutsas for Social Studies, graduate program, ASU, Feb.
2018 Nomination of Ciara Daniels for the Pillars of Excellence Award, Jan.
2018 Recommendation of Kaitlyn Molloy for the Engineering Ambassador program, UoA, Jan.
2018 Recommendation for Molly Gebler, for the Social Work (PHD) program at Arizona State University, Jan.
2018 Recommendation of Casey Norman for the Dept. of Teaching, Learning, & Sociocultural Studies, UoA, Jan.
2017 Letter of recommendation of Lucy Moore (several schools)
2017 Letter of recommendation of Alexander Zormeier for the COH Graduating Senior Award, Nov. and submission of the entire nomination package
2017 Recommendation of James Howell for Amphi High School District, Nov.
2017 Recommendation of Connie Scarborough for the Barnie Rushfield Award , Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Oct.
2017 Recommendation of Rowen Lentz for Urban Teachers, Oct.
2017 Recommendation of Allison Leibrandt for Study Abroad, New Zealand, 2018, and also for Scholarship Universe (Oct.)
2017 Recommendation of Fabian Alfie for the Arizona Humanities Public Scholar Award
2017 Recommendation of Nicholas Hansen for the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) (Sept.)
2017 Recommendation of Agnes Cser for Kennesaw State University (Sept.)
2017 Recommendation of Jessica McCraw for Fulbright U.S. Student Program (Aug.)
2017 Recommendation of Jasmine Acfaller for Medical School, Aug. (twice)
2017 Recommendation of Kathleen Shull for the AATG Outstanding Teacher Award, May
2017 Recommendation of Amber Hawkins for Medical School, May
2017 Recommendation of Connie Scarborough for the Texas Tech University Horn Professorship, May
2017 Recommendation of Annalise Livingston for the M.A. in History, UA (March)
2017 Recommendation of Connie Scarborough for the A&S Excellence in Research Award, Lubbock, TX (Feb.)
2017 Recommendation of Jasmine Acfaller for the Graduating Senior Award (Feb.)
2017 Recommendation of Lili Steffen for the Graduating Senior Award (Feb.)
2017 Recommendation of Mendi Han for the DSC/Leipzig Award (Jan.)
2017 Recommendation of Shanna Nelson for the SILLC Global Award (Jan.)
2017 Recommendation of Delaney Thomas for an R.A. position, UoA (Jan.)
2016 Recommendation of Thomas Hylton, for an FEA Scholarship Application, Study Abroad, 2017
2016 Recommendation of Hayen Godfrey, for The Graduate School University of Wisconsin-Madison, Nov.
2016 Recommendation of James Howell, Ph.D., Interfolio, Nov.
2016 Recommendation of Agnes J. Cser for Stanford University, Texas University, St. Marco, Univ. of CA at Santa Barbara, University of Alabama, Oct. and Nov.
2016 Recommendation of Emma Harken, Graduate School, ASU, Oct.
2016 Recommendation of Alison Statham, for Teaching for America, Oct.
2016 Recommendation of Connie Scarborough for the the Barnie E. Rushing, Jr. Faculty Distinguished Research Award, Texas Tech University
2016 Recommendation of Annalise Livingston, Exchange program with Fribourg, CH
2016 Nomination of Rosalie F. Crawford for the 2016 Centennial Achievement Award
2016 Recommendation of Alexander Miller (Goethe-Institute, DC)
2016 Recommendation of Kathleen Shull (Master in German Studies, at UNM)
2016 Recommendation of Timothy Binckley (Medical School)
2016 Nomination/recommendation of Alexander Miller, Outstanding Senior Award Spring (not successful)
2016 Recommendation of Adam James Hennekes for Global Ambassador at the Global Initiatives at the UofA
2016 Recommendation of Caroline Starr Bartlett for Bobcats Senior Honorary, UA, Feb.
2016 Recommendation of Alex Moore, Common Application, Feb.
2016 Recommendation of Rosie Crawford, scholarships, Feb.
2016 Recommendation of Laisa Neuner for the Provost Senior Undergraduate Award, Feb.
2016 Recommendation of Sarah Johnson, MA in Education, UA and NAU, Feb.
2016 Recommendation of Alain Touwaida, Charles and Linda Wilson Professorship in the History of Medicine, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Jan.
2016 Recommendation of John Water, MA program in Linguistics, UA, Jan.
2015 Recommendation of Jaynie Adams (Teach for America) (Nov.)
2015 Recommendation of program extension for Kuang ZhengYang (UA) (Nov.)
2015 Recommendation of Ren Nakayabashi, Keio University, for a DAAD Fellowship, Sept.
2015 Recommendation of Fabian Alfie for his sabbatical Spring 2017 (UA) (Sept.)
2015 Recommendation of Jaynie Elizabeth Adams (Sept.)
2015 Recommendation of Prof. Allison P. Coudert for Professor to Professor, 1st Above Scale, University of California at Davis (Aug.)
2015 Recommendation of Brett Thomas, for NAU (June)
2015 Recommendation of Tyler Hoelscher for Medical School (May)
2015 Recommendation of Alexander Moore (math tutor, UA) (April)
2015 Recommendation of Julia Carmen for Graduate School, City Year (April)
2015 Recommendation of Robert Anderson for Graduate Law School (April)
2015 Recommendation of Dr. Joan Grenier-Winther for the Marianna Merritt and Donald S. Matteson Distinguished Professorship, Washington, University, Pullman, WA, April
2015 Recommendation of Dr. Scott Taylor, Pima Community College, Tucson (April)
2015 Recommendation of Dr. Alain Touwaide, Smithsonian Institute, DC (April)
2015 Recommendation of Timothy Binkley (Fulbright Teaching Assistantship, Austria) (Feb., successful)
2015 Recommendation of Timothy Binkley, Medical School (March)
2015 Recommendation of Sara A. Lee, ASU, to the AATG (Feb.)
2015 Recommendation of Erin Miller (study abroad) (Feb.)
2015 Recommendation of Michael Lyon, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna (Feb.)
2015 Recommendations (2) of Andrea Anaya, French Program in Paris (Feb.)
2015 Recommendation of Agnes Cser for a GPSC Travel Grant, UA (Feb.)
2015 Recommendation of Brittany Rudolph for an Internship with the MoMA, NY (Feb.)
2015 Recommendation of Laisa Neuner for the Weinel Scholarship (Jan.)
2014 Recommendation of Victor Lennartz, for a position as tutor in SALT, UA (Dec.)
2014 Recommendation of Chelsea Robins, Teach for America (Oct.)
2014 Recommendation of Lee Gagum, Centennial Graduate Student Award (Sept.)
2014 Recommendation of Timothy Binkley, Medical School (May)
2014 Recommendation of Molly Gebler, Aid to Adoption of Special Kids, Phoenix (May)
2014 Recommendation of Laisa Neuner, COH Ambassador (April)
2014 Recommendation of Albert Reibert, COH Ambassadors (March)
2014 Recommendation of Ashley Nicole Sherry (teaching in Tucson) (March)
2014 Recommendation of Matthew Kirk, Study Abroad, Munich, Automotive Engineering (March)
2014 Recommendation of Laura Unkelsbay (Fulbright Teaching Assistantship, Austria) (Feb., successful)
countless other recommendations prior to 2014, such as
2004 Recommendation of Prof. Siegfried Christoph as Chair of the German Department, University of Bristol, England
2022 Evaluation of Dolores Vilavedra, “Women Who Leave: Uprooting and Return in Galician Literature,” for Humanities (major revisions)
2022 Evaluation of “Snakes and Ladders:The Path to Sanctity in Ramon Llull’s Vita Coetanea and Thomas Le Myésier’s Breviculum,” for Hispanic Review (accept with minor revision)
2022 Evaluation of “Authoritarian Politics and Conspiracy Fictions: The Case of QAnon,” for Humanities, April (accept)
2022 Evaluation of book manuscript, “HUNT FOR THE HWICCE: The Search for the Tribe that Created a Kingdom in Medieval Britain,” for Peter Lang (123 pp.), March (approved after some revisions).
2022 Evaluation of “Saint Francis’s Brother Wolf,” for Graduate Student Journal, Focus on German Studies (University of Cincinnati), March (reject)
2022 Evaluation of Stefan Krauss, “Numerical Riddles in the New Testament; Could
Neopythagorean Mathematical Thinking Have Been Formative for the Founders of Christianity?,” for Pre-Print, MDIP, online, March (reject)
2022 Evaluation of “‘Small Fires Causing Large Fires’: An Analysis of Boko Haram Terrorism-Insurgency in Nigeria,” for Pre-Print, MDIP, online, March (approve)
2022 Evaluation of Warren Tormey, “Wholeness, Holiness, and Wondrous Healing: Wellness and Formulaic Performativity in the Anglo-Saxon Herbal Healing Guides,” for Mediaevistik, March (revisions required)
2022 Evaluation of “The Teaching of Contempt: Rudolf Dietz’s Antisemitic Dialect Poetry,” for Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, March (reject)
2022 Evaluation of “Traditional Authority, Decentralization and Nation-Building In African States: A Change In Perspective,” Journal of Philosophy and Culture (accept)
2022 Evaluation of Jiang Wu and Robert Edward Gordon, “Buddhism and Humanities Education Reform in American Universities,” for Humanities (minor revisions)
2022 Second evaluation of “The School And Contemporary Education In Nigeria: Lessons From John Dewey,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture, Feb. (major revision)
2022 Evaluation of “An Impact of the Use of Collaborative Writing on EFL Students’ Attitude towards Learning Writing Skills,” for International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL), Feb. (minor revisions)
2022 Evaluation of Piotr (Peter) Boltuc, “Transhumanities as the Pinnacle and a Bridge,” for Humanities Open Access, Feb. (approve)
2022 Second evaluation of “The Mystery of the Crime in Skotoprigonyevsk (Plot Analysis of The Brothers Karamazov from the Perspective of Literature Studies, Psychology and Psychiatry),” for Humanities, Feb. (still: major revision)
2022 Evaluation of Avital Heyman, “Al-ifranjīArt: Threading Silken Stories in Historical Records,” Feb. (minor revisions)
2022 Evaluation of “Authoritarian Politics and Conspiracy Fictions: The Case of QAnon,” for Humanities Open Access, Feb. (tentatively accept)
2022 Evaluation of book manuscript (389 pp.), The Songs of Michel Beheim A Selection, for Peter Lang, Jan.
2022 Abdullah Niksirt, “Evaluation of Explaining Two Common Views on the Religious Knowledge,” for Preprint in Humanities, Jan. (reject)
2022 Evaluation of Elisabeth Mégier, “‘Heilsgeschichte’ im Mittelalter: was meinen Petrus Damiani und Rupert von Deutz mit historia salutis?” for Mediaevistik (minor revisions), Jan.
2022 Evaluation of Wiesje Emons-Nijenhuis, Independent scholar, “From vita to exemplum, the South English Legendary Adaptation of the Legenda Aurea ‘Petronilla’,” for Mediaevistik (major revisions)
2022 Evaluation of Mieke Bal, “Refugees and Representation: An Impossible Necessity,” for Humanities (minor revisions), Jan.
2022 Evaluation of Ibrahim William, “Proverbs Like Languages: A Babel of Conformity,” for, Jan. (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “Education, Freedom of Thinking, and Human Memory,” Philosophical Papers and Reviews, Dec. (major revision)
2021 Evaluation of “The Mystery of the Crime in Skotoprigonyevsk (Plot Analysis of The Brothers Karamazov from the Perspective of Literature Studies, Psychology and Psychiatry),” for Humanities Open Access, Dec. (major revision)
2021 Evaluation of “Dukus Horant – The Codicology of a Mediterranean Epic,” for Speculum, Dec. (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “Borderland (Narco) Folk Saints and the Media” for Humanities, Dec. (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “State As A Bonum Commune According To Platon And Aristotle,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture, Dec. (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “The School and Contemporary Education In Nigeria: Lessons From John Dewey,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture, Dec. (major revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “Teaching Methods Applied in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa,” Research Journal of Education, Nov. (major revisions)
2021 Evaluation of Jarbel Rodriguez, Europe in the Middle Ages: A New History, prospectus submitted to Cognella Academic Publishing, Nov., 255 pp. (major revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “A Philosophical Appraisal of the Grounds for, and Principles of Religious Beliefs,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture, revised, Nov. (reject)
2021 Evaluation of Donata Bulotta, “Helmbrecht’s Cap and its Meta-Literary Hints,” for Mediaevistik, Nov. (rejected)
2021 Evaluation of “A Study of Endangered Languages from an Ecological Lingustic Perspective,” for Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts (major revision)
2021 Evaluation of Lorenza Lucchi Basili and Pier Luigi Sacco, “Fictional Narratives as a Laboratory for the Social Cognition of Behavioral Change: My Ajussi,” for Humanities Public Access (minor revisions; second evaluation, still, minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “Imágenes de Oriente: percepciones europeas del Extremo Oriente y sus ciudades en las crónicas franciscanas del siglo XIV (1320-1358),” for Concurso Nacional de Proyectos FONDECYT Regular 2022, Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación, Gobierno de Chile, Oct. (accept)
2021 Mhando Mashaka Mikidady, “Understanding Cultural Traditions in Historical Explanations,” Journal of Philosophy and Culture, Oct. (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “Critical Assessment of the Poem by John Keats ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’,” for International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL), Oct. (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “‘The Value of Wild and Tame’: Environmental Attitudes and Regimes in High Medieval Wales,” for the Journal for the History of Environment and Society (JHES) (major revision), Oct.
2021 Evaluation of book ms., “The Songs of Michel Beheim: A Selection,” 393 pp., for Peter Lang Verlag, Oct.
2021 Evaluation of “Literatur als Medizin. Zum Armen Heinrich als Seuchensprich,” for Filologia germanica – Germanic Philology (Genoa, Italy), Oct. (accept)
2021 Evaluation of James Forse, “The Parish and Town on Tour in Medieval and Early Modern England: 1278-1624,” for Mediaevistik (minor revisions), four times
2021 Evaluation of Violeta Davoliūtė, “Local Testimony and the (Un)Silencing of Gender-Based Violence in Lithuania during WWII,” for Humanities (accept)
2021 Evaluation of Sharon Khalifa-Gueta, “Saint Margaret’s Image and ‘the Woman and the Dragon’ Motif,” for Mediaevistik (minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “The Struggle Against Racism Reflected in Langston Hughes,” for the Journal of Philosophy and Culture (Sept., reject)
2021 Evaluation of Mordechay Lewy, “Did Burning Mirrors Cause Body Marks on St. Francis of Assisi?: A Material View on Medieval Stigmata,” for Mediaevistik (minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “Understanding Cultural Traditions in Historical Interpretations,” for the Journal of Philosophy and Culture (Sept., reject)
2021 Evaluation of “Die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Feldtbuchs der wundarzney: Luzern, Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek, p 27 4o,” for Filologia Germanica – Germanic Philology (major revision)
2021 Evaluation of David Tomiček, University of Usti nad Labem, “Facies medici – Physicians’ Faces and Their Communication with Patients as Reflected in the Czech-Language Sources of the Early Modern Period,” for volume on Communication, Translation, and Communication, ed. A. Classen (Walter de Gruyter)
2021 Evaluation of Ailie Margot Posillico, Villanova University, PA, Ph.D. candidate, Fulbright application, “On ‘Perversity’: Sanctity, Heresy, and Identity in Medieval Christian Germany,” Sept.
2021 Evaluation of Cary J. Nederman, “Mother Knows Best: The Empress Matilda in the Becket Controversy,” for Mediaevistik (accept after minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “African Philosophers: Tales of Faith Among African Diaspora in the United States,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture (major revision)
2021 Evaluation of Julia Haba-Osca, “Literature Journals Indexed in the Web of Science: Thematic and Geographic Concentration,” for Humanities (MDPI; reject)
2021 Evaluation of Timo Airaksinen, “Dysphoric Sexual Perceptions of Non-intended Audiences: An Explanation,” for Preprints by MDIP (accept after minor revision)
2021 Evaluation of “Modern Women’s Aspirations in Shashi Deshpande ‘The Dark Holds No Terrors,’” for International Journal of English and Literature (reject)
2021 Evaluation of 8 chapters in Becoming the Pearl Poet, ed. Jane Beal, for Lexington Books (mostly approve).
2021 Evaluation of Jane Beal, “The Audience of Trevisa’s English Polychronicon: Authority, Clerical Preaching, and the Production of Late-Medieval Literary Culture,” for Mediaevistik (major revision)
2021 Evaluation of Will Sayers, “Command Performance: Coercion, Wit, and Censure in Sneglu-Halla þáttr,” for Mediaevistik (accept)
2021 Evaluation of William Chester Jordan, “Magna Carta and the Mise of Amiens,” for Mediaevistik (accept with minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of Fabian Alfie, “A War of Words Among Women: An Anonymous Bolognese Poem from 1282,” for Mediaevistik (accept with minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “An Analysis of the Impact of British Colonialism on Traditional Nigerian Society,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture (major revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “A Philosophical Appraisal of the Grounds for, and Principles of Religious Beliefs,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture (reject)
2021 Evaluation of Florian Kehm, “Die Mühle in der Kunst des Mittelalters: Von Hostienmühlen und Mühldichtungen,” for Mediaevistik (accept)
2021 Evaluation of “The Apotheosis of Carlos Tamoabioy: Social Memory in the Service of Cultural Survival,” for Humanities Open Access, July (accept)
2021 Evaluation of “‘The Handkerchief!’ Deconstruction of the most insignificantly significant inanimate object in the tragedy ‘Othello’ by William Shakespeare,” for International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL), July (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “‘Written on the Parchment of the Heart’: Memory, Writing and Pastoral Care in the Prose Lives of Venantius Fortunatus,” for Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, July (accept after minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “From Oroonoko Tobacco to Blackamoor Snuffboxes: Race, Gender and the Consumption of Snuff in Eighteenth-Century Britain,” for Humanities Open Access (accept)
2021 Evaluation of “Conscience in the Cho Doo-Soon Case,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture, July (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “Comparative Examination of Motifs, Tropes, and the Representation of Identities As Composed In the Works of Kamau Brathwaite and Helene Johnson” for International Journal of English and Literature (reject)
2021 Evaluation of book manuscript by Tovi Bibring, “The Tale of Old Bearded Achbor by Yaakov ben Elazar of Toledo: An Inquiry into an Overwhelming Medieval Story: Comparative Study and Annotated Translation” (for Walter de Gruyter, rejected)
2021 Evaluation of Rolf Goebel, “Kafka, Benjamin, Murakami: The Resonance of Music Across Culture,” for Rupkatha (accept with revisions)
2021 Evaluation of Graham Rossiter, “Catholic school Religious Education in a secular, de-traditionalised culture: The formula that is best for both the religious and non-religious students,” for Pre-prints, MDPI, July (accept)
2021 Evaluation of Becoming the Pearl-Poet, ed. Jane Beal (Lanham, Boulder, et al.: Lexington Books), ca. 350 pp. (major revisions)
2021 Evaluation of Pierandrea Gottardi, “Evolving Emotive Scripts in Roman de Horn, King Horn and Horn Childe,” for Mediaevistik (June, major revision)
2021 Evaluation of Marta Ruszczynska, “Stories in the Shadows of History: Polish Crime Fiction in the 19th Century,” for the University of Zielona Góra, Poland, June (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “Abortion in Indonesia in the Perspective of the Second Precept of Pancasila and the Philosophy of Human Nature Law According to Thomas Aquinas,” for Journal of Philosophy and Culture (reject)
2021 Evaluation of anonymous, “‘…und die Trippel in Barbarei’: Nordafrikabilder bei Oswald von Wolkenstein,” for Colloquia Germanica, June (reject)
2021 Evaluation of Christopher Theis, “Zur Frage des Mäzens im Prolog des Lucidarius,” for Mediaevistik, June (reject)
2021 Evaluation of Suhad Daher-Nashif, “The Silent Patient: insights on working with silent patients,” for Humanities Open Access, June (reject)
2021 Evaluation of “Differences in gender representation between men-directed
and women-directed spanish films (2018-2019),” for Humanities Open Access (conditionally accept)
2021 Evaluation of William Sayers, Cornell University, “The Mythological Norse Ravens Huginn and Muninn: Interrogators of the Newly Slain,” for (Mis)Communication, Translation, and Community, ed. A. Classen (reject)
2021 Evaluation of David Chisholm, Anthologie des deutschen Knittelverses vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart (for Peter Lang), ca. 250 pp.
2021 Evaluation of Falk Quenstedt, “Fremde Wunder. Mirabiles Wissen und die Transkulturalität deutscher Literatur des Mittelalters im Kontext arabischer Erzähl- und Wissenstraditionen (Herzog Ernst, Wil(d)helm von Österreich, Saif al-Mulūk, Sīrat Saif ibn Dī Yazan),” Kairoer Germanistische Studien, May (conditional acceptance)
2021 Evaluation of article, “Metaphors Stem from Nature in the Poetry of Mahmoud Darwish,” for International Journal of English and Literature (major revision), April
2021 Evaluation of book manuscript, Allegory and the Poetic Self: First Person Narration in Late Medieval Literature, ed. R. Barton Palmer, Katharina Philipowski, and Julia Rüthemann, for University Press of Florida, ca. 340 pp. (accept after minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of “Cultural Perspectives and Their Influence on Rural Zimbabwean Female Learners’ Progression in Advanced Level Science Subjects,” for Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) (accept after minor revisions)
2021 Evaluation of research project submitted to the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, “Zwischen Normen und Praktiken: Magie und Mantik in früh- und hochmittelalterlichen Rechtstexten,” March
2021 Evaluation of “Lost in translation? Multilingualism in Early Song Repertory (1350-1550),” for Pieter Mannaerts PhD, Wetenschapsredactie en -communicatie, Alamire Foundation, International Centre for the Study of Music in the Low Countries, Leuven, March
2021 Evaluation of “Plagues, miraculous interventions and revolutions: The “ταξίδιον” (journey) of Athonite Holy Relics to Crete and their eventful repatriation (1821-1831),” for Humanities Open Access
2021 Evaluation of “‘New Love, New Life’: Amy Levy and the Memory of Identity,” for International Journal of English and Literature, March (mostly reject)
2021 Evaluation of book manuscript by Charles V. Russ, A History of German, Told Through 101 Words, considered by Cambridge University Press (tentative approval), March
2021 Evaluation of the translation of Iban by Ulrich Fuetrer, offered by Joseph Sullivan, for Boydell and Brewer (ca. 300 pp.), March
2021 Evaluation of two anonymous authors, “Strategies for Old Age and Agency of the Elderly in Cities of the Late-Medieval Low Countries,” for Continuity and Change, Feb. (conditionally accepted)
2021 Evaluation of “Regulating Bodies: Urban Bathhouses in France, 1200-1550,” for French Historical Studies, Feb., 59 pp. (conditionally accepted)
2021 Amany El-Sawy, Alexandria University, “The Tragic Incarceration and Martyrdom of Al-Hallaj: A Painful Passage to Damnation,” for Incarceration and Slavery in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time, ed. A. Classen (accepted after ca. 6 revisions), Feb.
2021 Sally Hamid, book manuscript, Proposal for “Mapping Western and Arab Travel in Medieval and Early Modern Times,” for “Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, ed. A. Classen (Walter de Gruyter), rejected, Feb.
2021 Florian Tobias Kehm, “Die Mühle als Gegenstand der Kunst und Literatur des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters,” for Mediaevistik (95 pp.), considered
2021 Jan Ceuppens, “German Literature across Borders in the Postwar Era: The Translation and Reception of Heinrich Böll’s Work in the Low Countries (1949-1989),” Research Council KU Leuven, Belgium,
2021 Marc Pierce et al., “Why Old Saxon,” for Mediaevistik, Feb. (approved)
2021 Nurit Golan, “A Shift toward Secularization: The Reliefs of the West Portal of Ulm Minster (1377-1420),” for Mediaevistik (Feb.), 5 extensive revisions
2021 Evaluation of “Bridging Folklore and Popular Culture: “Fairy tales, Folktales, Legends, and Lays” – A Course Design Utilizing Adaptations and Comparative Approaches,” for Unterrichtspraxis (Feb.)
2021 Evaluation of Ashmita Bora, “Reading Indira Goswami’s Fictional Works from a Subaltern Perspective: A Study,” for Subaltern Studies in Indian English Literature (very positive, approved) (Feb.)
2021 Evaluation of Pawel Veliventi, “Family as an Oppressive Structure: A Study of Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss,” for Subaltern Studies in Indian English Literature (positive, mostly approved) (Feb.)
2021 Evaluation of Amol C. Indurkar, “The Voice of the Subaltern in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger,” for Subaltern Studies in Indian English Literature (rejected) (Jan.)
2021 Evaluation of Abhijit Seal, “Historical Against the Literary: Some Reflections on Partition Meta Narratives of Selected Indian Texts,” for Subaltern Studies in Indian English Literature (conditionally accepted) (Jan.)
2021 Multiple evaluation of Piotr Bołtuć, “Trans-Humanities as the Pinnacle and a Bridge,” for Humanities Open Access (accepted, with revisions) (Jan.)
2021 “Civilisation: A Transition towards Barbarism,” International Journal of English and Literature, Jan. (rejected)
2021 “‘The Place of Memory and Memory of Place’: A Comparative Study of Anglo-Indian Literature and Indian-English Literature,” for Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts (rejected) (Jan.)
2021 Evaluation of 16 grant applications to the Arizona Humanities, Jan. (ca. 5 hours); meeting with the board as one of the guest scholars, Feb. (5 hours)
2021 Evaluation of Piotr Bolduc, “Transdisciplinary Humanities; co-editorial,” for Humanities Open Access, Jan.
2021 Evaluation of Thomas Willard, “Shakespeare’s Savage Slave,” for Incarceration and Slavery in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age: Cultural-Historical Investigation of the Dark Side in the Pre-Modern World, ed. Albrecht Classen (Lexington Books)
2021 Evaluation of Madeleine Byrne, “On the Streets of Paris: The Experience of Displaced Migrants and Refugees,” for Social Sciences (partially accepted; Jan.)
2020 Evaluation and editing of book manuscript, Environmental Protection and its Reflection in Literature, ed. B. Mallesh Reddy, S. N. Shende, and D. Premila Swami (Hamburg: tredition; appeared in 2021)
2020 Evaluation of Charles Rice-Davis, “Rhizomatic Translation and the Censor State: Publishing Aimé Césaire in Estado Novo Portugual, for Humanities (accept), two times evaluated
2020 Consultant for Kathrin Hope Phoenix, Independent Filmproducer, Potsdam, Mercurious-Media, on a film project “Paracelsus,” Nov.
2020 Consultant for David Keys, Archaeology Correspondent for The Independent in London, on Medieval Executions of Rioters, Killing Methods, the Posse, Nov.
2020 Evaluation of Abdoulaye Samaké, “Gebet um oder der Traum vom Nachwuchs: Kinderlose Herrscher in der mittelhochdeutschen und altfranzösischen Epik,” for Kinderlosigkeit, guest-edited volume in Das Mittelalter, Oct.
2020 Evaluation of “Organic Archetypal Patterns in Literature: Origin, Meanings, Interpretations,” for Athens Journal of Philology (AJP) (accept only after major revisions) (Oct.)
2020 Evaluation of Mariano Nuzzo, “Evolution of the Monument Protection Service in Italy from Its Origins to the Pompeii Model. Principles of International Organization for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage,” for Preprints by (accepted)
2020 Evaluation of “Functions of Landscape in Games – A Theoretical Approach with Case Examples,” for Humanities (reject)
2020 Evaluation of Atusa Stadler, “Fürstenhochzeiten,” for Mediaevistik (accept)
2020 Evaluation of John Jeep, “Walther von der Vogelweide: Stabreimende Wortpaare im Kontext frühdeutscher rhetorischer Praxis,” for Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (accept)
2020 Evaluation of eleven proposals for the 2020 Open Education Conference (Nov.)
2020 Evaluation of “A Comparative Philosophical Analysis of the Kantian Principle of Moral Theory and the Utilitarian Theory: Applications and Critiques,” for Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (reject)
2020 Evaluation of Adam Oberlin, “Weather, Metaphor, and the Lexicon: A Corpus Study of Medieval German,” for Mediaevistik (Sept.; partial acceptance)
2020 Evaluation of research project, Dolores Grmača, “Premodern Croatian Literature in European Culture: Contacts and Transfers,” for The Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), Zagreb, Croatia (Aug.)
2020 Evaluation of Rolf Göbel, “The Soul of the Phonograph: Media-Technologies, Auditory Experience, and Literary Modernism in the Age of COVID-19,” for Humanities (accept)
2020 Evaluation of 1st chapter, “Islamophobia and Proto-racism in Medieval and Early Modern Europe,” by Deepa Kumar, for a book project (46 pp.)
2020 Evaluation of “The Shaping of Landscapes Through the Overtime Peoples-Nature’s Interactions: A Post-Disciplinary Approach,” for Humanities (July, major revision req; second evaluation: reject)
2020 Evaluation of N. Seminaroti and G. Bagetta, “Existential drama and man-God’s Passion in mystery plays,” for Humanities (July, rejected)
2020 Evaluation of Thomas Willard, “Humanities in the Time of Covid-19,” considered by Humanities Open Access (July and Aug.)
2020 Evaluation of Ken Mondschein’s “The Value of the Liberal Arts,” considered by Humanities Open Access (July and Aug.), extensive revision
2020 Evaluation of “On Imagined Pasts and Futures in New African Science Fiction,” for Humanities Open Access (near reject, major revisions requested, July)
2020 Evaluation of seven pre-selection proposals for UoA sponsored NEH grants (June)
2020 Evaluation of “The Medieval Lion: Toward an Interpretive History,” for Traditio (accept with minor revision, June).
2020 Evaluation of “Surgical Handbooks Translated into Low German,” for Medical Writing: Socio-Cultural Contexts of Production and Use, 1500-1800, ed. Carla Suhr et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (accept, with some provisos)
2020 “Helruna: Epistemic Limitation and the Mystery of Grendel’s Monstrosity,” for Journal of English and Germanic Philology (June, reject)
2020 “Weeping in the Face of Fortune: Ecohuman Alienation in Niger-Delta Ecopoetics,” for Humanities Open Access (June, conditionally accepted; later accepted for publication)
2020 Evaluation of Jane Beal, “The Value of the English Major Today,” for Humanities Open Access (June, accepted)
2020 Evaluation of Jan Alexander van Nahl’s “Half-Remembering and Half-Forgetting? On Turning the Past of Medieval Studies into a Future of Medieval Studies,” for Humanities (June, July, and Aug.; ultimately, accepted)
2020 Evaluation of “After Babel Revisited: On language and translation. In memoriam George Steiner (1929–2020),” for Athens Journal of Philology (AJP) (June, conditionally accept)
2020 Evaluation of “A Line Drawn Against Nature? Camille Paglia’s ‘Sexual Personae’ Revisited,” for Humanities Open Access (June, reject)
2020 Evaluation of Darja Dorving, “The Phenomenon of Chess in 20th Century Estonian Literature,” Post-Doc Fellowship Application, Tallinn University, School of Humanities, Estland, June
2020 Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom: Instituto Storico Germanico di Roma. Reihe
“Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe: Pubblicazioni online del DHI Roma. Nuova serie”: Old Age before Modernity. Case Studies and Methodological Perspectives, 500 BC – 1700 AD (May, not reject, but critical response)
2020 Evaluation of “Ageing Women, (In)visible Bodies. Iconographies on the Edge in Late Medieval Iberia (13th-15th c.),” Living on the Edge: Transgression, Exclusion and Persecution in the Middle Ages, for Medieval Institute Publications
2020 Evaluation of Maximilian-Friedrich Schiek, “Narrative Konzeption des Wandteppichs von Bayeux,” for Mediaevistik (May, rejected)
2020 Evaluation of “As he was Guarded by a Crystal Shield”: The Rapture of Words in “Postscript” of Elizabeth Costello, by J. M. Coetze,” for Athens Journal of Philology (April, reject)
2020 Evaluation of “Amphibolies of the Postmodern: Hyper-Secularity or the Return of Religion? Modern Progress and Questions Concerning Technology,” for Humanities Open Access (April, reject)
2020 Evaluation of Leonard Neidorf, “On Beowulf and the Nibelungenlied: Counselors, Queens, and Characterization,” for Neohelicon, April (accept after minor revisions)
2020 Evaluation of “Fighting Food Poverty through Film: Or why Global Challenge Research needs the Arts and Humanities,” for Humanities Open Access (April, tentatively yes)
2020 Evaluation of “Is there an “I” in “Anthem”? Trends in the Texts of National Anthems,” for Humanities Open Access (April, tentatively yes)
2020 Evaluation of “Pedagogical Analysis of Teaching Social Studies: An Empirical Literature Review,” for Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (April, good, but no solid results, and inappropriate for journal)
2020 Evaluation of Thomas Willard, “Shakespeare’s Savage Slave,” for Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter) (April, reject)
2020 Evaluation of “Rhetorical Structure of the Suicide Note: A Move/Step Analysis of an Occluded Genre,” for Humanities Open Access (rejected)
2020 Evaluation of Ken Mondschein, “The Fall of the Humanities and the Rise of the Adjunct in the American Academy,” for Humanities Open Access, March (rejected)
2020 Evaluation of “Paint it, Petal by Petal,” for Atiner (A World Association of Academics and Researchers), March (rejected)
2020 Evaluation of “A Study on the Metaphors Used in Shakespeare’s Poetry,” for Atiner (A World Association of Academics and Researchers), March (rejected)
2020 Evaluation of “Oromo Orature: An Ecopoetic Approach. Theory & Practice (Oromia/Ethiopia, Northeast Africa),” for Humanities Open Access (accepted)
2020 Donald J. Kagay, “Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada and the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa: The Archbishop as Warrior and Historian of Spain,” reviewed and edited numerous times, for Mediaevistik
2020 Evaluation of “The Nature of the Dispute between Philo and Cleanthes in David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion,” for Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (negative)
2020 Evaluation of “‘The Quest for the Fiction of an Absolute’: The Mystic’s Movement from Ancient Sacrifice to Supreme Fiction in Wallace Stevens,” for Humanities Open Access (March; conditionally accepted)
2020 Evaluation of “Effectiveness of Radio Programmes in Campaign against Child Abuse in Imo State,” for Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (mostly accepted)
2020 Evaluation of Brian Murdoch, “Defining and Defending the Middle Ages with C. S. Lewis,” for special issue of Humanities Open Access
2020 Evaluation of “On Beowulf and the Nibelungenlied: Counselors, Queens, and Characterization,” for Neohelicon (preliminary reject, major revisions needed)
2020 Evaluation of “Persian Miniatures as Textual Unconscious: Illustrations of Layli va Majnun in the 1431 Hermitage Khamsa,” for Rocky Mountain Review (conditionally accept)
2020 Dieter Büker, “Ist der Klosterplan von St. Gallen in Architektur umgesetztes Regelwerk (Regula Benedicti, Hildemarkommentar)?,” for Mediaevistik (reject)
2020 Evaluation of “Representation of Women in the Finish Civil War: The Case of the Film Sotapolulla,” for Humanities Open Access (conditionally accepted)
2020 Evaluation of “Entropy’s Enemies: Postmodern Fission and Transhuman Fusion in the Post-War Era,” for Humanities Open Access (accepted)
2020 Evaluation of “Whatsapp and Health Information Consumption among Adult Nigerians: Usage and Consequences,” for Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (half rejected)
2020 Evaluation of “Post-Colonial Search for the Political Discourse of History and Action in the Politics of José de Alencar During Imperial Brazil,” for Humanities Open Access (rejected)
2020 Evaluation of “Older Cistercian Abbots and Opposition to Retirement in Twelfth-Century Europe,” for Radical History Review (positive)
2020 Evaluation of Companion to Death, Burial, and Remembrance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe c.1300-c.1700, ed. Philip Booth and Elizabeth Tingle, for Brill (ca. 450 pp., partly accepted, major revisions required)
2020 Evaluation of “The Animal in Pope’s ‘Essay on Man,” for Humanities Open Access (positive)
2020 Evaluation of Anita McChesney, “Detective Fiction in a Post-Truth World: Eva Rossmann’s ‘Patrioten’,” for Humanities Open Access (positive)
2020 Evaluation of “Essence as a Fundamental Concept of Explaining and Understanding Reality,” for Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (Jan.; reject)
2019 Evaluation of Companion to Death, Burial, and Remembrance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe c.1300-c.1700, ed. Philip Booth and Elizabeth Tingle, for Brill (intro., ca. 30 pp.; partly rejected)
2019 Evaluation of “Public spheres, counterpublics’ fears and syncopolitics,” for Humanities Open Access (mixed)
2019 Evaluation of “The Social Guidance of Myth, Folktale and Faith,” for Humanities Open Access (reject)
2019 Evaluation of “Exploring The Role and Challenges of Ethical Values to impart Good Governance: The Case of Dessie Town, South Wollo, Ethiopia,” for Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (reject)
2019 Evaluation of “The Exile of Ovid, the Pleiades, Maia and the Secret Name of Rome,” for Athens Journal of Philology (accepted)
2019 Evaluation of Jordan Burr, “Entropy’s Enemies: Postmodern Fission and Posthuman Fusion in the Post-War Era,” for Humanities Open Access (accepted)
2019 Evaluation of “Fictionalizing Biography: A Genre Study of the Gujarati Biographical Novel – Aatha-mo Rang by Himanshi Shelat ,” for Global Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (rejected)
2019 Evaluation of “ Ramon Llull, Martin Luther, and the Dignities of God,” for PMLA (Oct.)
2019 Evaluation of “Ibn Fadlan and a By-Passed Remark on an Imaginary Geographical Topos: Observations on the Decreasing Factual Credibility Regarding the Caucasus Area of the Silk Road,” for Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts
2019 Evaluation of “‘In the Midst of Sublime Abstractions’: On Gertrude Bell’s Translation of Hafiz,” by Reza Taherkermani
2019 Evaluation of “Glimpse into the Medieval: Epochal Contextualization of Dante’s Commedia,”for Heliyon (rejected)
2019 Evaluation of Christoph Galle, “Witches, Female Weather Makers, and Poisoners in the Carolingian Empire,” for Mediaevistik
2019 Evaluation of “Isabella’sTacitTragedy in Measure for Measure,” for International Journal of English and Literature
2019 Evaluation of book proposal by Elspeth Whitney, “Medieval Ecologies: Nature, Landscapes and the Humors in Medieval Culture,” for Routledge (Sept.)
2019 Evaluation of Dr. Keagan Brewer’s application for a Macquarie University Research Fellowship, Australia, on “Atheism, Repression, and Emotions in Medieval Europe,” Sept.
2019 Evaluation of “The Joy of Killing. Perpetrator Narratives in Joshua Oppenheimer’s Indonesian Genocide Documentaries” for Humanities Open Access
2019 Evaluation of 40 first-time conference attendees applications, ACTFL/AATG, Aug.
2019 Evaluation of 24 AATG chapter grant applications (national), Aug.
2019 Evaluation of book ms., ‘Otherness‘ in the Middle Ages, ed. by Hans-Werner Goetz and Ian Wood, for IMR/Brepols
2019 Evaluation of “Women as victims of war in Homer’s oral poetics,” for Humanities
2019 Evaluation of “Language as a Dialectical Engagement with Becoming and The Last Lesson of Don Miguel de Unamuno,” for Advances in Literary Studies
2019 Evaluation of anonymous, “On Beowulf and the Nibelungenlied: Counselors, Queens, and Characterization,” for Philological Quarterly (reject)
2019 Evaluation of Reza Taher-Kermani’s book manuscript ‘The Persian Presence in Victorian Poetry,” Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July
2019 Evaluation (“Gutachten) of “Magie und Mantik in früh- und hochmittelalterlichen Rechtstexten: zwischen Norm und Praxis” (eBer-19-22430) for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschat (June, support, with qualifications)
2019 “Czech Medieval Travelogues. Summary, Comparison, and New Interpretation,” for the Czech Science Foundation
2019 “Women as Victims of War in Homer’s Oral Poetics,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access (rejected)
2019 Doaa Omran, “Female Protagonist Mega-Archetypes: A Study in Medieval European Romances,” (diss., Ph.D., University of New Mexico) for “Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture” (Walter de Gruyter) (rejected)
2019 Zrinka Stahuljak, University of Zagreb, “Global Humanisms: New Perspectives on the Middle Ages (300-1600),” Croatian Science Foundation (rejected)
2019 Evaluation of Dr. Astrid Klocke for her promotion to Full Professor, NAU, May
2019 Evaluation of Nicolino Applauso’s book manuscript, Dante’s Comedy and the Ethics of Invective in Medieval Italy: Humor and Evil, for Lexington Books
2019 Evaluation of Dante Satiro: Satire in Dante Alighieri’s Comedy and Other Works, ed. Fabian Alfie and Nicolino Applauso, for Lexington Books
2019 Evaluation of “Persuasion Without Words: Confucian Persuasion and the Supernatural,” for Humanities Open Access
2019 Evaluation of “The distinctive and universal in the common world of perioperative nursing care; a hermeneutic study,” for Humanities Open Access
2019 Evaluation of Krystyna Wierzbicka-Trwoga, “Comparative Analysis of Sixteenth-Century Translations of Narrative Fiction from German into Polish,” for The National Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki – NCN; (April)
2019 Evaluation of “Helen of Troy, and the Birth of Fuzzy Logic,” for Humanities Open Access, March (reject)
2019 Evaluation of the introduction to Reading the Book of Nature, ed. Thomas Willard
2019 Evaluation of Godelinde Gertrude, “Women Making Memories: Liturgy and the Remembering Female Body in Vernacular Devotion,” Post-Doc Fellowship, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Germany, Feb.
2019 Evaluation of “Palestinians’ Suicide Bombing: A Communication of Desperation,” for Humanities Open Access, Feb. (twice)
2019 Evaluation of “Language Vitality of Spanish in Equatorial Guinea: Language Use and Attitudes,” for Humanities Open Access, Feb.
2019 Evaluation of editorial for guest-edited vol. by Joela Jacobs, “Animal Narratology,” for Humanities Open Access, Feb.
2019 Evaluation of Scholarly Travel Grant Applicants, MDIP (Humanities Open Access), 2 candidates, Jan.
2019 Evaluation of “Local Election Amid the Oligarchs: Case Study of the Election in Jayapura Regency, Indonesia, in 2017,” for Humanities and Social Science Research
2019 Evaluation of “The Geography of ‘Otherness’: Spaces of Conflict in Smaro Kamboureli’s in the second person,” for Humanities Open Access
2019 Evaluation of Harold Toliver, “Out of Sight But Not Out of Mind,” for Advances in Literary Study
2018 Evaluation of Magnus Borg, “Window of Opportunity: Lay Agency and Opportunism in Late Medieval Europe,” for Mediaevistik
2018 Evaluation of “Migratory Realities: The Interplay of Landscapes in the Guyanese Emigrant’s Reality in Jan Lowe Shinebourne’s The Godmother and Other Stories,” for Humanities Open Access
2018 Evaluation of Fulbright Scholar Program Visiting Scholar Application by Kateřina Horníčková, Project “Urban Religious Houses in late medieval Bohemia: Patronage, Communication, Conversion, and Demise (1450-1550)”
2018 Evaluation of Dan C. Baciu,” How Culture is Shaped by Dissemination and Reception,” for Humanities Open Access
2018 Evaluation of “Reading Landscape: Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo’s Chronicles of Nicaragua,” for Reading the Natural World, ed. Tom Willard
2018 Evaluation of “Nostalgic Nuances in Media in the Red Book Magazine Version of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Rich Boy’,” for Humanities Open Access, Nov. (approved)
2018 Evaluation of “The life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish”, but not short: The Deserted Old in the Extreme Reality,” for Humanities and Social Science Research (HSSR), Nov.
2018 Evaluation of Bernhard Bachrach, “Charlemagne’s Health in ‘Old Age’: Did It Affect Carolingian Military Strategy?,” for Mediaevistik, Oct. and Nov. (3 times)
2018 Evaluation of “Prevalence of Domestic Violence Against Women and Children in the Philippines,” for Humanities and Social Science Research, Nov.
2018 Evaluation of “Nativity and Assumption of the Virgin Mary in HM 129” by Ann Scott, NAU, for the Huntington Library research grant, Oct.
2018 Evaluation of “Diana and Juno Destroyed: Statues and Pagan Deities in Two Meisterlieder by Hans Sachs,” for German Quarterly, Oct.
2018 Evaluation of research project “Old Myths, New Fact: Czech Lands in the Centre of 15th-century Music Developments,” for the Czech Science Foundation, Prague, Czech Republic, Oct.
2018 Evaluation of “Poetic Emotions for the Villages Divided by the State Boundary,” for Humanities Open Access, Oct.
2018 Evaluation of “Phlegmatic Landscapes: Medieval Perceptions of Wetlands, Acedia, and Complexion Theory,” for Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Oct.
2018 Language evaluation of Bjorn Wastvedt for Fulbright and DAAD application, Sept.
2018 Evaluation of Luigi A. Berto, “Rewriting History and Filling the Gaps: Early Medieval Italian History of Muslims and Christians in the High Middle Ages and in the Late Middle Ages,” for Mediaevistik
2018 Evaluation of “Minor-Sentences as Stand-ins of Small Things in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things, for Humanities Open Access (reject), Sept.
2018 Evaluation of “Nostalgia as one of the Determinants of Human Existence,” for Humanities Open Access (reject), Sept.
2018 Evaluation of “Corruption and Redemption: An Ecotheological Reading of Ála Flekks saga,” for Reading the Natural World: Perceptions of the Environment and Ecology in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. Thomas Willard, Aug.
2018 Evaluation of “(Im)perfect Memories in Jacqueline Woodson’s Another Brooklyn,” for Humanities Open Access (reject), Aug.
2018 Evaluation of 43 applications for First-Time Attendee Grant Applications for the AATG/ACTFL Convention, Aug.
2018 Fatima Ali, “Minor-Sentences as Stand-ins of Small Things in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access
2018 Christopher M. Flavin, “Prospectus for Inventing Women: Constructions of Women’s Identities in the Catholic Tradition,” evaluated for Lexington Books
2018 Evaluation of “Demigods – Attempt at an Explanation,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access
2018 Evaluation of Prof. Asaf Pinkus for the promotion to Full Professor, University of Tel Aviv
2018 Mark Malisa, “Pan-Africanism: A Quest for Liberation and the Pursuit of a ‘United Africa’,” evaluated for Preprints (Humanities)
2018 Thomas G. Benedek, Medicine and Humor from the Writing of Hans Sachs and Hans Folz, Meistersinger, 385 pp., for Nova Science Publishers
2018 Rachel Kunert-Graf, “Dehumanized Victims: Analogies and Animal Avatars for Palestinian Suffering in Waltz with Bashir and War Rabbit,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access, Aug.
2018 Nicola Seminaroti and Giacinto Bagetta, “Existential Drama and Man-God’s Passion in Mystery Plays,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access, July
2018 “Symbolism versus pragmatism: The intestine burial of German emperors, ca. 950–1250,” evaluated for Mediaevistik
2018 Abdullah Sherif, “A Postmodernist perspective on Angela Carter’s Wise Children,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access, May
2018 anonymous, “Moral Necessity and the Implementation of Modernity,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access, May
2018 Evaluation of three NEH proposals for Summer Research Grants submitted internally to the University of Arizona, May
2018 Evaluation of Andrew Fleck, “Anthropocene Meteorology and Reading the Natural World in Shakespeare’s Sonnets,” for vol. on Nature in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Tom Willard
2018 Evaluation of 23 files for the 2018 NACADA Global Awards, Outstanding Advising – Faculty Role Awards (each ca. 20 pp.)
2018 Evaluation of “Exploring The Pitfalls of Literary Translation: A study of some Arabic Translations of Franz Kafka,” for Humanities Open Access
2018 Evaluation of research project by Iris Idelson-Shein, “Jewish Translation and Cultural Transfer in Early Modern Europe,” for the European Research Council
2018 Evaluation of article by Marco Canani, “Within and without the Text: On Transmedia Sources in Algernon Charles Swinburne’s Tristram of Lyonesse, for Robert Schöller, ed., Tristan in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
2018 Evaluation of article by Laquidara, “Dissonant desire: Tristan und Isolde in L’Âge d’Or by Luis Buñuel,” for Robert Schöller, ed., Tristan in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
2018 Evaluation of article by Scott Bruce, “Sunt altera nobis sidera, sunt orbes alii: Imagining Subterranean Peoples and Places in Medieval Europe,” for Mediaevistik (two times)
2018 Evaluation of article, “Mapping Memory and Historical Literacy onto the German Curriculum,” for Unterrichtspraxis
2018 “anonymous, “Persuasion Without Words: Confucius’ Art of Rhetoric and the Supernatural,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access
2018 “An Ethical Ideal? Louise Rosenblatt and Democracy – A Personalist: Reconsideration,” evaluated for Humanities Open Access
2018 Claudia Händl, “Karl der Große als Wahrer des Rechts?: Zum Gerichtsverfahren in Morant und Galie,” for Mediaevistik (approval)
2018 anonymous, “Towards an emerging cross-cultural communication,” for Humanities Open Access (conditional approval)
2018 Ali Baram Mohammed and Salam Hussein Yahya, “Te inner conflicts in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne,” for Humanities Open Access (partial approval)
2018 Maroua Rogti, “The Arduous and Agonizing Struggle between Reality and Illusion in Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire,” for Preprint, MDIP, Jan. (rejected)
2018 “The Irony of ‘African Solidarity’ in Sembene Ousmane’s Mandabi,” for Humanities Open Access (accepted)
2017 “Alienation and Feminism in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Lessing’s The Grass Is Singing: A Comparative Study,” for Humanities Open Access
2017 “Re-presenting Childhood: An intertextual Rereading of the Enlightenment Subject through Ibn Tufayl’s <i>Hayy Ibn Yaqzan</i>,” for Childhood
2017 Evaluation of Werner Heinz, “Der Sonnengesang des Franziskus von Assisi,” for Symbolon
2017 Evaluation of Sebastian Kungel, “Die Kirchheimer Klosterchronik,” for Mediaevistik
2017 Evaluation of Latifa Bessadet, “O’Neill’s Psychological Approach of the Greek Sense of Fate: Mourning Becomes Electra,” for Advances in Literary Study (rejected)
2017 Evaluation of anonymous, “Saintly “Psychiatry”: Hildegard of Bingen’s Medical Knowledge and Healing Authority over the Mind,” for Viator
2017 Evaluation of anonymous, “Persuasion Without Words: Confucius’s Art of Rhetoric and the Supernatural,” for Humanities Open Access
2017 Evaluation of Gail Finney, “Greek Tragedy as a Paradigm for Family Trauma Cinema” for Humanities Open Access
2017 Evaluation of Chiara Benati, “Swa breðel seo, swa þystel – fiat tamquam pulviß ante faciem venti: Threat of Retribution for Thieves in the Germanic Tradition,” for Mediaevistik
2017 Evaluation of Robert Horres, “Kulturen des Performativen: Minnesang und Heike,” for Fremdes Mittelalter – Die Fremde im Mittelalter: Xenologische Hermeneutik, ed. Albrecht Classen and Manshu Ide
2017 Evaluation of “Genetics, Molar Pregnancies, and Medieval Ideas of Monstrous Births: The Lump of Flesh in The King of Tars,” for Medical Humanities, Oct.
2017 Evaluation of Nominations for the Centennial Achievement Award (9 M.A. and 17 Ph.D. candidates)
2017 Evaluation of Nicolino Applauso book manuscript, “Dante’s Comedy and the Ethics of Invective in Medieval Italy: Humor and Evil,”for Lexington Books
2017 Evaluation of The Nibelungenlied with The Klage. Ed. and Trans., with an Intro. by William Whobrey (Indianapolis, IN, and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing).
2017 Evaluation of Patrick D. Rogers S.J., “Germanic Mythology and Christian Story in the Grimms’ Fairy Tales,” book manuscript for Oxford University Press, 325 pp. (rejection)
2017 Evaluation of Eugeniusz Klin’s book manuscript, “Ahasver in Schlesien. Deutsch-jüdische Botschaften in der Literatur,” for Thalloris 1 (2017) (approved)
2017 Recommendation of Prof. Nizar F. Hermes for his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure
2017 anonymous, “An Ecocritical Study of The Folded Earth by Anuradha Roy,” for Journal of South Asian Studies (rejected)
2017 “Mental Illness and Mental Health in the Late Medieval English Monastery,” for Open Library of Humanities
2017 Evaluation of Ted Christopher, “Science’s Big Problem, Reincarnation’s Big Potential, and Buddhists’ Profound Embarrassment,” for Preprints, Humanities Open Access (approval)
2017 Evaluation of “The ‘Parable’ of Don Quixote: Its Interpretations & Significance for Modern Christian Theology,” for Advances in Literary Study (online)
2017 Evaluation of doctoral dissertation by Sally Hany Abed, “Mapping the World in Medieval and Early Modern Western and Arabic Travel Accounts” (University of Utah) for possible inclusion in book series “Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture” (Walter de Gruyter); many revisions, final outcome: rejected
2017 Evaluation of Burt Kimmelman, “Code and Substrate: Reconceiving the Actual in Digital Art and Poetry,” for Humanities Open Access, June
2017 Evaluation of book manuscript, “Animal Languages in the Middle Ages: Representations of Interspecies Communication,” for Palgrave Macmillan (ca. 300 pp.)
2017 anonymous, “Crisis, Change, and the Humanities,” for Humanities Open Access
2017 Cornering the Snarket: Sarcasm and Snark in Medieval Literature and Cultures, An Anthology of Essays, ed. Alan S. Baragona and Elizabeth Rambo, for Walter de Gruyter
2017 Kurt Cline, “The Shaman’s Song in Myth and Literature,” for Advances in Literary Study
2017 Evaluation of a research project submitted to theResearch Foundation Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen, FWO), Kim Overlaet, “Fighting the years. The agency of the elderly in the late medieval and early modern Low Countries (1400-1600)”
2017 Romedio Schmitz-Esser, “Odorich von Pordenone, Asienreiseberichte des Mittelalters und ihre ‘causa scribendi’,” for Mediaevistik2017 Jitske Jaspers, “Women, Courtly Display and Gifts in the Rolandslied and the Chanson de Roland,” for Mediaevistik
2017 anonymous, “Iliad – The First Anti-war Work,” for Humanities Open Access
2017 anonymous, “Mehrsprachigkeit als höfisches Ideal in mittelalterlichen Texten – vom Kulturausweis zur diplomatischen Praxis,” for Critical Multilingualism Studies
2017 anonymous, “Objects, words, and religion: popular belief and Protestantism in early modern England,” for Studia Anglica Posnaniensia
2016 Adam Oberlin, “Phraseology, Metaphor, and Sensory Disability in MHG,” for Mediaevistik
2016 “Reclaiming the Place of Religious Studies in the Academy and in National Development,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 William Sayers, Bricriu nemthenga (‘poison-tongue’): Onomastics and Social Function in Early Irish Literature,” for Mediaevistik
2016 “Historical Museums in Israel: Semiotics of Culture,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 World Literature I: Beginnings to 1650, ed. Kyounghye Kwon and Laura Getty (2015), for Open Textbook Library
2016 “Language is the Place from Where the World Is Seen”—On the Gender of Trees, Fruit Trees and Edible Fruits in Portuguese and in Other Latin-Derived Languages,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Dr. Gianluca Briguglia, “Political Multilingualism. Latin, Italian, French and the Medieval Political Thought,” University of Strasbourg, Institute of Advanced Studies
2016 anonymous, “Key Khosrow et Perceval: destins croisés et parallèles,” evaluated for Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
2016 Evaluation of Nominations for the Centennial Achievement Award (14 files, M.A. and Ph.D. candidates)
2016 “An Exploration of the Canon of Hausa Prose Fiction in Hausa Language and Translation: the Literary Contest of 1933 as a Historical Reference,” evaluated for Advances in Literary Study
2016 Luigi Andrea Berto, “From the mythical American frontier to the imaginary frontier areas of early medieval Italy,”for Mediaevistik
2016 Anonymous, “Of Education and Ethics: the vision of Sir Robert Menzies and how it has come unstuck,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 12 manuscripts submitted for a volume on Proceedings from a Japanese-German literature conference (2013, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, “Fremdes Mittelalter – Die Fremde im Mittelalter: Xenologische Hermeneutik”)
2016 Anonymous, “Geoethics and Environmental Humanities in the Anthopocene: Educating People about the Mountain and Risk Management,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Anonymous, “Walking Off the Edge of the World: Sacrifice, Chance, and Dazzling Dissolution in the Book of Job and Le Guin’s ‘The Ones Who Walk Away’,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Book manuscript The Public in the Middle Ages by Charles Connell, for “Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Studies,” ed. A. Classen (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter), ca. 350 pp.
2016 Anonymous, “ The Paranormal: From Fagunwa to Rowling – The Reality of the Unrealistic,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Monica O. Aneni, “Language for the Dead in Ancient Rome and Nigeria: Interrogating Epithets on Inscriptions and Obituary/In Memoriam Notices,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 “The Crisis in the Humanities—What would Shakespeare do?,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Dr. Robert McFarland, Brigham Young University, Promotion to Full Professor, April
2016 Alcibiades Malapi-Nelso, “The Role of a Machine in the Failure of Artificial Intelligence (Part 1): Unsolvable Tensions in the Computational Theory of the Mind,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Anonymous, “Transcultural Space and the Writer,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 “‘Ut pictor sermonis,’ or how ]novelle’ may have shaped visual imaginations,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Paul Yachnin, “The Crisis in the Humanities—What would Shakespeare do?,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Ollivier Dyens, “The Man/Machine Humanities: A Proposal,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Sertaç Timur Demir, “Cine-Anthology of Hotels as a Place of Time and Death,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Christine Doran, “Popular Orientalism: Somerset Maugham in Mainland Southeast Asia,” for Humanities Open Access
2016 Nomination of Anna Schuh for the Pillar of Excellence Honor Award (Jan.)
2016 Book proposal: Writing War in Western Europe 1400-1854: A History of Emotions, ed. Stephanie Downes, Andrew Lynch and Katrina O’Loughlin (for Routledge)
2016 Jasmine Dum-Tragut and Andrea Spannring, “Meeting in the Body of the Horse: Cultural Transfer and Knowledge Transmission Between Christian West and Muslim East in a Late Medieval Armenian Horse Book,” ERC Advanced Grants 2015
2015 Gert Hübner and Martin Kirnbauer, “Das Basler Amerbach-Liederbuch CH-Bu F X 1-4: Edition und Kommentar,” for Schweizerischer Nationalfond zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Dec.)
2015 Sayed Salahuddin Ahmed, “A reading of The Zoo Story,” for Humanities Open Access
2015 Daihyun Chung, “The Ubiquity of Humanity and Textuality in Human Experience,” for Humanities Open Access
2015 Peter Jeanmaire , “From Rationality to Consciousness,” for Humanities Open Access
2015 Wei Ding and Lixia Jia, “The Unity of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse Achieved by Sonata Form,” for Advances in Literary Study (ALS)
2015 Anonymous, “‘Ut pictor sermonis,’ or how novelle may have shaped visual imaginations,” for Humanities Open Access (twice)
2015 Stef Craps , Bryan Cheyette , Alan Gibbs , Sonya Andermahr, Larissa Allwork, “Decolonizing Trauma Studies Round-Table Discussion,” for Humanities Open Access
2015 Anonymous, “Cultural Translatability and Untranslatability: A Case Study of Translation of “Rostam and Sohrab,” for Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science (Oct.)
2015 Anonymous, “Fluency Differences by Text Genre,” for Advances in Literary Study
2015 Linda Marie Rouillard, “Proposing Incest: Marriage and Penance in Philippe de Rémi’s La Manekine,” book proposal, 235 pp., for “Fundamentals in Medieval and Early Modern Culture (Walter de Gruyter)
2015 Reinhold Münster, “Raum – Reise – Sinn: Spanien in der Reiseliteratur,” Habilitation thesis, University of Bamberg, Germany, 1092 pp., Aug.
2015 Lynne Siemens, “‘More Hands’ Means ‘More Ideas’: Collaboration in the Humanities,” for Humanities Open Access
2015 Will Sayers, “Bricriu:A Medieval Irish Praxonym and Archaic Societal Function,” for Mediaevistik
2015 The Faces of Charisma. Text, Image, Object in Byzantium and the Medieval West, ed. Brigitte M. Bedos-Rezak and Martha D. Rust (Brill Publisher); reread the intro a second time
2015 Yoshiki Koda, “Synderesis und Scham: Zur Genese des Gewissens in mittelalterlichen theologischen, philosophischen und literarischen Diskursen.”
2015 Zane Gillespie, “‘Mesmeric Revelation’: Art as Hypnosis,” for Humanities Open Access
2015 Eva Robustillo Bayón, “Female detectives in French contemporary crime fiction: Morvan, Parker-Simmons and Khan,” for Bestsellers – Past and Present, ed. A.C. and Eva Parra Membrives
2015 Fahredin Shehu, “Grimoires: A Rational Reading of an Irrational Text,” for Advances in Literary Study
2015 Juan de Dios Torralbo-Caballero, “Well, so I did: but yet I did not think / To show to all the world my pen and ink”: John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim Progress as an early bestseller,” for Bestsellers – Past and Present, ed. A.C. and Eva Parra Membrives
2015 Evaluation of Piety, Brotherhood and Power: The Role and Significance of Emotions in Albert of Aachen’s Historia Ierosolimitana,” for Literature Compass
2015 Robert G. Bednarik, “The Relevance of Archaeological Propositions to Semiotics,” for Humanities Open Access
2015 Evaluation of Dina Salama, “Transkulturalität im “Tristan“ (etwa um 1210) Gottfrieds von Straßburg: Verflechtung und Entflechtung als Konzept der Identität,” Cairo, Egypt, Feb.
2015 Member of evaluation team, National Endowment for the Humanities’ Scholarly Editions and Translations program, 21 applications (each ca. 40 pp. in length), Feb.-March
2015 Dr. M. J. M. Damen, “Imagining a territory: Constructions and representations of late medieval Brabant,” for the Council for the Humanities of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch research council)
2015 Guohui Niu and Guoxiang, “The Sense of Loneliness in The Solitary Reaper,” Advances in Literary Study
2015 Evaluation of Ángeles García Calderón, “A Bestseller in the European Middle Ags: Richard ‘Cœur de lion’, King of England and ‘Troubadour,” for Bestsellers – Past and Present, ed. A.C. and Eva Parra Membrives
2015 Evaluation of Amira Žmirić, “Robert Michels Trivialroman Die allerhöchste Frau,” for Bestsellers – Past and Present, ed. A.C. and Eva Parra Membrives (three times)
2015 Evaluation of K. A. Tuley, “Multlingualism and Power in Outremer” for Multilingualism in the Middle Ages, ed. A. C.
2015 Evaluation of “Jerusalem in Spirit – The Production of Space and Movement in Felix Fabris Die Sionpilger,” for Focus on German Studies
2015 Evaluation/Recommendation for Robert Anderson (for Law School)
2015 Letter of Recommendation for Jacqueline Stuhmiller, Univ. of California, Berkeley
2015 Bee Yun, “Political Laughter in the Middle Ages: Cases in the Works by Liudprand of Cremona, Otto of Blasien, and Der Stricker,” for Mediaevistik
2014 Josh Pittman, “Chaucer’s sonde: Poetic Mediation Questioned,” for Mediaevistik
2014 Inti Athanasios Yanes-Fernandez, “Poetics of Dreams and Symbolical Reconstructions:
The Narrative Meaning of the Dream-Chronotope in Calderon de la Barca’s La Vida es Sueño and Geoffrey Chaucer’s The House of Fame,” for Mediaevistik
2014 anon., “Effects of the Nigeria Police Force Personnel Wellfare Condition on Performance,” for Journal of Progress of Arts and Humanities (PAH)
2014 anonymous, “Ethnopoetics and the Environment: Towards the Advancement of Contextual Performance Studies in African Oral Literature (Part One),” for Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science
2014 Onora O’Neill, “Integrity and Quality in Universities: Accountability, Excellence and Success,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Alcibiades Malapi-Nelson, “Humanities’ Metaphysical Underpinnings of Late Frontier
Scientific Research,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Evaluation of “Charlemagne’s Expeditionary Levy: Some Observations Regarding the Poorer Elements,” for Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History
2014 Evaluation of “Wonder as Medieval Entertainment,” for Parergon: Australian & New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies
2014 Evaluation of book project, Centuries of Childhood: Perceptions of Children in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds, ed. Cornelia Horn and Reidar Aasgaard (for Ashgate)
2014 Robert G. Bednarik, “Effects of recent Global Paleoanthropological Research on South Asian Pleistocene Archaeology,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Eriona Kita-Vyshka and Gentian Vyshka, “Near-Death Experiences: Narratives in an Extraordinary Setting,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Evaluation of Dr. Joylon Hughes, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, for tenure
2014 Support letter for Prof. Connie Scarborough for the position of a Paul Whitfield Horn Professorship, Texas Tech University
2014 John Charles Ryan, “Ethnobotanicals and an Ethics of Reciprocity: A Case Study of Medicinal Plants as Cancer Therapies,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Evaluation of paper by Agnes Cser, University of Arizona, “Musik als geistige Haltung in Gottfrieds von Straßburg Tristan”
2014 Evaluation of a proposal to translate the Nibelungenlied into English anew, for Hackett Publishing, Cambridge, MA
2014 Pooya Karambakhsh, “Anxiety, Power, Language and Conservatism,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Recommendation for Tom Willard, Dept. of English, UA, for his promotion to Full Prof.
2014 Cristina Azuela, “‘Trickstan’”: héros et trickster dans Tristan als Mönch,” for Mediaevistik
2014 Michael Tracey, “The Language Desert: The Condition of Literacy and Reading in Contemporary America,” for Humanities Open Access (twice)2014 Barbara Ann Rieffer-Flanagan, “The Challenge of Protecting Freedom of Religion and Belief: Exploring the Land of the Pharaohs,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Yu An-bang, “The Encounter of Nursing and the Clinical Humanities: Nursing Education and the Spirit of Healing,” for Humanities Open Access, July
2014 Rosemarie McGerr, “Walther von der Vogelweide and the Voice of the Nightingale: Performance, Intertextuality, and Gender,” for Mediaevistik, July
2014 anon., “‘Grief for what is human, grief for what is not’: An Ecofeminist Insight into the Poetry of Lucille Clifton,” for International Journal of English and Literature, July
2014 Anna Romagnuolo, “(Re)interpreting Human Rights: the case of the “Torture memos” and their translation into Italian,” for Humanities Open Access, July
2014 Edo Oostebrink, “Venantius Fortunatus’ Flüsse Bordaa und Laugona,” for Mediaevistik, July and Dec.
2014 Eric Hodges and Max Stephenson Jr, “The Humanities as an Incubator of Adaptive Leadership,” for Humanities Open Access, June
2014 Josep Martí, “Music and Alterity Processes,” for Humanities Open Access, June and Oct.
2014 Anna Rudolph, “‘Ego Clamor Validus Gandeshemensis’: Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim: Her Sources, Motives, and Historical Context,” for Viator, June
2014 Mike Hulme, “Climate Change and Virtue: An Apologetic,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Barnali Sarkar, “Murderous Ritual versus Devotional Custom: The Rhetoric and Ritual of Sati and Women Subjectivity in Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies,” for Humanities Open Access, June
2014 Vicky Gunn, “Present Teaching Stories as Re-membering the Humanities,” for Humanities Open Access, May
2014 Francesco Fiorentino, Domenico Fiormonte , Laura Fortini, Ugo Fracassa, Michele Lucantoni , Massimo Marraffa, Teresa Numerico, “The New Humanities Project. Towards a New Asset of Knowledge for the 21st Century,” for Humanities Open Access, May
2014 Pedro Talavera, “Economicism and Nihilism in the Eclipse of the Humanism,” for Humanities Open Access, May and Aug.
2014 Evy Varsamopoulou, “Timely Meditations: Reflections on the Role of the Humanities in J.M. Coetzee’s Elizabeth Costello and Diary of a Bad Year, for Humanities Open
Access, May and July
2014 Masataka Murasawa, Satoshi P. Watanabe ,, and Takashi Hata, “Self-image and Missions of Universities: An Empirical Analysis of Japanese University Executives,” for Humanities Open Access, May
2014 Mehmet Atif Ergun, “Modernity as Myth: Taking Refuge from Considerations of Power,” for Humanities Open Access, May
2014 Alcibiades Malapi-Nelson, “Humanities’ Metaphysical Underpinning of Later Scientific and Technological Outlooks,” Humanities Open Access, May
2014 Member of Review Board for the U.S. Professor of the Year Award, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (13 files)
2014 Chris Lorenz, “On Fixing the Facts: The Rise of Neo-liberalism, the 7 Metrification of ‘Quality’ and the Fall of the Professions,” for Humanities Open Access, May
2014 anon., “‘Einzelsprachliche Mehrsprachigkeit’. Luxemburger Standarddeutsch als Beispiel sprachlicher Hybridisierung und ihr Niederschlag in der deutschsprachigen Literatur Luxemburgs,” for Critical Multilingualism Journal
2014 Ralf Friedrich, “Psychopathologie in der mittelalterlichen Literatur? – Ein Versuch an Heinrich Wittenwilers Ring,” for Mediaevistik
2014 Rosi Braidotti, “Introduction: From the Art of Making Peace to the Knowledge to Sustain Freedom,” for Humanities Open Access, April
2014 David Clarke, “Binary thinking in the art of Vincent van Gogh,” for Humanities Open Access, April and May (two evaluations)
2014 Adetoro Olaniyi Banwo, “Inherent Nature & Dynamics of Political Stability in China,” for Humanities Open Access, April
2014 Recommendation for Dr. Shuai Sun, application to the University of Bejing, China, April
2014 Dina Aboul Fotouh Hussein Salama (Cairo), “Die literarische Imagologie der dunkelhäutigen Frau in Strickers “Königin vom Mohrenland“ (zw. 1210-1230),” draft ms.
2014 Nigel J. T. Thomas, “The Multidimensional Spectrum of Imagination: Images, Dreams, Hallucinations, and Active, Imaginative Perception,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos, “The (de)Militarization of Humanitarian Aid: A Historical 7 Perspective,” for Humanities Open Access (Feb. and May)
2014 Katherine E. Southwood, “Will Naomi’s nation be Ruth’s nation?: Ethnic Translation as a metaphor for Ruth’s assimilation within Judah,” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Recommendation of Dr. Ben Snook, London, for the Scouloudi Historical Awards for his study on “The Anglo-Saxon Chancery: The History, Language and Production of Anglo-Saxon Charters from Alfred to Edgar”
2014 Reader for Journal of Medieval Latin (one paper)
2014 Evaluation of Sergi Mainer’s article “Converging Ideologies in William Fowler’s Hybrid Translation of Machiavelli’s Principe” for Humanities Open Access
2014 Consultant for David Keys, Archaeology Correspondent for The Independent in London, deciphering a text on the 1492 Martin Beheim globe.
2013 Evaluation of article manuscript Advances in Literary Study(ALS), Scientific Research Publishing (
2013 Evaluation of Grant Project “Violence Imagery in Late Medieval Germany: Rhetoric and Response Forms in Visual Representations of Martyrdom and the Passion” for the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (199,850.00 Euros; Dr. Pinkus Assaf, Tel Aviv, and Prof. Dr. Martin Büchsel, Frankfurt a. M.).
2013 Evaluation of textbook manuscript, Kevin Moll, Tapestry of Ages, for Pearson (Bedford St. Martin Press)
2013 Evaluation of article for Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development – JCLAD
2013 Recommendation for Katherine Tulay, Ohio State University, Columbus (for a Ph.D. program)
2013 Evaluation of Prof. Paul Oppenheimer for his appointment as Distinguished Professor, The City College of New York
2013 Evaluation of article manuscript for Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
2013 Recommendation for Prof. Jean Jost, Bradley University, Peoria, IL, for an NEH Summer Stipend
2013 Recommendation for Dr. Penny Simons, Sheffield University, UK, for her promotion to Personal Chair (Teaching)
2013 Regular evaluation of articles submitted to Humanities – Open Access (ca. 8 per year)
2013 Recommendation for Agnes J. Cser for the ACMRS Graduate Student Travel Award
2013 Evaluation of two articles for Advances in Literary Study
2013 Evaluation of an article manuscript submitted to German Quarterly
2013 Evaluation of a manuscript submitted to Journal of Scientific Research and Reports
2013 Evaluation of eight short-term research grants for faculty and nine short-term research grants for graduate students, DAAD, June
2013 Evaluation of Dr. Stefan Seeber’s application for a 10-month fellowship with the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Germany, April
2013 Online evaluation of the 7th ed. of Deutsch: na klar and its DNK program for McGraw- Hill, April
2013 Evaluator of Dr. David Fishelov’s 3-year project submitted for funding to the Israel Science Foundation, “Bialik’s Canonical Status: A Dynamic and Multidimensional Model”
2013 Evaluator of English translation of Maria Wickert, Studien zu John Gower (Cologne 1952) for ACMRS
2013 Reviewer for Advances in Literary Study(ALS) (1 paper)
2013 Recommendation of Dr. Susanna Niiranen, Jyväskylä, Finland, for an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
2013 Consultant for the Museum of Art, UA, for the Remodelling of the Retablo Room, Jan.
2012 Consultant on Twitter for SAT1 movie “Tore der Welt” (based on Ken Follett’s novels), Dec. (watching the movie, evaluating it, responding to viewers’ questions)
2012 Evaluation of Robin Waugh’s research proposal “Job’s Daughters: Women as Inheritors of Patience in the Middle Ages” for Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (8 page proposal)
2012 Evaluation of Essential German Grammar by Martin Durrell, Katrin Kohl, and Gudrun Loftus (London: Hodder Education, 2002), for a second edition
2012 Recommendation of Dr. Dan Embree’s application for an NEH grant for his project “Repertorium chronicarum” (Sept.)
2012 Evaluation of Dr. Cristian Bratu, Baylor Univ., Waco, TX, for his promotion to assoc. prof. with tenure
2012 Evaluation and detailed editing of “Authorities in the Middle Ages: Influence, Legitimacy and Power in Medieval Society,” ed. Sini Kangas, Mia Korpiola, and Tuija Ainonen (271 pp.), published by Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York 2013
2012 Evaluation of six submissions to Humanities-Open Access Online
2012 Evaluation of Dr. Cynthia J. Cyrus’s book manuscript “Received Medievalisms: A Cognitive Geography of Viennese Women’s Convents” for consideration by Palgrave McMillan (New York), 240 pp.
2012 Evaluation of Dr. Connie Scarborough’s book manuscript, “Inscribing the Environment: Ecocritical Approaches to Medieval Spanish Literature,” for consideration by Walter de Gruyter (Berlin and New York), 223 pp. Edited the vol. three times and prepared it for publication
2012 Recommendation for Dr. András F. Balogh for the Anneliese-Meier-Forschungspreis, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, April
2012 Evaluation of “The Voyage de Lihou: exploring territory, space, identity on a tidal island (sixteenth-century)” by Darryl Ogier, for Coastal Archaeology, Maritime Communities and the Interactions Between People and the Marine Environment in the English Channel, North Sea and Atlantic Areas of Europe, ed. Chris Scarre, proceedings of Vannes, Britanny, Nov. 2011, conference
2012 Reader for Journal of Medieval History, 1 article, April
2012 Reader for Publications of the Modern Language Association (PMLA), 1 article, March
2012 Member of the Scholarly Committee for the “I Congreso Internacional de Literatura Trivial y de Entretenimiento, Sevilla, 26-29 de junio de 2012
2011 Consultant for BUCKPRODUCTIONS, Toronto, for TV docu-series, on a medieval chastity belt
2011 Evaluation for a grant submitted to the Schweizerische Nationalfond (Gert Hübner)
2011 Evaluator of article submission to German Studies Review
2011 Evaluation of book manuscript by Len Scales, The Shaping of German Identity: Authority and Crisis, 1245-1414 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 591 pp.
2011 Recommendation for Dr. Joan Grenier-Winther’s application for an ACLS Digital Innovation Grant
2011 Reader for Ageing & Society (critical evaluation of one article)
2011 Evaluator for tenure of Dr. Claudia Bornholdt (Catholic University of America)
2011 Reader for Folklore, ed. by Folklore Society (one article)
2011 Recommendation for Dr. Sarah Gordon, Utah State University, Logan, for an NEH fellowship
2011 Recommendation for Dr. Klaus Amann, University of Innsbruck, Austria, for a Post-Doc position
2011 Evaluator of the seventh edition of Kontakte: A Communicative Approach, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, March
2011 Reader for Visuality and Materiality in the Story of Tristan and Isolde, ed. Kathryn Starkey, Jutta Eming, and Ann Marie Rasmussen (Notre Dame University Press), article by James A. Schultz.
2010 Reader for Ageing & Society (critical evaluation of one article)
2010 Reader for Orbisb Litterarum (critical evaluation of one article)
2010 Recommendation for Dr. Susanna Niiranen’s application for a Villa I Tatti Fellowship, Florence, Italy, April
2010 Evaluation of article for Focus on German Studies
2010 Outside Review of Prof. Caroline Huey’s tenure file for consideration for tenure, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2010 Recommendation for Prof. Jean E. Jost, Bradley University, Peoria, IL, for an NEH Summer Institute
2010 Evaluation of book manuscript, Richard F. Cassady, “Reign of Fire: The Story of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, His Legends and His Places” (618 pp.), for Northern Illinois University Press
2009 Recommendation for Research Application by Stacey Hahn, Camargo Foundation of Cassis, France, 2009
2009 Reviewer for ACLS New Faculty Fellows Program
2009 Evaluation of one grant application to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Valerie Creelman)
2009 Reviewer for the Charles A. Ryskamp Research Fellowship and Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships, ACLS
2009 Evaluation of book manuscript, Raymond Cormier, “High Medieval Adaptations of Virgil’s Aeneid (433 pp.), for Palgrave McMillan
2009 Reader for Unterrichtspraxis
2009 Evaluation of book manuscript, Phyllis Gaffney, “Construction of Youth in Old French Narrative,” for Ashgate Publishing (252 pp.)
2009-2010 Reader for Arthuriana
2009 Evaluation of book manuscript, Edward Ford, “The Durande Castle” by Joseph Eichendorff, for The Edwin Mellen Press (186 pp.)
2009 Evaluation of book manuscript, Caroline Huey, “Hans Folz and the Creation of Popular Discourse,” for Ashgate Publishing Company (ca. 200 pp.)
2009 Evaluation of book publication by Misty Rae Urban, Monstrous Women in Middle English Romance (for Edwin Mellen Press).
2009 Evaluation of Dr. Sebastian Coxon’s research for his promotion to Reader at the University of London.
2009 Evaluation of book proposal by Geraldine Heng, The University of Texas at Austin, Race and the Middle Ages, for University of Toronto Press
2009 Evaluation of Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, by Bill Dodd, Christine Eckhard-Black, et al. (London and New York: Routledge, 1996, 2004, 2006, 2007)
2009 Recommender for Prof. Jean Jost, Bradley University, Peoria, IL, for the Rothberg Award
2009 Recommender for Prof. András Balogh’s (Babeş-Bolyai-Universität Cluj/Klausenburg, Rumania) application for an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
2008 Reader for Mirator (online journal on Medieval Studies:
2008 Evaluation of Prof. G. Ronald Murphy’s application for a Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship
2008 Reviewer for the Charles A. Ryskamp Research Fellowship and Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships, ACLS
2008 Evaluation of a new journal proposal to Palgrave: postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies
2008 Evaluation of book proposal: Phyllis Gaffney, Writing the Medieval Child: Constructions of Youth in Old French Narrative, for Ashgate Publishing Company
2008 Outside Evaluation for the Habilitation of Dr. Christa Agnes Tuczay, University of Vienna, Austria (Gutachten zum Habilitationsansuchen)
2008 Book evaluation, Edward Ford, Fall Magic by Joseph Eichendorff, for Edwin Mellen Press
2007 Recommendation for Dr. Juanita Feros Ruys, University of Sydney, for UC Berkeley, Nov.
2007 Reviewer/evaluator of eight papers submitted to Transcultural German Studies: Building Bridges
2007 Book evaluation, Caroline Huey, “Hans Folz and the Creation of Popular Discourse,” for Ashgate Publishing Company (ca. 200 pp.)
2007 Recommendation for Dr. Valerie Garver’s (Northern Illinois University) ACLS Ryskamp Fellowship application
2007 Synchronous Translator for Swiss artist Iris Hütigger, Dinnerware, Sept.
2007 Reader for Feminities and Masculinities in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, ed. Fred Kiefer et al. (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies).
2007 Evaluation of Dr. Regula Meyer Evitt, Colorado College, for her tenure review
2007 Evaluation of Dr. Thomas Kerth, Stony Brook State University of New York, for the promotion to Full Professor
2007 Evaluation of Dr. John Jeep, Miami University, OH, for the promotion to Full Professor
2007 Evaluation of Dr. Tracy Sands, University of Colorado at Boulder, for the promotion to Associate Professor with tenure
2007 Letter of Recommendation for an NEH grant applied for by Miriam Rheingold Fuller, Central Missouri State University
2007 Recommendation for Prof. Joan Grenier-Winther, Washington State University, Pullman, for the promotion to Full Professor
2006 Evaluation of Prof. Markus Stock’s research grant application to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: Burkhart von Hohenfels, Gottfried von Neifen, and the Culture of German Minnesang
2006 Member, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award (Writing Contest), 3 papers
2006 Evaluation (Gutachten) for the Habilitation Process of Dr. Christa Tuczay, University of Vienna, Austria
2006 Recommendation for Prof. Prisca Augustyn, Florida Atlantic University, for the promotion to Associate Professor with tenure
2006 Recommendation for Prof. Christopher Clason, Oakland University, for the promotion to Full Professor
2006 Recommendation for Dr. Gabriele Strauch’s application for an NEH fellowship
2006 Nomination of Alex Holznienkemper for the Richard A. Harvill Award (Outstanding Senior Undergraduate), UA
2006 Reader of G. Ronald Murphy’s Gemstone of Paradise: The Holy Grail in Wolfram’s Parzival (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), blurb for the back cover
2006 Reader for Renaissance Quarterly
2005 External Reviewer of Dr. Scott Pincikowski’s promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, Hood College, Frederick, MD
2005 External Reviewer of Dr. Burt Kimmelman’s promotion to Full Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Oct.
2005 Contributor to the International Marie-de France Bibliography, ed. Glyn Burgess, Liverpool (English abstracts of four German articles)
2005 Evaluation of Prof. Laura Hollengreen for Promotion to Assoc. Prof. with tenure, UA, Oct.
2005 Reader of “Gratuitous Examples and the Grateful Dead: Appropriation, Adaptation, and Negotiation of Traditional Narratives in Medieval Exemplary Ghost Stories,” vol. ed. by Laura Hollingworth (Tempe: ACMRS)
2005 Reader for Seminar (“The Nibelungenlied as an Anti-Esther)
2005-2007 Member, Arizona Humanities Council Speakers Bureau (4 presentations)
2005 External Reviewer of Dr. Juanita Ruys’s application for a post-doc fellowship at Macquarie University, Sydney
2005 External Review of Prof. Melitta Adamson for her consideration for promotion to the rank of Professor at the University of Western Ontario
2005 Reader for Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature (“Apple Blossoms in Contaminated Paradise: Trauma and Creation in Gabrielle Alioth’s The Invention of Love and Death)
2005 Evaluation of NEH Project by Christopher J. Steppich, Texas A& M University
2005 Evaluation of Dr. Alexander Sager’s (Uof GA) research record for his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure
2005 Nomination, with successful outcome, of Sherrylyn Branchaw for the ACMRS Undergraduate Book Award in Honor of Professor Jean Brink
2005 Evaluation of Peter Yang’s 20th-Century German Plays book manuscript, ca. 180 pp. (Yale University Press)
2005 Reader for International Fiction Review (“A Narrative of Migration: Gabrielle Alioth’s Die Erfindung von Liebe und Tod”)
2005 Evaluation of Kathleen Andersen-Wyman’s book ms. Andreas Capellanus on Love? Desire, Seduction and Subversion in a Twelfth-Century Latin Text (363 pp.)
2005 Evaluation of Prof. Suzanne Kocher, University of Lousiana, Lafayette, for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor
2004 Outside Evaluator for Prof. Jesus Montaño, Hope College, for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor
2004 Evaluation of Michelle Bolduc’s monograph manuscript Toward a Medieval Poetics of Contrast (UA)
2004 Evaluation of Kathryn M. Rudy’s monograph Nuns’ Virtual Pilgrimage in the Late Middle Ages (Leuven: Peeters), 332 pp.
2003 Evaluation of Prof. Heide Witthöft’s file for promotion to Associate Professor, Virginia Tech
2003 Reader of Lieselotte Pouh’s book manuscript Parzivâl, Freud and the Quest for the Holy Grail, for Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies
2002 Recommendation for June L. Mecham (for Assistant Professorships), U Kansas
2002 Critical Examination of book manuscript: Peter Dinzelbacher: Das hohe Mittelalter, 1050-1250. Eine Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichte (ca. 300 pp.)
2002 Chair, Nominating Committee, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
2002 Reader for Mystic Quarterly (Australia)
2002 Chair, Huntington Award Committee, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
2001 External Reviewer for Dr. Rosemarie Deist, University of San Francisco, for Promotion to Full Professor
2001 Evaluation of Hajo Drees’ book manuscript A Comprehensive Interpretation of the Life and Work of Christa Wolf (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press)
2001 External Reviewer for Dr. Joseph Sullivan’s third-year review, University of Oklahoma
2001 External Reviewer of Dr. Peter Jianhua Yang, Case Western Reserve University, for Promotion to Associate Professor with tenure
2001 Judge, Robert L. Kahn Prize for Poetry, Trans-Lit.
2001 Translator of 19th-century German handwritten letters for Prof. Thomas Porter, Dept. of History, Randolph-Macon College, VA
2000 Evaluation of Ulrike Wiethaus’ English translation of Life and Revelations of the Viennese Beguine Agnes Blannbekin (d. 1315) for Boydell & Brewer (ca. 250 pp.)
2000 Reference for Prof. Debora Schwartz, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Dept. of English
2000 Evaluation of Peter Jianhua Yang’s Book Proposal Twentieth Century German Plays, Yale University Press
2000 Nomination of Prof. Ruth Firestone for a President’s Distinguished Scholar Award, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS (successful)
2000 Evaluation of Dr. Kristine K. Sneeringer’s revised doctoral thesis (Washington University, St. Louis, MO) for Boydell & Brewer (316 pp.)
2000 Editorial Assistance for Professor Peter Dinzelbacher, Salzburg/Princeton (two times)
2000 Consultant for the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (four times)
1999 Evaluator for “Association of Research Libraries/Texas A&M Project: Assessment of Service Quality in Research Libraries”
1999 to present Reader for Publications of the Modern Language Association
1999 Consultant for the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (one time)
2000-2001 Member of Arizona Humanities Council Resource Center Program (4 Presentations)
1999 External Reviewer for Prof. Siegfried Christoph’s promotion to Full Professor, Univ. of Wisconsin-Parkside
1998 Reference for Prof. Jutta Landa, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
1998 Reference for Prof. Joe G. Delap, Kansas Wesleyan University, East Claflin, KS
1998 to present Reader for German Quarterly
1998 Member, Awards Committee, Arizona Chapter, AATG-PAD Study Trip Award for Seniors
1998 to present Reader for Trans-Lit
1997 Evaluator for Prof. Nico Unlandt’s promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, Brigham Young University, Utah
1997 Evaluator for Prof. Jean Jost’s promotion to Full Prof., Bradley University, IL.
1997 to present Reader for Women in German Yearbook
1996 Reader for Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Vol. 2: The Future of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
1996 Evaluator for Prof. Anne Winston-Allen’s promotion to Associate Prof., Univ. of Southern Illinois, Carbondale
1995 Evaluator for Prof. Janina Traxler’s promotion to the Full Prof., Manchester College, Indiana
1995-1997 Member, Arizona Humanities Council Speakers Bureau
1994 Exit Interviewer for the B.A., Mellen University
1994 to present Reader for Die Unterrichtspraxis
1994-2004 Reader, Southeastern Medieval Association, Medieval Perspective
1994 Evaluator for Prof. Charles Nelson’s promotion to the Full Professor, Tufts University
1993 Recommendation for Woodrow Wilson Center Fellowship (Prof. G. Strauch, U of Maryland, College Park)
1993 Manuscript Review, Larry D. Wells, Mitlesen-Mitteilen, 2nd ed. (New York-et al.: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, forthcoming)
1993, Evaluation for Dana Professorship Nominee Ute Stargardt, Alma College, MI, April
1992 Reader/Manuscript Evaluator for “Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, Binghampton, New York
1992 to present Reader for German Studies Review
1991 One time consultant for Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Fall 1990 to Spring 1992 Member of Arizona Humanities Council Speakers Bureau, Phoenix, AZ (four topics included in the Program)
1989 to present Contributor to Encomia. Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Courtly Literature Society.
1988 to present Reader for Seminar (Canadian/Australian Journal on German Studies)
2019- President, The Society for Contemporary American Literature in German (SCALG);
2016- Member of the Advisory Board, Preprints, a multidisciplinary platform hosting non-peer reviewed scholarly works, MDIP
2015- Co-editor with Eva Parra-Membrives and Wolfgang Brylle, Popular Fiction Studies
2015-2017 Vice President/President/Past President, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
2015-2019 Vice President,The Society for Contemporary American Literature in German (SCALG)
2011-2013 Vice President/President/Past President, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
2010-2019 President, AZ chapter of the AATG
2010 Vice President, AZ AATG
2008-2009 President Elect of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
2008-2020 Book Review Editor for Trans-Lit2
2006-present Book Review Editor for the Journal Medievalia et Humanistica
2006-2007 Vice President/President Elect of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
2006-2009 President, Arizona Chapter of the AATG
2006- Editor, “Fundamentals of Medieval Culture and Literature” Book Series, for Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York
2006-2009 Editor, “Interdisciplinary Studies in the Middle Ages and Renaissance” Book Series for Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe, ASU.
2005-2006 Member of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ACMRS) Advisory Board (Tempe, AZ)
2003-2004 President, Society for German Renaissance and Baroque Literature (Allied Organization of the Modern Language Association)
2002-2003 President, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
2002-2005 President, Arizona Chapter of the AATG
2002-2008 Member of the Advisory Board, Fifteenth-Century Studies
2001-2002 Vice President, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
2000 Editorial Assistance with Heinrich Ruhen webpage
2000-2001 Vice-President/President Elect of the Arizona Chapter AATG
1999 Associate Book Review Editor, Arthuriana
1999 Editorial Assistant, Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik, Eötvös-Loránd- University, Budapest, May-July, volumes 1998 and 1999.
1999 Editorial Assistance for Publication of Xavier Girzick, Stephan der Erste, König der Hungarn. Pest 1792, ed. by Dr. András Balogh and Lásló Tarnói, Die täuschende Copie von dem Gewirre des Lebens: Deutsche Dramen aus Pest und Ofen um 1800. (Budapest: Argumentum Kiadó, 1999)
1999 Editorial Assistance for the Publication of Das Meßbuch von Mémetegház, ed. Dr. Pèter Varga.
1999 Support and Editorial Assistance for Prof. Imre Tagai, Kodolányi János Föiskola, University of Székesfehérvár, July and August
1998-2002 Co-Editor of Fifteenth-Century Studies
1997-1998 President, Arizona Chapter of the AATG
1997 Member, Lehrerfortbildung Committee, AATG Executive Council
1996-2000 Member of the Executive Committee of the Discussion Group for Germanic Philology, Modern Language Association
1996-1997 Member, Executive Committee, Germanic Philology, Modern Language Association
1996-1997 Chair, Chapter Projects Committee, AATG Executive Council
1996- 1997 Member, Program Review Committee, AATG Executive Council
1996-1997 Member, Publication Committee, AATG Executive Council
1996-1997 Member, Research & Scholarship Committee, AATG Executive Council
1996-1997 President of the AATG Chapter Presidents’ Assembly
1995-1998 Book Review Editor, Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association
1994-1995 Editor of Synopsis
1993-1996 President, Arizona Chapter of AATG
1993-1996 Member of the Executive Council, South Eastern Medieval Association
1993-2013 Member of the Advisory Board, Fifteenth-Century Studies
1992-1993 Vice-President/President Elect of the Arizona AATG Chapter
1992-1994 Editor of Review Notes in Synopsis, ed. by R. G. Mermier
1991-1992 Review Editor for Non-Romance Material, Tristania, ed. Pedro Campa et al. Edwin- Mellen Press.
1990 Member, Nominating Committee, Executive Council, South Eastern Medieval Association
1990-1995 Editor, Monograph Series, “Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture; German Medieval Series,” Camden House, Columbia, SC
1987-1990 Member of the Executive Council, South Eastern Medieval Association
Medieval Academy of America (past)
German-American Studies Association (past)
Delta Phi Alpha/Epsilon Epsilon Chapter (for life)
Medieval Association of the Pacific (past)
Modern Languages Association
South Eastern Medieval Association (past)
American Association of Teachers of German (for life)
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (for life)
Arizona Language Association (AZLA), 2021-2022
1984 to present Freelance Translator of technical, literary, medical, and scientific texts from German, French, Spanish, and Italian texts into English
1984-1986 Abstractor, Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, VA
1983-1984 Abstractor, Artbibliographies Modern, Clio Press, Oxford, Great Britain
1980-1982 Academic Research Assistant, Institute of Philology, Literature and Languages, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
1980 Textile Worker, Farbwerke Hoechst, Bad Hersfeld, Germany
1979-1980 Language Laboratory Assistant, Millersville University, PA
1978-1979 Academic Research Assistant, Institute of Historical Sciences, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany
1976-1977 Military Service, Air Force, Germany
1. Zur Rezeption norditalienischer Kultur des Trecento im Werk Oswalds von Wolkenstein (1376/77-1445), Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik 471 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1987), iv + 364 pp.
Reviewed in: Etudes Germaniques 2 (1988). Germanistik 30 (1989), 1. Modern Language Review 84 (1989), 4. Fifteenth-Century Studies 16 (1990). Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur 118 (1989), 4. Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 111, 1 (1992)
2. Utopie und Logos. Vier Studien zu Wolframs von Eschenbach Titurel. Beiträge zur älteren Literaturgeschichte (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1990), 157 pp.
Reviewed in: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 20 (1991); The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies 53 (1991); Seminar 28 (1992); Speculum 68 (1993); Colloquia Germanica 25, 2 (1992); Germanistik 34, 2/3 (1993); Modern Language Review 89, 1 (1994)
3. Autobiographische Lyrik des europäischen Spätmittelalters. Studien zu Hugo von Montfort, Oswald von Wolkenstein, Antonio Pucci, Charles d’Orléans, Thomas Hoccleve, Michel Beheim, Hans Rosenplüt und Alfonso Alvarez de Villasandino. Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur, 91 (Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA: Editions Rodopi, 1991), 674 pp.
Reviewed in: Mitteilungsblatt des Mediävistenverbandes 9 (1992); Germanistik 33 (1992); Colloquia Germanica 25 (1992); Kruspuint (1992); Arbitrium (1992); Fachdienst Germanistik (1993); Etudes Germaniques (1992); German Quarterly 66, 4 (1993); Speculum 68, 4 (1993); Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik XXV, 1 (1993); Leuvense Bijdragen 82 (1993); Mediaevistik 6 (1993);Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 78 (1996);
4. Medieval German Literature. Proceedings from the 23rd International Conference, Western Michigan University, The Institute for Medieval Studies, ed. by A. C. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik 507 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1989). VI + 210 pp.
Cited in: Etudes Germaniques 45, 4 (1990)
5. Von Otfried von Weißenburg bis zum Spätmittelalter. Proceedings from the 24th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, The Institute for Medieval Studies, May 4-8, 1989, ed. A. C. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik 539 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1990). 171 pp.
6. Women as Protagonists and Poets in the German Middle Ages. Feminist Approaches to the Study of Middle High German Literature, ed. Albrecht Classen. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik 528 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1991). XXI + 242 pp.
Reviewed in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 113 (1994); cited in: Etudes Germaniques 47, 3 (1992); The Modern Language Review 90, 1 (1995)
7. Morîz von Craûn. Mittelhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch. Mittelhochdeutscher Text nach der Ausgabe von Ulrich Pretzel. Übersetzung, Kommentar und Nachwort von Albrecht Classen. Universal-Bibliothek, 8796 (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1992). 176 pp.
7a. reissued with some corrections and an English introduction (Prospect Heights: Waveland Press, 2000).
7b. published online at (2004)
Reviewed in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 229/144, 2 (1992); Germanistik 34, 2/3 (1993)
8. Tristania, a Journal dedicated to the Study of Tristan-Materials, ed. by A. Classen and W. C. McDonald, Vol. XIV (Lewiston-et al.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1993). 169 pp. 90% responsibility.
9. Canon and Canon Transgression in Medieval German Literature, ed. by A. Classen. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 573 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1993), 207 pp.
10. Tristania. Ed. by A. Classen and W. C. McDonald. Vol. XV (Lewiston-et al.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1993). vi, 184 pp. 90% responsibility.
11. Das deutsche Mittelalter in seinen Dichtungen. Eine Anthologie vom frühen bis zum späten Mittelalter. Ausgewählt und übersetzt (Columbus, OH: Greyden Press, 1994), 319pp.; 2nd rev. and expanded edition (1997), 507 pp.; 3rd rev. and expanded edition (2000), 542 pp.; 4th rev. and expanded edition (Tucson: Fast Copy, 2009), 367 pp. (letter size).
12. Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages. Ed. by A.C. (New York: American Heritage Custom Publishing, 1994). 251 pp. 2nd expanded ed. 1995, 375 pp.; 3rd revised and expanded ed. 1995; reprinted 1998, 500 pp; 4th revised and expanded ed. 1999, 551 pp.; 5th revised and expanded ed. 2004, xii, 568 pp.; 6th rev. and expanded ed. 2008, 582 pp. (large page size); 7th rev. and corrected ed. Mason, OH: Cengage, 2013, 563 pp.; 8th ed. 2014, 563 pp.; 9th ed. 2016, 445 pp. (ring-binder).
(2nd. ed.) Reviewed in: Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 16/17 (1995-1996); Mediaevistik 11 (1998).
13. Tristant als Mönch. Einleitung, Übersetzung, Kommentar und Bibliographie (Greifwald: Reineke Verlag, 1994), xvi, 90 pp.
Reviewed in: Mediaevistik 11 (1998).
14. The German Volksbuch. A Critical History of a Late-Medieval Genre. Studies in German Language and Literature, 15 (Lewiston, NY, Queenston, and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 1995, reissued 1999). 302 pp.
Reviewed in: Germanistik 38 (1997), no. 619.
15. Tristania, Vol. XVI. Ed. by A. Classen and W.C. McDonald (Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1995). 204 pp. 100% responsibility.
16. Tristania, Vol. XVII. Ed. by A. Classen (Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996), 181 pp. 100% responsibility.
17. Diu Klage, mittelhochdeutsch – neuhochdeutsch. Einleitung, Übersetzung, Kommentar und Anmerkungen. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 647 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1997), 248 pp. 100% responsibility.
Mentioned in: Germanistik 40, 2 (1999); reviewed in Mediaevistik 14 (2003).
18. Tristania, Vol. XVIII. Ed. by A. Classen (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1998), 136 pp. 100% responsibility.
19. Deutsche Frauenlieder des fünfzehnten und sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Authentische Stimmen in der deutschen Frauenliteratur der Frühneuzeit oder Vertreter einer poetischen Gattung (das Frauenlied?). Einleitung, Edition und Kommentar von A. Classen (Amsterdam-Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 1999), xxxi, 228 pp. 100% responsibility.
reviewed in: Daphnis 28 (1999); Colloquia Germanica 33 (2000); Lied und populäre Kultur 45 (2000); Deutsche Bücher 30, 2-3 (2000); Fifteenth-Century Studies 28 (2002); German Quarterly 76, 2 (2003)
20. The Book and the Magic of Reading in the Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 2118 (New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1999), xlii, 308 pp. 100% responsibility.
20a. reissued as a paperback in 2014
reviewed in: Le Moyen Âge 106 (2000): 630f.
21. Tristania, Vol. XIX. Ed. by A. Classen (Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1999). 147 pp. 100% responsibility.
22. Deutsche Liederbücher des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Volksliedstudien, 1 (Münster: Waxmann, 2001). 354 pp.
reviewed in: Singt und Spielt. Schweizer Blätter für klingende Volksunde 70, 1 (2003): 14-18; The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies 63 (2003): 665; Studi medievali XLVI, II (2005): 936-38; Scriptorium (2005): 173.
23. Frauen in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte. Die ersten 800 Jahre. Ein Lesebuch. Ausgewählt, übersetzt und kommentiert von A. Classen. Women in German Literature, 4 (New York: Peter Lang, 2000), xix, 337 pp. – now available online at:…
reviewed in: Trans-Lit X, 1-2 (2001); Unterrichtspraxis 34 (2001); Seminar (2002); Helikon 47 (2001); Colloquia Germanica 34 (2001).
24. Medieval German Voices in the 21st Century. The Paradigmatic Function of Medieval German Studies for German Studies. A Collection of Essays, ed. A. Classen. Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, 46 (Amsterdam-Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 2000), 252 pp. 100% responsibility.
reviewed in: German Studies Review XXV, 2 (2002); Colloquia Germanica 34 (2001); Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 45 (2000); Mediaevistik 14 (2003); Colloquia Germanica (2001); Studi Medievali 46 (2005)
25. Sonora – A Web-Based German Language and Culture Textbook: Focus on 18th-Century German Jesuit Travelogues (2000):
26. Tristania. Vol. XX (2000). Ed. by Albrecht Classen (Lewiston, NY, and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000), 145 pp. 100% responsibility.
27. ‘Mein Seel fang an zu singen’. Religiöse Frauenlieder des 15.-16. Jahrhunderts. Kritische Studien und Textedition. Studies in Spirituality Supplements, 6 (Leuven, Paris, and Sterling, VA: Peeters, 2002), 395 pp. 100% responsibility.
reviewed in Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 48 (2003): 287-89
28. Meeting the Foreign in the Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen (New York and London: Routledge, 2002), lxxiii, 274 pp. 100% responsibility.
reviewed in Speculum 79, 3 (2004)
29. Verzweiflung und Hoffnung. Die Suche nach der kommunikativen Gemeinschaft in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Beihefte zur Mediaevistik, 1 (Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, et al.: Peter Lang, 2002), XXVIII, 502 pp.
Reviewed in: The Medieval Review 03.05.09 (internet); The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies 64 (2002) 2003.
30. Tristania. Vol. XXI . Ed. Albrecht Classen (Lewiston, Queenston, and Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2002), 150 pp.
31. Violence in Medieval Courtly Literature: A Casebook, ed. Albrecht Classen. Routledge Medieval Casebooks (New York and London: Routledge, 2004), 352 pp.
reviewed in: The Medieval Review 05.10.07 (internet)
32a. reissued as a paperback in 2014
32. Tristania Vol. XXII, ed. Albrecht Classen (Lewiston, Queenston, and Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2004), 119 pp.
33. Late-Medieval German Women’s Poetry: Secular and Religious Songs. Trans. from the German with Introduction, Notes and Interpretive Essay. Library of Medieval Women (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2004), 157 pp.
reviewed in: German Quarterly 79, 2 (2006); The Medieval Review 06.10.11 (online)
reprinted in paperback and transferred to digital printing 2011
34. Discourses on Love, Marriage, and Transgression in Medieval and Early Modern Literature, ed. Albrecht Classen. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 278 (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2004; appeared in 2005), 347 pp.
reviewed in: The Medieval Review 06.02.05; Medium Aevum 75 (2006);
35. Tristania. Vol. XXIII, ed. Albrecht Classen (Lewiston, Queenston, and Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005), 121 pp.
36. Der Liebes- und Ehediskurs vom hohen Mittelalter bis zum frühen 17. Jahrhundert. Volksliedstudien, 5 (Münster, New York, Munich, and Berlin: Waxmann, 2005), vi, 378 pp.
mentioned in: Germanistik 47 (2006); reviewed in Mennonitische Geschichtsblätter 64 (2007)
37. Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: The Results of a Paradigm Shift in the History of Mentality, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005), vii, 445 pp., 4 ill.
reviewed in: Futhark 1 (2006); Mediaevistik 20 (2007); Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 42 (2007)H-Net Reviews. October, 2008:; Mediaevistik 21 (2008)
38. Mai und Beaflor. Herausgegeben, übersetzt, kommentiert und mit einer Einleitung von Albrecht Classen. Beihefte zur Mediaevistik, 6 (Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2006), xxxix, 500 pp.
reviewed in: Medium Aevum 75 (2006); Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 63 (2007)
39. Tristania. Vol. XXIV, ed. Albrecht Classen (Lewiston, Queenston, and Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2006), 162 pp.
40. The Medieval Chastity Belt: A Myth-Making Process. The New Middle Ages (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), x, 222 pp., 7 ill.
reviewed in SMGS News and Reviews 26 (2008), at:; The German Quarterly 81, 3 (2008), Wissenschaftlicher Literaturanzeiger (, 2008; Medieval Clothing and Textiles 4, ed. Robin Netherton and Gale R. Own-Crocker, 2008, 212
41. The Power of a Woman’s Voice in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: New Approaches to German and European Women Writers and to Violence Against Women in Premodern Times. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 1 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007), vi, 453 pp.
42. Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Neglected Topic, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 2 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007), vii, 575 pp., 30 ill.
reviewed in Journal of English and Germanic Philology Jan. 2010; Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 246.161.2 (2009)
43. Erotic Tales of Medieval Germany. Selected and Trans. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 328 (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2007), x, 176 pp. Rev. and expanded sec. ed. (2009), x, 187 pp.
reviewed in The Medieval Review 08.05.19
44. Words of Love and Love of Words in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Albrecht Classen. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 347 (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2008), 480 pp.
reviewed in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 109.1 (2010)
45. Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: New Approaches to a Fundamental Cultural-Historical and Literary-Anthropological Theme, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 3 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008), 903 pp., 85 ill.
reviewed in Sehpunkte 10.2 (2010):
46. The Poems of Oswald von Wolkenstein: An English Translation of the Complete Works (1376/77-1445). The New Middle Ages (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), xi, 253 pp., 4 ill.
47. Deutsche Schwankliteratur des 16. Jahrhunderts: Studien zu Martin Montanus, Hans Wilhelm Kirchhof und Michael Lindener. Koblenz-Landauer Studien zu Geistes-, Kultur- und Bildungswissenschaften, 4 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009), x, 200 pp.
48. Urban Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 4 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009), vii, 757 pp., 70 ill.
49. (together with Lukas Richter), Lied und Liederbuch in der Frühen Neuzeit. Volksliedstudien, 10 (Münster, New York, et al.: Waxmann, 2010), 330 pp.
50. Tristania. Vol. XXV, ed. Albrecht Classen (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009), 193 pp.
51. Tiere als Freunde im Mittelalter: Eine Anthologie. Eingeleitet, ausgewählt, übersetzt und kommentiert von Gabriela Kompatscher zusammen mit Albrecht Classen und Peter Dinzelbacher (Badenweiler: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2010), 299 pp. (ca. 40%)
52. Paracelsus im Kontext der Wissenschaften seiner Zeit: Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichtliche Annäherungen, ed. Albrecht Classen. Theophrastus Paracelsus Studien, 2 (Berlin and New York: Walther de Gruyter, 2010), VI, 247 pp.
53. Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Epistemology of a Fundamental Human Behavior, Its Meaning, and Consequences, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 5 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), ix, 853 pp., 37 ill.
54-56. Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms – Methods – Trends, ed. Albrecht Classen. 3 vols. (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), 2821 pp. (review at:
57. Erasmus Widmann (1571-1634): Edition seiner weltlichen, unterhaltsamen und didaktischen Lieder und Gesänge (Berlin: Weidler, 2011), 147 pp.
58. Friendship in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Explorations of a Fundamental Ethical Discourse, ed. Albrecht Classen and Marilyn Sandidge. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 6 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), ix, 802 pp., 18 b/w ill.
59. Sexual Violence and Rape in the Middle Ages: A Critical Discourse in Premodern German and European Literature. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 7 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2011), vi, 272 pp.
60. Religion und Gesundheit in der Frühen Neuzeit: Der heilkundliche Diskurs im 16. Jahrhundert, ed. Albrecht Classen. Theophrastus Paracelsus Studien, 3 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2011), VI, 410 pp.
61. Sex im Mittelalter: Die andere Seite einer idealisierten Vergangenheit. Literatur und Sexualität (Badenweiler: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann, 2011), 369 pp., 18 ill.
62. War and Peace: Critical Issues in European Societies and Literature 800-1800 ed. Albrecht Classen and Nadia Margolis. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 8 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011), viii, 647 pp., 33 ill.
63. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung, ed. Peter Dinzelbacher and Albrecht Classen. Vol. 23 (Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, et al.: Peter Lang, 2010), 659 pp.
64. Medieval Answers to Modern Problems, ed. Albrecht Classen (San Diego: Cognella, University Readers, 2012), 250 pp.; rev. ed. 2013, 302 pp.; 2nd rev. ed. 2013, 328 pp.; 2nd ed. 2017, 382 pp.
65. Kultur- und kommunikationshistorischer Wandel des Liedes im 16. Jahrhundert, ed. Albrecht Classen, Michael Fischer, and Nils Grosch. Populäre Kultur und Musik, 3 (Münster, New York, et al.: Waxmann, 2012), 256 pp.
66. Aspects of Literary Translation: Building Linguistic and Cultural Bridge in Past and Present, ed. Eva Parra-Membrives, Miguel Ángel García Peinado, Albrecht Classen. Translation, Text and Interferences, 1 (Tübingen: Narr, 2012), 413 pp.
67. Gutes Leben und guter Tod von der Spätantike bis zur Gegenwart: Ein philosophisch-ethischer Diskurs über die Jahrhunderte hinweg, ed. Albrecht Classen. Theophrastus Paracelsus Studien, 4 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 470 pp.
68. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung, ed. Albrecht Classen. Vol. 24 (Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, et al.: Peter Lang, 2012), 727 pp.
69. The Letters of the Swiss Jesuit Missionary Philipp Segesser (1689-1762): An Eyewitness to the Settlement of Eighteenth-Century Sonora (Pimería Alta, ed. and trans. Albrecht Classen. Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Occasional Series, 5 (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2012), x, 245 pp., 4 ill.
70. Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: The Spatial Turn in Premodern Studies, ed. Albrecht Classen, with the collaboration of Christopher R. Clason. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 9 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), x, 921 pp.
71. Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Mental-Historical Investigations of Basic Human Problems and Social Responses, ed. Albrecht Classen and Connie Scarborough. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 11 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), viii, 602 pp.
72. Early History of the Southwest through the Eyes of German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries: A Transcultural Experience in the Eighteenth Century (Lanham, MD, Boulder, et al.: Lexington Books, 2013), xi, 216 pp., 10 ill.
73. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung, vol. 25, ed. A. Classen (Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2013), 591 pp.
74. East Meets West in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Transcultural Experiences in the Premodern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 14 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013), ix, 818 pp.
75. Literatur am Rand: Perspektiven der Trivialliteratur vom Mittelalter bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, ed. Albrecht Classen and Eva Parra-Membrives. Popular Fiction Studies, 1 (Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2013), 301 pp. (ca. 70% responsibility)
76. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung 26 (2013), 487 pp.
77. Mental Health, Spirituality, and Religion in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 15 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2014), VI, 738 pp., 32 ill.
78. Love, Life, and Lust in Heinrich Kaufringer’s Verse Narratives. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 467. MRTS Texts for Teaching, 9 (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2014), xxvii, 155 pp. Rev. and expanded 2nd ed., 2019, xxviii, 157 pp.
79. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung vol. 27 (Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2014; appeared in 2015), 485 pp.
80. The Forest in Medieval German Literature: Ecocritical Readings from a Historical Perspective. Ecocritical Theory and Practice (Lanham, Boulder, et al.: Lexington Books, 2015).
81-83. Handbook of Medieval Culture: Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen. 3 vols. (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2015), X, 2247 pp.
84. Bestseller – gestern und heute: Ein Blick vom Rand zum Zentrum der Literaturwissenschaft / Bestseller – Yesterday and Today: A Look from the Margin to the Center of Literary Studies, ed. Albrecht Classen (80%) and Eva Parra Membrives (20%). Popular Fiction Studies, 2 (Tübingen: Narr, 2016), 231 pp.
85. Death in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: The Material and Spiritual Conditions of the Culture of Death, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 16 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), vi, 545 pp., 73 ill.
86. Reading Medieval European Women Writers: Strong Literary Witnesses from the Past (Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2016), 430 pp.
87. Mediaevistik, vol. 28, ed. (reviews) together with Werner Heinz (articles) (Frankfurt a.m M.: Peter Lang, 2015), 635 pp.
88. Multilingualism in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Communication and Miscommunication in the Premodern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 17 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), VI, 402 pp.
89. An English Translation of Rudolf von Ems’s Der guote Gêrhart (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2016), xxxiii, 199 pp.
90. Mediaevistik Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung vol. 29 (Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2016), 593 pp.
91. Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: Exploration of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water, ed. A. Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 19 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017), VII, 615 pp., 4 ill.
92. Translation: T. H. Moedriach, Prydori: Perfection is Us. Translated from the German by Albrecht Classen in cooperation with Anneliese Chittock, Glenn Allen Elms, Nicholas Flannery, Ivana Lea Goldtooth, Benjamin Joseph Michael Horn, Adelina Isabella Lilani Lane, Nicholas Edward McNutt, and Patrick Ploschnitzki. Translation revised and edited by Albrecht Classen and Carolyn Classen (Lubljana, Slovenia: Založištvo Jerneja Jezernik, 2017), 179 pp.
93. Water in Medieval Literature: An Ecocritical Reading. Ecocritical Theory and Practice (Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO, et al.: Lexington Books, 2018), xlvi, 311 pp., also as paperback
94. Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time: The Occult in Pre-Modern Sciences, Medicine, Literature, Religion, and Astrology, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 20 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017), x, 757 pp., 36 ill.
95. Toleration and Tolerance in Medieval and Early Modern European Literature. Routledge Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture, 8 (New York and London: Routledge, 2018; paperback, 2021), viii, 329 pp.
96. Eros und Logos: Literarische Formen des sinnlichen Begehrens in der (deutschsprachigen) Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Albrecht Classen, Wolfgang Brylla, and Andrey Kotin. Popular Fiction Studies, 4 (Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2018), 342 pp.
97. Travel, Time, and Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: Explorations of Worldly Perceptions and Processes of Identity Formation, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 22 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018), XIX, 704 pp.
98. Japanisch-deutsche Gespräche über Fremdheit im Mittelalter: Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Forschungen in Ost und West, ed. Manshu Ide and Albrecht Classen. Stauffenburg Mediävistik, 2 (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2018), 231 pp., 40 b/w ill.
99. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung, vol. 30 (Berlin, Bern, et al.: Peter Lang, 2017; appeared in 2018), 552 pp.
100. Reiner Cornelius, Gunhild Classen, and Albrecht Classen, Zur Rhön hinauf (Niederaula: Auwel-Verlag, 2018), 296 pp. (ca. 25%)
101. Paradigm Shifts during the Global Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Albrecht Classen. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 44 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), xlvi, 396 pp.
102. Prostitution in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: The Dark Side of Sex and Love in the Premodern Era. Studies in Medieval Literature (Lanham, MA, Boulder, CO, et al.: Lexington Books, 2019; paperback 2021), v, 237 pp.
103. Pleasure and Leisure in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Toys, Games, and Entertainment, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 23 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2019), XIII, 751 pp., 41 b/w and color ill.
104. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung, vol. 31 (2018; appeared in 2019), 490 pp.
105. Religious Toleration in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: An Anthology of Literary, Theological, and Philosophical Texts (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020), 396 pp.
106. The Relevance of The Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: Past and Present, ed. Albrecht Classen. Special issue of Humanities Open Access, June 2020
107. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung, ed. Albrecht Classen. Vol. 32 (2019; appeared in 2020), 552 pp.;…
108. Imagination and Fantasy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Projections, Dreams, Monsters, and Illusions, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 24 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2020), xiii, 805 pp., 34 ill. (color and b/w).
109. The Fables of Ulrich Bonerius (ca. 1350): Masterwork of Late Medieval Didactic Literature, trans. Albrecht Classen (Newcastle-upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020), xxxii, 262 pp., 11 b/w, 4 color ill.
110. Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature. Bristol Studies in Medieval Culture (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2021), vi, 250 pp.
111. Together with Carolin Radtke, translation of Romedio Schmitz-Esser, Der Leichnam im Mittelalter: Einbalsamierung, Verbrennund und die kulturelle Konstruktion des toten Körpers, as The Corpse in the Middle Ages: Embalming, Cremation, and the Cultural Construction of the Dead Body (orig. 2014) (Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, Brepols, 2020), 780 pp.
112. Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung, ed. Albrecht Classen, vol. 33 (2020; appeared in 2021), 632 pp., 31 color images
113. Tracing the Trails in the Medieval World: Epistemological Explorations, Orientation, and Mapping in Medieval Literature. Routledge Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture (New York and London: Routledge, 2021), viii, 324 pp.
114. Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Pre-Modern World: Cultural-Historical, Social-Literary, and Theoretical Reflections. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 25 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2021), VII, 310 pp., 1 ill.
115. Short Stories by Werner Bergengruen: A Selection of His Novellas (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021), xxxix, 221 pp., 20 b/w and 1 color ill.
116. Incarceration and Slavery in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: A Cultural-Historical Investigation of the Dark Side in the Pre-Modern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Studies in Medieval Literature (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: Lexington Books, 2021), x, 517 pp., 19 b/w ill.
117. Wisdom from the European Middle Ages: Literary and Didactic Perspectives. A Study, Anthology, and Commentary (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022), 389 pp.
118. Mediaevistik vol. 34 (221), 545 pp.
Books published in a series edited by Albrecht Classen
1. Chess in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: A Fundamental Thought Paradigm of the Premodern World, ed. Daniel E. O’Sullivan. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 10 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), vi, 257.
2. Connie Scarborough, Inscribing the Environment: Ecocritical Approaches to Medieval Spanish Literature. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 13 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013), vii, 189 pp.
3. Charles W. Connell, Popular Opinion in the Middle Ages: Channeling Public Ideas and Attitudes. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 18 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), xviii, 347 pp. (served as co-editor together with Marilyn Sandidge)
4. John M. Hill, Chaucer’s Neoplatonism: Varieties of Love, Friendship, and Community. Studies in Medieval Literature (Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO, New York, and London: Lexington Books, 2018), viii, 201 pp.
5. Words that Tear the Flesh: Essays on Sarcasm in Medieval and Early Modern Literature and Cultures, ed. Alan Baragona and Elizabeth L. Rambo. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 21 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018), VIII, 378 pp.
6. Niccolino Applauso, Dante’s Comedy and the Ethics of Invective in Medieval Italy. Studies in Medieval Literature (Lanham, Boulder, et al.: Lexington Books, 2020), xi, 357 pp.
7. Christopher M. Flavin, Constructions of Feminine Identity in the Catholic Tradition. Studies in Medieval Literature (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: Lexington Books, 2020), vii, 193 pp.
8. Dante Satiro: Satire in Dante Aligheri’s Comedy and Other Works, ed. Fabian Alfie and Nicolino Applauso. Studies in Medieval Literature (Lanham, Boulder, et al.: Lexington Books, 2020), vii, 221 pp.
9. Manuel Almagro-Jiménez and Eva Parra-Membrives, ed., From Page to Screen: Modification and Misrepresentation of Female Characters in Audiovisual Media. Popular Fiction Studies, 6 (Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2020), 410 pp.
Poetry Books
1. Sprachmühlen – Spurensuchen. Poems (Lewiston, NY,-Queenston-Lampeter: Mellen Poetry Press, 2002), 61 pp.
Reviewed in: Trans-Lit XI, 1 & 2 (2002).
2. Gedichte: Mitlesebuch Nr. 78 (Berlin: Aphaia Verlag, 2004), 26 pp.
3. Reflexionen über gestern und morgen – Gedichte. Gnothikon 2011 (; or:…; now: (Aug. 2012)
4. Politische Reflexionen – Fragmentarische Gedichte. Gnothikon 2011 (
(…); (Aug. 2012)
5. Sonora Wüste: Leben im Südwesten der US. Gnothikon 2012: (…); (Aug. 2012)
6. (together with Th. Moedriach), sprachbrücken: Gedichte von Tucson bis nach Gottschee (II) (Gottschee: Thomas Schuster, 2012), 85 pp.
7. (together with Th. Moedriach), grenzgänger: Gedichte von Tucson bis nach Gottschee (II) (Gottschee: Thomas Schuster, 2012), 91 pp.
8. hawaiische impressionen. dichterling, 1 (Novo maesto, Slowenia: arte publisher, 2013),157 pp., ill. (
9. sonora: harte klänge / harsh words (Novo maesto, Slowenia: arte publisher, 2015), 229 pp.
10. Deep Poetic Gazes into the World (Hamburg: tredition, 2021), 121 pp.; online at:…; ISBN: 978-3-347-50248-2
Prose Literature
1. Amerikanische Satiren (Leipzig: Engelsdorfer Verlag, 2018), 184 pp.
2. Die Welt und ich, ein etwas unausgewogenes Verhältnis: Neue Satiren aus deutscher und amerikanischer Sicht, 2020 (…).
3. Entdecke das Mittelalter (Münster: Natur und Tier, 2020), 64 pp. (…;
4. Wildgewordenes Amerika: Berichte aus dem Alltag in den wirklich fremden USA und andere Reflexionen (Der Lehrbuchverlag, 2020), online at:…
or directly by the publisher:
5. Welterkundungen aus der Neuen Welt: Prosa und Lyrik (Neckenmarkt: united p. c. Verlag, 2021), 208 pp., 16 color photos; ISBN: 978-3-7103-4928-7
Audio-Visual Material
1. A Garland of Medieval German Verse. Read by Albrecht Classen (Provo: The Chaucer Studio, 2002). Compact Disc.
2. Late Medieval German Women Songs. Read by Albrecht Classen (Provo: The Chaucer Studio, 2011). CD, or online at:
Youtube and other Online Videos
1. “Trad 104 An Introduction to Special Collections,”… (Spring 2011)
2. “Courtly Love: Carmina Burana: Great Courses, Great Faculty”: (Spring 2011)
3. “Women Poets from Early Twelfth-Century Southern France,”
4. Video on “Aucassin and Nicolette,” (Nov. 2011)
5. “Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan, facsimile of the Munich manuscript cgm 51 (Staatsbibliothek): (Feb. 2012)
6. “Retablo Room, Museum of Art, University of Arizona,” (Sept. 2012)
6. Advertisement for my Humanities Course :… (July 2013)
7. Medieval Studies at the University of Arizona, with a Thematic Minor: (April 2014)
8. “Fearless Women Fighters and Writers for Their Faith in 16th and 17th Century Germany,” (Oct. 10, 2014)
9. “Medieval Travel Study Course: (Oct. 21, 2014)
10. “Introduction to Special Collections, UA,”
11. “Happiness, Love, and Hope in the Middle Ages,”… (July 2016)
12. “Women (Writers) in the Protestant Reformation – and in the Early Baroque (Jan. 2017:
13. “Special Collection, University of Arizona” (March 2017)
Electronic Media
1. Establishment and maintenance of an extensive homepage for Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation, and Baroque Studies, with a large page on Germany-relevant links: (Jan. 2000-201) (Feb. 2011)
2. Webpage for the Society of German Renaissance and Baroque Literature:
3. Wegpage for the Tristan Society: New:
4. Webmaster of the AZ AATG Webpage since 2002: New:
5. Webmaster of Webpage for Mediaevistik since Oct. 2003.; replaced by…
6. Webmaster of Webpage for UAMARRC since Dec. 2004:
7. Women’s pre-1750 literature: (online since 2014)
Creative Writing, Poems and Narratives:
1. “Dunkle, heimliche Welt,” in: Literatur-Express 2 (1988), p. 10
2. “Ikarus,” in: Literatur-Express 2 (1988), p. 10
3. “Reminder,” in: Expressions, Fall 1989, p. 13
4. “One Lonely Evening,” in: Expressions Fall 1989, p. 14
5. “Meditations on Life,” in: Expressions (Mesa, AZ.), Fall 1989, p. 15
6. “I notice,” in: Expression Winter 1990, p. 38
7. “Dawning,” in: Way Station 1 (1989), Fall, p. 19
8. “Heat,” in: Way Station 1 (1989), Fall, p. 19
9. “Komm zurück,” (Translated under the Title: “Come Back”) in: Way Station 2 (1991), p. 14
10. “At Night,” in: Ship of Fools 24 (1992), p. 20f.
11. “Kreislauf,” in: Das Fenster. Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Studenten Clubs, UA, 1, 3 (1992), p. 4
12. “in the sunlight,” in: Ship of Fools 25 (1992), p. 21
13. “Fragen an die Sprache,” Das Fenster, UA, 2, 5 (1993), 2.
14. “Mißgeburt,” Das Fenster UA, 3, 2 (1993), 3.
15. “Frohe Weihnachten,” Das Fenster 3, 3 (1993), 4.
16. “nach dem Regen,” Trans-Lit III, 1 (1994), 38.
17. “Gewalt,” Trans-Lit III, 1 (1994), 38.
18. “Konzertabend,” Trans-Lit III, 2 (1994), 25.
19. “Bahn,” Trans-Lit III, 2 (1994), 25.
20. “auf dem Weg,” Warteräume im Klee. Eine Anthologie. Hg. von Holger Oertel, Volker Sielaff und Norbert Weiß (Dresden: Buchlabor, 1995), 30.
21. “Saguaro West,” Warteräume im Klee, 31.
22. “Wüstengefängnis,” Warteräume im Klee, 32.
23. “Kilauea,” Trans-Lit IV, 1 (1995), 33.
24. “Kastanie,” Trans-Lit IV, 2 (1995), 43.
25. “Sonora,” Trans-Lit V, 2 (1996), 55.
26. “Maulbeere,” Trans-Lit VI, 1 (1997), 8.
27. “Lake Roosevelt,” Schatzkammer XXII, 1 & 2 (1997), 136.
28. “Tucson im Herbst,” Schatzkammer XXII, 1 & 2 (1997), 136.
29. “Wanderer,” Schatzkammer XXII, 1 & 2 (1997), 137.
30. “Fragen,” Trans-Lit VII, 1 (1998), 52.
31. “an der Kasse,” Trans-Lit VII, 1 (1998), 53.
32. “Strandbilder” – short story, Trans-Lit VII, 2 (1998), 52-57.
33-39. “Danksagung” (14), “Ein Stuhl” (15), “Von Mund zu Mund” (15), “Geliebte (16), “Leben” (16), “Liebe” (16), “André de Mandach” (17), Trans-Lit VIII, 2 (1999).
40-43. “Zeit,” “Zwiegespräch,” “für Darius,” “überrumpelt,” Trans-Lit IX, 1 & 2 (2000), 62.
44-49. “du und ich” (82), “herbstliches Vancouver” (82), “neue Perspektive” (83), “Mann – Frau” (83), “Oktober in Südarizona” (83), “Vision” (83), Trans-Lit X, 1-2 (2001).
50-61. Spanische Romanzen: “La Vall d’Uixio” (73), “Festung Sagunt” (73), “Inkunabel” (73-74), “Spanien” (74), “Valencia im Regen” (74), “Novemberlied” (74-75), “die Stunde” (75), “Monasterio de los Reyes” (75), “La Mezquita” (75-76), “Liebeslieder” (76), “Jardines del Real” (76), Trans-Lit XI, 1&2 (2002).
62-65. “Gottfried” (310), “Ackermann” (310-12), “Wolfram” (312), “Arizona” (312), Dimension2 6, 2-3 (2003) – with English translations by Ingo Stoehr
66.-74. “Musikstunde” (68), “Hör mich an” (68-69), “Nachdenken” (69-70), “Spätsommermorgen” (70), “Liebkosungen” (70-71), “Hoffnung” (71), “Wie Cäsar” (72), “Mensch und Gott” (72-73), “Einst” (73), XII (2006).
75.-77. “Irak” (85), “Reisen in poesis” (85-89), “Collage” (89), XII/2 (2006)
78.-81. “Sprache” (41), “Rettung, in letzter Minute” (41-42), “Blue Line” (42), “Bleistiftstummel” (42-43), XIII/1 (2007).
82. “Ente,” Mythos des Unsichtbaren: Die Verbindung von Literatur mit Musik und Bildender Kunst von Zeitgenossen, ed. Svea Haske, Sonja Wendeler. Bd. I (Berlin: Aphaia, 2007), 23.
83.-87. “Fremdheit” (13), “Amerikanischer Schwanengesang” (14-15), “Wahrnehmung” (15), “Schraffuren” (15-16), “Hoffnung” (16), XIV, 1 (2008).
88.-90. “Refugium Yarnton” (90), “Oxford Canal” (90-91), “Stille Orte” (91-92), XIV, 2 (2008).
91.-93. “Babel” (23), “Wechsel” (23-24), “Jahresende” (24), XV, 1 (2009).
94.-96. “Trio plus zwei” (107), “August, Tucson” (108), “Ringelnatz zu Ehren” (108-09), XV.2 (2009).
97.-100. “Abendstunde Tucson” (17), “Hibiscus-Blüte, Hwaii” (17-18), “Deklinationen des Lachens” (18-19), “Vitale Daten” (19), XVI.1 (2010).
101. “Knöpfe” (short prose narrative), XVI.2 (2010): 27-28.
102-104. “Erdöl” (66-67), “Wand” (67), “Hitzeglocke” (67-68), XVI.2 (2010).
105-108. “Pronomina” (21), “Amerika – Jahrzehnte später” (21-22), “Wanderung auf Big Island, Hawaii” (22), “Wir alle” (23), XVII.1 (2011).
109. “Tod” (Prose text), XVII.1 (2011): 24.
110.-112. “Büttenpapier und schwere Tinte” (104-05), “Fremdgeworden” (106), “Globale Freundschaft” (107), Mother Tongue, Lengua Materana, Muttersprache: From National Breaks to International Bridges, ed. Frederick A. Lubich. . Special Edition, Spring 2011
113.-116. “Picacho Peak” (28), “Zusammen” (28-29), “Girona” (29), “Sprachspiele” (30), XVII.2 (2011).
117.-20. “Afghanistan” (79-80); “Abendstunde” (81-82); “Traumgeschäft” (83-85), Wortmosaik: Zeitschrift für Literatur und Kunst 2 (2011).
121.-124. “St. Botholph, Cambridge” (86), “Linden, Queen’s Road” (86), “Hoffnungen” (86-87), “Einsichten” (87-88), XVIII.2 (2012).
125.-129. “Vier Elemente” (29), “Zeit und Generation” (29-30), “Brandung” (30-31), “Kohala Mountains” (31), “Schöpfung in Lava” (31-32), XIX.1 (2013).
130-134. “Lyrische Miniaturen aus Japan und Hawaii” (54), “Hiroshima” (54-55), “Kultur und Natur, hawai’isch” (55-56), “Cornucopia, subtropisch” (56), “Lisa Kahn” (73), XIX.2 (2013).
135-37. “Brot” (30), “Wortgestrüpp” (31), “Tanzen soll das Gedicht, nur . . .” (31-32), XX.1 (2014).
138-41. “Sonnenuntergang – Menschheit” (47), “Nostalgische Reflexionen im Posener Land August 2014” (48), “Sehnsucht” (49), XX.2 (2014).
142. “Don’t we know each other?,”… (last accessed Nov. 19, 2014)
143-145. “Demokratie” (35-36), “Sprechen und verstehen” (36-38), “Wahlen in Amerika” (38-39), XXI, 1 (2015).
146-51. “Eiche” (62), “Bucherlebnis” (62-63), “Objekt du” (63-64), “Kuli” (64), “Zeitung” (65), “Valencia” (65), XXI.2 (2015).
152-55. “Regen, Mexiko Stadt,” “Tristan, auf Mexikanisch,” “Flüchtlinge,” “Mein Buch und ich”, in:… (2016)
156. “Von Limerick nach Tokyo, und von dort nach Hause, Tucson,” XXII.2 (2016): 32-34.
157. “Japan” (71), “Hunger” (71-72), “Hiroshima, bildlich festgehalten” (72), XXII.2 (2016).
158. “Gewalt” (71), “Konzertabend” (72), “Atemhauch” (72-73), “Spinne” (73-74), “Körpererfahrung” (74-75), PEN-Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland: PENinfo 2016, ed. Gabrielle Alioth and Hubert Dammer (Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2017).
159. “Amerika, du,” Glossen 42 (2016):
160.-163. “Die Suche” (33), “Oxidation, südamerikanisch” (34), “Geruchsräume (für Joachim Harms)” (34-35), “Der Gärtner (für Irmgard Hunt)” (35-36), XXIII.1 (2017).
164. “Beim Besuch im Kunstmuseum,” XXIII.1 (2017): 50-52.
165. “Des Amerikaners liebstes Kind,” XXIII.2 (2017): 61-63
166-70. “Liebesgedicht, auf Ferne” (93), “Abreise” (93-94), “fachwerkgitter” (94), “Was denn die Liebe sei” (95), XXIII.2 (2017)
171. “Träume,” Glossen 43 (2017);
172-73. “Liebe” (40), “Backsteinmauer” (41), XXIV.1 (2018).
174. “Buddhistische Erleuchtung,” XXIV.1 (2018): 64-65.
175-179. “Lübeck” (83), “Bahnsteig” (83-84), “Suche” (84), “Viator” (85), “Zeiterfahrung” (85), XXIV.2 (2018)
180. “Bibliotheksglück” (prose text), XXIV.2 (2018): 27-30
181. “Heil dir Amerika — du älteste Demokratie der Welt!,” Glossen: German Literature and Culture after 1945 44 (2019):…
182. “Böse Sprache,” Glossen: German Literature and Culture after 1945 44 (2019):…
183. “Trumpiade,” PEN Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren
im Ausland: Newsletter 2019 (…), 26-27.
184. “hostile desert screams,” honorable mention in Haiku contest, published in HAIKU EXPO
ARIZONA MATSURI – A FESTIVAL OF JAPAN Selection of 2019 Haiku Arizona inspired Japanese Poetry…, p. 56.
185-87. “Mein stummes Gedicht” (35-36), “Zufall” (36), “Wanderung” (37), XXV.1 (2019)
188. “Nadel und Faden” (Prose), XXV.1 (2019): 69-70.
189-97. “Dawn” (25), “The Crane” (26), “Mysticism” (27), “Kalamazoo” (28-29), “I, the Foreigner” (30-31), “Medieval Individual” (32), “Our Dream” (33), “At Night” (34-35), “Unamed” (36), Hail, Radiant Star! Seven Medievalist Poets, ed. by Jane Beal (Georgetown, KY: Finishing Line Press, 2019).
198-199. “Auszeit, unfreiwillig” (38-39); “Canyon de Chelly” (39), 25.2 (2019).
200. “Nächtliche Stille” (77), “Hin und her” (78), “Trillionen” (79), 25.2 (2019).
201. “Trees, harbinger of tomorrow, standing in the past,” Elephant Journal,… (Dec. 2019)
202. “Impeachment – Ethics and National Identity,”… (last accessed on Dec. 27, 2019)
203. “Ah, Those Good Religious Folks in the US Senate,”… (Dec. 29, 2019)
204-06. “Abendstunde” (46), “Nächtliche Stille” (74), “Man hat uns die Nacht geraubt” (82-83, Essay), Nachts nicht von wo, ed. Stefan Flach, Peter Rosenthal, and Michael Weißmann (Cologne: Weissmann Verlag, 2019)
207. “Freedom of Speech on University Campuses vs. Academic Principles of Scholarship,” The Elephant Journal, Feb. 9, 2020,…
208. “Haiku,”… (Feb. 19, 2020)
209. “Our history, whose history, why history?,”… (March 5, 2019).
210. “Removing the Confederate flag would ignore Tucson’s history,” Arizona Daily Star 3-11-2020; guest opinion, 600 words
211. Translation of the diary of Fritz Häber, 1944-1946, for publication by Bernd Haber, 99 pp., March 2020
212. “Schon wieder Schlangen,” PEN Decamerone – Zukunftsentwürfe, March 28, 2020…
213. Translation of “Public Organisation Procedures Research Phase 1,” for Anne May (53 pp.), April 2020 (unfortunately, a scam with the intent of cheating)
214. “Moon and Stars Wonder,” haiku, Pima County Library Webpage, April 5, 2020;…
215-220. “Pazifikflug” (47), “Black Sand Beach” (47-48), “Ach so fromm” (48-49), “Moos” (50), “Dark Money” (50), Trans-Lit2 XXVI.1 (2020).
221-224. Poems in the Midst of Crisis: “New work conditions,” “Santa Cruz,” “Hidden Happiness,” and 47 haikus,” (April 12, 2020)
215-222. Haikus: “Windswept treetops sway,” “After the last rain,” “Let’s shed our jackets,” “Ocotillo blooms,” “Some clouds stay behind,” “Oh friends, happy birds,” “Stroll during the dusk,” “Mountain ridges gaze,”… (April 18, 2020)
223-225. “Scroll to manuscript,” “Cover to cover,” “Library is home,” Pima County Public Library, April 27, 2020:…
226-28. “A bat’s corpse in the park,” “Flighty cactus wren,” “Some like barking dogs,” PCPL Haiku Challenge: those furry and feathered and scaly friends, Pima County Public Library, May 2020:
229. Translation and editing of Reinhold Münster’s article “The Anthropocene, Technology, and Fictional Literature,” for publication in Humanities Open Access, March-July 2020
230. “Trump’s irritation with Merkel leads to foolish troop pullout plan,” Arizona Daily Star, guest opinion, June 18, 2020:…
231. “Character Tells It All,” The Elephant, Sept. 5, 2020,
232. “Über Erfahrungen in Amerika,” Interview recorded in Steuben-Schurz Bulletin 82 (2020): 2-3:…
233-234. 2 haikus in honor of Peter Blickle, “Tief gedankt sei dir” and “Hüter der Sprache,” Translit-2 XXVI.2 (2020): 8
235-37. “Pfauenstrauch” (93), “Zwei Eicheln” (94), “Schöpfung” (94-95), Translit-2 XXVI.2 (2020)
238. Prose: “Pecunia non olet!,” Translit-2 XXVI.2 (2020): 52-54.
239. “Dear vaccine,” (April 2021)
240-44. “Easter,” “The future, if there will be one…,” “We can handle him,” “Why I study history,” Double down,” Beyond The Horizon: An Inter-Continental Anthology, ed. Sanjay N. Shende, Priti Sharma, and Prafulla K. Panda (Blue Rose Publishers, 2021), online at: (to PA5)
245-63. 18 haikus, Beyond The Horizon: An Inter-Continental Anthology, ed. Sanjay N. Shende, Priti Sharma, and Prafulla K. Panda (Blue Rose Publishers, 2021), online at: (to PA5)
264. “Help me breathe,” 1st prize winner of an online competition, May 2021:…
265. “Air,” 2nd prize winner of an online competition, May 2021:…
266-270. “Die Rose” (29), “Winterglühen” (30), “Büro-graden” (31), “Kilauea” (32), Trans-Lit2 XXVII.1 (2021).
271. “Die lieben Football-Tainer,” Satire, Trans-Lit2 XXVII.1 (2021): 38-41.
272. Translation, Otto Neurath, Bildstatistik nach Wiener Methode in der Schule (Vienna and Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag für Jugend und Volk, 1933), 49 pp., for Maria del Mar Navarro, Feb.-May 2021
273. Translation, Spanish poems into German, for CD booklet, singer Carlos and guitarists Misael Barraza Díaz and Edwin Guevara Gutierrez, doctoral students at the UA, July 2021
274. “So, so, Frühling / Spring, really,” Spring’s Blue Ribbon: International Poetry, ed. Gino Leinweber (N.p.: Verlag Expeditionen, 2021), 16-19.
275. “Ohren, Augen, Mund und Nase” (prose), Trans-Lit2 XXVII.2 (2021): 24-26.
276-282. “Zeit” (59), “Nekropolis” (60), “Lebenskreis” (61), “Die Wege kreuzen sich” (62), “Birke” (63), “Betrachtung” (63), “Wanderung” (64), Trans-Lit2 XXVII.2 (2021).
1. “Counter Review of New Literary Journal: Expression,” in: Arizona Daily Wildcat 83 (1989), 45, p. 4.
2. “25th International Congress on Medieval Studies. May 10-13, 1990. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan,” in: Fachdienst Germanistik 8 (1990), 7, p. 3.
3. “Schuljahre,” in: Literatur-Express 2 (1989), 1/2, pp. 44-45.
4. “Unerwartete Fremd/Freundsprache,” Das Fenster. Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Studenten Clubs, UA, 1/1 (February 1992), 1, 4; and 1/2 (1992), 1, 6.
5. “Literarische Ecke. Literaturquiz,” Das Fenster. Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Studenten Clubs (UA) 1/2 (1992), 5. Trivia Contest,” 1. “Trivia Contest”, in: Das Fenster 1/3 (1992), 6.
6. “Begegnung im Berufsverkehr,” Das Fenster 1, 1 (1992), 1, 4; 2, 2 (1992), 4, 6.
7.”Trivia Contest,” Das Fenster 2, 2 (1992), 1, 3.
8. “Melancholische Partygedanken – aus der Bienenperspektive,” Trans-Lit II, 1 (1993), 10-11.
9. Miscellaneous contributions to Das Fenster 4 (1997).
10. “Report about the Results of the Rotary Grant for University Teachers,” Silvester Lode (Nov. 1999).
11. “Altgermanistik in den USA. Interview with vis à vis Düsseldorfer Altgermanistik 1 (2000)
12. Translation of six abstracts for: Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 46 (2001).
13. Translation of eight abstracts for: Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 48 (2004): 263-65.
14. Translation of four abstracts for: Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs (2005)
15. Translation of five abstracts for: Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs (2006)
16. Translation of six abstracts for: Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs (2007): 174-77
17. Oral translation of Christian Sauter, Wertewandel: Skandale an der Universität Zürich um die Jahrtausendwende; eine Dokumentation (Zürich: Sauter, 2004), 75 pp., for Prof. Marlys Whitte, Feb. 2011, UA
18. “VoiceThread “Medieval Europe,” Webpage slide show, (3 hour production, April 2011)
19. “Voicethread Medieval Europe 2011”: (May-October, 2011, ca. 4 hours production)
20. Written translation of Christian Sauter, Wertewandel: Skandale an der Universität Zürich um die Jahrtausendwende; eine Dokumentation (Zürich: Sauter, 2004), 75 pp., for Prof. Marlys Whitte, Nov. 2011, UA
21. Translation of a German ‘poetry album’ from 1945-1951 (handwritten, partly in Sutterlin), Nov. 2013
22. Summer reading, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival (ca. 1205), Lo Que Pasa Aug. 10, 2016
23. “COVID-19 – What does it mean in personal terms?,” The Golden Line Magazine 3.1 (2020), ed. by the Department of English Bhatter College, Dantan(West Bengal, India)
24. “Amerika – ach, nun ja, herrje!,” Glossen 44 (2020):
Scholarly Articles (* refereed journals) and Chapters in Books:
1. “Margareta von Schwangau: Epistolary Literature in the Late Middle Ages,” Medieval Perspectives, ed. by Pedro S. Campa et al., Collected Papers of the XIIIth SEMA, Chattanooga, TN, October 1985, 41-53*
2. “Hessische und Braunschweigische Soldaten in Virginia,“: Zeitschrift des Vereins für Hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde 91 (1986): 81-93*
3. “Die `Italian Connection’ – Zu einem Brief an einen Wolkensteiner und zu provenzalischen Quellen für Oswalds von Wolkenstein polyglosse Lieder,” Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft 4 (1986/87), 155-162*
4. “Robert Musil: Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften. Der antizipatorische Charakter des ersten Buches,” Carleton Germanic Papers 15 (1987): 1-16*
5. “Lessing als Philologe: Seine Kenntnis und Wertung mittelalterlicher Dichtungen und Texte,” The Lessing Yearbook 19 (1987): 127-163*
6. “The German-Americans: A Survey of Their Number, Culture, and History,” Germany and the United States, Changing Perceptions – Danger and Hope. The University of Virginia and Roanoke College Symposia 1985, ed. by Lore Amlinger, American-German Studies 3 (Stuttgart: Hans Dieter Heinz Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart, 1987), 145-155
7. “Image of America/Germany in the Mass Media,” Germany and the United States, ed. by Lore Amlinger (Stuttgart: Hans Dieter Heinz Akademischer Verlag, 1987), 157-162
8. “Hans von Westernach: “Der Pfalzgraf hieß da ziehen baß’. Politische und militärische Dichtung des deutschen Spätmittelalters,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 26 (1987): 133-151*
9. “Zu neuen Dokumenten über Oswald von Wolkenstein,” Zeitschrift für Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur 116, 4 (1987): 296-302*
10. “Giannozzo Sacchetti’ Mentr’ io d’ amor pensava as a Source for Oswald von Wolkenstein’s Song-Poetry,” Monatshefte 80, 4 (1988): 459-468*
11. “Autobiography as a Late Medieval Phenomenon,” Medieval Perspectives. The Southeastern Medieval Association, ed. by Edith Whitehurst Williams, Ordelle G. Hill and Jacqueline Bouchard Spurlock. Vol. III, Nr. 1. Spring 1988. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference. Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 1987, 89-104*
12. “Prolegomena zu einer Veit von Wolkenstein Biographie,” Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988): 23-38*
13. “Der Bauer in der Lyrik Oswalds von Wolkenstein,” Euphorion 82, 2 (1988): 150-167*
14. “Die Familie Wolkenstein im 15. und frühen 16. Jahrhundert,” Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung MIÖG 96.1-2 (1988): 79- 94*
15. “Peasant Satire in Oswald von Wolkenstein’s Lyric Poetry: Reception and Adaptation of a Poem by Raimbaut de Vaqueiras,” Seminar 24, 4 (1988): 287- 309*
16. “Robert Musils Novelle Tonka im Licht des Neuen Testaments,” Colloquia Germanica 21.2/3 (1988): 169-184*
17. “Keie in Wolframs von Eschenbach Parzival: Agent Provocateur oder Angeber,” Journal of English and Germanic Philologie 87.3 (1988): 382-405*
18. “Female Epistolary Literature from Antiquity to the Present,” Studia Neophilologica 60 (1988): 3-13*
19. “German Military Verse in the l5th Century,” Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 225, 140th yearly vol., (1988), 1st biennial vol., 12-27*
20. “Women in Medieval Poetry: Their Role and Appearance,” Michigan Germanic Studies 14.1 (1988): 1-15*
21. “Jungkommunisten, Afrikaerlebnisse und ödipaler Vaterkomplex: Die Erzählungen des Schweizer Erzählers André Kaminski,” Carleton Germanic Papers 16 (1988): 13-30*
22. “Die Stadt-Land-Relation als romantechnisches Element Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften,” German Life and Letters, New Series XLIII, 1 (1989): 63-78*
23. “Onomatopoesie in der Lyrik von Jehan Vaillant, Oswald von Wolkenstein und Niccolò Soldanieri,” Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 108, 3 (1989): 357-377*
24. “Emergence from the Dark: Female Epistolary Literature in the Middle Ages,” Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 10 (1989): 1-15*
25. “A Representation of Reality in Oswald von Wolkenstein’s Lyric Poetry and in Contemporary North Italian and South Tyrolean Frescoes and Book Illustrations,” arcadia. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 24.2 (1989): 113-130*
26. “French and Italian Sources for Oswald von Wolkenstein’s Onomatopoetic Lyric Poetry,” in: Fifteenth-Century Studies 15 (1989): 93-105*
27. “Royal Women in Middle High German Romances,” Proceedings of the Patristic,Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies 1987, Augustinian Historical Institute, Villanova University,Pa. 12/13, 1987/88, ed. by Philipp Pulsiano (Villanova, PA: Augustinian Historical Institute of Villanova, 1989), 81-100*
28. “Ulrichs von Etzenbach Wilhelm von Wenden – ein Frauenroman?,” Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch im Auftrag der Görres-Gesellschaft, Neue Folge, 33 (1989): 27-43*
29. “Matriarchy versus Patriarchy: The Role of Queen Isolde in Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan,” Neophilologus LXXIII, 1 (1989): 77-89;* an abstract appeared Chronica 42 (1988): 17
30. “Liebesehe und Ehelieder in der Dichtung Oswalds von Wolkenstein,” Jahrbuch der Oswald-von-Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft 5 (1988/89): 445-464*; a shortened version L’imaginaire courtois et son double, éd. par G. Angeli et L. Formisano (Napoli-Roma-Milano: 1991), 97-108.
31. “Emperor Sigismund’s Visit to England in 1416: Its Observation and Reflection in Late Medieval English Chronicles,” Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 226, 141st yearly volume, 2nd biennial vol. (1989): 276-290*
32. “Footnote to the Canon: Maria von Wolkenstein and Argula von Grumbach,” The Politics of Gender in Early Modern Europe, eds. Jean R. Brink, Allsion Coudert and Maryanne C. Horowitz, Vol. XII Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies (Kirksville, MS: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1989), 131-147*
33. “Sangeskunst und moderne Selbstverwirklichung im Werk Oswalds von Wolkenstein (1376/77-1445), in hôhem prîse. A Festschrift in Honor of Ernst Dick, ed. by Winder McConnell. GAG 480 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1989), 11-29
34. “From Nonnenbuch to Epistolarity: Elsbeth Stagel as a Late Medieval Women Writer,” Medieval German Studies. Proceedings from the 23rd International Conference, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, ed. by Albrecht Classen. GAG 507 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1989), 147-170
35. “Rezeption und Ecriture: Eine neue Betrachtung von Wolframs von Eschenbach Titurel, accepted for publication German Quarterly (1989),* withdrawn by author for inclusion in a book manuscript
36. “Hoccleve’s Independence from Chaucer: A Study of Poetic Emancipation,” Fifteenth-Century Studies 16 (1990): 59-81*
37. “Love and Marriage in Late Medieval Verse: Oswald von Wolkenstein, Thomas Hoccleve, and Michel Beheim,” Studia Neophilologica 62 (1990): 163-188*
38. 11 Critical Articles in an Encyclopedia: “German Writers (Reformation through Baroque Period)” (Vol. II, 143-145), “Patrons of the Arts (Middle Ages and Renaissance),” (II, 259-261), Women’s Studies Encylcopedia. Vol. II: Literature, Arts, and Learning. Ed. by Helen Tierney (New York-Westport, CT,-London: Greenwood Press, 1989-1991); “Germanic Kingdoms of Early Medieval Europe” (III, 172-176) “Germany: 1848-1919” (III, 176-178), “Germany: Weimar Republic (1919 to 1933)” (III, 179-181), “Germany: Postwar and Federal Republic (FGR)” (III, 181-184), “Medieval: Noble (Lay) Women” (III, 299-302), “Medieval: Peasant Women” (III, 302-304), “Medieval: Treatment of Rape in Literature and Law” (III, 308-310), “Mysticism, Christian (Twelfth to Twentieth Century)” (III, 326-329), “Reformation” (III, 373-376), Women’ Studies Encyclopedia, Vol. III: History, Philosophy, and Religion. Ed. by Helen Tierney (New York-Westport, CT,-London: Greenwood Press, 1991).
39. “The Autobiographical Voice of Michel Beheim,” The Medieval Text. Methods and Hermeneutics. A Volume of Essays in Honor of Edelgard DuBruck. Collected and Edited by William C. McDonald and Guy R. Mermier. Fifteenth-Century Studies 17 (1990): 33-56
40. “Elfriede Czurda,” Kritisches Lexikon der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur. 36. Nachlieferung. October 1990, 1-4 + A-B
41. “Medieval Travel into an Exotic Orient: The Spielmannsepos Herzog Ernst as a Travel into the Medieval Subconsciousness,”Lesarten. New Methodologies and Old Texts, ed. Alexander Schwarz, Tausch, 2 (Frankfurt a. M.-New York-Paris: Peter Lang, 1990), 103-24.
42. “The Poetic Voice of a Self-Reflective 15th-Century Urban Writer: Hans Rosenplüt,” Fide et Amore. A Festschrift for Hugo Bekker on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, ed. by William C. McDonald and Winder McConnell. GAG 526 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1990), 9-39
43. “Transformation des arturischen Romans zum frühneuzeitlichen Unterhaltungs-und Belehrungswerk: Der Fall Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 33 (1991): 167-192*
44. “Das Spiel mit der Liebe – Leben als Spiel: Versuch einer Neuinterpretation des Morîz von Craûn,” Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 40.4 (1990): 369-398*
45. “Frauenbriefe an Bonifatius: Frühmittelalterliche Literaturdenkmäler aus moderner mentalitätsgeschichtlicher Sicht,” Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 72.2 (1990): 251-273*
46. “Eine neue Quelle für Wolframs von Eschenbach Titurel: Andreas Capellanus’ De Amore,” Von Otfried von Weißenburg zu Till Eulenspiegel, ed. A. Classen. GAG 538 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1990), 65-77
47. “Die labyrintische Struktur des Nibelungenlieds. Literaturtheoretische Überlegungen zu einem alten Text,” La Chanson des Nibelungen hier et aujourd’hui. Actes du Colloque Amiens, 12 et 13 janvier 1991, Wodan 7, ed. by Danielle Buschinger and Wolfgang Spiewok (Amiens: Univ. de Picardie, 1991), 43-61
48. “Woman Poet and Reformer: The 16th-Century Feminist Argula von Grumbach,” Daphnis. Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur 20.1 (1991): 167-197*
49. “Erotik als Spiel, Spiel als Leben, Leben als Erotik: Komparatistische Überlegungen zur Literatur des europäischen Mittelalters,” Mediaevistik 2 (1989): 7-42*
50. Together with Amber Settle: “Martin Luther and his Relationship to Women,” German Studies Review XIV.2 (1991): 231-260*
51. “Love and Marriage and the Battle of Genders in the Stricker’s maeren,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (Helsinki, Finland) XCII.1 (1991): 105-122*
52. “Der Ackermann aus Böhmen – ein literarisches Zeugnis aus einer Schwellenzeit: Mittelalterliches Streitgespräch oder Dokument des neuzeitlichen Bewußtseins?,” Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 110.3 (1991): 348-373*
53. “Peasant Life and Peasant Reality in the Lyric Poetry of Oswald von Wolkenstein,” Folk Life in the Middle Ages. SEMA Medieval Perspectives Vol. III, Number 2 (1991). Special Issue. Guest Editor Edward Peters. 83-111*
54. “Ein Frauenschicksal im frühen 16. Jahrhundert: Der Frauen(?)roman Frau Tugendreich,” Germanic Notes 22.3/4 (1991): 61-67.
55. “Der Unterricht von mittelhochdeutscher Literatur auf der Universität: Methoden, Lehrmaterialien, Perspektiven,” Unterrichtspraxis 24, 2 (1991): 146-155*
56. “Matriarchalische Strukturen und Apokalypse des Matriarchats im Nibelungenlied,” Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur 16.1 (1991): 1-31.
57. “Herzog Ernst im Licht der hochhöfischen Dichtung des 13. Jahrhunderts,” Euphorion 85, 3/4 (1991): 292-314*
58. “The Role and Function of Women in the Stricker’s Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal,” Die deutsche Frau als Dichterin und Protagonistin im Mittelalter, ed. A. Classen. GAG 528. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1991, 87-103; rpt. Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, ed. Jelena Krstović. CMCL 75 (Detroit, et al.: Thomson, 2005), 364-72.
59. “The Implications of Feminist Theory on the Study of Medieval German Literature. Also an Introduction,” Women as Protagonists and Poets in the German Middle Ages, ed. by A. Classen (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1991), i-xxi
60. “Hugo von Montfort – a Reader of the Roman de la Rose?,” Monatshefte 83.4 (1991): 414-432*
61. “The Defeat of a Matriarch: The Character Brünhild in the Nibelungenlied. Some Thoughts on Matriarchy as Evinced in Literary Texts,” “Waz sider da geschach”. American-German Studies on the Nibelungenlied. Ed. by Werner Wunderlich and Ulrich Müller, with the Assistance of Detlef Scholz. GAG 564 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1992), 89-110
62. “Oswald von Wolkenstein – a Fifteenth-Century Reader of Medieval Courtly Criticism,” Mediaevistik 3 (1990): 27-53*
63. “König Marke in Gottfrieds von Straßburg Tristan: Versuch einer Apologie,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 35 (1992): 37-63*
64. “’Koklüsch und die Macht’: Erzählungen des Schweizer Dichters André Kaminski. Zeitgenössische Literatur im akademischen Unterricht von Deutsch als Fremdsprache,” Carleton Germanic Papers 20 (1992): 19-44*
65. “Mittelalter-Rezeption im Werk Robert Musils,” Forum. Materialien und Beiträge zur Mittelalter-Rezeption, Band III, ed. Rüdiger Krohn. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 540 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1992), 137-68.
66. “Late Middle High German, Renaissance, and Reformation,” chapter in a book: A Concise History of German Literature to 1900. Ed. by Kim Vivian (Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1992), 58-90, 316-317 (Solicited)
67. “The Voice from the Kitchen: The Poems by the König vom Odenwald,” Michigan Germanic Studies XVII, 1 (1991): 1-16*
68. “The Autobiographical Voice of Thomas Hoccleve,” Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 228/143 (1991), 2. Halbjahresband, 299-310*
69. “Women in 15th-Century Literature: Protagonists (Melusine), Poets (Elisabeth von Nassau-Saarbrücken), and Patrons (Mechthild von Österreich),” “Der Buchstab tödt – der Geist macht lebendig”. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Hans-Gert Roloff, ed. by James Hardin and Jörg Jungmayr. Vol. I (Bern-Berlin-Frankfurt a. M.-et al.: Lang, 1992), 431-458
70. “The Heathen World in the Volksbuch Wilhelm von Österreich. An Anthropological Revision of the Crusade Epics,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (Helsinki, Finland) XCIII, 2 (1992), 145-161*
71. 45 bio-bibliographical Articles on: Aloysia Elisabeth Andreae (36), Gertrud Bäumer (93f.), Agnes Blannbekin (138f.), Imma von Bodmershof (145), Elisabeth Borchers (151f.), Christina Busta (193f.), Ada Christen (167f.), Claire Demar (301), Anne Duden (343f.), Marieluise Fleisser (412f.), Irene Forbes-Mosse (418), Magdalena von Freiburg (425), Anna Rupertina Fuchs (428f.), Gertrud Fussenegger (431-433), Katharina von Gebersweiler (453), Argula von Grumbach (497f.), Agnes Günther (508f.), Gyp (594), Mechthild von Hackeborn (518f.), Ursula Haider (524f.), Genoveva Hartlaub (535f.), Franziska von Hohenheim (565f.), Maria Janitschek (592f.), Elfriede Jelinek (596f.), Elisabeth von Kirchberg (636f.), Karin Kiwus (639), Christina Klipstein (640), Editha Klipstein (640), Annette Kolb (647f.), Ann Tizia Leitich (715f.), Mechthild von Lichnowsky (728f.), Thekla Lingen (733), Clara Müller (886), Marie von Najmájer (895f.), Tami Oelfken (934f.), Betty Paoli (466f.), Elisabeth Plessen (992f.), Franziska von Reventlow (1041f.), Hilde Spiel (1176f.), Lulu von Strauss und Torney (1194f.), Maria Waser (1325f.), Gertrud Wilker (1338f.), Karoline von Wolzogen (1353f.), Christiana Mariana Ziegler (1380f.), and Martha Elisabeth Zitterin (1384), An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, ed. Katharina M. Wilson (New York-London: Garland, 1991)
72. “Der komische Held Till Eulenspiegel: Didaxe, Unterhaltung, Kritik,” Wirkendes Wort 42.1 (1992): 13-33*
73. “Emergence of Tolerance: An Unsuspected Medieval Phenomenon. Studies on Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Willehalm, Ulrich von Etzenbach’s Wilhelm von Wenden, and Johann von Würzburg’s Wilhelm von Österreich,” Neophilologus 76 (1992): 586-599*
74. “Das Hessische Weihnachtsspiel: Ein Dokument der spätmittelalterlichen/frühneuzeitlichen Mentalitätsgeschichte,” Daphnis 21.4 (1992): 567-600*
75 “Anti-Clericalism in Late Medieval German Verse,” Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Ed. by Peter A. Dykema and Heiko A. Obermann. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, LI (Leiden-New York-Cologne: E. J. Brill, 1993), 91-114.
76. “‘Detail-Realismus’ im deutschen Spätmittelalter. Der Fall von des Strickers Daniel von dem blühen Tal und Konrads von Würzburg Turnier von Nantes,” Studia Neophilologica 64 (1992): 195-220*
77. “Die leidende und unterdrückte Frau im Roman des 15. Jahrhunderts. Zur Verfasserschaft des frühneuhoch-deutschen Romans Pontus und Sidonia,” Seminar 29.1 (1993): 1-27*; a shorter version Germanic Notes and Reviews 25.1 (1994): 9-24*
78-79. Articles on: Caccia and Meistersinger, The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, ed. by Alex Preminger and T. V. F. Brogan, et al. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1993), 158, 745f.
80. “Warum und zu welchem Zwecke studieren wir das Mittelalter,” Wirkendes Wort 43.1 (1993): 7-25*
81. “Wolframs von Eschenbach Titurel-Fragmente und Johanns von Würzburg Wilhelm von Österreich: Höhepunkte der höfischen Minnereden,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 37 (1993): 75-102*
82. “Kommunikation im Mittelalter,” Europäische Mentalitätsgeschichte, ed. Peter
Dinzelbacher (Stuttgart: Kröner, 1993), 370-390. 2nd ed. (2008), 424-47.
83. “Das Fremde und das Eigene in der Neuzeit,” Europäische Mentalitätsgeschichte, ed. Peter Dinzelbacher (Stuttgart: Kröner, 1993), 429-450. 2nd ed. (2008), 492-518.
84. “Der unfreiwillig komische Held Wigamur. Strukturelle und thematische Untersuchungen zu einem spätmittelalterlichen Artus-Roman,” Euphorion 87, 2/3 (1993): 200-224*
85. “Schweigen und Reden in Hartmanns von Aue Erec,” Erec, ou l’ouverture du monde arthurien. Actes du Colloque du Centre d’Etudes Médiévales de l’Université de Picardie – Jules Verne. Amiens 16-17 janvier 1993, ed. Danielle Buschinger and Wolfgang Spiewok (Amiens: Reineke-Verlag, 1993), 25-42
86. “The Encounter with the Other World: André Kaminski’s Search for the Jewish Past,” The Germanic Mosaic. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Society. Ed. by Carol Aisha Blackshire-Belay (Westport, CT,-London: Greenwood Press, 1994), 253-265
87. “Whatever Happened to Courtly Love? The Role of Love in Late-Medieval German
Literature, with Emphasis on the Volksbuch,” Fifteenth-Century Studies 20 (1993): 35-64*
88. “Kommunikation im Mittelalter. Prolegomena zu einer neuen Bewertung der mittelhochdeutschen Literatur,” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 27 (1993): 17-51*
89. “Die Entdeckung Amerikas in der deutschen Literatur des 16. Jahrhunderts: der Fall
Wagnerbuch,” German Life and Letters XLVII.I (1994): 1-13*
90. “Sprache und Gesellschaft – Kommunikative Strategien in Gottfrieds von Straßburg
‘Tristan’,” Europäische Literaturen im Mittelalter. Mélanges en l’honneur de Wolfgang Spiewok à l’occasion de son 65ème anniversaire. Ed. Danielle Buschinger (Greifswald: Reineke, 1994), 79-98
91. “Fremdheit und Heimweh. Das literarische Werk einer Grenzgängerin: Christine Wolter,” Schatzkammer XIX.2 (1993): 1-13*
92. “Love and Marriage in Late Medieval German Lyric Poetry and Prose Literature,” in: Orbis Litterarum 49 (1994), 63-83*
93. “The End of the Middle Ages? Criticism of Sorcery and Witchract through Johann Wyer in his De praestigiis daemonum of 1583,” Zauberer und Hexen in der Kultur des Mittelalters. III. Jahrestagung der Reineke-Gesellschaft e.V. San Malo, 5.-9. Juni 1992. Wodan. Greifwalder Beiträge zum Mittelalter, 33 (Greifswald: Reineke-Verlag, 1994), 27-43
94. “Kanon und Kanon-Transgression. Betrachtungen zur mittelhochdeutschen Dichtung. Zugleich eine Einleitung,” Canon and Canon Transgression in Medieval German Literature, ed. by A. Classen. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 573 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1993), 1-36
95. “‘The Other’ in Medieval Narratives and Epics. The Encounter with Monsters, Devils, Giants, and other Creatures,” Canon and Canon Transgression in Medieval German Literature, ed. A. Classen. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 573 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1993), 83-121
96. “Die Welt eines spätmittelalterlichen Kaufmannsreisenden. Ein mentalitätsgeschichtliches Dokument der Frühneuzeit: Fortunatus,” Monatshefte 86.1 (1994): 22-44*
97. “Die narrative Funktion des Traumes in mittelhochdeutscher Literatur,” Mediaevistik 5 (1992): 11-37*
98-100. “Freidank,”6-10; “Friedrich von Hausen,” 11-15; “Reinmar von Zweter,” 102-106, German Writers and Works of the High Middle Ages: 1170-1280. Ed. James Hardin and Will Hasty. Dictionary of Literary Biography, 138 (Detroit-Washington, D.C.-London: Gale Research, 1994)
101. “…und sie schrieben doch: Frauen als Schriftstellerinnen im deutschen Spätmittelalter,” Wirkendes Wort 44, 1 (1994): 7-24*
102. “Oswalds von Wolkenstein Beziehungen zu Italien – eine These im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik,” Die kulturellen Beziehungen zwischen Italien und den anderen Ländern Europas im Mittelalter, ed. Danielle Buschinger and Wolfgang Spiewok. Wodan, 28 (Greifswald: Reineke-Verlag, 1993), 67-81
103. “Ulrich Schmidel in the Brazilian Jungle: A Sixteenth-Century Travel Account,” Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 230.2 (1993): 241-260*
104. “Gynokratie und die Vorstellung von Ehe im 15. Jahrhunderts: Der Fall Melusine von Thüring von Ringoltingen,” German Studies Review XVII.2 (1994): 233-268*
105. “Frauen in der deutschen Reformation: Neufunde von Texten und Autorinnen sowie deren Neubewertung,” Die Frau in der Renaissance, ed. by Paul Gerhard Schmidt. Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung, 14 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994), 179-201
106. “Transpositions of Dreams to Reality in Middle High German Narratives,” Shifts and Transpositions in Medieval Narratives. A Festschrift for Dr. Elspeth Kennedy. Ed. by Karen Pratt (Woodbridge, Suffolk: D. S. Brewer, 1994), 109-120
107. “Oswald von Wolkenstein und Leonardo Giustiniani: Zwei Zeitgenossen des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts,” Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 35 (1994): 33-62*
108. “Abrogans,” German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages: 800-1270. Ed. by Will Hasty and James Hardin. Dictionary of Literary Biography, 148 (New York-et al.: Gale Research, 1995), 150-154.
109. “Die Weltwirkung des Fortunatus: eine komparatistische Studie,” Fabula 35.3/4 (1994): 209-225*
110 “Die Rezeption des deutschen Volksbuchs Fortunatus in England: Thomas Dekkers und seine Dramatisierung des ‘Volksbuchs’,” Neohelicon XXI.1 (1995): 289-311*
111. “Farb-Schemata als Kulturkodifizierung: Methodische Vorschläge für den Sprachunterricht als Kulturunterricht,” Schatzkammer XX.2 (1994): 75-84*
112. “Die vergessenen (?) Frauen – im Gedächtnis des Mannes. Georg Christian Lehms Lexikon galanter Dichterinnen,” Germanic Notes and Reviews 26.1 (1995): 15-28*
113. “Dialogics and Loss of Identity: Linguistic Community and Self-Destructive Individuation in Wernher the Gardener’s Helmbrecht,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 41 (1995): 143-160*
114. “Andreas Capellanus aus kommunikationstheoretischer Sicht. Eine postmoderne Auslegung von ‘De amore’,” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 29.1 (1994): 45-60*
115. “Tragische Frauenfiguren in der mittelhochdeutschen Literatur,” Studia Neophilologica 67 (1995): 41-60*
116. “Kulturhistorische Wortstudien zu vier zentralen Begriffen des Mittelhochdeutschen,” Leuvense Bijdragen 84.1 (1995): 1-37*
117. “History of German Literature, German Studies 4400a: Correspondence Course, Instruction Book,” July 1995, 1-36
118. “The Perception of America in Early Modern German Literature: From Sebastian Brant to Lohenstein,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen XCV.3 (1994): 337-352*
119. “Elisabeth Charlotte von der Pfalz, Herzogin von Orléans. Epistolare Selbstbekenntnisse und literarisches Riesenunternehmen,” Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 77.1 (1995): 33-54*
120. “Intertextualität und Quellenbezug: Gottfrieds von Straßburg ‘Tristan’ und der ‘Morîz von Craûn’?,” Tristania XVI (1995): 1-44*
121. “Why Do Their Words Fail? Communicative Strategies in the Hildebrandslied,” Modern Philology 93 (1995): 1-22*
122. “Das fünfzehnte Jahrhundert – die deutsche Literatur des Spätmittelalters im Licht der jüngsten Forschung von ca. 1985 bis 1994,” Fifteenth-Century Studies 22 (1996): 119-140*
123. “Der Text der nie enden will. Poetologische Überlegungen zu fragmentarischen Strukturen in mittelalterlichen und modernen Texten,” Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, Heft 99: Anfang und Ende. Ed. Wolfgang Haubrichs (1995), 83-113* (solicited)
124. “Das Fragment als literarische Strategie. Überlegungen zu Robert Musil, Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse und Michael Ende,” Germanic Notes and Reviews 26.2 (1995), 114-126*
125. “Die Mystikerin als peregrina. Margery Kempe: Reisende in corpore – Reisende in spiritu,” Studies in Spirituality 5 (1995) 127-145*
126. “Wort und Gemeinschaft: Sprachliche Apokalypse in Heinrich Wittenwilers ‘Ring’,” Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft 8 (1994/1995): 141-157
127. “El Poema de Mío Cid and Oswald von Wolkenstein. A Playful Form of Masquerading and Literary Reception. The Spanish-German Connection,” Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft 8 (1994/1995): 341-361
128-131. “âventiure” (22-27), “dienest” (41-46), “genâde” (80-82), “gruoz” (83-86), together with Otfrid Ehrismann, O. Ehrismann, Ehre und Mut, Aventiure und Minne. Höfische Wortschichten aus dem Mittelalter (München: Beck, 1995).
132. “Diu Klage – A Modern Text from the Middle Ages?,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen XCVI, 3 (1995): 315-329*
133. “Sexuality in the Middle Ages: An Exploration of Mental History on the Basis of Literary Evidence,” Neohelicon XXII.2 (1995): 9-51*
134. “Marco Polos Il Milione/Le Divisement du Monde: der Mythos vom Osten,” Mittelalter Mythen. Herrscher, Helden, Heilige. Ulrich Müller and Werner Wunderlich, eds. (St. Gall: UVK, 1996), 423-436.
135. “Family Life in the High and Late Middle Ages. The Testimony of German Literary Sources,” Medieval Family Roles. A Book of Essays. Ed. Cathy Jorgensen Itnyre (New York-London: Garland, 1996), 39-65.
136. “Multiculturalism in the German Middle Ages? The Rediscovery of a Modern Concept in the Past: The Case of Herzog Ernst,” Multiculturalism and Representation. Selected Essays. Ed. John Rieder, Larry E. Smith (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1996), 198-219.
137. “Hermann Hesse als Mediävist? Ein Essay,” Michigan Germanic Studies 19.2 1993/appeared in 1996): 113-126*
138. “Der Tristan-Stoff im 20. Jahrhundert. Moderne Novellistik und mittelalterliche Rezeptionsformen. Wilhelm Schäfers ‘Anckemanns Tristan’,” Carleton Germanic Papers 24 (1996): 109-126*
139-140. Jacob Böhme” (64-73), “Johann Wilhelm von Stubenberg” (339-343), German Writers of the Baroque, 1580-1720. Ed. James Hardin. Dictionary of Literary Biography, 164 (Detroit-Washington, DC-London: Gale Research, 1996).
141. “Das deutsche “Volksbuch” als Irritationsobjekt der Germanistik,” Wirkendes Wort 46.1 (1996): 1-20*
142. “Minnesang als Spiel. Sinnkonstitution auf dem Schachbrett der Liebe,” Studi Medievali Serie Terza, XXXVI.1 (1995): 211-239*
143. “Seinskonstitution im Leseakt: Adolf Muschgs Der Rote Ritter als Antwort auf eine mittelalterliche These,” Etudes Germaniques 51.2 (1996): 307-327*
144. “Spiritual and Existential Meanings of the Word: Strategies and Function of Reading in the Middle Ages. With Special Emphasis on Hartmann von Aue’s Gregorius,” Seminar 32.3 (1996): 221-239*
145. “Women’s Voices in Literary Love Discourse. From Sappho to Christa Wolf. Interpretation and Pedagogical Application,” Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (1994): 7-34.
146. “The Jüngeres Hildebrandslied in Its Early Modern Printed Versions: A Contribution to Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Reception History,” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 95.3 (1996): 359-381*
147-148. “Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg” (114-120); “Friedrich von Hagedorn” (162-167), German Baroque Writers, 1661-1730. Ed. James Hardin. Dictionary of Literary Biography, 168 (Detroit-Washington, DC,-London: Gale Research, 1996)
149. “Tristant als Mönch aus neuer Sicht,” Tristan – Tristrant. Mélanges en l’honneur de Danielle Buschinger ed. André Crépin et Wolfgang Spiewok (Greifswald: Reineke, 1996), 85-97
150. Together with Peter Dinzelbacher, “Weltliche Literatur von Frauen des Mittelalters. Bemerkungen zur jüngeren Forschung,” Mediaevistik 8 (1995): 55-74*
151. “Vergangenheitsbewußtsein und literarisches Experiment. Ein Phänomen des 13. Jahrhunderts: Tristan als Mönch,” Tristan – Tristrant. Mélanges en l’honneur de Danielle Buschinger. Ed. A. Crépin et W. Spiewok (Greifswald: Reineke, 1996), 85-97
152. “Volkslieder und German Studies. Eine noch zu entdeckende Textgattung. Zugleich ein Archivbericht: Das Deutsche Volksliedarchiv in Freiburg i.Br.,” German Studies Association Newsletter XXI.2 (1996): 39-48*
153. “German Women Writing Letters: Exploration of Literacy and Female Challenge to the Literary Canon in the Later Middle Ages,” Disputatio 1 (1996): 89-121*
154. “Das Churer Weltgerichtsspiel als Zeugnis spätmittelalterlicher Mentalitätsgeschichte,” Daphnis 25.4 (1996): 627-644*
155. “Zaubersprüche, Beschwörungen und andere Formen des ‘Aberglaubens.’ Kulturhistorische Betrachtungen für den Literatur- und Sprachunterricht,” Unterrichtspraxis 29.2 (1996): 231-239*
156. “Große fremde Welt: Afrika literarisch verarbeitet. Dem Lachen zu trotz, wir verstehen uns nicht. André Kaminskis Die Gärten des Mulay Abdallah,” Ernest W. B. Hess-Lüttich, Christoph Siegrist, Stefan Bodo Würffel, eds., Fremdverstehen in Sprache, Literatur und Medien (Frankfurt a. M.-Berlin-et al.: Lang, 1996), 123-139
157. “Die Überwindung der Schwerkraft: Begegnungen mit der Fremde im literarischen Diskurs: André Kaminskis Kulturthesen,” Romey Sabalius, ed., Neue Perspektiven zur deutschsprachigen Literatur der Schweiz. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik 40 (Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 1997), 167-185
158-161. “Elisabeth von Nassau-Saarbrücken” (42-47), “Oswald von Wolkenstein” (198-205), “Heinrich Steinhöwel” (276-280), “Heinrich Wittenwiler” (326-331), German Writers of the Renaissance and Reformation 1280-1580, Dictionary of Literary Biographies, 179, ed. James Hardin and Max Reinhart (Detroit-Washington, DC-London: Gale Research, 1997).
162. “‘Pöss riballden das taten’ (196, 3). Politisches Chaos und öffentliche Gewalt des Spätmittelalters literarisch reflektiert. Zum Lannzilet des Ulrich Fuetrer,” Speculum Medii Aevi. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Literatur des Mittelalters 1.1 (1995): 53-62
163. “The Dangers and Promises of Reading, Two Medieval Viewpoints: Wolfram von Eschenbach and Geoffrey Chaucer,” Medieval Perspectives, SEMA XII (1997), 46-63
164. “Multilingualism in Late-Medieval Poetry,” Komparatistik. Mitteilungen 1996. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (Dresden: Dresden University Press, 1996), 44-69
165. “The Isolated Hero and the Communicative Community in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival,” Studia Neophilologica 69 (1997): 59-68*
166. “Binary Oppositions of Self and God in Mechthild von Magdeburg’s Mystical Visions,” Studies in Spirituality 7 (1997), 79-98* (positively reviewed by John C. Hirsh, The Medieval Review, Internet, 98. 07. 07, Thu, 23 Jul 1998 16:10:02 -0400).
167. “Medieval Manuscript Evidence Versus Modern (Mis)Interpretation: The Klage,” International Fiction Review 24.1& 2 (1997): 1-11*
168. “Hermann Hesse’s Approaches to Medieval Literature in his Fictional and Critical Works,” Medievalism in Europe II. Studies in Medievalism VIII. Ed. by Leslie J. Workman, Kathleen Verduin (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1996), 27-45
169. “Volkskultur versus ‘gehobene’ Kultur in Liederbüchern des Spätmittelalters und der Frühneuzeit. Der Fall von Jörg Dürnhofers Liederbuch von ca. 1515,” Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 42 (1997): 13-37.
170. “Padre Eusebio Kino – ein österreichisch-italienischer Missionar aus Tirol in Sonora/Mexiko und Arizona,” Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 105.3-4 (1997): 441-466.
171. “Baroque Jesuit Literature: The German-America Connection. With Special Emphasis on German Jesuits as Observers and Commentators of Southwest Indian Culture in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Attempts of Intercultural Communication,” Studien zur Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts. Gedenkschrift für Gerhard Spellerberg. Ed. Hans Feger (Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 1997), 345-376.
172-174. “Burckhardt, Jacob Christoph” (125-127); “Curtius, Ernst Robert” (200-202); “Musil, Robert” (586-588), Encyclopedia of the Essay. Ed. Tracy Chevalier (London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998).
175. “’Mit worten, und mit werken ouch’ (L. 24, 6). Sprachliche Sinnbestimmung bei Walther von der Vogelweide,” Studi Medievali, Serie Terza, XXXVII (1996 – appeared in 1997), 671-702.
176. “Die guten Monster im Orient und in Europa. Konfrontation mit dem ‘Fremden’ als anthropologische Erfahrung im Mittelalter,” Mediaevistik 9 (1996 – appeared in 1997): 11-37.
177. “Late-Medieval and Early-Modern Literary Documents of the Long-Lasting Dissemination of the Tristan Motif. With a particular focus on Tristan in the Volkslieder,” Tristania XVIII (1998): 43-52.
178. “Frauen in den Volksbüchern des 15. Jahrhunderts. Beispiele für einen sozialhistorischen Paradigmawechsel,” Text im Kontext: Anleitung zur Lektüre deutscher Texte der frühen Neuzeit. Ed. Alexander Schwarz, Laure Abplanalp (Bern-Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: Lang, 1997), 49-68.
179. “Ignatius Pfefferkorn, ein jesuitischer Missionar in der Neuen Welt: Ein Beitrag zur deutschamerikanischen Reiseliteratur der Frühneuzeit,” Yearbook of German-American Studies 32 (1997): 21-45.
180. “Spätmittelalterliche Frauen als Schreiberinnen und Sammlerinnen von volkssprachlichen Liedern,” Daphnis 27.1 (1998): 31-58.
181. “Das heroische Element im Nibelungenlied – Ideal oder Fluch?,” Ir sult sprechen willekomen. Grenzenlose Mediävistik. Festschrift für Helmut Birkhan zum 60. Geburtstag. Ed. Ch. Tuczay, U. Hirhager and K. Lichtblau (Bern-Frankfurt a.M.: Lang: 1998), 673-692.
182. “Modernität des Mittelalters? Zu Walther von der Vogelweide, Gottfried von Straßburg und Freidank,” Part I, Germanic Notes and Reviews 29, 1 (1998), 1-17; Part II: 29, 2 (1998), 1-11.
183. “Medieval Answers to the Strange World Outside: Foreigners and the Foreign as Cultural Challenges and Catalysts,” Demons: Mediators between This World and the Other. Essays on Demonic Beings from the Middle Ages to the Present, ed. Ruth Petzoldt/Paul Neubauer. Beiträge zur Europäischen Ethnologie und Folklore. Reihe B, 8 (Frankfurt a.M.-Berlin-et al.: Lang, 1998), 133-151.
184. “Krieg im Mittelalter und seine Kritik in literarischen Werken des deutschsprachigen Raumes,” Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 28.109 (1998): 7-37 (invited).
185. “History: Medieval,” Reader’s Guide to Women’s Studies. Ed. Eleanor B. Amico (Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998), 284-285.
186. “Happiness in the Middle Ages? Hartmann von Aue and Marie de France,” Neohelicon XXV.2 (1998): 247-274.
187. “‘Ach Gott, wem soll ichs klagen’: Women’s Erotic Poetry in Sixteenth-Century German Song Books,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 98 (1997): 293-313.
188. “Jüdisch-deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühneuzeit als Dokumente des Kulturaustauschs. Mit besonderer Beachtung jüdisch-deutscher Volkslieder des 16. Jahrhunderts,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 50 (1998): 185-207.
189. “The Literary Treatment of the Ineffable: Mechthild von Magdeburg, Margaret Ebner, Agnes Blannbekin,” Studies in Spirituality 8 (1998): 162-187.
190. “Confrontation with the Foreign World of the East: Saracen Princesses in Medieval German Narratives,” Orbis Litterarum 53 (1998): 277-295.
191. “Der vertrackte, widerspenstige Held Till Eulenspiegel. Sexualität, der Körper, Transgression,” Euphorion 92.2 (1998): 249-270.
192. “Ernst Robert Curtius and the Topos of the Book. The Impact of an Idea on Modern Philological Research,” Leuvense Bijdragen 87.1-2 (1998): 59-78.
193. “Elfriede Czurda,” Update and Continuation, Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur, 60. Nachlieferung (Oct. 1998): 4-7, A, C-D.
194-195. “Gargoyles – Wasserspeier” (127-133); “Medusa, Pegasos und Perseus” (403-412), Ulrich Müller and Werner Wunderlich, Hgg.: Dämonen, Monster, Fabelwesen. Mittelalter Mythen, 2 (St. Gall: UVK, 1999).
196. “Ottilia Fenchlerin’s Songbook: A Contribution to the History of Sixteenth-Century German Women’s Literature,” Women in German Yearbook 14 (1999): 19-40.
197. “Kontinuität und Aufbruch: Innovative narrative Tendenzen in der spätmittelalterlichen deutschsprachigen Literatur. Der Fall Mai und Beaflor,” Wirkendes Wort 48.3 (1998): 324-344.
198. “Revitalisierung des Rittertums: Nostalgie als literarische Strategie in den Volksbüchern,” Prospero. Rivista di culture anglo-germaniche V (1998): 63-88.
199. “Reading, Writing, and Learning in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival,” A Companion to Wolfram von Eschenbach. Ed. Will Hasty. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture (Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1999), 189-202.
200. “Introduction,” The Book and the Magic of Reading in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Albrecht Classen (New York-London: Garland, 1998), ix-xlii.
201. “The Book and the Power of Reading in Medieval High German Literature: Mystery, Enlightenment, Spirituality, and Love,” The Book and the Magic of Reading in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Albrecht Classen (New York-London: Garland, 1998), 61-97.
202. “Das deutsche Tagelied in seinen spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Varianten,” Etudes Germaniques 54.2 (1999): 173-96.
203. “The Cry-Baby Kings in Courtly Romances: What is Wrong with Medieval Kingship?,” Studi Medievali 3a Serie, XXXIX.2 (1998): 833-63.
204. “German Jesuits in Sonora as Contributors to the History of German Literature,” Yearbook of German-American Studies 33 (1998): 41-54.
205. “The Emergence of Modern Drama Out of Late-Medieval Shrovetide Plays. The Case of ‘Das Leben der heyligen Frawen Susanna’,” Medieval Perspectives XIV (1999): 35-49.
206. “Desperate Lovers, Suicidal and Murderous: Early Modern Dawn Songs and Ballads,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 100.2 (1999): 207-26.
207. “Autobiographische Diskurse als Identitätsexperimente in der Literatur des Spätmittelalters,” Ich – Ulrich von Liechtenstein. Literatur und Politik im Mittelalter. Akten der Akademie Friesach “Stadt und Kultur im Mittelalter” Friesach (Kärnten), 2.-6. September 1996, ed. Franz Viktor Spechtler/Barbara Maier (Klagenfurt: Wieser, 1999), 177-204.
208. “Trauer müssen sie tragen: Postklassische Ästhetik des 13. Jahrhunderts in der Klage,” Ostbairische Grenzmarken. Passauer Jahrbuch für Geschichte, Kunst und Volkskunde XLI (1999): 51-68.
209. “Außenseiter der Gesellschaft im späthöfischen Roman, Volksbuch und Volkslied. Eine literar-soziologische und ethnologische Untersuchung,” Europäische Ethnologie und Folklore im internationalen Kontext. Festschrift für Leander Petzold zum 65. Geburtstag. Ed. Ingo Schneider (Frankfurt a.M.-Berlin-et al.: Peter Lang, 1999), 351-66.
210. “Spain in Medieval German Courtly Romances and Travel Accounts: Imagological and Mental-Historical Investigations,” Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft 11 (1999): 153-71.
211. “Spain and Germany in the Middle Ages: An Unexplored Literary-Historical Area of Exchange, Reception, and Exploration,” The Lion and the Eagle. Interdisciplinary Essays on German-Spanish Relations over the Centuries. Ed. by Conrad Kent, Thomas K. Wolber, and Cameron M. K. Hewitt (New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2000), 47-76.
reviewed German Studies Review XXV.2 (2002): 413-15
212. “Writing a History of German Women’s Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present: Problems and New Approaches,” German Studies Review XXIII.1 (2000): 13-31.
213. “The Experience of and Attitude Towards Time in Medieval German Literature from the Early Middle Ages to the Fifteenth Centuries,” Neohelicon XXVI (1999): 135-54.
214. “Deutsch-französische Literaturbeziehungen im 15. Jahrhundert. ‘Volksbücher’ als Übersetzungen oder authentische Werke,” New Texts, Methodologies, and Interpretations in Medieval German Literature (Kalamazoo Papers 1992-1995), ed. Sibylle Jefferis (Göppingen 1999), 173-207.
215. “Frauen als Buchdruckerinnen im deutschen Sprachraum des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts,” Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 75 (2000): 181-95.
216. “Electronic Publishing and the Tenure Clock: Book Reviews.,The Electronic Book Review as a New Scholarly Medium of the New Millenium,” Library Automated Systems Information Exchange (LASIE) 31, 2 (2000): 51-8.
217-222. “Christine Ebner (235-36),” “Gustav Freytag (312-13),” “Hildegard von Bingen (463-65),” “Journals (540-43),“Liselotte von der Pfalz (654-55),” “Mysticism (738-39),” Encyclopedia of German Literature, ed. Matthias Konzett (Chicago-London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000).
223-228. “Crusades” (201-07), “Foreign Races” (368-72), “Nibelungenlied” (708-11), “Saracen Princess” (862-65), “Tannhäuser” (968-70), “Wolfram von Eschenbach” (1062-63), Medieval Folklore. An Encyclopedia of Myths, Legends, Tales, Beliefs, and Customs, ed. John Lindow, John McNamara, and Carl Lindahl (Santa Barbara-et al.: ABC-CLIO, 2000).
229. “The Literary Puzzle of Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône. Seen from a Postmodern Perspective,” Michigan Germanic Studies XXIV.2 (1998, published in 2000): 111-28.
230. “Die Suche nach der Utopie in der Gralswelt. Albrechts (von Scharfenberg) Der jüngere Titurel,” Parzival. Reescritura y Transformación, ed. Berta Raposo Fernández (Valencia: Universitat de València, 2000), 133-56.
231. “Inventing the Middle Ages as Recreation:The Testimony of the Chapbook,” Fifteenth-Century Studies 25 (2000): 345-64.
232. “Witz, Humor, Satire. Georg Wickrams Rollwagenbüchlein als Quelle für sozialhistorische und mentalitätsgeschichtliche Studien zum 16. Jahrhundert. Oder: Vom kommunikativen und gewalttätigen Umgang der Menschen in der Frühneuzeit,” Jahrbuch für ungarische Germanistik (1999; appeared in 2000): 13-30.
233. “Neuentdeckungen zur Frauenliteratur des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts: Beiträge von Frauen zu Liederbüchern und Liederhandschriften: ein lange verschollenes Erbe,” Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 44 (1999, appeared in 2000): 34-67.
234. “Jewish-German Women Writers in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Germany. A Literary Mirage or the Discovery of a Lost Tradition?,” Germanic Notes and Reviews 31.2 (2000): 147-57.
235. “Der Schweizer Minnesänger Ulrich von Singenberg,” Schweizerisch/Alemannische Perspektiven der neunziger Jahre. Hg. von Peter Pabisch. Special Issue of Schatzkammer (Vermillion, SD: Verlag Schatzkammer, 2000), 107-24.
236. “The Bloody Battle Poem as Negative Examples: The Argument against Blood Feud and Images of Peaceful Political Negotiations in German Heroic Poetry,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 53 (2000): 123-143.
237. “The Role of Wealth and Money in Medieval and Late-Medieval German Literature,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CI.3 (2000): 415-428.
238. “The Amazing East and the Curious Reader: Twelfth-Century World Exploration through a Writer’s Mind: Lamprecht’s Alexander,” Orbis Litterarum 55.5 (2000): 317-39.
239. “Literary Autobiography and Mystical Vision. Heinrich Seuse’s Contribution to the History of German Literature,” Studies in Spirituality 10 (2000): 182-204.
240. “August von Platen’s Tristan. A Post-Romantic Version of the Medieval Tristan Legend,” Tristania XX (2000): 93-114.
241. “What do they mean for us today? Medieval Literature and Philosophy at the End of the Twentieth Century. Boethius, John of Salisbury, Abelard, and Christine de Pizan,” Mediaevistik 12 (1999; appeared in 2001): 185-208.
242. “Alexanderlied” (13f.), “Boner, Ulrich” (68), “Chronicles, World, German” (124-26), “Eilhart von Oberg” (197f.), “Hadlaub, Johannes” (315f.), “Herrad von Hohenburg” (355f.), “Hugo von Langenstein” (375), “Hugo von Montfort” (375f.), “Johann von Würzburg” (414f.), “Kaufringer, Heinrich” (420f.), “Oswald von Wolkenstein” (582-84), “Püterich von Reichertshausen, Jacob” (632, “Thomasîn von Zerklaere” (757), “Ulenspegel” (767f.), “Ulrich von Etzenbach” (770f.), “Ulrich von Türheim” (772f.), Warbeck, Veit” (798), Medieval Germany. An Encyclopedia. Ed. by John M. Jeep (New York-London: Garland, 2001). “Oswald von Wolkenstein” also appeared in Key Figures in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia, ed. Richard K. Emmerson (New York: Routledge, 2005), 491-93.
243-244. “Helena von Troja – verführte Verführering, Freudenbringering und Untergangsfigur. Ein antiker Mythos im Nachleben des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit” (375-93), “Nostradamus und seine Prophezeiungen. Ein Mythos aus Wissenschaft und Glauben” (717-24), Ulrich Müller, Werner Wunderlich, eds., Verführer, Schurken, Magier. Mittelalter Mythen, 3 (St. Gall: UVK, 2001).
245. “Die ‘Querelle des femmes’ im 16. Jahrhundert im Kontext des theologischen Gelehrtenstreits. Die literarischen Beiträge von Argula von Grumbach und Anna Ovena Hoyers,” Wirkendes Wort 50.2 (2000): 189-213.
246. “Hermann Hesses Glasperlenspiel (1943) und James Hiltons Lost Horizon (1933). Die Intertextualität zweier utopischer Entwürfe,” Studia Neophilologica 72 (2000): 190-202.
247. “Kulturelle und religiöse Kontakte zwischen dem christlichen Europa und dem buddhistischen Indien während des Mittelalters: Rudolfs von Ems Barlaam und Josaphat im europäischen Kontext,” Fabula 41.3/4 (2000): 203-28.
248. “Die Darstellung von Frauen in Leichenpredigten der Frühen Neuzeit. Lebensverhältnisse, Bildungsstand, Religiosität, Arbeitsbereiche,” Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, MIÖG 108 (2000): 291-318.
249. “‘von erfarung aller land’” — Sebastian Brant’s Narrenschiff: A Document of Social, Intellectual, and Mental History,” Fifteenth-Century Studies 26 (2001): 52-65.
250. “Abaelards Historia Calamitatum, der Briefwechsel mit Heloise und Gottfrieds von Straßburg Tristan: Historisch-biographische und fiktionale Schicksale. Eine Untersuchung zur Intertextualität im zwölften und dreizehnten Jahrhundert,” arcadia 35.2 (2000): 225-53.
251. “Ehelob und Preis der Ehefrau im Reinfried von Braunschweig,” Seminar 37.2 (2001): 95-112.
252. “Erhart Gross – ein weitgehend unbekannt gebliebener Autor des 15. Jahrhunderts. Über Liebe, Ehe, Kinder, Witwenschaft und Gottesfurcht aus der Sicht eines Kartäusers,” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 100 (2001): 377-405.
253. “Mord, Totschlag, Vergewaltigung, Unterdrückung und Sexualität. Liebe und Gewalt in der Welt von Heinrich Kaufringer,” Daphnis 29.1-2 (2000): 3-36.
254. “Frauen im Buchdruckergewerbe des 17. Jahrhunderts. Fortsetzung einer spätmittelalterlichen Tradition und Widerlegung eines alten Mythos. Methodische Vorüberlegungen zur Erhellung der Rolle von Buchdruckerinnen,” Gutenberg-Jahrbuch (2001): 220-236.
255. “Lieddichtung und Liederbücher im deutschen Spätmittelalter,” Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft 12 (2000): 217-228.
256. “Bereavement in the Middle Ages: With an Emphasis on Middle High German Literature,” “Pur Remembrance”. Mélanges en Mémoire de Wolfgang A. Spiewok, éd. par Anne Berthelot. Wodan, 79 (Greifswald: Reineke-Verlag, 2001), 89-118.
257. “Der König vom Odenwald,”
258. “Das Licht am Ende des Tunnels: Motivationsstrukturen für den Deutschunterricht, Reflexionen über ein altes und stets neues Problem,” Unterrichtspraxis 34.1 (2001): 42-50.
259-264. “Aurelius, Marcus” (62-64), “Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Medieval and Renaissance Life Writing” (363-65) “Hebbel, Christian Friedrich” (417-19), “Rilke, Rainer Maria” (749-51), “Seuse, Heinrich” (802-03), “Zuckmayer, Carl” (981-82), Encyclopedia of Life Writing. Autobiographical and Biographical Forms, 2 vols., ed. Margareta Jolly (London-Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001).
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385. “Deutsche Lieddichtung im barocken Schatten: Das Venus-Gärtlein als Bindeglied zwischen spätmittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Lyrik,” Textsorten und Textallianzen, ed. Ilpo Tapani Piirainen and Jörg Meier. Germanistische Arbeiten zur Sprachgeschichte, 5 (Berlin: Weidler, 2007), 137-58.
386. “The Dog in German Courtly Literature: the Mystical, the Magical, and the Loyal Animal,” Medieval Fauna and Flora, ed. Sieglinde Hartmann. Beihefte zur Mediaevistik, 8 (Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2007), 67-86.
387. “Literarische Diskurs-Bricolage als literarische Strategie (Textallianz) in spätmittelalterlicher Chronistik: der Fall von Jans Enikels Weltchronik,” Strukturen und Funktionen in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Festschrift Franz Simmler zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Claudia Wich-Reif (Berlin: Weidler, 2007), 425-44.
388. “Heinrich der Teichner: The Didactic Poet as a Troublemaker, Whistle-Blower, and Social Rebel,” Medievalia et Humanistica New Series 32 (2007): 63-81.
389. “Multilingual Awareness through Travel,” Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 61.1 (2007): 84-96.
390. “The Disrupted Dinner in the Nibelungenlied: The Development of Tragedy in the Heroic Context Reflected in the Hunt, the Kitchen, Dinner Preparations, Quenched Fires, and Spoiled Banquets,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CVIII.2 (2007): 381-97.
391. “The Symbolic Function of Food as Iconic Representation of Culture and Spirituality in
Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival (ca. 1205),” Orbisb Litterarum 62.4 (2007): 315-35.
392. “Caught on an Island: Geographic and Spiritual Isolation in Medieval German Courtly Literature: Herzog Ernst, Gregorius, Tristan, and Partonopier und Meliur,” Studia Neophilologica 79 (2007): 69-80.
393. “Gewaltverbrechen als Thema des spätarturischen Romans. Sozialkritisches in Wirnts von Grafenberg Wigalois,” Etudes Germaniques 62.2 (2007): 429-55.
394. “Poetische Proteste gegen den Krieg: Der Meistersänger Hans Sachs als früher Kriegsgegner im 16. Jahrhundert,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 63 (2007): 235-56.
395. “Andreas Gryphius.,” The Literary Encyclopedia. 27 Se 2007. The Literary Dictionary Company. 27 September 2007;
396. “Boethius as a Source for Late-Medieval German Didactic Poetry? The Example of
the Gnomic Poet Heinrich der Teichner,” Carmina Philosophiae 15 (2006): 63-88.
397. “Christian Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau,” The Literary Encyclopedia. 6 Oct. 2007. The Literary Dictionary Company. 7 October 2007.
398. “Daniel Casper von Lohenstein,” The Literary Encyclopedia. 24 Oct. 2007. The Literary Dictionary Company. 24 October 2007. <>
399. “Heinrich Wittenwiler,” The Literary Encyclopedia. 28 Nov. 2007. The Literary Dictionary Company. 18 November 2007 <>
400. “New Knowledge, Disturbing and Attractive: The Faustbuch and the Wagnerbuch as Witnesses of the Early-Modern Paradigm Shift,” in Daphnis 35 (2006): 515-35.
401. “Albrecht Dürer,” The Literary Encyclopedia. 29 Nov. 2007. The Literary Dictionary Company. 28 November 2007. <>.
402 and 403. “Hartmann von Aue” (58-69), and “Wolfram von Eschenbach” (70-80), Arthurian Writers: A Biographical Encyclopedia, ed. Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert Thomas Lambdin (Westport, CT, and London: Greenwood Press, 2008).
403. “Transgression and Laughter, the Scatological and the Epistemological: New Insights into the Pranks of Till Eulenspiegel,” Medievalia et Humanistica 33 (2007): 41-61.
404. “Diskursthema ‘Gewalt’ gegen Frauen’ in der deutschen Literatur des hohen und späten Mittelalters. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Hartmanns von Aue Erec, Wolframs von Eschenbach Parzival und Wirnts von Grafenberg Wigalois,” Studien zu Literatur, Sprache und Geschichte in Europa: Wolfgang Haubrichs zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet, ed. Albrecht Greule, Hans-Walter Hermann, Klaus Ridder and Andreas Schorr (St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2008), 49-62.
405. “Liederrepertoire and Themenvielfalt: Vom didaktisch-religiösen Liedgut zum Liebes- und Trinklied. Die Begegnung zwischen dem hohen Mittelalter und dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert: die Carmina Burana und Georg Forsters Liederbücher,” Jahrbuch des deutschen Volksliedarchivs: Lied und populäre Kultur 52 (2007): 53-82.
406. “The Book of Hours in the Middle Ages,” Futhark: Revista de Investigación y Cultura 2 (2007): 111-29.
407. “Charles Martel” (782 words), The Literary Encyclopedia. 29 Feb. 2008. The Literary Dictionary Company. 3 March 2008. <>
408. “Carolingian Empire” (2369 words), The Literary Encyclopedia. 4 Mar. 2008. The Literary Dictionary Company. 4 March 2008. <>
409. “Die neue und die alte Welt: Mediävistik in den USA heute,” Begegnung mit Literaturen: Festschrift Carola L. Gottzmann zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Petra Hoerner and Roswitha Wisniewski (Berlin: Weidler, 2008), 287-318.
410. “Reading and Deciphering in Apollonius of Tyre and the Historia von den sieben weisen Meistern: Medieval Epistemology within a Literary Context,” Studi Medievali 49 (2008): 161-88.
411. “Heinrich der Teichner: Commentator and Critic of the Worlds of the Court,” Orbis Litterarum 63.3 (2008): 237-61.
412. “The Quest for Knowledge Within Medieval Literary Discourse: The Metaphysical and Philosophical Meaning of Love,” Words of Love and Love of Words in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Albrecht Classen. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 347 (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2008), 1-51.
413. “Love of Discourse and Discourse of Love in Middle High German Minnesang: The Case of the Post-Walther Generation from the Thirteenth- Through the Fifteenth Century,” Words of Love and Love of Words in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Albrecht Classen. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 347 (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2008), 359-78.
414. “Südwesteuropäische Grenzüberschreitungen aus deutscher Perspektive: Fremdbegegnung zwischen deutschsprachigen Reisenden und der iberischen Welt im Spätmittelalter,” Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 116.1-2 (2008): 34-47.
415. “Indien: Imagination und Erfahrungswelt in Antike und Mittelalter,” Mittelalter-Mythen, V. Ed. Ulrich Müller and Werner Wunderlich (St. Gall: UVK, 2008), 359-72.
416. “Der Mythos vom Rhein: Geschichte, Kultur, Literatur und Ideologie. Die Rolle eines europäischen Flusses vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart,” Mittelalter-Mythen, vol. V. Ed. Ulrich Müller and Werner Wunderlich (St. Gall: UVK, 2008), 711-25.
417. “Buchdrucker und das Druckerwesen als literarisches Motiv im Spätmittelalter und der Frühneuzeit. Miszelle zu einem weltbewegenden Thema,” in Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 83 (2008): 128-40.
418. “Laughter as the Ultimate Epistemological Vehicle in the Hands of Till Eulenspiegel,” Neophilologus 92 (2008): 417-89.
419. “The Cultural Significance of Sexuality in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and Beyond: A Secret Continuous Undercurrent or a Dominant Phenomenon of the Premodern World? Or: The Irrepressibility of Sex Yesterday and Today,” Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: New Approaches to a Fundamental Cultural-Historical and Literary-Anthropological Theme, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 3 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008), 1-141.
420. “Naked Men in Medieval German Literature and Art: Anthropological, Cultural-Historical, and Mental-Historical Investigations,” Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: New Approaches to a Fundamental Cultural-Historical and Literary-Anthropological Theme, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 3 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008), 143-69.
421. “Sexual Desire and Pornography: Literary Imagination in a Satirical Context: Gender Conflict, Sexual Identity, and Misogyny in ‘Das Nonnenturnier’,” Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: New Approaches to a Fundamental Cultural-Historical and Literary-Anthropological Theme, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 3 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008), 649-90.
422. “Transcultural Encounters: German Jesuit Missionaries in the Pimería Alta,” Transcultural German Studies / Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Building Bridge / Brücken bauen, ed. Steven D. Martinson and Renate A. Schulz. Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik. Reihe A. Kongressberichte, 94 (Bern, Berlin, et al.: Peter Lang, 2008), 269-95.
423. “The People Rise Up against the Tyrants in the Courtly World: John of Salisbury’s Policraticus, the Fables by Marie de France and the Anonymous Mai und Beaflor,” Neohelicon 35.1 (2008): 17-29.
424. “Ayrer, Jakob” (orig. Jens Haustein), Killy Literarturlexikon, ed. Kühlmann, Achim Aurnhammer, et al. 2nd completely revised (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008), 276-77.
425. “Masculine Women and Female Men: The Gender Debate in Medieval Courtly Literature
With an Emphasis on the Middle High German Verse Narrative Frauenturnier,” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 43.2 (2008): 205-22.
426. “Kinder – Eltern – Beziehung im Spätmittelalter: das Zeugnis der ‘Volkslieder’,” Current Topics in Medieval German Literature: Texts and Analyses (Kalamazoo Papers 2000-2006), ed. Sibylle Jefferis. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 748 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2008), 1-22.
427. “The Crusader as Lover and Tourist: Utopian Elements in Late Medieval German Literature: From Herzog Ernst to Reinfried von Braunschweig and Fortunatus,” Current Topics in Medieval German Literature: Texts and Analyses (Kalamazoo Papers 2000-2006), ed. Sibylle Jefferis. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 748 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2008), 83-102.
428. “Der alte Mensch in den spätmittelalterlichen Mæren: Die Komplexität der Alterserfahrung im Spätmittelalter aus mentalitätsgeschichtlicher Sicht,” Alterskulturen des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Akten des 16. Internationalen Kongresses Krems 16. bis 18. Oktober 2006, ed. Elisabeth Vavra. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, 21 (Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2008), 219-41.
429. “Editing Medieval German Texts in the Twenty-First Century. Reflections on Recent Practices and Pragmatic Solutions in Light of Mai und Beaflor,” Leuvense Bijdragen 95 (2006): 1-14. (late reporting)
430. “Martin Montanus as Entertainer and Social Critic,” The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 62.2 (2008): 11-33.
431. “Literarhistorische Reflexionen in der Barockliteratur: Interesse an und Widerstand gegen das Mittelalter als Medium der poetischen Selbstidentifikation im Werk von Lohenstein und Hoffmannswaldau,” Etudes Germaniques 63 (2008): 551-70.
432. “Thomasin von Zerclaere’s Der Wælsche Gast and Hugo von Trimberg’s Renner. Two Middle High German Didacticians Focus on the Gender Relationship,” What Nature Does Not Teach: Didactic Literature in the Medieval and Early-Modern Periods, ed. Juanita Ferros Ruys. Disputatio, 15 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2008), 205-29.
433. “Erotic Symbolism, Laughter, and Hermeneutics at Work in Late-Medieval mæren.The Case of Das Häslein,” Medievalia et Humanistica, NS. 34 (2008): 87-104.
434. “Women in the World of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales,” Futhark: Revista de investigación y cultura 3 (2008): 99-120.
435. “Die Burg als Motiv in der Literatur des deutschen Spätmittelalters,” Die imaginäre Burg, ed. Olaf Wagener, Heiko Laß, Thomas Kühtreiber, and Peter Dinzelbacher. Beihefte zur Mediävistik, 2 (Frankfurt a. M. et al.: Peter Lang, 2009), 199-216.
436. “Objects of Memory as Hermeneutic Media in Medieval German Literature: Hartmann von Aue’s Gregorius, Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival, Thüring von Ringoltingen’s Melusine, and Fortunatus,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 65 (2009): 159-82.
437. “España a través del prisma alemán: perspectivas del Medievo y la primera Modernidad e investigaciones imagológicas,” Viajes y viajeros entre ficción y realitad: Alemania – España, ed. Berta Raposo Fernández and Ingrid García Wistädt (Valencia: Universitat de València, 2009), 41-59.
438. “Volksbücher,” Lexikon des Gesamten Buchwesens, 2nd completely revised and expanded ed. Severin Corsten, vol. 3 (Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 2009), 142-43.
439. “El Oswald de Múnich: Literatura de entretenimiento de carácter laico-religioso en la época precortesana,” Oswald de Múnich, traducción y notas de Eva Parra Membrives y Miguel Ayerbe Linares (Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, 2009), 13-23.
440. “Disguises, Gender-Bending, and Clothing Symbolism in Dietrich von der Gletze’s Der Borte,” Seminar XLV.2 (2009): 95-110.
441. “Schwellenphänomen, Paradigmenwechsel, Popularitätserfolg: Hybridisierung und Konkretisierung des spätmittelalterlichen Liebeslieds als Erfolgsrezept beim Mönch von Salzburg,” Studia Neophilologica 81 (2009): 69-86.
442. “Dietrichs Flucht als erratischer Block: Neue Beobachtungen zu einem vernachlässigten Heldenlied des 13. Jahrhunderts aus mentalitäts- und emotionalgeschichtlicher sowie sozialpolitischer Sicht,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CX.3 (2009): 345-68.
443. “Future-Spectives of German Sixteenth-Century Studies,” Sixteenth-Century Studies XL.1 (2009): 238-41.
444. “Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age: Historical, Mental, Cultural, and Social-Economic Investigations,” Urban Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 4 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009), 1-145.
445. Hans Sachs and his Encomia Songs on German Cities: Zooming Into and Out of Urban Space from a Poetic Perspective: With a Consideration of Hartmann Schedel’s Liber Chronicarum (1493),” Urban Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 4 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009), 567-94.
446. “Farting and the Power of Human Language, with a Focus on Hans Wilhelm Kirchhof’s Sixteenth-Century Schwänke,” Medievalia et Humanistica 35 (2009): 57-76.
447. “Liederhandschriften und gedruckte Liederbücher als Textallianzen um 1500. Ein Textcorpus an der Schwelle des großen Epochenwechsels,” Literarische und religiöse Textsorten und Textallianzen um 1500, ed. Alexander Schwarz, Franz Simmler, and Claudia Wich-Reif. Textsorten und Textallianzen um 1500. Handbuch, 1. Berliner Sprachwissenschaftliche Studien, 20 (Berlin: Weidler, 2009), 75-88.
448. “Die Entdeckung des städtischen Raumes als Lebensbereich und Identifikationsmedium in spätmittelalterlichen Bildern und Texten: der Luttrell Psalter, Ambrogio Lorenzettis Fresken, Hartmann Schedels Liber Chronicarum und Hans Sachs’ Enkomium auf Nürnberg,” Städtische Räume im Mittelalter, ed. Susanne Ehrich and Jörg Oberste. Forum Mittelalter, Studien 5 (Regensburg: Verlag Schnell & Steiner, 2009), 73-89.
449. “The Carmina Burana: a Mirror of Latin and Vernacular Literary Traditions from a Cultural-Historical Perspective: Transgression is the Name of the Game,” Neophilologus 94 (2010): 477-97; online: 12-24-09:
450. “Spatiality in Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan: Social and Lived Space within the Courtly Tristania XXV (2009): 25-48.
451. “Close Reading – from a Philological and Philosophical Perspective,” German Quarterly (Jan. 2010)
452. “Der Gürtel als Objekt und Symbol in der Literatur des Mittelalters. Marie de France, Nibelungenlied, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight und Dietrich von der Glezze,” Mediaevistik 21 (2008, appeared 2010): 11-37.
453. “Futilitates Germanicae Medii Aevi redivivae: Erotisches und Obszönes in der Literatur des deutschen Spätmittelalters. Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar,” (65%), together with Peter Dinzelbacher, Mediaevistik 21 (2008, appeared 2010): 139-57.
454. “Women Win the Day: The Female Heroine in Late-Medieval German Maeren,” Femininities and Masculinities, ed. Fred Kiefer. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 23 (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2009), 45-69.
455. “Taste, Sound, and Smell in the Mystical Realm: Visionary Phenomenology on the Basis of Sensual Experiences: Agnes Blannbekin (d. 1315),” Studies in Spirituality 19 (2009): 71-91.
456. “Tiere als Symbole der höfischen Welt,” Tiere als Freunde im Mittelalter: Eine Anthologie, introduced, selected, trans., and commented by Gabriele Kompatscher with Albrecht Classen and Peter Dinzelbacher (Badenweiler: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2010), 20-31.
457. “Mai und Beaflor: Familientragödie, die Macht der Gefühle und rationales Kalkül in einem ‘sentimentalen’ Roman des späten 13. Jahrhunderts,” Futhark: Revista de investigación 4 (2009): 85-107.
458. “Early Middle Ages,” The Literary Encyclopedia (4-23-10: (3705 words)
459. “Travel Space as Constructed Space: Arnold von Harff Observes the Arabic Space,” German Studies Review 33.2 (2010): 375-88.
460. Entries in The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Robert E. Bjork (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010): Albrecht von Johansdorf (30); Alexander, Der Wilde (1729); Annals and Chronicles (64-69); Apollonius von Tyrland (80); Master Altswert (47); Behaim, Albert (244); Beheim, Michael (244); Berthold of Holle (253); Berthold of Regensburg (253), Berthold of Zwiefalten (253); Bligger von Steinach (268); Boppe (279); Burchard of Ursperg (303); Burggraf von Regensburg (303); Burkhart von Hohenfels (312); Capitulare de villis (334), Konrad of Lichtenau (434-35); Conrad of Marburg (435); David of Augsburg (487); Dietmar von Aist (502); Eberhard of Rohrdorf (531); Eberhard of Salzburg (531); Elisabeth of Nassau-Saarbrücken (557); Eulenspiegel (595); Famine (612), Folz, Hans (641); Friedrich von Hausen (671); Fuetrer, Ulrich (675); Godfrey of Viterbo (732), Gottfried von Neifen (737); Hadlaub, Johannes (760); Hartlieb, Johannes (770); Heidelberg (773); Heinrich der Teichner (775); Herrand von Wildonie (795); Hiltbolt von Schwangau (801); Jansen Enikel (884); Johannes von Viktring (903); Johannes von Winterthur (903); Jordan of Saxony (911); Kaiser Heinrich VI (917); Karlmeinet (920); Joseph Kimhi (927-28), Konrad von Fussesbrunnen (938); Konrad von Heimesfurt (938); Levold von Northof (990); Literatures: Germanic (excluding Scandinavian) (1013-15) Manesse, Manuscript of (1074); Marner (1092); Matthias von Neunburg (1106); Meinloh von Sevelingen (1120); Meistergesang, Minnesinger (1121); Neidhart von Reuental (1200); Oswald von Wolkenstein (1238-39); Otto von Botenlouben (1240); Pleier (1320); Reichstag (1392), Reinmar von Hagenau (1393); Roman Empire (1422-29); Rudolf von Fenis (1437); Spervorgel and Herger (1561); Spruchdichtung (1565); Steinmar (1572); Peter Suchenwirt (1580); Süsskind von Trimberg (1586); Tannhäuser (1594); Taube, Heinrich (775) ; Ulrich von Winterstetten (1664); Heinrich Wittenwiler (776).
461. “Late-Medieval German Pilgrimage Narratives,” Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage, ed. Larissa J. Taylor, Leigh Ann Craig, John B. Friedman, et al. (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010), 324-27.
462. “Laughter as an Expression of Human Nature in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period: Literary, Historical, Theological, Philosophical, and Psychological Reflections,” Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Epistemology of a Fundamental Human Behavior, Its Meaning, and Consequences, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 5 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), 1-140.
463. “Laughing in Late-Medieval Verse (mæren) and Prose (Schwänke) Narratives: Epistemological Strategies and Hermeneutic Explorations,” Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Epistemology of a Fundamental Human Behavior, Its Meaning, and Consequences, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 5 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), 547-85.
464. “Literaturrezeption und dichterische Selbstreflexion im Werk Hugos von Montfort: Ein Zeuge aus einer kulturhistorischen Spät- oder Frühzeit,” Aller weishait anevang Ist ze brúfen an dem aussgang: Akten des Symposiums zum 650. Geburtstag Hugos von Montfort, ed. Klaus Amann and Elisabeth De Felip-Jaud (Innsbruck: Innsbruck university press, 2010), 167-89.
465. “After the Discovery of the New World – The Rediscovery of History: Hartmann Schedel’s Liber chronicarum. A Masterpiece of the Incunabula Time,”Futhark: Revista de investigación 5 (2010): 95-109.
466. “Consequences of Bad Weather in Medieval Literature: From Apollonius of Tyre to Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron,” arcadia 45.1 (2010): 3-20.
467-68. “Argula von Grumbach” (orig. Robert Stupperich), vol. 4, 477-78; “Ludwig Hätzer” (orig. J. F. Gerhard Goeters), Killy Literarturlexikon, ed. Kühlmann, Achim Aurnhammer, et al. 2nd completely revised (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008), vol. 4, 584-85.
469-74. “Communication in the Middle Ages” (1:330-43); “Dictionaries/Glossaries (2:1742-49); Wolfgang Liepe” (3:2474-77), “Alfons Hilka” (together with Wendy Pfeffer; 3:2350-53), “Heinrich Mitteis” (3:2531-36), and “Philipp Strauch” (3:2671-75), Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms – Methods – Trends, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010).
475. “Introduction,” Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms – Methods – Trends, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), XV-XXIII.
476. “Survey of Fundamental Reference Works in Medieval Studies,” Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms – Methods – Trends, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), XXV-LXVI.
477. “The Ultimate Transgression of the Courtly World: Peasants on the Courtly Stage and Their Grotesque Quests for Sexual Pleasures. The Poetry by the Thirteenth-Century Austrian-Bavarian Neidhart,” Medievalia et Humanistica 36 (2010): 1-24.
478. “Money, Power, Poverty, and Social Criticism in the Work of Heinrich der Teichner,” Studi medievali LI, serie terza, fasc. II (2010): 671-99.
479. “Response to Forum on the Canon in German Studies,” German Quarterly 84.1 (Dec. 2011): 1-3;
480. “The Dialectics of Mystical Love in the Middle Ages: Violence/Pain and Divine Love in the Mystical Visions of Mechthild of Magdeburg and Marguerite Porète,” Studies in Spirituality 20 (2010): 143-60.
481. “Heinrich Arnoldi” (I, 111-12), “Peter Bitschin” (together with Wojciech Mirozowicz, I, 182-84), “Braunschweiger Reimchronik” (I, 209-10), “Christian von Geren” (I, 273), “Chronicon Slavicum” (I, 430), “Gerold Edlibach” (I, 566), “Nikolaus Grill” (I, 736), “Rainer Groningen” (I, 737), “Nickel Güntzel” (I, 746), “Johannes Librarius” (II, S. 925), “Jakob Lubbe” (together with Piotr. Oliński, II, 1047-48), “Sigismund Meisterlin” (II, 1098-99), “Johannes Nederhoff” (II, 1138-39), “Rötteler Chronik” (II, 1300), “Soester Chronikalien” (II, 1377), “Johann Statwech” (II, 1387-88), “Ursprung und Anfang der Stadt Augsburg” (II, 1463-64), “Wendisches Chronicon” (II, 1499-1500), and “Christian Wierstraet” (II, 1505), Encyclopedia of Medieval Chronicles, ed. Graeme Dunphy. 2 vols. (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010).
482. “Tabubruch, Obszönität und Pornographie in der Frühneuzeit? Die Schwänkesammlungen Rastbuechlein und Katzipori (1583) von Michael Lindener aus kulturhistorischer und epistemologischer Sicht,” to appear in Wirkendes Wort (later translated into a chapter in a book, Deutsche Schwankliteratur, so editor asked me to drop the article).
483. “Unjust Rulers and Conflicts with Law and Sovereignty: The Case of Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan,” Law and Sovereignty in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Robert S. Sturgess. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 28 ([Turnhout]: Brepols, 2011), 3-22.
484. “Männlichkeit und Geschlechts-Identität in der Schwankliteratur des 16. Jahrhunderts,” »Ich bin ein Mann! Wer ist es mehr?« Männlichkeitskonzepte in der deutschen Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Barbara Hindinger and Martin-M. Langner (Munich: iudicium, 2011), 66-91.
485. “Sex on the Stage in an Early Medieval Convent: Hrotsvita of Gandersheim. A Tenth-Century Convent Playwright’s Successful Struggle Against the Roman Terence,” Orbis Litterarum 65.3 (2010): 167-200.
486. “Friendship—The Quest for a Human Ideal and Value. From Antiquity to the Early Modern Time,” Friendship in the Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen and Marilyn Sandidge. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 6 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), 1-183.
487. “Friendship in the Heroic Epics: Rüedegêr in the Nibelungenlied,” Friendship in the Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen and Marilyn Sandidge. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 6 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), 429-43.
488. “The Nibelungenlied: Myth and History: A Middle High German Epic Poem at the Crossroads of Past and Present, Despair and Hope,” Epic and History, ed. David Konstans and Kurt Raaflaub. The Ancient World: Comparative Histories (Malden, MA, Oxford, and Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), 262-79.
489. “Friends and Friendship in Heroic Epics: With a Focus on Beowulf, Chanson de Roland, the Nibelungenlied, and Njal’s Saga,” Neohelicon 38.1 (2011): 121-39.
490. “Boethius (ca. 475/77–524 or 525 C. E.),” The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 13 August 2011[],
491. “Jesuitas alemanes en España de camino al nuevo mundo: Contacto y conflicto entre culturas,” Estereotipos interculturales german-españoles, ed. Berta Raposo and Isabel Gutiérrez (Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 2011), 45-56.
492. “Late Medieval German Literature,” Oxford Bibliographies Online (May 17, 2015… (11310 words); updated and revised, April 26, 2018:…
492. “Einleitung,” Religion und Gesundheit in der Frühen Neuzeit: Der heilkundliche Diskurs im 16. Jahrhundert, ed. Albrecht Classen. Theophrastus Paracelsus Studien, 3 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011), 1-52.
493. “Die Figur des Arztes in der deutschen und europäischen Literatur des Spätmittelalters und der Frühneuzeit, speziell im Hinblick auf Paracelsus’ Lehren über die rechte Ausbildung zum Arzt,” Religion und Gesundheit in der Frühen Neuzeit: Der heilkundliche Diskurs im 16. Jahrhundert, ed. Albrecht Classen. Theophrastus Paracelsus Studien, 3 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011), 244-73.
494. “Suffering in Konrad Fleck’s Flore und Blanscheflur as a Catalyst in the Meeting with the Foreign: Emotional Bonds with the Orient in a Late-Medieval Sentimental Romance,” Neophilologus 95.4 (2011): 605-625.
495. “Humanities — To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question,” Editorial for the journal Humanities—Open Access Journal (Sept. 16, 2011),
496. “Performance, Orality, and Communication in Medieval Women’s Convents in Light of the Plays of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim,” Understanding Monastic Practices of Oral Communication (Western Europe, Tenth-Thirteenth Centuries), ed. Steven Vanderputten. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2011), 231-43.
497. “Courtliness and Transgression at Arthur’s Court: With Emphasis on the Middle High German Poet Neidhart and the Anonymous Verse Novella Mauritius von Craûn,” Arthuriana 20.4 (2010): 3-19.
498. “Erotik in den Liedern Oswalds von Wolkenstein,” Ich Wolkenstein 1445-2011, ed. Hans-Dieter Mück (Bozen: Athesia, 2011), 233-34.
499. “The Symbolic Meaning of Water in Medieval Literature: A Comparative Approach,” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 46.2 (2011): 245-67.
500. “Introduction,” War and Peace: Critical Issues in European Societies and Literature, 800-1800, ed. A. Classen and Nadia Margolis. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 8 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011), 1-80.
501. “The Power of Sermons in War and Peace: The Example of Berthold of Regensburg,” War and Peace: Critical Issues in European Societies and Literature, 800-1800, ed. A. Classen and Nadia Margolis. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 8 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011), 313-32.
502. “Sixteenth-Century Protests Against War and Its Tragic Consequences: The Testimony of Hans Sachs and His Contemporaries,” War and Peace: Critical Issues in European Societies and Literature, 800-1800, ed. A. Classen and Nadia Margolis. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 8 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011), 517-40.
503. “Traveler, Linguist, Pilgrim, Observer, and Scientist: Arnold von Harff Explores the Near East and Finds Himself Among Fascinating Foreigners,” Ain güt geboren edel man: A Festschrift for Winder McConnell on the Occasion of His Sxity-Fifth Birthday, ed. Gary C. Shockey with Gail E. Finney and Clifford A. Bernd. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 757 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2011), 195-248.
504. “The Scientific and Religious Exploration of the World in the Name of God: Jesuit Missionaries as Anthropologists and Natural Scientists in the New World. With a Focus on the Swiss Jesuit Philipp Segesser,” Futhark: Revista de investigación 6 (2011): 45-62.
505. “Die Rezeption mittelalterlicher Lieddichtung in Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Mediävistische Spurensuche in einem romantischen Meisterwerk,” Lied und populäre Kultur: Jahrbuch des deutschen Volksliedarchivs 49 (2004): 81-101 (late reported)
506. “Crying in Public and in Private: Tears and Crying in Medieval German Literature,” Crying in the Middle Ages: Tears of History, ed. Elina Gertsman. Routledge Studies in Medieval Religion and Culture (New York and London: Routledge, 2012), 230-48.
507. “Religious Utopia in Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan: Was Gottfried Influenced by Mystics such as Hildegard von Bingen?,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 68 (2011): 143-67.
508. “Gender Crossing, Spiritual Transgression, and the Epistemological Experience of the Divine in Mystical Discourse: Hildegard of Bingen,” Medieval Perspectives 18 (2003/2011): 50-78.
509. “The Torturous and Random Process of the Canonization in Literary History from the Middle Ages to the Present. The Case of Erasmus Widmann as an Example – The Victimization of a Poet Oddly Situated between Epochs, Cultures, and Religions,” Studia Neophilologica 83.1 (2011): 94-103.
510. “Georg Forster – ein Liedersammler als Zeuge des globalen Medienwandels: “‘Volkslieder’ als späte Zeugen der kollektiv-populären Kultur des Spätmittelalters,” Kultur- und kommunikationshistorischer Wandel des Liedes im 16. Jahrhundert, ed. id., Michael Fischer, and Nils Grosch. Populäre Kultur und Musik, 3 (Münster, New York, et al.: Waxmann, 2012), 35-56.
511. “Translation as the Catalyst of Cultural Transfer,”in Humanities—Open Access Journal Humanities 2012, 1, 72-79. ( (; last accessed on March 30, 2012).
512. “In Memorian, Fritz Wagner (14 July 1934 – 27 March 2011),” Journal of Medieval Latin 21 (2011): ix-xii.
513. “Tradition and Innovation in the World of Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Centuries Popular Song Poetry: From Oswald von Wolkenstein to the Songbooks by Georg Forster,” Fifteenth-Century Studies 37 (2012): 1-16.
514. “Translating and Translators in the Middle Ages: Linguistic Challenges Perceived Through Literary Eyes,” Aspects of Literary Translation: Building Linguistic and Cultural Bridge in Past and Present, ed. Eva Parra-Membrives, Miguel Ángel García Peinado, Albrecht Classen. Translation, Text and Interferences, 1 (Tübingen: Narr, 2012), 17-41.
515. With Eva Parra-Membrives and Miguel Ángel García Peinado, “Introduction,” Aspects of Literary Translation: Building Linguistic and Cultural Bridge in Past and Present, ed. Eva Parra-Membrives, Miguel Ángel García Peinado, Albrecht Classen. Translation, Text and Interferences, 1 (Tübingen: Narr, 2012), 9-15.
516. “The Experience of Exile in Medieval German Heroic Poetry,” Medieval German Textrelations: Translations, Editions, and Studies (Kalamazoo Paper 2010-2011), ed. by Sibylle Jefferis. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 765 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2012), 83-110.
517. “Life Writing as a Slave in Turkish Hands: Georgius of Hungary’s Reflections About His Existence in the Turkish World,” Neohelicon 39.1 (2012): 55-72; online:… (19 )
518. “Wer hat Angst vor dem bösen Wolf? Gedichte schreiben und Gedichte lesen: Reflexionen über ein altes und immer neues Problem,” Trans-Lit2 XVIII.1 (2012): 38-44.
519. “Gutes Leben und guter Tod von der Spätantike bis zur Gegenwart: Ein philosophisch-ethischer Diskurs über die Jahrhunderte hinweg,” Gutes Leben und guter Tod von der Spätantike bis zur Gegenwart: Ein philosophisch-ethischer Diskurs über die Jahrhunderte hinweg, ed. Albrecht Classen. Theophrastus Paracelsus Studien, 4 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 1-109.
520. “Die Glorie Gottes im mystischen Gedicht: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg (1633-1694),” Gutes Leben und guter Tod von der Spätantike bis zur Gegenwart: Ein Philosophisch-ethischer Diskurs über die Jahrhunderte hinweg, ed. Albrecht Classen. Theophrastus Paracelsus Studien, 4 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 339-60.
521. “Self and Other in Contemporary German Literature: Confrontation with the Foreign World in the Novels by Renate Ahrens,” Journal of Literature and Art Studies 2.3 (2012): 365-76 (…).
522. “The Epistemological Function of Monsters in the Middle Ages: From The Voyage of Saint Brendan to Herzog Ernst, Marie de France, Marco Polo and John Mandeville. What Would We Be Without Monsters in Past and Present!” Lo Sguardo: Rivista di filologia 9.2 (2012): 13-34 (…
523. “Europäische Liebeslyrik im frühen 15. Jahrhundert. Oswald von Wolkenstein aus interdisziplinärer Sicht: Seine Zeitgenossen Christine de Pizan, John Lydgate und
Giannozzo Sacchetti,” Etudes germaniques 67.2 (2012): 235-57.
524. “The Mountain in Medieval German Literature Terra Incognita, Terrifying Geographical Location, or Overlooked but Important Entities in Medieval Mentality,” Heights of Reflection: Mountains in the German Imagination from the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century, ed. Sean Ireton and Caroline Schaumann (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2012), 35-56.
525. “Chess in Medieval German Literature: A Mirror of Social-Historical and Cultural, Religious, Ethical, and Moral Conditions,” Chess in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: A Fundamental Thought Paradigm of the Premodern World, ed. Daniel E. O’Sullivan. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 10 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 17-44.
526. “Winter as a Phenomenon in Medieval Literature: A Transgression of the Traditional Chronotopos?,” Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 125-50.
527. “Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: A Significant Domain Ignored For Too Long by Modern Research?,” Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: The Spatial Turn in Premodern Studies, ed. Albrecht Classen, with the collaboration of Christopher R. Clason. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 9 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 1-191.
528. “Utopian Space in the Countryside: Love and Marriage Between a Knight and a Peasant Girl in Medieval German Literature. Hartmann von Aue’s Der arme Heinrich, Anonymous, ‘Dis ist von dem Heselin,’ Walther von der Vogelweide, Oswald von Wolkenstein, and Late-Medieval Popular Poetry,” Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: The Spatial Turn in Premodern Studies, ed. Albrecht Classen, with the collaboration of Christopher R. Clason. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 9 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 251-79.
529. “Rural Space in Late Medieval Books of Hours: Book Illustrations as Looking-Glass into Medieval Mentality and Mirrors of Ecocriticism,” Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: The Spatial Turn in Premodern Studies, ed. Albrecht Classen, with the collaboration of Christopher R. Clason. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 9 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 529-59.
530. “Die Erfahrung mit dem Nichts und dem Unsinn: Poetologische, fast schon postmoderne Experimente im Mittelalter: Der Troubadour Guillaume le Neuf, mittelhochdeutsche Sangspruchdichtung des 13. Jahrhunderts und Vertreter der ‘Volkslieddichtung’ des 16. Jahrhunderts,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXIII.2 (2012): 145-63.
531. “Gottfried von Strassburg – a Medieval Humanist,” Futhark: Revista de investigación 7 (2012): 115-30.
532. “Early Outreaches from Medieval Christendom to the Muslim East: Wolfram von Eschenbach, Ramon Llull and Nicholas of Cusa Explore Options to Communicate with Representatives of Arabic Islam: Tolerance Already in the Middle Ages?,” Studia Neophilologica 84.2 (2012): 1-15;
533. Together with Connie Scarborough, “Introduction: Crime, Transgression, and Deviancy: Behaviors that Define Us All,” Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Mental-Historical Investigations of Basic Human Problems and Social Responses, ed. Albrecht Classen and Connie Scarborough. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 11 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 1-28.
534. Crime and Violence in the Middle Ages: The Case of Heinrich der Glichezare’s Reinhart fuchs and Wernher der Gartenære’s Helmbrecht,” Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Mental-Historical Investigations of Basic Human Problems and Social Responses, ed. Albrecht Classen and Connie Scarborough. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 11 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2012), 131-58.
535. “Multilingualism in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time,” Neophilologus 97.1 (2013): 131-45.
536. “The Role of the Humanities Past and Present: Future Perspectives Based on Ancient Ideas: Reflections by a Medievalist,” Alfinge: Revista de Filología 24 (2012): 9-30.
537. “Die Figur des Arztes in den spätmittelalterlichen Fastnachtspielen,” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 47.3 (2012): 429-42.
538. “The Devil in the Early Modern World and in Sixteenth-Century German Devil Literature,” The Faustian Century: German Literature in the Age of Luther and Faustus, ed. J. M. van der Laan and Andrew Weeks (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2013), 257-83.
539. “A New Voice in the Canon of Seventeenth-Century German Poetry: Erasmus Widmann’s Entertaining and Religious Songs,” Lied und populäre Kultur: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 57 (2012): 377-91.
540. “The Symbolic and Metaphorical Role of Ships in Medieval German Literature: A Maritime Vehicle that Transforms the Protagonist,” Mediaevistik 25 (2012; appeared in 2013): 15-33.
541. “Introduction: The Authority of the Written Word, the Sacred Object, and the Spoken Word: A Highly Contested Discourse in the Middle Ages, With a Focus on the Poet Wolfram von Eschenbach and the Mystic Hildegard von Bingen,” Authorities in the Middle Ages: Influence, Legitimacy, and Power in Medieval Society, ed. Sini Kangas, Mia Korpiola, and Tuija Aionen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 12 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013), 1-24.
542. “Marco Polo and John Mandeville: The Traveler as Authority Figure, the Real and the Imaginary,” Authorities in the Middle Ages: Influence, Legitimacy, and Power in Medieval Society, ed. Sini Kangas, Mia Korpiola, and Tuija Aionen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 12 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013), 239-48.
543. “Was There a German ‘Geoffrey Chaucer’ in the Late Middle Ages? The Rediscovery of Heinrich Kaufringer’s Verse Narratives as Literary Masterpieces,” Studia Neophilologica 85.1 (2013): 57-72.
544. “Encounters Between East and West in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Many Untold Stories About Connections and Contacts, Understanding and Misunderstanding,” East Meets West in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Transcultural Experiences in the Premodern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 14 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013), 1-222.
545. “The Encounter with the Foreign in Medieval and Early Modern German Literature: Fictionality as a Springboard for Non-Xenophobic Approaches in the Middle Ages: Herzog Ernst, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Konrad von Würzburg, Die Heidin, and Fortunatus,” East Meets West in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Transcultural Experiences in the Premodern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 14 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013), 457-87.
546. “Complex Relations Between Jews and Christians in Late Medieval German and Other Literature,” Jews in Medieval Christendom: “Slay them Not”, ed. Kristine T. Utterback and Merrall Llewelyn Price. Études sur le judaïsme médiéval, 60 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2013), 313-38.
547. “Spätmittelalterliche Frauenklöster im deutschsprachigen Raum als Zentren der Literaturproduktion, Kulturvermittlung und Lehre,” Zwischen Herrschaft und Kunst: Fürstliche und adlige Frauen im Zeitalter Elisabeths von Nassau-Saarbrücken (14.-16.-Jh.), ed. Wolfgang Haubrichs and Patricia Oster. Veröffentlichungen der Kommisssion für Saarländische Landesgeschichte und Volksforschung, 44 (Saarbrücken: SDV Saarländische Druckerei und Verlag, 2013), 331-48.
548. “The Discovery of the Mountain as an Epistemological Challenge: A Paradigm Shift in the Approach to Highly Elevated Nature. Petrarch’s Ascent to Mont Ventoux and Emperor Maximilian’s Theuerdank,” The Book of Nature and Humanity in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. David Hawkes and Richard G. Newhauser, with the assistance of Nathaniel Bump. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 29 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), 3-18.
549. “The Monster Outside and Within: Medieval Literary Reflections on Ethical Epistemology. From Beowulf to Marie de France, the Nibelungenlied, and Thüring von Ringoltingen’s Melusine,” Neohelicon 40.2 (2013): 521-42.
550. “The Challenges of the Humanities, Past, Present, and Future: Why the Middle Ages Mean So Much For Us Today and Tomorrow,” Humanities Open Access 3.1 (2014) (; also posted on SMH Historians, online at:…
551. “Lachen mit den und über die Alten: Kulturhistorische Reflexionen über den frühneuzeitlichen Diskurs zum Alter mit Schwerpunkt auf der deutschen Schwankliteratur des 16. Jahrhunderts,” Methoden der Alter(n)sforschung: Disziplinäre Positionen und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven, ed. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch, Miriam Seidler, and Christian Tagsold (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2013), 167-88.
552. “Der Stadt-Igel – ein kulturhistorisches Modell für DaF,” Futhark: Revista de investigación 8 (2013): 89-106.
553. “Einleitung,” Literatur am Rand: Perspektiven der Trivialliteratur vom Mittelalter bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, ed. Albrecht Classen and Eva Parra-Membrives. Popular Fiction Studies, 1 (Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2013), 7-32.
554. “Trivial Literature in Past and Present: Did the Middle Ages Know the Concept of Triviality? With a Focus on The Pleier’s Meleranz,” Literatur am Rand: Perspektiven der Trivialliteratur vom Mittelalter bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, ed. Albrecht Classen and Eva Parra-Membrives. Popular Fiction Studies, 1 (Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2013), 93-116.
555. “Anna Ovena Hoyers,” 500 Jahre Reformation: Von Frauen gestaltet“ (; specifically: (1,418 words) (Jan. 28, 2014).
556. “Medieval Mysticism: Superabundance of Divine Grace,” The Living Pulpit (…) (Winter issue 2013).
557. “The World of Peasants in Early Modern German Literature: Peasants in the Works of Wickram and Kirchhof,” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 48.3 (2013): 415-38.
558. “Mountains as a Novel Staging Ground in Late-Medieval and Early Modern Literature: Felix Fabri’s Evagatorium (1493), Aeneas Silvio Piccolomini’s Historia Austrialis (after 1452), and Emperor Maximilian’s Theuerdank from 1517,” Medievalia et Humanistica NS 39 (2014): 1-23.
559. “Heinrich von Veldeke,” The Virgil Encyclopedia, ed. Richard Thomas and Jan Ziolkowski, online, Dec. 31, 2013,
560. “[Virgil] in the German Middle Ages,” The Virgil Encyclopedia, ed. Richard Thomas and Jan Ziolkowski, online, Dec. 31, 2013, pp. 1-2;
561. “The Role of the Forest in German Literature: From the Medieval Forest to the Grünes Band. Motif Studies and Motivational Strategies for the Teaching of the Middle Ages,” Journal of Literature and Art Studies 4.3 (2014): 149-64, online at:
562. “Ludämilia Elisabeth Gräfin und Fräulein zu Schwarzburg und Rudolstadt,” online at: 500 Jahre Reformation: Von Frauen gestaltet,
563. “Dialectics and Courtly Love: Abelard and Heloise, Andreas Capellanus, and the Carmina Burana,” Journal of Medieval Latin 23 (2013): 161-83.
564. “Fremdbegegnung, Dialog, Austausch, und Staunen: Xenologische Phänomene in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Vom Hildebrandslied bis zum Fortunatus,” Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 183-206.
565. “A Global Epistolary Network: Eighteenth-Century Jesuit Missionaries Write Home.
With an Emphasis on Philipp Segesser’s Correspondence from Sonora/Mexico,” Studia Neophilologica 86.1 (2014): 79-94.
566. “The Mirror Image in Neidhart’s Poetry: Destabilization of the Social Structure by Means of Sexual Competition,” Studi medievali 55.1 (2014): 165-88.
567. “Irony in Medieval and Early Modern German Literature (Nibelungenlied, Mauritius von Craûn, Johannes von Tepl’s Ackermann): The Encounter of the Menschlich-Allzumenschlich in a Medieval Context,” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 113.2 (2014): 184-205.
568. “The Scientific, Anthropological, Geological, and Geographic Exploration of Northern Mexico by Eighteenth-Century German Jesuit Missionaries: A Religious and Scientific
Network of Multilingual Writers. With a Focus on Johann Nentuig and Marcus Antonius Kappus,” Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 122.1 (2014): 40-61.
569. “Wie übersetzt man minne ins Neuhochdeutsche und was heist das? Theorie des Uebersetzens, Sinnfrage und Identitätssuche auf philologischer Ebene: Walther von der Vogelweide (Lyrik) und Wolfram von Eschenbach (Titurel),” Германские языки и проблемы переводоведения в современном полилингвальном/Germanic Languages and Translation Issues in the Multilingual World, 23.-24 May 2014 (Astana: EHY, 2014), 14-23.
570. “Vom Mære zum Prosa-Schwank des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts: Tradition und Transformation einer literarischen Gattung vom frühen Mittelalter bis zur Frühneuzeit,” Kontinuitäten und Neuerungen in Textsorten- und Textallianztraditionen vom 13. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert, ed. Jörg Meier and Peter Ernst. Germanistische Arbeiten zur Sprachgeschichte, 10 (Berlin: Weidler, 2014), 295-321.
571. “Anticlericalism and Criticism of Clerics in Medieval and Early-Modern German Literature,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 72 (2014): 283-306.
572. “Storms, Shipwrecks, and Life-Changing Experiences in Late Medieval German Literature.
From Oswald von Wolkenstein to Emperor Maximilian,” Oxford German Studies 43.3 (2014): 212-28.
573. “Vergangen aber nicht vergessen: Mittelalterliche Literatur im heutigen Deutschunterricht: Fremde, zugleich aufregende Perspektiven für Studenten des 21. Jahrhunderts,” Literatur in Deutsch als Fremdsprache und internationaler Germanistik: Konzepte, Themen, Forschungsperspektiven, ed. Claus Altmayer, Michael Dobstadt, Renate Riedner, and Carmen Schier (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2014), 107-18.
574. “Mental and Physical Health, Spirituality and Religion in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Medieval Answers for Our Future? With Special Emphasis on Spiritual Healing Through Narratives of Mourning: Johannes of Tepl and Christine de Pizan,” Mental Health, Spirituality, and Religion in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 15 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2014), 1-154.
575. “Sexuality or Pornography (?) in Oswald von Wolkenstein’s Poetry,” Earthly and Spiritual Pleasures in Medieval Life, Literature, Art, and Music: In Memory of Ulrich Müller, vol. I, ed. Sibylle Jefferis. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 779 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2014), 137-57.
576. “Wolfram von Eschenbach,” Oxford Bibliographies, online (an extensive commented bibliography on this poet):… (last accessed Sept. 30, 2014)
577. “India Perceived Through the Eyes of Sixteenth-Century Readers: Ludovico de Varthema’s Bestseller on the Early Modern Book Markets—A Narrative Landmark of the Emerging Positive Evaluation of curiositas,” Medievalia et Humanistica 40 (2015): 1-24.
578. “Musik und Musizierpraxis in den jesuitischen Missionsstätten Sonoras: Kulturhistorische Perspektiven im anthropologisch-religiösen Kontext,” Die Musik- und Theaterpraxis der Jesuiten im kolonialen Amerika: Grundlagen, Desiderate, Forschungsperspektiven, ed. Christian Storch (Sinzig, Germany: Studio Verlag, 2014), 133-47.
579. “Gottfried von Straßburg,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, ed. Dale C. Allison, Jr., Christine Helmer, Thomas Chr. Römer, Choon-Leong Seow, Volker Leppin, Hermann Spieckermann, Barry Dov Walfish, and Eric J. Ziolkowski (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2015), online at: 10.1515/ebr.gottfriedofstrassburg
580. “Hartmann von Aue,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, ed. Dale C. Allison, Jr., Christine Helmer, Thomas Chr. Römer, Choon-Leong Seow, Volker Leppin, Hermann Spieckermann, Barry Dov Walfish, and Eric J. Ziolkowski (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2015), online at: 10.1515/ebr.hartmannofaue.
581. “Die Herausforderung des Begriffes minne im Translationsprozess: Theorie des Übersetzens, Sinnfrage und Identitätssuche auf philologischer Ebene: Walther von der Vogelweide (Lyrik) und Wolfram von Eschenbach (Titurel),” Mediaevistik 27 (2014; appeared in 2015): 45-58.
582. “The Amazons,” The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, ed. Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015), 67-69 (
583. “The Chastity Belt,” The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, ed. Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015), 210-11
584. “Globalerwärmung im Mittelalter als Grundlage für die Entstehung der höfischen Liebe?,” Wandlungsprozesse der Mentalitätsgeschichte, ed. Peter Dinzelbacher and Friedrich Harrer (Baden-Baden: Deutscher Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2015), 121-46.
585. “Ulrich Müller – In Memoriam,” Studies and New Texts of the Nibelungenlied, Walther, Neidhart, Oswald, and Other Works in Medieval German Literature: In Memory of Ulrich Müller II (Kalamazoo Papers 2014), ed. Sibylle Jefferis. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 780 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2015), 13-18.
586. “Everyday Life and Social Conflicts in the Poetry of Neidhart: A Look behind the Fictional Screen by a Satirical Poet,”Studies and New Texts of the Nibelungenlied, Walther, Neidhart, Oswald, and Other Works in Medieval German Literature: In Memory of Ulrich Müller II (Kalamazoo Papers 2014), ed. Sibylle Jefferis. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 780 (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2015), 103-30.
587. [Georgius de Hungari] “Tractatus de moribus, condictionibus et nequicia Turcorum,” Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibiographical History. Vol. VII: Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South America (1500-1600), ed. David Thomas and John Chesworth (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015), 36-40;
588. “Family and Kinship in Early Modern German Prose Novels: Thüring von Ringoltingen’s Melusine and the Anonymous Fortunatus,” Orbis Litterarum 70.5 (2015): 353-79.
589. “German Literary Historians as Guardians of Culture and Intellectual Memory: Challenges and Promises from the Past and the Present. Memory as Cultural Identity,” Studia Neophilologica 87.1 (2015): 186-201.
590. “Medieval Studies within German Studies: The Nibelungenlied and Hartmann von Aue’s Der arme Heinrich),” Taking Stock of German Studies in the United States: The New Millennium, ed. Rachel Halverston and Carol Anne Costabile Heming. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2015), 52-67.
591. “Wounding the Body and Freeing the Spirit. Dorothea von Montau’s Bloody Quest for Christ, a Late-Medieval Phenomenon of the Extraordinary Kind,” Wounds and Wound Repair in Medieval Culture, ed. Larissa Tracy and Kelly DeVries. Explorations in Medieval Culture, 1 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015), 417-47.
592. “The Medieval Chastity Belt – Myth or Reality?”; and (last accessed on Oct. 2, 2015)
593. “Transcultural Experiences in the Late Middle Ages: The German Literary Discourse on the Mediterranean World – Mirrors, Reflections, and Responses,”Humanities Open Access 2015, 4(4), 676-701; doi:10.3390/h4040676 (registering DOI);
594. “Medieval Culture—An Introduction to a New Handbook,” Medieval Culture: A Handbook. Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen. 3 vols. (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2015), vol. 1, 1-17
595. “Love, Sex, and Marriage in the Middle Ages,” Medieval Culture: A Handbook. Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen. 3 vols. (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2015), vol. 2, 901-36.
596. “Roads, Streets Bridges, and Travelers,”Medieval Culture: A Handbook. Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen. 3 vols. (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2015), vol. 3, 1511-34.
597. “Disrupted Festivities in Medieval Courtly Literature: Poetic Reflections on the Social and Ethical Decline in Mauritius von Craûn, The Stricker’s Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal, and Heinrich Wittenwiler’s Der Ring,” Neophilologus 100.1 (2016): 87-104
598. “Toleration and Tolerance in the Middle Ages: Medieval Perspectives for Our Future,” The Living Pulpit 24 (2015): 9-14.
599. “Schrecken und Grauen, Mord und Totschlag: Das Entsetzen literarisch eingefangen.
Spiegelung des Schmerzes und brutaler Misshandlungen in Elisabeths von Nassau-Saarbrücken Loher und Maller (1437),” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXVI.1 (2015): 133-47.
600. “Friendship, Death, and Boethian Philosophy in the High Middle Ages: The Meaning of the Past for Our Present and Future. With a Special Focus on Lawrence of Durham’s Consolatio (1141) and Aelred of Rievaulx’s De Spirituali Amicitia (1164-1167),” Medieval Perspectives 28 (2013): 9-31. (reported late)
601. “Mystical Visions and Spiritual Health: Medieval Mysticism As A Platform for the Exploration of Human Spirituality and Happiness: The Transcendence of the Body in the Quest for the Godhead – A Message for Us Today?,” Studies in Spirituality 25 (2015): 117-38.
602. “Stolberg-Wernigerode, Anna zu,” Frauen in Sachsen-Anhalt: Ein biographisch-bibliographisches Lexikon vom Mittelalter bis zum 18. Jahrhundert, ed. Eva Labouvie (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: Böhlau, 2016), 350-51.
603. “Haselnüsse, Erotik und Epistemologie in der Literatur des Mittelalters,” Fabula 56.1-2 (2015): 79-94.
604. “Ein großes Gelage mit ernsthaften Folgen, erzählerisch reflektiert: Weinkonsum und Wirtshausszene in ‘Der Wiener Meerfahrt’,” ‘Tschuldigung…: Kuriose Miszellen. Andreas Meyer zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. Dorett Elodie Werhahn-Piorkowski, Hendrik Baumbach, and Alexander Maul (Marburg: private printing, 2015), 7-10.
605. “Royal Figures as Nation Builders – King Kamehameha and Charlemagne: Myth Formation in the European Early Middle Ages and in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Polynesian Hawai’i,” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 3.2 (2016): 112-15 (; and in Journal of East-West Thought 4.6 (2016): 85-91.
606. “Introduction,” Bestseller – Yesterday and Today: A Look from the Margin to the Center of Literary Studies, ed. Albrecht Classen and Eva Parra Membrives. Popular Fiction Studies, 2 (Tübingen: Narr, 2016), 7-29.
607. “Bestsellers in the European Middle Ages? An Examination of Some of the Most Popular Books in the Premodern Era. With Reflections on Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival,” Bestseller – Yesterday and Today: A Look from the Margin to the Center of Literary Studies, ed. Albrecht Classen and Eva Parra Membrives. Popular Fiction Studies, 2 (Tübingen: Narr, 2016), 83-103.
608. “Anna Ovena Hoyers,”“…von gar nicht abschätzbarer Bedeutung”: Frauen schreiben Reformationsgeschichte, ed. Kerstin Klein (Kiel: Lutherische Verlagsgesellschaft, 2016), 24-25 (
609. “The Meaning of Literature and Literature as Meaning—A Productive Challenge of Modern Times from the Middle Ages,” Humanities Open Access 5.2 (April 2016):
610. “Das innovative Erfolgsrezept der Eleonore von Österreich (ca. 1450-1460): Wie erreichte Pontus und Sidonia den Status eines Bestsellers?,” Etudes Germaniques 71.1 (2016): 103-28.
611. “Death and the Culture of Death: Universal Cultural-Historical Observations, with an Emphasis on the Middle Ages,” Death in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: The Material and Spiritual Conditions of the Culture of Death, ed. A. Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 16 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), 1-57.
612. “Death, Sinfulness, the Devil, and the Clerical Author: The Late Medieval German Didactic Debate Poem Des Teufels Netz and the World of Craftsmanship,” Death in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: The Material and Spiritual Conditions of the Culture of Death, ed. A. Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 16 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), 277-96.
613. “From Erotic Scandal to the Violent Scandalous: The Translation of the Fablel into the Courtly Verse Novella Mauritius von Craûn: Intercultural Transformations as Results of Translation Strategies,” Leuvense Bijdragen 101 (2017): 1-20.
614. “What Environmentalists (and the Rest of Us) Can Learn from the Middle Ages About the Importance of Forests,” History News Network (; 9-20-15).
615. “Craftsmanship and the Guilds in the Late Middle Ages: The Testimony of Des Teufels Netz and of the Mendel and Landauer Housebooks,” History Research, Jan.-Mar., 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1, 23-39 doi 10.17265/2159-550X/2016.01.003
616. “The Erotic and the Quest for Happiness in the Middle Ages. What Everybody Aspires to and Hardly Anyone Truly Achieves,” Eroticism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Magic, Marriage, and Midwifery, ed. Ian Moulton. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 39 (Tempe, AZ, and Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2016), 1-33.
617. “The Myth of Charlemagne: From the Early Middle Ages to the Late Sixteenth Century,” peer-reviewed online article at; or:… (2016).
618. “‘Der Wald war sein Schicksal . . . .’ An Ecocritical Reading of the Nibelungenlied,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 76 (2016): 270-89.
619. “The Innovative Perception of Space (Europe) in Late Medieval German Literature The Spatial Turn in Light of Eleonore of Austria’s Pontus und Sidonia (ca. 1450-1460),” Neohelicon 43.2 (2016): 543-57;…
620. “Jesuit Missionaries Building a Global Network: Eighteenth-Century Exploration of the World in the Name of God. A Story of Disjointed Memory,” Annales Missiologici Posnanienses 19 (2014; appeared in 2016): 91-105.
621. “Marital and Ethical Problems at Court: Pontus and Sidonia by Eleonore of Austria:
A Late Medieval Contribution to Austrian Literature,” The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 70.1 (2016): 23-33.
622. “Angst vor dem Tod: Jämmerliche Männerfiguren in der deutschen Literatur des Spätmittelalters (von Mauritius von Craûn zu Heinrich Kaufringer und Till Eulenspiegel),” Jenseits: Eine mittelalterliche und mediävistische Imagination: Interdisziplinäre Ansätze zur Analyse des Unerklärlichen, ed. Christa Agnes Tuczay. Beihefte zur Mediävistik, 21 (Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2016), 213-31.
623. “Guildeluëc in Marie de France’s “Eliduc” as the Avatar of Heloise? The Destiny of Two Twelfth-Century Women,” Quaestiones Medii Aevii Novae (Poland) 20 (2015): 395-412.
624. “Multilingualism in the Middle Ages: Theoretical and Historical Reflections: An Introduction,” Multilingualism in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Communication and Miscommunication in the Premodern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 17 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), 1-46.
625. “Multilingualism in Medieval Europe: Pilgrimage, Travel, Diplomacy, and Linguistic Challenges. The Case of Felix Fabri and His Contemporaries,” Multilingualism in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Communication and Miscommunication in the Premodern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 17 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), 279-311.
626. “Old High German Missionary Activities by Means of Zaubersprüche – Charms.
Anthropological-Religious Universals in the Early Middle Ages,” Kościoły w dobie chrystianizacji (Churches in the Era of Christianization, ed. Mariana Rędkowskiego. Wolińskie Spotkania Mediewistyczne III (Szczecin/Stettin: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Department of Archaeology, 2016), 77-88.
627. “Madness in the Middle Ages – An Epistemological Catalyst? Literary, Religious, and Theological Perspectives in Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogus Miraculorum,” Hermeneutics of Textual Madness: Re-Readings/Herméneutique de la folie textuelle: Re-lectures, ed. M. J. Muratore. Biblioteca della Ricerca, 38 (Fasano, Italy: Schena Editore, 2016), vol. I, 339-68.
628. “A Slow Paradigm Shift: Late Fifteenth-Century Travel Literature and the Perception of the World: The Case of Hans von Waltheym (ca. 1422-1479),” Medievalia et Humanistica 42 (2017): 1-21.
629. “The Transnational and the Transcultural in Medieval German Literature:
Spatial Identity and Pre-Modern Concepts of Nationhood in the Works of Wolfram von Eschenbach, Gottfried von Straßburg, Rudolf von Ems, and Konrad von Würzburg,” Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 175-94.
630. “The Late Medieval “Volksbuch” or ‘Prose Novel’,” Heroes and Heroines: “Volksbücher”: Prose Novels in Late Medieval Society, ed. Marion Hanke and Ina Nettekoven. Catalogue, 13 (Basel: Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books, 2017), 7-9.
631. “Der Wunderer. Hybridität, Erzähllogik und narrative Fragmentierung in der Literatur des deutschen Spätmittelalters,” Wirkendes Wort 66.3 (2016): 371-84.
632. “Introduction: Bathing, Health Care, Medicine, and Water in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: Exploration of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water, ed. A. Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 19 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017), 1-87.
633. “The ‘Dirty Middle Ages’: Bathing and Cleanliness in the Middle Ages. With Emphasis on Medieval German Courtly Romances, Early Modern Novels, and Art History: Another Myth Buster,” Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: Exploration of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water, ed. A. Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 19 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017), 458-500.
634. “The Bitter, Biting Humor of Sarcasm in Medieval and Early Modern Literature,” Neophilologus 101.3 (2017): 417-31; online at: doi:10.1007/s11061-017-9526-8; also at:
635. “The Gesta Romanorum – A Sammelbecken of Ancient Wisdom and Didactic Literature and a Foundation for Late Medieval Narrative Art. A Medieval ‘Bestseller’ Revisited,” Literature & Aesthetics (Open Access) 27.1 (2017): 73-98.…
636. “Kartographie und Nationsbewusstsein in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters,” De Christine de Pizan à Hans Robert Jauss: Etudes offertes à Earl Jeffrey Richards par ses collègues et amis à l’occasion de son soixante-cinquième anniversaire, ed. Danielle Buschinger and Roy Rosenstein (Amiens: Presses du “Centre d’Études Mediévales de Picardie”, 2017), 182-93.
637. “Eine einsame Stimme für den Frieden im Mittelalter Der erstaunliche Fall von Kudrun,” Thalloris 1 (2016): 69-90.
638. “Execution, Murder, and the Ordinary Appearance of Death in Late Medieval maeren
Pursuit of Honor, Satire, Disrespect, and Callousness,” Medievalia et Humanistica 43 (2017/2018): 45-64.
639-640. “Andreas Capellanus” and “John of Salisbury,” The Encyclopedia of British Medieval Literature, ed. Sian Echard, Robert Rouse, Jacqueline A. Fay, Helen Fulton, and Geoff Recto (Wiley Online Library), Aug. 2017
641. “The Melusine Figure in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century German Literature and Art: Cultural-Historical Information Within the Pictorial Program. With a Discussion of the Melusine-Lüsterweibchen Connection,” Melusine’s Footprint: Tracing the Legacy of a Medieval Myth, ed. Misty Urban, Deva F. Kemmis, and Melissa Ridley Elmes. Explorations in Medieval Culture, 4 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017), 74-94.
642. “The Marginalized Figure of the Dwarf and the Leper: Disability in the World of
Tristan and Isolde and Beyond,” Studi medievali 58.2 (2017): 675-96.
643. “Rabbi Nissim and His Influence on Medieval German Literature: Rudolf von Ems’s Der guote Gêrhart and Heinrich Kaufringer’s “Der Einsiedler und der Engel”: Jewish Wisdom Teachings in the Middle High and Early Modern German Context,” Aschkenas 108.4 (2017): 349-69. doi:10.1515/asch-2017-0015
644. “Magic in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age – Literature, Science, Religion, Philosophy, Music, and Art: An Introduction,” Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time: The Occult in Pre-Modern Sciences, Medicine, Literature, Religion, and Astrology, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 20 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2017), 1-108.
645. “Magic in Late Medieval German Literature: The Case of the Good Magician Malagis,” Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time: The Occult in Pre-Modern Sciences, Medicine, Literature, Religion, and Astrology, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 20 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2017), 523-45.
646. “Elusive Peace — A Glimmer of Hope from a Medieval Perspective: With an Emphasis on Saint Francis of Assisi and Christine de Pizan,” The Living Pulpit 26 (2017): 14-17.
647. “Long Forgotten Literary Gems?: Karl Heinrich Waggerl’s Images of the Simple Life: Ignorant Naivité or Ecocritical Perspecuity?,” Orbis Litterarum 73.3 (2017): 263-75; online at: 00: 1–13.
648. “Boethius and No End in Sight: The Impact of De consolatione philosophiae on Early Modern German Literature From the Fifteenth Through the Seventeenth Century: Andreas Gryphius and Johann Scheffler (Angelus Silesius),” Daphnis 46 (2018): 448-66 (online at: doi 10.1163/18796583-04601010).
649. “Authors, Translators, Printers: Production and Reception of Novels Between Manuscripts and Print in Fifteenth-Century Germany,” Trust and Proof: Translators in Renaissance Print Culture, ed. Andrea Rizzi. Library of the Written Word, 63 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018), 146-63.
650. “Der Dichter Neidhart in der anglofonen Forschung – ein Fremdling in der englischsprachigen Philologie?,” Neidhart und die Neidhart-Lieder: Ein Handbuch, ed. Margarete Springeth and Franz Viktor Spechtler (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018), 313-27.
651. “Sarcasm in Medieval German Literature: From the Hildebrandslied to Fortunatus. The Dark Side of Human Behavior,” Words that Tear the Flesh: Essays on Sarcasm in Medieval and Early Modern Literature and Cultures, ed. Alan Baragona and Elizabeth L. Rambo. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 21 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018), 249-69.
652. “The Gesta Romanorum in Light of Hartmann von Aue’s Gregorius and Heinrich Kaufringer’s Verse Narratives: Transcultural and Translinguistic Exchanges from the Early Middle Ages and to the Early Modern Ages,” The Comparatist 41 (2017): 177-96.
653. “Liebe, Erotik und Sexualität in der deutschen und europäischen Literaturgeschichte: Eine Diskussion universeller Lebensbedingungen im fiktionalen Kontext,” Eros und Logos: Literarische Formen des sinnlichen Begehrens in der (deutschsprachigen) Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Albrecht Classen, Wolfgang Brylla, and Andrey Kotin. Popular Fiction Studies, 4 (Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2018), 7-29.
654. “Erotik und Sexualität im Märe des Spätmittelalters: Sprachwitz, Intelligenz, Spiel und sexuelle Erfüllung,” Eros und Logos: Literarische Formen des sinnlichen Begehrens in der (deutschsprachigen) Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Albrecht Classen, Wolfgang Brylla, and Andrey Kotin. Popular Fiction Studies, 4 (Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2018), 47-69.
655. “The Human Quest for Happiness and Meaning: Old and New Perspectives: Religious, Philosophical, and Literary Reflections from the Past as a Platform for Our Future
St. Augustine, Boethius, and Gautier de Coincy,” Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts 5.2 (2018): 179-206 (
656. “Outsiders, Challengers, and Rebels in Medieval Courtly Literature: The Problem with the Courts in Courtly Romances,” Arthuriana 26.3 (2016): 67-90. [Marie de France, Lanval]
657. “Late Medieval German Literature,” Oxford Bibliographies Online (May 17, 2015; see above);… (11310 words); updated and revised, April 26, 2018:… (DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780195399301-0154).
658. “The Heuristic Value of German Literature: The Eternal Plea for the Relevance of Medieval and Early Modern Literature from a Practical/Pedagogical Perspective,” Literature & Aesthetics (Open Access) 28.1 (2018); online at:….
659. “Alte Texte – zeitlose Botschaften: Das Mittelalter in DaF und Literaturunterricht: Das Fremde in der eigenen Kultur – die eigene Kultur im fremden Text,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 76 (2017): 508-29.
660. “Poetische Reflexionen der Geschlechterverhältnisse in Liederbüchern des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts: Der Fall des Heidelberger Liederbuchs und die Lieder von Erasmus Widmann,” ‘Teutsche Liedlein’ des 16. Jahrhunderts, ed. Achim Aurnhammer and Susanne Rode-Breymann. Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung, 35 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018), 319-37.
661. “Toleration, Tolerance, or Intolerance in the Works of the Young Martin Luther: The Issue with Jews in Early Sixteenth-Century Christian World View,” Humanities and Social Science Research 1.1 (2018), online at:
662. “STEM and Teaching German Language and Literature with an Interdisciplinary Approach: Eighteenth-Century Reports by German Jesuit Missionaries in the German Classroom,” Die Unterrichtspraxis 51.1 (2018): 53-62.
663. “Medieval Transculturality in the Mediterranean from a Literary-Historical Perspective: The Case of Rudolf von Ems’s Der guote Gêrhart (ca. 1220-ca. 1250),” Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies 5.1 (2018): 133-60 (online at:…).
664. “The Discourse About the Gender-Relationships on the Urban Stage: in Late-Medieval German Shrovetide Plays and Verse Narratives,” Performance and Theatricality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Markus Cruse. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 41 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), 111-33.
665. “Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Art: From the Corbels and Misericords to Late Medieval Manuscript Illustrations,” International Journal of History and Cultural Studies 4.4 (2018): 1-19;…
666. “Time, Space, and Travel in the Pre-Modern World: Theoretical and Historical Reflections. An Introduction,” Travel, Time, and Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: Explorations of Worldly Perceptions and Processes of Identity Formation, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 22 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018), 1-75.
667. “Traveling to/in the North During the Middle Ages: The World of Northern Europe in Medieval and Early Modern Travel Narratives,” Travel, Time, and Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: Explorations of Worldly Perceptions and Processes of Identity Formation, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 22 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018), 285-310.
668. “Einleitung,” Japanisch-deutsche Gespräche über Fremdheit im Mittelalter: Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Forschungen in Ost und West, ed. Manshu Ide and Albrecht Classen. Stauffenburg Mediävistik, 2 (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2018), 7-14.
669. “Die Fremden und das Fremde in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters: Xenologische Reflexionen: Vom Hildebrandslied bis zum Fortunatus,” Japanisch-deutsche Gespräche über Fremdheit im Mittelalter: Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Forschungen in Ost und West, ed. Manshu Ide and Albrecht Classen. Stauffenburg Mediävistik, 2 (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2018), 141-56.
670. “Mystical Literature for the Modern Reader – Responses to a Dilemma and Pragmatic Suggestions: With a Focus on Mechthild of Magdeburg,” Studies in Spirituality 28 (2018): 145-67.
671. “Everyday Life and Culture in the Late Middle Ages: The Evidence of the Tacuinum Sanitatis: Historical-Medical and Social-Cultural Aspects,” Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 225-40.
672. “Travel by Ship in the Late Middle Ages – Felix Fabri’s Pilgrimage Account as a Meticulous Eye-Witness Report,” International Journal of History and Cultural Studies 4.4 (2018): 42-50;
673. “Venedig als unterschwelliger und doch präsenter Faszinationspunkt in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühneuzeit,” Venezia nel contesto globale/Venedig im globalen Kontext, ed. Romedio Schmitz-Esser. Centro tedesco di studi veneziani: Venetiana, 20 (Venice: Viella, 2018), 68-88.
674. “Spiel als Kultur und Spiel als Medium der Lebensbewältigung im Mittelalter: Vom Schachspiel und Liebeswerben hin bis zur literarischen Spielführung,” Etudes Germaniques 73.3 (2018): 333-55.
675. “The Agency of Wives in High Medieval German Courtly Romances and Late Medieval Verse Narratives: From Hartmann von Aue to Heinrich Kaufringer,” Quidditas 39 (2018): 25-53 (online at:
676. “The Challenges of the Humanities, Past, Present, and Future: Why the Middle Ages Mean So Much For Us Today and Tomorrow,” Thalloris 2 (2017): 191-217 (despite the same title, this is a different article; see above).
677. “Johann Scheffler (Angelus Silesius): The Silesian Mystic as a Boethian Thinker. Universal Insights, Ancient Wisdom, and Baroque Perspectives,” Humanities Open Access 7.127 (2018): 1-12, Dec. 4, 2018; file:///C:/Users/aclassen/Downloads/humanities-07-00127%20(2).pdf
678. “Waterways as Landmarks, Challenges, and Barriers for Medieval Protagonists: Crossing Rivers as Epistemological Hurdles in Medieval Literature,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 78 (2018): 441-67.
679. “German Baroque Poets and their Responses to the Thirty Years’ War: An Unchartered Literary Terrain,” Lied und populäre Kultur: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 63 (2018): 15-34.
680. “Dreams in the Middle Ages – Meaningful Experiences from the Past for Our Future?,” Living Pulpit, Dec. 1, 2018, online at…
681. “Contracting Love Versus Courtly Love: Jans Enikel’s ‘Friedrich von Auchenfurt,’ the Anonymous Mauritius von Craûn, and Dietrich von der Gletze’s ‘Der Borte’,” Neohelicon 46.1 (2019): 159-81,; or:…
682. “Messages from the Past for Our Current Crisis,”The Living Pulpit Feb. 22, 2019;…
683. “Die iberische Halbinsel im frühen Mittelalter: Ausgangspunkt für interkulturelle Kontakte zwischen den Ottonen und den andalusischen Muslimen. Kulturhistorische Betrachtungen aus literarischer (Hrotsvit von Gandersheim) und chronikalischer Sicht (Johannes von Gorze,” arcadia 53.2 (2018): 397-418.
684. “Hunde als Freunde und Begleiter in der deutschen Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart: Reaktion auf den ‘Animal Turn’ aus motivgeschichtlicher Sicht,” Etudes Germaniques 73.4 (2018): 441-66.
685. “The Joys (Juice) and Delights in Late Medieval Verse Narratives. Eroticism and Enlightenment in the Literary Discourse of the Old French Fabliaux,” The Rocky Mountain Review 72.2 (2018): 347‒63 (also at
686. “Valentin Weigel and Boethius: Mystical-Philosophical Concepts in Late Sixteenth-Century Protestant Thinking,” Carmina Philosophiae 25 (2016/2019): 47-68.
687. “Treason and Deception in Late Medieval German Romances and Novels: Königin Sibille, Melusine, and Malagis,” Treason: Medieval and Early Modern Adultery, Betrayal, and Shame, ed. Larissa Tracy. Explorations in Medieval Culture, 10 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019), 269-87.
688. “The Dream City in Medieval Literature: The Case of Herzog Ernst (ca. 1170/ca. 1220), Konrad von Würzburg’s Partonopier und Meliur (ca. 1280), and Marco Polo’s Le Devisement du monde (ca. 1310),” Studia Neophilologica 91.3 (2019): 336-54; online at:
689. “Feasts and Meals – Cultural-Historical Perspectives,” Living Pulpit 28.1 (Aug. 2019),…
690. “Pleasure and Leisure from the Middle Ages to the early Nineteenth Century: The Rediscovery of a Neglected Dimension in Cultural History. Also an Introduction,” Pleasure and Leisure in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Toys, Games, and Entertainment. Edited by Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 23 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2019), 1-159.
691. “Drinking, Partying, and Drunkenness in Late Medieval German Verse Narratives and
Jest Narratives: Social Behavior at Court and in the City: Clash of the Literary Projection and the Situation on the Ground in the Late Middle Ages,” Pleasure and Leisure in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Toys, Games, and Entertainment. Edited by Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 23 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2019), 395-431.
692. “First Encounters: Menschen begegnen sich…,” Exhibition organized by the AATG. My own Banner: “Deutsche Jesuiten-Missionare: Segen oder Fluch,” (Febr.-Aug. 2019):
693. “The Crisis of Spirituality in the Late Middle Ages: From the Twelfth Century to the Protestant Reformation; with an Emphasis on the Reformatio Sigismundi (1439),” Global Journal of Human-Social Science 19.2 (2019): 7-16, online at:…
694. “The World of Miracles, Science, and Healing in Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogus miraculorum (ca.1240) in Competition with Magic,” Quidditas 40 (2019): 90-121 (
695. “Murder in Medieval German Literature – Disruptions and Challenges of Society. Crime and Self-Determination in the Pre-Modern World,” Neophilologus 104.1 (2019): 97-117.
696. “The Principles of Honor, Virtue, Leadership, and Ethics: Medieval Epics Speak Out against the Political Malaise in the Twenty-First Century. The Nibelungenlied and El Poema de Mío Cid,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 79 (2019): 388–409.
697. “Poetic Reflections in Medieval German Literature on Tragic Conflicts, Massive Death, and Armageddon,” The End-Times in Medieval German Literature: Sin, Evil, and the Apocalypse, ed. Ernst Ralf Hintz and Scott E. Pincikowski (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2019), 72-97.
698. “‘And they laughed after all’: Comedy on the Late Medieval German Stage: With a Focus on the Hessisches Weihnachtsspiel and the Innsbrucker Osterspiel. The Blending of the Sacred with the Mundane,” Medievalia et Humanistica New Series, 44 (2019): 35-59.
699. “The Ambiguity of Charlemagne in Late Medieval German Literature: The De- and Reconstruction of a Mythical Figure,” Medievalia et Humanistica, New Series, 45 (2019): 1–26.
700. “Smart Marie de France Knew the Ways of this World – Medieval Advice Literature (Fables) and Social Criticism in Its Relevance for Us Today,” International Journal of History and Cultural Studies 5.4 (2019), online at:
701. “The Amazon Rainforest of Pre-Modern Literature: Ethics, Values, and Ideals from the Past for our Future. With a Focus on Aristotle and Heinrich Kaufringer,” Humanities Open Access 9(1). 4 (2020), published on Dec. 24, 2019, online at:
702. “The Glory and End of the Heroic World in the Nibelungenlied,” A Companion to World Literature, gen. ed. Ken Seigneurie (Hoboken, NJ, and Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Wiley, 2019), vol. 2: 601 CE to 1450 CE, ed. Christine Chism, ch. 49, 1243-54; online at: 10.1002/9781118635193.ctwl0102.
703. “Jens Walthers Abstieg vom Zauberberg – a Literary Reflection on the World of Publishing in the Postmodern World,” Publishing Research Quarterly 36.1 (2020), 32-42; online at:
704. “Global Travel in the Late Middle Ages: The Eyewitness Account of Johann Schiltberger,” Medieval History Journal 23.1 (2020): 1-28;;
705. “Valentin Weigel und der Protestantismus: Die Suche nach Toleranz im 16. Jahrhundert als Suche nach Gott in der Seele,” Die Reformation 1517: Zwischen Gewinn und Verlust, ed.
Cezary Lipiński and Wolfgang Brylla. Refo500 Academic Studies, 66 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020), 259-70.
706. “The Past as the Key for the Future: Reflections on an Ancient Question. What Does (Medieval) Literature Mean Today in the Twenty-First Century?,” Athens Journal of Philology 6.3 (2019): 147-70; online at:
707. “Populismus, Nationalismus, Xenophobie und Rassismus: Das Massenproblem aus historischer Sicht. Von Walther von der Vogelweide und Heinrich Wittenwiler zu Thomas Mann und Gustave le Bon,” Thalloris 3 (2018/appeared in 2019): 19–36. Slightly changed as: “Die Gefahren des Massenwahns aus literarhistorischer Sicht: Von Walther von der Vogelweide und Heinrich Wittenwiler zu Thomas Mann und Gustave Le Bon,” Im Clash der Identitäten: Nationalismen im literatur- und kulturgeschichtlichen Diskurs, ed. Wolfgang Brylla and Cezary Lipiński. Andersheit – Fremdheit – Ungleichheit: Erfahrungen von Disparatheit in der
deutschsprachigen Literatur, 1 (Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2020), 185-99.
708. “Wine, Drunkenness, Morality, and Satire in Der Wiener Meerfahrt,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXVIII.II (2017): 263-78 (reported late).
709. “Das Paradox der widersprüchlichen Urteilsprechung und Weltwahrnehmung: göttliches vs. menschliches Recht in Heinrich Kaufringers ‘Die unschuldige Mörderin’ – mit paneuropäischen Ausblicken und einer neuen Quellenspur (‘La femme du roi de Portugal’),” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXX.II (2019): 7–28.
710. “Courage –Medieval Lessons for Us Today,” The Living Pulpit, Feb. 17, 2020;
711. “Simplicity – A Nostalgic Dream and a Philosophical Reflection,” The Living Pulpit, Feb. 11, 2020;…
712. “Treason: Legal, Ethical, and Political Issues in the Middle Ages: With an Emphasis on Medieval Heroic Poetry,” Journal of Philosophy and Ethics 1.4 (2019): 13-29;…;
713. “Violence in the Name of the [Bad] Game: The Downside of Human Nature as Reflected
in Medieval Literature,” The Cambridge World History of Violence, Volume II:500–1500 CE, ed. Matthew S. Gordon, Richard W. Kaeuper, and Harriet Zurndorfer. The Cambridge History of Violence, II (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), 623-44
714. “The Topic of Imprisonment in Medieval German Literature: With an Emphasis on Johann Schiltberger’s Account About his 30-Year Enslavement in the East,” Studia Neophilologica 92.3 (2020): 315-27; (April 21, 2020)
715. “A Medieval Woman Dares to Stand Up: Marie de France’s Criticism of the King and the Court,” Rupkatha: Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 12.1 (2020): 1-13;
716. “A Conversation with Dr. Albrecht Classen on “Diseases, Death and Disaster during the Medieval Period,” Interview with Pragati Das. The Golden Line Magazine 3.1 (2020), ed. by the Department of English Bhatter College, Dantan(West Bengal, India)
717. “Tischzuchten und höfisches Verhalten im Mittelalter: Essen als soziales Ereignis,” Bulletin Esskulturen III: Ess-Manieren, Etikette und Abweichungen, 2. Jahrgang 2020, Mappe III, Faszikel 13-18, ed. Marion Steinicke im Rahmen des BMBF-Verbundprojekts „Esskulturen. Objekte, Praktiken, Semantiken“, Koblenz 2020, 1-7.
718. “How to Inspire Students in English to Learn a Foreign Language. A Biased But Concerned Perspective from a Teacher of German,” Futhark 10 (2015): 43-48 (reported late)
719. “The Nibelungenlied – A Critical Summary,” Webpage: World Epics, ed. Jo Ann Cavallo, June 2020, at: (password: worldepics)
720. “Boccaccio’s Literary Sources Beyond the Expected: The Decameron in Light of Some German Verse Narratives: “Gänslein,” Ruprecht von Würzburg, and Jans Enikel,” Global Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 1.1 (2019), online at:…;
721. “Kudrun – A Critical Summary,” Webpage, World Epics, ed. Jo Ann Cavallo, June 2020, at: (password: worldepics).
722. “What is Humanities Open Access all about? Innovative Perspectives and Inclusivity as the
Platform for Novel Approaches in Humanities Research,” Humanities Open Access, June 30 (2020), at: file:///C:/Users/aclassen/Downloads/humanities-09-00055.pdf.
723. “India, Persia, and Arabia in the Mind of a Late Fifteenth-Century German Author: Transcultural Experiences through the Literary Discourse. Antonius von Pforr and His Buch der Beispiele der Alten Weisen,” Philological Quarterly 99.2 (2020): 119–45.
724. “Teaching Hans Sachs in an Online Course – Sixteenth-Century German Literature in a Digital Context as a Consequence of the COVID-19 Crisis,” Sixteenth-Century Journal: Early Modern Classroom: Teaching the Early Modern World in the Era of COVID-19 (invited) (June 29, 2020): 235-41; online at:…
725. “‘Artes amatorie iam non instruuntur’: Learned and Erotic Discourse in the Carmina Burana,” Revisiting the Codex Buranus: Contents, Contexts, Composition, ed. Tristan E. Franklinos and Henry Hope. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music, 21 (Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2020), 97-118.
726. “The Book of Kells – The Wonders of Early Medieval Christian Manuscript Art Within a Pagan World,” Mediaevistik 32 (2019; appeared in 2020): 55-69.
727. “Teaching Medieval Studies with a Modern Learning Management System: Top Hat in a Medieval Seminar,” Once and Future Classroom XVI.1 (2020);;…
728. “The Secret and Universal Relevance of Johann Scheffler’s (Angelus Silesius’s) Epigrams: Mystico-Philosophical Messages from the World of the Baroque for the Twenty-First Century,” The Comparatist 44 (2020): 215-34.
729. “Globalism in Medieval Literature? Pre-Modern Perspectives in Poetic Projections:
Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival, Konrad Fleck’s Flore und Blancheflor, and Reinfried von Braunschweig,” Athens Journal of Philology 7 (2020): 1-29;
730. “Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in the Pre-Modern Age: Medieval Welsh and Icelandic Literature in a Literature Survey Course. Interdisciplinary Approaches on a Pan-European Level,” Leuvense Bijdragen 102 (2018-2020): 357–82.
731. “The Sparrow Hawk Castle – A Mostly Ignored Literary Motif Across the Cultures and the Centuries,” Quidditas 41 (2020): article 4, online at:
732. “Mediävistik in Nordamerika – Plädoyer für gesellschafts-relevante Lektüre mittelalterlicher Texte,” Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik LII.I, ed. Hans-Gert Roloff. Section: Abhandlungen zum Rahmenthema LI “Die Auslandsgermanistik und ihr Mittelalter”: Zweite Folge, ed. Nathanael Busch (Bern, Berlin, et al.: Peter Lang, 2020), 203-22.
733. “Rivers as Critical Boundaries in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival and Titurel: Ecocritical Perspectives in Medieval German Literature,” Reading the Natural World in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: Perceptions of the Environment and Ecology, ed. Thomas Willard. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 46 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020), 21-34.
734. “Imagination, Fantasy, Otherness, and Monstrosity in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age,” Imagination and Fantasy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Projections, Dreams, Monsters, and Illusions, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 24 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2020), 1-229.
735. “The World of Hybrid Women in Medieval and Early Modern German Literature: Fantasy Images, Fascination, and Terror. Fairies, Mermaids, Undines, Flower Girls, and Nixies as Reflections of Popular Subconsciousness,” Imagination and Fantasy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Projections, Dreams, Monsters, and Illusions, ed. Albrecht Classen. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 24 (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2020), 437-68.
736. “Sea Voyages in Medieval Romances as Symbolic Trails Through Life: Existential Experiences and Female Suffering on the Water,” Critical Literary Studies: Academic Journal (University of Kurdistan) 2.2. Series 4 (2020): 27-46.; or: DOI 10.34785/J014.2020.367.
737. “Reflections on Key Issues in Human Life: Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan, Dante’s Divina Commedia, Boccaccio’s Decameron, Michael Ende’s Momo, and Fatih Akın’s Soul Kitchen Manifesto in Support of the Humanities – What Truly Matters in the End?,” Humanities Open Access Nov. 16, 2020, online at:
May 29, 2021
738. “Dreams and Visions, in a Historical Perspective,” The Living Pulpit Oct. 17, 2020;…;
739. “German-Italian Literary Connections in the Late Middle Ages: Boccaccio’s The Decameron in Light of Some Late Medieval German Narrative Precedents,” Arcadia 55.2 (2020): 260-78, online at: DOI:
740. “Symbolic Significance of the Sword in the Hero’s Hand: Beowulf, The Nibelungenlied, El Poema de Mio Cid, the Volsunga Saga, and the Njál’s Saga. Thing Theory from a Medieval Perspective,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 80 (2020): 346-70.
741. “Literature as a Tool of Epistemology: Medieval Perspectives for Post-Modernity
Or, the Post-Modern World Long Anticipated by the Pre-Modern: Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae, Apollonius of Tyre, Marie de France, and Ulrich Bonerius,” New Literaria –An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 1.2 (2020): 1-19;
742. “Denis de Rougemont: Erforscher des Tristan-Mythos und Begründer eines neuen Liebes- und Todes-Mythos,” tristan mythos maschine 20. jahrhundert ff., ed. Robert Schoeller and Andrea Schindler, with the collaboration by Pema Bannwart, Nathanael Busch, and Michael Dallapiazza. Rezeptionskulturen in Literature- und Mediengeschichte, 16 (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2020), 47-65.
743. “The Power of Spirituality in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age: From the Medieval Mystic Hildegard of Bingen to Jacob Böhme and Johann Scheffler (Angelus Silesius): Messages from the Past for Our Future?,” Studies of Spirituality 30 (2020): 115-44.
744. “Ein Bucherfolg für die Jesuiten in der globalen Auseinandersetzung mit den Protestanten und den katholischen Gegnern: Joseph Stoeckleins Welt-Bott. Briefe aus der ganzen Welt als Grundlage für enzyklopädische Ambitionen,” Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 128.2 (2020): 301-13; Dec. 18, 2020;
745. “Mechthild von Magdeburg,” Literary Encyclopedia, online at:
746. Thüring von Ringoltingen,” Literary Encyclopedia, online at:
747. “The Global World in the Pre-Modern Era: Lessons from the Past for Our Future
With a Focus on the Early Modern Novel Fortunatus (1509),” Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 3.2 (2020): 152-64; online at:…
748. “Ulrich Bonerius,” Literary Encyclopedia, Jan. 2021, online at:
749. “Elisabeth von Nassau-Saarbrücken,” Literary Encyclopedia, online at (Jan. 14, 2021)
750. “Hrotsvit of Gandersheim,” Literary Encyclopedia, online, first published 19 January 2021 [, accessed 19 January 2021.]
751. “Werner Bergengruen,” Literary Encyclopedia, online, first published on Jan. 25, 2021 []
752. “Johannes von Tepl, Der Ackermann aus Böhmen,” Literary Encyclopedia, online, Feb. 4, 2021;
753. “In Defiance of the Pandemic – The Poetic Word. Yes, I Mean Poetry, Now!,” Rupkatha: Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 12.5 (2020):
754. “Sebastian Brant,” Literary Encyclopedia, Feb. 2021; online at:
755. “Philipp Melanchthon,” Literary Encyclopedia, online, Feb. 2021;
756. “Persia in German Baroque Literature: Sa‘di’s Rose Garden and Adam Olearius’s Embassy to Persia: New Ways in Approaching World Literature from a Pre-Modern Perspective,” Orbis Litterarum 76.2 (Feb. 19, 2021): 51-66; online at:; DOI:
757. “Global Literature—What Do We Know, What Should We Know, and How Can We Create an Epistemological Network to Work toward New Humanities?,” Humanities Open Access, online at: (Feb. 24, 2021)
758. “Meister Johannes Eckhart,” Literary Encyclopedia, online at (Feb. 2021)
759. “Foreword,” Environmental Protection: Critical Perspectives in Science and Literature, ed. Mallesh Reddy, Sanjay N. Shende, and Premila Swamy (Hamburg: tredition, 2021), 18-25.
760. “The Old English Beowulf and the Middle High German Nibelungenlied: Similarities and Dissimilarities,” Old English and Continental Germanic Literature in Comparative Perspectives, ed. Larry J. Swain (New York, Bern, et al.: Peter Lang, 2019), 39-52 (reported late)
761. “Daniel Kehlmanns Tyll – ein neuer Simplizissimus? Der postmoderne Versuch, historisierend zu schreiben,” Wirkendes Wort 70.3 (2020): 479-92.
762. “About the Translation,” Romedio Schmitz-Esser, Der Leichnam im Mittelalter: Einbalsamierung, Verbrennung und die kulturelle Konstruktion des toten Körpers, as The Corpse in the Middle Ages: Embalming, Cremation, and the Cultural Construction of the Dead Body (orig. 2014) (Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, Brepols, 2020), 9-10.
763. “Rudolf von Ems,” Literary Encyclopedia, April 2021; online,
764. “Ungewöhnliche Perspektiven auf Juden in der deutschen und italienischen Literatur des Spätmittelalters: Feinde oder bloß nicht-christliche Nachbarn in der Mærendichtung?,” Aschkenas 31.1 (2021): 1–28.
765. “Happiness ‒ Pre-Modern Answers for Questions Today from Boethius to Fortunatus,” Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2021 4(1). Available online at:
766. “Die Glorie der mittelalterlichen Buchproduktion. Vom Manuskript zur Inkunabel, aus literatur- und kulturhistorischer Sicht.Wie dunkel war also das Mittelalter?,” Mediaevistik 33 (2020, appeared in 2021): 71-87.
767. “Anthropological Investigations of Love through a Medieval Lens: The Perspectives by the Middle High German Poet Walther von der Vogelweide,” International Journal of English and Literature 12.1 (2021): 7-14; online at:…;
768. “From the Gesta Romanorum to Werner Bergengruen: Literary Mirrors for Princes from the Late Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century,” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 81 (2021): 1–27.
769. “Engagement with Death Through Literature: Johannes von Tepl’s Plowman (ca. 1400) and Werner Bergengruen’s Death in Reval (1941). Or: The Relevance of the Humanities, once again!,” Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science 5.1 (2021): 125-36. DOI: 10.26855/jhass
770. “Einblicke in den Alltag des 14. Jahrhunderts. Die Fabeln des Ulrich Bonerius: Der Edelstein,” Etudes Germaniques 75.4 (2020): 593-615.
771. “The Fairy Tales by the Brother Grimms and Their Medieval Background,” German Quarterly 94.2 (2021): 165-75 (invited)
772. “Laughing with and about Death? Werner Bergengruen’s Philosophical and Literary Approaches,” Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 13.2 (2021): 1-13; online at:
773. “Die Antwort auf die Frage nach der Zukunft liegt auch in der Vergangenheit: Neue Ansätze zu einer europäisch konzipierten Mediävistik. Oder: Wohin mit der national-geprägten Philologie in Anbetracht von St. Augustin, Martianus Capella, Boethius, Thomas von Aquin oder Christine de Pizan?,” Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. Sonderheft: Deutsche Philologie: Nationalphilologien heute, 139 (2020, appeared in May 2021): 34-70 (invited)
774. “Childhood in the Early Middle Ages? The Hidden World of Parental Emotions
How to Evaluate the Available Sources from a Time of Existential Struggle?,” LXVIII Settimana di studio: L’INFANZIA NELL’ALTO MEDIOEVO, ed. Roberto Arelli (Spoleto: Fondazione Centro Italiano di studi sull’ alto medioevo, 2021), 279-303.
775. “Global Middle Ages: Eastern Wisdom (Buddhistic) Teachings in Medieval European Literature. With a Focus on Barlaam and Josaphat,” Humanities and Social Science Research 4.2 (2021): 10-20;; or:
776. “Minnelied, Minnesang,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), ed. Eric Ziolkowski, Nils Holger Petersen, and Nicole Rupschus (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2021), 232-34; online at:; or:…;
777. “Why not Kudrun?: A Middle High German Epic Poem as Exciting Literary Entertainment and Relevant Study Object for Post-Modern Readers,”Once and Future Classroom XVII.1 (2021): 1-21, online at:
778. “Anonymus, Die Historia von den sieben weisen Meistern,” The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 July 2021; online at:
779. “Freedom, Love, Nobility: The Falkenmotiv in Medieval and Modern German Literature, with an Emphasis on Werner Bergengruen’s ‘Die drei Falken’,” International Journal of Culture and History 8.2 (2021): 1-14; DOI:
780. “Hugo von Trimberg,” Literary Encyclopedia, Aug. 2021; online at:
781. “Transdisciplinarity ‒ A Bold Way into the Academic Future, from a Medievalist Perspective, or the Rediscovery of Philology?,” Humanities Open Access 10: 96 (2021), Aug.; online at:
782. “Don Juan Manuel,” Literary Encyclopedia, Aug. 11, 2021, online at:
783. “The Stricker,” The Literary Encyclopedia, first published 16 August 2021, online at:
784. “Weather and Natural Catastrophes in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Relevant Data in Literature and Chronicles from the Continent Concerning Flooding, Fires, Earthquakes, and Pandemics,” Humanities and Social Science Research 4.3 (2021); online at:
785. “Heinrich Kaufringer,” The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 22 September 2021; online at:
786. “Queer Medieval,” Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory, ed. Eugene O’Brien (New York: Oxford University Press, Sept. 22, 2021); online at:…
787. “Anonymous, Gesta Romanorum,” Literary Encyclopedia, Sept. 29, 2021; online at:
788. “Werner Bergengruen (d. 1964) in Conversation with the Middle Ages: Significant Contributions to Twentieth-Century Medievalism,” Humanities and Social Sciences Research (HSSR) 4.3 (2021); online at:;
789. “Petrus Alfonsi,” Literary Encyclopedia, Oct. 4, 2021, online at:
790. “Unexpected Exposures to Multilingualism in the Late Middle Ages: A Global Perspective by Travelogue Authors: Der Niederrheinische Orientbericht, Georgius of Hungary, and Johann Schiltberger,” International Journal of Culture and History 9.1 (2022); online at:
791. “The Fable as a Global Genre: Marie de France, Ulrich Bonerius, Don Juan Manuel, and Kalila and Dimna,” Quidditas 42 (2021): 152-88, online at:
792. “Frauen auf Reisen im Mittelalter. Margery Kempe und Reiseberichte für Frauen (Felix Fabri),” Grenzen überschreiten: Frauenreisen zwischen Deutschland – Spanien –Hispanoamerika, ed. Isabel Gutiérrez Koester and Ingrid García-Wistädt (Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2021), 55-65.
793. “Music as a Universal Bond and Bridge Between the Physical and the Divine: Transcultural and Medieval Perspectives,” Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 13.3 (2021): 1-30; online at:; or: DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n3.01.
794. “Introduction: Historical, Literary, and Philosophical Reflections on the Phenomena of Imprisonment and Slavery in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period,” Incarceration and Slavery in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: A Cultural-Historical Investigation of the Dark Side in the Pre-Modern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Studies in Medieval Literature (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: Lexington Books, 2021), 1-57.
795. “Piracy, Imprisonment, Merchants, and Freedom: Rudolf von Ems’s The Good Gêrhart (ca. 1220): Mediterranean Perspectives in a Middle High German Context; with Some Reflections on the Topic of Imprisonment in Other Medieval Narratives,” Incarceration and Slavery in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: A Cultural-Historical Investigation of the Dark Side in the Pre-Modern World, ed. Albrecht Classen. Studies in Medieval Literature (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: Lexington Books, 2021), 261-83.
796. “Global History in the Middle Ages: A Medieval and an Early Modern Perspective.
The Niederrheinische Orientbericht (ca. 1350) and Adam Olearius’s Vermehrte New Beschreibung der Muscowitischen vnd Persischen Reyse (1647; 1656),” Philological Quarterly 100.2 (2021): 101–34.
797. “Assassins, the Crusades, and the Old Man from the Mountains in Medieval Literature: With an Emphasis on The Stricker’s Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal,” Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Meg Lota Brown. Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 47 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2021), 123-40.
798. “Royal Arrogance and Human Humility: Political and Ethical Lessons from the Past: Herrand of Wildonie’s ‘The Naked Emperor’,” Creative Flight: An International Half-Yearly Open Access Peer-Reviewed E-Journal in English (ed. Dipat Giri) 2.2 (2021): 11-30;; ISSN 2582-6158
799. “Zeitlose Lebenslehren aus dem Spätmittelalter: die Fabeln des Ulrich Bonerius, Der Edelstein (ca. 1350), ein literarisches Juwel aus der Vergangenheit für uns heute. Oder: Warum ist das Mittelalter relevant für uns heute: ethische, moralische und pragmatische Reflektionen,” Mediävistische Perspektiven im 21. Jahrhundert: Festschrift Ingrid Bennewitz, ed. Andrea Schindler, together with Detlef Goller and Sabrina Hufnagel (Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2021), 381-400.
800. “Thomas de Cantimpré: A Thirteenth-Century Master Narrator of Religious and Didactic Tales,” Literary Encyclopedia; (17 December 2021)
801. “Evil Kings in the Middle Ages: The Literary Testimony of Huon of Bordeaux,” Academia: Letters, Dec. 21, 2021, online at:…; or: at: file:///C:/Users/A.%20Classen/Downloads/Classen.pdf
802. “The Agency of Female Characters in Late Medieval German Verse Narratives: “Aristotle and Phyllis,” Dietrich von der Gletze’s “Der Borte,” “Beringer,” and Ruprecht von Würzburg’s “Die zwei Kaufleute,” Totius mundi philohistor: Studia Georgio Strzelczyk
octuagenario oblata, ed. Małgorzata Delimata-Proch, Adam Krawiec, Jakub Kujawiński (Pozńan: UAM/Adami Mickiewicz University Press, 2021), 227-42.
803. “Globalism before Globalism: The Alexander Legend in Medieval Literature (Priest Lambrecht’s Account as a Pathway to Early Global Perspectives),” Esboços: histories in global contexts Florianópolis 28/49 (Aug./Sept. 2021): 813-833, set./dez. 2021.ISSN 2175-7976 DOI
804. “Huon dee Bordeaux,” Literary Encyclopedia, Dec. 30, 2021 (3302 words), online at:
805. “Hate, Lies, and Violence: The Dark Side of Pre-Modern Literature: Why would we care? And yet, the key rests in the past to solve our issues today. With a Focus on The Stricker (Thirteenth Century),” Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences 5.2 (2021): 281-94; online at:
806. “Ulrich Bonerius – A Swiss-German Boccaccio? Fourteenth-Century Literary Synergies,” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 122.1-2 (2021): 105-33; online at: file:///C:/Users/A.%20Classen/Downloads/103088-Article%20Text-218690-1-10-20220103.pdf
807. “The Past, the Present, and the Future: Memory and Literature as Gateways from the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century. With a focus on Boethius’s De Consolatione Philosophiae and Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival,” New Literaria: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 3.1 (2022); online at:
808. “New Approaches to Teaching a Capstone or Final Survey Course in German Studies at a North-American University: With an Emphasis on Medieval Online Sources as Tools for the Modern Classroom,” German as a Foreign Language 2 (2020); ISSN 1470-9570
809. “Humanism and Universal Values European Medieval Literary Discourse: Freidank’s Bescheidenheit and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” The Routledge Companion to Humanism and Literature, ed. Michael Bryson. Routledge Literature Companions (New York and London: Routledge, 2022), 191-208. ISBN: 978-0-367-49411-7 (hbk)
810. “The Nibelungenlied in W. P. Ker: Older Philology and the Future of Medieval Studies,”Epic and Romance: A Guide to Medieval European Literature, ed. Leonard Neidorf and Yang Liu (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2021, appeared in 2022), 262-69.
811. “Two Great Fable Authors from the Middle Ages – Marie de France and Ulrich Bonerius. New Perspectives on the Reception of an Ancient Literary Genre,” Medievalia et Humanistica, New Series, 47 (2022): 23-48.
812. “Wucher als Thema bei spätmittelalterlichen didaktischen Autoren. Wo aber sind die ‘Wucherjuden’?” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 82 (2022): 176-95
813. “Le Roman de silence”. The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 21 April 2022;, last accessed on April 21. 2022.
Scholarly Notes and other Publications
1. “Beitrag der Oswald-von-Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft zur Kalamazoo-Konferenz 1987,” in: Jahrbuch der Oswald-von-Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft 4 (1986/87): 325-328
2. “Die Textil- und Textilmaschinenindustrie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,” Melliand Textilberichte 1 (1987): 66-68.
3. “Die Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft auf der Kalamazoo-Konferenz 1987,” in: uni-aktuell. Die Zeitschrift der Universität Salzburg 2/3 (1987/88), p. 15
4. “Die Germanistik in den USA aus deutscher Sicht,” in: Wirkendes Wort 3 (1988), pp. 371-376*
5. “Von Otfried von Weißenburg bis Till Eulenspiegel. Bericht vom 24th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, May 4-7, 1989,” in: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft 5 (1988/89), pp. 481- 483
6. “Antwort auf eine Entgegnung: Zu Elisabeth Feldbuschs Verteidigung ihrer Habilitationsschrift: Geschriebene Sprache. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Herausbildung und Grundlegung ihrer Theorie. Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1985,” in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 28 (1989), pp. 180-182
7. “Germanistische Mediävistik in den USA: 24th and 25th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 4-7, 1989 and May 10-13, 1990,” in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 110, 1 (1991), pp. 126-132.
8. “26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 9-12, 1991,” in: Fachdienst Germanistik 9, 7 (1991), p. 3f.
9. “Konferenzbericht: 25th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 10-13. Mai 1990,” in: Mediaevistik 2 (1989/1990), pp. 412-414
10. “The Implication of Feminist Theory for the Study of Medieval German Literature” (Abstract for a Conference Paper), Chronica. The Journal of the MAP 46 (1991), p. 32
11. “Konferenzbericht: 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 9.-12. Mai 1991,” Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 111 (1992), 1, pp. 119-121
12. “Das Mittelalter und die deutsche Dichtung: Amerikanische Erlebnisse. Der 25th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Western Michigan University, 10.-13. Mai 1990,” in: Eulenspiegel-Jahrbuch 31 (1991), pp. 131-133
13. “The World of a Late Medieval Merchant Traveler: The Case of Fortunatus,” in: Chronica 47, Spring 1992, p. 23
14. “Special University of Arizona Library Exhibits for Members of the Medieval Academy and the Medieval Association of the Pacific,” Program Flyer, April 1993
15. “Erwiderung auf die Besprechung von Autobiographische Lyrik des europäischen Spätmittelalters (1991) durch Klaus Hanson (German Quarterly 66, 4 [1993],” German Quarterly 67, 4 (1994), pp. 611-613
16. Translation of songs by Steinmar and Oswald von Wolkenstein, in: McGraw-Hill Anthology of German Literature. Vol. I. Ed. K. Vivian et al. (New York-et al.: McGraw-Hill, 1994), 255f., 303-308.
17.”Tristan(t) als Mönch – an Introduction,” in: Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 101-103.
18. “110th Convention of the Modern Language Association of America, 27.-30. Dezember 1994, San Diego, California,” in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 114, 3 (1995), pp. 420-422.
20. “Letter from the President of the Chapter Presidents’ Assembly,” AATG Newsletter 32, 3 (1997), p. 20.
21. Translation of Karl J. Benziger’s Geschichte der Familie Benziger von Einsiedeln Schweiz (New York-Cincinnati-Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1923), manuscript, 1997.
22. “Arizona,” in: “Focus on Chapters,” in: AATG Newsletter 33, 3 (1998), p. 19.
23. “Richtigstellung,” Addition to Review of Gertrud Angermann’s Anna von Quernheim (1996), in: Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 44 (1999): 259f.
24. “Index for Volumes 1-20 [Tristania], 1975-2000,” Tristania XX (2000): 125-45.
25. Letter to the Editor, “Current Taxes not enough for roads?,” Tucson Citizen, 4-4-2002, 5B.
26. “German Studies Dept. Hosts High Schoolers, Teachers,” Tucson Citizen, 4-4-2002, 2C.
27. Program for “Medieval and Renaissance Spring Poems,” April 2002 (28 pp.)
28. Letter to the Editor, “Waite speech more important than Wildcat portrayed,” Arizona Daily
Wildcat April 26, 2002, p. 4.
27. Letter to the Editor, “Sheriff’s concern is ill-founded,” Tucson Citizen, 9-18-2002
28. Letter to the Editor, “Citizen sides with Palestinians,” Tucson Citizen, 1-7-2003
29. Translation, Sixteenth-Century Jewish Woman’s “Love Song,” The JPS Guide to Jewish Women, 600 B.C.E.-1900 C.E., ed. Emily Taitz, Sondra Henry, Cheryl Tallan (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 2003), 157.
30. Letter to the Editor, “Don’t ax THS German program,” Tucson Citizen, 2-12-2003; “Retain Tucson High German program,” Arizona Daily Star, 2-13-2003
31.Translation of Poems by Uwe Kolbe, in: Dimension2 6, 2-3 (2003): 389-93.
32. Letter to the Editor, “UA’s top staff’s raises unwarranted,” Tucson Citizen, 9-17-2003
33. Undergraduate Program flyer for German Studies, UA, March 2004
34. Letter to the Editor, “U.S. should respect Spain’s stance,” Tucson Citizen, 4-3-04
35. Letter to the Editor, “Bring our troops home now,” Tucson Citizen, 4-13-04
36. News Talk (“Causes of Arab countries’ increasing hostility toward the United States”), Arizona Daily Star 4-22-04 (personal comment)
37. Letter to the Editor, “Put fear aside for rational approach,” Tucson Citizen, 5-20-04
38. Letter to the Editor, “Bush endangered U.S. well-being,” Tucson Citizen, 9-11-04
39. Letter to the Editor, “Iraq a festering wound,” Tucson Citizen, 12-2-04
40. Letter to the Editor, “One day, Tucson,” Arizona Daily Star, 8-21-05
41. Letter to the Editor, “What are Bush’s intentions?,” Tucson Citizen, 8-30-05
42. Letter to the Editor, “U.S. facing two fronts, if not more,” Tucson Citizen, 10-4-05
43. Translation of New Poems by Uwe Kolb,” Dimension2 7, 2-3 (2005): 190-95.
44. Letter to the Editor, “E. Germany Proved Folly of Border Fence,” Tucson Citizen 10-20-05
45. Letter to the Editor, “Give synchronization green light,” Tucson Citizen 1-7-06, and Arizona Daily Star, 1-7-06.
46. Translation of Theoretical Platform for Research Groups of German Language and Linguistics” and “Text and Transgression” at the Universidad de Sevilla (Spanish to English) for their Webpage, 2006
47. Letter to the Editor, “Look to Europe for downtown ideas,” Tucson Citizen 2-17-06, and as “Focus should be human space,” Arizona Daily Star 2-22-06.
48. (with Carolyn Classen) Letter to the Editor, “Coverage of Gay Adoption Gets Praise,” Tucson Citizen 3-16-06
49. Letter to the Editor, “Our energy source is the sun,” Arizona Daily Star 4-6-06.
50. Letter to the Editor, “Everything in plan contradictory,” Tucson Citizen 5-8-06.
51. Letter to the Editor, “Iraq can only go downhill,” Arizona Daily Star 8-15-06; almost identical: “Situation for U.S. in Iraq can only get worse,” Tucson Citizen 8-14-06.
52. Letter to the Editor, “Look at the root problems,” Arizona Daily Star 9-26-06
53. Translation of 5 abstracts for Jahrbuch des deutschen Volksliedarchivs
54. Letter to the Editor, “Prop. 107 would take us back to Middle Ages,” Tucson Citizen 10-28-06
55. Guest Opinion: Albrecht Classen —“No on Prop. 107,” Arizona Daily Star, 10-30-06, online at:
56. “Is Literature Still Central to German Studies,” – a Forum contribution (German Quarterly website:, Jan. 2007, and in German Quarterly 80, 2 (2007): 140.
57. Letter to the Editor, “What does winning mean,” Arizona Daily Star, 2-28-07.
58. Letter to the Editor, “Bush, GOP too busy failing to listen to public,” Tucson Citizen, 5-12-07
59. “Doping und Ethik – kurze Reflexionen aus der Außenperspektive,” interpool.TV.Magazin July 16, 2007 (
60. Letter to the Editor, “Absurdity in U.S.,” Arizona Daily Star, 8-14-07
61. Letter to the Editor, “Iraq tensions too deep for troops to uproot,” Tucson Citizen, 09-06-07
62. Translation of five abstracts for Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs
63. Letter to the Editor, “Blackwater, profit why (sic) U.S. immersed in Iraq,” Tucson Citizen, 10-11-07
64. Letter to the Editor, “U.S. global control is over,” Arizona Daily Star, 10-19-07
65. “Credibility: The Next Challenge – a Forum response, German Quarterly, (Oct. 2007).
66. Letter to the Editor, “Waterboarding is inhumane torture,” Tucson Citizen, 11-19-07
67. Letter to the Editor, “Exporting fear and terror,” Arizona Daily Star, 12-13-07
68. Letter to the Editor, “The religion of ‘Imiloa’,” Hawaii Tribune Herald, 12-30-07
69. Letter to the Editor, “Heated border debate eclipses larger issues,” Tucson Citizen, 1-21-08
70. “Instructional Blogging Growth Continues at UA,” UA Learning Technologies 2.2 (2008): 2.
71. “Message from the President, RMMLA, at: (last accessed on Jan. 30, 2008)
72. Letter to the Editor, “Voting for the Future,” Arizona Daily Star, 2-1-08
73. Letter to the Editor, “Keep legislators out of our private issues,” Tucson Citizen, 2-14-08
74. Letter to the Editor, “Rose-colored glasses can’t shade our reality,” Tucson Citizen, 3-27-08
75. Letter to the Editor, “Redefine U.S. interests,” Arizona Daily Star, 4-23-08
76. Letter to the Editor, “NCLB quota, threats won’t spell relief,” Tucson Citizen, 4-24-08
77. World Culture and Women – Textbook for course at Sookmyung International Summer School, Seoul, S-Korea, June 2008, ca. 200 pp.
78. Letter to the Editor, “Serious subject needs experts “ (reg. Sept. 15 guest opinions “oil drilling”), Arizona Daily Star, 9-19-08
79. Letter to the Editor, “We can’t afford to let criminal acts ruin us,” Tucson Citizen, 9-30-08
80. Letter to the Editor, “Vote America, world is watching,” Arizona Daily Star, 11-4-08
81. Letter to the Editor, “Fear, ignorance, hatred behind gay-union ban,” Tucson Citizen 11-12-08
82. Letter to the Editor, “Bailout would slow the change we need,” Arizona Daily Star, 12-09-08
83. Letter to the Editor, “Ridiculous Stunt,” Hawaii Tribune-Herald, 12-26-08 (also reg. the car industry bailout)
84. Response to “The Role of Translation in German Studies,” Forum in German Quarterly (2008), online, and in print, German Quarterly 82, 1 (2009): 1-2.
85. Translation of grant proposal by the research group “Texto y Transgresión” (Universidad de Sevilla), for: Convocatoria de ayudas de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada – translation from Spanish to English (Jan. 2009)
86. Letter to the Editor, “Bully Hamas cries over getting comeuppance,” Tucson Citizen, 1-16-09
87. Letter to the Editor, “China’s influence a growing problem,” Arizona Daily Star, 3-30-09
88. Letter to the Editor, “Budget cuts to library bound to harm UA,” Tucson Citizen 4-29-09
89. Letter to the Editor, “Force Feeding Western Values,” Arizona Daily Star, 5-3-09
90. Letter to the Editor, “Afghanistan ‘win’ never described,” Arizona Daily Star, 9-12-09
91. Letter to the Editor, “Reduce US footprint in Afghanistan,” Arizona Daily Star, 11-3-09
92. Letter to the Editor, “Clean Election Law is Necessary,” Arizona Daily Star, 12-22-09
93. Letter to the Editor, “Cut back wishes or raise taxes,” Arizona Daily Star, 3-2-10
94. Letter to the Editor, “State cuts lead to rising tuition costs,” Arizona Daily Star, 3-5-10
95. Textbook: “Masterpieces of Medieval Literature: The Human Quest,” Sookmyung International Summer School 2010, Seoul, S-Korea.
96. Letter to the Editor, “Story keeps alive misinformation,” Arizona Daily Star 8-23-10
97. Letter to the Editor, “47 spineless Democrats,” Arizona Daily Star 10-6-10
98. Letter to the Editor,” Don’t toss good money after bad,” Arizona Daily Star 10-30-10
99. Letter to the Editor, “Spineless politicians left and right,” Arizona Daily Star 12-15-10
100. Letter to the Editor, “Legislature taking state to hellish future,” Arizona Daily Star 3-21-11
101. Letter to the Editor, “Our meaningless wars must be stopped,” Arizona Daily Star 8-21-11
102. Letter to the Editor, “Immigration issue and the price of food,” Arizona Daily Star, 10-27-11
103. Letter to the Editor, “Our military machine operates for its own sake,” Arizona Daily Star, 1-12-12
104. Letter to the Editor, “If students are armed, faculty should be, too,” Arizona Daily Star, 1-8-12.
105. Letter to the Editor, “What’s the justification for war in Afghanistan?,” Arizona Daily Star, 5-6-12
106. Letter to the Editor, “Social issues cloak actual political agendas,” Arizona Daily Star, 8-26-12.
107. Letter to the Editor, “Move US resources to help Syrian people,” Arizona Daily Star, 10-12-12
108. Letter to the Editor, “Compromise is lacking in ‘fiscal cliff’,” Arizona Daily Star, 1-3-13
109. Letter to the Editor, “Waste of two wars merited front-page,” Arizona Daily Star, 3-10-13
110. Letter to the Editor, “Abandoning cursive would be disastrous,” Arizona Daily Star, 4-18-13
111. Letter to the editor, “Iraq seems a lost cause because of the GOP,” Arizona Daily Star 7-31-13
112. Translation of article by Prof. Yoshiki Koda (Keijo University, Tokyo, Japan), “Dream, Magic, Lunacy: The Charismatic Element of Women in the Japanese Literature of the Middle Age” from German into English
113. Letter to the editor, “Red ink will drown country if unchecked,” Arizona Daily Star 9-27-13
114. Letter to the editor, “NSA’s broad spying must be halted,” Arizona Daily Star 10-29-13
115. Letter to the editor, “With Obama, that was then, this is now,” Arizona Daily Star 12-14-13
116. Letter to the editor, “Facebook posts are not serious journalism,” Arizona Daily Star 3-4-14
117. Letter to the editor, “Poorly conceived bills waste tax dollars,” Arizona Daily Star 4-23-14
118. “In Memory of Prof. Jens Wollesen (d. April 22, 2013),” Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 9-11.
119. Letter to the editor, “Blunt tools seldom work in matters of statecraft,” Arizona Daily Star 8-30-14
120. “Grußworte an das Zentrum für Populäre Kultur und Musik,” Oct. 5, 2014,
121. Letter to the editor, “Incredibly, Republicans fight school meal rules,” Arizona Daily Star 12-11-14
122. “Proud to Be an American,” Letter to American Way. American Airlines Jan. 2015
123. “Nahaufnahme – ‘Die Frau wurde idealisiert’: Eines Tages fingen die Menschen an, über die Liebe zu dichten, zu schreiben und zu sprechen. Warum? Fragen an den Mediävisten Albrecht Classen,” Spiegel Geschichte 1 (2015): 24-25.
124. Letter to the editor, “Columnist had it right: Jihadists want US invasion,” Arizona Daily Star 3-3-15
125. Letter to the editor, “Ducey should look up the word ‘hypocrisy’,” Arizona Daily Star 4-13-15
126. Letter to the editor, “Look to Minnesota for better role model,” Arizona Daily Star 5-18-15
127. Letter to the editor, “Play More (B) Ball,” American Way Magazine June 2015;
128. “Iran deal is good for US,” Arizona Daily Star 8-7-15
129. “Goal and Purposes of the Journal Humanities Open Access—An
Introduction by the Editor-in-Chief,” doi:10.3390/h4030319
130. Letter to the editor, “No way to win if US fights in Syria,” Arizona Daily Star 11-14-15
131. Letter to the editor, “Disregard Trump,” Hawaii Herald Tribune, 12-12-2016
132. Letter to the editor, “Price for Afghan war continues to add up,” Arizona Daily Star 2-7-16
133. Letter to the editor, “Trump, Clintons make a great team,” Arizona Daily Star 3-7-16
134. “Paralympics show up IOC in doping scandal,” Arizona Daily Star 8-11-16
135. “Let’s just cancel the November election,” Arizona Daily Star 9-22-16
136. “Insurance Companies, Obamacare,” Arizona Daily Star 10-27-16
137. Letter to the editor, “Insist on paper trail for every vote,” Arizona Daily Star 12-3-16
138. Letter to the editor, “Re.:”Ducey signs law allowing those with no formal training to teach,” Arizona Daily Star (5-3-17)…
139. “Ugly memories of our history,” Arizona Daily Star 8-22-17;…
140. “Teacher tuition waiver is not the answer,” Arizona Daily Star 10-1-17
141. “Sen. Flake has flaked out,” Arizona Daily Star 10-25-17 (online), 11-1-17 (print)
142. “Ducey is wrong on anonymous campaign donations,” Arizona Daily Star 12-1-17 (online) “…, in print 12-4-17
143. “Make America Great Again?,” Arizona Daily Star 12-27-17 (online):…
144. “Doing our part to make life better,” Arizona Daily Star 1-1-18
145. “Professors are purveyors of objective thinking, not fake news,” Arizona Daily Star 1-11-18 (…)
146. Letter to the editor, “More logic and rationality in dealing with our history, please!,” Arizona Daily Star, 1-23-18…
147. Letter to the editor, “No more democracy, but battle for absolute leadership,” Arizona Daily Star 2-12-18; online already on 2-5-18, at:…
148. Letter to the editor, “Stop wasting resources in Afghanistan,” Arizona Daily Star 3-17-18; online 3-13-18;…
149. Letter to the editor,“EPA to ease emissions standards,” Arizona Daily Star 4-5-18…
150. Letter to the editor, “Another quagmire in Syria,” Arizona Daily Star 4-19-18; online at:…
151. Letter to the editor, “President Trump acts as an abusive parent,” Arizona Daily Star 8-20-18; online at:…
152. “Trade bullying hurts us now, long-term,” guest opinion in the Arizona Daily Star 9-16-2018; also online at:…
153. Letter to the editor, “News black-out,” Arizona Daily Star 10-5-2018, online at:…
154. Letter to the editor, “Widening of Grant fails to satisfy,” Arizona Daily Star, 10-27-18, online under the title “Hurray to Grant Road widening,” 10-22-18, at…
155. Letter to the editor, “Why is Saudi Arabia not held to account [sic]?”, Arizona Daily Star 11-27-18; online as “Macchiavellianism or simply financial indebtedness?,”…
156. Letter to the editor, “UA football’s ‘deplorably low’ salaries,” Arizona Daily Star 12-7-18; online at:…
157. Letter to the editor, “Don’t build the wall,” Hawaii Tribune Herald, 12-30-18
158. Letter to the editor, “My hopes for 2019,” Arizona Daily Star, 1-1-19
159. Letter to the editor, “A bully wants his wall,” Arizona Daily Star, 1-9-19;…
160. Letter to the editor, “Failure of leadership,” Arizona Daily Star, 1-17-19;… (1-16-19)
161. Letter to the editor, “Lack of discrimination on letters page,” Arizona Daily Star, 2-7-19;…
162. Letter to the editor, “Trump runs counter to our values,” Arizona Daily Star (online, 2-18-19;…; print: 2-20-19
163. Letter to the editor, “Border, Crisis, and Emergency Legislation,” Arizona Daily Star, 3-12-19 (online, 3-13-19:…
164. Letter to the editor, “Medieval fable is pertinent today,” Arizona Daily Star, 4-10-19.
165. Letter to the editor, “Medical sciences and Trumpology,” Arizona Daily Star, 5-4-19;…
166. Letter to the editor, “Voodoo economics all over again,” Arizona Daily Star, 5-27-19;…
167. “Albrecht Classen hat einen Band zu Reisen und Raum und Zeit im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit herausgegeben,” (Aug. 9, 2019).
168. Letter to the editor, “No transparency, no ethics,” Arizona Daily Star, 9-5-19;…
169. Letter to the editor, “Can religion be used to justify hypocrisy?,” Arizona Daily Star 9-19-19
170. Guest opinion, “There is more to focus on besides impeaching Trump,” Arizona Daily Star, 10-1-19;…
171. Letter to the editor, “Justice, not hatred, drives impeachment,” Arizona Daily Star, 12-11-19
172. “Political Agreement: Our country is not really that much divided,”… (Dec. 12, 2019)
173. 202. “What is this quid pro quo?,” (Dec. 14, 2019)
174. Letter to the editor, “Fairy Tales” (reg. the protests against the TMT on Mauna Kea), Hawaii Herald Tribune (12-19-19),…
175 Letter to the editor, “Trump and the big picture,” Hawaii Herald Tribune (1-1-20),…
176. Letter to the editor, “McSally’s recent actions are a sign of desperation,” Arizona Daily Star 1-19-20;…
177. Letter to the editor, “McSally, other senators chose loyalty over facts,” Arizona Daily Star, Feb. 9, 2020,…
178. Letter to the editor, “US is at fault for latest Mideast crisis,” Arizona Daily Star, March 10, 2020:…
177. Letter to the editor, “King Trump,” Arizona Daily Star, April 17, 2020:…
178. Letter to the editor, “Like it or not, rebel flag is part of our history,” Arizona Daily Star, April 19, 2020:…
179. Letter to the editor, “Trump proves himself to be poor, unfit leader,” Arizona Daily Star, April 20, 2020 “…
180. Letter to the editor, “Tax record concealment is the act of a scoundrel,” Arizona Daily Star, May 29, 2020, A5;…;
181. Guest opinion, “Despite Trump, Germany still a key ally,” Arizona Daily Star, June 18, 2020;…
182. Letter to the editor, “Trump is either lying, ignorant of ‘Bountygate’,” Arizona Daily Star, July 13, 2020, A5
183. Letter to the editor, “Reg. ‘Trump hits back at Dems (8-22-2020)’,” Arizona Daily Star, Aug. 27, 2020,…
184. “Socialism vs. capitalism in the USA – Hypocrisy galore,”…, Sept. 2, 2020
185. Letter to the editor, “Honor the American Military, please!,” Arizona Daily Star, Sept. 15, 2020;…
186. Letter to the editor, “Communication 101,” Arizona Daily Star, Oct. 3, 2020; online at:…
187. “What White People Think,” Blog online, my own text, produced by Kathleen Drier:… (Oct. 15, 2020)
188. Letter to the editor, “Hearing on the new Supreme Court nominee – a travesty,” Arizona Daily Star, Oct. 27, 2020;…
189. “Why German Studies Today?,” Multicultural Germany Project, ed. Kumars Salehi, University of Berkeley, blogsite, (Oct. 30, 2020).
190. Letter to the editor, “McSally is being a sore loser,” Arizona Daily Star, Nov. 14, 2020;…
191. Letter to the editor, “Republicans are playing with fascist fire,” Arizona Daily Star, Dec. 5, 2020, A 15;…
192. Letter to the editor, “The colonization of Reid Park,” Arizona Daily Star, Dec. 15, 2020;…
193. “Book in Focus: The Fables of Ulrich Bonerius (ca. 1350): Masterwork of Late Medieval Didactic Literature,” Blog, Cambridge Scholars Press; online at:…
194. Letter to the editor, “Cloak of Religion,” Hawaii Herald Tribune, Dec. 23, 2020.
195. “Loss of Dignity,” Elephant Journal, Jan. 4, 2021;
196. Letter to the editor, “Biden pardon Trump? Are you kidding us?,” Arizona Daily Star, Jan. 19, 2021;…;
197. “Elections rigged? You betcha!, Elephant Journal, Jan. 21, 2021
198. Letter to the editor, “City is abandoning residents on zoo issue,” Arizona Daily Star, Feb. 11, 2021;…
199. Letter to the editor, “Reject all attempts to curb voting rights,” Arizona Daily Star, March 3, 2021;…
200. Editorial for the Special Issue “Transdisciplinarity in the Humanities,” March 10, 2021;…
201. “Universal Wisdom in Medieval Fable Literature,” Medieval History and Literature, blogsite,…, March 11, 2021
202. Personal comments about Fritz Häber, The Complete Diary: 16 Months in an American POW Camp,” (last accessed on March 16, 2021)
203. Letter to the editor, “Troglodytes are with us now!,” Arizona Daily Star, March 24, 2021;…
204. “Special Issue ‘Transdisciplinarity in the Humanities’,”… (April 2021)
205. Letter to the editor, “Abortion bill, just a technicality?,” Arizona Daily Star, April 8, 2021;…
206. “(Viet)Afghanistan – and no end in sight?,”… (April 25, 2021)
207. “Withdrawal from Afghanistan is long overdue,” guest opinion, Arizona Daily Star, April 26, 2021;…
208. Letter to the editor, “Enemy of the people,” Hawaii Tribune Herald, June 23, 2021; online at:…
209. Letter to the editor, “Welcome, plutocracy!,” Arizona Daily Star, July 2, 2021;…
210. Letter to the editor, “Gov. Ducey’s miserable tax-cut plan,” Arizona Daily Star, July 11, 2021;…
211. Letter to the editor, “Hidden profiteers of the Afghanistan war,” Arizona Daily Star, Aug. 18, 2021; online at:…
212. Letter to the editor, “Shifting Narratives reg. Afghanistan,” Arizona Daily Star, Sept. 1, 2021; online at:…
213. Guest opinion, “Absolute freedom a recipe for anarch” (print version), or: “Personal responsibility, freedom, and democracy” (online version), Arizona Daily Star, Sept. 6, 2021;…
214. “Covid-19 and Religious Exemption – An Absurdity,” Elephant Journal, 10-5-21, online at:…
215. “The Pied Piper of Hamelin – A Contemporary American Version,” Elephant Journal, 10-16-21, online at:…
216. Letter to the editor, “Republican War Against AZ School System,” Arizona Daily Star, 10-16, 2021; online at:…
217. “Communication and Love – A Practical and Theoretical Guide from the Past,” Elephant Journal, 10-18-2021, online at:…
218. “No more friendly political confrontations: It’s a deadly war,” Elephant Journal, 10-28-2021, online at:…
219. Letter to the editor, “Reg. Jan. 6 panel subpoenas 6 more Trump associates,” Arizona Daily Star, Nov. 18, 2021,…
220. Translation of the lyrics for Latínimo, musical CD by Carlos Zapién,, Nov. 2021
221. Letter to the editor, “Danger of Nuclear Fusion,” Arizona Daily Star, Nov. 20, 2021.
222. “Abortion 2021: The End of Some Liberties, and the End of Rationality,” Elephant Journal, Dec. 4, 2021;…
223. Letter to the editor, “Gov. spying on teachers and exposing students,” Arizona Daily Star, Dec. 10, 2021; online at:…
224. Interviewed by The Medieval Herald 45, “Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature,” Oct., discussion of my book; online at:…
225. Letter to the editor, “GOP machinations,” Hawaii Tribune-Herald, Dec. 21, 2021;…
226. Letter to the editor, “Highly convoluted,” Hawaii Tribune-Herald, Jan. 6, 2022 (against an editorial by George Will).
227. Letter to the editor, “Ariz. Legislature rightly reined in,” Arizona Daily Star, Jan. 10, 2022;…
228. Guest opinion, “Sinema must go,” Hawaii Tribune-Herald, Jan. 27, 2022; online at:…
229. “State legislators micro-manage and politicize school curricula,” Elephant Journal Feb. 11, 2022, online at:…; or:…
230. Letter to the editor, “Banning school books that depict sex,” Arizona Daily Star, Feb. 16, 2022; online at:…
231. Letter to the editor, “The Faustian deal with Putin,” Arizona Daily Star, March 10, 2022; online at:…
232. Letter to the editor, “Evil Incarnate,” Hawaii Tribune-Herald, March 20, 2022; online at:…
233. “Gas price gouging and Gov. Ducey,” Arizona Daily Star, March 22, 2022; online at:…
1. The Role and Function of Women in the Stricker’s Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal,” Die deutsche Frau als Dichterin und Protagonistin im Mittelalter, ed. A. Classen. GAG 528. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1991, pp. 87-103; rpt. in: Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, ed. Jelena Krstović, Vol. 75 (Detroit, et al.: Thomson, 2005), 364-72.
2. Meister Eckhart’s Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century,” Mystics Quarterly 29.1-2 (March-June 2003): p6-23. Rpt. in Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism. Ed. Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 80. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Word Count: 7017. From Literature Resource Center.
3. “Hartmann von Aue’s Erec,” The Power of a Woman’s Voice in Medieval and Early Modern Literatures: New Approaches to German and European Women Writers and to Violence against Women in Premodern Times (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2007), 80-9, in: Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, Vol. 131, ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau (Detroit, et al.: Gale, 2011), 199-204.
4. “Matriarchy versus Patriarchy: The Role of the Irish Queen Isolde in Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan,” Neophilologus 73, no 1 (Jan 1989): 77-89 Rpt. In Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism. Ed. Jelena Krstovic. Vol. 96. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, 2008
5. “Objects of Memory as Hermeneutic Media in Medieval German Literature: Hartmann von Aue’s Gregorius, Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival, Thüring von Ringoltingen’s Melusine, and Fortunatus.” Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 65 (2009): 159-82, rpt. in: Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, Vol. 131, ed. Nick Oustreau (Detroit, et al.: Gale, 2011), 204-15.
6. “Heinrich von Veldeke,” German Literature of the High Middle Ages. Ed. Will Hasty (Rochester: Camden, 2006), 23-35, in: Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, Vol. 132, ed. Deva Kemmis Hicks (Detroit, et al.: Gale, 2011), 121-27.
7. “The Literary Puzzle of Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône Seen from a Postmodern Perspective.” Michigan Germanic Studies 24.2 (1998): 111-28, in: Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, Vol. 133, ed. Graeme Dunphy (Detroit, et al.: Gale, 2011), 187-95.
8. Late-Medieval German Women’s Poetry: Secular and Religious Songs (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2011)
9. “Philippe Ariès and the Consequences: History of Childhood, Family Relations, and Personal Emotions: Where do we stand today?,” Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: The Results of a Paradigm Shift in the History of Mentality, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005), 1-65, translated into Russian, in:‘Vsja istorija napolnena detstvom [All History is Full of Childhood]’: Nasledie Ph.Aries’a i novye podkhody k istorii detstva [Ph. Aries’s Heritage and New Approaches to the History of Childhood], ed. Vitaly Bezrogov, Galina Makarevich, and Mariya Tendryakova (Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities Press, 2012), as “Philipp Aries i ego posledovateli. Istoriya detstva, semejnye otnosheniya i emotsionalnaya zhisn. Gde my nakhodimsya segonya?” 164-231.
ARTICLES in Journals, CHAPTERS IN BOOKS, and in Digital Sites, accepted for publication:
“Moderne Kunst in Tucson und im südlichen Arizona,” to appear in: Hungarian Art Journal. (this never happened)
“Die höfische Dame,” to appear in: Pax et Gaudium (publication ceased to exist)
“Zimmern, Werner Wilhelm und Froben Christoph.” Killy Literarturlexikon, ed. Kühlmann, Achim Aurnhammer, et al. 2nd completely revised (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, forthcoming; later dropped as a result of miscommunication).
“Frauenbriefe im Mittelalter als Fenster auf eine heftig umstrittene literarische Welt: Heloise und Katharina von Siena als exemplarische Fälle,” Handbuch der Briefliteratur, ed. Jochen Strobel (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, forthcoming).
“Bestiality in the West: Geraldus of Wales’s Sexual Fantasies about the Irish Borderlands
A Medieval Colonialist’s Worldview,” to appear in Animal Husbandry: Bestiality in Medieval Culture, ed. Jacqueline Stuhmiller (Leiden and Boston: Brill)
“Das Phänomen der Martenehe in kontinentaleuropäischer, walisischer, bretonischer und anglonormannischer Literatur des Mittelalters,” to appear in vol., ed. by Christa Tuczay Thomas Ballhausen (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann).
“Friendship in Medieval and Early Modern Literature and Thought,” to appear in Handbook of Moral Psychology in History, ed. Simo Knuuttila and Virpi H. Mäkinen.
“Toleration as a Subject for World Education? Past and Present Perspectives for Students the World Over Based on Literary-Historical Material,” to appear in Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
“Reisende Frauen im Mittelalter. Literarische Reflexionen europaweit, historisch belegte Reisende (Margery Kempe) und Reiseberichte für Frauen (Felix Fabri)” to appear in Mediaevistik.
“The Theater Stage in Sixteenth-Century German Plays: The Case of Hans Sachs,” to appear in Staging and Stage Décor in Early Modern Theater, ed. Barbara Mujica.
“The Horrors of War in the History of German Literature: From Heinrich Wittenwiler and Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen to Rainer Maria Remarque. Literary Outcries against Inhumanity from the Fifteenth to the Twentieth Centuries,” to appear in Athens Journal of Philology
“The Poetic Word the World Over: Literature and the Environment, also a Foreword, to appear in vol. ed. by Tanmoy Kundu.
“The Topic of Persia in Medieval Literary Imagination, with a Focus on Middle High German Literature,” to appear in Ceræ: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
“Visual Representation of Old Age in Medieval and Early Modern Religious Art,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), ed. Constance M. Furey, Joel LeMon, Brian Matz, Thomas Römer, et al. (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter)
“Nibelungenlied and Christianity,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), ed. Constance M. Furey, Joel LeMon, Brian Matz, Thomas Römer, et al. (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter)
“Soundscapes in Medieval German Literature,” to appear in A Companion to Sound Studies in German-Speaking Cultures, ed. Rolf Goebel (Rochester, NY: Camden House)
“Teaching Kudrun – A Heroic Epic which Goes its Own Ways: The Action of a Female Protagonist to End Male Violence, and so much more,” to appear in Teaching World Epics, ed. Jo Ann Cavallo (New York: MLA).
“Courtly Love, Beauty, and Hygiene in Medieval European Literary Narratives.
Aesthetics and Well-Being in the Pre-Modern World,” to appear in A Cultural History of Beauty, gen. ed. Paul R. Deslandes. Vol. 2: The Middle Ages, ed. Sarah A. Miller.
“German Courtly Romance,” to appear in Medieval Courtly Romance, ed. Bonnie Krueger (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
“Management of Stress Through Philosophical Reflections: Teachings by Boethius (d. 524) for Our Modern Life,” to appear in Conatus – Journal of Philosophy (end of 2022)
“Literature Is Us and We are Literature: Global and Universal Perspective,” to appear in
Journal of Language, Literature and Culture of the Dept. of English, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India.
“Globale Narrative in der Spätantike und im Mittelalter: Von den Arabischen Nächten (1001 Nächte) bis zum Buch der Sieben Weisen Meister,” to appear in Kairoer Germanistische Studien
“Alcohol, Drunkenness, and Excess – Consumption and Transgression in Medieval Literature,” to appear in Neophilologus; 10.1007/s11061-022-09729-6
“Johann von Würzburg,” “Herrad von Hohenburg,” “Eilhart von Oberg,” to appear in Routledge Medieval Encylopedia Online
“Laughter in Early Medieval Literature: Beowulf and the Dramas by Hrotsvit of Gandersheim
The Human Dimension Behind the Heroic Struggle and Christian Martyrdom” to appear in Vox medii aevi (Moscow).
“Neid und Hass auf den anderen: Universale Probleme in höfischen Romanen und Verserzählungen des deutschen Mittelalters. Gottfried von Strassburg, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Der Stricker und Heinrich Kaufringer,” to appear in Menschen als Hassobjekte
Interdisziplinäre Verhandlungen eines destruktiven Phänomens, ed. Arletta Szmorhun and Paweł Zimniak (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht).
“Medieval Everyday Life Reflected Through the Lens of a Dominican Author: Thomas of Cantimpré’s Book of Bees as a Source of Cultural, Legal, Social, and Material History,” to appear in Mediaevistik
“Women as Arbiters and Legal Defenders in Middle High German Verse Narratives: With a Focus on Ritter Alexander and Kaiser Lucius’ Tochter,” to appear in Sankalp Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
“Early Encounters with Buddhism: Some Medieval European Travelogue Authors Offer First Insights into a Foreign Religion. Explorations of an Unchartered Territory,” to appear in The East Asian Journal of Philosophy, special issue, Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West, ed. Laura Langone.
“Self-Control, Rationality, Ethics, and Mutual Respect: A Dominican Poet Addresses His Audience and Calls Them to Reason. Ulrich Bonerius’s The Gemstone (1350),” to appear in Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur / Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 47 (2022): 1-26.
“The Defense of the Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: Communication in the Literary Laboratory. With a Focus on the Verse Narratives by Heinrich Kaufringer,” to appear in New Literaria
“The Changing Destiny of King Arthur in Medieval Romances and Verse Narratives,” to appear in Monarchy in Literature and Media, ed. Nizar Zouidi
“The Ambras Heldenbuch – A Major Compilation of Medieval Poetry for Posterity. Habsburg Efforts at Historicizing via Literature. Austrian Literature avant la lettre?,” to appear in Athens Journal of Philology
“Communication and Social Interactions in the Late Middle Ages: The Fables by the Swiss-German Dominican Ulrich Bonerius,” to appear in Quidditas
“Magie als Verschleierung und Enthüllung der Welt zugleich: Optionen und Gefahren von Zauber in deutscher und französischer Literatur des späten Mittelalters. Geheimwissen, das gelüftet werden will, wenn es denn gelesen werden kann,” Magisches Buch – magischer Spruch – magische Wissenskulturen von der Antike bis zur Moderne, ed. Marco Frenschkowski and Thomas Ballhausen.
“Badekultur im Spätmittelalter: Balneologische Erotik und Hygiene im Lied, Bild und im Schwank. Von Heinrich Kaufringer und Oswald von Wolkenstein hin zu Till Eulenspiegel und Liederbüchern,” to appear in Thomas Schipperges…
“The Continuation of the Middle Ages in the Early Modern Print Period. With an Emphasis on Melusine and Till Eulenspiegel” to appear in Publishing Research Quarterly
“Exploration and Discovery of the Self in the Twelfth Century: Spanish/Latin and Middle High German Perspectives. Petrus Alfonsi’s Dialogus contra Iudaeos and Hartmann von Aue’s Klagebüchlein,” to appear in Arcadia
“The Collapse of the Royal Court: The Literary Testimony of Huon de Bordeaux,” to appear in
Global Journal of Arts Humanity and Social Sciences. [GJAHSS] [ISSN: 2583-2034].
“The Kiss in Medieval Literature: Erotic Communication, with an Emphasis on Roman de Silence,” to appear in International Journal of History and Cultural Studies
ARTICLES considered for publication:
“Ein Barocklyriker im Deutschunterricht – are you kidding me? Angelus Silesius als intellektuell und spirituell produktive Herausforderung für Deutschlernende auch und gerade im 21. Jahrhundert,” considered by German as a Foreign Language
“Ein vergessenes literarisches Juwel: Werner Bergengruens ‘Der Strom’ als Schlüsselwerk eines zu Unrecht vernachlässigten Schriftstellers: Modern-metaphorisches Erzählen im mittelalterlichen Gewand,” considered by Orbis Litterarum
“The Emergence of Rationality in the Icelandic Sagas: The Colossal Misunderstanding of the Viking Lore in Contemporary Popular Culture,” considered by Alexander van Nahl, ed. Special Issue for Humanities
“The Sacred and the Profane in German Courtly Romances and Late Medieval Verse Narratives: With an Emphasis on Ulrich Bonerius and Heinrich Kaufringer,” considered by Dafna Nissim for her planned volume Negotiating Secular and Sacred in Medieval Art and Literature: Christian, Islamic, and Buddhist. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture (Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, submitted)
“Travelers Visit and Stay in Cities: Late Medieval Literary Perspectives. With an Emphasis on Rudolf von Ems and Heinrich Kaufringer,” considered by Medieval History Journal
“The Arabic World in Medieval German Literature – Some Provocative Sketches,” considered by Jalal abd Alghani, ed., Festschrift for Late Prof. George J. Kanazi
“The Medieval Hero and Anti-Hero in One and the Same Person: Huon de Bordeaux.
Deconstructive Perspective on Medieval Literature,” considered by Neohelicon
“Exploration of Rationality: The Stricker’s Contributions to the Intellectual Revolution in the Thirteenth Century,” considered by Arthuriana
“Teaching Medieval Literature and Culture in Modern-Day Universities: Challenges and Opportunities from Past to Present. With a Focus on Roman de Silence and Mauritius von Craûn,” considered by Research Journal of Education,; oOnline ISSN: 2413-0540
1. Die Stellung des Althochdeutschen in der Westdeutschen Germanistik,” together with Dr. Berta Raposo, Conferencia de Germanistas en Valencia, Spain, June 1983
2. “Margareta von Schwangau: Epistolary Literature in the Late Middle Ages,” XIth Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association, October 1985, Chattanooga, TN
3. “Giannozzo Sacchetti’s poem Mentr’ io d’amor pensava as a source of Oswald von Wolkenstein’s Greifensteinlied Kl 85,” 21st International Conference of Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, May 1986
4. “Keie in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival: Agent Provocateur or Braggart,” XIIth Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association, October 1986, Athens, GA. Also at the German Department, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ, December 1986
5. “German Martial Verse in the l5th Century,” German Department, Duke University, NC, January 1987
6. “‘Wahrheit ist das wertvollste aller Güter und soll gehandhabt werden mit Sparsamkeit und Zurückhaltung’ – eine Einführung in das literarische Werk André Kaminskis und literarische Analyse seiner Erzählungen,” German Department, U of VA, Charlottesville, VA, March 1987
7. “Onomatopoesis: Playful Lyrical Elements in Late l4th and l5th Century Poetry: Jehan Vaillant, Niccolò Soldanieri and Oswald von Wolkenstein,” 40th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 1987
8. “Courtly Language Versus the Dialect. Oswald von Wolkenstein’s Reception of a Poem by Raimbaut de Vaqueiras,” 22nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1987
9. Participant at the Round Table Symposium: “Medieval Epics in Modern Intonation,” 22nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1987
10. “Autobiography as a Late Medieval Literary Phenomenon,” 13th Annual Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Boone, NC, September 1987
11. “Royal Women in Middle High German Romances,” 12th International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies (PMR), Villanova, PA, October 1987
12. “A Representation of Reality in the Lyric Poetry of Oswald von Wolkenstein and in North Italian Fresco Art of the l4th and l5th Centuries,” 57th Annual Convention of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, November 1987, Atlanta, GA
13. “Hugo von Montfort – a Reader of the Roman de la Rosel,” Graduate Program in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, UA, February 1988
14. “Matriarchy versus Patriarchy: The Role of Queen Isolde in Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan,” Annual Meeting of the Medieval Association the Pacific, Tucson, AZ, March 1988
15. “Emperor Sigismund’s Visit to England in 1416: Its Observation and Reflexions on it in Contemporary English Chronicles,” 6th Citadel Conference on Literature. The Poetry, Drama, and Prose of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages, Charleston, SC, March 1988
16. “Women in Medieval Poetry: Their Role and Appearance,” Teaching the Middle Ages Conference, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN, March 1988
17. Respondent at “An Urban Context: Medieval and Modern Cities. A Symposium,” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Phoenix, AZ, March 1988
18. “Ulrich von Etzenbach’s Wilhelm von Wenden – a Frauenroman?,” 41st Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 1988
19. “From Nonnenbuch to Epistolarity: Elsbeth Stagel as a Late Medieval Woman Writer,” 23rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1988
20. “Die Mittelalter-Rezeption im Werk Robert Musils,” Institut für Germanistik, University of Graz, Austria, June 1988
21. “Oswald von Wolkenstein and Antonio Pucci: Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung des autobiographischen Bildes,” Institut für Germanistik, Universities of Graz and Salzburg, Austria, June 1988
22. “The Autobiographical Lyric Poetry of Thomas Hoccleve” Fourteenth Annual Southeastern Medieval Association Conference, Richmond, VA, October 1988
23. “The Emerging Ideal of Marriage in Late Medieval Verse: Oswald von Wolkenstein, Thomas Hoccleve, Michel Beheim,” Graduate Program in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory and the University of Arizona Medieval and Renaissaince Center, UA, October 1988
24. “A Late Medieval Lyric Autobiographer: Michel Beheim,” 103rd Convention of the Modern Languages Association of America, Washington, D.C., December 1988
25. “Female Epistolary Literature: A Status Report about Recent Research Results,” Graduate Program in Comparative Literature & Literary Theory, UAZ, Tucson, AZ, February 1989
26. The Poetic Voice of Hans Rosenplüt: Self-Reflection in Late Medieval German Verse,” Annual Convention of the Medieval Association of the Pacific Conference, Los Angeles, CA, March 1989
27. “Love and Marriage in Late Medieval Literature,” Dept. of German, U of CA at Riverside, April 1989
28. “Herzog Ernst in the Light of Contemporary Middle High German Courtly Poetry, Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountains Medieval and Renaissance Association, Grand Canyon, AZ, April 1989
29. “Andreas Capellanus’ De Amore as a Source for Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Titurel,” 24th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May, 1989
30. “Misogyny and the Battle of Genders in the Stricker’s Maeren,” 15th Annual South Eastern Medieval Association Conference, (SEMA) Houston, TX, October 1989
31. “German Reformation Pamphlets by Women: New Discoveries,” University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Studies Committee (UAMARRC), Tucson, AZ, October 1989
32. “Woman Poet and Reformer: The 16th-Century Feminist Argula von Grumbach,” 104th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C., December 1989
33. “Medieval Travel into an Exotic Orient. The Spielmannsepos Herzog Ernst as a Travel into the Medieval Subconsciousness,” International Courtly Literature Society Meeting at the 104th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C., December 1989
34. “Liebesehe und Ehelieder in der Lyrik Oswalds von Wolkenstein,” scheduled for presentation at the Fifth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Salerno, Italy, July 1989, cancelled by author, instead presented at the Dept of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Illinois, Urbana/ Champaign, January 1990
35. “Oswald von Wolkenstein as a Reader of 11th and 12th-Century Cleric Critics of Court Life,” Spring 1990 Conference of the Medieval Academy of America and the Annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, Vancouver, B.C., April 1990
36. “The Role of Women in the Stricker’s Daniel von dem blühenden Tal,” 43rd Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 1990
37. “Matriarchal Structures and the Apocalypse of Matriarchy in the Nibelungenlied,” 25th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1990
38. “Oswald von Wolkenstein und der Lyriker Leonardo Giustiniani,” The Fifteenth Century. International Congress, Perpignan, France, July 1990
39. “Rezeption und Ecriture: Eine neue Betrachtung von Wolframs von Eschenbach Titurel,” Institut für deutsche Philologie, Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany, July 1990
40. “Utopie und Logos: Lesen, Verstehen und das Wort im Mittelalter,” Institut für deutsche Philologie, Universität Gießen, Germany, July 1990
41. “The Role of Women in the German Literature of the Late Middle Ages,” German Department, Gainesville, U of FL, September 1990
42. “Johannes von Saaz’ Der Ackermann aus Böhmen – a Medieval or Renaissance Text?,” scheduled for presentation at the conference “European Renaissance: National Traditions”, Glasgow, Great Britain, August 1990, cancelled by author, instead read at the 16th Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Raleigh, NC, September 1990
43. “Frauen der frühen Reformationszeit: Neue Textfunde und deren Interpretation.” Workshop “Die Frau in der Renaissance”, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Wolfenbüttel, Germany, October 15-17, 1990 (on the invitation of the Director of the Library)
44. “The Defeat of the Matriarch: Brünhild in the Nibelungenlied: Some Thoughts on Matriarchy as Evinced in Literary Texts,” (revised and expanded version of previous paper), Dept. of Women Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson, November 1990
45. “The Suffering and Suppressed Woman in 15th-Century German Literature: The Case of Pontus und Sidonia,” Graduate Program of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, UA, Tucson, November 1990
46. Report on the “Internationaler Arbeitskreis für Renaissanceforschung,” Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, and its 1990 meeting “Die Frau in der Renaissance,” Dept. of German, UA, Tucson, November 1990
47. “Dreams, Nightmares and Dreaming in Middle High German Literature,” 106h Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, Dec. 1990
48. “Die labyrinthische Struktur des Nibelungenlieds. Intertextuelle und thematische Überlegungen im Licht moderner Literaturtheorie,” Conference “La chanson des Nibelungen hier et aujourd’hui,” Centre d’Etudes médiévales. Université de Picardie, Amiens, France, January, 1991
49. “Implications of Feminist Theory on the Study of Medieval German Literature,” Annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, Davis, CA, March, 1991
50. “The Encounter with the Other World: André Kaminski’s Search for the Jewish Past in Germany,” Symposium on Germanic Languages and Literatures: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Views of the Other — Minorities within the Setting of Germanic Languages and Cultures, Columbus, OH, March 1991
51. “Women in the Life and Theology of Martin Luther,” University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Studies, Tucson, AZ, March 1991
52. “Realistic Descriptions in Konrad von Würzburg’s Turnier von Nantes,” 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1991
53. “Die neuen/alten Leiden des König Marke: Tragik oder Laster?,” 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1991
54. “Gynokratie und die Ehebeziehungen im 15. Jahrhundert: Der Fall Melusine von Thüring von Ringoltingen,” Univ. of Frankfurt, Germany, May, 1991, Univ. of Würzburg, Germany, and University of Vienna, Austria, June 1991
55. “Das Hessische Weihnachtsspiel: ein Dokument der spätmittelalterlichen/ frühneuzeitlichen Mentalitätsgeschichte,” Institut für deutsche Philologie, Universität Marburg a.d.L., Germany, May 1991
56. “Thomas Hoccleves Selbstrepräsentation als Dichter,” Univ. of Mainz, Germany, May, 1991
57. “Der unfreiwillig komische Held Wigamur. Strukturelle und thematische Untersuchungen zu einem spätmittelalterlichen Artus-Roman,” Universität Wien, Austria, June, 1991
58. “Probleme der Spielmannsepik,” Universität Salzburg, Austria, June, 1991
59. “Das autobiographische Element in der Lyrik Hugos von Montfort,” Universität Salzburg, Austria, June 1991
60. “Die deutsche Literatur des Spätmittelalters/der Renaissance. Neuentdeckung zweier vergessener Jahrhunderte,” Deutsche Sommerschule Taos, University of New Mexico, Taos, July 1991
61. “The Emergence of the Idea of Tolerance: Studies of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Willehalm, Johann von Würzburg’s Willhelm von Österreich, and Ulrich von Etzenbach’s Wilhelm von Wenden, presented at the XIV Annual Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Birmingham, AL, September 1991
62. “What Happened to Courtly Love? The Role of Love in Late Medieval German Literature, with Emphasis on the Volksbuch,” presented at The Fourth Annual Virginia Medieval Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, November 1991
63. “The Role of Women in the Middle Ages: Past Models for the Present,” presented at P.E.O. – Chapter AG (Secret Women Society), Yuma, AZ, December 1991
64. “The Heathen World in the Volksbuch Wilhelm von Österreich: An Anthropological Revision of the Crusade Epic,” presented at the 107th Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, CA, December, 1991
65. “The Voice from the Kitchen: The Poems by the König vom Odenwald,” presented at the “International Courtly Literature Society” (ICLS), at the 107th Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, CA, December, 1991
66. “Krisenstimmung am Hof: Das Spiel mit Erotik und Minne im Morîz von Craûn,” presented at the Department of German Languages and Literatures, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, January 1992
67. “The Middle Ages and its Relationship with Our Time,” Department of Foreign Languages, Arizona State University, Tempe, January 1992
68. “The World of a Late Medieval Merchant Traveller: Mental-Historical Observations to the 15th-Century Volksbuch Fortunatus,” Medieval Association of the Pacific Annual Meeting, University of California, Irvine, CA, February 1992
69. “Love and Marriage in Late Medieval German Lyric Poetry and Prose Literature,” Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Las Cruces, NM, April 1992
70. “Die Wahrnehmung Amerikas im “Volksbuch” Wagnerbuch. Literarische Entdeckungsreise und Kritik am Völkermord,” Conference Mondes Nouveaux, Nouveaux Mondes au Moyen Age, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Centre d’Etudes Médiévales, Amiens, France, April 1992
71. “The German Chap Book–a Literary Genre between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age,” Dept. of German, UA, Tucson, April 1992
72. “War Gottfrieds von Straβburg Tristan eine Quelle für den `Morîz von Craûn’?,” 27th International Congress on Medieval Studies. May 7-10, 1992. The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
73. “Der komische Held Till Eulenspiegel: Didaxe, Unterhaltung, Kritik,” Fachbereich 09 – Germanistik, University of Gieβen, Germany, June 1992
74. “Kommunikation im Mittelalter. Eine Theorie zur mittelhochdeutschen Literatur,” Fachbereich Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, University of Osnabrück, and Deutsches Seminar der Universität Tübingen, Germany, June 1992
75. “Autobiographischer Diskurs als Selbstreflexion in Prosatexten des Spätmittelalters. Marco Polo, Kaiser Karl IV. und Petrarca,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, Austria, June 1992
76. “Metapoetischer Diskurs als autobiographischer Reflex: Europäische Lyrik im Spätmittelalter,” Fachbereich 3, Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaften, University of Essen, Germany, June 1992
77. “Die Welt eines spätmittelalterlichen Kaufmannsreisenden. Ein mentalitätsgeschichtliches Dokument der deutschen Frühneuzeit: Fortunatus,” Fachbereich 10: Neuere Philologien, Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II, Universität Frankfurt, Germany, June 1992
78. “Wolframs von Eschenbach Titurel-Fragmente und Johanns von Würzburg Wilhelm von Österreich: Höhepunkte der höfischen Minnerede,” Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Universität München, Germany, June 1992
79. “Realismus und realistische Vergleiche in Konrads von Würzburg Novelle “Das Turnier von Nantes,” Institut für Deutsche Philologie der Universität Würzburg, Germany, June 1992
80. “Marginalized but not so Marginal Women Contributors to German Literature from the Middle Ages through Baroque,” Department of Foreign Languages, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, Sept. 1992
81. “Ulrich Schmidel in the Brazilian and Paraguayan Jungle: A Sixteenth-Century Travel Account,” Sixteenth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 1992
82. Commentator of a session “Frauenalltag in der frühen Neuzeit,” Sixteenth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 1992
83. “The Perception of America in Early Modern German Literature: From Sebastian Brant to Lohenstein,” Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Ogden, Utah, Oct. 1992
84. “Elisabeth Charlotte von der Pfalz, Herzogin von Orléans. Epistolare Selbstbekenntnisse und literarisches Riesenunternehmen,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Knoxville, TS, November 1992
85. “Sexuality in the Middle Ages,” Department of Art, University of Arizona, Tucson, December 1992
86. “The European Reception of Fortunatus–Germany’s Contribution to Early Modern World Literature,” 108th Convention of the Modern Language Association, New York, December 1992
87. “Schweigen und Reden in Hartmanns von Aue Erec,” Congrès international: Erec, ou l’ouverture du monde arthurien, Centre d’Etudes Médiévales de l’Université de Picardie, Amiens, France, January 1993
88. “The Autobiographical Discourse in Medieval German Lyric Poetry,” Department of Foreign Languages, Boston University, January 1993
89. “Individual – Language – Institution: Communication as Problem in Medieval German Texts,” Fourth Friday, UA Faculty Discussion Group, Tucson, April 1993
90. “Family Life in Late Medieval German Literature,” Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Flagstaff, AZ, April 1993
91. “Why do their Words Fail? Communicative Strategies in the Hildebrandslied,” 28th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1993
92. “Begegnung mit der Fremde: Mentalitätsgeschichtlicher Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit,” Theologische Fakultät, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Schweizer Geschichte, Universität Luzern, June 1993
93. “Liebe und Ehe in der Literatur des deutschen Spätmittelalters: der Fall von Thürings von Ringoltingen Melusine,” Historisches Seminar, Universität Basel, June 1993
94. “Kommunikative Strategien in Gottfrieds von Straßburg Tristan,” Deutsches Seminar, Universität Bern, June 1993
95. “Das Studienfach Mediävistik in den USA,” Institut für Germanistik, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, June 1993
96. “Sexualität in der Literatur des europäischen Spätmittelalters. Ein Beitrag zur Elias-Duerr Kontroverse,” Institut für Germanistik an der Universität Wien, June 1993; repeated at Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, June 1993
97. “Mentalität und Alltagsgeschichte des Mittelalters. Das Zeugnis der deutschen Literaturgeschichte,” Two-Hour Interview with Österreichischer Rundfunk, Salzburg, Austria, June 1993
98. “Die Rezeption des deutschen Volksbuchs Fortunatus in England: Thomas Dekkers Old Fortunatus,” Institut für Anglistik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, June 1993
99. “’nû dar swer tiuschen wîben ie gespraeche baz!’ (L. 58, 35): Walther von der Vogelweide im kommunikativen Selbstbehauptungsprozess,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, June 1993
100. “’Suesser red mocht er engelten’: Linguistic Manipulation of Human Existence in Heinrich Wittenwiler’s Ring,” Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, New Orleans, LA, September 1993
101.”Women’s Voices in Literary Love Discourse. From Sappho to Christa Wolf,” Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Denver, CO, October 1993
102. “Tragische Frauengestalten in mittelhochdeutschen Romanen,” 65th Annual Meeting of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, GA, November 1993
103. “Der vertrackte, widerspenstige Held Till Eulenspiegel: Sexualität, der Körper,
Transgression,” 109th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Toronto, Ontario, December 1993
104. “The Encounter with the Other: Monsters, Dragons, Dwarfs, and Other Creatures in Late-Medieval Courtly Romances,” 109th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Toronto, Ontario, December 1993
105. “They were not all bad: Georg Christian Lehms: Defense of Women,” Faculty of
Humanities, University of Arizona, Tucson, February 1994
106. “Dialogics and Loss of Identity: Linguistic Community and Self-Destructive Individuation in Wernher the Gartenaere Meier Helmbrecht,” 28th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, Seattle, WA, March 1994
107. “Spiritual and Existential Meanings of the Written Word: Strategies of Reading in
Hartmann von Aue’s Gregorius as a Key to a Meaningful Human Existence,” XVth International Humanitas Congress, Tempe, AZ, March 1994
108. “Kreative Rezeption von Parzival und Tristan: Wilhelm Schäfers ‘Anckemanns Tristan’,” 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 1994
109. “Discovery of Love in the Middle Ages,” 1994 Wakonse Arizona Conference on Teaching, Camp Tontozona, Arizona, May 1994
110. “Minnesang als Spiel. Sinnkonstitution auf dem Schachbrett der Liebe,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Kiel, Kiel, June 1994
111. “Seinskonstitution im Leseakt: Adolf Muschgs Der rote Ritter als Antwort auf eine
mittelalterliche These,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, June 1994
112. “’Dialogizität’ und Verlust der Identität: Linguistische Gemeinschaft und selbstzerstörerische Individualisierung in Wernhers des Gartenaere Helmbrecht,” Departement de l’Allemagne, Université de Picardie, Amiens, June 1994
113. “El Poema de Mío Cid and Oswald von Wolkenstein,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 1994
114. “El Poema de Mío Cid – at the Crossroad of Reality and Fiction,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 1994
115. “Feminismus im Mittelalter, Frauen in der Kultur des 9.-16. Jahrhunderts,” Department of European Languages, University of Hawaii at Manoa, September 1994
116. “The Relevance of the Middle Ages – the Utopia of the Past? Feminist and Cultural Explorations of Early European History and Literature,” Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Maryland, College Park, Sept. 1994
117. “Andreas Capellanus aus kommunikationstheoretischer Sicht,” Institut für Mittellateinische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Oct. 1994
118. “Oswalds von Wolkenstein Beziehung zu Italien – eine These im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Greifswald, Oct. 1994
119. “Margery Kempe: Reisende in corpore – Reisende in spiritu. Die Mystikerin als peregrina,” Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Innsbruck, Oct. 1994
120. “Marco Polos Il Milione/Le Divisement du Monde: der Mythos des Ostens,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, Oct. 1994
121. “Morîz von Craûn – ein mittelalterlicher Zeuge für die postmoderne Diskussion zum prozessualen Charakter von Literatur,” Fachbereich Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, Universität Osnabrück, Oct. 1994
122. “Die neue und die alte Welt: Mediävistik in den USA heute,” Institut für Altertumskunde der Universität Köln. Mittellateinische Abteilung, Oct. 1994
123. “Tristant als Mönch aus neuer Sicht,” Dept. of German Languages and Literatures, University of Virginia, Oct. 1994
124. “Deutsche Lyrik im Mittelalter,” Department of European Languages, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Nov. 1994
125/126. “The History of the European Economic Community,” and: “Present and Future of the European Union,” Dept. of Social Sciences, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Nov. 1994
127. “The Jüngere Hildebrandslied in Its Early Modern Printed Versions: A Contribution to Late-Medieval Reception History,” 110th Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Diego, CA, Dec. 1994
128. “Women in the Middle Ages,” Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, Jan. 1995
129. “Reenactment of Chivalry: The Chapbook’s Revivalism,” Reinventing the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Constructions of the Medieval and Early Modern Periods, First Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, AZ, Febr. 1995
130. “Die Fremde vertreten durch die Fremden: André Kaminskis Afrikaberichte,” Dept. of German Studies, UAZ, Tucson, Febr. 1995
131. “Diu Klage – A Modern Text from the Middle Ages?,” Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, Berkeley, CA, March 1995
131. “Why is Germany the Country it is Today? An In-depth Look at the Culture and Economy of Germany in the 1990s,” German-American Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, AZ, March 1995
132. “Everyday Life and the Divine: History of Mentality applied to the Churer
Weltgerichtsspiel of 1517,” International Symposium on Swiss Literature, Logan, Utah, April 1995; a German version presented at the Institut für Germanistik, University of Frankfurt, Germany, June 1995.
133. “Große fremde Welt: Afrika literarisch verarbeitet. Dem Lachen zum trotz, wir verstehen uns nicht. André Kaminskis Die Gärten des Mulay Abdallah, International Symposium on Swiss Literature, Logan, Utah, April 1995.
134. “Modern Scholarship versus the Medieval Scribe: Who is Right? The Case of Diu Klage,” Meeting of the University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Committee, April.
135. “von erfarung aller land”–Sebastian Brant’s Narrenschiff. A Document of Social, Intellectual, and Mental History,” 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1995.
136. “Revitalisierung des Rittertums. Nostalgie als literarische Strategie in den Volksbüchern,” Institut für Volkskunde, University of Innsbruck, Austria, June 1995.
137. “Modernität des Mittelalters? Zu Walther von der Vogelweide, Gottfried von Straßburg und Freidank,” Institut für Germanistik, University of Salzburg, Austria, June 1995.
138. “Multilingualism in Late-Medieval Poetry. A Case Study with Poetological Implications,” Fifteenth Century Studies. International Congress, Castle Kaprun/Salzburg, Austria, July 1995 (plenary talk, invited).
139. “Das Fragment als literarische Strategie: R. Musil, Th. Mann, H. Hesse, M. Ende,”
Deutsches Seminar, University of Basel, Switzerland, July 1995.
140. “Innovation und Tradition: Des Strickers Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal, Institut für Germanistik, University of Erlangen, Germany, July 1995.
141. “Irritationsobjekt ‘Volksbuch’. Eine Textgattung im historischen Wandlungsprozeß einer akademischen Disziplin,” IXth World Congress of the International Association of Germanists (IVG), Vancouver, B.C., August 1995.
142. “Proverbs, Incantations, Prayers: Anthropological Approaches to Learning German,” Twelfth Annual Foreign/Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, Univ. of Arizona, Sept. 1995.
143. “The Middle Ages: An Multidisciplinary and Multimedia Approach,” Mohave Community College, Kingman, AZ, September 1995.
144. “Why does Parzival not Speak? Wolfram’s Concept of a Communicative Community,” Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Charleston, S.C., Oct. 1995.
145. “Anti-War Poetry in Classical Greek and Medieval German Heroic Literature,” Forty-Ninth Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, W.A., Oct. 1995.
146. “Trauer müssen sie tragen: Postklassische Ästehtik des 13. Jahrhunderts in der Klage, Forty-Ninth Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, W.A., Oct. 1995.
147. “History and Culture of Germany: The March into the Twenty-First Century,” Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Nov. 1995 (two hour multi-media presentation).
148. “Poetry Reading – Modern German Poetry by Albrecht Classen,” 29th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 1995
149. “Inventing the Middle Ages as Recreation: The Testimony of the Chapbooks,” 111th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, IL, Dec. 1995
150. “Popular Culture Versus Elite Culture in the Late Middle Ages. The Survival of Medieval Literature in “Liederbücher,” The Future of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. 2nd Annual Conference of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe, Febr. 1996.
151. “The Book and Reading in Medieval German Literature,” Thirtieth Anniversary Meeting of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, San Diego, CA, March 1996.
152. “Eighteenth-Century German Voices in America: German Jesuit Missionaries’ Accounts,” The Atlantic Bridge, Symposium, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, March 1996 (invited).
153. “The Atlantic Bridge: Reflections and Results of a Symposium,” The Atlantic Bridge, Symposium, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, March 1996 (invited).
154. “Spain and Germany in the Middle Ages: A Territory of Unexplored Literary, Cultural, Political, and Military Contacts, Exchanges, and Receptions,” The Lion & the Eagle. An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Spanisch-German Relations, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, April 1996 (invited keynote address [only one]).
155. “Binary Oppositions of Self and God in Mechthild von Magdeburg’s Mystical Visions,” 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1996.
156. “The Good Monsters in the Orient. Confrontation with the Other as an Anthropological Exploration,” 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1996.
157. “Frühe Aufzeichnungen über den Südwesten der Vereinigten Staaten – lateinische und andere,” Mittellateinische Abteilung, Universität Köln, Germany, May 1996.
158. “Frauen in den Volksbüchern des 15. Jahrhunderts. Beispiele für einen sozialhistorischen Paradigmawechsel,” Text im Kontext: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur 1450-1620, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, May/June 1996.
159. “Reiseberichte von Jesuiten aus Arizona im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert,” Institut für Germanistik, Karl-Franzens-Universität-Graz, Austria, June 1996.
160. “Ignaz Pfefferkorn Berichtet: Anthropologische, historische und literarische Aspekte der deutsch-jesuitischen Mission im Südwesten der heutigen USA,” Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien, Austria, June 1996.
161. “Begegnung in der Fremde und in uns: Mittelalterliche Perspektiven,” Institut für Anglistik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria, June 1996.
162. “Der Gral als kommunikative Herausforderung,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, Austria, June 1996.
163. “Multikulturalismus im Mittelalter: vom ‘Herzog Ernst’ zum ‘Narrenschiff’, Institut für Germanistik, Universität Bern, Switzerland, June 1996.
164. “Die Konfrontation mit dem ‘Fremden’ als anthropologische Erfahrung im Mittelalter,” Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany, July 1996.
165. “Medieval Manuscript Evidence Versus Modern (Mis)Interpretation: The Klage,” Third International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Great Britain, July 1996.
166. “Trauer müssen sie tragen: Postklassische Ästhetik des 13. Jahrhunderts in der Klage,” Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Ältere Literatur, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br., Germany, July 1996.
167. “Volkskultur versus “gehobene” Kultur in Liederbüchern des Spätmittelalters und
der Frühneuzeit. Der Fall von Jörg Dürnhofers Liederbuch von ca. 1515,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Saarbrücken, Germany, July 1996.
168. “Revision der Heldendichtung durch den Klagedichter. Gefühlserforschung im Mittelalter,” Institut für Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, July 1996.
169. “Autobiographische Diskurse als Identitätsexperimente in der Literatur des Spätmittelalters,” Akademie Friesach: Ich- Ulrich von Liechtenstein, Friesach, Austria, Sept. 1996.
170. “The Book and Magic of Reading: Wolfram von Eschenbach and Geoffrey Chaucer,” Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Waco, TX, Oct. 1996.
171. “Music as a Cultural Bridge to the Foreign: Pedagogical Ideas for a Class in Literature and a Class in Language, from a Medievalist’s Perspective,” 30th Annual Meeting of the ACTFL, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 1996.
172. “Teaching of Foreign Languages, Literature, Research, and Administration: Challenges of the 21st Century,” Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of North Texas, Denton, Febr. 1997.
173. “‘Ach Gott, wem soll ichs klagen’: Women’s Erotic Poetry in Sixteenth-Century German Song Books,” Crossing Boundaries. Third Annual ACRS Conference, Tempe, AZ, Febr. 1997.
174. “A Jewish Woman song in a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Song-Book: A Contribution to German-Jewish Literature,” Third Annual Conference of the Western Jewish Studies Association: Women in Jewish Life and Culture, Tucson, AZ, April 1997.
175. “The Ultimate Challenge of Language in German Mystical Discourses: How do you say the Ineffable?,” 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May
176. “Spätmittelalterliche und moderne Tagelieder, neue Traditionsstränge,” Institut für Germanistik, Bergische University, Wuppertal, Germany, June 1997.
177. “Liederbücher des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts aus germanistischer, volkskundlicher und mentalitätsgeschichtlicher Sicht,” Deutsches Volksliedarchiv, University of Freiburg, Germany, June 1997.
178. “Das mhd. Tagelied in seiner frühneuzeitlichen Weiterentwicklung,” Deutsches Seminar, University of Freiburg, Germany, June 1997.
179. “Augustinus und Boethius, zwei große Philosophen des Mittelalters,” Institut für Germanistik, University of Salzburg, Austria, June 1997.
180. “Deutsch-Jüdische Beziehungen im hohen und späten Mittelalter,” Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, University of Frankfurt, Germany, June 1997.
181. “Die politische und kulturelle Situation in den USA heute,” Institut für Politische Wissenschaft, University of Greifswald, Germany, June 1997.
182. “Moderne Frauenforschung. Zur Literatur des Mittelalters aus amerikanischer Sicht,” Institut für Deutsche Philologie, University of Greifswald, Germany, June 1997.
183. Participant: Discussion Forum: “Über die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Texteditionen,” Mittelalterzentrum Greifswald, Germany, June 1997.
184. “What Could the Burgundians Have Done?: Breakdown of the Communicative Community in the Nibelungenlied,” Fourth International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, England, July 1997.
185. “The Pursuit of Happiness in the Middle Ages: Marie de France and Hartmann von Aue,” Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Nashville, TN, September 1997.
186. “The Saracen Princess in Medieval German Literature: Wolfram von Eschenbach,” Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Denver, CO, Oct. 1997.
187. “The Contributions of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century German Jesuit Missionaries to the History of German Literature,” Contribution of German Missionaries to the Development of Arizona-Sonora Borderlands, Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, Nov. 1997.
188. “German Medieval Studies as a Paradigm for German Studies,” 31st Annual Meeting of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Nashville, TN, Nov. 1997.
189. “Ernst Robert Curtius and the Topos of the Book. The Impact of an Idea on Current Philological Research,” 113th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Toronto, Dec. 1997.
190. “The Songbook by Ottilia Fenchlerin. The Tip of the Iceberg or a New Beginning of Women’s Poetic Literature in Sixteenth-Century Germany?,” 113th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Toronto, Dec. 1997.
191. “Desperate Lovers, Suicidal and Murderous: Early Modern Dawn Songs and Ballads,” 113th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Toronto, Dec. 1997.
192. “The Bloody Battle Poems as Negative Examples: The Argument Against Blood Feud and Images of Peaceful Political Negotiations in German Heroic Poetry,” Fourth Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Tempe, Febr. 1998.
193. “Dichterlesung: eigene Werke,” invitation by Prof. Lisa Kahn, Houston, Texas, April 1998.
194. “Kultureller und religiöser Austausch zwischen dem christlichen Europa und dem buddhistischen Indien: Rudolfs von Ems Barlaam und Josaphat,” 51st Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 1998.
195. “Spain in Medieval German Travel Accounts,” 33rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1998.
196. “Frauen im Spannungsfeld Volkslied: Sammlerinnen, Dichterinnen, Protagonistinnen,” Seminar für Volkskunde, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, May 1998.
197. “Die Jesuiten in Amerika – ein Borsumer war dabei,” Heimatverein “Borsumer Kaspel”, Borsum, Germany, May 1998.
198. “Amish und Mennoniten: deutsche religiöse Minderheiten in den USA,” Hermann-Lietz-Schule, Hohenwehrda, Germany, May 1998.
199. “Gedichte-Lesung, Hermann-Lietz-Schule, Hohenwehrda, Germany, May 1998.
200. “Geistliche Frauenliteratur des späten Mittelalters und Liederbücher,” Institut für Germanistik, University of Bern, Switzerland, June 1998.
201. “Rom in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters: ‘Mai und Beaflor’,” Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany, June 1998.
201. “Die weibliche Stimme im frühneuzeitlichen Volkslied. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Frauenliteratur,” Deutsches Volksliedarchiv, Freiburg i. Br., Germany, June 1998.
202. “Frauen im deutschen und europäischen Mittelalter,” Goethe-Institut, Freiburg i.Br., Germany, June 1998.
202. “Fremdbegegnung im 15. Jahrhundert. Poetische Reaktionen,” Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany, June 1998.
203. “Diu Klage – ein neu übersetzter und neuentdeckter Text des deutschen Mittelalters: Übersetzungsprobleme,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, Austria, June 1998.
204. “Sexuality in the Middle Ages – a Comparative Approach,” Institut für Anglistik, Franz-Leopold-Universität Innsbruck, Austria, June 1998.
205. “Krieg und Frieden als Thema der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany, July 1998.
205. “Frauen melden sich zu Wort: Das Phänomen Mystik aus feministischer Sicht,” Universität Bremen, Germany, July 1998.
206. “Der politische Prozeß in den USA,” Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany, July 1998.
207. “What do they mean for us today? Medieval Literature at the End of the 20th Century. Boethius, John of Salisbury, John Mandeville, Christine de Pisan,” Ninth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of British Columbua, Vancouver, Aug. 1998.
208. “Writing a History of German Women’s Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present: Problems and New Approaches,” Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 1998.
209. “Dismemberment, Rape, Murder, and Forceful Silencing: Violence in Late-Medieval Socialization of Sexuality,” Fifty-Second Annual Convention, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 1998.
210. “The Emergence of Modern Drama out of Late-Medieval Shrovetide Plays: The Case of “Das Leben der heyligen Frawen Susanna,” Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting, Southeastern Medieval Association, Decatur, GA, Oct. 1998.
211. “Deutsch-Amerikanische Dichterlesung – eigene Texte,” 32nd Annual Meeting of the ACTFL/AATG, Chicago, Nov. 1998
212. “Gabrielle Alioth: Mittelalterliche Stoffe und Themen im modernen literarischen Diskurs,” 32nd Annual Meeting of the ACTFL/AATG, Chicago, Nov. 1998.
213. “Book Reviews Online: New Scholarly Endeavors,” 114th Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, Dec. 1998.
214. “Die ‘Querelle des femmes” im 16. Jahrhundert im Kontext des theologischen Gelehrtenstreits. Die literarischen Beiträge von Argula von Grumbach und Anna Ovena Hoyers,” 114th Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, Dec. 1998.
215. “The Emerging Role of Money in Late-Medieval Literature with Special Emphasis on German Courtly Poetry and Popular Songs,” Fifth Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Feb. 1999.
216. “Die menschliche Sprache – Kommunikation, Funktion, Bedeutung,” Universitat de València, Departament de Filologia Anglesa I Alemanya, Feb. 1999.
217. “La busqueda de la utopia en el mundo del Graal. El ‘Jüngere Titurel’ de Albrecht von Scharfenberg,” Parzival. Reescritura y Transformación, Universitat de València, Spain, Febr. 1999.
218. “Love ‘in Extremis’: The Problem of Suicide in Middle High German Courtly Romances,” The Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin, April 1999.
219. “The Amazing East and the Curious Reader: World Exploration Through a Writer’s Mind: Lamprecht’s Alexander,” 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1999.
220. “The Meeting of the Foreign and the Foreigners in Medieval German Literature,” Germanisztikai Intézet, Kossuth-Lajos-University, Debrecen, Hungary, May 1999.
221. “From the Medieval City to the Modern American Metropolis. Cultural-Historical and Economic-Political Investigations,” Janus Pannonius University, Pécs, Hungary, May 1999.
222. “Hartmann von Aue als Zeuge des Fremden,” Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest, Hungary, June 1999.
223. “Die Begegnung mit dem Tod in Johannes von Tepl Der Ackermann aus Böhmen,” Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest, Hungary, June 1999.
224. “Das Zeitalter der Reformation – “Volks”kultur und “Volks”literatur als unbekannte Größen in der Literaturgeschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts,” Europäisches Institut, Eötvös-Loránd-Universität, Budapest, June 1999.
225. “Das Nachleben des Mittelalters vom Barock bis zur Moderne,” Institut für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Universität Wien, Austria, June 1999.
226. “Aus der Privatsphäre der Literatur. Korrespondierende Frauen des 18. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel der Elisabeth von der Pfalz,” Tagung Geschlechterbild und Frauenrealität im 18. Jahrhundert. Perspektiven österreichischer Forschung, Vienna, Austria, June 1999.
227. “Das Buch als Medium der Erkenntnis im Mittelalter,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, June 1999.
228. “Der Zwerg in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters und in der Frühneuzeit. Anthropologische und ethnologische Studien zur vormodernen deutschen Literatur,” Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Innsbruck, June 1999.
229. “Suicide in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Modern World. Philosophical, Literary, and Historical Perspectives,” Institut für Anglistik, Universität Innsbruck, June 1999.
230. “Motivationsstrukturen für Deutschlehrer: Organisation, Kommunikation, Motivation, Public Relations,” (Motivational Structures for Teachers of German: Organisatzion, Communication, Motivation, Public Relations) Tagung der ungarischen Fachberater für Deutschlehrer, Orságos Kózoktatási Intézet-Pedagógus Tovabbképzési Iroda (State Institute for Adult Education – Office for Teachers’ Education), Veszprém, Hungary, June 1999 (3 hour presentation and workshop).
231. “Rezeptionsgeschichte, Mentalitätsgeschichte, Gender Studies, Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft und Interdisziplinarität – Neue Wege der mediävistischen Germanistik,” A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Történettudományi Intézete, Budapest, July 1999 (Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).
232. “Schüler-Lehrer Beziehungen, Motivierungsstrategien, moderne Medien im Deutschunterricht,” Seminar für junge ungarische Deutschlehrer und Germanistik-Studenten (Seminar for Beginning Teachers of German and Students Majoring in German), Goethe-Institute Budapest, Nyiregyháza, July 1999 (3 hour presentation and workshop).
233. “Foreigners in Konrad von Würzburg’s Partonopier und Meliur,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 1999.
234. “Problematic Sanctity: The Conflict between the World and God in Courtly Society,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 1999.
235. “Exploration of Foreign Spaces and Foreign People: Marco Polo, Fortunatus, Hans Staden, and the Early Modern Apodemic Literature,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 1999.
236. “Lieddichtung und Liederbücher im deutschen Spätmittelalter,” Interdisziplinäres Symposion der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft: Bilanz der Spätmittelalterforschung, Kaprun, Austria, Sept. 1999.
237. “Genre, Lesepublikum, Buchmarkt – die Entwicklung des frühneuhochdeutschen ‘Volksbuchs als polyvalentes Diskursforum. Zur Phänomenologie der spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Literatur,” Textsorten deutscher Prosa vom 12./13. Jahrhundert bis 18. Jahrhundert und ihre Merkmale, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 1999.
238. “Postmodernity of the Middle Ages: the Medieval in the Postmodern World, with particular emphasis on Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône,” Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Atlanta, Oct. 1999.
239. “Laughter Which Resonates Throughout the Ages: Medieval Poets Poking Fun. With Special Emphasis on the Grotesque in Tristan als Mönch, Twenty-Third Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 1999.
240. “Utopias in Premodern German Literature,” Twenty-Third Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 1999.
241. “Late Medieval Bereavement Poems: The Lament and The Plowman,” The 115th Modern Language Annual Convention, Chicago, Dec. 1999.
242. “Women Scribes, Women Printers, Women Editors, and Women Poets in the Late Middle Ages,” The 115th Modern Language Annual Convention, Chicago, Dec. 1999.
243. “Assessment and Formative Feedback in a General Education Class,” Strategies for Success. Assessing and Teaching at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Jan. 2000
244. “Assessment and Formative Feedback on the Various Level of Higher Education. From the Freshman Class (Tier One) to the Graduate Course,” Strategies for Success. Assessing and Teaching at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Jan. 2000
245. “Frauen im Druckgewerbe der frühen Neuzeit,” Festveranstaltung der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, Mainz: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2000, Mainz, Feb. 2000
246. “Rudolf von Ems und die Welt des Orients. Interkulturelle und intertextuelle Studien. Orient und Okzident im Mittelalter,” Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany, Febr. 2000
247. “To Fear or Not to Fear: Ambivalent Attitudes toward Life and the Afterlife with Special Emphasis on Oswald von Wolkenstein (1376/77-1445),” Sixth Annual ACMRS Conference: Fear and Its Representation in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Febr. 2000
248. “The Modernity of the Middle Ages – Past and Present Approaches to a Distant Field,” Graduate Seminar, Comparative Cultural and Literary Studies, UA, Feb. 2000 (2 ½ hour presentation).
249. “Missionarische Bemühungen als Welterforschung. Jesuitische Sichtweisen von der Neuen Welt im nördlichen Mexiko bzw. im heutigen Arizona,” Wolfenbütteler Arbeitskreis für Barockforschung. 10. Jahrestreffen: Artes et scientiae. Repräsentation alter und neuer Sichtweisen von ‘Natur’ in der frühen Neuzeit, Wolfenbüttel, Germany, April 2000
250. “Erhart Groß: ein unbekannt gebliebener aber interessanter deutscher Schriftsteller des 15. Jahrhunderts,” 53rd Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 2000
251. “Entgegen aller Erwartungen: das Lob auf die Ehefrau im Reinfried von Braunschweig,” 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2000
252. “Deutsche Jesuiten im Südwesten der USA – transatlantische Beziehungen bereits im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert,” Universität Hildesheim, June 2000
253. “Neue Forschungen zu den deutschsprachigen Missionaren in Sonora, 17. bis 19. Jahrhundert,” Borsum (near Hildesheim), June 2000
254. “Poetologische Experimente im deutschen Minnesang: der Schweizer Minnesänger Ulrich von Singenberg,” Institut für Germanistik, University of Düsseldorf, June 2000
255. “Hermann Hesse als Mediävist,” Institut für Germanistik, University of Wuppertal, June 2000
256. “Mord, Totschlag, Vergewaltigung, Unterdrückung und Sexualität. Liebe und Gewalt in der Welt von Heinrich Kaufringer,” Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Westfälische-Wilhelms Universität Münster, July 2000
257. “Widows and their Social and Religious Function in Late Medieval Life. Erhart Gross’s ‘Witwenbuch,’ 1446,” 4th International Congress. The Fifteenth Century, Antwerp, July 2000
258. “Memoria and Mourning within the Tristan Tradition, with particular emphasis on Tristan als Mönch, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July 2000
259. “Love for God as the Premise for Love Here on Earth, and Vice Versa. Some Thoughts on Hartmann von Aue’s Der arme Heinrich, Abelard and Heloise, and Hadewijch,” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July 2000
260. “Die Mutter spricht zu ihrer Tochter. Literatursoziologische Betrachtungen zu einem feministischen Thema,” Institut für Germanistik, University of Karlsruhe, July 2000
261. “The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Motivation in Foreign Language Teaching,” Arizona Language Association Annual Conference 2000, Tucson, Sept. 2000 (one hour presentation)
262. “Money Makes the World Go Round: The Testimony of Late Medieval and Early Modern Popular Song Poetry,” Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Houston, TX, Oct. 2000
263. Poetry Reading in English and German – New Creations,” At Lisa Kahn’s House, Houston, TX, Oct. 2000
264. “The Historical Stages of German from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century: Changing Problems of Translation from a Philological and Pedagocal Perspective,” 54th Annual Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Convention, Boise, ID, Oct. 2000
265. “The Reading Hero in the Library of Courtly Romance: Marie de France, Konrad von Würzburg, and Heinrich von dem Türlin,” 70th Annual Convention of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Birmingham, AL, Nov. 2000
266. “Storms, Sea Crossings, and the Transformation of the Protagonist,” 70th Annual Convention of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Birmingham, AL, Nov. 2000
267. “The Future of the Past: The Multiple Use of the Web for Teaching the Middle Ages,” Technology Issues Exchange Day, UoA, Tucson, Dec. 2000
268. “The German Kirchengesangbuch: A Literary Phenomenon of the Sixteenth Century,” The 116th MLA Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., Dec. 2000
269. “Semiotics of Hunt in Medieval Literature,” The 116th MLA Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., Dec. 2000
270. “Gender Studies in Pre-modern Literature,” Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, Jan. 2001
271. “The ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’: The Medieval Convent Seen from an Interdisciplinary Perspective,” Work in Progress. UAMARRC, Univ. of Arizona, Febr. 2001
272. “Sonora – a Web-Based German Textbook Using 18th-Century Jesuit Missionary Reports for German Classes in the Southwest,” Arizona Chapter Meeting of the AATG, Scottsdale, AZ, Febr. 2001
273. “Travel, Orality, and the Literary Discourse: Historical Travels and Literary Travels at the Crossroad of the Oral and the Literary,” Oral History of the Middle Ages. The Spoken Word in Context. Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, Febr. 2001
274. “Germanistik, Deutsche Philologie, and German Studies in the United States. With a Focus on Early Modern Popular Love Poetry,” Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest, Hungary, March 2001
275. “The Treasure House of Wienhausen: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Weaving, Literature, and Music in a Late-Medieval North-German Cistercian Nunnery,” 76th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy, Tempe, AZ 2001
276. “Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages – Were the Relations all that Bad?,” Moses “versus” Christ: Judeo-Christianity in German Literature, University of Alabama at Huntsville, March 2001.
277. “Gender Conflicts, Miscommunication, and Communicative Communities in the Late Middle Ages: The Evidence of Fifteenth-Century German Verse Narratives,” 54th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2001.
278. “The Complex Art World of Ebstorf: Art, Literature, Science, and God,” 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2001.
279. “The Crusader as Lover and Tourist: Utopian Elements in Late Medieval German Literature: From Herzog Ernst to Reinfried von Braunschweig and Fortunatus,” 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2001.
280. “Von Chaucers ‘Canterbury Travels’ bis zu Wickrams ‘Rollwagenbüchlein’: Literarische Spiegel des Alltags im Spätmittelalter. Reisen als Gleichmacher der sozialen Stände,” Textallianzen am Schnittpunkt der germanistischen Disziplinen. Internationale Tagung der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 2001.
281. “Frauen in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühneuzeit,” Deutsches Seminar, Universität Zürich, Switzerland, May 2001.
282. “Herz und Seele in Hartmanns von Aue ‘Der arme Heinrich.’ Der mittelalterliche Dichter als Psychologe?,” Institut für Germanistik, University of Karlsruhe, May 2001.
283. “Witwen in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters – Sozialhistorische und Mentalitätshistorische Betrachtungen,” Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany, May 2001.
284. “Gabrielle Alioth:Mittelalterliche Stoffe und Thmen im modernen literarischen Diskurs,” Deutsches Seminar, University of Basel, Switzerland, May 2001.
285. “Die Entwicklung des Liebesthemas in der deutschen Literatur vom frühen bis zum späten Mittelalter,” Germanistik, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, June 2001.
286. “Frauen in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte – als Thema in Deutsch als Fremdsprache,” Herder Institut, Universität Leipzig, Germany, June 2001.
287. “Die Nibelungenklage: Übersetzungsprobleme und Interpretationsfragen,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, Austria, June 2001.
288. “The Erotic Language of Discourse: the Correspondence between Abelard and Heloise, and the Mystical Revelations of Hadewijch and Margery Kempe,” Institut für Anglistik, Universität Innsbruck, Austria, June 2001.
289. “Kinder im deutschen Volkslied des fünfzehnten und 16. Jahrhunderts,” Archiv für Volksliedkunde, Universität Freiburg, Germany, July 2001.
290. “Dogs as Messengers, Carriers of Text, Protectors, and Drugs in Courtly Life and Literature,” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England, July 2001.
291. “Die Heidin” — A Late-Medieval Experiment in Cultural Rapprochement Between Christians and Saracens,” Between Empires. ‘Orientalism’ before 1600, Trinity College, Cambridge, England, July 2001.
293. “German-Jesuit Travel Accounts and Scientific Reports about Sonora for the German Language-Class, a Web-Based German Textbook,” AZ AATG Meeting, Fall 2001, Chandler, AZ.
294. “Mittelalterliche Erotik und moderne Sexualität in der Welt von König Artus. Adolf Musch gegen Wolfram von Eschenbach oder Psychologie gegen Spiritualität,” Artus-Mythen und Moderne. Aspekte der Rezeption in Literatur, Kunst, Musik und in den Medien, Phantastische Bibliothek, Wetzlar, Sept. 2001.
295. “Use of the Web in the Classroom: German Culture in Arizona,” 18th Annual Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, University of Arizona, Sept. 2001
296. “Voices of the Other: The Influence of Women Writers on Medieval German Literature,” invited talk, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, Oct. 2001
296. Poetry Reading, “Recent Poems,” Fifty-Fifth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 2001
297. “The Role of the Book and of Literature in the 21st Century,” Fifty-Fifth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 2001
298. “Abelard and Heloise’s Love Story from the Perspective of their Son Astrolabe: Luise Rinser’s Novel Abaelards Liebe (1991),” Fifty-Fifth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 2001
299. “Epistemology at the Courts: The Discussion of Love by Andreas Capellanus and Juan Ruiz,” Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 2001
300. “Ein spätmittelalterlicher deutscher Dichter auf Spanienreise: Oswald von Wolkenstein,” Seminario internacional: Paisajes espirituales: El diálogo cultural entre Alemania y Valencia, Valencia, Spain, Nov. 2001
301. “Hartmann von Aue und Walther von der Vogelweide,” Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, Nov. 2001
302. “Artusepik, Minnesang, und Sangspruchdichtung,” Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, Nov. 2001
303. “El papel de la mujer en la historia de la literatura alemana,” Departamento di Filologia Alemana, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 2001
304. “Die Geschichte der deutschen Sprache zur Zeit des Karolingerreichs,” Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, Nov. 2001
305. “Self-Enactment of Late Medieval Chivalry: The Tournament as Performance and Self-Representation in Ulrich von Liechtenstein’s ‘Frauendienst’,” 117th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, New Orleans, Dec. 2001.
306. “Moriz von Craûn: Who is Afraid of Courtly Love?,” Third UAMARRC Symposium: “Little Known but Significant Documents and Issues”, Tucson, AZ, Feb. 2002
307. “Die Suche nach dem Ich in der Gottheit. Mystische Literatur als epistemologisches Phänomen im Spätmittelalter,” Soi-même et l’autre dans la littérature mediévale. Colloque international, Centre d’Etudes Médiévales de l’Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, Amiens, March 2002.
308. “Auf dem Weg in die Zukunft über das Mittelalter in Thomas Manns Zauberberg,” 55th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2002.
309. “The Downfall of a Hero: Siegfried’s Self-Destruction and the End of Heroism,” 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2002
310. “Answers That Lie in the Past: Meister Eckhart’s Mystical Teachings for the 21st Century,” 34th Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Las Vegas, NV, May 2002.
311. “Jewish-Christian Relations in the German Middle Ages. The Exploration of alternative voices? Or: The Deconstruction of Myth or Fact? Literary-Historical Investigations,” German Literature Between Faiths: Jew and Christian at Odds and in Harmony, University of Alabama, Huntsville, June 2002. (Key-Note Presentation)
312. Participant, Round-Table Discussion, “Past, Present, and Future of Judeo-Christian Relations,” German Literature Between Faiths: Jew and Christian at Odds and in Harmony, University of Alabama, Huntsville, June 2002.
313. “Sprachmühlen – Spurensuchen. Reading of Own Poetry,” German Literature Between Faiths: Jew and Christian at Odds and in Harmony, University of Alabama, Huntsville, June 2002.
314. “Mysticism – a Medieval and Timeless Phenomenon,” Department of German Studies, UoA, Ger 379, Religion in German Culture
315. “The Emergence of a New Genre: Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century German Marriage Tracts and Wedding Song,” 4th UAMARRC Work-in-Progress Symposium, UoA, Tucson, Sept. 2002.
316. “New Poems,” Dept. of German Studies, UA, Sept. 2002
317. “Courtly Love and Mysticism in the European Middle Ages,” Love in Religion, Trad. Course, UoA, Sept. 2002.
318. “Violence to Women, Women’s Rights, and their Defenders in Medieval German Literature,” Fall Meeing of the Delaware Valley Medieval Association, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Sept. 2002. (Key-Note Presentation)
319. “Gender Crossing, Spiritual Transgression, and the Erotic Experience of the Divine in Mystical Discourse,” 28th Annual Meeting of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Tallahassee, FL, Sept. 2002.
320. “Women and the Power of Language,” Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, San Diego, Oct. 2002.
321. “Der verkannte Meister als Schlüsselfigur des 16. Jahrhunderts: Hans Sachs im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik,” Fifty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Scottsdale, AZ, Oct. 2002.
322. “Neue Gedichte – Dichterlesung,” Fifty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Scottsdale, AZ, Oct. 2002
323. “German Feminists in the Late Middle Ages: Argula von Grumbach and Anna Ovena Hoyers,” Department of Languages and Literatures,” Arizona State University, Tempe, Oct. 2002
324. “The World of the Turks Described by an Eye-Witness: Georgius de Hungaria’s Dialectical Discourse about the Foreign World,” 1453 to 1699: Cultural Encounters Betwen East and West. University of London, Institute of English Studies, London, Nov. 2002
325. “Love and Fear of the Foreign: Thüring von Ringoltingen’s Melusine (1456),” The 118th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New York, Dec. 2002
326. “Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century German Women Voices: New Discoveries in a Sea of Popular Song Poetry,” 5th Work-In-Progress Symposium, UAMARRC, UA, Jan. 2003
327. “Postmodern Approaches to the Middle Ages: Teaching the Past Using the Web,” Eleventh Anual Teaching and Technology Conference for Arizona Educators,” TUSD, Tucson, Feb. 2003
328. “Lustful Obsessions with the Foreign in the Courtly World: Experimentations with the Obscure, Bizarre, and Grotesque in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône,” Ninth Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference: Multi-Cultural Europe and Cultural Exchange, Tempe, Feb. 2003
329. “German Poetry from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century: Political and Humanistic Aspects,” Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Alabama, Huntsville, March 2003 (invited).
330. “Poetry in the Basic German Language Class,” Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Alabama, Huntsville, March 2003 (invited).
331. “A Taste of Germany. Poetry Reading,” Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Alabama, Huntsville, March 2003 (invited)
332. “Marie de France and Gottfried von Straßburg in Light of Mysticism,” Department of History, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, March 2003 (invited)
333. “Modernity of the Middle Ages in Cultural-Historical Terms,” Department of German Studies, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, March 2003 (invited)
334. “Das deutsche Mittelalter im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert,” Department of German Studies, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, March 2003 (invited)
335. “Violence in the Middle Ages,” Department of History, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, March 2003 (invited)
336. “Methodology and Approaches in Literary Studies for Historians,” Department of History, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, March 2003 (invited)
337. “Discourse on Love, Marriage, and Transgression in Medieval Literature,” Victorian Universities Medieval and Renaissance Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, March 2003 (invited)
338. “Domestic Violence in Medieval German Literature, and Other Modern Concepts for the Interpretation of Medieval Literature,” Dept. of German, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 2003 (invited)
339. “New Poetry: War, Peace, and Love,” Max Kade House, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 2003 (invited)
340. “The Glory of the Medieval Past: Courtly Love, God, and Knighthood in Medieval Manuscripts and Early Prints,” My Heart Does Dance. Love, Marriage, and Transgression in Medieval Times, Exhibition, Special Collections, University of Arizona Library, April 2003.
341. “Die Winsbekin: wahrhaftig eine Dichterin oder eine männliche Projektion” (in English), 56th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 2003.
342. “Love, Marriage, and Sexual Transgressions in Heinrich Kaufringer’s Verse Narratives,” Discourse on Love, Marriage, and Transgression in Medieval and Early-Modern Literature, UA, Tucson, May 2003.
343. “Moriz, Tristan, and Ulrich as the Master Disguise Artists: Deconstruction and Reenactment of Courtliness in Moriz von Craûn, Tristan als Mönch, and Frauendienst, 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2003.
344. “Tristan in seinem europäischen Kontext,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Frankfurt, June 2003.
345. “Chaucer’s Contribution to the Querelle de Mariage in Its European Context,” Institut für Anglistik, Universitat Fribourg, Switzerland, June 2003.
346. “The Medieval Crusades and Their Impact on European Culture,” Institut für Anglistik, Universität Innsbruck, Austria, June 2003.
347. The Struggle against Fear as a Struggle for the Self in Konrad von Würzburg’s
Partonopier und Meliur,” Partonopeus In Europe,” University of Sheffield, UK, July 2003.
348. “The Kyot-Problem: Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival and the Twelfth-Century Jewish Communities in the Provence,” 6th Work-in-Progress Symposium, UAMARRC, Tucson, Sept. 2003.
349. “Late-Medieval Deconstruction of the Cruel Husband: Poets against Male Aggression and Marital Abuse,” Twenty-Sevens Annual Conference, German Studies Association, New Orleans, Sept. 2003
350. “Recent Poems – A Reading,” Fifty-Seventh Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Missoula, MT, Oct. 2003
351. “Women, Wives, and Marriage in the World of Hans Sachs,” Fifty-Seventh Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Missoula, MT, Oct.
352. “Helene Kottanner: The First German Author of Memorial Literature,” 29th Annual Conference of the South Eastern Medieval Association, Fayetteville, AR, Oct. 2003
353. “The Christian Warrior in Muslim Territory: A World of Wonders – Reinfried von Braunschweig as a Tolerant Christian?,” The 118th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, San Diego, Dec. 2003
354. “Gottfried von Strassburg and the Tristan Romance,” First Early Book Lecture Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, Jan. 2004
355. “From Scandal to the Scandalous: From the Fablel to Moriz von Craun,” Tenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Translatio, or the Transmission of Culture, Tempe, Feb. 2004
356. “The Role of Women in the Brother Grimms’ Fairy Tales,” Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Alabama, Huntsville, March 2004 (invited: Distinguished Speaker Series)
357. Podium Discussion: “The Role of Religion in German Literature,” Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Alabama, Huntsville, March 2004
358. Recent Poems, a Reading, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Alabama, Huntsville, March 2004
359. “Politische Aussagen in deutschen Gedichten des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts,” Departamento de Filología Aleman, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, March 2004
360. Workshop: “Probleme des Frühneuhochdeutschen,” Departamento de Filología Aleman, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, March 2004
361. “Women in Medieval Heroic and Courtly Literature,” Departamento de la Literature Ingles y de Norteamericano, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, March 2004
362. “Ciceronian Friendship in Medieval German Literature, with an Emphasis on Konrad von Würzburg’s Engelhard,” 57th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 2004
363. “Philippe Ariès and the Consequences: History of Childhood, Family Relations, and Personal Emotions: Where do we stand today?,” Childhood and Family Relations in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, International Symposium, UA, Tucson, April-May 2004
364. “Mittelalterliche Chronistik und Literatur im Werk von Hans Sachs: Rezeptionshistorische Perspektiven im 16. Jahrhundert,” 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 2004
365. “Female Agency and Power in Medieval Tristan Romances,” 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 2004
366. “Kindheit im Mittelalter. Der Paradigmawechsel kündigt sich an,” Institut für deutsche Sprache, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, June 2004
367. “Das Ende des Mittelalters? Testfall Liederbücher Georg Forsters,” Deutsches Volksliedarchiv, Universität Freiburg, June 2004
368. “The End of an Empire – the Decline of the USA under President George W. Bush,” Dept. of English, Universität Landau, June 2004
369. “Die Kontinuität des Mittelalters in der Predigtliterature – der Fall von Johannes Paulis Predigtmärlein,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Chemnitz, June 2004
370. “Moderne Interpretationen des ´Hildebrandslieds´für den Deutschunterricht,” Herder-Institut, Universität Leipzig, June 2004
371. “Volkslied und Volksbuch: Gattungsexplosion und Gattungsexperimente in der deutschen Literatur des Spätmittelalters,” Institut für Germanistik, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2004
372. “Frauen in der Geschichte der Reformation,” Deutsche Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Hildesheim, June 2004
373. “Nibelungenlied-Rezeption in den USA vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, June 2004
374. “Die jüdische Kultur in der Provence des 12. Jahrhunderts als Quellenbereich für Wolframs von Eschenbach Kyot-Figur,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität München, June 2004
375. “Moderner Sport und mittelalterliche Ethik im Licht der Gesundheitsproblematik der postmodernen Gesellschaft (mit Schwerpunkt auf den USA),” Pressekonferenz, Herzplus, Städtische Sportschule München, June 2004
376. “Königinnen in der mittelhochdeutschen Heldendichtung: Frauen und Macht in Politik und Literatur,” Deutsche Philologie des Mittelalters, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, July 2004
377. and 378. “Poetry Readings (Kino Casablanca and BilderWelten), Berlin, Aug. 2004.
379. “Deutsche Lieddichtung im barocken Schatten: Das Venus-Gärtlein als Bindeglied zwischen spätmittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Lyrik,” Textsorten und Textallianzen, Universität Münster, Germany, Sept. 2004
380. “Die romantischen Volksliedersammlungen und ihre spätmittelalterlichen Quellen,” Fifty-Eight Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Sept./Oct. 2004
381. “Polyglots in Medieval German Literature: Outsiders, Critics, or Revolutionaries? Wernher the Gardener’s Meier Helmbrecht,” Fifty-Eight Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Sept./Oct. 2004
382. “Poetry Reading,” Fifty-Eight Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Sept./Oct. 2004
383. “The Suffering Queen: Mai und Beaflor — A Potential Medieval Bestseller,” 7th Work-in-Progress Symposium, UAMARRC, Tucson, Oct. 2004.
384. “The Fourteenth-Century Verse Novella ‘Das Häslein” – Medieval Eroticism, Social Discourse, and Ethical Criticism,” Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Charleston, SC., Oct. 2004
385. “Bavaria on the Web: Resources for German Teachers,” Arizona AATG Fall Meeting, Tempe, Oct. 2004
386. “Childhood in the Middle Ages: A German Studies Approach,” Department of German Studies, (Colloquia Series), UA, November 2004
387. “The Rediscovery of Hans Sachs as a Powerful Voice in Upper-Division German Literature Classes. With Particular Emphasis on ‘Der farendt schuler im paradeizß’,” The 120th MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Dec. 2004
388. “To Love or not to Love, That is the Question: The Gender Debate and Marriage in the Middle Ages,” Distinguished Lecture Series, College of Humanities, Tucson, Jan. 2005
389. “How to Teach Medieval History, Culture, and Literature Using the Web,” The 13th Annual Teaching and Technology Conference, Tucson Magnet High School, Jan. 2005.
390. “The German Literary Canon and its Historical Construction: With an Emphasis on the Late-Medieval Songbook, the Prose Novel, and Their Reception History,” German Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Jan. 2005
391. “Comic Elements in the German Middle Ages and the Reformation: The Example of Till Eulenspiegel,” German Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Feb. 2005
392. “Werner Rolevinck’s Fasciclum Temporum. The History of a Late-Medieval Bestseller, or: the First Hypertext,” Second Early Book Lecture Series, Special Collections, University of Arizona Library, Feb. 2005
393. “Food as Symbol of Personal Maturity in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival and Contemporary Romances,” Eleventh Annual ACMRS Conference: Feast, Famine, and Fasting: Fod and Material Consumption in Medieval and Renaissance Culture, Tempe, Feb. 2005
394. “The Disrupted Dinner: Interlacing the Heroic with the Courtly, Metaphorized in Kitchens, Dinner Preparations, and Quenched Fires,” Eleventh Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, 2005
395. “The Myth of the Middle Ages: The Rediscovery and Mythologization of the Middle Ages in the 19th and 20th Centuries,” Arizona State University, German Studies, Tempe, 2005
396. “The Hildebrandslied in the German Classroom,” Arizona AATG, Spring Meeting, April 2005, Tucson
397. “New Knowledge, Disturbing and Attractive: The Faustbuch and the Wagnerbuch as Witnesses of the Early-Modern Paradigm Shift,” Frühe Neuzeit Interdisziplinär: Orthodoxies and Diversities in Early Modern German-Speaking Europe, Duke University, Durham, NC, April 2005
398. “The History of Marriage from the Early Middle Ages to the Present,” The University of Arizona Speaker Series 2005, April
399. The Disconnect Between the Academic and the Public: the Case of the Middle Ages,” 3rd Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association, Tucson, April 2005
400. “Love of Discourse and Discourse of Love in Middle High German Minnesang: The Case of the Post-Walther Generation in the Thirteenth Century,” “Words of Love and Love of Words in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” Tucson, AZ, April/May 2005.
401. “The Heroic Tradition in Hans Sachs’s Oeuvre,” 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, May 2005.
402. “Freundschaft, der edelsten Werte einer”. Schiller und die literarhistorische Tradition eines Motivs,”Deutsche Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Hildesheim, June 2005 (invited)
403. “New Poems,” Kino Casablanca, Aphaia Verlag, Berlin, June 2005 (invited)
404. “Schwänke, Mæren, Novelle, Fabliaux und Fazetiae: die Entwicklung eines europäischen Erzähltypus im Spätmittelalter,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Chemnitz, June 2005 (invited)
405. “Liebe, Sexualität und Ehe in der höfischen Dichtung des Mittelalters: Performanz, Ritual, Kommunikation und Ethik,” Institut für deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Literaturkritik and Institut für Anglistik, Universität Innsbruck, June 2005 (invited)
406. “Sport- und Krafttraining im Licht der ritterlichen Ausbildung und kulturellen Selbstidentität,” 9. Bad Uracher Sportärzte Symposium, June 2005 (invited)
407. “Die Stadt als Kristallisationspunkt der Kultur- und Literaturentwicklung im Spätmittelalter,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Karlsruhe, June 2005 (invited)
408. “Das spätmittelalterliche geistige und weltliche Spiel als Ausdruck der Mentalitäts- und Alltagsgeschichte,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, June 2005 (invited)
409. “Das Ehelied als innovative Gattung in der Literatur des späten Mittelalters und der Frühneuzeit,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Freiburg, June 2005 (invited)
410. “Trauergestik und -ritual im mittelhochdeutschen Roman und in der Heldendichtung,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Saarbrücken, June 2005 (invited)
411. “Inzest, Mordanschlag, Fälschung und Matrizid im späten 13. Jahrhundert: der sentimentale Roman Mai und Beaflor,” Institut für deutsche Sprache, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, June 2005 (invited)
412. “Caught on an Island: Geographic and Spiritual Isolation in Medieval Courtly Literature,” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, July 2005
413. “Objects of Memory as Visual Aids in Medieval Literature,” Mellen State-of-the Art Conference in Honor of Mary Carruthers, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Sept. 2005.
414. “German Studies in Light of Medieval and Early Modern Studies,” Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Sept. 2005.
415. “Anna Weckerin: a New Voice in the Canon of Late-Medieval/Early-Modern German Literature,” 8th Work-in-Progress Symposium, UAMARRC, University of Arizona, Sept. 2005
416. “Marriage in Late-Medieval German Passion and Nativity Plays,” Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Milwaukee, WI, Sept./Oct. 2005
417. Commentator, three papers on: “The Political Culture of Court Society III: Rulers and Representation,” Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Milwaukee, WI, Sept./Oct. 2005
418. “‘Women Win the Day’: The Female Heroine in Late-Medieval German Mæren,” “The Rules Are Different Here: Otherness and the Middle Ages,” Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Daytona Beach, FL, Oct. 2005
419. “Myth-Making Process: The Medieval Chastity Belt,” Department of German Studies Colloquium Series, Oct. 2005.
420. “Borders Past and Present: The Model of the Middle Ages in Face of the 21st Century,” 24th Annual Conference of the Western Humanities Alliance, Tucson, AZ, Oct. 2005
421. “Religious Dialogues as Indictors of Religious Tolerance? From Lessing to Jans of Vienna,” Antisemitism in the Middle Ages, Round-Table Panel, UAMARRC, University of Arizona, Nov. 2005
422. “Por que estudiamos el edad media en el siglo XXI?,” Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 2005
423. “Historia de mujeres en el edad media: un discorso,” Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 2005
424. “El Nibelungenlied: Introducción y interpretaciones modernos,” Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 2005
425. “Marie de France et Christine de Pizan: Deux femmes centrales dans la littérature française médiévale,” Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 2005
426. “Wolfram von Eschenbach: Perspectivas biograficas, historicas, y inerpretativas,” Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 2005
427. “Violencia en el mundo medieval: Reflexiones preliminares,” Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 2005
428. “Historia de la recepción de la literatura medievale en los siglos XIX y XX,” Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 2005
429. “Roman Sentimental” in the Middle Ages? Mai und Beaflor as a Literary Reflection of Emotional History,” 121st Convention of the Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C., Dec. 2005.
430. “Editing Medieval German Texts in the Twenty-First Century: Reflections on Recent Practices and Pragmatic Solutions in Light of Mai und Beaflor,” 121st Convention of the Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C., Dec. 2005.
431. “Text and Image: Book and Web,” 14th Annual Teaching and Technology Conference, Pueblo High School, Tucson, Jan. 2006.
432. “Books of Hourse in the Middle Ages,” The Brilliance of the Middle Ages, Third Early Book Lecture Series, The University of Arizona Special Collections, Feb. 2006.
433. “Money, Power, Poverty, and Social Criticism in the Work of Heinrich der Teichner,” Twelfth Annual AMRS Conference: Poverty and Prosperity, the Rich and the Poor in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2006
434. “Gewaltverbrechen als Thema des spätarturischen Romans. Sozialkritisches in Wirnts von Grafenberg Wigalois,” La violencia en la Edad Media. Coloquio Internacional de Estudios Medievales, Universidad de Sevilla, Feb. 2006. (invited)
435. “Thèmes sociales, economiques, militaries, et sociales dans l’œuvre de Christine de Pizan,” El departamento frances, Universidad de Sevilla, Feb. 2006 (invited)
436. “Women in the History of the Early Middle Ages: Queens, Nuns, and Writers,” El departamento ingles, Universidad de Sevilla, Feb. 2006 (invited)
437. “Reading and Deciphering in Apollonius of Tyre and the Historia von den sieben weisen Meistern: Medieval Epistemology within a Literary Context,” 40th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2006.
438. “Communication and Leadership: Medieval Examples for Modern Issues, Illustrated by the Hildebrandslied,” College of Arts and Social Sciences, Utah State University, Logan, March 2006.
439. “Old Age in the World of The Stricker and Other Middle High German Poets: A Neglected Topic,” Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 4th International Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tucson, AZ, April 2006.
440. “He Did not Care What They Thought About His Poetry: Heinrich der Teichner,” 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2006
441. “Das deutsche Tagelied in seinen spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Varianten,” Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, May 2006 (invited)
442. “Die geistlichen Spiele des späten Mittelalters,” Fachbereich Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, June 2006 (invited)
443. “Kindheit im Mittelalter,” Mediävistenvereinigung, Universität Marburg, June 2006 (invited)
444. “Das Problem des Denglish aus der Perspektive des Spätmittelalters: Sprachwandel, Sprachkritik, Sprachkreativität,” Institut für deutsche Sprachgeschichte, Universität Jena, June 2006 (invited)
445. “Alter im Mittelalter: Mentalitätsgeschichtliche Ansätze,” Institut für Geschichte, Universität Kiel, Juni 2006 (invited)
446. “Gewalt gegen Frauen: Literarische Zeugnisse aus dem Mittelalter und der Frühneuzeit,” Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt Universität Berlin, June 2006 (invited)
447. “Walther von der Vogelweide als Kommunikator,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Chemnitz, June 2006 (invited)
448. “Boccaccio in Deutschland: Rezeptionsgeschichte und das Ideal der Freundschaft,” Institut für Mittellateinische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2006 (invited)
449. “Neue Forschungsrichtungen in der Mediävistik,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Leipzig, June 2006 (invited)
450. “Der Liebes- und Ehediskurs vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Frühneuzeit,” Deutsche Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Hildesheim, June 2006 (invited)
451. “Spätmittelalterliche Frauenklöster im deutschsprachigen Raum als Zentren der Literaturproduktion, Kulturvermittlung und Lehre,” Zwischen Herschaft und Kunst: Fürstliche und adlige Frauen im Zeitalter Elisabeths von Lothringen, Gräfin von Nassau-Saarbrücken (14.-16. Jahrhundert), Kolloquium an der Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Sept. 2006 (invited)
452. “Marie de France, Boccaccio, Chaucer, and Sacchetti. But Where Are the The German Contributors? A Literary Treasure-Trove Untapped,” Ninth Work-in-Progress Symposium, UAMARRC, University of Arizona, Tucson, Sept. 2006.
453. “The Never-Ending Middle Ages: Georg Forster’s Sixteenth-Century Song-Books: Poetic Tradition and Innovation,” Thirtieth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Pittsburgh, PA, Sept. 2006.
454. “Multilingual Awareness through Travel: A Global Approach to Foreign Languages,” The Arizona Language Association Fall Conference, Oct. 2006, Tucson
455. “Neither Man nor Woman: Disguises, Gender-Bedning, and Clothing Symbolism in Dietrich von der Gletze’s Der Gürtel,” Sixtieth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2006, Tucson
456. Poetry Reading, “German-American Poets,” Sixtieth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2006, Tucson
457. “Der alte Mensch in den spätmittelalterlichen Mæren. Die Komplexität der Alterserfahrung im Spätmittelalter aus literarhistorischer Sicht,” Alterskulturen des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. 16. Internationaler Kongress, Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, Krems a. d. D., Oct. 2006
458. “Medieval Myths and What They Can Tell About Us,” Department of German Studies, Arizona State University, Nov. 2006
459. “Champagne, or rather ‘Sekt’: the History of a German Alcoholic Beverage,” University of Arizona, College of Humanities, Nov. 2006
460. “The Crux with the Nibelungenlied: Historical Epic or Literary Heroic Poem? History versus Myth,” Epic and History. A Faith and Frederick Sandstrom Conference in Ancient Studies, Brown University, Providence, R.I., Dec. 2006 (invited)
461. “Laughter as the Ultimate Epistemological Vehicle in the Hands of Till Eulenspiegel,” The 122nd Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Dec. 2006
462. “Heinrich der Teichner: Commentator and Critic of the Worlds of the Court,” The 122nd Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Dec. 2006
463. “Werbung im Unterricht: didaktische, methodologische und konzeptionelle Vorschläge,” AZ AATG Spring Meeting, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2007
464. “The Evangeliary of Henry the Lion,” The Early Book Lectures IV, Special Collections, University of Arizona Library, Feb. 2007
465. “Early History of Arizona: The German Jesuits in Pimería Alta,” Casa Grande Public Library, Feb. 2007 (newly developed PPP)
466. “Masculine Women and Female Men: The Gender Debate in Medieval Courtly Literature: With an Emphasis on the Middle High German Verse Narrative “Frauenturnier,” Thirteenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Masculinities and Feminities in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2007
467. “España a través del prisma alemán: perspectivas del Medievo y la primera Modernidad e investigaciones imagológicas,” Congrés alemanya-Espanya: Viatges i viatgers entre ficció i realitat, Valencia, Spain, March 2007
468. “Geschichte der deutschen Literatur verfasst von Frauen von 1800 bis ca. 2000,” Departamiento di Aleman, Universidad de Sevilla, March 2007
469. “Women’s Lives and Women’s Literature in the Early Middle Ages,” Departamiento di Angles, Universidad de Sevilla, March 2007
470. “Literarische Diskurs-Bricolage als literarische Strategie (Textallianz) in spätmittelalterlicher Chronistik: der Fall von Jans’von Enikel ‘Weltchronik’,” Strukturen und Funktionen in Gegenwart und Geschichte, Freie Universität Berlin, March 2007
471. “Transcultural Encounters: German Jesuit Missionaries in the Pimería Alta,” Building Bridges: International Conference on Transcultural German Studies, Tucson, March 2007
472. “Late-Medieval German Priapeic and Voeyristic maeren as a Literary Forum for the Public Discourse of Sexuality,” History of Sexuality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, International Symposium, Tucson, AZ, May 2007
473. “Mysticism in the Middle Ages,” Pima County Public Library, Nanini Branch, Tucson (newly developed PPP), May 2007
474. “Transgression and Laughter, the Scatological and the Epistemological: New Insights into the Pranks of Till Eulenspiegel,” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2007.
475. “Mauritius von Craûn y Der Borte por Dietrich von der Gletze: Los problemas del amor, violencia, matrimonio, y homosexualidad en la literatura alemana basso medio,” Universidad de Valladolid, May 2007 (invited)
476. “Gender Diskurs im spätmittelalterlichen Märe,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Regensburg, June 2007 (invited)
477. “Alte Menschen im Rolandslied des Pfaffen Konrad und in Des Strickers Karl der Große,” Institut für Germanistik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, June 2007 (invited)
478. “Der Mythos vom mittelalterlichen Keuschheitsgürtel,” Institut für Geschichte, Philipps-Universität Marburg, June 2007 (invited)
479. “Die Genres der Enzyklopädien, Glossarien und Wörterbücher im Mittelalter,” Institut für deutsche Sprachgeschichte, Universität Jena, July 2007 (invited)
480. “Der alte Mensch in der Literatur des Mittelalters—Zwischen Verehrung und Verachtung,” Lehrstuhl für Altgermanistik, Germanistisches Institut, Universität Halle, July 2007 (invited)
481. “German Studies und Mediävistik in den USA,” Germanistisches Institut, Universität Halle, July 2007 (invited)
482. “Frauenleben und Frauendichterinnen der Reformationszeit,” Lutherhaus, Wittenberg, July 2007 (invited)
483. Dietrichs Flucht als erratischer Block: Neue Beobachtungen zu einem vernachlässigten Heldenlied des 13. Jahrhunderts aus mentalitäts- und emotionalgeschichtlicher sowie sozialpolitischer Sicht,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Saarbrücken, July 2007 (invited)
484. “Die Stadt als Phänomen in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters – ein Thema auch für die Geschichtswissenschaft,” Institut für Geschichte, Universität, Kiel, July 2007 (invited)
483. “Gewaltverbrechen als Thema des spätarturischen Romans: Sozialkritisches in Wirnts von Grafenberg Wigalois,” Institut für Germanistik, Karlsruhe, July 2007 (invited)
484. “Kritische Aspekte in Gottfrieds von Straßburg Tristan: Tristan oder Isolde als Vorbildsfigur?,” Institut für Germanistik, Karlsruhe, July 2007 (invited)
485. “Venus-Gärtlein: Ein Liederbuch von 1656 als Sammelbecken für das Liedgut des 16. und frühen 17. Jahrhunderts,” Deutsches Volksliedarchiv Freiburg, July 2007 (invited)
486. “The People Rise Up Against the Tyrants in the Courtly World: John of Salisbury’s Policraticus, the Fables by Marie de France and the Anonymous Mai und Beaflor,” XIIe Congrès de la Société Internationale de littérature courtoise: Mythes à la cour, mythes pour la cour, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007.
487. “Music Videos in German for the Classroom,” Fall Meeting of the AZ AATG, Flagstaff, Sept. 2007.
488. “Naked Men in Medieval German Literature and Art: A Literary Critique of Sociological and Anthropological Hypotheses. A Response to Norbert Elias and Hans Peter Duerr,” Sixty-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 2007
489. Poetry Reading: New Poetry, Sixte-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 2007
490. “The Justification of Killing a Tyrant in the Middle Ages: Philosophical and Literary-Historical Reflections,” Tenth “Work-in-Progress” Symposium, UAMARRC, Tucson, Oct. 2007
491. “Love, Marriage, and Sexuality in the Middle Ages,” Nanini Brance Library, Tucson, AZ, Oct. 2007.
492. “Didactic Laughter through the Literary Discourse: Montanus and Kirchhof as Entertainers and Social Critics,” The 123rd Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Dec. 2007
493. “Hans Sachs Protests against War and Its Tragic Consequences: Sixteenth-Century Antiwar Poetry for the Twenty-First Century?,” The 123rd Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Dec. 2007
494. “A Literary Journey Through Germany: From Past to Present, From North to South,” Dept. of German Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, Feb. 2008
495. “Unjust Rulers and Problems with Law and Sovereignty: The Case of Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan,” Fourteenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Law and Sovereignty in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2008.
496. “After the Discovery of the New World – the Discovery of History: Hartmann Schedel’s The Nuremberg Chronicle,” The Early Book Lectures Series V, Special Collections, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Feb. 2008
497. “History of Sexuality in the Middle Ages, with a Focus on the Priapeia,” Medieval Studies Center, University of Connecticut at Storrs, March 2008 (invited)
498. “Tragic Consequences of Bad Weather in Medieval Literature: From Apollonius of Tyre to Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron,” 83rd Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy, Vancouver, BC, and the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, April 2008
499. “Astrologie, Fortuna und Schicksalsglaube im 16. Jahrhundert – Paracelsi Beitrag zu diesem mentalitätsgeschichtlichen Diskurs,” Interdisziplinäre Annäherung an Paracelsus. 2. Symposium der Theophrastus-Stiftung, St. Gall, Switzerland, April 2008
500. “Hans Sachs and his Encomia Songs on German Cities,” 6th International Symposium on Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, University of Arizona, Tucson, May 2008
501. “War and Peace in the Sermons by the Franciscan Preacher Berthold of Regensburg,” 43rd International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2008
502. “The Myth of the Medieval Chastity Belt,” Round-Table Book Discussion, 43rd International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2008 (invited)
503. “Sexualität im Mittelalter: Interdisziplinäre Forschung,” Philipps-Universität Marburg, Institut für Geschichte, May 2008 (invited)
504. “Performance, Orality, and Communication in Medieval Women’s Convents in Light of the Plays of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim and the Tristan Tapestry of the Wienhausen Convent,” Understanding Monastic Practices of Oral Communication (Western Europe, Eleventh-Thirteenth Centuries, Ghent University, May 2008 (invited)
505. “Literary Archeology for the Future: Women in the Middle Ages,” Sookmyung International Summer Research Forum, Seoul, S-Korea, June 2008
506. “Sex on the Stage in a Medieval Convent. The Plays of the Tenth-Century Benedictine Nun Hrotsvita of Gandersheim,” 1st NEH/Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Research Forum, Oxford, Great Britain, July 2008.
507. “The Hero and Heroism in Medieval Literature, with an Emphasis on the Nibelungenlied,” Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney, Australia, Aug. 2008 (invited).
508. “The Transcultural Experience from a German Perspective: German Travelers in Sonora/Arizona and the Study of German in Arizona Today,” Dept. of German Studies, University of Sydney, Australia, Aug. 2008 (invited)
509/510. “The Myth of the Medieval Chastity Belt,” Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney, Australia, Aug. 2008 (invited). Also given at: University of Perth, Western Australia, Aug. 2008 (invited)
511. “Gender Conflicts, Miscommunication, and Communicative Communities in the Late Middle Ages from a Literary Perspective,” University of Perth, Western Australia, Aug. 2008 (invited)
512. “Widows in the Late Middle Ages,” Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 2008 (invited)
513. “Women in the Crusades: Recent Discoveries and Critical Re-Assessment,” Monash University, Monash/Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 2008 (invited)
514. “The Middle Ages in the Works of Thomas Mann, Robert Musil, and Hermann Hesse,” Goethe-Society, University of Auckland, New-Zealand, Sept. 2008 (invited)
515. “Why Teach Foreign Language After All? Conceptual and Content-based Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages: What is the Meaning of it all?,” Second Language Teachers’ Symposium, College of Humanities, University of Arizona, Sept. 2008
516. “Female Ruse and Male Violence in 16h-Century German Prose Narratives: The Gender Battle Continued,” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Center Lecture Series, ASU, Tempe, Oct. 2008 (invited)
517. “Rape in Medieval Romance: Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oc. 2008
518. “Reading of my recent poems,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oct. 2008
519. “Good and Bad Fortune According to Boethius,” Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oct. 2008
520. “How to Publish Scholarly Work,” Publishing Forum, Sixty-Second Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Language Association, Reno, NV, Oct. 2008
521. “Mittelalter-Mythen,” University of Helsinki, Department of German Studies, Finland (Oct. 2008), invited
522. “Gender, Communication, and the Discourse on Marriage,” University of Helsinki, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Finland (Oct. 2008), invited
523. “Interdisciplinarity in Medieval Studies, University of Helsinki, Department of English, Finland (Oct. 2008), invited
524. “Deutsche Literatur und Sprache in den USA vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, mit Lesung eigener Gedichte,” Institut für Germanistik, Universytet Jagiellońska, Cracow, Poland (Oct. 2008), invited
525. “Vergewaltigung in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühneuzeit,” Akademia Pedagogiczna, Instytut Neofilologu, Cracow, Poland (Oct. 2008), invited
526. “Problems of Translation from Middle High and Early New High German into Modern German and English,” Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw (Oct. 2008), invited
527. “Begegnung mit dem Fremden in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühneuzeit,” Institut für Germanistik, Uniwersytet Adam Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland (Oct. 2008), invited
528. “English Travelers and Meeting of the Foreign in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age,” Institute of English Literature, Uniwersytet Adam Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland (Oct. 2008), invited
529. “History of Mentality: Approaches, Methods, and Materials,” Institute of History, Uniwersytet Adam Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland (Oct. 2008), invited
530. “Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Ages,” Institute of Education, Uniwersytet Adam Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland (Oct. 2008), invited
531. “Neue eigene Gedichte,” Workshop Trainernetzwerk,” Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, Dec. 2008.
532. “Sound and Smell in the Mystical Realm: Visionary Epistemology on the Basis of Sensual Experiences—Agnes Blannbekin (d. 1315),” 124th MLA Annual Convention, San Francisco, Dec. 2008
533. “From Propaganda to ‘Factual History’ to Visual Representation to Myth Turned into ‘Fact’: The Arduous Way of the Medieval Chastity Belt into Modern Imagination,” 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New York, Jan. 2009.
534. “Medieval Mysticism: The Quest for Spiritual Otherness,” newly developed PPP, Nanini Library, Tucson, Feb. 2009
535. “Everyday Life in the Margins of the Medieval Book: The Luttrell Psalter,” Early Book Lectures VI, University of Arizona, Feb. 2009
536. “The Problem of Farting and Its Epistemological Meaning in Late-Medieval German Literature,” Fifteenth Annual ACMRS Conference: The Five Senses in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2009
537. “Incest and Rape in Mai und Beaflor: How Could Women in the Middle Ages Fight Back? The Power of Language vs. the Power of Sexuality,” 44th Annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, Albuquerque, NM, March 2009
538. “Mysticism: Medieval Utopias in the Religious Sphere,” Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Finland, March 2009
539. “Encounter of the Other in the Middle Ages,” Dept. of History and Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, March 2009
540. “Feminism, Gender Studies, Masculinity Studies in Medieval and Early Modern History,” Dept. of History and Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, March 2009
541. “Women in the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales,” Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, April 2009.
542. “Travel Space as Constructed Space: Arnold von Harff Observes the Arabic Space,” “Natural and Constructed Spaces in the Middle Ages and Renaissance,” Annual Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association Conference, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, April 2009.
543. “Familientragödie, weltpolitische Konflikte und die Macht der Gefühle in Mai und Beaflor,” II Congreso Hispalense de Medievalistas: Dolor, Tristeza y Decepción en la Edad Media, Sevilla, April 2009
544. “The Problem of Scatology in Sixteenth-Century German Literature,” Twelfth “Work-in-Progress” Symposium, UAMARRC, University of Arizona, April 2009.
545. “Laughing in Late-Medieval Verse (mæren) and Prose (Schwänke) Narratives,” 7th International Symposium on “Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age, University of Arizona, May 2009
546. “Friendship in the Heroic Epics: Rüedegêr in the Nibelungenlied,” 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 7-10, 2009.
547. “The Suffering Female Victim in the Courtly World: Transgression and Recovery of Courtliness and Chivalry in Hartmann von Aue’s Erec. Or: Sex and Violence at the Medieval Court,” 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 7-10, 2009.
548. Comments on C. Stephen Jaeger’s book The Origins of Courtliness (1985), panel discussion with paper presentation, 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 7-10, 2009.
549. “Höfische Liebe auf dem Prüfstein der Gewalt: Reflexionen über Minnelieder und Märendichtungen,” Institut für Germanistik, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, June 2009
550. “Deutsche Jugendsprache,” Institut für deutsche Sprache und Kultur e.vV. an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 2009
551. “Alltagswelt und Alltagskultur zur Zeit der Protestantischen Reformation: Die Welt der Schwankliteratur,” Lutherhaus, Wittenberg, June 2009
552. “Liebe im Mittelalter: Der Aufbruch in eine neue Welt,” Deutsche Sommerschule, Universität Leipzig, June 2009.
553. “Vergewaltigung in der deutschen Literatur des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts,” Germanistik, Universität des Saarlandes, June 2009
554. “Medium Lachen: Epistemologische und rhetorische Strategien im Mittelalter und in der Frühneuzeit,” Germanistisches Institut, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, July 2009
555. “Lesung eigener Gedichte,” Hallenser Dichterkreis, Halle, July 2009
556. “Briefe aus der Neuen Welt: Der Jesuitenpater Philipp Segesser schreibt an seine Familie in Luzern. Die Ruhen-Connection,” Der Heinrich-Ruhen-Freundeskreis, Adlum/Borsum (near Hildesheim), July 2009
557. “Übersetzen im Mittelalter und Übersetzen als Aufgabe für die Mediävistik,” Germanistisches Institut, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, July 2009
558. “Vergewaltigung in der deutschen Lieddichtung des Spätmittelalters und der Frühneuzeit,” Deutsches Volksliedarchiv, Freiburg i.Br., July 2009.
559. “The Phenomenon of Sixteenth-Century Jes Narratives: Medieval and Renaissance Hybridizations,” 13th “Work-in-Progress” Symposium. UAMARRC, University of Arizona, Oct. 2009.
560. “New Poetry,” Sixty-Third Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, Oct. 2009
561. “The Symbolic Meaning of Water in Medieval German Literature,” Sixty-Third Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, Oct. 2009
562. Respondent to 3 papers in: “Spatiality: Open Spaces, Closed Spaces, Hybrid ‘Third’ Spaces,” Sixty-Third Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, Oct. 2009
563. “Sex, Violence, and Comic on the Stage in a Tenth-Century Benedictine Convent: Theatrical Strategies by the Canonesse Hrotsvit of Gandersheim,” Sixty-Third Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, Oct. 2009
564. “The Hildebrandslied”: A Literary-Historical Window into the Cultural World of the Carolingian Empire,” Dept. of History, Arizona State University, Nov. 2009
565. “The Paradigm Shift: From the Late Middle Ages to the Renaissance: The Case of Johannes of Tepl’s Ploughman and Death,” Dept. of History, Arizona State University, Nov. 2009
566. “Motivational Strategies for the Foreign Language Classroom,” Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX, Nov. 2009
567. “The Medieval Church, Monasteries, and Cluny,” Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX, Nov. 2009
568. “Handbook of Medieval Studies. Ein Projektbericht,” Fachbereich Germanistik, Universität Salzburg, Nov. 2009
569. “Georg Forster – ein Liedersammler als Zeuge des globalen Medienwandels. ‘Volkslieder’ als späte Zeugen der kollektiv-populären Kultur des Spätmittelalters,” Kultur- und Kommunikationshistorischer Wandel des Populären im 16. Jahrhundert, Freiburg i. Br., Nov. 2009
570. “Peter Handke: Publikumsbeschimpfung (Insulting of the Audience), 1966,” Unsettling Certainties: Conversations in the Humanities, College of Humanities, UA, Dec. 2009.
571. “The Scientific and Religious Exploration of the World in the Name of God: Jesuit Missionaries as Anthropologists and Natural Scientists in the New World,” The 125th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, Dec. 2009
572. “Transgression at the Medieval Court, Courtliness, and Deconstruction: With Emphasis on the Middle High German Poet Neidhart and the Anonymous Verse Novella Mauritius von Craûn,” The 125th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, Dec. 2009
573. “The Myth of the Medieval Chastity Belt,” Texas Tech University, Lubbock (invited), Feb. 2010
573. “Gothic Cathedrals in Germany and France: Marburg, Strasbourg, and Tours,” Texas Tech University, Lubbock (invited), Feb. 2010
574. “Indo-European, the First Lautverschiebung, and the Second Lautverschiebung in German,” Texas Tech, Lubbock (invited), Feb. 2010
575. “History of Marriage and the Role of the Church in the Early and High Middle Ages,” Texas Tech University, Lubbock (invited), Feb. 2010 (two talks with slightly different emphasis
576. “Mountains in Medieval Literature: Epistemological Investigations with a Focus on Medieval German Texts,” Seventeenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Humanity and the Natural World in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2010
577. “German Schwankliteratur – the Lower Part of an Unsuspected Iceberg,” German Studies Colloquium Series, UA, Tucson, Feb. 2010
578. “War and Peace in the Middle Ages—With Some Sprinkling of Tolerance (Toleration): Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Willehalm,” Early Book Lecture Series VII, UA, Tucson, March 2010
579. “Violence and Love in the Mystical Visions by Mechthild von Magdeburg and Marguerite de Porete,” Medieval Association of the Pacific 45th Annual Conference, Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, March 2010.
580. “Religion, Ärzte und Apotheker im Spiegel der Literatur des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts,” Religion und Gesundheit im 16. Jahrhundert: 3. Symposium der Theophrastus-Stiftung, Constance, Germany, March 2010.
581. “Witch Hunt and Witch Craze in the Early Modern Age,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, March 2010.
582. “Jesuitas alemanes en España de camino al nuevo mundo: Contacto y conflicto entre culturas,” Estereotips interculturals germano-espanyols, MuvIM 2010. Valencia, Spain, April 2010.
582. “Dramatisierungsstrategien im DaF,” Spring Meeting, Arizona Chapter of the AATG, Tucson, May 2010.
583. “Criminal Minds, Lack of Justice, Perpetration, and Transgression: The Cases of Heinrich der Glichezaere’s Reinhard Fuchs and Wernher the Gardener’s Helbrecht,” 8th International Symposium on “Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age,” May 2010
584. “Spatiality in Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan,” 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2010
585. “Freundschaft als Diskurs von der Antike bis zur Frühneuzeit,” Institut für ältere Germanistik,” Otto-Friedrichs-Universität Bamberg, May 2010 (invited)
586. “Motivationsstrategien für den Deutschunterricht,” Goethe-Institute Seoul, S-Korea, June 2010 (3 ½ hour workshop with ca. 20 participants) (invited)
587. “Zur Zukunft der Germanistik, DaF und Deutschlandstudien in den USA und Korea,” DAAD and Goethe-Institute, WGK 2010, Seoul, S-Korea, June 2010 (40 minute PPT presentation along with a panel podium) (invited)
588. “Literature as a Criminological and Psychological Lens: Rape in the Middle Ages,” Research Forum II. Sookmyung International Summer School 2010, Seoul, S-Korea, June 2010 (invited)
589. “Germanistik und German Studies gestern und heute: Grundlagen, neue theoretische Orientierungen und Berufsaussichten für den heutigen Germanistikstudenten,” Institut für Germanistik, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, S-Korea, June 2010 (invited)
591. “Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters – Ladenhüter oder ungeahnte Führungskraft für DaF?,” Neue Konzepte zur Rolle der Literatur in Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Internationaler Germanistik, Herder-Institut der Universität Leipzig, Germany, Sept. 2010 (invited)
590. “Literatur, Kultur und Sprache: Zusammenfassung des Arbeitsgesprächs des 2. Tages,” Neue Konzepte zur Rolle der Literatur in Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Internationaler Germanistik, Herder-Institut der Universität Leipzig, Germany, Sept. 2010 (invited)
591. “The Authority of the Written Word, the Sacred Object, and the Spoken Word: Wolfram von Eschenbach, Hildegard von Bingen, Marco Polo, and John Mandeville,” Seeing, Hearing, Reading and Believing: Authorities in the Middle Ages. Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2010 (one of three keynote lectures, invited)
592. “Suffering in Konrad Fleck’s Flore und Blanscheflur as a Catalyst in the Meeting with the Foreign: Emotional Bonds with the Orient in a Late-Medieval Sentimental Romance,” Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Oakland, CA, Oct. 2010
593. “The Rise of the Mountain in Sixteenth-Century German Literature: The Opening of New Epistemological Horizons,” Sixty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Albuquerque, NM, Oct. 2010
594. “New Poems and Prose Narratives,” Sixty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Albuquerque, NM, Oct. 2010
595. “Witch Craze and Witch Hunt from the Early Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, Oct. 2010 (invited)
596. “Friends and Friendship in Medieval Heroic Epics,” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Nov. 2010 (invited)
597. “Vom Todesstreifen zum Grünen Band: The Transformation of the East German Border into National Parks,” Deutscher Studenten Club, UoA, Tucson, Nov. 2010 (invited)
598. “Pornography at Court? The Mirror Metaphors in Neidhart’s Poetry,” 14th “Work-in-Progress-Symposium,” UAMARRC, Nov., 2010
599. “Religious Utopia in Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan. Was Gottfried Influenced by Mystics such as Hildegard von Bingen?,” 126th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 2011
600. “Life Writing as a Slave in Turkish Hands: Georgius of Hungary’s Reflections About His Existence in the Turkish World,” 126th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 2011
601. “The Manessische Liederhandschrift – The Glory of Thirteenth-Century Book Illustrations in Southern Germany,” Early Book Lecture Series VIII, UA, Feb. 2011
602. “The Gender Debate on the Stage: Late-Medieval German Shrovetide Plays as Didactic Fora?,” Seventeenth Annual ACMRS Conference: Performance and Theatricality in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2011
603. “The Pursuit of Friendship in the Middle Ages,” Nanini Library, Tucson, AZ, Feb. 2011.
604. “Die Glorie Gottes im mystischen Gedicht: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg (1633-1694),” Wahres Leben und Tod vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Neuzeit: 4. Symposium der Theophrastus-Stiftung Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany, March 2011
605. “The Turks in the Early Modern European Mentality,” David Gramlin’s class Ger 506 “Representing the Other,” March 2011 (one hour lecture)
606. “The Retablo Room: Art History at the End of a Paradigm Shift,” UAMA After Dark (Museum of Art, UA), April 2011
607. “Sex in the Middle Ages: The Curtain is Lifting,” German Colloquium Series, April 2011
608. “Astronomie und Naturwissenschaften im Deutschunterricht,” Spring Meeting of the Arizona Chapter of the AATG, Flagstaff, NAU, April 2011
609. “The Figure of the Exiled Hero in Medieval German Literature: The Return of the Margin to the Center,” 86th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy, April 14-16, 2011, Scottsdale, AZ
610. “The Outrageous Mystics: Fundamental Challenges to the Medieval Church in the Most Affirmative Manner,” 86th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy, April 14-16, 2011, Scottsdale, AZ
611. “Utopian Space in the Countryside: Love and Marriage Between a Knight and a Peasant Girl in Medieval German Literature. Hartmann von Aue’s ‘Der arme Heinrich’ and ‘Dis ist von dem heselin’ (anon.),” 9th International Symposium, Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Arizona, Tucson, May 2011
612. “Tradition and Innovation in the World of Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Popular Song Poetry: From Oswald von Wolkenstein to the Songbooks by Clara Hätzlerin and Georg Forster,” 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2011
613. “Die Zukunft der Mediaevistik im interdisziplinären Rahmen,” Kolloquium an der Ruh-Bohum Universität, June 2011 (invited).
614. “Der Stadtigel als interdisziplinäre Methode im kulturhistorischen Unterricht von DaF,” 38. Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Leipzig, June 2011 (invited).
615. “Sex im Mittelalter aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive,” Philipps-Universität Marburg, June 2011 (invited)
616. “Frauen in der Literatur des Mittelalters,” Institut für Germanistik,Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 2011 (invited).
616. “Freundschaft im Mittelalter, die Entwicklung eines Diskurses von Augustinus bis Fortunatus,” Institut für Mittellateinische Philologie,Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 2011 (invited).
617. “ Tabubruch, Obszönität und Pornographie in der Frühneuzeit? Die Schwänkesammlungen Rastbuechlein und Katzipori (1583) von Michael Lindener aus kulturhistorischer und epistemologischer Sicht,” Institut für Germanistik, Otto-Friedrichs-Universität Bamberg, June 2011 (invited).
618. “Kindheit im Mittelalter. Neue Forschungsperspektiven,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Regensburg, June 2011 (invited).
619. “Sex und Liebe im Minnesang: Die Kehrseite der Medaille gibt sich zu erkennen,” Universität Regensburg, June 2011 (invited).
620. “Hildegard von Bingen als mögliche Qelle für Gottfrieds von Straßburg Tristan? Erkundung eines bisher ignorierten Feldes,” Institut für deutsche Philologie, Universität Augsburg, June 2011 (invited)
621. “Rural Space in Late Medieval Books of Hours: Book Illustrations as a Looking-Glass Into Medieval Mentality and Mirrors of Ecocriticism,” International Symposium on Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time, St. Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, July 2011.
621. “Love, Sex, and Marriage in the Middle Ages,” Research Forum, St. Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, July 2011.
622. “The Role of Ships in Medieval German Literature: The Vehicle That Transforms the Protagonist,” Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Louisville, KY, Sept. 2011
623. “Translating and Translators in the Middle Ages: Linguistic Challenges Perceived Through Literary Eyes,” German Studies Colloquium Series, University of Arizona, Sept. 2011
624. “Private vs. Public? Sexuality in Oswald von Wolkenstein’s (1376/77-1445) Poetry,” Sixty-Fifth Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Scottsdale, AZ, Oct. 2011
625. “Reading of Recent Poetry,” Sixty-Fifth Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2011
626. “Border Studies: German Jesuit Missionaries in Eighteenth-Century Mexico/Sonora,” Sixty-Fifth Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2011
627. “The World of Margery Kempe: A Unique Late-Medieval English Woman Writer,” Westfield State University, MA, Oct. 2011 (invited)
628. “How To Publish Scholarly Books? Scholars and the Book Market,” Westfield State University, MA, Oct. 2011 (invited)
629. “Scholarly Research, Bibliographies, Online Searches,” Westfield State University, MA, Oct. 2011 (invited)
630. “The Foreign in Medieval Literature: The Other Side of Ourselves,” Westfield State University, MA, Oct. 2011 (invited)
631. “Textual Analysis, Theoretical Approaches in Medieval Studies,” Westfield State University, MA, Oct. 2011 (invited)
632. “The Saracen in Western Eyes: Muslims in Medieval European Literature,” Westfield State University, MA, Oct. 2011 (invited)
633. Guest appearance on the Buckproduction TV station, Toronto, for a sequence on the medieval chastity belt (with Steve Santini), Dec. (shooting of four hours); aired on Feb 14, 2012 at 9:30pm EST
634. “The Rise of the Literary Iceberg: Why is Erasmus Widmann so Important to Us?,” 127th Modern Language Association of America Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, Jan. 2012
635. “The Jesuit Discovery of Northern Mexico During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Johann Nentuig’s Rudo Ensayo,” 127th Modern Language Association of America Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, Jan. 2012
636. “The Erotic and the Quest for Happiness in the Middle Ages: What Everybody Does and Hardly Anyone Truly Achieves,” Plenary Lecture, Erotica and the Erotic in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: 18th Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2012.
637. “Sexual Themes in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century European and German Prose Narratives, with an Emphasis on Schwänke,” Erotica and the Erotic in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: 18th Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2012.
638. “El descubrimiento de México del Norte por los Jesuitas durante los siglos XVII y XVIII,” Universidad de Sonora, Unidad Regional Norte Campus Nogales, Feb. 2012
639. “Criticism of Clerics in Late Medieval German Mæren and Schwänke Narratives,” “Anticlericalism” in the Late Middle Ages: Sources and Theoretical Approaches, Historiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet, March 2012
640. “Friendship in the Middle Ages,” Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden, March 2012
641. “Frauen in der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft,” Institutionen för moderna språk/Tyska, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden, March 2012
642. “Erotic Topics in Medieval Art,” Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden, March 2012
643. “The Most Beautifully Illuminated Bible from the Middle Ages: The Bible Moralisée by the Limbourg Brothers,” Early Book Lecture Series IX, UA, April 2012
644. “Global Learning in a Multicultural Context,” Spring Meeting of the Arizona AATG, Arizona State University, Tempe, April 2012
645. “Curiosity about and ‘Acceptance’ of the East in Herzog Ernst and Fortunatus: Did Anonymity Facilitate Toleration in the Middle Ages,” Tenth International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies, “East Meets West in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time”, UA, Tucson, May 2012
646. “Dialectical Games at Court: Glorification and Criticism of Courtly Love in the Correspondence Between Abelard and Heloise and in Andreas Capellanus’s De amore,” 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2012
647. “Geschlechterbeziehungen vom hohen zum späten Mittelalter: Von Heloise zu Argula von Grumbach,” Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Universität Hildesheim, June 2012 (invited)
648. “Rural Space: Die natürliche Welt im Mittelalter: Ecocriticism in der Medävistik,” Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft, Humboldt Universitat Berlin, June 2012 (invited)
649. Interview for television production by Tilman Remme, SAT1/Südwestfunk, on Joan of Arc, Margarete Porète, and the Black Death in England (German and English), four hour shooting, Berlin June 2012
650. “Das Schrifttum der deutschsprachigen jesuitischen Missionare in Sonora des 18. Jahrhunderts,” Friedrich-Meineke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2012 (invited)
651. “Sinnvermittlung im Sprach- und Literaturunterricht, German Studies, USA: Extremfall Mittelalter,” Herder-Institut, Universität Leipzig, June 2012 (invited)
652. “Vom Wein, Kräutern und der Drecksapotheke: Medizinische Traktate des deutschen Spätmittelalters,” Institut für ältere Germanistik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, June 2012
652. “Fremdbegegnungen im Mittelalter: Der Fall Wolfram von Eschenbach,” Institut für ältere Germanistik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, June 2012 (invited)
653. “Vergewaltigung in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühneuzeit,” Institut für Germanistik, Otto-Friedrichs-Universität Bamberg, June 2012 (invited).
654. “The Experience of the Foreign in Contemporary German Literature: A Case Study of the Novels by Renate Ahrens,” I Congreso Internacional de Literatura Trivial y Entretenimiento, Sevilla, Spain, June 2012 (invited keynote speaker)
655. “Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival: A Medieval Bildungsroman? Introduction, Plot Analysis, and Interpretation,” Westfield State University, Westfield, MA, July, 16, 2012 (skype online lecture, one hour).
656. “The Failure of the Hero and His Rise to New Glory: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” Westfield State University, Westfield, MA, July, 25, 2012 (skype online lecture, one hour).
657. “Landeskunde im Deutschunterricht, K-16,” Arizona Chapter of the AATG, Flagstaff , NAU, AZ, Sept. 2012
658. “Why America Still Needs the Humanities in the 21st Century,” Westfield State University, Westfield, MA, Sept. 2012 (invited lecture)
659. “The Origin of Germanic Languages, with an Emphasis on Gothic,” Westfield State University, Westfield, MA, Sept. 2012
660. “The Dragon in Medieval Heroic Poetry: Beowulf and Nibelungenlied,” Westfield State University, Westfield, MA, Sept. 2012
661. “Chivalry and Knighthood in Medieval Romances,” Westfield State University, Westfield, MA, Sept. 2012
662. “The World of Peasants in Early Modern German Literature,” Sixty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Oct. 2012
663. “Creative Writing: New Poems,” Sixty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boulder, CO, Oct. 2012
664. “Friendship, Death, and Boethian Philosophy in the High Middle Ages: The Meaning of the Past for Our Present and Future,” 38th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Gulfport, MS, Oct. 2012 (invited plenary lecture)
665. “The Middle Ages—Wholesale. Super-Large Classes on Medieval Culture and Literature,” 38th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Gulfport, MS, Oct. 2012
666. “The German Speaking Jesuit Missionaries in Sonora, with a Focus on Philipp Segesser,” Academy Village, Vail, AZ, Oct. 2012
667. “Heinrich Kaufringer, a German Chaucer?,” 15th Symposium: “Work-in-Progress: New Research Projects, UA, Nov. 2012
668. “Begegnungen zwischen Orient und Okzident im Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit: Das Fremde und das Eigene aus kulturhistorischer Sicht,” Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Nov. 2012 (invited)
669. “Lachen mit den und über die Alten: Kulturhistorische Reflexionen ber den frühneuzeitlichen Diskurs zum Alter mit Schwerpunkt auf der deutschen Schwankliteratur des 16. Jahrhunderts,” Methodische Perspektiven der Alter(n)forschung, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf-Kaiserswerth, Nov. 2012 (invited)
670. “Derechos humanos en el pasado y en el presente. Reflexiones historicas y literarias,” Convención académica. Desarrolo Sustentable y Desempeño Profesional. La Universidad de Sonora, Nogales, Nov. 2012 (invited)
671. “The Emperor, the Mountains, Autobiography, and Late-Medieval Woodcuts,” 128th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Boston, MD, Jan. 2013
672. “Happiness and Love: Medieval Perspectives for Us Today: Boethius, Walther von der Vogelweide, Sebastian Brant, and Fortunatus,” Nanini Library, Tucson, Jan. 2013 (invited)
673. “The European Union: Past, Present, and Future,” Desert Hill Lutheran Church, Green Valley, Jan. 2013 (invited)
674. “The Beast Outside and Within: Medieval Literary Reflections on Ethical Epistemology: From Beowulf to Marie de France, the Nibelungenlied, and Wolfdietrich B,” 19th Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Phoenix, Feb. 2013
675. “The Jesuit Missionary Philipp Segesser and His Impact on Sonora,” Festival of Books, UA, March 2013 (invited)
676. “Goliards and Courtly Love as a University Youth Movement in the Middle Ages,” Columbus State University, GA, March 2013 (invited)
677. “Love, Marriage, and Religion in the Late Middle Ages: Christine de Pizan, Johann of Tepl, and Geoffrey Chaucer,” Columbus State University, GA, March 2013 (invited)
678. “Multilingualism in the Late Middle Ages: Pilgrimage and Foreign Languages,” Medieval Association of the Pacific, San Diego, March 2013 (plenary address, invited)
679. “The Relevance of the European Middle Ages for Us Today,” Brigham Young University, Provo, April 2013 (invited guest lecture)
680. “The History of Women’s Literature in the Middle Ages,” Department of German, Brigham Young University, Provo, April 2013 (invited)
681. “Pilgrimage and Travel Literature in the Late Middle Ages: German Studies avant la lettre?,” The Art of Journey: Conceptualizations of Travel in German-Spekaing Literature and Culture. First Annual Graadate Student Conference in German Studies, University of Arizona, April 2013 (keynote speaker)
682. “The Golden Bull: The Foundation of Germany’s Constitutional History from 1356,” “Early Book Lecture Series, X,” Special Collection, University of Arizona Library, April 2013
683. “The Curious East in a Dialectical Crossfire: Early Modern German Writers Respond to the Allure of the Orient,” German Colloquium Series, UA, April 2013
684. “Kunst in Deutsch als Fremdsprache,” Spring Meeting of the AZ chapter of the AATG, ASU, Tempe, AZ, April 2013
685. “Coping with Pain: Literary Discourse as Coping Mechanism in the Case of Losing the Husband or Wife: Johannes von Tepl’s Ackermann and Christine de Pizan’s Mutacion de Fortune,” Mental Health, Spirituality, and Religion in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: 11th International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson, May 2013
686. “Multilingualism in the Middle Ages: Theoretical Reflections,” 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2013
687. “Triviality in the Middle Ages: The Case of the Pleier’s Meleranz,” 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2013
688. “Fremdbegegnung, Dialog, Austausch und Staunen: Xenologische Phänomene in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters: Vom Hildebrandslied zum Fortunatus,” Fremdes Mittelalter – Die Fremde im Mittelalter: Xenologische Hermeneutik,” Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, June 2013 (keynote lecture, invited)
689. “Myths, Heroic Epics, Identity, and Culture in the Middle Ages,” Rikkyo University, Tokyo, June 2013.
690. “Glaube, Medizin und Heilung im Mittelalter: Der medizinhistorische Diskurs in der vormodernen, vor allem mittelhochdeutschen Literatur,” Tokyo University, June 2013 (invited).
691. “Late Medievali Literature and Historical Linguistics from a German Perspective,” Kyoto University, June 2013 (invited).
692. “Soziale Unruhe und Verlust der Mitte: Mittelhochdeutsche Dichter des 13. bis 16. Jahrhunderts als Spiegel ihrer Zeit,” Kyoto University, June 2013 (invited)
693. “Communication and Multilingualism in the Middle Ages: How Did People Communicate With Each Other?,” Kyoto University, June 2013 (invited)
694. “Die Rolle von Frauen in Gottfrieds von Straßburg Tristan: Eine Protagonistin überrundet den Protagonisten in ihrer Liebes- und Leidensfähigkeit,” Keio University, Tokyo, July 2013
695. “Family and Kinship in Early Modern German Prose Novels: Thüring von Ringoltingen’s Melusine and the Anonymous Fortunatus,” Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference, German Studies Association, Denver, Oct. 2013
696. “Heartache: Teaching Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages at the University of Arizona,” Humanities Week, UA, Tucson, Oct. 2013
697. “A German Novelist Avant La Lettre: Elisabeth von Nassau-Saarbrücken. A Woman Writer Defies Our Historical Awareness about the Late Middle Ages,” 67th Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, WA, Oct. 2013
698. “Bibliographieren, wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Germanistik, und große Werke des 15. Jahrhunderts (Johannes von Tepl, Ackermann),” Institut für Germanistik, University of Vienna, Austria, Oct. 2013
699. “Geschlechtsrollen von Frauen in der Literatur des Spätmittelalters,” Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, University of Vienna, Austria, Oct. 2013
700. “Angst vor dem Tod: Jämmerliche Männerfiguren in der deutschen Literatur des Spätmittelalters (von Mauritius von Craûn zu Heinrich Kaufringer und Till Eulenspiegel),” “Sei wi du willt namenloses Jenseits”: Neue interdisziplinäre Ansätze zur Analyse des Unerklärlichen, University of Vienna, Oct.-Nov. 2013
701. “Thema Wald im Deutschunterricht, von K bis 16: Literatur, Kunst, Wirtschaft, Spiel, und Identität,” Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Tucson, Nov. 2013.
702. “Music and Musical Practice in the Jesuit Missions in Sonora: Cultural-Historical Perspectives in an Anthropological-Religious Context,” 16th “Work-in-progress” Symposium, UAMARRC, Dec. 6, 2013.
703. “The Role of the Forest in German Literature: From the Medieval Forest to the Grünes Band,” 129th Convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, Jan. 2014
704. “Storms, Shipwrecks, and Life-Changing Experiences in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century German Literature,” Twentieth Annual ACMRS Conference: Catastrophes and The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Phoenix-Scottsdale, Feb. 2014.
705. “Secrets from the Vault: Late Medieval and Renaissance Art and Literature. The Book of Hours, the Nuremberg Chronicle, and Contemporary Works,” Museum of Art, UA, Feb. 2014
706. “Mystical Visions and Spiritual Health: Medieval Mysticism as a Platform for the Exploration of Human Spirituality and Physical Health,” Humanities, Medicine & Wellness Conference, College of Humanities, UA, Feb. 2014
707. “From the Silk Road to the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic: The Replacement of Trade Routes and the Consequences for Cultural History,” Oceans and Deserts: Charting Transdisciplinary Currents in Environments and Culture Within the Arts and Sciences, UA, Feb.-March 2014
708. “Laughter in the Premodern World: The History of Epistemology in Medieval German Literature,” Department of German Studies, Arizona State University, March 2014
709. “Madness in the Middle Ages – Epiphany or Mental Illness?” Alternative Perspectives on
Insanity from a Medieval Point of View,” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Arizona State University, March 2014
710. “Hawaiische Impressionen – Gedichte,” Department of German Studies, Arizona State University, March 2014, and Department of German Studies, The University of Arizona, March 2014
711. “Fearless Women Fighters and Writers for Their Faith in 16th and 17th Century Germany: Argula von Grumbach and Anna Ovena Hoyers,” Lecture Series ‘Fearless Females: Audacious and Feisty Women of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, organized by ACMRS, at ASU, in Tucson, March 2014 (Mostly Books bookstore)
712. “From ‘Hurrah-Patriotismus’ to Sarcastic Deconstruction: German Poets and Authors in Response to the First World War,” WWI Centennial Symposium & Reading: Beyond National Narratives: A Holistic and Intercultural Look at the Great War, University of Arizona, Tucson, March 2014
713. “The King Wenceslas Bible: The Triumph and Glory of Late Medieval Book Production. Art, Religion, and Literature in One Manuscript,” XIth Early Book Lecture Series, University of Arizona, April 2014
714. “Renate Ahrens, the New Bernhard Schlink?,” Colloquium Series, Department of German Studies, University of Arizona, April 2014
715. “Des Teufels Netz: A Late Medieval German Reflection on the All-Encompassing Power of the Devil,” Eleventh International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies, “Death and the Culture of Death,” UoA, Tucson, May 2014
716. “Outsiders, Challengers, Revolutionaries in Medieval German Courtly Literature,” 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2014
717. “The Mirror Image in Neidhart’s Poetry: Destabilization of the Social Structure by Means of Sexual Competition,” 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2014
718. “Mittelalter als Antwort auf Fragen von Heute? Die Aussagekraft der mittelalterlichen Literatur für die moderne Zeit,” International Symposium of German Scholars: “Germanic Languages and Translation Issues in the Multilingual World, Fremdsprachenphilologie, Eurasische Nationale Gumiljov-Universität, Astana, Kasakhstan, May 2014
719. “Foreigners and Foreign Religion in the Vernacular Literature and in Apodemic Texts of the Middle Ages,” Entangled Arguments: Polemics Between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, June 2014 (key note lecture, invited)
720. “Studying German Literature at a North-American University: Advantages, Disadvantages, Pitfalls, and Opportunities,” Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, July 2014
721. “Women in the Protestant Reformation, Challenges and Models for the Present,” Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, July 2014
722. “Aufsteigerphänomene und Dynastiebildung in der deutschen Literatur des Spämittelalters: Von Oswald von Wolkenstein zu Thüring von Ringoltingen und Fortunatus,” Universität Tübingen, Germany, July 2014
723. “Städtischer Raum in der Prosaliteratur des Spätmittelalters (Melusine, Fortunatus, u.a.),” Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Universität Bonn, Germany, July 2014
724. “Deutsche Kultur im Südwesten der USA, Dichterlesung,” Deutscher Senioren-Computer-Club e.V., Berlin, Germany, July 2014
725. “Early Christian Missionizing on the Continent in Light of Old High German Charms: Syncretism and Diplomatic Strategy,” III Wolińskich Spotkań Mediewistycznych, Wolin, Poland, Aug. 2014
726. “Sprichwörter: Kulturelles Wissen, Globale Anwendung auf allen Stufen des Deutschunterrichts,” Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, at NAU, Flagstaff, Sept. 2014
727. “The Role of German Women Writers During the Protestant Reformation,” Fearless Women Lecture Series, ACMRS, Tempe, AZ, Oct. 2014
728. “‘Der Wald war sein Schicksal . . .’: An Ecocritical Reading of the Nibelungenlied, Sixty-Eighth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boise, ID, Oct. 2014
729. “Neue Gedichte,” Sixty-Eighth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Boise, ID, Oct. 2014
730. “From the Past to the Future: Why is Germany Doing So Well Today?,” UA Homecoming, College of Humanities,” Nov. 2014
731. “Economic, Social, Mental, and Gender Approaches to Late Medieval Drama,” Dept. of English, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Nov. 2014 (invited)
732. “The Contribution of the Jesuits to the Building of the Spanish Empire,” Dept. of History, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Nov. 2014 (invited)
733. “The Myth of Charlemagne,” University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Nov. 2014 (invited)
734. “Writing Medieval German Literature: Literary Histories as Sites of Creation of Memory,” The 130th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Vancouver, BC, Jan. 2015
735. “Acting the Marginal Figure: Disability in the World of Tristan and Isolde,” The 130th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Vancouver, BC, Jan. 2015
736. “The History of Women in Premodern German Literature,” German Department, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, Jan. 2015 (invited)
737. “Hrotsvit of Gandersheim: The Strong Female Voice in the Early German Middle Ages,” Women Studies Program, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, Jan. 2015 (invited)
738. “The Meaning of the Middle Ages for Us Today: The Humanities in Medieval Perspectives,” College of Arts and Sciences, Utah State University, Logan, Jan. 2015 (invited)
739. “How to Edit a Journal Single-Handedly, Effectively?,” (online conference, Jan. 2015) (invited)
740. “Guilds, Craftsmen, and the Daily Life of Workmen in Late Medieval German Didactic and Chroncile Literature,” Twenty-First Annual ACMRS Conference: Trade, Talents, Guilds, and Specialists: Getting Things Done in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, Feb. 2015
741. “History of Science from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance: Leonardo da Vince and His Leicester Codex,” Museum of Art, Phoenix (2 presentations), Feb. 2015
742. “The Use of Chat Rooms in Online Courses,” Presentation and Workshop, Office of Instructional Services, UA, Feb. 2015
743. “Travel by Sea in Medieval and Early Modern German Literature: Epistemological Experiences,” Oceans & Deserts: An Interdisciplinary Conference, UA, March 15, 2015.
744. “Literaturgeschichte als Landkarte: Vom Mittelalter zum 21. Jahrhundert,” Rikkyo University, Tokyo, March 2015
745. “Textauslegung von Meister Eckharts Predigt Q 38,” 5. Mittelalter-Kolloquium “Geschichtlichkeit und Fiktionalität in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters, Keio-Universität, Mita, Tokyo, March 2015
746. “Historische und mythische Gestalten in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters – Alexander der Große, Karl der Große und König Artus,” 5. Mittelalter-Kolloquium “Geschichtlichkeit und Fiktionalität in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters, Keio-Universität, Mita, Tokyo, March 2015
747. “Interkulturelles Lernen im Deutschunterricht,” Spring Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, Tucson, March 2015
748. “Protestant Propaganda Broadsheets,” XIIth Early Book Lecture Series, Special Collections, University of Arizona, April 2015 (…).
749. “The ‘Dirty Middle Ages’: Bathing and Cleanliness in Medieval German Courtly Romances: Another Myth-Buster,” 12th International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies: Hygiene, Medicine, and Well-Being in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, University of Arizona, May 2015
750. “Disrupted Festivities at Court in Medieval German Literature,” 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2015
751. “Sex als Thema – im Mittelalter?” Potsdamer Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft e.g., Potsdam, Germany, June 2015 (invited)
752. “Logistik im Mittelalter: Strassen, Wege, Brücken. Infrastruktur als Grundlage für menschliches Handeln in der Vormoderne,” Institut für mittelalterliche Geschichte, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, June 2015 (invited)
753. “Zauber und Magie im Mittelalter: Ein kulturhistorisches Phänomen,” Institut für Germanistik, Otto-Friedrichs-Universität Bamberg, June 2015 (invited).
754. “Krieg und Frieden in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit,” Institut für Germanistik, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, June 2015 (invited)
755. “Die protestantische Reformation und die katholische Gegenreformation mittels des Jesuiten-Ordens,” Der Heinrich-Ruhen-Freundeskreis, Adlum/Borsum (near Hildesheim), June 2015 (invited)
756. “Geld und Kommerz im Mittelalter: Literar- und kulturhistorische Reflexionen zum interdisziplinären Diskurs,” Historisches Institut, Universität Mannheim, June 2015 (invited)
757. “Communication in Heroic Epics: Beowulf: Communicative Learning Strategies in Early Medieval Society,” Institut für Englische Philologie, Universität Würzburg, June 2015 (invited)
758. “Medieval Women Writers in the Iberian Peninsula: The Case of Leonor López de Córdoba,” NEH Institute “Negotiating Identities: The Mediterranean: Expression and Representation in the Christian-Jewish-Muslim Meditterranean,” Barcelona, Spain, July 2015
759. “The Bible and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Spiritual Reading,” Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Sept. 2015
760. “Lo cómico en la literatura medieval,” Conferencia magistral, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Sept. 2015
761. “Marital Problems at Court: Pontus und Sidonia by Eleonore of Austria: Late Medieval Literature by an Austrian Princess,” Sixty-Ninth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 2015
752. “My own poems,” Sixty-Ninth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 2015
753. “Charlemagne: A European Icon?,” Round Table, Workshop, Charlemagne: A European Icon, University of Bristol, UK, Oct. 2015 (invited)
754. “The Role of Charlemagne in Medieval German Literature: Myth-Making in the Middle Ages and until Today,” Charlemagne: A European Icon, University of Bristol, UK, Oct. 2015
755. “Venedig als Drehscheibe in Reiseberichten des deutschen Spätmittelalters,” Centro tedesco di Studi Veneziani, Venice, Italy, Oct. 2015 (invited)
756. “Die Rezeption des Nibelungenlieds vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart: Vom Epos zum Mythos,” Dipartimento di Lingue Moderni, Università di Bologna, Italy, Oct. 2015 (invited)
757. “Ecocritical Approaches to the Forest in the Middle Ages,” Center for the Middle Ages, Centre of Medieval Studies, University of Birmingham, UK, Oct. 2015 (invited)
758. “Medieval Myths and Modern Myth Busting,” Centre of Medieval Studies, University of Birmingham, UK, Oct. 2015 (invited)
759. “Women Facing Death in the Late Middle Ages: Widowhood, Mourning, and Self-Assertion,” University of Winchester, UK, Oct. 2015 (invited)
760. “Death as Memory: The Creation of Meaning Through Mourning in the Late Middle Ages,” Department of History, University of Colorado, Boulder, Dec. 2015 (invited)
761. “Thüring von Ringoltingen’s Melusine in Text and Image Throughout the Early Modern Age,” The 131st Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Austin, TX, Jan. 2016
762. “Assassins, the Crusades, and the Mystery of Magical Figures from the East in Medieval German Literature: The Case of The Stricker’s Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal,” Twenty-Second Annual ACMRS Conference: Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, Feb. 2016
763. “Eroticismo y Epistemologia en la litteratura narrative y poetica de la edad media tardia,” Conferencia magistral, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,” Feb. 2016
764. “The Medieval Carmina Burana,” Tucson Symphony Presents, in partnership with the UA College of Humanities, March 2016
765. “The Role of the Forest in Medieval Literature and the Importance of the Monster,” University of Sydney, Australia, March 2016
766. “Passion and Emotions in Late Medieval Literature: Lust, Life, and Death,” University of Sydney, Australia, March 2016
767. “Travel and Travel Literature in the Middle Ages: Historical, Cultural, Linguistic, and Anthropological Sources,” University of Sydney, Australia, March 2016
768. “Philippe Ariès and the Consequences: History of Childhood, Family Relations, and Personal Relations,” University of Western Australia, Perth, March 2016
769. “Daily Life in Early Sonora/Arizona: The German-Speaking Jesuits in 18th-Century Sonora and Their Personal Perspectives,” Saturday Salon and Saloon Lecture Series, Tucson, April 2016
770. “Albrecht Dürer: Masterpainter, Lithographer, Wood Cutter, etc.: A True Renaissance Genius,” 13th Early Book Lecture Series, Special Collection, University of Arizona Library, April 2016
771. “Ancient Wisdom, Modern Quest for Meaning: Boethius and the Idea of Happiness,” Wildcat Events Board Presets: Last Lecture Series, UA, April 2016
772. “Magic in Late Medieval German Literature: The Case of the Good Magician Malagis,” Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” 13th international symposium, UA, Magic and the Magician in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age, April 2016
773. “The Bitter, Biting Humor of Sarcasm in the Medieval World: The Dark Side of the Courtly World,” 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2016
774. “Frauen als Autorinnen im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert,” Deutsche Philologie des Mittelalters, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, June 2016
775. “Be- und Erkenntnisse eines Vielschreibers,” Wer schreibt, bleibt?: Einführung in das Publikationswesen für den geisteswissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, Historisches Institut, Universität Mannheim, June 2016
776. “Sentimentalisierung des Liebeskonzepts im 13. Jh.: Konrad Flecks Flore und Blanscheflur, Mai und Beaflur, und Der Busant,” Institut für Germanistik, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2016
777. “Sex im Mittelalter – Alt und Neu?,” Kulturcafé Sybille, Karl-Marx-Allee, Berlin, June 2016
778. “Dietrich von der Gletze ‘Der Borte’: ein Meisterwerk der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters?,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Köln, June 2016
779. “Wahnsinn im Mittelalter: Alternative Perspektiven auf die Philosophie, Religion und Literatur des Mittelalters,” Seminar für Klassische Philologie, Universität Bochum, June 2016
780. “Hans von Waltheym und der Paradigmenwechsel des 15. Jahrhunderts,” Institut für Germanistik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 2016
781. “German Studies/Germanistik in den USA und international im Vergleich mit Deutschland: Studienmöglichkeiten im Ausland für deutsche Studenten,” Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, June 2016
782. “Women in the Protestant Reformation: Audacious and Feisty Poets from the Late Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Century,” Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, June 2016
783. “Argula von Grumbach’s Letter to the University of Ingolstadt: Guest-Seminar,” Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, June 2016
784. “Der gerechte Krieg im Mittelalter und in der Frühneuzeit – Diskursreflexionen,” Keio University, Tokyo, July 2016
785. “Tradition und Paradigmenwechel: die deutsche Literatur des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts,” Rikkyo University, Toky, July 2016
786. “Faszination der mittelalterlichen deutschen Literatur über Zeit und Kontinente – Forschung und Lehre der mittelalterlichen Literatur in Europa und den USA,” Shinjuku University, Matsumoto, July 2016
787. “Das Mittelalter – Annäherung an eine fremde und doch bekannte Welt,” Nihon University, Tokyo, July 2016
788. “Rudolf von Ems’s Der guote Gêrhart: History of Emotions, Multilingualism, and Interliterary Connections,” History of Emotions Lecture Series, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Sept. 2016
789. “Alte Texte – zeitlose Botschaften: Das Mittelalter in DaF und Literaturunterricht,” 2. Internationale Workshop “DaF und Literatur, Universidade de São Paolo, Brazil, Sept. 2016
790. “Eigene Texte: Prosa und Lyrik,” Telgte in Tucson. Dichtertreffen der Society for American Writers in German, Tucson, Sept. 2016
791. “Seeming Death and Foolishness: The Functionalization of Death for Epistemological and Satirical Purposes in late Medieval Mæren and Schwänke,” Fortieth Annual Conference, German Studies Association, San Diego, CA, Sept./Oct. 2016
792. “Eigene Text, Prosa und Lyrik” (new texts), Seventieth Annual Convention, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 2016
793. “Water Symbolism in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival,” Seventieth Annual Convention, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 2016
794. “Long Forgotten Literary Gems? Karl Heinrich Waggerl’s Images of the Simple Life: Ignorant Naivité or Ecocritical Perspicuity,” Seventieth Annual Convention, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 2016
795. “Wasser, Wasser und noch mal Wasser: Ökokritische Methoden für den Deutschunterricht (K-16) – besonders für Arizona!,” AZ Chapter of the AATG, at ASU, Tempe, Oct. 2016
796. “Erotik und Sexualität im Mære des Spätmittelalters: Sprachwitz, Intelligenz, Spiel und sexuelle Erfüllung,” Eros und Logos Sexualitätsnarrative in der deutschsprachigen Literatur, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Germanskiej, Zielona Góra, Poland, Nov. 2016
797. “Wilhelm Pferdekamp y la historia de los primeros jesuitas alemanes en México,” Coloquio Historia, traducción e identitad cultura; interacción mexicano-alemana en los textos de Wilhelm Pferdekamp (1901-1966), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras, Nov. 2016
798. “Water as Narrative Catalyst in Medieval German Heroic Epics,” The 132nd Modern Language Association Convention, Philadelphia, Jan. 2017
799. “Valentin Weigel and Boethius: A Sixteenth-Century Reception of Boethius in a Protestant Context,” The 132nd Modern Language Association Convention, Philadelphia, Jan. 2017
800. “The Baby and the Bath Water – Satirical Laughter by Thomas Murner and Herman Bote as Catalysts for a Paradigm Shift in the Age Prior to the Protestant Reformation: Literary comedy as a Medium to Undermine all Authorities and to Create a Power Vacuum,” Twenty-Third Annual ACMRS Conference: Paradigm Shifts During the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb. 2017
801. “The Myth of Melusine and Her Sisters: Archetypal Water and Literature,” Oceans and Deserts 2017: Charting Transdisciplinary Currents in Environment and Culture, UA, March 2017 (key note lecture)
802. “Everyday Life and Culture in the Late Middle Ages: The Evidence of the Tacuinum Sanitatis: Historical-Medical and Social-Cultural Aspects,” XIVth Annual Early Book Lecture Series, Special Collections, University of Arizona Library, April 2017
803. “‘And they laughed after all’: Comedy on the Late Medieval German Stage,” The Comic Supernatural, UCLA Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, April 2017
804. “The Individual Quest for Meaning in the Humanities: Past and Present,” The 2017 Larry Wells Memorial Lecture/Binghamton University German Studies Collquium: BUGSC VIII: Quests for Meaning: Religion, Spirituality and the Transcendental in German Culture, Binghamton, NY, April 2017
805. “The Meaning of Angelus Silesius,” Leader of a Workshop, The Binghamton University German Studies Colloquium 2017: BUGSC VIII: Quests for Meaning: Religion, Spirituality and the Transcendental in German Culture, Binghamton, NY, April 2017
806. “The Exploration of the Scandinavian World by Late Medieval Travelers: With a Focus on Michel Beheim,” Fifteenth international symposium on “On the Road again: Time, Space, and Identity in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time,” Tucson, AZ, May 2017
807. “Death to the King, Long Live the King: Charlemagne in Late Medieval German Literature,” 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2017
808. “Liebe, Erotik und Sexualität im Mittelalter und darüber hinaus,” Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte, Technische Universität Dresden, June 2017
809. “Stimmen aus der Vergangenheit für unsere Zukunft: Das Mittelalter als Lehrfach in Nordamerika,” Leipziger Literaturwissenschaftliches Colloquium, Universität Leipzig, June 2017
810. “Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters – Faszinosum und Terra incognita,” Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, Poland, June 2017
811. “Mittelhochdeutsche Liebesdichtung und didaktische Verse,” Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, Poland, June 2017
812. “Ökokritische Perspektiven auf das Nibelungenlied: Das Wasser war ihr Schicksal,” Zentrum für Mittelalter-Studien, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, June 2017
813. “Toleranz im Mittelalter – die Quadratur des Kreises?,” Institut für Germanistik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 2017
814. “Narrenliteratur und Reformation. Der Paradigmenwechsel im 16. Jahrhundert,” Institut für Kirchengeschichte, Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, July 2017
815. “The Protestant Reformation and Tolerance. A Contradiction or New Developments,” Institute for Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, July 2017
816. “Ovid im Mittelalter: Rezeptionsgeschichte,” Institut für Klassische Philologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, July 2017
817. “Ehre als Konzept und Idee in der Literatur des Mittelalters,” CAST-Kolloquium, Dilthey Forschungsstelle, Ruhr Universität Bochum, July 2017
818. “Boccaccios ‘Decameron’ und Marguerites de Navarre ‘Heptaméron’ als Zeugen des Gender-Diskurses,” Romanistisches Institute, Ruhr Universität Bochum, July 2017
819. “Geschichte der Deutsch-Amerikaner gestern und heute,” Borsum bei Hildesheim, Freundeskreis Heinrich Ruhen, July 2017
820. “Der Zustand der amerikanischen Gesellschaft heute – eine Analyse,” Café Sibylle, Berlin, July 2017
821. “Spiel als Medium der Lebensbewältigung im Mittelalter: Vom Schachspiel zum Köpfen-Wettbewerb,” Spiele in der Vormoderne: Karten, Würfel, Schach. Internationaler und interdisziplinärer KOSMOS-Workshop im gameLab der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, July 2017.
822. “Natur und Umwelt in der Literatur des Mittelalters. Ökokritische Perspektiven,” Institut für Germanistik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, July 2017
823. “Kleinsttexte im Deutschunterricht: Die Relevanz der Vergangenheit für die Zukunft,” 2nd German Teacher Conference GETVICO, Goethe-Institute, New York, online, Sept. 2017
824. “Teaching German Language and Literature with an Interdisciplinary Approach: Jesuit Missionaries in the German Classroom,” Seventy-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, WA, Oct. 2017
825. Reading of own poetry and of two prose satires,” Seventy-First Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane, WA, Oct. 2017
826. “Valentin Weigel und der Protestantismus: Die Suche nach Toleranz im 16. Jahrhundert als Suche nach Gott in der Seele,” Reformation – zwischen Gewinn und Verlust. International Conference, Zielona Góra, Poland, Oct. 2017 (via skype).
827. “Einsatz von Mikrotexten im Deutschunterricht: Der Fall von Karl Heinrich Waggerl,” Workshop, Fall Meeting of the AZ Chapter of the AATG, NAU, Flagstaff, Oct. 2017
828. “Exploring the Literary Terrains of the German Sixteenth Century,” Colloquium Series, Dept. of German Studies, UoA, Nov. 2017
829. “The Challenges of Literature in Past and Present: Through Meaning to Relevance: The Pre-Modern World is Speaking to our Modern German Student Population. From the “Hildebrandslied” to Theodor Fontane’s “Füße im Feuer,” 2017 Annual Convention of the ACTFL/AATG, Nashville, TN, Nov. 2017
830. “The History of Reception of Boethius in Germany from the Sixteenth through the Twentieth Centuris,” 2018 Convention of the Modern Language Association of America, New York, Jan. 2018
831. “German Baroque Poets in the Aftermath of the Thirty Years’ War,” 2018 Convention of the Modern Language Association of America, New York, Jan. 2018
832. “The Magic of the Middle Ages,” Academy Village, Vail, Arizona (Arizona Speaks), Jan. 2018
833. “Bertolt Brecht’s Die Lösung: ein sozialistischer Kritiker in der DDR,” Empire High School, Feb. 2018
834. “Rivers as Landmarks, Challenges, and Barriers for Medieval Protagonists,” Twenty-Fourth Annual ACMRS Conference, Reading the Natural World: Perceptions of the Environment and Ecology During the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb. 2018
835. “Exploratory Practice in the German Classroom: Theory,” and Workshop together with Melanie Mello, Spring Meeting of the AZ AATG Chapter, ASU, Tempe, Feb. 2018
836. “Challenges to Democracy from the Extremes,” Frank Talk, Foothills Library, Glendale, AZ, Feb. 2018
837. “The Holocaust and Its Memory,” Prescott Public Library, Prescott, March 2018
838. “Giants in the Middle Ages in Medieval and Early Modern Art,” Department of History of Arts, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2018
839. “Sexuality in Medieval Art: From the Corbels and Misericords to Late Medieval Manuscript Illustrations,” Sexuality and Intimacy in Medieval and Early Modern Art, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2018 (keynote address)
840. “The Heroic Armageddon in Poetic Terms: The Middle High German Nibelungenlied (The Hundeshagen Codex),” Early Books Lecture Series XV, Special Collections, The Library of the University of Arizona, April 2018:…
841. “Gedichte und Satiren,” Telgte 2 in Tucson. Dichtertreffen der Society for American Writers in German, Tucson, April 2018
842. “Drinking, Partying, Drunkenness in Late Medieval Verse Narratives and Jest Narratives,” Sixteenth International Symposium on “Pleasure and Leisure: Toys, Games, and Entertainment in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” Tucson, May 2018
843. “Wind and Water: Ecocritical Perspectives on Medieval German Literature,” 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2018
844. “The Good Samaritan in Medieval Literature: Expression of Orientalism/Imperialism or Early Forms of Toleration,” 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2018
845. “Mittelhochdeutsch – Middle High German: From a Historical-Linguistic, Cultural, and Literary-Historical Perspective,” Dept. of German, University of California at Davis, May 2018
846. “Die deutsche Ballade vom ‘Hildebrandslied’ bis Marie Luise Kaschnitz,” Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, Poland, June 2018
847. “The Meaning and Relevance of the Middle Ages for us Today,” Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyne v Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, June 2018
848. “Wege und Irrwege der deutschen Philologie: oder, um Fontane zu zitieren: Irrungen und Wirrungen,” Zentrum für Mittelalter-Studien, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, June 2018
849. “Toleranz oder Duldung auch schon in der Vormoderne,” Institut für Theologie, Universität Koblenz-Landau, June 2018.
850. “Automata im Mittelalter: Neue Forschungsperspektiven,” Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, June 2018
851. “Rätsel und Sprichwörter im deutschen Mittelalter,” Institut für Germanistik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 2018
852. “Peace and War in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: The Catalyst for the Modern Discourse about Our Future,” Theologische Fakultät, Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, July 2018
853. “Die Suche nach dem Glück bei Boethius und seine Rezeption im Mittelalter,” Seminar für Klassische Philologie, Universität Bochum, July 2018
854. “Inschriften in deutschen Texten des Mittelalters,” Internationale Summerschool an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz “Materialität und Schriftlichkeit: Inschriften als Quellen der mittelalterlichen Kulturgeschichte,” Graz, Austria, July 2018
855. “Learning through the Erotic, and Erotic Inspiration for Religious, Philosophical, Social and Cultural Purposes in the Carmina Burana: Also: The Dark Side of a Poetic Masterpiece from the Early Thirteenth Century,” Music in the Making: Revisiting the Codex Buranus: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Brixen, Italy, July 2018
856. “The European Union at a Crossroad,” Academy Village, Vail, Arizona, Aug. 2018
857. “Sex in Medieval Literature, Art, Medicine, Philosophy, and Politics,” German 508, 1 hour presentation, Sept. 2018
858. “Deutsche Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts in Arizona: Pädagogische Vorschläge, oder: die Jesuiten sind wieder da!,” Fall Meeting of the AZ chapter of the AATG, Sept. 2018 (1 hour)
859. “Study Abroad: Medieval Europe Travel Class,” Lessons from Abroad – Southwest: Study Abroad Returnee Conference, UoA, Tucson, Sept. 2018
860. “The Joys (Juice) and Delights in late Medieval Verse Narratives: Eroticism and Enlightenment in the Literary Discourse of the Old French Fabliaux,” Sterling Keynote Address, Seventy-Secod Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Cheyenne, WY, Oct. 2018
861. “The Secrets and Meaning of Angelus Silesius’s Epigrams: Mystico-Philosophical Messages from the World of the Barock,” Seventy-Secod Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Cheyenne, WY, Oct. 2018
862. My own poems and satires, Seventy-Secod Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Cheyenne, WY, Oct. 2018
863. “Das deutsche Regierungs- und Wahlsystem,” German School of Phoenix, Nov. 2018
864. “The Medienwechsel (the Gutenberg Galaxy) and the German Protestant Reformation: The Response by German Writers,” Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages, Tulane University, New Orleans, LO, Nov. 2018
865. “Studying, Playing, and Speaking: The Interactive Classroom, K-16,” Annual Convention and World Languages Expo/AATG, New Orleans, LO, Nov. 2018
866. “Meaning of Memory: The Holocaust and We Today,” Florence Community Center and Library, Florence, AZ, Dec. 2018
867. “Angelus Silesius: The Silesian Mystic as a Boethian Thinker: Universal Insights, Ancient Wisdom, and Baroque Perspectives,” The 134th Modern Language Annual Convention, Chicago, Jan. 2019
868. “Multilingualism and Multicultralism in the Pre-Modern Age: Medieval Welsh and Icelandic Literature in a Literature Survey Course: Interdisciplinary Aproaches on a Pan-European Level,” The 134th Modern Language Annual Convention, Chicago, Jan. 2019
869. “The Past as a Gateway Toward the Future,” Bolstering Student Achievement: Student Success Conference 2019, UoA, Feb. 2019
870. “The World of Wonders, of Magic, Science, and Healing in Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogus miraculorum (ca. 1240),” Magic, Religion, and Science in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, 2019 ACMRS & MAP Joint Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb. 2019
871. “German Guilt, Responsibility, and The Way Forward: From the Holocaust to 2019,” Dept. of Modern Languages, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, March 2019
872. “Transforming Students into Global Citizens,” TedEx UoA, March 2019
873. “Standing of the US in the Global Context Today,” Rotary Club, Tucson, Sunset, March 2019
874. “Early Christianity in Ireland: The Book of Kells: Medieval Theology and Early Medieval Media Revolution,” 16th Annual Early Book Lecture Series, Special Collections, UoA, April 2019
875. “The World of Hybrid Women in Medieval and Early Modern Literature,” Imagination, Fantasy, and Monstrosity in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time, Sixteenth International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Arizona, May 2019
876. “Dogs as Friends in Medieval and Modern German Literature,” 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2019
877. “The Dream City in Medieval Literature: The Case of Herzog Ernst (ca. 1170/ca. 1220), Konrad von Würzburg’s Partonopier und Meliur (ca. 1280), and Marco Polo’s Le Devisement du monde (ca. 1310),” 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2019
878. “Germanistik, German Studies, Mediävistik in den USA: Komparatistische Perspektiven,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Regensburg, Germany, June 2019
879. “Paradoxie und Epistemologie in der spätmittelalterlichen Dichtung: Mauritius von Craûn und Heinrich Kaufringer,” Institut für ältere Germanistik,” Otto-Friedrichs-Universität Bamberg, June 2019
880. “Essen als Fest und kulturelles Ereignis im Spiegel der Literatur des Mittelalters,” Universität Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Veranstaltungsreihe “Esskulturen in Literatur und Film,” June 2019
881. “Karl der Große und Maximilian I. (Innsbruck?): Mythos in Bild und Text,” Institut für Geschichte, Universität Salzburg, June 2019
882. “Amerikanische Satiren,” Jacobi & Müller Book Store, Halle, Germany, June 2019 (my own texts)
883. “Mediävistik und Germanistik heute, in Deutschland und in den USA: Relevanzsuche und Identität,” Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 2019
884. “Reisen im europäischen und arabischen Raum des Mittelalters,” Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 2019
885. “Amerikanische Satiren, Amerikanische Politik, Leben in den USA,” Generalkonsulat Venedig, Bernhard Kremser, Görlitz, Germany, June 2019
886. “Verrat in Antike und im Mittelalter: Literarhistorische Perspektiven,” Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germanistik, July 2019
887. “European Views of the East: Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives,” Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July 2019
888. “Medieval European Travelers to the East,” Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July 2019
889. “Gender and Sexuality in the Middle Ages,” Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July 2019
890. “The History of Three World Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, together with a 3 hours excursion of religious sites in Nur-Sultan,” Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, July 2019
891. “Toleration and Tolerance in the Middle Ages: Perspectives from the Past for Our Future,” Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July 2019
892. “American Satires,” reading of my own texts, Kleines Torhäuschen, Bad Hersfeld, July 2019
893. “Toleration and Tolerance in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age: A New Textbook,” German Studies, University of California at Davis, August 2019
894. “The Holocaust and Its Memory,” Himmel Library, Tucson, Sept. 2019
895. “Hatred, Treason, and Their Consequences: A Medieval Case Study for Us Today: The Nibelungenlied,” Whetstone State Prison Educational Program, Tucson, Sept. 2019
896. “Werbung für Deutsch – innovativ, kreativ, traditionell und progressiv!,” GETVICO, online,, Sept. 2019
897. “LMS Top Hat: Advantages, Possibilities, and Very Few Challenges,” Seventy-Third Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2019
898. New Satires and Poems, Seventy-Third Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2019
899. “The Magic of the Middle Ages,” Flagstaff Public Library, Oct. 2019
900: “The Power of Spirituality in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age,” Castelfranco Lecture Series, Invited, Dept. of Religious Studies, University of California at Davis, CA, Nov. 2019.
901. “German-Americans: Their History from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,” German Language School, Tempe, AZ, Nov. 2019
902. “Heinrich Schütz and the Early German Baroque: The Historical and Aesthetic Context,” “Ars Moriendi,” The Collegium Musicum. The University of Arizona’s Early Music Ensemble, Nov. 2019
903. “First Encounters – Exhibit organized by the AATG (myself involved),” 2019 ACTFL Convention, Washington, DC, Nov. 2019
904. “Outreach from College to the High School in the State of Arizona,” 2019 ACTFL Convention, Washington, DC, Nov. 2019
905. “Culture and Memory: Holocaust and German History, Past and Present,” The Church at Litchfield Park, Litchfield, AZ, Nov. 2019
906. “Codex Manesse, Middle High German Minnesang, and the Teaching of Medieval German Literature in the Digital Age,” The 135th Modern Language Annual Convention, Seattle, Jan. 2020
907. “The Principles of Honor, Virtue, Leadership, and Ethics: Medieval Epics Speak Out against the Political Malaise in the Twenty-First Century,” The 135th Modern Language Annual Convention, Seattle, Jan. 2020
908. “Active Outreach to Arizona High Schools with a German-Language Program from the University,” The 135th Modern Language Annual Convention, Seattle, Jan. 2020
909. “The Berlin Wall – a Historical Topic of Universal Relevance,” Chandler Museum, Chandler, Jan. 2020
910. “Prisoner in the East: Johann Schiltberger as a Prisoner of War and Slave in the Middle East,” Unfree: ACMRS 2020 Conference, ASU, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 2020
911. “The Nazis and the Middle Ages: The Use and Abuse of the Nibelungenlied by the Nazis” (1 hour presentation to the class Ger 233 “Fascism and Resistance: Propaganda and Ideology in German Literature and Culture”), Feb. 2020
912. “The Amazon Rainforest of Literature: The Capillary Action from our Past to Our Future, or: the Meaning and Relevance of the Humanities,” State University of New Mexico, Las Cruces, Feb. 2020
913. “The Spirituality of the Gothic World in Art History: The Retablo Room and Contemporary Works of Art,” Museum of Art, UoA, Feb. 2020 (for members only)
914. “Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm,” German School Phoenix, PPP, May 2020 (70 min.):…
915. “In the Name of Religion: Early Modern Globalization by the Jesuits,” Methods of Theology,” Theologische Fakultät, Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, June 2020:…
916. “Trails in Hartmann von Aue’s Gregorius: Medieval Epistemology,” Society for Medieval Germanic Studies, Virtual Colloquium, June 2020
917. “Global Missionizing – the Case of the Jesuits,” Theologische Fakultät, Intercultural Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, June 2020, online
918. “Wisdom from the Past as Wisdom for Our Future: Medieval Fable Literature as Advice for Us Today! Ulrich Bonerius,” Arizona Senior Academy Webinar, Aug. 2020, online
919. “In Defiance of the Pandemic: The Poetic Word. Yes, I Mean Poetry, Now!,” Keynote Paper at the 1st Rupkatha International Open Conference on Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Humanities, Kolkata, India, Aug. 2020, online
920. “The Use of Tophat as a LMS and of the Chatroom in D2L in College Courses, online,” Fall Faculty Learning Community, University of Arizona, Sept. 2020, online
921. “Der Wald als Thema im Deutschunterricht,” Workshop for the Northern New England Chapter of the AATG, Sept. 2020, online (two hours)
922. “Astronomie im Deutschunterricht,” Workshop for the Northern New England Chapter of the AATG, Sept. 2020, online (two hours)
923. “Literature as a Tool of Epistemology: Medieval Perspectives for Postmodernity,” NEW LITERARIA- An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities in collaboration with Department of English, Assam University (A Central University), Silchar, India, “Re-thinking the Postcolonial: Texts and Contexts,” Sept.2020
924. “La nueva cultura del libro en la Europa de la Edad Media y el Renacimiento,” De la tablila a la tablet: El Libro y los libros desde la antigüedad hasta el texto electrónico, Curso de Otoño 2020, Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Sevilla, Nov. 2020 (online), 2 hours, in Spanish; online at:
925. “Piracy, Imprisonment, Merchants, and Freedom: Rudolf von Ems’ Der guote Gêrhart (ca. 1220),” Seventeenth international symposium, “Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” Tucson, Nov. 2020, online
926.“Das Mittelalter im Deutschunterricht,” Workshop for the Northern New England Chapter of the AATG, Dec. 3, 2020, online (two hours)
926. “Religion and Politics after the US Election 2020 – with historical perspectives,” M.A. Intercultural Theology, Universität Göttingen, Dec. 4, 2020
927. “The Glory of the Gothic: Female Beauty, Motherhood, and the Veneration of Christ,” Museum of Art, The University of Arizona, Dec. 14, 2020,…
928. “Symbolic Significance of the Sword in the Hero’s Hand: Beowulf, the Nibelungenlied, El Poema de Mio Cid, Volsunga Saga, Egil’s Saga, and Njál’s Saga,” The 136th Modern Language Annual Convention Association Annual Meeting, Jan. 2021 (online)
929. “Why not Kudrun?: A Middle High German Epic Poem as Exciting Literary Entertainment and Relevant Study Object for Post-Modern Readers,” The 136th Modern Language Annual Convention Association Annual Meeting, Jan. 2021 (online)
930. “Pursuit of Happiness: Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives, or: From Boethius to Fortunatus,” Department of English, University of Gour Banga, India (West Bengali), Lecture Series Parley 21, Feb. 2021 (online);
931. Presentation of New Poetry and Prose in German, Telgte in Tucson 3, 3rd international meeting of German poets, virtual, March 6, 2021
932. Presentation on Tophat Learning Management System, Faculty Learning Community, University of Arizona, March 11, 2021
933. “The Nibelungenlied: The Hero, The Downfall, Honor, and Transgression,” Department of German Studies, University of Calgary, Alberta, March 11, 2021 (2 hour presentation), online
934. “Global Textual Transmission: Medieval Fable Literature from B.C.E. India to the 16th Century C.E. with a Focus on the Swiss Poet Ulrich Bonerius (1350),” Fourty-Sixth Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, Sewanee, TN, April 2021
935. “Book Publishing, Article Publishing, Conference Proceedings: Scholarship, Research, Bibliography,” International FDP (Faculty Development Program) on Recent Trends in Professional and Research Writing, Siksha ‘O’Ausandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar-751030, Odisha, India, April 16, 2021 (1 hour presentation); on Facebook:…
936. “The Paradox of the Middle Ages: Xenophobia, Anti-Judaism, and Toleration: The Cacophony in the Past and the Clash of Discourses,” Centre for Medieval Studies: Symbolic Middle Ages, Debatable Middle Ages, Seminar, at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), April 2021 (2 hours)
937. “Islam and Christianity: Past and Present from a Literary, Theological, and Philosophical Perspective,” Universität Göttingen, Intercultural Theology, “Methods of Thinking,” April 2021 (2 hours)
938. “Entertainment, Laughter, and Communication in Heinrich Kaufringer,” 19th International Symposium on Medieval and Early Modern Studies: “(Mis)Communication, Translation, and Community, Tucson, online, May 2021
939. “Global Medieval Studies: New Perspectives in Fifteenth-Century German Literature (Josaphat und Barlaam and Das Buch der Beispiele der Alten Weisen),” 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI May 2021
940. “Globally Shared Motifs, Topoi, Materials, and Themes: The Foundation of Future Global Medieval Studies,” 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI May 2021
941. “Albrecht Dürer y el Cambio de Paradigmo: El Descubrimiento de Su Mismo/del Yo en el Renacimiento Aleman,” Universidad de Guanajuato, Salamanca, Gto, Mexico, May 2021
942. Together with Makenna Lockwood (undergraduate), “Human Suffering and Artistic Expression: Käthe Kollwitz and Her Prints,” Summer Series, University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, June 2021 (online)
943. “Eastern Buddhism in Medieval Literature and Art,” Dynamic Encounters Between Buddhism and the West, University of Cambridge, June 2021; keynote, invited
944. “Self-Control, Rationality, Ethics, and Mutual Respect: A Dominican Poet Addresses His Audience and Calls Them to Reason. Ulrich Bonerius’s The Gemstone (1350),” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, July 2021
945. “Das Mittelalter und Wir – die Zukunft unserer Vergangenheit,” German Summer School, Middlebury, VT, July 2021
946. “Forschungsmöglichkeiten und Stipendien für Deutschland,” German Summer School, Middlebury, VT, Aug. 2021
947. “The Berlin Wall – Historical Implications for Us Today,” Academy Village, Vail, Tucson, Aug. 2021
948. “Music as a Universal Bond and Bridge Between the Physical and the Divine: Transcultural and Medieval Perspectives,” Keynote lecture, 2nd Rupkatha International Open Conference on Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Humanities, Kolkata, India, Aug. 2021
949. “Etymology as a Springboard to the Teaching of a Foreign Language,” Arizona Foreign Language Association, Tempe, online, Sept. 2021
950. “Friendship and Hostility Between Jews and Christians in Late Medieval German Literature,” German Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, Oct. 2021
951. “Dietrich von der Glezze, ‘Diu Borte’, Einstieg ins Mittelalter,” German Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, Oct. 21 (3 hours workshop)
952. “The Ambras Heldenbuch – A Major Compilation of Medieval Poetry for Posterity. Habsburg Efforts at Historicizing via Literature. Austrian Literature avant la lettre?,” Seventy-Seventy-Fourth Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Convention, online, Oct. 2021
953. “Poetry and Prose by myself, in German,” Seventy-Fourth Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Convention, online, Oct. 2021
954. “Editing, Submission of Papers, Peer Review, Revisions, and Publications,” Seventy-Fourth Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Convention, online, Oct. 2021
955. “The Past, the Present, and the Future: Memory and Literature as Gateways from the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century,” Contemporary Trends and Development in Cultural Studies and the Humanities 2, organized by New Literaria: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Midnapore College (Autonomous), West Bengal, India, Oct. 2021 (invited keynote)
956. “Die Renaissance vor der Renaissance: Selbsterkenntnis und Introspektive in den Werken von Petrus Alfonsi und Hartmann von Aue,” Invited Lecture in the Mediävistisches Kolloquium, Universität Duisburg-Essen, organized by Martin Schubert, Oct. 26, 2021
957. “Wisdom in the Middle Ages.” Pechakucha Presentation:, College of Humanities, Oct. 2021;…
958. “Literature is Us and We are Literature: Global and Universal Perspectives,” Literature, Migration, Transnationalism and Us, Web-based Seminar, organized by ELT@l, Southern Assam Chapter, in collaboration with SKC School of English and Foreign Language Studies, Assam University, Silchar, Asam, India, Nov., invited keynote lecture (…)
959. “Lies, Treason, and Crimes: The Dark Side of Premodern Literature,” The 137th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC, Jan. 2022 (virtual)
960. “Travelers Visit and Stay in Cities: Late Medieval Literary Perspectives,” The 137th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC, Jan. 2022 (virtual)
961. “German-Speaking Jesuits, Founders of Sonora/ Arizona: Early Modern Globalization by the Jesuits,” Saturday Salon and Saloon Lecture Series, El Presidio, Jan. 2022
962. “The Forgotten History of Toleration and Tolerance: Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives,” Diversity & Inclusion Symposium at the University of Arizona, Jan. 20, 2022
963. “Deutsche in Arizona, wirklich? Von Karl May bis zu den Jesuitischen Missionaren,”, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb.,
964. “Anti-Judaism and Antisemitism, Usury, and Other Stereotypes since the Middle Ages,” Freedom Center, University of Arizona, Feb. 2022
965. Workshop on Sixteenth-Century German in Fencing Manuals, Dept. of German Studies, University of California at Davis, March 2022
966. “Germany in the Contemporary World East and West: The Zeitenwende in Face of the War in the Ukraine,” German Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, March 2022
967. “Chess and Wisdom in a Thirteenth-Century Spanish Manuscript for King Alfonso el Sabio (Libros del ajedrez, dados y tablas),” 17th Early Book Lecture Series, Special Collections, University of Arizona Library, April 2022
968. “Lyrik in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte: Von Silesius zu Bertolt Brecht,” Germanistik, University of Cairo, Egypt, April 2022
969. “The Myth of Charlemagne from the Middle Ages to the Modern Time,” Dept. of German Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, April 2022
970. “The Romans and the Germanics: History of German Language from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages,” Dept. of German Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, April 2022
1. “Hessian Soldiers in Albemarle County and Hessen in West Germany,” The International Center, U of VA, April 1987 and at the Senior Center, Charlottesville, VA, June 1987
2. Televised Interview with KUAT, Tucson, Arizona, “Arizona Illustrated”: Commentary on the “Line and Image Exhibition, Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ, October 1988
3. “German Art History – Past and Present: The Roots of Post-Modern West German Art,” Museum of Art, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, October 1988
4. “The Middle Ages – Modern Approaches to the Study of a Past Epoch,” Dept. of German, UA, Tucson, September 1989
5. “History of Germany, from 800 to 1989,” Tucson Boys Choir, Tucson, AZ, February 1990
6. “Das Faustbuch und die Tradition des Volksbuchs,” Dept. of German, UA, Tucson, January 1991
7. “The Middle Ages, their Culture, Mentality, and History,” Cholla High School, Tucson, AZ, February 1991
8. “German Christmas, its Cultural History and Modern Praxis,” Sam Hughes Elementary School, Tucson, AZ, December 1991.
9. “Culture, History, and Religion of Western and Central Europe,” Junior High Townsend School, Tucson, AZ, May 1992.
10. “The Interpretation of Medieval German Literature – Traditional and Modern Approaches,” Dept. of German, UA, Tucson, AZ, September 1992.
11. Attendance of AATG, Arizona Chapter Meeting and Goethe Institut Workshop, Function of Vice President of Arizona AATG Chapter, Tempe, AZ, September 1992.
12. “Germany, its Culture, Geography, and People,” Sam Hughes Elementary School, Tucson, AZ, October 1992.
13. “Germany in its Multiple Representations, a Slide Show,” Sam Hughes Elementary School, Tucson, AZ, December 1992.
14. “Adopt-a-School Program: Community Outreach of Academics,” AATG Arizona Chapter Meeting, Tucson, AZ, January 1993.
15. “Faculty Advising, Modern Languages, the German Department,” UA Transfer Student Recruitment Program, March 1993.
16. “Elisabeth Borchers, eine poetische Stimme des Stillen,” Dept. of German, UA; Dept. of Foreign Languages, ASU, Tempe, AZ, April 1993.
17. “The Middle Ages in its European and Germanic Context,” Dept. of German Studies, UA, Tucson, September 1993.
18. “The Nibelungenlied: Its History, Interpretation, Ideology, and Reception,” Dept. of German Studies, UA, Tucson, September 1993.
19. “Cultural Diversity in the Classroom: Color Schemes as Cultural Codification,” presented at the Tenth Annual Foreign/Second Language Teacher’s Symposium, UA, Tucson, September 1993.
20. “Neue Videofilme für den vorangeschrittenen Sprachunterricht: Turbo,” presented at the AATG -Arizona Chapter Meeting, Flagstaff, AZ, September 1993.
21. “Folke Tegetthoff – ein Märchenerzähler. Einleitung zum Vortrag,” presented at the Dept. of German Studies, UA, March 1994.
22. “Germany after the Elections October 1994: Ein Stimmungsbild,” Deutscher Studenten Klub, UA, Nov. 1994.
23.”Germany – A Slide Presentation,” Tuller Elementary School, Feb. 1995.
24. “History and Politics of Germany: Past and Present,” Deutscher Club, Hilo, HI, June 1995
25. “History of Germany and of the German-Americans,” German-American Heritage Club, Tucson, Sept. 1995.
26. “The Study of German and the Department of German Studies, University of Arizona,” Kingman High School, Kingman, AZ, Sept. 1995.
27. “The Situation after the Wende – Eastern Germany in the 1990s,” German Club, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ, Oct. 1995.
28. “Philology and Medieval Studies – Modern Approaches in Line with ‘German Studies,” Dept. of German Studies, UAZ, Oct. 1995.
29. “The Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” Cedar City High School, Utah, Nov. 1995.
30. “Life in the Middle Ages,” Yuma Public Library, Yuma, AZ, Dec. 1995
31. “The Faustbuch and the 16th Century,” Amphi High School, Tucson, AZ, Dec. 1995
32. “Hessen – a Slide Presentation,” Deutscher Studenten Club, UAZ, Febr. 1996
33. “Germany – the Past as Documented in the Present: Daily Life, Architecture, Food, Nature. A Slide Presentation,” German-American Friendship Club, Saddlebrook Retirement Community, AZ, March 1996.
34. “Resources and Archival Work in German Studies, Canon and the Margin in the History of German Literature,” Dept. of German Studies, UAZ, Aug. 1996.
35. “Hildesheim, Leipzig, and Northrop – the Northern World of Germany in Pictures. A Slide Presentation,” Deutscher Studenten Club, UAZ, Sept. 1996
36. “Two Thousand Years of German History, Culture, and Politics – A Multi-Media Presentation,” Saddlebrook Retirement Community, AZ, October 1996.
37. “Why do we need to study German?,” Flowing Wells High School, Nov. 1996.
38. “Otto Marchi – an Introduction to his Work and his Life,” Dept. of German Studies, UA, Nov. 1996.
39/40: “Study of German with a Computer Game: Europa,” 2 Presentations, Flowing Wells High School, Tucson, Jan. 1997.
41. “How to Use a Computer Game to Learn European Geography,” Dodge Middle School, Tucson, Jan. 1997.
42. “Computer Games as Learning Tools for the Study of German,” University High School, Tucson, April 1997.
43. “Alfred Kolleritsch – ein Grazer Dichter und Literaturkoordinator,” Dept. of German Studies, UA, April 1997.
44. “The German Studies Program–the Major and Minor,” presented to six 200-level German language courses, Dept. of German Studies, UA, Oct. 1997.
45. “The Stade/Hamburg Summer Abroad Study Program,” The Deutsche Studenten Club, UA, Oct. 1997.
46. “Eroticism, Spirituality, and Religion,” One-Hour Presentation, Docens Program, UA Museum of Art, Oct. 1997.
47. “Gabrielle Alioth – Einführung und Vorstellung einer Schweizer Autorin,” Dept. of German Studies, UA, Nov. 1997.
48-49. “Austria today: Two Slide Presentations, Dodge Middle School, March 1998.
50. “Germany, the Study of Germany, the Department of German Studies, UoA,” Tucson High School, March 1998.
51. “The Middle Ages – an Introduction,” Dodge Middle School, April 1998
52. “Krieg und Frieden im Mittelalter – Geschichte und Literatur,” Dept.of German Studies, UA, Aug. 1998.
53. “Germany 1998 – a Slide Presentation,” Deutscher Studenten Club, UoA, Oct. 1998.
54. “New Visual Impressions from Germany. A Slide Presentation,” German Heritage Klub, Tucson, Nov. 1998
55. “The Department of German Studies, an Introduction, and ‘Hildesheim – a Slide Presentation’,” Tucson High School, Jan. 1999
56. “Teaching and Research at the Eötvös-Loránd University, Budapest through a University Teacher Grant,” Rotarian Club of Tucson No. 1284, Jan. 1999
57. “The History and Culture of Courtly Love,” Brandeis University National Women’s Committee, Tucson, Febr. 1999
58. “Moriz von Craûn – A Literary Example of Medieval Gender Relations,” Department of History, UA, March 1999
59. “Northern Germany and Hesse–a Slide Presentation,” German Student Club, UoA, March 1999
60. Methodology and Practice of Medieval Philology, with particular emphasis on the History of Mentality,” Graduate Program in Comparative Cultural and Literary Studies, UoA, April 1999
61. “Germany and Hungary in Past and Present,” Oro Valley Rotarian Club, Tucson, April 1999
62. “Alois Hotschnig – an Introduction to a Literature Reading”, UoA, Dept. of German Studies, April 1999.
63. “Oswald von Wolkenstein – a Fifteenth-Century Poet,” The Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin, April 1999
64. “The Roman de la Rose – a Psychological Reading,” The Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin, April 1999
65. “Arizona: the State, its Geography, Flora, National Monuments, and Cities. A Slide Presentation,” American Student Club, Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest, Hungary, May 1999.
66. “The American University System, Study Abroad Programs, Student Exchange,” American Student Club, Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest, Hungary, May 1999.
67. “International Cultural Exchanges, US-Hungarian Rotarian Relations, Cross-Disciplinary Contacts,” Rotary International Club, Pécs, Hungary, May 1999.
68. “Arizona képekben – Politikai rendszer az Egyesült Allamokban” (Photos from Arizona – the Political System of the United States), presentation in German and English, A Budapest-Margitsziget Rotary Klub, Budapest, July 1999.
69. “Northern Germany – a Slide Presentation,” German Club, Saddlebrook Retirement Community, Tucson, Sept. 1999.
70. “Everyday Life in the Middle Ages. An Exotic and also Familiar World,” Green Valley Forum, Green Valley, AZ, Nov. 1999.
71. “German/Foreign Languages as a Key to a Career,” Amphi Middle School, Tucson, Nov. 1999
72. “Experiences as University Teacher Rotarian Grantee in Budapest, Hungary,” Oro Valley Rotarian Club, Tucson, Dec. 1999
73. “Hungary – a Slide Presentation,” Deutscher Studenten Club, UA, Dec. 1999
74. “Life and Work in Hungary as a Visiting Professor,” Rotary Club of Tucson, Dec. 1999
75. “The Middle Ages and their Significance for Us Today,” University High School, Tucson, Jan. 2000
76. “Experiences in Hungary as a Recipient of a University Teacher Grant from the Rotariens,” Rotary Club, Nogales, Jan. 2000
77. “The Middle Ages – Exploration of a Distant World (with Slides),” Agua Caliente Elementary School, Tucson, Feb. 2000
78. Member of Panel, “The Discovery of Love in the High Middle Ages,” Graduate Class “Gender Relations in Medieval History,” Dept. of History, UA, Febr. 2000
79. “The German Election System,” German Heritage Klub, Tucson, Sept. 2000
80. “Hesse and Bavaria – Two States in Germany. A Slide Presentation,” German-American Friendship Club, Saddlebrook Retirement Community, Sept. 2000
81. “East and West Germany through the Eyes of a Medievalist. A Slide Presentation,” University High School, Tucson, Oct. 2000.
82. “The Life of Women in the Middle Ages,” Green Valley Forum, Green Valley, AZ, Nov. 2000
83. “The Culture and History of German Advent and Christmas Season Celebrations,” German Heritage Klub, Tucson, Dec. 2000
84. “The Relevance of a Foreign Language for One’s Life and Career,” Amphi Middle School, Tucson, Jan. 2001
85. “German Resources on the Web,” German Student Club, UA, March 2001
86-88. Three Presentations on “Sonora – Web-Based German Textbook for the Southwest,” “Why Study German in the Southwest?,” “The Transition from High School to College in German,” Horizon High School, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2001.
89. “Gender Studies and Social-Economic Issues as Expressed in Medieval Literature,” Department of Sociology, UA, March 2001 (Tier 1 class).
90. “Sonora – Web-based German Textbook for High Schools and Colleges,” Partnership Across Languages, UoA, March 2001
91. “Studying German in the Southwest Using Jesuit Missionary Reports,” Dept. of German Studies, UoA, April 2001.
92. “Zungenbrecher, Dialekte, and Other Fun Things About Germany,” German Student Club, UoA, April 2001.
100. “Studying German on the Web – German Jesuits in Sonora,” Amphi High School, Tucson, April 2001.
101-107. “Magical Germany: Past and Present,” “The Middle Ages: Past and Present,” “Women in the Middle Ages,” “The Nibelungenlied,” “The German Language, with Practical Exercises,” “The History of the Christian Church,” “Love in the Middle Ages,” Cruise the Face of Europe, Alumni Holidays International, Cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest, August 2001.
108. “Presentation of German Webpage:,” German Student Club, UoA, Sept. 2001.
109. “Middle High German, Minnesang, and the Worlds of the Medieval Courts,” Music School, University of Arizona, Oct. 2001
110. “The Roots of Modernity in the Middle Ages. The Revolutions of the Twelfth Century,” HABBJACH – Dollars for Students, Oct. 2001.
111. “Walther von der Vogelweide and the History of Medieval German Literature,” Dept. of German Studies, University of Arizona (Prof. Martinson’s 496 Class), Jan. 2002.
112. “Motivationsstrategien für den Deutschunterricht – Bericht über einen selbstverfaßten Aufsatz in der Unterrichtspraxis,” Dept. of German Studies, University of Arizona (Prof. Ecke’s 580 Class), Jan. 2002.
113. “The German Language, German-Speaking Countries, Cultural Explorations, and History,” La Cima Middle School, Tucson, Feb. 2002.
114. “Human Rights from Antiquity to the Present – an Evolutionary Process,” Presentation at a Panel Discussion, World in Transition Series (Baha’i Community of East Pima County), Tucson, Feb. 2002.
115. “Tucson Traffic Problems,” Panel Discussion, Arizona Daily Star, Feb. 2002
116. “Between Heaven and Earth. The Medieval Church, Spirituality, and Mysticism,” HABBJACH – Dollars for Students, Tucson, March 2002.
117. “German Heritage in the Southwest – The Jesuit Missionaries in Sonora,” German Heritage Klub, Tucson, March 2002.
118. “The Role of the Faculty Advisor to a Fraternity,” Phi Kappa Psi, UofA, April 2002.
119. “Study Abroad Experiences for Undergraduate Students,” Meet the Professional at Pizza, UoA, April 2002.
120. “Staying Politically Informed as a Student: Newspapers and other Media,” Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, UoA, April 2002.
121. “Introduction to German Reference Material,” Dept. of German Studies, Ger 508, UoA, Sept. 2002.
122. “The German Major and Minor,” Dept. of German Studies, Ger 300 and Ger 301, UoA, Sept. 2002.
123. “The History of German-Americans, 1500 to the Present,” German Club, Saddlebrook Retirement Community, Arizona, Sept. 2002
124. “Reading of Old and New Poems,” Hosted by Elke Dieners, Tucson, Nov. 2002
125. “The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century,” German 497C Class, UA, Jan. 2003
126. “The Reformation: Origin, Development and Consequences,” German 497C Class, UA, Feb. 2003
127. “Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan: Interview with ABC Radio, Melbourne, Australia, March 2003, aired on August 10, 2003 (ca. 20 minutes):; re-aired Dec. 2015 at:…
128. “The University, Academic Studies, Study Habits, and Learning Experiences,” P i Kappa Phi Fraternity, Sept. 2003
129. “German Jesuits in Sonora/Arizona in the 17th and 18th Centuries,” German Club, Saddlebrook, AZ, Nov. 2003
130. “The History of European and North-American Fraternities. From the Middle Ages to the Present,” Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Dec. 2003
131. “The Relevance of the Middle Ages for Us Today,” HABBJACH – Dollars for Students, Dec. 2003
132-133. “The Importance of German Today,” 2 presentations at Tucson High School, Jan. 2004
134. “Why Study German, and What Does German Studies at the UA Have to Offer,” Cholla High School, Jan. 2004
135. “The History of Anti-Semitism,” HABBJACH – Dollars for Students, Tucson, Jan. 2004
136. “The Early Book Lecture Series: The Bibliophile Treasures of the Past,” Special Collections, UA Library, Jan. 2004
137. Two presentations, the Department of German Studies, Junior Day, UA, COH, Feb. 2004
138. Study Abroad in Germany and “Medieval Travel Course,” Pizza with a Professional, Student Union, Feb. 2004
139. “What does it mean to be a recipient of a University Teacher Grant,” Arizona Tri-District Foundation Celebration Seminar, Rotarian International, Phoenix, Nov. 2004
140. “Medieval German Literature, the Scholarly Approaches to the Middle Ages, and Individual perspectives,” Department of German Studies, Dec. 2004.
141. “The Middle Ages in a Whirlwind, and Walther von der Vogelweide,” Department of German Studies, Jan. 2005 (Prof. Kosta’s class)
142. “Walther von der Vogelweide: A Challenge for Us Today,” Department of German Studies, Jan. 2005 (Senta Goertler’s class)
143. “The Living Books from the Past,” Introductory Talk for The Early Book Lectures II, Special Collections, University of Arizona, Feb. 2005
144. “German Studies today, the Department of German Studies at the UA,” University High School, Tucson, April 2005
145. “Discourse of Love and Marriage in Past and Present,” Arizona Senior Academy, Tucson, Aug. 2005
146. “ Lang’s Silent Movie Nibelungen (1924): An Introduction,” German Film Series, Oct. 2005, UA
147. “The Middle Ages, an Overview,” Ger 496C, Jan. 2006 (upon invitation, 1 1/2 hour presentation)
148. Panel Member, “Listening In,” Access TV Show, April 2006 (1 hour, three-person panel discussion, aired twice a day for 5 days).
149. “Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” Arizona Senior Academy, Tucson, Tucson, Sept. 2006
150. Introduction of the Keynote Speaker Dr. Richard Shelton, Sixtieth Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Oct. 2006, Tucson
151. “Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages: Introduction to the Course Trad 104,” Tier 1 Talks, University of Arizona, Nov. 2006
152. “The Relevance of German as a Critical Language,” Tucson High School, Site Council, Jan. 2007
153. “Early History of Arizona: German Jesuits as Founders of Arizona,” Ajo Public Library, Feb. 2007
154. “Early History of Arizona: German Jesuit Missionaries in Sonora,” Dead Horse State Park, Cottonwood, April 2007
155. “Who is afraid of the Middle Ages? How To Approach Medieval German Literature for the German Classroom,” Advanced Placement Testing, Reading Workshop, Lincoln, NE, June 2007
156. “Medieval Travel Course 2008,” with Pizza, Sonora Residence Hall, UA, Oct. 2007.
157. “Advising in German Studies and the Structure of the Undergraduate Program,” COH Advisors, Oct. 2007
158. and 159. “Why Study German?” German AP Class and First Year German Class at University High School, Oct. 2007.
160. “The Forgotten History of Early Arizona: The German Jesuits in Sonora,” Agua Caliente State Park, Tucson, Nov. 2007
161. “A Literary Journey Through Germany: Cities and Writers,” Saddlebrook Retirement Community, Jan. 2008
162. “Polyglot Approaches to Teaching Foreign Language and Culture from a Historical Perspective, Medieval Travel Summer Course,” Partnership Across Languages, UA, Jan. 2008
163. “Mentoring Graduate Students,” Graduate Class Panel, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, UA, March 2008
164. “Myths, Heroes, and the Epic Past in Germany: From the Middle Ages to the 21st Century,” Class presentation (Ger 300), UA, April 2008
165. “Mystical Women turned into Witches,” Nanini Branch Library, Tucson, April 2008
166. “The Medieval Chastity Belt,” Interview with Rachel Kohn, ABC Radio National, Sydney, broadcast on Aug. 31, 2008 (
167. Interview with Georgetown Voice newspaper on G. Ronald Murphy’s book Gemstone of Paradise, 2006, Sept. 2008
168. “Advice from a Faculty Member about Student-Faculty Interaction Grants,” ipod, UoA, Aug. 2008 (
169. “My Personal Career, Advice for Freshmen, the Academia,” Paladin Honor Class, UoA, Sept. 2008
170. “Why Study German?,” German 102, UoA, Sept. 2008
171. Interview (e-mail) by The Georgetown Voice, Sept. 18, 2008 (on G. Ronald Murphy’s book Gemstone of Paradise: The Holy Grail in Wolfram’s Parzival).
172. “European Languages, Language Politics, and History of Languages,” Dept. of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona, Nov. 2008
173. Member of a Panel: “East and West Germany Before and After the Fall of the Wall,” German 300, UoA, Nov. 2008
174. “German Jesuit Missionaries in Sonora/Arizona,” Jose Valdez Main Library, Food-for-Thought Lecture Series, Tucson, Nov. 2008
175. “German Jesuit Missionaries in Sonora/Arizona,” Agua Caliente State Park, Tucson, Nov. 2008
176. “What are Interdisciplinary Approaches? How to Practice Interdisciplinarity? How to Publish Interdisciplinarily?,” GEMS graduate class, Prof. David Graizbord, UoA, Dec. 2008
177-178. “German Studies, History of Music, and the Use of a ‘Kulturigel’,” two lectures in German classes at University High School, Tucson, Jan. 2009
179. “Holy City and Holy Sites in the Middle Ages: Reflections upon an NEH Summer Institute, Oxford, UK, 2008,” 11th “Work-in-Progress” Symposium, UAMARRC, Jan. 2009
180. “German Jesuits in Sonora/Arizona,” The Arizona University Book Store, Campus, Tucson, AZ, March 2009.
181. “Medieval Travel Course for the Humanities,” Humanities Week, UoA, April 2009
182. “German Jesuit Missionaries in Sonora/Arizona,” Arivaca Library, Arivaca, AZ, April 2009
183. Introduction of the Outstanding Senior Award Winner, Ivan Grubisic, Commencement, UoA, May 2009
184. “History of German Culture and Literature in North America,” German Meetup, International School of Tucson, May 2009
185. “History of Jews in the European Middle Ages,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, Sept. 2009
186. “Die Rolle Deutschlands heute in der Welt: Afghanistan und Somalia: am Horn von Afrika,” International School of Tucson, Sept. 2009
187. “What does it mean to be a student, from a professor’s perspective,” Paladin Honor Class, UoA, Sept. 2009
188. “Entertaining youtube videos in German as rewards for good classroom performance,” Fall Meeting, AZ AATG, Tempe, ASU, Oct. 2009
189. “Mysticism in the Middle Ages,” Himmel Library, Tucson, Oct. 2009
190. “Mentalitätsgeschichte – Vorstellung einer theoretischen Schule,” Dept. of German Studies, UA, Oct. 2009
191. “Women in the Middle Ages,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, Nov. 2009
192. “Study Abroad and Germany,” Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX, Nov.
193. “Begrüßungsworte zur Tagung,” Kultur- und Kommunikationshistorischer Wandel des Populären im 16. Jahrhundert, Freiburg i. Br., Nov. 2009
194. “Germany in the Past, the Present, and the Future,” Flowing Wells High School, Dec. 2009
195. “Study Abroad Experience for the Summer,” Arizona/Sonora Residence Hall, Jan. 2010
196. “Questiones Interpretativas En Reguardo al Poema de Mío Cid,” Texas Tech, Lubbock, Feb. 2010 (Spanish Graduate Class, all in Spanish)
197. “The Analysis of Female and Male Roles in Marie de France’s “Le Fresne” and the Middle English “Lay Le Freine,” Texas Tech, Lubbock, Feb. 2010.
198. “German Jesuits in Sonora/Arizona in the 17th and 18th Centuries,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, Feb. 2010
199. “Jewish-Christian Relations in the Middle Ages,” The Jewish History Museum, Tucson, Feb., Feb. 2010
200. “Early History of Arizona: The Contribution of German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries,” Spanish Cultural Club, Catalina Vista Recreation Center, Oro Valley, Feb. 2010
201. “Women in the Middle Ages,” Nanini Library, Tucson, Feb. 2010
202. “Early History of Arizona: The Contribution of the German Speaking Jesuit Missionaries,” Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, La Posada Retirement Community, Green Valley, March 2010
203. “Teaching in a large classroom (Centennial),” Learning Technology Showcase, May 2010
204. “Women in the Middle Ages,” Cholla Terrace Community, Tucson, May 2010
205. “Was ist ein Text? Textkritisch-philologische Überlegungen,” presentation to Prof. Martinson’s class, Ger 508, Sept. 2010
206. “German Contributions to the World,” German Heritage Group, Desert Hills Lutheran Church, Green Valley, Jan. 2011.
207. “History of Jews from Antiquity to the 20th Century,” B’nai B’rith Covenant House, Tucson, Jan. 2011
208. “German Jesuits as Founders of Arizona,” Agua Caliente State Park, Tucson, Feb. 2011.
209. “Wahres Leben und Tod im 17. Jahrhundert,” introductory and welcoming talk, Wahres Leben und Tod vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Neuzeit: 4. Symposium der Theophrastus-Stiftung Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany, March 2011
210. Poetry reading, Berlin, poetry circle of Robert Goebel, March 2011
211. “Handbook of Medieval Studies: A Book Presentation,” Tuesday Talks, University of Arizona Library, April 2011
212. Panelist, PBS production of “Secrets of the Divine,” Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, April 2011
213. The Grünes Band in Germany: From a Deadly Border to a New Line of Life,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, April 2011
214. “The Hanseatic League – History, Culture, and Literature in Northern Germany,” German-American Friendship Club, Saddlebrook Retirement Community, AZ, April 2011
215. “The Literary Canon: Construction and Deconstruction?,” German 508 class (Prof. Chantelle Warner), Sept. 2011
216. “German Studies, Medieval Studies: Advice for Freshmen, the Academia,” Paladin Honor Class, UoA, Oct. 2011
217. “Why study German? Selling Points for German in 101,” German 101 class, Nov. 2011 (Christina Butler)
218. “The History of Architecture of the UoA Campus,” Agua Caliente Park, Nov. 2011
219. “The Importance and Relevance of German Studies,” German 101 class, Nov. 2011 (Charly Mostert)
220. “The Structure of the German Major and Minor in German Studies,” German T.A.s, Jan. 2012
221. “Critical Questions of Courtly Love,” English Dept., Prof. Thomas Willard’s class, Jan. 2012
222. “Germany Yesterday and Today: A Slide Presentation,” German Heritage Group, Desert Hills, Green Valley, Jan. 2012
223. “How to write a good paper for a college-level class,” Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, Feb. 2012
224. “Why study German and become a minor or major,” Ger 102, UA, Feb. 2012
225. “German Studies: Outline, Structure, Goals, and Perspectives,” Presentation to Empire High School Students, Vail, plus Library Visit, Feb. 2012
226. “Professional Organizations and Conferences,” UA, Feb. 2012
227. “The History of German Jesuit Missionaries in Sonora/Arizona,” Himmel Park Library, Feb. 2012
228. “From the Deadly Border to the Green Zone: The History of the Border Between East and West Germany,” (Neither) Here Nor There: Stories from Life in the Borderlands, Odyssey Storytelling, UAMA, UA, March 2012
229. “The History of San Xavier del Bac: Lecture and Tour of the Mission,” for the Consulate and Staff of the US Consulate Nogales, Mexico, March 2012
230. “Women in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” Himmel Park Library, March 2012
231. “Mysticism and Spirituality in the Middle Ages,” Himmel Park Library, April 2012
232. “The History of Architecture of the UoA Campus,” Himmel Park Library, April 2012
233. “Medieval Cambridge and Medieval East Anglia,” University of New Hampshire, Cambridge Summer Program, Cambridge, July 2012
234. “German-after-school programs at Elementary Schools, Tucson,” Arizona Chapter of the AATG, Flagstaff, AZ, Sept. 2012
235. “My Career as a Research and My Research Agenda,” Paladin Honor Class, UoA, Sept. 2012
236. Discussion of the Movie “Soul Kitchen,” DSC, UoA, Sept. 2012
237-238. “Introduction to the German Studies Major and Minor,” Ger. 201 (10 and 11 a.m.), UoA, Oct. 2012
239. “German Speaking Jesuit Missionaries as Founders of Sonora/Arizona,” La Frontera Coral of the Westerners, Intl., Green Valley, Oct. 2012
240. “Argula von Grumbach and the Role of Women in the Protestant Reformation,” class of Prof. Steven Martinson, “Religion in German Literature,” UA, Oct. 2012
241. “German Contributions to the World,” Dept. of German Studies, UA, Oct. 2012 (Ger 202 class, with advertisement for our major/minor)
242. “Religion and Literature, Women’s Contributions in the Middle Ages, and Paracelsus,” class of Prof. Steven Martinson, “Religion in German Literature,” UA, Oct. 2012
243. “The Beauty and Intrigue of the German Language: Promotion of German in Ger 102,” UA, Oct. 2012
244. “Conditions for German Majors and Minors,” UA, Ger 102, Oct. 2012
245. “Philipp Segesser and the German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries in the Southwest,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, Oct. 2012
246. “German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries in the Southwest During the 18th Century,” Agua Caliente Park, Tucson, Jan. 2013
247. Reading of recent poems, from grenzgänger and sprachbrücken (2012), and Hawai’i Miszellen (forthcoming), Deutscher Studenten Club, UA, Feb. 2013
248. Medieval and Renaissance Art: The Case of the Retablo Room in the Museum of Art,” Olympia Academics, UA, Feb. 2013
249. “Reading of my poem ‘Yard Sale – November 2004,’” Radio KXCI, Feb. 2013
250. “The History of Architecture of the University of Arizona Campus,” Joyner-Green Valley Library, Green Valley, AZ, Feb. 2013
251-52. “Why study German and become a minor or major,” Ger 102, UA, March 2013
253. “Practical Experiences with Panopto and Pedagogical Insights,” Office of Technological Instruction Workshop, UA, April 2013
254. “The Europeans are Coming: German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries in Eighteenth-Century Sonora,” Phi Beta Kappa Association of Greater Tucson, April 2013
255. “The Green Band: Vom Todesstreifen zur Lebenslinie in Germany after 1989,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, April 2013
256. “Love, Marriage, and Sexuality in the Middle Ages: Past Perspectives for Our Society?,” Women in Tax and Finance, Tucson, May 2013
257. “Germany in the Past, Present, and Future: Why Study German,” University High School, Tucson, May 2013
258. “Memory, Culture, and the German Language,” University High School, Tucson, May 2013
259. “History of Jews in the European Middle Ages,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, Sept. 2013
260. “Postmodern Theory and Medieval Studies in the Case of Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan, UA, German Studies, Sept. 2013
261. Six talks to students in 101 and 201 about the German Minor and Major, UA, Sept. 2013
262. “The Nibelungenlied,” German Class, Empire High School, Vail, AZ, Oct. 2013 (via skype)
263. “Medieval Travel 2014,” Yuma Residence Hall, Dec. 2013.
264. “German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries in Early Sonora/Arizona,” Nanini Library, Tucson, Jan. 2014
265. “Medieval Mysticism: Past and Present,” Himmel Park Branch Library, Tucson, Feb. 2014
266. “Thematic Minor in Medieval Studies,” Presentation to the CLAS advisors, UA, March 2014
267. “Why? A Thousand Years of European War and Peace!,” Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group, March 2014
268. “Medieval Travel Course, 2004-2015,” Germany in Europe 2014, UA, April 2014
269. “Reading of Oswald’s poem Kl 69 ‘Do fraig amors,’” Germany in Europe 2014, UA, April 2014
270. Presentation of to the AZ AATG chapter Spring meeting, Workshop, ASU, April 2014
271. “Ulrich Müller – in Memoria,” 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2014
272. “German Studies, AATG, Resources for Teaching German,” German Department, UA (new graduate students), Aug. 2014
273. “The Experience of Transculturality Through Study Abroad,” German Studies 150, German Department, UA, Sept. 2014
274. “Convivencia in Medieval Iberia,” Temple Emanu-El and The Arizona Early Music Society, “The Broken Consort,” Oct. 2014
275. “From the Medieval Catholic Church to the Early Modern Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation,” Dept. of German Studies (Prof. Martinson’s class), Oct. 2014
276. “Differences between Germany and the USA in Cultural, Economic, Religious, Political, and Educational Terms,” Quarles & Brady LLP, law firm, Tucson, and six affiliated law firms across the country via videoconferencing, Oct. 2014
277. “Love and Marriage from the Perspective of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, Feb. 2015
278. “Sprechen Sie Deutsch? German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries as Founders of Sonora/Arizona,” Copper Queen Library, Bisbee, Feb. 2015
279. “Jesuit Missionaries in Sonora: A Look at German-Speaking Missionaries as Founders,” Salon and Saloon Lecture, Dusty Monk Pub in La Cocina, Tucson, Feb. 2015
280-81. “Till Eulenspiegel – A Sixteenth-Century Bestseller,” German 202 (two courses), March 2015
282. “Mysticism in the Middle Ages,” Monte Vista Resort, Mesa, March 2015
283. Two talks on the German Studies Major and Minor, German 201, UA, May 2015
284. “Study Abroad in Medieval Europe,” Posada La Cienega, UA, Sept. 2015
285. “Introduction to Research on Medieval German Literature,” Graduate Course Ger 508, UA, Sept. 2015
286. “Presentation of Medieval Study Abroad in Medieval Europe,” Undergraduate Course, Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages, Sept. 2015
287. “Lachen im Mittelalter und in der Frühneuzeit: Till Eulenspiegel,” German 202 course, UA (Sept. 2015)
288. “The Nibelungenlied: How to Approach it Critically Today,” Graduate Course Ger 508, UA, Nov. 2015
289. “The Knight with the Gash-Hawk,” Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages, Ger 160C, UA, Nov. 2015
290. “History of the German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries in the Southwest,” Himmel Park Library, Tucson, Nov. 2015
291. “Study Abroad: Medieval Europe,” AZ/SO Residence Hall, UA, Jan. 2016
292. “Love, Marriage, and Sexuality from a Medieval Perspective,” Wheeler Taft Abbey Sr. Library, Marana, Feb. 2016
293. “Humanismus und Lachen im Mittelalter und in der Frühneuzeit: Der Stricker, Erasmus von Rotterdam, and Till Eulenspiegel,” two German 202 courses, UA (Feb. 2016)
294. “Integrative Learning: Lessing and Tolerance,” Survival Skills and Ethics class , UA (April 2016
295. “Gottfried von Straßburg’s Tristan: History of Reception, the Palimpsest, and Timeless Meaning,” Ger 508 class, UA (Sept. 2016)
296. “Introduction to German Studies: Why study German and what can you do with it?,” Ger 101, UA (Sept. 2016)
297. “Lachen und Till Eulenspiegel: Humor, Komik und Aufklärung im Mittelalter und heute,” Ger 202, UA (Sept. 2016)
298-299. “Medieval Travel Course, Europe, Summer Study Abroad,” talk in David Gramling’s class “Dreamers and Thinkers” and in Ben Jens’s class “The Balkans: Identity in Crisis,” Feb. 2017
300. “Medieval Mysticism,” Himmel Park Library, April 2017
301. “Introduction to AATG, AZAATG, and the Professionalization of Graduate Students,” German 101 and 102 instructors, Sept. 2017
302. “Medieval Studies within German Studies,” talk to Ger 508, Sept. 2017
303. Three talks in Russian classes on Medieval Europe Summer Study Program, Sept. 2017
304-05. Two talks to German classes at Empire High School, “Greetings from Germany: Why do we study/teach German,” Jan. 2018
306. “German Contributions to the World: Technology, Literature, the Arts, Music, and Philosophy,” Desert Hill Lutheran Church, Green Valley, Jan. 2018
307-309. Talks on the Relevance of German, German Economy, Literature, and Language, German School of Phoenix, Jan. 2018
310. “The Connection between German and English in Historical Linguistic Terms,” German School of Phoenix, Jan. 2018
311. “The German Jesuit Missionaries in the Early History of Sonora,” German School of Phoenix, Jan. 2018
312-314. “The Significance of German Today and in the Future: Deutsch heute und morgen,” Dept. of German Studies, Arizona State University, Jan. 2018
315-316. Two talks about the Relevance of German, about the German Studies Major at the UoA, and about the history of Germany in the modern world, Cienega High School, Vail, Feb. 2018
317. “Goethe’s ‘Zauberlehrling’ and “Why Study German,” Chandler High School, Tucson, Feb. 2018
318-20. Three talks to German classes at Mountain View High School, Tucson, Feb. 2018
321-22. Two talks to German classes at Greenway High School, Glendale, Feb. 2018
323-24. Two talks to German classes at Bueno High School, Sierra Vista, Tucson, March 2018
325. “Democracy in Crisis,” Frank Talk, Arizona Humanities, Patagonia Public Library, March 2018
326-28. Three talks to German classes at Canyon del Oro High School, Tucson, April 2018
329. “The Holocaust and Its Memory,” Joel D. Valdez Main Library, Tucson, April 2018
330. “Lachen im Mittelalter? Gibt es Humor in Deutschland? Kulturgeschichte und Anthropologie,” German School of Phoenix, Tempe, April 2018
331. “Analysis of Bertolt Brecht: “Legende von der Entstehung des Buches Taoteking auf dem Weg des Laotse in die Emigration,” German School of Phoenix, Tempe, April 2018
332. “Hessen, German Technology, Environment, and the Grünes Band,” Maricopa High School, April 2018
333. “The Relevance of German and French Today,” American Leadership Academy, Queen Creek, AZ, May 2018
334. “Democracy in Crisis,” North Valley Regional Library, Anthem, May 2018
335. “Studying German and its Opportunities,” Ger 102, UoA, Aug. 2018
336. “Das Mittelalter,” Empire High School, Vail, Aug. 2018
337. “Challenges to Democracy from the Extremes,” Frank Talk, Appaloosa Library, Scottsdale, Sept. 2018
338. “Why and How to Study German,” Freshman Class, Greenway High School, Glendale, Sept. 2018
339. “German Minor and Major,” Ger 201 and Ger 202, UoA, Oct. 2018
340-42. “The Importance and Fun of German for High School Students,” three classes, Sunnyslope High School, Glendale, Nov. 2018
343-45. “The Meaning and Relevance of German,” University High School, Tucson, Nov. 2018 (three classes)
346-47. “Medieval Europe Study Program,” two presentations in classes offered by Hester Oberman, Religious Studies, Jan., 2019
348. “Why German for High School Students and College Students,” Chandler Preparatory Academy, Jan. 2018
349-51. Songs, poems, and images: The Study of German today,” Mountain View High School, Mesa, Feb. 2019 (3 classes)
352. “Germany – a Fascinating Country,” Walden Grove High School, Sahuarita, Feb. 2019
353. “Bertolt Brecht: ‘Ich lebe in finsteren Zeiten,’” The German School of Phoenix, Feb. 2019
354. The Study of German, Sunnyslope High School, Glendale, March 2019 (2 classes)
355. German Studies at the University, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, March 2019 (2 classes)
356. “Medieval Manuscripts, Incunabula, Early Modern Prints in Special Collections,” The University of Arizona Library, Faculty Fellows Program, March 2019
357. Promotion of German, visit of Corona del Sol High School, Chandler, AZ, April 2019
358. Attendance of German National Honors Award Ceremony, K-12, University High School, Tucson, April 2019
350. Promotion of the Humanities, Chinle High School, Chinle, AZ, May 2019 (five classes)
360. The German Studies Major and Minor, Ger 201 and Ger 202, Sept. 2019
361. “The Relevance and Fun of German,” Greenway High School, Glendale, Oct. 2019 (2 classes)
362. “The German Baroque and Heinrich Schütz,” “Ars Moriendi” – Collegium Musicum
Ensemble, preparatory Q & A session, Nov. 2019
363. “Middle High German Minnesang,” German Studies Dept., University of California at Davis, CA, Nov. 2019
364. “Germany, the Study of German, German Culture, and the B.A. in German Studies,” Heritage Academy Laveen, Laveen, AZ, Nov. 2019 (2 hours)
365. “Studying the Middle Ages in a Study Abroad Program,” Society for Creative Anachronism, UoA, Feb. 2020
366. “The Importance of Global Citizenship,” French Language Class, State University of New Mexico, Las Cruces, Feb. 2020
367. “The Fun with and Power of the German Language,” German Language Class, State University of New Mexico, Las Cruces, Feb. 2020
368. “A Night with a Knight,” Global Studies, Informational Session, with Refreshments and a movie (“The Name of the Rose”), UoA, Feb. 2020
369. “Dragons in the Middle Ages,” Online Presentation, COH Outreach to the Community, May 2020
370. “Knights, Knighthood, Castles, and Weapons,” Online Presentation, COH Outreach to the Community, June 2020
371. “Dragons in East and West: Medieval Art,” Online Presentation, COH Outreach to the Community, with a colleague’s granddaughter in Westfield, MA, June 2020
372. “EUROPE SPOTLIGHT – Virtual Session, Study Abroad,” June 2020
373. “The Berlin Wall, and other walls in world history,” Arizona Humanities, Phoenix, video recording, July 2020
374. “Multilingualism: From German to Finnish to Swedish to English, to Latin, to French, to Spanish, and Italian, with Medieval Languages In-Between,” Odyssey Storytelling, Sept. 10, 2020:
375. Chat meeting at the Stammtisch of the Steuben-Schurz Gesellschaft, Frankfurt a. M., Sept. 25, 2020 via zoom
376. Deutsches Essen – eine kulinarische Reise,” Presentation at Walden Grove High School, Sahuarita, Feb. 2021, via zoom
377. Talk to German 202 about the German Studies Minor and Major, April 2021
378. Talk to German 201, opportunities and options, April 2021
379. Submission of three presentation proposals to the Arizona Humanities, June 2021
380. Reading of three poems, Middlebury Summer School, VT, July 2021
381. “Professionalization of Graduate Students: AATG and the Promotion of German Studies,” German 579, UoA, Sept. 2021
382. “Medieval Europe, Summer Study Abroad Program,” Ger 310, UoA, Nov. 2021
383. Presentation, “How to handle book reviews,” AATG sponsored Roundtable Book Reviews, Feb. 2022
Approx. 500 abstracts from German, Spanish, Italian, French and English language books, articles, catalogues, journals and collections on modern art since 1800, published in: Artbibliograghies Modern. Clio Press (Oxford-Santa Barbara), 1983-1984 (Modern Art History Bibliography).
Approx. 5000 abstracts from German, Italian, French, English, Spanish, Dutch, Romanian language articles and books on textile technology, machinery, materials, fashion, chemistry, management, production, distribution, storage, exports, imports, wholesale and retail etc. in: The Textile Digest, The Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, VA., 1984-1986 (Textile Research Bibliography).
Book Reviews:
Currently 1887 book reviews in German, Austrian, US-American, Canadian, Dutch, Belgian scholarly journals such as German Quarterly, Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Fifteenth-Century Studies, Sixteenth-Century Studies, Mediaevistik, Synopsis, Germanic Notes, Modern Language Notes, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, MIÖG, Leuvense Bijdragen, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik, Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, Schatzkammer, Seminar, Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, Monatshefte, Speculum, Arbitrium, Colloquia Germanica, Encomia, Wirkendes Wort, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, Prospero, Tristania, Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, The Medieval Review, Studi medievali, Women in Judaism, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Medieval Perspectives, , Daphnis, etc.
A complete list of all reviews can be supplied upon request.
1.Viola Bolduan: Minne zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit. Studien zum späten Schweizer Minnesang (Frankfurt am Main: 1982),: Leuvense Bijdragen 73 (1984,), pp. 385-386.
2. Julio A. Hernández: Studien zum religiös-ethischen Wortschatz der deutschen Mystik (Berlin: 1984), in: Leuvense Bijdragen 73 (1984), pp. 551-553.
3.Werner Schwarz: Beiträge zur mittelalterlichen Literatur, hg. von P. Ganz und T. McFarland (Amsterdam: 1984), Leuvense Bijdragen 74 (1985), pp. 82-84.
4.Hermann-Josef Müller: Überlieferungs- und Wirkungsgeschichte der Pseudo-Strickerschen Erzählung `Der König im Bade’. (Berlin: 1983), Leuvense Bijdragen 74 (1985), pp. 85-87.
5.Der Deventer Endechrist von 1524. Ein reformations-geschichtliches Zeugnis. Teil I: Faksimile Druck, hg. von H. Niebaum, R. Peters, E. Schütz und T. Sodmann (Köln-Wien: 1984), Leuvense Bijdragen 74 (1985), pp. 87-90.
6.Hans Unterreitmeier: Tristan als Retter (Perugia: 1984), Leuvense Bijdragen 74 (1985), pp. 496-501.
7.Ingeborg Neske: Die spätmittelalterliche Sibyllenweissagung, (Göppingen: 1985), Modern Language Notes 101, (1986), 3, pp. 735-736.
8.Guillaume et Willehalm. Les Epopées Françaises et l’oeuvre de Wolfram von Eschenbach, ed. by D. Buschinger (Göppingen: 1985), Modern Language Notes 101 (1986), 3, p. 732.
9.Klaus Fuss: Die faröischen Lieder der Nibelungensage, (Göppingen: 1985), Modern Language Notes 101, (1986), 3, p. 733.
10.Lektüren. Aufsätze zu Umberto Ecos “Der Name der Rose” (Göppingen: 1985), Modern Language Notes 101, (1986), 3, pp. 731-732.
11.Ortnit und Wolfdietrich, hg. von Edward Haymes (Göppingen: 1984), Modern Language Notes 101, (1986), 3, p 736.
12.Renate Decke-Cornill: Stellenkommentar zum III. Buch des “Willehalm” Wolframs von Eschenbach (Marburg: 1985), Modern Language Notes 101, (1986), 3, p. 733.
13.Hans-Dieter Mück, Hg.: Oswalds von Wolkenstein Streuüberlieferung, Litterae 36 (Göppingen: 1985), Fifteenth Century Studies 12 (1987), p. 251.
14.Dirk Joschko: Oswald von Wolkenstein, Eine Monographie, GAG 396 (Göppingen: 1985), Fifteenth Century Studies 12 (1987), p. 239.
15.Manfred Kaempfert: Wort und Wortverwendung (Göppingen: 1985), Modern Language Notes 101, (1986), 3, pp. 734-735.
16.Hans Unterreitmeier: Tristan als Retter (Perugia: 1984), Tristania 11 (1986/1987), pp. 61-63.
17.Caspar Scheidt: Grobianus, ed. R. D. Fay (Stuttgart: 1985), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 24 (1986), p. 248.
18.Sankt Brandan, ed. R. D. Fay (Stuttgart: 1985), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 24 (1986), p. 248-249.
19.Jörn Reichel: Der Spruchdichter Hans Rosenplüt (Stuttgart: 1985), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 24 (1986), p. 249-251.
20.C. Stephen Jaeger: The Origins of Courtliness (Philadelphia: 1985), Monatshefte 79 (1987), 2, pp. 248-249.
21.Tomas Tomasek: Die Utopie im “Tristan” Gottfrids von Straßburg (Tübingen: 1985), Colloquia Germanica 20 (1987), 2/3, pp. 224-226.
22.Ilpo T. Piirainen: Das Stadt- und Bergrecht von Banska Stiavnica/Schemnitz (Oulu: 1985), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 25 (1986), pp. 158-159.
23.Elisabeth Feldbusch: Geschriebene Sprache. Untersuchung zu ihrer Herausbildung und Grundlegung einer Theorie (Berlin: 1985), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 25 (1986), pp. 159-161.
24.Klaus Robering: Die deutschen Verben des Sehens (Göppingen: 1985), Schatzkammer XIII (1987), 1, pp. 70-71.
25.Gegenwart als kulturelles Erbe. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturwissenschaft deutsch-sprachiger Länder, ed. B. Thum (München: 1985), Schatzkammer 13 (1987), 1, pp. 71-72.
26.Das Fremde und das Eigene. Prolegomena zu einer interkulturellen Germanistik, ed. A. Wierlacher (München: 1985), Schatzkammer 13 (1987), 1, pp. 73-74.
27.Grammatische Studien. Beiträge zur germanistischen Linguistik in Polen, ed. Ryszard Lipczuk, GAG 447 (Göppingen: 1985), Schatzkammer 13 (1987), 1, p. 74.
28.Beate Rattay: Entstehung und Rezeption politischer Lyrik im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert, GAG 405 (Göppingen: 1986), Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988), p. 232-234.
29.Stefan Baumgartner: Reise zum Heiligen Grab 1498 mit Herzog Heinrich dem Frommen von Sachsen, ed. by Th. Kraus, GAG 445 (Göppingen: 1986), Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988), p. 227-228.
30.K. O. Seidel: Mittelniederdeutsche Handschriften aus Bielefelder Bibliotheken, GAG 453 (Göppingen: 1986), Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988), p. 241-242.
31.Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung 109 (1986), German Quarterly 60 (1987), 3, pp. 466-468.
32.Stephan Speicher: “Vom Rechte”: Ein Kommentar im Rahmen der zeitgenössischen Literaturtradition, GAG 443 (Göppingen: 1986), New German Review 3 (1987), p. 67-68.
33.puella bella. Die Beschreibung der schönen Frau in der Minnlyrik des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. ed. by Rüdiger Krüger, Helfant-Texte 6 (Stuttgart: 1986), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 25 (1986), pp. 161-16.
34.Hartmut Schmidt: Wörterbuchprobleme. Untersuchungen zu konzeptionellen Fragen der historischen Lexikographie, (Tübingen: 1986), German Quarterly 61 (1988), 1, pp. 122-123.
35.Bernd-Friedemann Schultze: Der Augsburger Meistersinger Onoferus Schwartzenbach, Texte und Untersuchungen, GAG 336 (Göppingen: 1982), Germanistik 28 (1987), 2,/3, p. 482f.
36.Sabine Christiane Brinkmann: Die deutschsprachige Pastourelle, 13.-16. Jahrhundert, GAG 307 (Göppingen: 1986), Germanistik 28 (1987), 2/3, p. 429f.
37.Edward R. Haymes and Stephanie Cain Van D’Elsten, eds.: The Dark Figure in Medieval German and Germanic Literature, GAG 448 (Göppingen: 1986), Germanistik 28 (1987), 2/3, p. 389f.
38.Stephen J. Kaplowitt: The Ennobling Power of Love in the Medieval German Lyric, University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures 106 (Chapel Hill-London: 1986), Germanistik 28 (1987), 2/3, p. 493.
39.Gerd Rohrbach: Studien zur Erforschung des mittelhochdeutschen Tageliedes. Ein sozialgeschichtlicher Beitrag, GAG 462 (Göppingen: 1986), Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988), p. 235-238.
40.Heiner Emonds: Metaphernkommunikation. Zur Theorie des Verstehens von metaphorisch verwendeten Ausdrücken der Sprache, GAG 454 (Göppingen: 1986), Die Schatzkammer 13 (1987), 2, pp. 171-172.
41.David Duckworth: Gregorius. A Medieval Man’s Discovery of His True Self, GAG 422 (Göppingen: 1985), Leuvense Bijdragen 76 (1987), p. 504-506.
42.Rüdiger Krüger: Studien zur Rezeption des sogenannten `Jüngeren Titurels’, Helfant Studien (Stuttgart: 1986), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 66-67.
43.puella bella, die Beschreibung der schönen Frau in der Minnelyrik des 12. und 13. Jahrhundert, ed. by Rüdiger Krüger, helfant texte 6 (Stuttgart: 1986), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 64-65.
44.Parodie und Polemik in mittelhochdeutscher Dichtung. 123 Texte von Kürenberg bis Frauenlob samt dem Wartburgkrieg nach der Großen Heidelberger Liederhandschrift C, ed. by Günther Schweikle, Helfant Texte 5 (Stuttgart: 1986), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 62-63.
45.Hans Schwarz: Präfixbildungen im Deutschen Abrogans. Analyse und Systematik, GAG 458 (Göppingen: 1986), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 25 (1986), pp. 163-164.
46.Lambertus Okken: Das goldene Haus und die goldene Laube. Wie die Poesie ihren Herren das Paradies einrichtete, Amsterdamer Publikation zur Sprache und Literatur 72 (Amsterdam: 1987), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 68-69.
47.Ryszard Lipczuk: Verbale Tautonyme lateinischer Herkunft in deutsch-polnischer Relation, GAG 457 (Göppingen: 1987), Schatzkammer 13 (1987), 2, p. 162f.
48.Claudia Händl: Rollen und pragmatische Einbindung. Analysen zur Wandlung des Minnesangs nach Walther von der Vogelweide, GAG 467 (Göppingen: 1987), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 467-469.
49.Wigamur, ed. par Danielle Buschinger, GAG 320 (Göppingen: 1986), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 470-471.
50.Ingrid Bennewitz-Behr: Original und Rezeption. Funktions- und überlieferungs- geschichtliche Studien zur Neidhart-Sammlung R, GAG 437 (Göppingen: 1987), German Studies. Literature, Music, Fine Art 22 (1989), 1, pp. 5-7.
51.Liebe in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, St. Andrews-Colloquium 1985, hg. von J. Ashcroft, D. Huschenbett, W. H. Jackson, (Tübingen: 1987), Monatshefte 80 (1988), 1, 123-125.
52.Stephan Kohl: Das englische Spätmittelalter. Kulturelle Normen, Lebenspraxis, Texte, (Tübingen: 1986), Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988), p. 222-223.
53. Johanna Reisel:Zeitgeschichtliche und theologisch-scholastische Aspekte im ‘Daniel von dem blühenden Tal’ des Stricker., GAG 464 (Göppingen: 1987), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 26 (1987), pp. 187-189.
54.Regina Hessky: Phraseologie. Linguistische Grundfragen und kontrastives Modell deutsch-ungarisch, RGL 77 (Tübingen: 1987), Schatzkammer 13 (1987), 2, p. 161-162.
55.Hans-Georg Kemper: Deutsche Lyrik der frühen Neuzeit, vol. 1, (Tübingen: 1987), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 26 (1987), pp. 190-191.
56.Theodore M. Andersson: A Preface to the Nibelungenlied (Stanford: 1987), German Quarterly 61 (1988), 4, pp. 568-571 (together with the Ehrismann review).
57.Otfried Ehrismann: Nibelungenlied. Epos-Werk-Wirkung (Munich: 1987), German Quarterly 61 (1988), 4, pp. 568-571.
58. Die Lieder Oswalds von Wolkenstein. Ed. by K.K. Klein, 3rd ed., (Tübingen: 1987) in: Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988), p. 220-222.
59.Walther Ludwig: Römische Historie im deutschen Humanismus, (Hamburg: 1987), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 472-474.
60.Die faröischen Lieder der Nibelungensage, 3 vols., ed. by Klaus Fuss, (Göppingen: 1985-1987), Germanic Notes 18 (1987), 3/4, p. 59-60.
61.Ein schöne Historie von Engelhard aus Burgund. Der “Engelhard” Konrads von Würzburg in Abbildung des Frankfurter Druckes von 1573, hg. von Hans Hugo Steinhoff, Litterae 107 (Göppingen: 1987), Fifteenth-Century Studies XVIII (1991), pp. 407-408.
62.Elke Kleinau: Die freie Frau. Soziale Utopien des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts (Düsseldorf: 1987), German Studies. Literature, Music, Fine Arts 22 (1989), 1, pp. 28-29.
63.Jens Jessen: Bibliographie der Autobiograghien, Band 1: Selbstzeugnisse, Erinnerungen, Tagebücher und Briefe deutscher Schriftsteller und Künstler (München-London: 1987), German Studies. Literature, Music, Fine Arts 22 (1989), 1, p. 25.
64.Otfrid Ehrismann: Nibelungenlied. Epoche – Werk – Wirkung (Munich: 1987), German Studies, Section III, Literature, Music, Fine Arts XXI (1988), 2, pp. 165-166.
65.Erec by Hartmann von Aue, Translated, with an Introduction and Commentary, by Michael Resler, (Philadelphia: 1987), German Studies Review 11 (1988), 1, p. 141.
66.Josef Eßer: Die Schöpfungsgeschichte in der “Althochdeutschen Genesis” (Wiener Genesis V. 1-231), Kommentar und Interpretation, GAG 455 (Göppingen: 1987), Studia Neophilologica 60 (1988), pp. 279-280.
67.The Editing of Theological and Philosophical Texts from the Middle Ages, Monka Asztalos, (Stockholm: 1986), Studia Neophilologica 60 (1988), pp. 263-264.
68.Hrotsvit of Gandersheim. Rara avis in Saxonia?, ed. by Katharina M. Wilson, (Ann Arbor: 1987), Seminar 25 (1989), 1, pp. 167-168.
69-70.Edith Feistner: Ottes “Eraclius” vor dem Hintergrund der französischen Quelle, GAG 470, (Göppingen: 1987), together with the review of Karin Pratt’s study Karen Pratt: Meister Otte’s Eraclius as an Adaptation of Eracle by Gautier d’Arras, GAG 392 (Göppingen: 1987), Studia Neoghilologica 60 (1988), pp. 280- 282. (492-93).
71.Ulrich Seelbach: Kommentar zum “Helmbrecht” von Wernher dem Gartenaere, GAG 469 (Göppingen: 1987), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 475-476.
72.Perspektiven und Verfahren interkultureller Germanistik, hg. von Alois Wierlacher, Publikationen der Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik 3 (Munich: 1987), Schatzkammer XIV (1988), 1, pp. 160-161.
73.Thomas F. Shannon: Aspects of Complementation and Control in Modern German. The Syntax and Semantics of Permissive Verbs, GAG 424 (Göppingen 1987), Schatzkammer XIV (1988), 1, p. 159-160.
74.Wolfgang Hinners: Exil und Rückkehr. Friedrich Kapp in Amerika und Deutschland, 1824-1884, Deutsch-Amerikanische Studien 4 (Stuttgart: 1987), German Studies Review XI (1988), 2, pp. 312-313.
75.Christoph Dolmetsch: The German Press in the Shenandoah Valley (Columbia, S.C: 1984), Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991), pp. 248-250.
76.Albert E. Gurganus: The Art of Revolution.- Kurt Eisner’s Agitprop (Columbia, S.C.: 1986), Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991), pp. 123-124.
77.Fritz G. Cohen: The Poetry of Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau: A New Reading (Columbia, S.C.: 1985), Studia Neophilologica 61 (1989), pp. 244-245.
78.Ortnit and Wolfdietrich: Two Medieval Romances, translated and with an introduction by J.W. Thomas (Columbia, S.C.: 1985), Studia Neophilologica 60 (1988), p. 282.
79.Richard E. Schade: Studies in Early German Comedy 1500-1650 (Columbia, S.C.: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991), pp. 121-122.
80.Hugo Bekker: Gottfried’s Tristan: Journey through the Realm of Eros (Columbia, S.C.: 1987), Studia Neophilologica 61 (1989), pp. 127-128.
81.Ingeborg Glier, ed.: Die deutsche Literatur im späten Mittelalter 1250-1370, Geschichte der deutschen Literatur III/2 (Munich 1987), Seminar (1989), pp. 256- 258.
82.Hartmann von Aue: Erec, translated by Thomas L. Keller (New York-London 1987), German Studies Review 11 (1988), p. 141.
83.Grillparzer’s “Der arme Spielmann” New Directions in Criticism, ed. by Clifford Albrecht Bernd (Columbia, S.C.: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 61 (1989), pp. 245- 246.
84.Hartmut Bookmann: Die Stadt im späten Mittelalter, 2nd rev. edition (Munich: 1987), Studia Neophilologica 62 (1990), pp. 127-128.
85.Aaron J. Gurjewitsch: Mittelalterliche Volkskultur (Munich: 1986), Studia Neophilologica 61 (1989), pp. 121-123.
86.Michel Mollat: Die Armen im Mittelalter, 2nd ed. (Munich: 1987), Studia Neophilologica 61 (1989), pp. 123-125.
87.Peter Spufford: Handbook of Medieval Exchange, (London: 1986), Synopsis 1 (1988), p. 9-11.
88.Norman Scarfe: Suffolk in the Middle Ages (Bury St. Edmonds: 1986), Synopsis 1 (1988), p. 7-8.
89.Thirteenth Century England, ed. by P.R. Coss and S.D. Lloyds (Bury St. Edmonds: 1985/1986), Synopsis 1 (1988), pp. 11-13.
90.Franz Reiner Erkens: Der Erzbischof von Köln und die deutsche Königswahl (Siegburg: 1987), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 96 (1988), 3-4, pp. 462-464.
91. Ulrich Schmidt: Königswahl und Thronfolge im 12. Jahrhundert (Cologne: 1987), in: Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 96 (1988), 3-4, pp. 535-536.
92.Umberto Eco: Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages (New Haven-London: 1986), Germanic Notes 19 (1988), 1/2, p. 26-27.
93.Goethe Yearbook 4, Goethe Society of North America (Columbia, S.C.: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991), pp. 122-123.
94.Traude-Maria Nischik: Das volkssprachliche Naturbuch im späten Mittelalter (Tübingen: 1986), Germanic Notes 19 (1988), 1/2, pp. 27-28.
95/96.Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der Literatur, vols. 11 and 12, Germanic Notes 19 (1988), 1/2, pp. 28-29.
97.Hubert Heinen and Ingeborg Henderson, eds.: Genres in Medieval German Literature, GAG 439 (Göppingen: 1987), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 38-40.
98. Wolfgang Niehüser: Redecharakterisierende Adverbien, GAG 482 (Göppingen: 1988), Schatzkammer XIV (1988), 2, p. 215-216.
99.Peter Dinzelbacher/Hans-Dieter Mück, eds.: Volkskultur des europäischen Spätmittelalters (Stuttgart: 1987), Studia Neophilologica 61 (1989), pp. 125-126.
100.Wernfried Hofmeister: Die steirischen Minnesinger, Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar, GAG 472 (Göppingen: 1988), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), pp. 477- 478.
101.Goswin Spreckelmeyer: Mittellateinische Kreuzzugslieder. Texte und Melodien, GAG 216 (Göppingen: 1988), Leuvense Bijdragen 77 (1988), p. 479.
102.Das ritterliche Basel. Zum 700. Todestag Konrads von Würzburgs (Basel: 1987), Studia Neophilologica 61 (1989), pp. 240-242.
103.Hellmut Rosenfeld: Ausgewählte Aufsätze. Festgabe zum 80. Geburtstag, GAG 473 (Göppingen: 1988), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 27 (1988), p. 161-162.
104.Berndt Volkmann: Owe war sint verswunden. Die “Elegie” Walthers von der Vogelweide, GAG 474 (Göppingen: 1988), Germanic Notes 19 (1988), 3, pp. 45-46.
105.Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III. (1440-1493). Die Urkunden und Briefe aus dem Stadtarchiv Frankfurt am Main, bearbeitet von P.-J. Heinig (Vienna-Cologne-Graz: 1986), Mitteilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 97 (1989), 1-2, pp. 182-184.
106.Peter Spufford: Handbook of Medieval Exchange (London: 1986), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 97 (1989), 1-2, p. 142- 144.
107.Peter Blastenbrei: Die Sforza und ihr Heer (Heidelberg: 1987), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 97 (1989), 1-2, pp. 184-185.
108.Alan Frank Keele: Understanding Günther Grass (Columbia, S.C.: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991), pp. 124-125.
109.Hartmut Kugler: Die Vorstellung von der Stadt in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters, MTU 88 (Munich: 1986),in: Speculum 64 (1989), 4, pp. 990-993.
110.James Brundage: Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe (Chicago-London: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 1, pp. 13-14.
111.Tristan et Iseut. Mythe européen et mondiale, publié par Danielle Buschinger, GAG 474 (Göppingen: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 113-116.
112.Jens Jessen: Bibliographie der Autobiographien, vol. 2 (London-New York-Paris: 1987), German Studies. Literature, Music, Fine Arts XXIII (1990), 1, pp. 20-21.
113.German Fiction Writers 1885-1913, ed. by James Hardin, Dictionary of Literary Biography 66, 2 vols. (Detroit, Michigan: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991), 246-247.
114.Heldenbuch, vol. II: Kommentarband, bearbeitet von Joachim Heinzle, Litterae 75/II (Göppingen: 1987), Germanic Notes 19 (1988), 1/2, pp. 29-30.
115.Hermann von Sachsenheim: Des Spiegels Abenteuer, ed. by Thomas Kerth, GAG 451 (Göppingen: 1986), Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988), pp. 218-219.
116.Die mittelalterlichen Neidhart-Spiele, in Abbildungen der Handschriften hg. von John Margetts, Litterae 73 (Göppingen: 1986), Fifteenth-Century Studies 14 (1988), p. 228-229.
117.Literatur und Kosmos. Innen- und Außenwelten in der deutschen Literatur des 15. bis 17. Jahrhunderts, hg. von Gerhild Scholz Williams und Lynne Tatlock. Daphnis 15 (1986), 2/3 (Amsterdam: 1986), Seminar 26 (1990), 1, pp. 71-74.
118.Werner Besch: Die Entstehung der deutschen Schriftsprache (Opladen: 1987), German Studies, Section III XXII (1989), 2, pp. 134-136.
119.Women in Medieval History and Historiography, ed. by Susan Mosher Stuard (Philadelphia: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 137-140.
120.Gianni Granzotto: Christopher Columbus (Norman, Oklahoma-London: 1987), Fifteenth-Century Studies 15 (1989), pp. 330-333.
121.Contemporary German Fiction Writers First Series. Ed. by Wolfgang D. Elfe and James Hardin (Detroit: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991), pp. 246-247.
122.Lambertus Okken, Hans Dieter Mück: Die satirischen Lieder Oswalds von Wolkenstein wider die Bauern. GAG 316 (Göppingen: 1981), Germanistik 29 (1988), 4, p. 904-905.
123.Herbert Walz: Deutsche Literatur der Reformationszeit. Eine Einführung. (Darmstadt: 1988), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 28 (1989), pp. 124-125.
124.Hermen Botes Radbuch. Hg. von Werner Wunderlich. GAG 105 (Göppingen: 1985), Germanic Notes 21 (1990), 1-2, p. 40.
125.Gottfried von Strassburg: Tristan and Isolde. Ed. and rev. by Francis G. Gentry, Foreword by C.Stephen Jaeger. The German Library 3 (New York: 1988), Colloquia Germanica 22 (1989), 3/4, pp. 308-310.
126.Winder McConnell: The Epic of Kudrun. A Critical Commentary. GAG (Göppingen: 1988), German Studies Review 12 (1989), 1, p. 159-160.
127.J.G. Quak-Stoilova: Bild und Translat. Über einige Möglichkeiten der Übersetzung von Bildlichkeit (Amsterdam: 1984), Leuvense Bijdragen 78 (1989), pp. 235-236.
128.Christian Gizewski: Zur Normativität und Struktur der Verfassungsverhältnisse in der späteren römischen Kaiserzeit. Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte 81 (München: 1988), Leuvense Bijdragen 78 (1989), pp. 244-245.
129.Heinz Mettke: Altdeutsche Texte (Leipzig: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 1-3.
130.Erwin Arndt/Gisela Brandt: Luther und die deutsche Sprache. Wie redet der Deudsche man jnn solchem fall?. (Leipzig: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 6-7.
131.Barbara Becker-Cantarino: Der lange Weg zur Mündigkeit. Frau und Literatur (1500-1800). (Stuttgart: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 11-14.
132.Paul Piper: Die geistliche Dichtung des Mittelalters. Reprint of the 1888 ed. (Zürich: 1986), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 38-39.
133.Kurt Böttcher et al.: Lexikon deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts. (Leipzig: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 4, pp. 58-59.
134.Vladimir P. Goss and Christine Verzár Bornstein, eds.: The Meeting of Two Worlds. Cultural Exchange between East and West during the Period of the Crusades. (Kalamazoo, MI: 1986), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 4, pp. 67-69.
135.Die Ritteridee in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, ed. by Jörg Arentzen and Uwe Ruberg. (Darmstadt: 1987), German Quarterly 62 (1989), 2, pp. 252-253.
136.Essen und Trinken in Mittelalter und Neuzeit, hg. von I. Bitsch, T. Ehlert und Xenja von Ertzdorff. (Sigmaringen: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 1, pp. 12- 13.
137.A History of Private Life, I. From Pagan Rome to Byzantium, ed. by Paul Veyne, from the French by A. Goldhammer (Cambridge, Ma.-London: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 2/3, pp. 39-40.
138.A History of Private Life, II. Revelations of the Medieval World, ed. by Georges Duby, transl. from the French by A. Goldhammer (Cambridge, Ma.-London: 1988), Germanic Notes.
139.C.D. M. Cossar: The German Translation of Niccolò Poggibonsi’s “Libro d’oltramare”, GAG 452 (Göppingen: 1985), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 40-41.
140.Ulrich von Liechtenstein: Frauendienst, hg. von Franz Viktor Spechtler, GAG 485 (Göppingen: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 4, p. 62.
141.The Female Autograph. Theory and Practice of Autobiography from the Tenth to the Twentieth Century, ed. by Domna C. Stanton (Chicago-London: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 1, pp. 14-15.
142.Martha C. Howell: Women, Production, and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities (Chicago-London: 1986/88), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 2/3, pp. 42-43.
143.Wilhelm Perpeet: Das Kunstschöne. Sein Ursprung in der italienischen Renaissance, Orbis Academicus, 7 (Munich: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 2/3, pp. 44-45.
144.Semper idem et novus. Festschrift für Frank Banta. Edited by Francis G. Gentry (Göppingen: 1988), German Studies Review 12 (1989), 3, pp. 512-513.
145.Roland Richter: Wie Walther von der Vogelweide ein “Sänger des Reiches” wurde, GAG 484 (Göppingen: 1988), German Studies Review 12 (1989), 2, p. 353-354.
146.Festschrift für Paul Klopsch, hg. von U. Kindermann, W. Maaz, F. Wagner, GAG 492 (Göppingen: 1988), Leuvense Bijdragen 78 (1989), pp. 202-203.
147.Norbert Olf: Der Wortschatz Jacob Ayrers, GAG 489 (Göppingen: 1988), Leuvense Bijdragen 78 (1989), p. 160.
148.Barbara Siebert: Rezeption und Produktion. Bezugssysteme in der “Kudrun”, GAG 491 (Göppingen: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 98-100.
149.Maurice Bogaers: Chiastische Strukturen im St. Trudperter Hohen Lied (Amsterdam: 1988), Leuvense Bijdragen 78 (1989), p. 243.
150.Mittelalter-Rezeption III. Gesammelte Vorträge des 3. Salzburger Symposions: ‘Mittelalter, Massenmedien, Neue Mythen’. Hg. von J. Kühnel, H.-D. Mück, Ursula Müller, Ulrich Müller (Göppingen: 1988), Fifteenth-Century Studies 15 (1989), pp. 344-346.
151.Michael Dallapiazza: Die Boccaccio-Handschriften in den deutschsprachigen Ländern. Eine Bibliographie (Bamberg: 1988), Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 109 (1990), 3, pp. 477-478.
152.Ulrich von Liechtenstein: Frauendienst, ed. by Franz Viktor Spechtler (Göppingen: 1988), Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 109 (1990), 1, pp. 126-127.
153.Philip Payne: Robert Musil’s ‘The Man without Qualities’. A Critical Study (Cambridge: 1988), German Quarterly 62 (1989), pp. 541-542.
154.Winder McConnell: The Epic of Kudrun. A Critical Commentary (Göppingen: 1988), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Älteren Germanistik 28 (1989), pp. 125-127.
155.John A. Burrow: The Ages of Man. A Study in Medieval Writing and Thought (Oxford: 1986), Arbitrium 3 (1989), pp. 278-280.
156.Mentalitäten im Mittelalter. Methodische und inhaltliche Probleme, hg. von F. Graus (Sigmaringen: 1987), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 43-44.
157.Ehrhard Bahr, Hg.: Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. Bd. 1: Vom Mittelalter bis zum Barock, UTB 1463 (Tübingen: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 45-46.
158.Des Minnesangs Frühling, bearbeitet von Hugo Moser und Helmut Tervooren, I. Texte, 38., erneut revidierte Auflage (Stuttgart: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 34-36.
159.The Saga of Thidrek of Bern, transl. by Edward R. Haymes (New York: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 107-108.
160.Wolfram von Eschenbach: Titurel and the Songs, Texts and Transl. with Introduction, Notes and Comments by Marion E. Gibbs and Sidney M. Johnson (New York: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 122-124.
161.Frühneuhochdeutsches Lesebuch. Hg. von Oskar Reichmann und Klaus-Peter Wegera (Tübingen: 1988), in Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 30 (1990), pp. 177-178.
162.Carmina Burana. Texte und Übersetzungen, hg. von Benedikt Konrad Vollmann. Bibliothek des Mittelalters 13 (Frankfurt: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 4, p 61.
163.Friedrich Schiller. Dramen I, hg. von Gerhard Kluge. Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker 29 (Frankfurt: 1988), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 4, pp. 60-61.
164.Glyn S. Burgess: The Lais of Marie de France. Text and Context (Athens, GA.: 1987) in: Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 20-22.
165.Women & Power in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Mary Erler, Maryanne Kowaleski (Athens, GA.-London: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 131-134.
166.Mary B. Campbell: The Witness and the Other World. Exotic European Writing, 400-1600 (Ithaca-London: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 22-26.
167.Biblia Pauperum. A Facsimile and Edition by Avril Henry (Ithaca: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 15-16.
168.König vom Odenwald. Gedichte, ed. and translated by Reinhard Olt (Heidelberg: 1988), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 28 (1989), pp. 127-128.
169.The Viandier of Taillevent. An Edition of all Extant Manuscripts, ed. by Terence Scully (Ottawa: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 112-113.
170.Das Zeitalter des Barock. Texte und Zeugnisse, hg. von Albrecht Schöne, 3. verb. Aufl. (München: 1988), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 44-45.
171.Deutsche Literatur von Frauen. Erster Band. Vom Mittelalter bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts, hg. von Gisela Brinker-Gabler (München: 1988), Germanic Notes 21 (1990), 1-2, pp. 38-39.
172.Alltag im 16. Jahrhundert. Studien zu Lebensformen in mitteleuropäischen Städten, ed. by A. Kohler and Heinrich Lutz (Vienna: 1987), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 98 (1990), 3-4, pp. 476-478.
173.Guy P. Marchal: Sempach 1386. Von den Anfängen des Territorialstaates Luzern (Basel: 1986),Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 97 (1989), 3/4, pp. 484-486.
174.Jürgen Hannig: Consensus Fidelium. Frühfeudale Interpretationen des Verhältnisses von Königtum und Adel am Beispiel des Frankenreiches (Stuttgart: 1982), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 97 (1989), 3/4, pp. 468-470.
175.The Study of Chivalry. Resources and Approaches, ed. by Howell Chickering and Thomas H. Seiler (Kalamazoo, MI.: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 109-111.
176.Schöne Frauen – Schöne Männer. Literarische Schönheitsbeschreibungen, ed. Theo Stemmler (Mannheim: 1988), Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 109 (1990), 3, pp. 449-450.
177.L’époque de la Renaissance 1400-1600, premier volume: L’avènement de l’esprit nouveau (1400-1480), publié sous la direction de T. Klaniczay, Eva Kushner, André Stegmann (Budapest: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 69-71.
178.Sandro Sticca: The Planctus Mariae in the Dramatic Tradition of the Middle Ages (Athens, GA.-London: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 102-104.
179.Guillaume de Machaut: “Le Jugement du roy de Behaigne” and “Remede de Fortune”, ed. James I. Wimsatt and William W. Kibler (Athens, GA.-London: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 32-34.
180.Theodore M. Andersson: A Preface to the Nibelungenlied (Stanford, CA.: 1987), German Studies Review 12 (1989), 3, pp. 513-514.
181.Terry Eagleton: Einführung in die Literaturtheorie (Stuttgart: 1988), Studie Neophilologica 63 (1991), pp. 239-241.
182.Ute Frevert: Women in German History. From Bourgeois Emancipation to Sexual Liberation (Oxford/Hamburg/New York: 1988), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 37-38.
183.Siegfried Grosse/Ursula Rautenberg: Die Rezeption mittelalterlicher deutscher Dichtung. Eine Bibliographie ihrer Übersetzungen und Bearbeitungen seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts (Tübingen: 1989), Colloquia Germanica 23 (1990), 1, pp. 64-65.
184.Die deutsche Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Texte und Zeugnisse, hg. von Walther Killy. Fotomechanischer Nachdruck der Ausg. 1965-1983 (München: 1988), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 2/3, pp. 40-42.
185.Giovanni Boccaccio: Amorosa Visione. Bilingual Edition, transl. by R. Hollander et al. (Hanover-London: 1986), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 17-18.
186.John G. Weiger: In the Margins of Cervantes (Hanover, NH.: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 126-128.
187.Charles Dahlberg: The Literature of Unlikeness (Hanover, NH.: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 26-29.
188.Romance. Generic Transformation from Chrétien de Troyes to Cervantes, ed. and with an Introduction by Kevin Brownlee and Marina Scordilis Brownlee (Hanover, NH.: 1985), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 94-96.
189.Jürgen Förster/Eva Neuland/Gerhard Rupp, eds.: Wozu noch Germanistik? Wissenschaft, Beruf, kulturelle Praxis (Stuttgart: 1989), Germanic Studies Review XIII (1990), 3, pp. 520-522.
190.Franz-Josef Verscharen: Gesellschaft und Verfassung der Stadt Marburg beim Übergang vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit (Marburg: 1985),Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 97 (1989), 3/4, pp. 492-494.
191.Teta E. Moehs: The Gospel of Jesus Christ According to Mistress Ava (New York: 1986), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 97 (1989), 3/4, pp. 521-523.
192.Über Bürger, Stadt und städtische Literatur im Spätmittelalter, hg. von J. Fleckenstein und Karl Stackmann (Göttingen: 1980), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 97 (1989), 3/4, pp. 482-484.
193.New Images of Medieval Women. Essays towards a Cultural Anthropology, ed. by Edelgard DuBruck (Lewistown: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 83-86.
194.Rainer Maria Rilke: The Sonnets to Orpheus, Translated by Leslie Norris and Alan Keele (Columbia, SC: 1989), German Studies Review 13 (1990), 2, pp. 341-342.
195.Heinrich Wittenwiler: “Der Ring”, hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Bernd Sowinski (Stuttgart: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 129-130.
196.Die altenglische Judith. Eine Ausgabe für den akademischen Unterricht, hg., ins Deutsche übersetzt und kommentiert von Josef Klegraf (Stuttgart: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 29-30.
197.Poetae Minores. Weniger bekannte Dichter der Großen Heidelberger Liederhandschrift, hg. und übersetzt von Joachim Kuolt (Stuttgart: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), p. 93.
198.Marquard vom Stein: Der Ritter vom Turn, kritisch hg. von Ruth Harvey (Berlin: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 117-118.
199.Ist zwîvel herzen nâchgebûr. Günther Schweikle zum 60. Geburtstag, hg. von Rüdiger Krüger, Jürgen Kühnel, Joachim Kuolt (Stuttgart: 1989), German Studies Review 13 (1990), 2, pp. 344-345.
200.Burghart Wachinger: Der Mönch von Salzburg. Zur Überlieferung geistlicher Lieder im späten Mittelalter (Tübingen: 1989), Fifteenth-Century Studies 16 (1990), pp. 328-330.
201. L’espositione di Bernardino Daniello da Lucca sopra la Comedia di Dante. Ed. by Robert Hollander & Jeffrey Schnapp with Kevin Brownlee & Nancy Vicers (Hanover-London: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 71-72.
202. Heinrich von dem Türlin: The Crown. A Tale of Sir Gawain and King Arthur’s Court. Translated and with an Introduction by J.W. Thomas (Lincoln, NE,-London: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 118-119.
203. Johnston, Otto W.: The Myth of a Nation – Literature and Politics in Prussia under Napoleon. (Columbia, SC: 1989), German Studies Review 13 (1990) 2, pp. 322-324.
204. August Lübben: Mittelniederdeutsches Wörterbuch. Rpt. of the 1888 ed. (Darmstadt: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 79-80.
205. Mittelalterliche Visionsliteratur. Eine Anthologie. Ed. and transl. by Peter Dinzelbacher (Darmstadt: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 80-82.
206. Xenja von Ertzdorff: Romane und Novellen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland. (Darmstadt: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 120-122.
207. Barbara Haupt, Hg.: Zum mittelalterlichen Literaturbegriff. (Darmstadt: 1985), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 61-62.
208. Lambertus Okken: Kommentar zum Tristan-Roman Gottfrieds von Strassburg. 3. Bd.: Nachlese (Amsterdam: 1988), Leuvense Bijdragen 78 (1989), pp. 336-337.
209. Geistliche und weltliche Epik des Mittelalters in Österreich. Hg. von David McLintock, Adrian Stevens, Fred Wagner, GAG 446 (Göppingen: 1987), Germanic Notes 20 (1989), 2/3, pp. 46-47.
210. Women and Work in Preindustrial Europe. Ed. by Barbara A. Hanawalt (Bloomington: 1986), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 134-136.
211. Götz Müller: Gegenwelten. Die Utopie in der deutschen Literatur (Stuttgart: 1989), German Studies Review 13 (1990), 2, pp. 307-308.
212. Harald Haferland: Höfische Interaktion. Interpretationen zur höfischen Epik und Didaktik um 1200 (München: 1988), Germanic Notes 21 (1990), 1-2, pp. 35-36.
213. Kathryn Gravdal: Vilain and Courtois. Transgressive Parody in French Literature of the Twelth and Thirteenth Centuries (Lincoln-London: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 50-52.
214. Kevin Brownlee and Walter Stephens, eds.: Discourses of Authority in Medieval and Renaissance Literature (Hanover-London: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 18-20.
215. Wilhelm Baum: Sigmund der Münzreiche. Zur Geschichte Tirols und der habsburgischen Länder im Spätmittelalter (Bozen: 1987), Fifteenth-Century Studies 16 (1990), pp. 256-258.
216. James F. Poag/Thomas C. Fox, eds.: Entzauberung der Welt. Deutsche Literatur 1200-1500 (Tübingen: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 89-92.
217.Walter Stephens: Giants in those Days. Folklore, Ancient History, and Nationalism (Lincoln, Nebraska,-London: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 100-102.
218.Idee – Gestalt – Geschichte. Festschrift Klaus von See, ed. G. W. Weber (Odense: 1988), Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 226, 141st yearly volume (1989), 2, pp. 400-401.
219.Eckehard Simon: The Türkenkalender (1454). Attributed to Gutenberg and the Strasbourg Lunation Tracts (Cambridge, Mss.: 1988), Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 226, 141st yearly volume (1989), pp. 398-399.
220.Hanna-Barbara Gerl: Einführung in die Philosophie der Renaissance (Darmstadt: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 42-44.
221.Helmut Arntzen: Satire in der deutschen Literatur. Geschichte und Theorie. Bd. 1 (Darmstadt: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 8-10.
222.Alois M. Haas: Todesbilder im Mittelalter. Fakten und Hinweise in der deutschen Literatur (Darmstadt: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 52-54.
223.Hermann Gelhaus: Der Streit um Luthers Bibelverdeutschung im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert (Tübingen: 1989), Journal of English and Germanic Philology 89 (1990), 3, pp. 353-355.
224.Psychologie in der Mediävistik. Gesammelte Beiträge des Steinheimer Symposions. Hg. von J. Kühnel, H.-D. Mück, U. Müller, U. Müller (Göppingen: 1985), Fifteenth-Century Studies 16 (1990), pp. 291-294.
225.Werner Schröder: Wolfram von Eschenbach. I. Spuren und Werke (Stuttgart: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 96-98.
226.Ursula Katzenmeier: Das Schachspiel des Mittelalters als Struktu-rierungsprinzip der Erec-Romane, Amsterdamer Beiträge der älteren Germanistik 30 (1990), pp. 170- 173.
227.John A. McCarthy: Crossing Boundaries. A Theory and History of Essay Writing in German, 1680-1815 (Philadelphia: 1989), Archiv für neuere Sprachen und Literaturen 227 (1990), 2, pp. 344-345.
228.Hans Biedermann: Knaurs Lexikon der Symbole (Munich: 1989), German Studies. Literature, Music, Fine Arts XXIII (1990), 2, pp. 187-188.
229.Konrad von Heimesfurt: “Unser vrouwen Hinvart” und “Diu urstende”, hg. von K. Gärtner und W. J. Hoffmann. ATB, 99 (Tübingen: 1989), Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 110, 1 (1991), pp. 147-148.
230.Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pius II) and Niklas von Wyle: The Tale of Two Lovers. Eurialus and Lucretia. Ed. with Introduction, Notes and Glossary by Eric John Morrall (Amsterdam: 1988), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 30 (1990), pp. 178-180.
231.Alfred Behrmann: Einführung in den neueren deutschen Vers. Von Luther bis zur Gegenwart. Eine Vorlesung (Stuttgart: 1989), German Studies Review 13 (1990), 2, pp. 309-310.
232.Karin Baumann: Aberglaube für Laien. Zur Programmatik und Überlieferung mittelalterlicher Superstitionskritik, 2 vols. (Würzburg: 1989), Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 227 (1990), 2, pp. 337-340.
233.Frühneuhochdeutsches Lesebuch, hg. O. Reichmann und K.-P. Wegera (Tübingen: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 39-42.
234.Frédéric Hartweg/Klaus-Peter Wegera: Frühneuhochdeutsch. Eine Einführung in die deutsche Sprache des Spätmittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit (Tübingen: 1988), to appear in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik.
235.Hartmut Kugler: Die Vorstellung der Stadt in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters (Munich-Zürich: 1986), Leuvense Bijdragen 79 (1990), pp. 324-326.
236.André Kaminski: Schalom allerseits. Tagebuch einer Deutschlandsreise (Frankfurt: 1987), Germanic Notes 21 (1990), 1-2, pp. 36-38.
237.André Kaminski: Kiebitz (Frankfurt a. M.: 1988), Germanic Notes 21 (1990), 1- 2, pp. 36-38.
238.Ronald Pepin: Literature of Satire in the Twelfth Century. A Neglected Mediaeval Genre, Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 86-88.
239.Peter Czerwinski: Der Glanz der Abstraktion. Frühe Formen von Reflexivität im Mittelalter (Frankfurt-New York: 1989), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 30 (1990), pp. 172-177.
240.Götz Müller: Gegenwelten. Die Utopie in der deutschen Literatur (Stuttgart: 1989), Literature, Music, Fine Arts. German Studies XXIV (1991), 1/2, pp. 28-29.
241.Germanische Rest- und Trümmersprachen, ed. Heinrich Beck (Berlin-New York: 1989), German Studies XXIV (1991), 1/2, pp. 5-7.
242.Women in Reformation and Counter-Reformation Europe. Private and Public Worlds, ed. by Sherrin Marshall (Bloomington-Indianapolis: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 141-144.
243.Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf: Mystik der Moderne. Die visionäre Ästhetik der deutschen Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart: 1989), German Quarterly 64, 4 (1991), pp. 567-569.
244.William D. Paden, ed.: The Voice of the Trobairitz. Perspectives on the Women Troubadours (Philadelphia: 1989), Mediaevistik 2 (1989), pp. 339-341.
245.Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages. The Bestiary and Its Legacy. Ed. by W. B. Clard and M. T. McMunn (Philadelphia: 1989), Mediaevistik 2 (1989), pp. 295-298.
246.Mary F. Wack: Lovesickness in the Middle Ages. The “Viaticum” and Its Commentaries (Philadelphia: 1990), Mediaevistik 2 (1989), pp. 333-336.
247.Kathryn Gravdal: Vilain and Courtois. Trangressive Parody in French Literature of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (Lincoln-London: 1989), Mediaevistik 2 (1989), pp.336-339.
248.Rostocker Liederbuch. Niederdeutsche Handschrift des 15. Jahrhunderts, neu hg. von F. Ranke und J.M. Müller-Blattau (Halle/S.: 1927, Reprint Leipzig: 1987), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 75-77.
249.Three Medieval Views of Women. La Contenance des Fames, Le Bien des Fames, Le Blasme des Fames, transl. and ed. by G.K. Fiero, W. Pfeffer, M. Allain (New Haven-London: 1989), Mediaevistik 2 (1989), pp. 384-386.
250.Gabriele Raudszus: Die Zeichenstruktur der Kleidung. Untersuchungen zur Symbolik des Gewandes in der deutschen Epik des Mittelalters (Hildesheim: 1985), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 36-37.
251.Codex Manesse. Die Miniaturen der Großen Heidelberger Liederhandschrift, ed. I. F. Walther (Frankfurt a. M.: 1988/89), Germanic Notes 22, 3/4 (1991), pp. 76-77.
252.Gedichte von Hildegard von Bingen bis Ingeborg Bachmann, ed. E. Borchers (Frankfurt a. M.: 1987/88), Germanic Notes 22, 1-2 (1991), pp. 38-39.
253.Briefe von Lieselotte von der Pfalz bis Rosa Luxemburg, ed. C. Schmölders (Frankfurt a. M.: 1987/89), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 35-36.
254.Ulrike Lehmann-Langholz: Kleiderkritik in mittelalterlicher Dichtung (Frankfurt a. M.-Bern-New York: 1985), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 42-43.
255.Georg Weerth: Sämtliche Briefe, ed. J.-W. Goette (Frankfurt a. M.-New York: 1989), Germanic Notes 22, 1-2 (1991), pp. 41-42.
256.Urban Küster: Der verschlossene Garten. Volkssprachliche Hohelied-Auslegung und monastische Lebensform im 12. Jahrhundert (Düsseldorf: 1985), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 41-42.
257.The Broadview Book of Medieval Anecdotes. Compiled by Richard Kay (Peterborough, Canada: 1988), Synopsis 2 (1989/1989), pp. 63-64.
258.Lars Huldén: The Chain of Dance. Selected Poems. Transl. and with an Introd. by George C. Schoolfield (Columbus, S.C.: 1991), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), p. 29.
259.Hans Rosenplüt: Reimpaarsprüche und Lieder, Hg. von Jörn Reichel (Tübingen: 1990), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 34 (1991), 170-171.
260.Thomas Mann’s Doctor Faustus. A Novel at the Margin of Modernism. Ed. by Herbert Lehnert and Peter C. Pfeiffer (Columbia, SC: 1991), Germanic Notes 22, 3/4 (1991), pp. 84-86.
261.Richard van Dülmen: Kultur und Alltag in der frühen Neuzeit. Das Haus und seine Menschen (München: 1990), German Studies Review XIV, 3 (1991), pp. 611-613.
262.Willy Hasty: Adventure as Social Performance. A Study of the German Court Epic (Tübingen: 1989), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 34 (1991), pp. 164-166.
263.Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister’s Travels. Translation of the First Edition by Thomas Carlyle, with an Introduction by James Hardin (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), Germanic Notes 22, 1-2 (1991), pp. 39-40.
264.Goethe Yearbook 5. Publications of the Goethe Society of North America. Ed. by Thomas P. Saine (Columbia, SC.: 1990), German Studies Review 14 (1991), 1, pp. 157-159.
265.Theodor Nolte: Lauda post mortem. Die deutschen und niederländischen Ehrenreden des Mittelalters (Frankfurt a.M.-Bern: 1983), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 33 (1991), pp. 245-247.
266-268.Dieter Kartschoke/Joachim Bumke/Thomas Cramer: Geschichte der deutschen Literatur im Mittelalter, 3 vols. (Munich: 1990), German Studies Review 14 (1991), 1 pp. 146-147.
269.Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Deutschen, erarbeitet von einem Autorenkollektiv…unter der Leitung von Wolfgang Pfeifer, 3 vols. (Berlin: 1989); Friedrich Kluge: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 22. Aufl. unter Mithilfe von M. Bürgisser und B. Gregor völlig neu bearb. von E. Seebold (Berlin- New York: 1989), German Studies Review XIII (1990), 3, pp. 518-520.
270.Proceedings of the Patristic, Mediaeval and Renaissance Conference. Augustinian Historical Institute. Villanova University. Ed. Philip Pulsiano (Villanova, PA: 1989), Fifteenth-Century Studies XVIII (1991), pp. 401-404.
271.Gattungsinnovation und Motivstruktur. Bericht über Kolloquien der Kommission für literaturwissenschaftiche Motiv- und Themenforschung 1986-1989, Teil I, hg. von Theodor Wolpers (Göttingen: 1989), Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 228, 143/1 (1991), pp. 99-100.
272.Albrecht Juergens, ‘Wilhelm von Österreich’. Johanns von Würzburg ‘Historia Poetica (Frankfurt a. M.-Bern-New York-Paris: 1990), in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 33 (1991), pp. 248-250.
273.The Strassburg Alexander and the Munich Oswald. Pre-Courtly Adventure of the German Middle Ages. Transl. and with an Introduction by J.W. Thomas (Columbia, S.C.: 1989), German Studies Review 13 (1990), 2, pp. 315-316.
274.Clifton D. Hall: A Complete Concordance to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s “Parzival” (New York-London: 1990), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 55-56.
275.Wolfgang Spiewok: Mittelalter-Studien II. Hg. von D. Buschinger (Göppingen: 1989), Fifteenth-Century Studies XVIII (1991), pp. 364-366.
276. Oswald von Wolkenstein. Sämtliche Lieder und Gedichte. Ins Neuhochdeutsche übersetzt von Wernfried Hofmeister (Göppingen: 1989), Fifteenth-Century Studies XVIII (1991), pp. 379-381.
277.Christoph Gruchot: Heinrich Wittenwilers “Ring”. Konzeption und Konstruktion eines Lehrbuches (Göppingen: 1988), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 33-35.
278.Friedrich Kluge: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 22. Aufl. unter Mithilfe von M. Bürgisser und Bernd Gregor völlig neu bearbeitet von Elmar Seebold (Berlin-New York: 1989), Germanic Notes 23, 1 (1992), pp. 29-30.
279.An Introduction to the Medieval Mystics of Europe, ed. by Paul Szarmach (Albany: 1984), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 3-5.
280.Victoria Lincoln: Teresa: A Woman. A Biography of Teresa of Avila. Ed. with Introductions by Elias Rivers and Antonio T. de Nicolás (Albany: 1984), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 77-78.
281.Will Hasty: Adventure as Social Performance. A Study of the German Court Epic (Tübingen: 1990), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 56-60.
282.Wolfgang Haubrichs: Von den Anfängen zum hohen Mittelalter. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn der Neuzeit, I/1 (Frankfurt a. M.: 1988), German Studies Review 14, (1991), 1, pp. 140-141.
283.Richard Berleth: The Orphan Stone. The Minnesinger Dream of Reich (New York-Westport, CT,-London: 1990), German Studies Review 14, (1991), 1, pp. 143-146.
284.Peter Göhler: Nibelungenlied. Erzählweise, Figuren, Weltanschauung, literaturgeschichtliches Umfeld (Berlin: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 47-50.
285.Das Tristan-Epos Gottfrieds von Straßburg. Mit der Fortsetzung des Ulrich von Türheim, hg. von Wolfgang Spiewok (Berlin: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 30-32.
286.Sulamith Sparre: Todessehnsucht und Erlösung. “Tristan” und “Armer Heinrich” in der deutschen Literatur um 1900 (Göppingen: 1988), Germanistik 31, 4 (1990), pp. 951-952.
287.Beate Rattay: Entstehung und Rezeption politischer Lyrik im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Die Lieder im Chronicon Helveticum von Aegidius Tschudi (Göppingen: 1986), Germanistik 31 (1990), 3, p. 621.
288.Goethe’s Letters to Frau von Stein 1776-1789. Ed. and transl. by Robert M. Browning (Columbia, S.C.: 1990), German Studies Review 14 (1991), 1, pp. 153-155.
289.Höfische Repräsentation. Das Zeremoniell und die Zeichen. Hg. von Hedda Ragotzky und Horst Wenzel (Tübingen: 1990), in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 34 (1991), 166-169.
290.Peter Dinzelbacher, Hg.: Wörterbuch der Mystik (Stuttgart: 1989), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 34 (1991), pp. 169-170.
291.Jean Paul Friedrich Richter: Army Chaplain Schmelze’s Journey to Flaetz and Life of Quintus Fixlein. Transl. by Thomas Carlyle. Introduction by Wulf Koepke (Columbia, SC: 1991), German Studies Review XIV, 3 (1991), pp. 619-620.
292.Aufklärung im Mittelalter? Die Verurteilung von 1277. Das Dokument des Bischofs von Paris übersetzt und erklärt von Kurt Flasche (Mainz: 1989), German Studies Review XV, 1 (1992), pp. 115-117.
293.Don LePan: The Cognitive Revolution in Western Culture. Vol. I: The Birth of Expectations (Houndmills-Basingstoke-London: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), 2, pp. 66-68.
294.Lexikon der Renaissance. Hg. von Günter Gurst, Siegfried Hoyer, Ernst Ullmann und Christa Zimmermann (Leizpig: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 73-74.
295.Gottfried Willems: Anschaulichkeit. Zu Theorie und Geschichte der Wort-Bild-Beziehungen und des literarischen Darstellungsstils (Tübingen: 1989), Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 227 (1990), 2, pp. 340-343.
296.Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski: Not of Woman Born. Representations of Caesarean Birth in Medieval and Renaissance Culture (Ithaca-London: 1990), Mediaevistik 2 (1989), pp. 345-347.
297.The Arthurian Encyclopedia, ed. Norris J. Lacy (New York-London: 1986), Mediaevistik 2 (1989), pp. 273-275.
298.Ute Mennecke-Haustein: Luthers Trostbriefe (Heidelberg: 1989), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 33 (1991), pp. 247-248.
299.Jens Haustein: Der Helden Buch. Zur Erforschung deutscher Dietrichepik im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert (Tübingen: 1989), Seminar 27: 2 (1991), pp. 170-172.
300.William Kerrigan & Gordon Braden: The Idea of the Renaissance (Baltimore-London: 1989), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 64-66.
301.Die deutsche und lateinische Fabel in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2 vols., ed. Adalbert Elschenbroich (Tübingen: 1990), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 36-38.
302.Peter Strohschneider: Ritterromantische Versepik im ausgehenden Mittelalter (Frankfurt a. M.-Bern-New York: 1986), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 104-107.
303.Katharina Wallmann: Minnebedingtes Schweigen in Minnesang, Lied und Minnerede des 12. bis 16. Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt a. M.-Bern-New York: 1985), Synopsis 2 (1989/1990), pp. 124-126.
304.Winfried Frey, Der Eraclius des Otte. Übersetzt, mit Einführungen, Erläuterungen und Anmerkungen versehen von W.F. (Kettwig: 1990), German Studies Review XIV, 2 (1991), pp. 375-376.
305.Fernand Braudel: Sozialgeschichte des 15.-18. Jahrhunderts. Übersetzung aus dem Französischen. Originalausgabe 1979 (München: Kindler, 1990), German Studies Review 15, 1 (1992), pp. 112-114.
306.Change in Language and Literature. Proceedings of the 16th Congress of FILLM, ed. M. Szabolscsi, J. Kovács, M. Gulyás (Budapest: 1986), Archiv für neuere Sprachen und Literaturen 227/142 (1990), 1, pp. 150-152.
307.Werner Hupka: Wort und Bild. Die Illustrationen in Wörterbüchern und Enzyklopädien (Tübingen: 1989), Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 227/142 (1990), 1, pp. 152-154.
308.Huntington Library. Guide to Literary Manuscripts (1979), Guide to American Historical Manuscripts (1979), Guide to British Historical Manuscripts (1982), Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (1989), Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 110 (1991), 3, pp. 467-470.
309.Teaching the Middle Ages. Eds. R. Graybill, J. Hallawas, J. Hample, R. Kindrick, R. Lovell (Warrensburg, Missouri: Vol. I: 1982; Vol. II: 1985; Vol. III: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 283-284.
310.Thomas Bein: Textkritik. Eine Einführung in Grundlagen der Edition altdeutscher Dichtung (Göppingen: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 285-286.
311.Le livre au moyen âge, sous la direction de Jean Glenisson (Turnhout, Belgium: 1988), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 286-287.
312.Hermeneutics and Medieval Culture, ed. by P.J. Gallacher and H. Damico (Albany, NY: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 298-301.
313.On the Medieval Theory of Signs, ed. by Umberto Eco and Costantino Marmo (Amsterdam-Philadelphia: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990, pp. 301-303.
314.Exemplum et Similitudo. Alexander the Great and other Heroes as Points of Reference in Medieval Literature, ed. by W.J. Aerts & M. Gosman (Groningen: 1988), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 314-316.
315.Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. Eds. Everett Ferguson, M. P. McHugh, F. W. Norris (New York-London: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 333-334.
316.Carolyn Poling Schriber: The Dilemma of Arnulf of Lisieux. New Ideals versus Old Ideals (Bloomington-Indianapolis: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), 351-352.
317.Aleya Khattab: Das Bild der Franken in der arabischen Literatur des Mittelalters (Göppingen: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 360-361.
318.Emanuel J. Mickel: Ganelon, Treason, and the “Chanson de Roland” (University Park-London: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 362-365.
319.The Complete Romances of Chrétien de Troyes, transl. with an Introduction by David Staines (Bloomington-Indianapolis: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 365-366.
320.Clifton D. Hall: A Complete Concordance to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s “Parzival” (New York-London: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 366-367.
321.Walther von der Vogelweide. Hamburger Kolloquium 1988 zum 65. Geburtstag von Karl-Heinz Borck. Hg. von J.-D. Müller und F.J. Worstbrock (Stuttgart: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 367-370.
322.Heike Sievert: Studien zur Liebeslyrik Walthers von der Vogelweide (Göppingen: 1990), Medieaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 370-371.
323.Hubert Heinen, Hg.: Mutabilität im Minnesang (Göppingen: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 371-373.
324.Konrad von Würzburg: Engelhard. Nach dem Text von Ingo Reiffenstein ins Neuhochdeutsche übertragen, mit einem Stellenkommentar und einem Nachwort von Klaus Jörg Schmitz (Göppingen: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 373-375.
325.Gabriele L. Strauch: Dukus Horant: Wanderer zwischen zwei Welten (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 375-377.
326.Peter Meister: The Healing Female in the German Courtly Romance (Göppingen: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 377-379.
327.Fasciculus Morum. A Fourteenth-Century Preacher’s Handbook. Edition and Translation by Siegfried Wenzel (University Park-London: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 393-394.
328.Ketzer, Zauberer, Hexen. Die Anfänge der europäischen Hexenverfolgungen. Hg. von Andreas Blauert (Frankfurt a.M.: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 396-398.
329.Otto Neudeck: Continuum historiale. Zur Synthese von tradierter Geschichtsauffassung im ‘Reinfried von Braunschweig’ (Frankfurt a. M.-Bern-New York-Paris: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 401-403.
330.Johannes Hadlaub. Dokumente zur Wirkungsgeschichte, ed. by Max Schiendorfer (Göppingen: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 404-406.
331.Albrecht Juergens: ‘Wilhelm von Österreich’. Johanns von Würzburg ‘Historia Poetica von 1314 und Aufgabenstellungen einer narrativen Fürstenlehre (Frankfurt a. M.-et al.: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 406-408.
332. Reinhard Hahn: ‘Von frantzosischer zungen in teütsch’. Das literarische Leben am Innsbrucker Hof des späteren 15. Jahrhunderts und der Prosaroman ‘Pontus und Sidonia (A)’ (Frankfurt a. M.-Bern-New York-Paris: 1990), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 426-428.
333.Rostocker Liederbuch nach den Fragmenten der Handschrift, ed. F.Ranke and J.M. Müller-Blattau (1927). Reprint (Leipzig: 1987), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 432-433.
334.Carmen Luke: Pedagogy, Printing, and Protestantism. The Discourse on Childhood (Albany, NY: 1989), Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 441-444.
335.Dialog. Festschrift für Siegfried Grosse, ed. G. Rickheit and S. Wichter (Tübingen: 1990), Colloquia Germanica 24 (1991), 1, pp. 43-45.
336.Lydia Miklautsch: Studien zur Mutterrolle in den mittelhochdeutschen Groβepen des elften und zwölften Jahrhunderts (Erlangen: 1991), Wirkendes Wort 42, 1 (1992), pp. 154-155.
337.Helmut Tervooren: Reinmar-Studien. Ein Kommentar zu den unechten” Liedern Reinmars des Alten (Stuttgart: 1991), Wirkendes Wort 42, 1 (1992), pp. 155-157.
338.John Roger Paas: Unbekannte Gedichte und Lieder des Sigmund von Birken (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1991), Seminar 28 (1992), 2, pp. 173-174.
339.Konrad von Heimesfurt: Diu urstende. Studienausgabe. Hg. von Kurt Gärtner und Werner J. Hoffmann (Tübingen: 1991), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 35 (1992), pp. 207-208.
340.Das Ritterbild in Mittelalter und Renaissance (Düsseldorf: 1985), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 35 (1992), pp. 208-209.
341.Höfische Literatur, Hofgesellschaft, Höfische Lebensform um 1200. Hg. von Gert Kaiser und Jan-Dirk Müller (Düsseldorf: 1986), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 35 (1992), pp. 209-211.
342.Der Stricker: Daniel of the Blossoming Valley, transl. by Michael Resler (New York-London: 1990), German Studies Review XV (1992), 2, pp. 373-375.
343.Peter Morgan: The Critical Idyll. Traditional Values and the French Revolution in Goethe’s “Hermann und Dorothea (Columbia, S.C.: 1990), German Studies Review XV (1992), 2, pp. 380-382.
344.Elke Brüggen: Kleidung und Mode in der höfischen Epik des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts (Heidelberg: 1989), German Quarterly 65, 2 (1992), pp. 229-230.
345.Hans Fromm: Arbeiten zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelaltes (Tübingen: 1989), Colloquia Germanica 24, 3/4 (1991), pp.339-340.
346.Claudia Medert: Der ‘Alexander’ Ulrichs von Etzenbach (Göttingen: 1989), Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 111, 3 (1992), pp. 468-471.
347.Der frauwen buoch. Versuche zu einer feministischen Mediävistik. Hg. von Ingrid Bennewitz (Göppingen: 1989), Germanic Notes 23 (1992), pp. 80-81.
348.Hans-Joachim Behr: Literatur als Machtlegitimation. Studien zur Funktion der deutschsprachigen Dichtung am böhmischen Königshof im 13. Jahrhundert (München: 1989), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 81-82.
349.Kleinere Erzählformen im Mittelalter, hg. von Klaus Grubmüller, L.P. Johnson, H.- H. Steinhoff (Paderborn et al.: 1988), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 82-84.
350.Thomas Cramer, Hg.: Wege in die Neuzeit (München: 1988), in: Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 84-85.
351.Peter Claus Hartmann: Bayerns Weg in die Gegenwart. Vom Stammes-herzogtum zum Freistaat heute (Regensburg: 1989), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 85-86.
352.Christine Palm: “Wir graben den Schacht von Babel” oder Kafkas “Urteil” (Uppsala: 1989), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 86-87.
353.Frank Pilipp: The Novels of Martin Walser: A Critical Introduction (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 87-88.
354.Paul Winckler: Der Edelmann. Faksimiledruck der Ausgabe von 1697, ed. L. Tatlock (Bern-Frankfurt a. M.-New York-Paris: 1988), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 88-89.
355.Textuality and Subjectivity: Essays on Language and Being. Ed. by Eitel Timm, Kenneth Mendoza, Dale Gowen (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 89-90.
356.Hans Wagner: Understanding Erich Maria Remarque (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), p. 90.
357.Kulturgeschichte des Wassers. Hg. von Hartmut Böhme (Frankfurt a. M.: 1988), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), p. 91.
358.Klaus Weimar: Geschichte der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts (Munich: 1989), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 91-92.
359.Eric Weider: Konjunktiv und indirekte Rede. Subjonctif et style indirect (Göppingen: 1992), Germanic Notes 23, 2 (1992), pp. 92-93.
360.Barbara Haupt: Das Fest in der Dichtung. Untersuchungen zur historischen Semantik eines literarischen Motivs in der mittelhochdeutschen Epik (Düsseldorf: 1989), Seminar XXVIII, 3 (1992), pp. 245-246.
361.Karin Wilcke: Christi Himmelfahrt. Ihre Darstellung in der europäischen Literatur von der Spätantike bis zum ausgehenden Mittelalter (Heidelberg: 1991), Wirkendes Wort 42, 2 (1992), pp. 339-340.
362.Eske Bockelmann: Propädeutik einer endlich gültigeren Theorie von den deutschen Versen (Tübingen: 1991), Leuvense Bijdragen 81 (1992), pp. 429-430.
363.Klaus Ridder: Jean de Mandevilles ‘Reisen’. Studien zur Überlieferungsgeschichte der deutschen Übersetzung des Otto von Diemeringen (Munich-Zürich: 1991), Leuvense Bijdragen 81 (1992), pp. 434-435.
364.Helmut Tervooren: Reinmar-Studien. Ein Kommentar zu den “unechten” Liedern Reinmars des Alten (Stuttgart: 1991), Leuvense Bijdragen 81 (1992), pp. 431-433.
365.Stephen D. Dowden: Understanding Thomas Bernhard (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), Fault Line 1 (1992), pp. 160-163.
366.Music and German Literature. Their Relationship since the Middle Ages, ed. by James M. McGlathery (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), Schatzkammer XVIII, 2 (1992), 56-58.
367.Eitel Timm, ed.: Challenges of Germanistik. Traditions and Prospects of an Academic Discipline (Munich: 1992), Schatzkammer XVIII, 2 (1992), pp. 55-56.
368.Elisabeth Charlotte Herzogin von Orléans: Briefe aus den Jahren 1676-1722, 6 vols. (Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 64 (1992), pp. 237-239.
369.Metzler Literatur Lexikon. Begriffe und Definitionen. Hg. von Günther und Irmgard Schweikle. 2. Aufl. (Stuttgart: 1990), German Studies Review XV, 3 (1992), pp. 566-567.
370.Bea Lundt, ed.: Auf der Suche nach der Frau im Mittelalter (Munich: 1991), German Studies Review XV, 3 (1992), pp. 568-570.
371.Robert M. Browning, ed. and trans.: Selections from Goethe’s Letters to Frau von Stein 1776-1789 (Columbia, S.C.: 1990), German Studies Review XV, 3 (1992), pp. 587-588.
372.John Haywood: Dark Age Naval Power. A Reassessment of Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Seafaring Activitiy (London-New York: 1991), German Quarterly 65, 3-4 (1992), pp. 443-445.
373.Dietrich Hofmann: Die Versstrukturen der altsächsischen Stabreimgedichte Heliand und Genesis. 2 vols. (Heidelberg: 1991), German Quarterly 65, 3-4 (1992), pp. 445-446.
374.Fortunatus. Die Bearbeitung und Umschrift eines spätmittelalterlichen deutschen Prosaromans für jüdisches Publikum. Ed. John A. Howard (Würzburg: 1991), German Studies Review XVI, 1 (1993), pp. 108-109.
375. Till Eulenspiegel. His Adventures, trans., with introduction and notes, by Paul Oppenheimer (New York-London: 1991), German Studies Review XVI, 1 (1993), pp. 110-111.
376. Christian Kiening, Reflexion – Narration. Wege zum ‘Willehalm’ Wolframs von Eschenbach (Tübingen: 1991), Encomia XIV (1992), pp. 17-19.
377 Tristan und Isolde im europäischen Mittelalter. Ausgewählte Texte in Übersetzungen und Nacherzählungen. Hg. von Danielle Buschinger und Wolfgang Spiewok (Stuttgart: 1991), Tristania XIV (1993), pp. 143-145.
378.Dagmar Mikasch-Köthner: Zur Konzeption der Tristanminne bei Eilhart von Oberg und Gottfried von Straβburg (Stuttgart: 1991), Tristania XIV (1993), pp. 152-154.
379.Teaching the Middle Ages IV, eds. Robert V. Graybill, J.G. Hample, R.L. Kindrick, R. E. Lovell (Terre Haute: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching, 1990), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 368-369.
380.The Old Daunce. Love, Friendship, Sex and Marriage in the Medieval World, ed. by R.R. Edwards and St. Spector (Albany: 1991), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 370-372.
381.Le Travail au Moyen Age. Une Approche Interdisciplinaire, ed. J. Hamesse et Colette Muraille-Samaran (Louvain-la-Neuve: 1990), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 373-376.
382.Archibald R. Lewis and Timothy J. Runyan: European Naval and Maritime History, 300-1500 (Bloomington: 1985/1990), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 376-378.
383.Penelope Reed Doob: The Idea of the Labyrinth from Classical Antiquity through the Middle Ages (Ithaca-London: 1990), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 379-382.
384.Jesse L. Byock: Medieval Iceland. Society, Sagas, and Power (Berkeley-Los Angeles-London: 1988/1990), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 383-385.
385.Lyrics of the Middle Ages. An Anthology, ed. by James J. Wilhelm (New York-London: 1990), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 386-389.
386.Robert S. Sturges: Medieval Interpretation. Models of Reading in Literary Narrative, 1100-1500 (Carbondale-Edwardsville: 1991), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 389-391.
387.Speaking Two Languages. Traditional Disciplines and Contemporary Theory in Medieval Studies, ed. by Allen J. Frantzen (Albany: 1991), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 391-394.
388.Katharina M. Wilson and Elizabeth M. Makowski: Wykked Wyves and the Woes of Marriage. Misogamous Literature from Juvenal to Chaucer (Albany: 1990), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 394-396.
389.Law, Custom, and the Social Fabric in Medieval Europe. Essays in Honor of Bryce Lyon, ed. by B. S. Bachrach and D. Nicholas (Kalamazoo: 1990), Medieaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 398-401.
390.Medieval Folklore. An Interdisciplinary, International Bi-Annual, ed. Francesca Canadé-Sautman (Lewiston, NY: 1991), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 404-405.
391.Das Nibelungenlied, mittelhochdeutsch/neuhochdeutsch von Danielle Buschinger und Wolfgang Spiewok (Publications du Centre d’études médiévales, Université de Picardie: 1991), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 428-429.
392.Elisabeth Lienert: ‘Frau Tugendreich’. Eine Prosaerzählung aus der Zeit Kaiser Maximilians I. Edition und Untersuchung (München-Bern: 1988), Mediaevistik 4 (1991), pp. 472-474.
393.Wolfgang Beutin: Sexualität und Obszönität. Eine literaturpsychologische Studie über epische Dichtungen des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (Würzburg: 1990), Germanistik 33 (1992), 3/4, p. 788f.
394.Markus Litz: Theatrum Sacrum und symbolische Weltsicht. Der staufische “ludus de antichristo” (Frankfurt a.M.-Bern-et al.: 1990), Germanistik 33 (1992), 3/4, p. 827.
395.Thomas Grenzler: Erotisierte Politik – politisierte Erotik? Die politisch-ständische Begründung der Ehe-Minne in Wolframs “Willehalm”, im “Nibelungenlied” und in der “Kudrun” (Göppingen: 1992), Germanistik 33 (1992), 3/4, p. 828f.
396. Hilde E. Hansen: “Das ist Hartnäckigkeit in einer verwerflichen Sache; sie selbst nennen es Treue”. Literatursoziologische Untersuchungen zum Nibelungenlied (Frankfurt a.M.-Bern-et al.: 1990), Germanistik 33 (1992), 3/4, p. 836.
397. Gunhild Roth: Sündenspiegel im 15. Jahrhundert. Untersuchungen zum pseudo-augustinischen “Speculum peccatoris” in deutscher Überlieferung (Bern-Berlin-et al.: 1991), Germanistik 33 (1992), 3/4, p. 841.
398. Erwin Rauner: Konrads von Halberstadt O.P. “tripartitus moralium”. Studien zum Nachleben antiker Literatur im späteren Mittelalter (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1989), Germanistik 33 (1992), 3/4, p. 847.
399. Konrad von Mure: De naturis animalium. Editio princeps von Arpád Peter Orbán (Heidelberg: 1989), Germanistik 33 (1992), 3/4, p. 848.
400. Joachim Schneider: Heinrich Deichsler und die Nürnberger Chronistik des 15. Jahrhunderts (Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1991), Germanistik 33 (1992), 3/4, p. 858.
401. Kudrun, translated by Marion E. Gibbs and Sidney M. Johnson (New York-London: 1992), German Quarterly 66 (1993), 1, p. 89f.
402. Reinhard M.G. Nickisch: Brief (Stuttgart: 1991), German Studies Review 16 (1993), 2, p. 331-333.
403. Das Nibelungenlied, mittelhochdeutsch/neuhochdeutsch, von Danielle Buschinger und Wolfgang Spiewok (Amiens, France: 1991), German Studies Review 16 (1993), 2, p. 340-341.
404. Reinhard Pawis: Johann Hartliebs `Alexander’. Untersuchungen und kritische Textausgabe (Munich: 1991), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 37 (1993), pp. 189-191.
405. Austrian Fiction Writers, 1875-1913. Ed. by James Hardin and Donald Daviau (Detroit: 1989), Studia Neophilologica 65 (1993), pp. 127-128.
406. Brigitte Streich: Zwischen Reiseherrschaft und Residenzbildung: Der Wettinische Hof im späten Mittelalter (Cologne-Vienna: 1989), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 101, 1 (1993), pp. 125-126.
407. Chrétien de Troyes: Der Percevalroman oder Die Erzählung vom Gral. Altfranzösisch/Deutsch. Übersetzt und hg. von Felicitas Olef-Krafft (Stuttgart: 1991), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 12-14.
408. Ernst Robert Curtius: European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. Transl. from the German by Willard R. Trask. With a new Epilogue by Peter Godman (Princeton, N.J.: 1991), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 14-16.
409. Hartmann von Aue: Erec. Translated by Thomas L. Keller (New York-London: 1987), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 16-17.
410. Die Schweizer Minnesänger. Nach der Ausgabe von Karl Bartsch neu bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Max Schiendorfer. 1. Texte (Tübingen: 1990), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 18-19.
411. Ulrich Fuetrer: Lannzilet. Str. 1-1122. Hg. von Karl-Eckhard Lenk (Tübingen: 1989), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 20-21.
412. The Passing of Arthur. New Essays in Arthurian Tradition. Ed. by Christopher Baswell and William Sharpe (New York-London: 1988), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 21-23.
413. Peter Dinzelbacher/Dieter R. Bauer, eds., Volksreligion im hohen und späten Mittelalter (Paderborn-München-Wien-Zürich: 1990), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 23-26.
414. Gertrud Jaron Lewis: Bibliographie zur deutschen Frauenmystik des Mittelalters (Berlin: 1989), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 27-30.
415. Guillaume de Lorris: Der Rosenroman. Übersetzt und eingeleitet von Gustav Ineichen. 3., ergänzte Aufl. (Berlin: 1987), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 30-31.
416. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. A Dual-Language Version, ed. and transl. by William Vantuono (New York-London: 1991), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 31-33.
417. The Plays of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim, transl. by Katharina Wilson (New York-London: 1989), Synopsis 3 (1991-1993), pp. 33-34.
418. Hermeneutik der Fremde. Dietrich Krusche, Alois Wierlacher, eds. (Munich: 1990), Seminar 29, 3 (1993), pp. 299-300.
419. Robert C. Conard: Understanding Heinrich Böll (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), Seminar 29, 3 (1993), pp. 341-343.
420. Hermann Paul: Deutsches Wörterbuch. 9., vollständig neu bearbeitete Aufl. von Helmut Henne und Georg Objartel unter Mitarbeit von Heidrun Kämper-Jensen (Tübingen: 1992), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), pp. 93-94.
421. Mediävistische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung, hg. von R. Bräuer und O. Ehrismann (Göppingen: 1992), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), pp. 94-95.
422. Otto Knörrich: Lexikon lyrischer Formen (Stuttgart: 1992), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), pp. 95-96.
423. Elisabeth Frenzel: Stoffe der Weltliteratur. 8th rev. ed. (Stuttgart: 1992), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), p. 96.
424. Edgar Haimerl: Verständnisperspektiven der eddischen Heldenlieder im 13. Jahrhundert (Göppingen: 1992), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), pp. 96-97.
425. Uf der mâze pfat. Festschrift für Werner Hoffmann zum 60. Geburtstag, hg. von Waltraud Fritsch-Rößler (Göppingen: 1991), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), pp. 97-98.
426. Die Weimarer Liederhandschrift Q 564, hg. von Elisabeth Morgenstern-Werner (Göppingen: 1990), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), p. 98.
427. Kudrun. Translated by Winder McConnell (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), pp. 98-100.
428. Präludien kanadisch-deutsche Dialoge. Ed. Burkhardt Krause, Ulrich Scheck, and Patrick O’Neill (Munich: 1992), Germanic Notes 24, 2 (1993), pp. 101-102.
429. Ursula Sampath: Kaspar Hauser: A Modern Metaphor (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), German Studies Review XVI, 3 (1993), pp. 532-533.
430.The Heliand. The Saxon Gospel. A Translation and Commentary by G. Ronald Murphy (New York-Oxford: 1992), German Studies Review XVI, 3 (1993), pp. 553-534.
431. Hartmut Beckers: Der rheinische Merlin. Text. Übersetzung. Untersuchungen der ‘Merlin’- und ‘Lüthild’-Fragmente (Paderborn-et al.: 1991), Seminar 29, 4 (1993), pp. 411-412
432. Günther Schweikle: Minnesang (Stuttgart: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 65 (1993), p. 250.
433. Moriz von Craûn, ed. and transl. by Stephanie Cain Van D’Elden (New York- London: 1990), Studia Neophilologica 65 (1993), p. 251.
434. Contemporary German Fiction Writers. Second Series, Dictionary of Literary Biography 75 (Detroit: 1988), Studia Neophilologica 65 (1993), pp. 253-254.
435. A Glossary of German Literary Terms. Second, revised and enlarged edition by E. W. Herd and August Obermayer (Otago: 1992), Seminar 30, 1 (1994), pp. 59-60.
436. Francis G. Gentry: Bibliographie zur frühmittelhochdeutschen geistlichen Dichtung (Berlin: 1992), Seminar 30, 1 (1994), pp. 62-63.
437. The Fortunes of German Writers in America. Studies in Literary Reception, ed. by Wolfgang Elfe, James Hardin, and Gunther Holst (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), German Studies Review XVII, 1 (1994), pp. 155-157.
438. Irmgard Roebling, Hg., Sehnsucht und Sirene. Vierzehn Abhandlungen zu Wasserphantasien (Pfaffenweiler: 1992), German Studies Review XVII, 1 (1994), pp. 157-159.
439. John Van Cleve: The Problem of Wealth in the Literature of Luther’s Germany (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), German Studies Review XVII, 1 (1994), pp. 160-162.
440. Goethe Yearbook. Ed. by Thomas P. Saine. Vol. VI (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), German Studies Review XVII, 1 (1994), pp. 163-164.
441. Ludwig Schrader, Hg.: Alternative Welten in Mittelalter und Renaissance (Düsseldorf: 1988), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 204-206.
442. Josef Semmler, Hg.: Der Wald in Mittelalter und Renaissance (Düsseldorf: 1991), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 211-213.
443. P.D.A. Harvey: Medieval Maps (Toronto: 1991), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 260-262.
444. Valerie I.J. Flint: The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe (Princeton, NJ: 1991), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 288-291.
445. Razos and Troubadour Songs, transl. by William E. Burgwinkle (New York-London: 1990), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 339-341.
446. William C. McDonald: The Tristan Story in German Literature of the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance. Tradition and Innovation (Lewiston-Queenston- Lampeter: 1990), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 415-418.
447. Brigitte Schöning: “Friedrich von Schwaben”. Aspekte des Erzählens im spätmittelalterlichen Versroman (Erlangen: 1991), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 418-419.
448. Herfried Vögel: Naturkundliches im ‘Reinfried von Braunschweig’. Zur Funktion naturkundlicher Kenntnis in deutscher Erzähldichtung des Mittelalters (Frankfurt a.M.-Bern-New York-Paris: 1990), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 420-421.
449. Exemplaria. A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Vol. I/2 and II/1 (Binghamton: 1989/1990), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 424-426.
450. Höfische Repräsentation. Das Zeremoniell und die Zeichen. Hg. von Hedda Ragotzky und Horst Wenzel (Tübingen: 1990), Mediaevistik 5 (1992), pp. 430-432.
451.Art and Politics in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Italy: 1250-1500. Ed. Charles M. Rosenberg (Notre Dame-London: 1990), Medieavistik 5 (1992), pp. 436-437.
452.Hermann Reichert: Walther von der Vogelweide für Anfänger (Vienna: 1992), Seminar 30, 2 (1994), pp. 195-196.
453.Joseph Federico: Confronting Modernity. Rationality, Science, and Communication in German Literature of the 1980s (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), Seminar 30, 2 (1994), pp. 214-215.
454.Anne L. Clark: Elisabeth of Schönau: A Twelfth-Century Visionary (Philadelphia: 1992), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, June 11 (1994).
455.Writing on the Line. Transgression in Early Modern German Literature. Ed. by Lynne Tatlock (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1991), German Quarterly 67, 2 (1994), pp. 258-259.
456.Metzler Lexikon Sprache. Ed. Helmut Glück (Stuttgart-Weimar: 1993), German Studies Review XVII, 2 (1994), pp. 375-377.
457.Hans-Jürgen Bachorski, Hg.: Ordnung und Lust. Bilder von Liebe, Ehe und Sexualität in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (Trier: 1991), German Studies Review XVII, 2 (1994), pp. 380-382.
458.Hartmut Semmler: Listmotive in der mittelhochdeutschen Epik (Berlin: 1991), German Studies Review XVII, 2 (1994), pp. 384-385.
459.Tristan et Iseut, mythe européen et mondial, publiés par les soins de Danielle Buschinger (Göppingen: 1987), Tristania XV (1994), pp. 147-152.
460.Christoph Huber: Die Aufnahme und Verarbeitung des Alanus ab Insulis in mittelhochdeutschen Dichtungen. MTU 89 (München: 1988), Tristania XV (1994), pp. 158-161.
461.Brigitte Linden: Die Rezeption des Tristanstoffs in Frankreich vom Ende des 18. bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt a. M.: 1988), Tristania XV (1994), pp. 168-170.
462.Siegrid Schmidt: Mittelhochdeutsche Epenstoffe in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945 (Göppingen: 1989), Tristania XV (1994), pp. 170-172.
463.Elena Poletti: Love, Honour and Artifice. Atittudes to the Tristan Material in the Medieval Epic Poems and in Selected Plays from 1853-1919 (Göppingen: 1989), Tristania XV (1994), pp. 172-175.
464.Silke Grothues: Der arthurische Tristanroman. Werkabschluβ zu Gottfrieds ‘Tristan’ und Gattungswechsel in Heinrichs von Freiberg Tristanforsetzung (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1991), Tristania XV (1994), pp. 179-182.
465.Gregory B. Stone: The Death of the Troubadour. The Late Medieval Resistance to the Renaissance (Philadelphia: 1994), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review July 14, 1994.
466.Hans-Dieter Mück, Hg.: Walther von der Vogelweide. Beiträge zu Leben und Werk (Stuttgart: 1989), Studia Neophilologica 66 (1994), pp. 119-122.
467. The Strassburg Alexander and the Munich Oswald. Pre-Courtly Adventure of the German Middle Ages, transl. and with an Introd. by J. W. Thomas (Columbia, SC: 1989), Studia Neophilologica 66 (1994), pp. 122-123.
468. Martin Kintzinger: Das Bildungswesen in der Stadt Braunschweig (Cologne-Vienna: 1990), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 102, 1-2 (1994), pp.194-196.
469.The Future of the Middle Ages. Medieval Literature in the 1990s. Ed. William D. Paden (Gainesville: 1994), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review August 8, 1994.
470.Albrecht Hagenlocher: Der “guote” vride. Idealer Friede in deutscher Literatur bis ins frühe 14. Jahrhundert (Berlin-New York: 1992), Wirkendes Wort 44, 1 (1994), pp. 153-154.
471.Stefan Hohmann: Friedenskonzepte. Die Thematik des Friedens in der deutschsprachigen politischen Lyrik des Mittelalters (Köln-Weimar-Wien: 1992), Wirkendes Wort 44, 1 (1994), pp. 154-156.
472.Tânia Ünlüdag: Mentalität und Literatur. Zum Zusammenhang von bürgerlichen Weltbildern und christlicher Erziehungsliteratur im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel der Wuppertaler Traktate (Cologne: 1993), Wirkendes Wort 44, 2 (1994), pp. 365-366.
473.Hans Schwarz: Wort und Welt. Aufsätze zur deutschen Wortgeschichte, zur Wortfeldtheorie und zur Runenkunde (Münster: 1993), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40 (1994), pp. 185-187.
474.Begriffsglossar und Index zu Ulrichs von Zatzikhoven ‘Lanzelet’. Bearbeitet von Klaus M. Schmidt (Tübingen: 1993), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40 (1994), pp. 187-188.
475.Pöchlarner Heldenliedgespräch. Das Nibelungenlied und der mittlere Donauraum. Ed. Klaus Zatloukal (Vienna: 1990), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40 (1994), pp. 188-190.
476.2. Pöchlarner Heldenliedgespräch. Die historische Dietrichepik. Ed. Klaus Zatloukal (Vienna: 1992), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40 (1994), pp. 190-192.
477.Clifton D. Hall: A Complete Concordance to Gottfried von Strassburg’s “Tristan” (Lewiston, N.Y.: 1992), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40 (1994), pp. 192-193.
478.Gedichte und Interpretationen. Mittelalter. Hg. von Helmut Tervooren (Stuttgart: 1993), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40 (1994), pp. 193-194.
479.Anna Mühlherr, ‘Melusine’ und ‘Fortunatus’. Verrätselter und verweigerter Sinn (Tübingen: 1993), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40 (1994), pp. 194-197.
480.Allemanisch in der Regio. Beiträge zur 10. Arbeitstagung alemannischer Dialektologen in Freiburg/Br. 1990, hg. von Volker Schupp (Göppingen: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 25, 2 (1994), 27-28.
481.Challenges of Germanistik. Traditions and Prospects of an Academic Discipline. Ed. Eitel Timm (Munich: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 25, 2 (1994), pp. 28-29.
482.Hargen Thomsen: Grenzen des Individuums. Die Ich-Problematik im Werk Friedrich Hebbels (Munich: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 25, 2 (1994), p. 29.
483.Thea Schippan: Lexikologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache (Tübingen: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 25, 2 (1994), p. 30.
484.Eitel Timm: Das Lyrische in der Dichtung. Norm und Ethos der Gattung bei Hölderlin, Brentano, Eichendorff, Rilke und Benn (München: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 25, 2 (1994), pp. 30-31.
485.Rüdiger Görner, ed.: Heimat im Wort. Die Problematik eines Begriffs im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Munich: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 25, 2 (1994), pp. 31-32.
486.Revelations of the Medieval World. Ed. by Georges Duby. A History of Private Life, II (Cambridge, MA,-London: 1988), Germanic Notes and Reviews 25, 2 (1994), pp. 32-34.
487.John Van Cleve: Sebastian Brant’s “The Ship of Fools” in Critical Perspective, 1800-1991 (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Seminar XXX, 3 (1994), p. 322.
488.Dear Sister. Medieval Women and the Epistolary Genre. Ed. by Karen Cherewatuk and Ulrike Wiethaus (Philadelphia: 1993), Studies in the Age of Chaucer 16 (1994), pp. 169-172.
489.Leben und Offenbarung der Wiener Begine Agnes Blannbekin (=1315). Edition und Übersetzung von Peter Dinzelbacher und Renate Vogeler (Göppingen: 1994), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, 27 November 1994.
490.Bernhard R. Martin: Nibelungen-Metamorphosen. Die Geschichte eines Mythos (München: 1992), Seminar XXX, 4 (1994), pp. 436-437.
491.Karl-Heinz Hucke: Figuren der Unruhe. Faustdichtungen (Tübingen: 1992), German Studies Review XVII, 3 (1994), pp. 559-560.
492.Christian Kiening: Reflexion – Narration. Wege zum ‘Willehalm’ Wolframs von Eschenbach (Tübingen: 1991), Monatshefte 86, 3 (1994), pp. 449-450.
493.Das Mittelalter in Daten. Literatur, Kunst, Geschichte 750 bis 1520. Hg. von Joachim Heinzle (München: 1993), German Quarterly 67, 4 (1994), pp. 571-572.
494.Günther Schweikle: Mittelhochdeutsche Minnelyrik. I. Frühe Minnelyrik (Stuttgart-Weimar: 1993), German Quarterly 67, 4 (1994), pp. 572-573.
495.Jo-Jacqueline Eckardt: Lessing’s “Nathan the Wise” and the Critics: 1779-1991 (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), German Quarterly 67, 4 (1994), pp. 582-583.
496.Mark Chinca: History, Fiction, Verisimilitude. Studies in the Poetics of Gottfried’s Tristan (London: 1993), Monatshefte 86, 4 (1994), pp. 562-564.
497.The Lament of the Nibelungen (Div Chlage). Trans. and with an Introduction by Winder McConnell (Columbia, S.C.: 1994), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, Jan. 31, 1995, and: American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures 8, 1 (1996): 105-08.
498.Die Schweizer Minnesänger. Nach der Ausgabe von Karl Bartsch neu bearb. und hg. von Max Schiendorfer (Tübingen: 1990), Envoi 3, 2 (1992), pp. 553-555.
499.Sprache, Literatur, Kultur. Studien zu ihrer Geschichte im deutschen Süden und Westen. Wolfgang Kleiber zu seinem 60. Geburtstag (Stuttgart: 1989), Studia Neophilologica 66 (1994), pp. 241-243.
500.James V.McMahon: The Music of Early Minnesang (Columbia, SC.: 1990), Studia Neophilologica 66 (1994), pp. 243-244.
501.Hans-Martin Kirn: Das Bild vom Juden im Deutschland des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts (Tübingen: 1989), Germanic Notes 26, 1 (1995), pp. 47-49.
502.Medieval Studies. An Introduction. Second Edition. Edited by James M. Powell (Syracuse, NY: 1992), Germanic Notes 26, 1 (1995), p. 49.
503.Subversive Sublimities: Undercurrents of the German Enlightenment. Ed. by Eitel Timm (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), Germanic Notes 26, 1 (1995), pp. 50-51.
504.Wendell V. Harris: Dictionary of Concepts in Literary Criticism and Theory (New York-Westport, CT-London: 1992), Germanic Notes 26, 1 (1995), pp. 51-52.
505.Stories by Musäus and Fouqué. Transl. by Thomas Carlyle. With an Introduction by Ulrich Scheck (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), Germanic Notes 26, 1 (1995), 52-53.
506.Karen Swenson: Performing Definitions: Two Genres of Insult in Old Norse Literature (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), Germanic Notes 26, 1 (1995), pp. 53-54.
507.Deutsche Dichter der frühen Neuzeit (1450-1600). Ihr Leben und Werk. Ed. Stephan Füssel (Berlin: 1993), Fifteenth-Century Studies 21 (1994), pp. 351-353.
508.Edelgard DuBruck, Aspects of Fifteenth-Century Society in the German Carnival Comedies (Lewiston, N.Y.: 1993), Fifteenth-Century Studies 21 (1994), pp. 354-356.
509.Frank Tobin: Mechthild von Magdeburg. A Medieval Mystic in Modern Eyes (Columbia, S.C.: 1995), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review April 16, 1995.
510.Methoden zur Erforschung des Frühneuhochdeutschen. Hg. K. J. Mattheier, Hauo Nitta, Mitsuyo Ono (München: 1993), Seminar XXXI, 2 (1995), pp. 158-159.
511.The Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus by Hans Jacob Grimmelshausen. A Modern Translation by George Schulz-Behrend (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Seminar XXXI, 2 (1995), pp 160f.
512.Johann Gottfried Herder. Language, History, and the Enlightenment. Ed. by Wulf Koepke (Columbia, S.C.: 1990), Studia Neophilologica 67 (1995), pp. 104-106.
513.Himmel, Hölle, Fegefeuer. Das Jenseits im Mittelalter. Katalog von Peter Jezler (Munich: 1994), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, May 21, 1995.
514.Herbert Vorgrimler: Geschichte der Hölle (Munich: 1994), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, May 21, 1995.
515.Gero von Wilpert: Die deutsche Gespenstergeschichte. Motiv – Form – Entwicklung (Stuttgart: 1994), German Studies Review XVII (1995), pp. 315-316.
516.Lyndal Roper: The Holy Household. Women and Morals in Reformation Augsburg (Oxford: 1989), Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 77, 1 (1994), pp. 231-232.
517.Ansätze und Diskontinuität deutscher Nationsbildung im Mittelalter. Hg. von Joachim Ehlers (Sigmaringen: 1989), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 103, 1-2 (1995), pp. 109-112.
518.André de Mandach: Auf den Spuren des Heiligen Gral. Die gemeinsame Vorlage im pyrenäischen Geheimcode von Chrétien de Troyes und Wolfram von Eschenbach (Göppingen: 1995), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, August 1995.
519.Dirk R. Glogau: Untersuchungen zu einer konstruktivistischen Mediävistik. Tiere und Pflanzen im “Tristan” Gottfrieds von Straßburg und im “Nibelungenlied” (Essen: 1993), in: Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 151-154.
520.Rainer Gruenter: Tristan-Studien. Hg. von Wolfgang Adam (Heidelberg: 1993), in: Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 154-156.
521.Dieter Kühn: Tristan und Isolde des Gottfried von Straßburg (Frankfurt a.M.: 1991), in: Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 158-162.
522.Marion Mälzer: Die Isolde-Gestalten in den mittelalterlichen deutschen Tristan-Dichtungen. Ein Beitrag zum diachronischen Wandel (Heidelberg: 1991), Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 162-165.
523.Tristan und Isolde. Codex 2537 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Mit Beiträgen von Michel Cazenave und Edmond Pognon (Graz: 1992), Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 189-191.
524.Alois Wolf: Gottfried von Strassburg und die Mythe von Tristan und Isolde (Darmstadt: 1989), Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 195-199.
525.Otto Mazal: Die Sternenwelt des Mittelalters (Graz: 1993), in: Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 200-202.
526.Das Stundenbuch der Maria von Burgund. Codex Vindobonensis 1857 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Kommentar von Franz Unterkircher (Graz: 1993), in: Tristania XVI (1995), pp. 202-204.
527.Records of Western Civilization Press, ed. Malcolm Bean, Caroline Walker Bynum, Joan M. Ferrante, Robert Hanning, Robert Somerville (New York-Oxford: 1990-1991). Translations of the following texts: The Letters of Poggius Bracciolini to Nicolaus de Niccolis; Medieval Trade in the Mediterranean World, Guillaume d’Orange (four epics); Martianus Capella: Seven Liberal Arts: vol. 1: The Quadrivium; vol. 2: The Marriage of Philology and Mercury; The See of Peter; Hugh of St. Victor: The Didascalicon; Medieval Handbooks of Penance; Macrobius: Commentary on the Dream of Scipio; The Correspondence of Pope Gregory VII; Heresies of the High Middle Ages; Bernardus Silvestris: The Cosmographia, Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 256-258.
528.Mary Carruthers: The Book of Memory. A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture (Cambridge: 1990), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 258-263.
529.Janet Coleman: Ancient and Medieval Memories. Studies in the Reconstruction of the Past (Cambridge-et al.: 1992), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 258-263.
530.Chiara Frugoni: A Distant City. Images of Urban Experience in the Medieval World (Princeton, N.J.: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 264-266.
531.Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages. Ed. by J. M. Bennett, E. A. Clark et al. (Chicago-London: 1989), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 266-267.
532.Woman Defamed and Woman Defended. an Anthology of Medieval Texts. Ed. Alcuin Blamires with K. Pratt and C. W. Marx (Oxford: 1992), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 268-269.
533. Glenda McLeod: Virtue and Venom. Catalogs of Women from Antiquity to the Renaissance (Ann Arbor, MI: 1991), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 269-271.
534.Clarissa W. Atkinson: The Oldest Vocation. Christian Motherhood in the Middle Ages (Ithaca-London: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 271-273.
535Dorothee Esser: Ubique Diabolus. Der Teufel ist überall (Erlangen: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 283-284.
536.Vox intexta. Orality and Textuality in the Middle Ages. Ed. by A.N. Doane and Carol Braun Pasternack (Madison: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 291-293.
537.Barbara A. Shailor: The Medieval Book (Toronton: 1991), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 293-294.
538.Mary A. Rouse and Richard H. Rouse: Authentic Witnesses. Approaches to Medieval Texts and Manuscripts (Notre Dame, 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 294-296.
539.The New Medievalism. Ed. by M. S. Brownlee, K. Brownlee, and S. G. Nichols (Baltimore-London: 1991), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 298-300.
540.Dietmar Peschel-Rentsch: Gott, Autor, Ich. Skizzen zur Genese von Autorbewuβtsein und Erzählerfigur im Mittelalter (Erlangen: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 302-304.
541.The Union of Words and Music in Medieval Poetry. Ed. by R. A. Baltzer, Th. Cable, and J. I. Wimsatt (Austin: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 305-306.
542.Elizabeth Archibald: Apollonius of Tyre. Medieval and Renaissance Themes and Variations (Cambridge: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 307-310.
543-546. Kay Staniland: Embroiderers ; Nicola Coldstream: Masons and Sculptors; Paul Binski: Painters; Sarah Brown and David O’Connor: Glass-Painters (Medieval Craftsmen) (Toronto: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 310-313.
547. The Making of England. Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture AD 600-900. Ed. L. Webster and J. Backhouse (Toronto-Buffalo: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 345-346.
548.R. Howard Bloch: Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love (Chicago: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), p. 376-377.
549.Der Pfaffe Amis von dem Stricker. Ein Schwankroman aus dem 13. Jahrhundert in zwölf Episoden. Hg. und übers. von Hermann Henne (Göppingen: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 396-397.
550.William C. McDonald: Arthur and Tristan. On the Intersection of Legends in German Medieval Literature (Lewiston-et al.: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 400-402.
551.Lydia Miklautsch: Studien zur Mutterrolle in den mittelhochdeutschen Groβepen des zwölften und dreizehnten Jahrhunderts (Erlangen 1991), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 402-403.
552.Claire Donovan: The de Brailes Hours. Shaping the Book of Hours in Thirteenth-Century Oxford (Toronto-Buffalo: 1991), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 405-406.
553.Travail et Travailleurs en Europe au Moyen Age au Début des Temps Modernes. Textes présentés et édités par Claire Dolan (Toronto: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 409-411.
554.Traditionswandel und Traditionsverhalten. Hg. von Walter Haug und Burghart Wachinger (Tübingen: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 444-446.
555.Christine de Pisan: The Book of the Duke of True Lovers. Transl., with an Introduction by Thelma S. Fenster (New York: 1991), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 464-466.
556.Mechthild von Magdeburg: Flowing Light of the Divinity, ransl. by Christiane Mesch Galvani, ed., with an introduction by Susan Clark (New York-London: 1991), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 474-475.
557.Christine Wulf: Eine volkssprachige Laienbibel des 15. Jahrhunderts. Untersuchung und Teiledition der Handschrift Nürnberg, Stadtbibliothek, Ms. Solg. 16.2o (Munich-Zürich: 1991), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 475-478.
558.Regina Unger: Wolfram-Rezeption und Utopie. Studien zum spätmittelalterlichen bayerischen “Lohengrin”-Epos (Göppingen: 1990), in: Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 482-483.
559.Rita Schlusemann: Die hystorie van reynaert die vos und The history of reynard the fox (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 487-488.
560.Joachim Schneider: Heinrich Deichsler und die Nürnberger Chronistik des 15. Jahrhunderts (Wiesbaden: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 488-490.
561.Autorentypen. Ed. by Walter Haug and Burghart Wachinger (Tübingen: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 492-493.
562.Bodo Gotzkowsky: “Volksbücher”. Prosaromane, Renais-sancenovellen, Versdichtungen und Schwankbücher. Bibliographie der deutschen Drucke (Baden-Baden: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 493-495.
563.Martin Camargo: The Middle English Verse Love Epistle (Tübingen: 1991), Mediaevistik 6 (1993), pp. 505-508.
564.Beate Hennig: Kleines Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch (Tübingen: 1993), in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 42 (1995), pp. 228-229.
565. Robert Peter Ebert, Oskar Reichmann, Hans-Joachim Solms und Klaus-Peter Wegera: Frühneuhochdeutsche Grammatik (Tübingen: 1993), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 42 (1995), pp. 229-231.
566. Karin Lerchner: Lectulus floridus. Zur Bedeutung des Bettes in Literatur und Handschriftenillustration des Mittelalters (Köln-et al.: 1993), Wirkendes Wort 45 (1995), pp. 203-205.
567. Ulrich Füetrer: Flordimar. Aus dem Buch der Abenteuer. Hg. von Heinz Thoelen (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1994), Fifteenth-Century Studies 22 (1996), pp. 225-226..
568.Churer Weltgerichtsspiel, hg. von Ursula Schulze (Berlin: 1993), in: German Studies Review XVIII, 3 (1995), pp. 525-526.
569.Max Wehrli: Humanismus und Barock. Hg. von F. Wagner und W. Maaz (Hildesheim-Zürich: 1993), German Studies Review XVIII, 3 (1995), pp. 526-527.
570.Peter Wapnewski: Zuschreibungen. Gesammelte Schriften. Hg. von F. Wagner und W. Maaz (Hildesheim-Zürich: 1994), in: German Studies Review XVIII, 3 (1995), pp. 559-561.
571.Lexikon literaturtheoretischer Werke, ed. R. G. Renner and E. Habekost (Stuttgart: 1995), in: German Studies Review XVIII, 3 (1995), pp. 565-566.
572 Medieval Scandinavia. An Encyclopedia. Phillip Pulsiano, Editor (New York-London: 1993), in: Germanic Notes and Reviews 26, 2 (1995), pp. 132-133.
573.German-Language Comedy. A Critical Anthology. Translated and with a Historical Introduction by Bert Cardullo (Selinsgrove, PA.: 1992), in: Germanic Notes 26, 2 (1995), pp. 133-134.
574.Robert Cohen: Understanding Peter Weiss (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Germanic Notes. 26, 2 (1995), pp. 135-136.
575.Hans-Werner Goetz/Karl-Wilhelm Welwei, Hgg.: Altes Germanien. Auszüge aus den antiken Quellen über die Germanen und ihre Beziehungen zum Römischen Reich. 2 Vols. (Darmstadt: 1995), in: Germanic Notes and Reviews 26, 2 (1995), pp. 137-139.
576.Meisterlieder des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Hg. von Eva Klesatschke und Horst Brunner (Tübingen: 1993), Prospero II (1995), pp. 132-133.
577.Michael A. Calabrese: Chaucer’s Ovidian Arts of Love (Gainesville-et al.: 1994),in: Prospero II (1995), pp. 135-136.
578.Hans Sebald: Der Hexenjunge. Fallstudie eines Inquistionsprozesses (Marburg: 1992), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 14 (1993), pp. 178-179.
579.Florent et Lyon. Wilhelm Salzmann, Kaiser Octavianus. Ed. Xenja von Ertzdorff and Ulrich Seelbach (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1993), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review (Dec. 15, 1995).
580.John Marshall Carter: Medieval Games. Sports and Recreations in Feudal Society (New York-Westport, CT-London: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 248-250.
581.Michael Haren: Medieval Thought. The Western Intellectual Tradition from Antiquity to the Thirteenth Century. Second Ed. (Toronto-Buffalo: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 252-254.
582.George Henderson: Early Medieval. Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching (Toronto-et al.: 1993), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 338-340.
583.Knut Schulz: “Denn sie lieben die Freiheit so sehr…”. Kommunale Aufstände und Entstehung des europäischen Bürgertums im Hochmittelalter (Darmstadt: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 346-348.
584.Alan Forey: The Military Orders. From the Twelfth to the Early Fourteenth Centuries (Toronto-Buffalo: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 358-359.
585.The Medieval Book of Birds. Hugh of Fouilloy’s Aviarium. Edition, Translation and Commentary by Willene B. Clark (Binghamton, NY: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 376-377.
586.Olive Sayce: Plurilingualism in the Carmina Burana (Göppingen: 1992),in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 378-380.
587. Douglas Kelly: The Art of Medieval French Romance (Madison: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 382-384.
588.L’imaginaire courtois et son double, éd. par G. Angeli et L. Forisano (Napoli-Roma-Milano: 1991), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 384-385.
589.Susan M. Johnson: The Lyrics of Richard de Semilli: A Critical Edition and Musical Transcription (Binghamton, New York: 1992),in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 386-387.
590. Karin Hauer: Über den sin. Begehren und Gesetz in Wolframs Titurel (Vienna: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 398-400.
591.Van den vos Reynaerde. Mittelniederländisch / Neuhochdeutsch von Jan Willem Kloos (Amiens, France: 1992),in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 409-410.
592.The Old Norse Elucidarius. Original Text and English Translation by Evelyn Scherabon Firchow (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 410-412.
593.Andrea Reichart: Alltagsleben im späten Mittelalter. Der Übergang zur frühen Neuzeit am Beispiel der Stadt Essen (Essen: 1992),in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 419-420.
594.Latein und Volkssprache im deutschen Mittelalter. 1100-1500. Ed. Nikolaus Henkel and Nigel F. Palmer (Tübingen: 1992),in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 451-454.
595.Ricarda Müller: Ein Frauenbuch des frühen Humanismus (Stuttgart: 1992),in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 460-461.
596.Ulrike Wabnitz: Sanc ist der kvnst eyn gespiegelt trymz”. Herman der Damen und seine Dichtung (Amiens: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 473-475.
597.A Legend of Holy Women. A Translation of Osbern Bokenham’s ‘Legends of Holy Women. Transl. and Introduced by Sheila Delany (Notre Dame: 1992),in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 480-481.
598.Christopher Dean: A Study of Merlin in English Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present Day. The Devil’s Son (Lewiston-Queenston-Lampeter: 1992),in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 483-484.
599.Medieval Literature of Poland. An Anthology, translated by Michael J. Mikós (New York-London: 1992)in: Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 487-488.
600.Meta Niederkorn-Bruck: Die Melker Reform im Spiegel der Visitationen (Vienna-Munich: 1994), Ostbairische Heimatforschung 37 (1995), pp. 270-271.
601.Wolfger von Erla. Bischof von Passau…. Ed. E. Boshoff, F. P. Knapp (Heidelberg: 1994),in: Ostbairische Heimatforschung 37 (1995), pp. 276-277.
602.Maria E. Müeller: Jungfräulichkeit in Versepen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts (Munich: 1995), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, January 16, 1996.
603.George F. Jones: German-American Names. 2nd ed. (Baltimore, MD: 1995), Schatzkammer XXI, 1& 2 (1995), pp.117-118.
604. Reflections and Action. Essays on the Bildungsroman. Ed. James N. Hardin (Columbus: 1991), Studia Neophilologica 67 (1995), pp. 260-262.
605.Dichtung des europäischen Mittelalters. Ed. Rolf Bräuer (Munich: 1991), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), p. 57f.
606.R. G. Poole: Viking Poems on War and Peace (Toronto-Buffalo-London: 1991), : Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), pp. 58f.
607.Gisela Lohbeck: Wigalois. Struktur der “bezeichenunge” (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1991), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), pp. 59f.
608.Albrecht von Eyb: Spiegel der Sitten, ed. Gerhard Klecha (Berlin: 1989), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), p. 6.
609.Frauenlieder des Mittelalters. Zweisprachig. Transl. and ed. Ingrid Kasten (Stuttgart: 1990), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), p. 62.
610.Reinhard Pawis: Johannes Hartliebs ‘Alexander’ (Munich: 1991), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), pp. 63f.
611.Wilhelm Volkert: Adel bis Zunft. Ein lexikon des Mittelalters (Munich: 1991), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), p. 64.
612.Moriz von Craûn, ed. and transl. by Stephanie Cain Van D’Elden (New York- London: 1990),Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), p.65f.
613.Jörg Wickram: Der Goldfaden (1557). The Golden Thread. The First English Translation by Pierre Kaufke (Pensacola: 1991), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), p. 66.
614. Romane des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach den Erstdrucken mit sämtlichen Holzschnitten. Hg. von Jan-Dirk Müller (Frankfurt a.M.: 1990), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), p. 67.
615.Hans Rosenplüt: Reimpaarsprüche und Lieder. Hg. von Jörn Reichel (Tübingen: 1990), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), p. 68.
616. Rolf Bräuer et al.: Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. Mitte des 12. bis Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts (Berlin: 1990), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), pp. 68-70.
617.Rudolf Simek: Erde und Kosmos im Mittelalter (Munich: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 1 (1996), pp. 70f.
618.Wilhelm Kühlmann, Hg.: Rudolf Agricola: 1444-1485 (Berne-et al.: 1994), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 30 (1995), pp. 159-161.
619.Franz M. Eybl: Abraham a Sancta Clara. Vom Prediger zum Schriftsteller (Tübingen: 1992), Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 77, 2 (1995), pp. 493-495.
620.Kim Vivian, Frank Tobin, Richard H. Lawson: McGraw-Hill Anthology of German Literature. Vol. I: Early Middle Ages to Storm and Stress (New York et al.: 1994), Unterrichtspraxis 28, 2 (1995), pp. 220-222.
621.Die Romane von dem Ritter mit dem Löwen. Ed. Xenja von Ertzdorff (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1994), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review Febr. 27, 1996.
622.Ulf Dirlmeier, Andreas Gestrich et al.: Kleine deutsche Geschichte (Stuttgart: 1995), German Studies Review XIX, 1 (1996), pp. 151f.
623.Modernes Mittelalter. Neue Bilder einer populären Epoche. Hg. von Joachim Heinzle (Frankfurt a.M.: 1994), German Studies Review XIX, 1 (1996), pp. 152f.
624.Walter Haug: Brechungen auf dem Weg zur Individualität (Tübingen: 1995), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review March 27, 1996.
625.D. H. Green: Medieval Listening and Reading. The Primary Reception of German Literature 800-1300 (Cambridge: 1994), Monatshefte 88, 1 (1996), 101-104.
626.Victor G. Doerksen: Ludwig Uhland and the Critics (Columbia, S.C.: 1994), Studia Neophilologica 68 (1996), pp. 131-132.
627. Frank Tobin: Mechthild von Magdeburg. A Medieval Mystic in Modern Eyes (Columbia, S.C.: 1995), Studia Neophilologica 68 (1996), pp. 129-130.
628.The Future of Germanistik in the USA. Changing our Perpective. Ed. John A. McCarthy and Katrin Schneider (Nashville, TN: 1996), German Studies Review 19, 2 (1996), pp. 401-403.
629. Gesine Lübben: “Ich singe daz wir alle werden vol”. Das Steinmar-Oeuvre in der Manessischen Liederhandschrift (Stuttgart: 1994), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 30, 2 (1995), pp. 160-163.
630. Horst Fuhrmann: Überall ist Mittelalter. Von der Gegenwart einer vergangenen Zeit (Munich: 1995), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review 25 May 1996.
631. Analogon Rationis. Festschrift für Gerwin Marahrens. Hg. von M. Henn und Ch. Lorey (Edmonton: 1994), Seminar XXXII, 2 (1996), pp. 155-158.
632. Gender and Text in the Later Middle Ages. Ed. Jane Chance (Gainesville-Tallahassee: 1996), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review 10 June 1996.
633. Herbert Guggenberger: Albrechts Jüngerer Titurel. Studien zur Minnethematik und zur Werkkonzeption (Göppingen: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 2 (1996), pp. 114-115.
634. Fiktionalität im Artusroman. Hg. von Volker Mertens und Friedrich Wolfzettel (Tübingen: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 2 (1996), pp. 115-117.
635. Robert C. Conard: Understanding Heinrich Böll (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 2 (1996), pp. 117-119.
636. Reisen und Reiseliteratur im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit, ed. Xenja von Ertzdorff and Dieter Neukirch (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 27, 2 (1996), pp. 119-120.
637. Werner Bellmann, Hg.: Das Werk Heinrich Bölls. Bibliographie mit Studien zum Frühwerk (Opladen: 1995), Wirkendes Wort 46, 2 (1996), pp. 354-355.
638. D. L. D’Avray: Death and the Prince. Memorial Preaching before 1350 (Oxford: 1994), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 31, 1 (1996), pp. 152-155.
639. ‘Aufführung’ und ‘Schrift’ in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Ed. Jan-Dirk Müller (Stuttgart-Weimar: 1996), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review Nov. 7, 1996.
640. Bertrand Michael Buchmann: Daz jemant singet oder sait… Das volkstümliche Lied als Quelle zur Mentalitätsgeschichte des Mittelalters (Frankfurt a.M.: 1994), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 41 (1996), pp. 115-116.
641. Hilkert Weddige: Koninc Ermenrîkes Dôt. Die niederdeutsche Flugschrift ‘Van Dirick van dem Berne’ und ‘Van Juncker Baltzer’. Überlieferung, Kommentar, Interpretation (Tübingen: 1995), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 41 (1996), pp. 116-117.
642. Susanne Fritsch-Staar: Unglückliche Ehefrauen. Zum deutschsprachigen malmariée-Lied (Berlin: 1995), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 41 (1996), pp. 125-126.
643 Emilie Amt, ed.: Women’s Lives in Medieval Europe. A Sourcebook (New York: London: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 231-232.
644. Philippe Contamine et al.: L’économie médiévale (Paris: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 246-248.
645. William Chester Jordan: Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial and Developing Societies (Philadelphia: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 255-256.
646. Eric Jager: The Tempter’s Voice. Language and the Fall in Medieval Literature (Ithaca-London: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 263-266.
647. Peter L. Allen: The Art of Love. Amatory Fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the Rose (Philadelphia: 1992), Mediaevistik 8 (1996), pp. 283-285..
648/649. Upon my Husband’s Death. Widows in the Literature and Histories of Medieval Europe. Ed. Louise Mirrer (Ann Arbor: 1992), and History of Medieval Europe Medieval London Widows, 1300-1500. Ed. C. M. Barron and A. F. Sutton (London-Rio Grande: 1994), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 285-288.
650. Mittelalter. Annäherungen an eine fremde Zeit. Hg. von Wilfried Hartmann (Regensburg: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 304-305.
651. Evamaria Engel: Die deutsche Stadt des Mittelalters (München: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 349-351.
652. Benedikt Konrad Vollmann: Ruodlieb (Darmstadt: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 372-373.
653. John Tolan: Petrus Alfonsi and his Medieval Readers (Gainesville-Tallahassee-et al.: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 373-375.
654. Lambertus Okken: Kommentar zur Artusepik Hartmanns von Aue (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 400-403.
655. Wernher der Gartenaere: Helmbrecht. 10. Aufl. besorgt von Hans-Joachim Ziegeler (Tübingen: 1993), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 404-405.
656. Helmut Birkhan: Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal vom Stricker. Aus dem Mhdt. übertragen, mit einer Einführung und Anmerkungen (Kettwig: 1992), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 482-484.
657. William Langland: Piers the Plowman. A new translation by A.V.C. Schmidt (Oxford-New York: 1992), Mediaevistik 8 (1995), pp. 488-489.
658. James A. Rushing, Jr.: Images of Adventure. Ywain in the Visual Arts (Philadelphia: 1995), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review Dec. 1, 1996.
659. The Lament of the Nibelungen (Div Chlage). Trans. and with an introduction by Winder McConnell (Columbia, S.C.: 1994), American Journal of Germanic Linguistics & Literatures 8, 1 (1996), pp. 105-108.
660. O. B. Hardison, Jr., and Leon Golden: Horace for Students of Literature (Gainesville-et al.: 1995), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 15 (1996), pp. 89-90.
661. Valerie I. J. Flint: The Imaginative Landscape of Christopher Columbus (Princeton: 1992), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 15 (1996), pp. 87-89.
662. Wolf-Dieter Lange, ed.: Diesseits- und Jenseitsreisen im Mittelalter (Bonn: 1992), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 15 (1996), pp. 93-95.
663. José Rabasa: Inventing America. Spanish Historiography and the Formation of Eurocentrism (Norman-London: 1993), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 15 (1996), pp. 97-99.
664. Hartmut Bookmann: Fürsten, Bürger, Edelleute. Lebensbilder aus dem späten Mittelalter (München: Beck, 1994), German Studies Review XIX, 3 (1996), pp. 545-547.
665. Jacques Ferrand: A Treatise on Lovesickness. Transl. and Ed. and with a Critical Introduction and Notes by D. A. Beecher and M. Ciavolella (Syracuse, NY: 1990), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 1-3.
666. Helmut Birkhan: Die alchemistische Lehrdichtung des Gratheus filius philosophi in Cod. Vind. 2372 (Vienna: 1992), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 3-6.
667. Dichtung des europäischen Mittelalters. Ed. Rolf Bräuer (Munich: 1991), Synopsis 4 (1992-1996), pp. 7-9.
668. Curialitas. Studien zu Grundfragen der höfisch-ritterlichen Kultur. Ed. Josef Fleckenstein (Göttingen: 1990), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 20-23.
669. Linda Gowans: Am Bròn Binn. An Arthurian Ballad in Scottish Gaelic (Eastbourne: 1992), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 23-25.
670. Innovation und Originalität. Hg. Walter Haug und Burghart Wachinger (Tübingen: 1993), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 28-30.
671. Wilhelmsepen. Le Couronnement de Louis, Le Charroi de Nîmes, La Prise d’Orange. Eingeleitet von Michael Heintze, übersetzt von Bodo Hesse (Munich: 1993), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 30-32.
672. Bernhard Jussen: Patenschaft und Adoption im frühen Mittelalter (Göttingen: 1991), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 36-38.
673. Webber, Philip E.: A Late Medieval Devotional Anthology From Salzburg (“Nonnberg Passion”: Huntington Library HM 195). Commentary and Edition (Göppingen: 1990), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 66-67.
674. Politische Tugendlehre und Regierungskunst. Studien zum Fürstenspiegel der frühen Neuzeit. Hg. von Hans-Otto Mühleisen und Theo Stammen (Tübingen: 1990), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 58-60.
675. Witches, Devils, and Doctors in the Renaissance. John Weyer: De praestigiis daemonum. General Editor George Mora (Binghamton, NY: 1991), Synopsis 4 (1992-96), pp. 88-91.
676. Guido Schneider: er nam den spiegel in die hant, als in sîn wîsheit lêrte. Zum Einfluß klerikaler Hofkritiken und Herrschaftslehren auf den Wandel höfischer Epik in groß- und kleinepischen Dichtungen des Stricker (Essen: 1994), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 46 (1996), pp. 220-224.
677. Jan-Dirk Müller, Hg.: Wissen für den Hof. Der spätmittelalterliche Verschriftlichungsprozeß am Beispiel Heidelberg im 15. Jahrhundert (München: 1994), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 46 (1996), pp. 224-228.
678. Nürnberger Prosa-Äsop. Hg. von Klaus Grubmüller (Tübingen: 1994), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 46 (1996), pp. 228-229.
679. L’evoluzione delle città italiane nell’ XI secolo, a cura diRenato Bordone e Jörg Jarnut (Bologna: 1988), Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 75, 1 (1993), pp. 224-225.
680. Jean L. C. Putmans: Tristan. Gottfried von Straßburg (Heerlen (Niederlande): Data Mediaevis, 1995), Tristania XVII (1996), pp. 160-163.
681. Tristan and Isolde. A Casebook. Ed. Joan Tasker Grimbert (New York-London: 1995), Tristania XVII (1996), pp. 163-166.
682. Tristan – Tristrant. Mélanges en l’honneur de Danielle Buschinger. Ed. A. Crépin et W. Spiewok (Greifswald: 1996), Tristania XVII (1996), pp. 177-181; also in: Studien zur Germanistik 17 (1996): 177-81.
683. Volker Riedel: Literarische Antikerezeption. Aufsätze und Vorträge (Jena: 1996), Wirkendes Wort 46, 3 (1996), pp. 515-516.
684. Heinz Duchhardt, Richard A. Jackson, David Sturdy (eds.): European Monarchy. Its Evolution and Practice from Roman Antiquity to Modern Times (Stuttgart: 1992), MIÖG 104 (1996), pp. 348-349.
685. Ottavio Clavuot: Biondos “Italia Illustrata” – Summa oder Neuschöpfung? (Tübingen: 1990), MIÖG 104 (1996), pp. 387-388.
686. Kaiser Friedrich III. (1440-1493) in seiner Zeit. Ed. Paul-Joachim Heinig (Cologne-Weimar-Vienna: 1993), MIÖG 104 (1996), pp. 389-392.
687. Jörg Mauz S.J.: Ulrich Molitoris. Ein süddeutscher Humanist und Rechtsgelehrter (Vienna: 1992), MIÖG 104 (1996), pp. 398-400.
688. Bernd Hausberger: Jesuiten aus Mitteleuropa im kolonialen Mexiko (Vienna-Munich: 1995), MIÖG 104 (1996), pp. 412-414.
689. Karin Kranich-Hofbauer: Der Starkenbergische Rotulus. Handschrift – Edition – Interpretation (Innsbruck: 1994), Fifteenth-Century Studies 23 (1997), pp. 285-287.
690. Werner Marold: Kommentar zu den Liedern Oswalds von Wolkenstein, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Alan Robertshaw (Innsbruck: 1995), Fifteenth-Century Studies 23 (1997), pp. 287-288.
691. Joachim Bumke: Die vier Fassungen der Nibelungenklage (Berlin-New York: 1996), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review March 11, 1997.
692. Günther Schweikle: Minnesang in neuer Sicht (Stuttgart: 1994), German Studies Review XX, 1 (1997), p. 139.
693. Gerd Althoff: Spielregeln der Politik im Mittelalter. Kommunikation in Frieden und Fehde (Darmstadt: 1997), Bryn Mawr Medieval Review April 27, 1997.
694. Helmut de Boor: Die deutsche Literatur im späten Mittelalter. 5th ed. by Johannes Janota (Munich: 1997), in Bryn Mawr Medieval Review May 5, 1997.
695. Erika A. Metzger and Michael M. Metzger: Reading Andreas Gryphius. Critical Trends 1664-1993 (Columbia, S.C.: 1994), German Studies Review XX, 2 (1997), pp. 322f.
696. Vestigia Monasteriensia. Westfalen – Rheinland – Niederlande. Ed. E. Widder, M. Mersiowsky and P. Johanek (Bielefeld: 1995), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 105 (1997), pp. 250f.
697. Ingrid Baumgärtner, ed.: Consilia im späten Mittelalter (Sigmaringen: 1995), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 105 (1997), pp. 208-210.
698. Föderationsmodelle und Unionsstrukturen. Über Staatenverbindungen in der frühen Neuzeit vom 15. zum 18. Jahrhundert. Ed. Thomas Fröschl (Vienna-Munich: 1995), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 105 (1997), pp. 210f.
699. Lothar Kolmer, ed., Der Tod des Mächtigen. Kult und Kultur des Todes spätmittelalterlicher Herrscher (Paderborn-et al.: 1997),in: The Medieval Review July 31, 1997.
700. Hilkert Weddige: Mittelhochdeutsch. Eine Einführung (Munich: 1996), Unterrichtspraxis 30, 1 (1997), pp. 112f.
701. Individuum und Individualität im Mittelalter. Hg. von J. A. Aertsen und A. Speer (Berlin-New York: 1996), Michigan Germanic Studies 20, 2 (1994; appeared in 1997), pp. 178-183.
702. Joan M. Ferrante: To the Glory of her Sex. Women’s Roles in the Composition of Medieval Texts (Bloomington-Indianapolis: 1997), The Medieval Review 9-3-97, 97. 09. 01 (6 pp.).
703. Nine Robijntje Miedema: Die ‘Mirabilia Romae’. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Überlieferung mit Edition der deutschen und niederländischen Texte (Munich: 1996), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 47 (1997), pp. 235-237.
704. Horst Brunner, Gerhard Hahn, Ulrich Müller, Franz Viktor Spechtler: Walther von der Vogelweide. Epoche – Werk – Wirkung, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 47 (1997), pp. 238-239.
705. Christian Rogowski: Distinguished Outsider Robert Musil and His Critics (Columbia, S.C.: 1994), Germanic Notes and Reviews 28, 2 (1997), S. 142-144.
706. Hugh Powell: Louise von Gall: Her World and Work (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 28, 2 (1997), S. 144-145.
707. Adelbert von Chamisso: Peter Schlemihl. Reprint of the Original Translation by Sir John Browning and with a New Introduction by Wulf Koepke (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 28, 2 (1997), S. 145-146.
708. Kulturthema Fremdheit. Leitbegriffe und Problemfelder kulturwissenschaftlicher Fremdheitsforschung, hg. von A. Wierlacher (Munich: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 28, 2 (1997), S. 148-149.
709. Fritz Peter Knapp: Die Literatur des Früh- und Hochmittelalters in den Bistümern Passau, Salzburg, Brixen und Trient (Graz: 1994), Studia Neophilologica 69 (1997), pp. 122-124.
710. David Scrase: Understanding Johannes Bobrowski (Columbia, S.C.: 1995), Studia Neophilologica 69 (1997), pp. 125-126.
711. Richard C. Hoffmann: Fishers’ Craft & Lettered Art. Tracts on Fishing from the End of the Middle Ages (Toronto-Buffalo-London: 1997), The Medieval Review 10-20-97.
712. Erhard Jörn, Rudolf Jörn: Das Meisterlied von Goslar (Hildesheim: 1992), Jahrbuch für deutsche Volksliedforschung 42 (1997), pp. 138-139.
713. Leben im 16. Jahrhundert. Lebenslauf und Lieder des Hauptmanns Georg Niege . Hg. und kommentiert von Brage Bei der Wieden (Berlin: 1996), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 42 (1997), pp. 139-140.
714. Gerda Jordan: Deutsche Kultur in Epochen (New York: 1996), Schatzkammer XXIII, 1&2 (1997), pp. 153-155.
715. Christoph Gutknecht and Lutz J. Rölle: Translating by Factors (Albany: 1996), Schatzkammer XXIII, 1&2 (1997), pp. 157-159.
716. Ignaz Pfefferkorn: Beschreibung der Landschaft Sonora. Hg. Ingo Schröder (Bonn: 1996), German-American Yearbook 31 (1996), pp. 215-216.
717. Manuels, programmes de cours et techniques d’enseignement dans les universités médiévales, ed. Jacqueline Hamesse (Louvain-La-Neuve: 1994), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 32, 2 (1997), pp. 126-128.
718. Mensa philosophica. Faksimile und Kommentar. Ed. Erwin Rauner et al. (Tübingen: 1995), The Medieval Review (internet) 17 Dec. 1997.
719. Sabine Obermaier: Von Nachtigallen und Handwerkern. ‘Dichtung über Dichtung’ in Minnesang und Sangspruchdichtung (Tübingen: 1995), Poetica 29, 1-2 (1997), pp. 306-311.
720. Volker Schupp, Hans Szklenar: Ywain auf Schloß Rodenegg (Sigmaringen: 1996), The Medieval Review (internet) 13 Jan. 1998.
721. Frankfurter Dirigierrolle. Frankfurter Passionsspiel. Mit den Paralleltexten…. Ed. Johannes Janota (Tübingen: 1996), Daphnis 26 (1997), pp. 525-527.
722. Hans-Jörg Künast: “Getruckt zu Augspurg”. Buchdruck und Buchhandel in Augsburg zwischen 1468 und 1555 (Tübingen: 1997), Daphnis 26 (1997), pp. 528-530.
723. Stephan Maksymiuk: The Court Magician in Medieval German Romance (Frankfurt a.M.: 1996), German Studies Review XX (1997), pp. 433f.
724. Death in Towns. Urban Responsibilities to the Dying and the Dead, 100-1600. Ed. S. Bassett (London-New York: 1992/95), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 241-243.
725. Framing Medieval Bodies, ed. Sarah Kay & Miri Rubin (Manchester-New York: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 249-251.
726. Roger Bartra: Wild Men in the Looking Glass. The Mythic Origins of European Otherness. Trans. C. T. Berrisford (Ann Arbor: 1994), in: Medieavistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 254-256.
727. Medieval Folklore. Vol. III. Ed. F. Canadé-Sautman et al. (Lewiston: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 256f.
728. Gareth Roberts: The Mirror of Alchemy. Alchemical Ideas and Images in Manuscripts and Books (Toronto-Buffalo: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996), pp. 270f..
729. The Writings of Medieval Women. An Anthology. Second Edition. Translations and Introductions by Marcelle Thiébaux (New York-London: 1994), Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 278-280.
730. Die Romane von dem Ritter mit dem Löwen. Ed. Xenja von Ertzdorff (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 281-283.
731-734. Matthias Pfaffenbichler: Amourers; John Cherry: Goldsmiths; Christopher de Hamel: Scribes and Illuminators; Elizabeth Eames: English Tilers (all 4: Toronto-Buffalo: 1992), Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 286-288.
735. Jane Chance: Medieval Mythography. From Roman North Africa to the School of Chartres, A.D. 433-1177 (Gainesville, FL.,-et al.: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 321-323.
736. Dorothea Walz: Das Falkenbuch Friedrichs II. (Graz: 1994), in: Mediävistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 352f.
737. Marie de France: Fables. Ed. and trans. by Harriet Spiegel (Toronto-Buffalo-London: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 353f.
738. E. Jane Burns: Bodytalk. When Women Speak in Old French Literature (Philadelphia: 1993), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 354-356.
739. Wolfram von Eschenbach: Titurel, a cura di Michael Dallapiazza, trad. di Lucia Antonini (Torino: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 362f..
740. Claire Donovan: The Winchester Bible (Toronto-Buffalo: 1993), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 367f.
741. The Rusted Hauberk. Feudal Ideals of Order and Their Decline. Ed. L. O. Purdon and C. L. Vitto (Gainesville-et al.: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 378-380.
742. Paul F. Gehl: A Moral Art. Grammar, Society, and Culture in Trecento Florence (Ithaca-London: 1993), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 380f.
743. Tilman Nagel:Timur der Eroberer und die islamische Welt des späten Mittelalters (München: 1993), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 383-384.
744. Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics. Ed. Bernard McGinn (New York: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 397-399.
745. La femme dans la vie religieuse du Languedoc (XIIIe-XIVe s.) (Toulouse: 1988), Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 402f..
746. François Villon: Complete Poems. Ed. with English Translation and Commentary by Barbara N. Sargent-Baur (Toronto: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 431-433.
747. Tracy Barrett: Cecco. As I am and Was: The Poems of Cecco Angiolieri (Boston: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 433f.
748. Mariken van Nieumeghen. A Bilingual Edition, by Therese Decker and Martin W. Walsh (Columbia, S.C.: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 446f.
749. Mary-Jo Arn: Fortunes Stabilnes. Charles of Orleans’s English Book of Love. A Critical Edition (Binghamton: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 453f.
750. Nicola Coldstream: The Decorated Style. Architecture and Ornament 1240-1360 (Toronto-Buffalo: 1994), in: Mediaevistik 9 (1996/97), pp. 459f.
751. Dagmar Mikasch-Köthner: Zur Konzeption der Tristanminne bei Eilhart von Oberg und Gottfried von Straβburg (Stuttgart: 1991), Tristania XVIII (1998), pp. 118-120.
752. Marion E. Gibbs, Sidney M. Johnson: Medieval German Literature. A Companion (New York-London: 1997), The Medieval Review 23 Febr. 1998 (TMR 98. 02. 10).
753. Annette Volfing: Heinrich von Mügeln ‘Der mide kranz’. A Commentary (Tübingen: 1997), Leuvense Bijdragen 86 (1997), pp. 377f.
754. Jerold C. Frakes: Brides and Doom. Gender, Property, and Power in Medieval German Women’s Epic (Philadelphia: 1994), Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 117, 1 (1988), pp. 112-115.
755. Erich Straßner: Deutsche Sprachkultur. Von der Barbarensprache zur Weltsprache (Tübingen: 1995), Germanic Notes and Reviews, 29 (1998), pp. 55-57.
756. Hadumod Bußmann, Renate Hof, Hgg.: Genus. Zur Geschlechterdifferenz in den Kulturwissenschaften (Stuttgart: 1995), Germanic Notes and Reviews, 29 (1998), pp. 57-58.
757. England and Germany in the High Middle Ages. Ed. Alfred Haverkamp and Hanna Vollrath (Oxford: 1996), German Studies Review 21, 1 (1998), pp. 115-116.
758. England and Germany in the High Middle Ages. Ed. Alfred Haverkamp and Hanna Vollrath (London: 1996), German Studies Review 21, 1 (1998), pp. 115-116.
759. Ernst Schubert: Fahrendes Volk im Mittelalter (Bielefeld: 1995), German Studies Review 21, 1 (1998), pp. 116-118.
760. Michael Wittschier: Es wa(h)r einmal… Märchen-Philosophie. Philosophieunterricht – Sekundarstufe II. Kurs Ethik (Düsseldorf: 1997), Märchenspiegel 8, 4 (1997), p. 126f.
761. Rüdiger Schnell: Suche nach Wahrheit. Gottfrieds “Tristan und Isold” als erkenntniskritischer Roman (Tübingen: 1992), Speculum 69, 4 (1994), pp. 1269-1271.
762. Manfred Kern: Agamemnon weint oder arthurische Metamorphose und trojanische Destruktion im “Göttweiger Trojanerkrieg (Erlangen: 1995), Speculum 72, 2 (1997), pp. 510-511.
763. Dieter Breuer, Jürgen Breuer: Mit spaeher rede. Politische Geschichte im Nibelungenlied (Munich: 1995), Seminar 34, 2 (1998), pp. 151-153.
764. Life’s Golden Tree. Essays in German Literature from the Renaissance to Rilke (Columbia, S.C.: 1996), Seminar 34, 2 (1998), pp. 155-157.
765. Reimar Gilsenbach: Weltchronik der Zigeuner. Part 1: Von den Anfängen bis 1599 (Frankfurt a.M.: 1997), The Medieval Review 29 May 1998 (Internet).
766. Aussenseiter zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Festschrift für Hans-Jürgen Goertz zum 60. Geburtstag. Ed. N. Fischer and M. Kobelt-Groch (Leiden-New York-Cologne: 1997), The Medieval Review 3 June 1998 (Internet).
767. Gerhard Dohrn-van Rossum: History of the Hour. Clocks and Modern Temporal Orders (Chicago-London: 1996), The Medieval Review 11 June 1998 (Internet).
768. Angelika Jakob: Liebe im falschen Schuh (Paderborn: 1997), Trans-Lit VII, 1 (1998), pp. 65-66.
769. Lisa Kahn: Kälbchen-Geschichten (Frankfurt a.M.: 1997), Trans-Lit VII, 1 (1998), pp. 66-67.
770. Spannungen und Widersprüche. Gedenkschrift für František Graus. Ed. Susanna Burghartz et al. (Sigmaringen: 1992), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 106 (1998), pp. 181-183.
771. Mark Häberlein/Michaela Schmölz-Häberlein: Die Erben der Welser. Der Karibikhandel der Augsburger Firma Obwexer im Zeitalter der Revolutionen (Augsburg: 1995), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 106 (1998), pp.242-243.
772. Janice M. Pinder, ed.: The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi. A Critical Edition of the Ms Paris, Bibl. Nat. fonds. 2094 (Rome: 1995), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 106 (1998), pp. 242-243.
773. Hartmann von Aue: Der arme Heinrich. 16th rev. ed. K. Gärtner (Tübingen: 1996), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen XCIC, 1 (1998), p. 103.
774. Hans-Albrecht Koch: Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft. Eine praxisorientierte Einführung für Anfänger (Darmstadt: 1997), German Studies Review 21, 2 (1998), pp. 348f.
775. Animals in the Middle Ages. A Book of Essays. Ed. Nona C. Flores (New York-London: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 244f.
776. Food in the Middle Ages. A Book of Essays. Ed. Melitta Weiss Adamson (New York-London: 1995), Mediaevistik 10, (1997), pp. 245-247.
777. Voicing Medieval Women. An Anthology of Texts By, About, and For Women in the Middle Ages. Ed. J. Wogan-Browne et al. (Provo: 1996), in Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 268-269.
778. Sanctity and Motherhood. Essays on Holy Mothers in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker (New York-London: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 294-297.
779. Laura Light: Catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Houghton Library Harvard University. Vol. 1 (Binghampton, N.Y.: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 307-308.
780. Towards a Synthesis. Essays on the New Philology. Ed. Keith Busby (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1993), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 309-311
781. Translators through History. Ed. and Directed by Jean Delisle, Judith Woodsworth (Amsterdam-Philadelphia: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 311-313.
782. Gay and Lesbian Poetry. An Anthology from Sappho to Michelangelo. Ed. James J. Wilhelm (New York-London: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 313-315.
783. June Hall McCash, ed.: The Cultural Patronage of Medieval Women (Athens, GA: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 315-316.
784. The New Arthurian Encyclopedia. Ed. Norris J. Lacy (New York-London: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 316-317.
785. King Arthur. A Casebook. Ed. Edward Donald Kennedy (New York-London: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 317-319.
786. Sô wold ich in fröiden singen. Festgabe für Anthonius H. Touber zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. C. Dauven-van Knippenberg, H. Birkhan (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 327-328.
787. Brian Stock: Listening for the Text. On the Uses of the Past (Philadelphia: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 346-348.
788. Medieval Christian Perceptions of Islam. Ed. John V. Tolan (New York-London: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 348-350.
789. R. I. Page: Chronicles of the Vikings. Records, Memorials and Myths (Bath: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 357-358.
790. Keith Sidwell: Reading Medieval Latin (Cambridge: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 366-367.
791. Beda der Ehrwürdige. Kirchengeschichte des englischen Volkes. Hg. und übersetzt von Günter Spitzbart (Darmstadt: 1997), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 372-373.
792. The St. Gall Tractate: A Medieval Guide to Rhetorical Syntax. Ed. A. A. Grotans and D. W. Porter (Columbia, S.C.: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 374-376.
793. Bea Lundt, Hg.: Auf der Suche nach der Frau im Mittelalter (Munich: 1991), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 383-384.
794. C. Stephen Jaeger: The Envy of Angels. Cathedral Schools and Social Ideals in Medieval Europe, 950-1200 (Philadelphia: 1994), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 402-405.
795. Hubert Speckner: Dichtung und Wahrheit im Mittelalter. Das Leben der höfischen Gesellschaft im Spiegel der höfischen Literatur (Vienna: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 407-408.
796. Arthurian Romance and Gender, ed. Friedrich Wolfzettel (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 409-410.
797. Gudrun Theresia Stecher: Magnetismus im Mittelalter (Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 410-412.
798. A Monk’s Confession. The Memoirs of Guibert of Nogent. Trans. and with an Introduction by Paul J. Archambault (University Park: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 413-414.
799. The Alexandreis of Walter of Châtillon. A verse translation by David Townsend (Philadelphia: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 418-419.
800. Handbook of the Troubadours. Ed. F. R. P. Akehurst and Judth M. Davis (Berkeley-Los Angeles-London: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 423-425.
801. Songs of the Women Troubadours, ed. and trans. by M. Tomaryn Bruckner et al. (New York-London: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 425-427.
802. Gale Sigal: Erotic Dawn-Songs of the Middle Ages. Voicing the Lyric Lady (Gainesville-Tallahassee: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 427-429.
803. Max Grosse: Das Buch im Roman. Studien zu Buchverweis und Autoritätszitat in altfranzösischen Texten (Munich: 1994), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 432-434.
804. The Knight of the Two Swords. Trans., with notes and commentary, by Ross G. Arthur and Noel L. Corbett (Gainesville-et al.: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 439-440.
805. James A. Schultz: The Knowledge of Childhood in the German Middle Ages, 1100-1350 (Philadelphia: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 443-445.
806. Ursula Storp: Väter und Söhne. Tradition und Traditionsbruch in der volkssprachlichen Literatur des Mittelalters (Essen: 1994), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 445-447.
807. Priest Konrad’s Song of Roland. Translated and with an Introduction by J. W. Thomas (Columbia, S. C.: 1994), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 447-449.
808. CliftonHall and Samuel Coleman: Walther von der Vogelweide. A Complete Reference Work (Niwot, CO: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 449-450.
809-810. D. Eleanor Scully, Terence Scully: Early French Cookery. Sources, History, Original Recipes and Modern Adaptations (Ann Arbor: 1995); Constance B. Hieatt, Brenda Hosington, and Sharon Butler: Pleyn Delit. Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks. 2nd ed. (Toronto-Buffalo-London: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 471-472.
811. Colin Platt: King Death. The Black Death and Its Aftermath in Late-Medieval England (Toronto-Buffalo: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 480-482.
812. Das Columbus-Projekt. Hg. von Winfried Wehle (München: 1995), Mediävistik 10 (1997), pp. 482-483.
813. Wilhelm Baum:Margarete Maultasch. Erbin zwischen den Mächten (Graz: 1994), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 485-486.
814. Jörg K. Hoensch: Kaiser Sigismund. Herrscher an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit 1368-1437 (Munich: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 486-488.
815. Wilhelm Baum et al.: Konziliarismus und Humanismus. Kirchliche Demokratisierungsbestrebungen im spätmittelalterlichen Österreich (Vienna: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 504-505.
816. Gertrud Jaron Lewis: By Women, for Women, about Women. The Sister-Books of Fourteenth-Century Germany (Toronto: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 515-517.
817. John Y. B. Hood: Aquinas and the Jews (Philadelphia: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 532-534.
818. Jeanette Beer, Kenneth Lloyd-Jones, ed.: Translation and the Transmission of Culture between 1300 and 1600 (Kalamazoo, MI: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 538-539.
819. Ursel Fischer: Meister Johans Hadloub. Autorbild und Werkkonzeption (Stuttgart: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 566-567.
820. Romy Günthart: Sebastian Münster: Spiegel der wyßheit (Munich: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 578-579.
821. Robert J. Blanch and Julian N. Wasserman: From Pearl to Gawain. Forme to Fynishment (Gainesville-et al.: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 584-586.
822. Literature and Religion in the Later Middle Ages. Philological Studies in Honor of Siegfried Wenzel. Ed. R. G. Newhauser and J. A. alford (Binghamton, N.Y.: 1995), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 593-594.
823. Marianne E. Kalinke: The Book of Reykjahólar:The Last of the Great Medieval Legendaries (Toronto-Buffalo-London: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 596-598.
824. Creative Women in Medieval and Early Modern Italy, ed. Ann Matter and John Coakley (Philadelphia: 1994), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 603-605.
825. P. D. A. Harvey: Mappa Mundi. The Hereford World Map (Toronto-Buffalo: 1996), Mediaevistik 10 (1997), pp. 606-607.
826. Peter Dinzelbacher: Angst im Mittelalter (Paderborn-et al.: 1996), The Medieval Review 4 Sept. 1998.
827. Hans-Jochen Schiewer: ‘Die Schwarzwald Predigten’. Entstehungs- und Überlieferungsgeschichte der Sonntags- und Heiligenpredigten (Tübingen: 1996), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanisti 50 (1998), pp. 228-229.
828. Kathleen Foley-Beining: The Body and Eucharistic Devotion in Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg’s “Meditations” (Columbia, S.C.: 1997), Studia Neophilologica 70 (1998), pp. 122-123.
829. Jörg Roche/Thomas Salumets, Eds.: Germanics under Construction (Munich: 1996), Studia Neophilologica 70 (1998), pp. 124-126.
830. Holger Höcke: Willehalm-Rezeption in der Arabel Ulrichs von dem Türlin (Frankfurt a.M.: 1996), Seminar 34, 3 (1998), pp. 304-305.
831. Meinolf Schumacher: Sündenschmutz und Herzensreinheit. Studien zur Metaphorik der Sünde in lateinischer und deutscher Literatur des Mittelalters (Munich: 1996), Seminar 34, 3 (1998), pp. 307-309.
832. Peter Dinzelbacher: Bernhard von Clairvaux. Leben und Werk des berühmten Zisterzienser (Darmstadt: 1998), The Medieval Review 4 Nov. 1998 (Internet).
833. Jens Köhler: Der Wechsel. Textstruktur und Funktion einer mittelhochdeutschen Liedgattung (Heidelberg: 1997), Wirkendes Wort 48, 2 (1998), pp. 290-291.
834. Edwin Lüer: Aurum und Aurora. Ludwig Tiecks “Runenberg” und Jakob Böhme (Heidelberg: 1997), Wirkendes Wort 48, 2 (1998), pp. 295-296.
835. Johan Nowé: Wir wellen haben ein spil. Zur Geschichte des Dramas im deutschen Mittelalter (Leuven: 1997), Leuvense Bijdragen 87 (1998), pp. 257-258.
836. Fremdes wahrnehmen – fremdes Wahrnehmen. Ed. W. Harms and C. Stephen Jaeger (Stuttgart: 1997), Leuvense Bijdragen 87 (1998), pp. 259-263.
837. Susanne Rikl: Erzählen im Kontext von Affekt und Ratio. Studien zu Konrads von Würzburg ‘Partonopier und Meliûr’ (Frankfurt a.M.: 1996), Seminar 34, 4 (1998), pp. 438-440.
838. Fritz Peter Knapp: Historie und Fiktion in der mittelalterlichen Gattungspoetik (Heidelberg: 1997), Seminar 34, 4 (1998), pp. 441-442.
839. Quellenkunde zur deutschen Geschichte im Spätmittelalter. Hg. Von Winfried Dotzauer (Darmstadt: 1996), Fifteenth-Century Studies 24 (1998), pp. 276-278.
840. Walther von der Vogelweide: Gedichte. 11. Aufl., hg. von Silvia Rawanake. Teil 1: Der Spruchdichter (Tübingen: 1997), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 43 (1998), pp. 139-140.
841. Lied im deutschen Mittelalter. Überlieferung, Typen, Gebrauch. Ed. C. Edwards, E. Hellgardt and N. H. Ott (Tübingen: 1996), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 43 (1998), pp. 140-143.
842. Eckart Conrad Lutz: Das Dießenhofener Liederblatt. Ein Zeugnis späthöfischer Kultur (Freiburg i. Br.: 1994), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 43 (1998), pp. 161-162.
843. Gaby Herchert: “Acker mir mein bestes Feld”. Untersuchungen zu erotischen Liederbuchliedern des späten Mittelalters (Münster-New York: 1996), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 43 (1998), pp. 162-164.
844. Gertrud Angermann: Anna von Quernheim (vor 1520-1590). Die erste bekannte Liederdichtertin Westfalens (Bielefeld: 1996), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 43 (1998), pp. 167-168; 44 (1999): 259-60.
845. Arthur Groos: Romancing the Grail. Genre, Science, and Quest in Wolfram’s ‘Parzival’ (Ithaca-London: 1995), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 16/17 (1995-1996), pp. 224-226.
846. Ann Rosalind Jones: The Currency of Eros. Women’s Love Lyric in Europe, 1540- 1620 (Bloomington-Indianapolis: 1990), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 16/17 (1995-1996), pp. 229-233.
847. Tod im Mittelalter. Ed. A. Borst, G. v. Graevenitz et al. (Konstanz: 1993), Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 80, 2 (1998), pp. 491-492.
848. Michael Goodich, ed.: Other Middle Ages. Witnesses at the Margins of Medieval Society (Philadelphia: 1998), The Medieval Review 99.02.01.
849. Jean-Claude Schmitt: Ghosts in the Middle Ages (Chicago: 1998), The Medieval Review 99.02.18.
850. Urs Bitterli: Die Entdeckung Amerikas. Von Kolumbus bis Alexander von Humboldt (Munich: 1991), Germanic Notes and Reviews 30, 1 (1999), pp. 58-61.
851. H. M. Zijlstra-Zweens: Of his array telle I no lenger tale. Aspects of Costume, Arms and Armour in Western Europe 1200-1400 (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1988), Germanic Notes and Reviews 30, 1 (1999), pp. 60-61.
852. Stephan Fuchs: Hybride Helden: Gwigalois und Willehalm (Heidelberg: 1997), Seminar 35, 1 (1999), pp. 70-72.
853. The Alsfeld Passion Play. Translated with an Introduction by Larry E. West (Lewiston-Queenston-Lampeter: 1997), Daphnis 27, 2-3 (1998), pp. 464-466.
854. Margarete Hubrath: Schreiben und Erinnern. Zur “memoria” im Liber Specialis Gratiae Mechthilds von Hakeborn (Paderborn-Munich-et al.: 1996), The Medieval Review April 27, 1999.
855. Hans Bayer: Gottfried von Straßburg und der “Archipoeta”. Die literarische Masken eines Ehr- und Namenlosen (Hildesheim-Zürich: 1996), Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Instituts für Geschichtsforschung MIÖG 106 (1998), pp. 480-482.
856. Haiko Wandhoff: Der epische Blick. Eine mediengeschichtliche Studie zur höfischen Literatur (Berlin: 1996), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen XCIX, 3 (1998), pp. 349-353.
857. Kerstin Bartels: Musik in deutschen Texten des Mittelalters (Frankfurt a.M.: 1997), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen XCIX, 3 (1998), pp. 353-354.
858. Die Affekte und ihre Repräsentation in der deutschen Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit. Ed. Jean-Daniel Krebs (Bern-et al.: 1996), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen XCIX, 3 (1998), pp. 355-356.
859. Tuomas Heikkilä: Das Kloster Fulda und der Goslaer Rangstreit (Helsinki: 1998), The Medieval Review TMR 28 May 1999.
860. Hildegard von Bingen 1098-1179. Ed. H.-J. Kotzur (Mainz: 1998), The Medieval Review (Internet) 99. 06.17 (25 June 1999)
861. Heinrich Fichtenau: Heretics and Scholars in the High Middle Ages 1000-1200, trans. D. A. Kaiser (University Park, PA: 1998). TMR 99.06.16 (25 June 1999).
862. Anfänge und Entwicklung der deutschen Sprache im mittelalterlichen Schlesien. Hg. Gundolf Keil und Josef Joachim Menzel (Sigmaringen: 1995), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 107, 1-2 (1999), 188-190.
863. Katharina Bochsler: “Ich han da inne ungehortu ding gesehen”. Die Jenseitsvisionen Mechthilds von Magdeburg (Bern-et al.: 1997), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 107, 1-2 (1999), 204-206.
864. Convents Confront the Reformation: Catholic and Protestant Nuns in Germany. Introd. and ed. by Merry Wiesner-Hanks (Milwaukee, WI: 1996), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 107, 1-2 (1999), 260-261.
865. Josef Seger: Der Bauernkrieg im Hochstift Eichstätt (Regensburg: 1997), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 107, 1-2 (1999), 226-228.
866. Johannes Keller: Diu Crône Heinrichs von dem Türlin: Wunderketten, Gral und Tod (Bern-et al.: 1997), Seminar XXXV, 2 (1999), 155-157.
867. Andrea Rapp: bücher gar húbsch gemolt. Studien zur Werkstatt Diebold Laubers (Bern-Berlin-et al.: 1998), German Studies Review XXII, 1 (1999), 108-109.
868. Dürer and his Culture. Ed. by Dagmar Eichberger and Charles Zika (Cambridge: 1998), German Studies Review XXII, 2 (1999), 285-286.
869 and 870. Ann Marie Rasmussen: Mothers and Daughters in Medieval German Literature (Syracuse, NY: 1997), The German Quarterly 71, 4 (1998), 393-394, and Tristania XIX (1999), 129-134.
871. John B. Friedman and Jesica M. Wegmann: Medieval Iconography. A Research Guide (New York-London: 1998), Tristania XIX (1999), 137-139.
872. Mark Chinca: Gottfried von Strassburg: Tristan (Cambridge-New York-Melbourne: 1997), Tristania XIX (1999), 141-145.
873. Kevin J. Harty: The Reel Middle Ages. Films about Medieval Europe (Jefferson, N.C.,-London: 1999), Tristania XIX (1999), 145-147.
874. Lisa Kahn: Flußbettworte/Fluvial Discourse (Lewiston, NY: 1998), Trans-Lit VIII, 1 (1999), 50-51.
875. Jelko Peters: Mittelalterliche Literatur in der Schule lesen. LernSprache Deutsch 5, 1-2 (1997) (Vienna: 1997), Unterrichtspraxis 32, 1 (1999), 98-99.
876. Martin Dinges: Stadtarmut in Bordeaux. 1525-1675. Alltag. Politik. Mentalitäten (Bonn: 1988), Archiv für Kulturgeschichte. 75, 1 (1993), pp. 234-236.
877. Mensch und Natur im Mittelalter. Ed. Albert Zimmermann and Andreas Speer. 2 Vols (Berlin-New York: 1991), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 28, 1 (1993), 134-142.
878. Walter Salmen: Der Tanzmeister (Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: 1998), German Quarterly 72, 1 (1999), 78-79.
879. Katharina Bochsler: “Ich han da inne ungehortu ding gesehen”. Die Jenseitsvisionen Mechthilds von Magdeburg (Bern-et al.: 1997), Seminar XXXV, 3 (1999): 250-252.
880. Mediävistische Komparatistik. Festschrift für Franz Josef Worstbrock zum 60. Geburtstag. Ed. W. Harms and J.-D. Müller (Stuttgart-Leipzig: 1997), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 51 (1999): 209-212.
881. Annette Volfing: Heinrich von Mügeln: ‘Der meide kranz’. A Commentary (Tübingen: 1997), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 51 (1999): 212-214.
882. Horst-Dieter Schlosser, Hg.: Althochdeutsche Literatur. Eine Textauswahl mit Übertragungen (Berlin: 1998), Wirkendes Wort 49, 2 (1999): 310-311
883. Karin Tebben, ed.: Beruf: Schriftstellerin. Schreibende Frauen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Göttingen: 1998), Wirkendes Wort 49, 2 (1999): 314-316..
884. Alfred Karnein: Amor est passio. Untersuchungen zum nicht-höfischen Liebesdiskurs des Mittelalters. Hg. von F. Wolfzettel (Trieste: 1997), The Medieval Review Oct. 23, 1999.
885. Thomas Kock, Rita Schlusemann, eds.: Laienlektüre und Buchmarkt im späten Mittelalter (Frankfurt a.M: 1997), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 100, 1 (1999), pp. 116-117.
886. Kiril Petkov: Infidels, Turks, and Women: The South Slavs in the German Mind, ca. 1400-1600 (Frankfurt a.M.: 1997), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 100, 1 (1999), pp. 118-119.
887. Mary Vandegrift Mills: The Pilgrimage Motif in the Works of the Medieval German Author Hartmann von Aue (Lewiston-et al.: 1996), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 100, 1 (1999), pp. 120-121.
888. Sylvia Stevens: Family in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Willehalm: mîner mâge triwe ist mir wol kuont (New York-et al.: 1997), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 100, 3 (1999), pp. 358-359.
889. Horst Wenzel, ed.: Gespräche – Boten – Briefe. Körpergedächtnis und Schriftgedächtnis im Mittelalter (Berlin: 1997), German Quarterly 72, 2 (1999), pp. 185-187.
890. Felix Fabri: Die Sionspilger. Ed. Wieland Carls (Berlin: 1999), The Medieval Review Nov. 12, 1999 (internet).
891. Becoming Male in the Middle Ages. Ed. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Bonnie Wheeler (New York-London: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 185-188.
892. Alcuin Blamires: The Case for Women in Medieval Culture (Oxford: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 188-191.
893. Benjamin Arnold: Medieval Germany, 500-1300. A Political Interpretation (Toronto-Buffalo: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 202-204.
894. James Muldoon, ed.: Varieties of Religious Conversion in the Middle Ages (Gainesville-Tallahassee-et al.: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 206-209.
895. Medieval Women in Their Communities. Ed. Diane Watt (Toronto-Buffalo: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 211-213.
896. Harald Haferland and Michael Mecklenburg, ed.: Erzählungen in Erzählungen. Phänomene der Narration in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (Munich: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 218-221.
897. Andreas Mielke: Nigra sum et formosa. Afrikanerinnen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters (Stuttgart: 1992), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 226-228.
898. John Scattergood: Reading the Past. Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Literature (Kill Lane, Co. Dublin- Portland, OR: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 229-230.
899. Michael Richter: The Formation of the Medieval West. Studies in the Oral Culture of the Barbarians (Dublin: 1994), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 256-260.
900. ‘The Fragility of Her Sex’?. Medieval Irish Women in Their European Context. Ed. C. E. Meek & M. K. Simms (Kill Lane, Co. Coublin-Portland, OR: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 272-274.
901. Horst Wenzel, ed.: Gespräche – Boten – Briefe (Berlin: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 284-287.
902. Karin Rinn: Liebhaberin, Königin, Zauberfrau. Studien zur Subjektstellung der Frau in der deutschen Literatur um 1200 (Göppingen: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 299-300.
903. Christine Kasper: Von miesen Rittern und sündhaften Frauen und solchen, die besser waren: Tugend- und Keuschheitsproben in der mittelalterlichen Literatur (Göppingen: 1995), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 300-302.
904. Marten Brandt: Gesellschaftsthematik und ihre Darstellung im Nibelungenlied und in seinen hochmittelalterlichen Adaptationen (Frankfurt a.M.: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 302-304.
905. Walter Kofler: Der Held im Heidenkrieg und Exil. Zwei Beiträge zur deutschen Spielmanns- und Heldendichtung (Göppingen: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 304-305.
906. Rudolf von Fenis: Die Lieder, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des romanischen Einflusses, hg. von Olive Sayce (Göppingen: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 306-308.
907. Die Edda des Snorri Sturluson. Trans. Arnulf Krause (Stuttgart: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 310-311.
908. Jenny Jochens: Old Norse Images of Women (Philadelphia: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 311-314.
909. The Stranger in Medieval Society. F. R. P. Akehurst and Stephanie Cain Van D’Elden, eds. (Minneapolois-London: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 323-326.
910. Jennifer Ward: English Noblewomen in the Later Middle Ages (London-New York: 1992), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 329-331.
911. Kurt Flasch, Udo Reinhold Jeck: Das Licht der Vernunft. Die Anfänge der Aufklärung im Mittelalter (Munich: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 349-352.
912. Querelles. Jahrbuch für Frauenforschung 1997. Vol. 2. Ed. Gisela Bock and Margarete Zimmermann (Stuttgart: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 369-371.
913. The Comedy of Eros. Medieval French Guides to the Art of Love, trans. Norman R. Shapiro. Sec. Ed. (Urbana-Chicago: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 372-373.
914. Laurence de Looze: Pseud-Autobiography in the Fourteenth Century (Gainesville-Tallahassee-et al.: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 382-384.
915. Eleonore von Österreich: Pontus und Sidonia. Hg. von Reinhard Hahn (Berlin: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 389-390.
916. Angela Mielke-Vandenhouten: Grafentochter-Gottesbraut. Konflikte zwischen Familie und Frömmigkeit in Bruder Hermanns Leben der Gräfin Yolande von Vianden (Munich: 1998), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 390-392.
917. Carola Kirschner: Hermen Bote. Städtische Literatur um 1500 zwischen Tradition und Innovation (Essen: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 395-398.
918. Sovereign Lady. Essays on Women in Middle English Literature, ed. Muriel Whitaker (New York-London: 1995), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 402-403.
919. S. H. Rigby: Chaucer in Context. Society, Allegory and Gender (Manchester: 1996), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 403-405.
920. Jeffrey F. Hamburger: Nuns as Artists. The Visual Culture of a Medieval Convent (Berkeley-Los Angeles-London: 1997), Mediaevistik 11 (1998): 412-414.
921. Literatur und Sprache in Tirol. Von den Anfängen bis zum 16. Jahrhundert. Ed. M. Gebhardt and M. Siller (Innsbruck: 1996), MIÖG 107 (1999): 406-409.
922. Kurt Angermann, Hg.: “Raubritter” oder “Rechtschaffene vom Adel”? (Sigmaringen: 1997), Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Instituts für Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 107 (1999): 436-438.
923. Barbara Henze: Aus Liebe zur Kirche. Reform. Die Bemühungen Georg Witzels (1501-1573) um die Kircheneinheit (Münster: 1995),MIÖG 107 (1999): 441-443.
924. Theresia Birkenhauer, Annette Storr, eds.: Zeitlichkeiten – Zur Realität der Künste. Theater, Film, Photographie, Malerei, Literatur (Berlin: 1998), Wirkendes Wort 49 (1999): 159-160.
925. Hartmut Bleumer: Die <Crône> Heinrichs von dem Türlin. Form-Erfahrung und Konzeption eines späten Artusromans (Tübingen: 1997), Seminar XXXV, 4 (1999): 345-347.
926. Richard Berleth: The Orphan Stone. The Minnesinger Dream of Reich (New York-Westport, CT,-London: 1990), Envoi 3, 2 (1992): 327-331.
927. Susanne Wittern: Frauen, Heiligkeit und Macht. Lateinische Frauenviten aus dem 4. bis 7. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart-Weimar: 1994), Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 81, 2 (1999): 477-478.
928. Gunther Hirschfelder: Die Kölner Handelsbeziehungen im Spätmittelalter (Köln: 1994), in: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 81, 2 (1999): 493-494.
929. Brigitte Stuplich: Zur Dramentechnik des Hans Sachs (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: 1998), Wirkendes Wort 49, 3 (1999): 499-500.
930-932. du guoter tôt. Sterben im Mittelalter. Ideal und Realität. Ed. M. J. Wenninger (Klagenfurt: 1998); Mensch und Natur im mittelalterlichen Europa, ed. K. Spindler (Klagenfurt: 1998); Bild und Abbild vom Menschen im Mittelalter, ed. E. Vavra (Klagenfurt: 1999), The Medieval Review 2 March 2000 (internet).
933. Burt Kimmelman: The Poetics of Authorship in the Later Middle Ages (New York-et al.: Lang, 1996), Quondam et Futurus. Arthuriana 10 (2000): 140-42.
934. Johannes Singer: Grundzüge einer rezeptiven Grammatik des Mittelhochdeutschen (Paderborn-Munich-et al.: 1996), Studia Neophilologica 71 (1999): 277-279..
935. Grundlagen der Literaturwissenschaft. Allgemeine Fragen – Richtungen. Zusammengestellt von Magdolna Orosz und Péter Zalán. 2 Bde. — Budapest: Germanistisches Institut der Eötvös-Loránd-Universität Budapest, 1995, Deutsch im ungarischen Fremdsprachenunterricht 14, 4 (1999): 108-109.
936. Germanistische Beiträge 8/9. Germanistik im internationalen Vergleich. Zur Reform des Faches in Mittel- und Südosteuropa. Hg. von Gerhard Konnerth und Horst Schuller (Sibiu/Hermannstadt: 1998), Deutsch im ungarischen Fremdsprachenunterricht 14, 4 (1999): 110-112.
937. Gerd Althoff, Hans-Werner Goetz, Ernst Schubert: Menschen im Schatten der Kathedrale. Neuigkeiten aus dem Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 1998), Studia Neophilologica 71 (1999): 280-81.
938. Lothar Bluhm: Die Brüder Grimm und der Beginn der Deutschen Philologie (Hildesheim: 1997), Studia Neophilologica 71 (1999): 282-84.
939. Hans-Werner Goetz: Moderne Mediävistik. Stand und Perspektiven der Mittelalterforschung (Darmstadt: 1999), The Medieval Review (May 17, 2000; internet).
940. Klaus Bartels: Wie Berenike auf die Vernissage kam. 77 Wortgeschichten (Darmstadt: 1996), Germanic Notes and Reviews 31, 1 (2000): 92-93.
941. Rudolf Fahrner, West-östliches Rittertum (Graz: 1994), Germanic Notes and Reviews 31, 1 (2000): 93-94.
942. George Huppert: After the Black Death. A Social History of Early Modern Europe. Sec. Ed. (Bloomington-Indianapolis: 1998), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 108, 1-2 (2000): 186-87.
943. Odile Redon, François Sabban, Silvano Serventi: The Medieval Kitchen. Recipes from France and Italy (Chicago-London: 1998), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 108, 1-2 (2000): 187-88.
944. Thomas Cramer: Waz hilfet âne sinne kunst. Lyrik im 13. Jahrhundert. Studien zu ihrer Ästhetik (Berlin: 1998), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CI, 1 (2000): 121-24.
945. Wolfram-Studien XV. Neue Wege der Mittelalter-Philologie. Hg. von J. Heinzle et al. (Berlin: 1998), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CI, 1 (2000): 125-27.
946. Thomas Bein: “Mit fremden Pegasusen pflügen”. Untersuchungen zu Authentizitätsproblemen in mittelhochdeutscher Lyrik und Lyrikphilologie (Berlin: 1998), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CI, 1 (2000): 129-31.
947. Winder McConnell, ed.: A Companion to the Nibelungenlied (Columbia, S.C.: 1998), German Studies Review XXIII, 2 (2000): 333-334.
948. Anita Obermeier: The History and Anatomy of Auctorial Self-Criticism in the European Middle Ages (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1999), Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (online:, 16.06.00 12:14)
949-951. Moderata Fonte: The Worth of Women. Ed. and trans. by Virginia Cox (Chicago-London: 1997); Henricus Cornelius Agrippa: Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex. Trans. and Ed. by Albert Rabil, Jr. (Chicago-London: 1996); Laura Cereta: Collected Letters of a Renaissance Feminist. Transcribed, Trans., and Ed. by Diana Robin (Chicago-London: 1997), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 18 (1997, appeared in 2000): 239-242.
952. Wilhelm Baum: Rudolf IV. der Stifter. Seine Welt und seine Zeit (Graz-Vienna-Cologne: 1996), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 18 (1997, appeared in 2000): 244-246.
953. Kulturgeschichte der christlichen Orden, ed. Peter Dinzelbacher and James Lester Hogg (Stuttgart: 1997), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 18 (1997, appeared in 2000): 262-264.
954. Kurt Ruh: Geschichte der abendländischen Mystik. Band III: Die Mystik des deutschen Predigerordens und ihre Grundlegung durch die Hochscholastik (Munich: 1996), in Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 18 (1997, appeared in 2000): 179-281.
955. Werner Schröder: Variable Verschriftlichung eines Märe (Stuttgart: 1996), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 18 (1997, appeared in 2000): 281-283.
956. Michael M. Sheehan: Marriage, Family, and Law in Medieval Europe. Collected Studies (Toronto-Buffalo: 1996), Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 18 (1997, appeared in 2000): 283-285.
957. Susan Leigh Fry, Burial in Medieval Ireland. 900-1500 (Dublin: 1999), Studi Medievali 3a Serie, XLI (2000): 465-466.
958. Andreas Palme: “Bücher haben auch jhr Glücke:” Die Sinngedicht Friedrich von Logaus und ihre Rezeptionsgeschichte (Erlangen-Jena: 1998), Daphnis 28, 2 (1999): 446-449.
959. Roman Deutinger, Rahewin von Freising. Ein Gelehrter des 12. Jahrhunderts (Hannover: 1999), The Medieval Review TMR 00.07.02 (internet)
960. Geistliches in weltlicher und Weltliches in geistlicher Literatur des Mittelalters. Ed. Christoph Huber, Burghart Wachinger, and Hans-Joachim Ziegeler (Tübingen: 2000), The Medieval Review TMR 00.08.08 (internet).
961. Klaus Garber, Hg.: Stadt und Literatur im deutschen Sprachraum der Frühen Neuzeit. 2 Vols (Tübingen: 1998), Colloquia Germanica 33, 1 (2000): 77-79.
962. The Saxon Mirror. Trans. by Maria Dobozy (Philadelphia: 1999), The Medieval Review (Sept. 29, 2000, internet).
963. Lásló Tarnói: Parallelen, Kontakte, Kontraste. Die deutsche Lyrik um 1800 und ihre Beziehungen zur ungarischen Dichtung in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts (Budapest: 1998), Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik (1999; appeared in 2000): 213-214.
964. Johann II. von Simmern: Die Haymonskinder. Ed. Werner Wunderlich (Tübingen: 1997), Seminar XXXVI, 3 (2000): 364-66.
965. Bibliographia Kleschiana. The Writings of a Baroque Family. Ed. and with an Introduction by Karl F. Otto, Jr. and Jonathan P. Clark (Columbia, S.C.: 1996), Germanic Notes and Reviews 31, 2 (2000): 174-75.
966. Hans Sebald: Witch-Children from Salem Witch-Hunts to Modern Courtrooms (New York: 1995), Germanic Notes and Reviews 31, 2 (2000): 180-81.
967. Sara Westphal: Textual Poetics of German Manuscripts 1300-1500 (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 31, 2 (2000): 182-84.
968-969. Reinhold Münster: Friedrich Hagedorn. Dichter und Philosoph der fröhlichen Aufklärung (München 1999); Ulrike Bardt: Literarische Wahlverwandtschaften und poetische Metamorphosen (Stuttgart-Weimar: 1999), German Quarterly 73, 2 (2000): 198-200.
970. C. Stephen Jaeger, Ennobling Love. In Search of a Lost Sensibility (Philadelphia: 1999), Studi Medievali 3a serie, XLI (2000): 981-83.
971. Elisabeth K. Paefgen: Einführung in die Literaturdidaktik (Stuttgart-Weimar: 1999), German Studies Review XXIII, 3 (2000): 581-82.
972. Richard Marius: Martin Luther. The Christian Between God and Death (Cambridge, MA,-London: 1999), German Studies Review XXIII, 3 (2000): 583-85.
973-974. Das Goldene Schiff von Uelzen. Ed. Thomas Vogtherr (Uelzen: 1995); Thomas Vogtherr: Uelzen. Geschichte einer Stadt im Mittelalter (Uelzen: 1997), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (MIÖG) 108, 3-4 (2000): 415-17.
975. Lisa Kahn, The Calf Who Fell in Love with a Wolf (Austin, TX: 1999), Trans-Lit IX, 1 & 2 (2000): 86-87.
976. Tristan und Isolt im Spätmittelalter. Vorträge eines interdisziplinären Symposiums. Ed. Xenja von Ertzdorff (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1999), Tristania XX (2000): 116-20.
977. Patrizia Mazzadi, Autorreflexionen zur Rezeption: Prolog und Exkurse in Gottfrieds ‘Tristan’ (Triest: 2000), Tristania XX (2000): 121-23.
978. Blütezeit. Festschrift für L. Peter Johnson zum 70. Geburtstag. Ed. Mark Chinca, Joachim Heinzle and Christopher Young (Tübingen: 2000), Tristania XX (2000):123-24.
979. Das Mittelalter. Ein Lesebuch zur deutschen Geschichte 800-1500, ed. Rainer Beck (Munich: 1997), Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 331f.
980. Medieval Queenship, ed. by John Carmi Parsons (New York: 1993/98), Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 337-39.
981. Michel Zink: The Enchantment of the Middle Ages (Baltimore-London: 1998), Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 352-54.
982. Orient und Okzident in der Kultur des Mittelalters, ed. D. Buschinger et W. Spiewok (Greifswald: 1997), Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 354-56.
983. Violence against Women in Medieval Texts. Ed. Anna Roberts (Gainesville-et al.: 1998), Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 356-58.
984. J. H.M. Taylor and L. Smith, eds.: Women and the Book. Assessing the Visual Evidence (London-Toronto-Buffalo: 1997), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 370-73.
985. Roger Collins: Charlemagne (Toronto-Buffalo: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 382-83.
986. Gudrun Pamme-Vogelsang: Die Ehen mittelalterlicher Herrscher im Bild (Munich: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 393-95.
987. Hildegard von Bingen. A Book of Essays. Ed. Maud Burnett McInerney (New York-London: 1998), Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 406f.
988. Catherine Brown: Contrary Things. Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism (Stanford, CA: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 409-11.
989. Jacqueline de Weever: Sheba’s Daughters. Whitening and Demonizing the Saracen Woman in Medieval French Epic (New York-London: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 420-24.
990. Walther von der Vogelweide. Werke. Gesamtausgabe. Vol. 2: Liedlyrik. Ed. and trans. by Günther Schweikle (Stuttgart: 1998), Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 426-28.
991. Ernst Ralf Hintz: Learning and Persuasion in the German Middle Ages (New York-London: 1997), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 428-30.
992. Martha C. Howell: The Marriage Exchange. Property, Social Place, and Gender in Cities of the Low Countries, 1300-1550 (Chicago-London: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 447f.
993. Anne Winston-Allen: Stories of the Rose. The Making of the Rosary in the Middle Ages (University Park, PA: 1997), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 467-69.
994. Nicholas of Cusa: Selected Spiritual Writings. Trans. by Lawrence Bond (New York: 1997), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 476-78.
995. Matthias Schulz: Die Eigenbezeichnungen des mittelalterlichen deutschsprachigen geistlichen Spiels (Heidelberg: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 483-85.
996. Muslih Ad-Din Sa’di: Der Rosengarten, neu bearbeitet, herausgegeben und kommentiert von Dieter Bellmann (Munich: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 489f.
997. Scot McKendrick: The History of Alexander the Great. An Illuminated Manuscript of Vasco da Lucena’s French Translation of the Ancient Text by Quintus Curtius Rufus (Los Angeles: 1996), in: Mediaevistik 12 (1999, appeared in 2001): 494-96.
998. Manlîchiu wîp, wîplîch man. Zur Konstruktion der Kategorien ‘Körper’ und ‘Geschlecht’ in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Ed. Ingrid Bennewitz and Helmut Tervooren (Berlin: 1999), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CI, 4 (2000): 604-06.
999. Susan Tuchel, Kastration im Mittelalter (Düsseldorf: 1998), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CI, 4 (2000): 607-08.
1000. Fables, Sermonettes, and Parables by the Stricker… in English Translation. Trans. by J. W. Thomas (Lewiston: 1999), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CI, 4 (2000): 609.
1001. The Pagan Middle Ages. Ed. by Ludo J. R. Milis (Woodbridge: 1998), The Medieval Review 01.04.02 (Internet).
1002. Constant J. Mews: The Lost Love Letters of Heloise and Abelard (New York: 1999), Fifteenth-Century Studies 26 (2001): 274-76.
1003. Martin Warnke, Spätmittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit 1400-1750 (Munich: 1996), in: Fifteenth-Century Studies 26 (2001): 276-78.
1004. Anton Schwob, ed.: Die Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein. Edition und Kommentar. Vol. 1 (Vienna-Cologne-Weimar: 1999), Fifteenth-Century Studies 26 (2001): 278-80.
1005. Dominique Barthélemy: L’an mil et la paix de Dieu. La France chrétienne et féodale 980-1060 (Paris: 1999), Studi Medievali 3a Serie, XLII (2001): 221-24.
1006. Rosalind Brown-Grant: Christine de Pizan and the Moral Defence of Women (Cambridge: 1999), Studi Medievali 3a Serie, XLII (2001): 271-74.
1007.Der Ritter mit dem Bock. Konrads von Stoffeln ‘Gauriel von Muntabel. Neu hg., eingeleitet und kommentiert von Wolfgang Achnitz (Tübingen: 1997), Seminar 36, 2 (2000): 230-32. (609-10).
1008. Jacques Merceron: Le message et sa fiction. La communication par messager dans la littérature française des XIIe et XIIIe siècles (Berkeley-Los Angeles-London: 1998), Studi Medievali 3a Serie, XLII (2001): 483-84.
1009. Lothar Bluhm, Achim Hölter, eds., Romantik und Volksliteratur (Heidelberg: 1999), Wirkendes Wort 50, 3 (2000): 457-58.
1010. Jutta & Hildegard: The Biographical Sources. Trans. and introduced by Anna Silvas (University Park: 1999), The German Quarterly 73, 4 (2000): 419-20.
1011. Gerhild Scholz Williams, Defining Dominion. The Discourses of Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern France and Germany (1995; Ann Arbor: 1999 [paperback edition]), The German Quarterly 73, 4 (2000): 420-21.
1012. Birgit Beine, Der Wolf in der Kutte. Geistliche in den Mären des deutschen Mittelalters (Bielefeld: 1999), in Germanistik 41, 2 (2000): 413-14.
1013. Ina Karg, …und waz si guoter lêre wernt… Mittelalterliche Literatur und heutige Literaturdidaktik (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1998), Germanistik 41, 2 (2000): 435-36.
1014. Das Nibelungenlied nach der Handschrift n. Ed. by Jürgen Vorderstemann (Tübingen: 2000), Germanistik 41, 2 (2000): 461-62.
1015. Philippe Chardin, Musil et la littérature européenne (Paris: 1998), Germanistik 41, 2 (2000): 599.
1016. Herfried Münckler, Marina Münkler, Lexikon der Renaissance (Munich: 2000), Sixteenth-Century Journal 32, 2 (2001): 481-83.
1017. Hans Sebald, Witch-Children from Salem Witch Hunts to Modern Courtrooms (Amherst, NY: 1995), Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 83, 1 (2001): 246-48.
1018. Andreas Daiber: Bekannte Helden in neuen Gewändern? Intertextuelles Erzählen im ‘Biterolf und Dietleib’… (Frankfurt a.M.-Berlin-et al.: 1999), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CII, 1 (2001): 121-22.
1019. Marzena Górecka: Das Bild Mariens in der Deutschen Mystik des Mittelalters (Bern-Berlin: 1999), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CII, 1 (2001): 123-24.
1020. Susanna Burghartz: Zeiten der Reinheit. Orte der Unzucht. Ehe und Sexualität in Basel während der frühen Neuzeit (Paderborn-Munich-et al.: 1999), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 109, 1-2 (2000): 223-26.
1021. Wissen und Gesellschaft in Nürnberg um 1500. Pirckheimer Jahrbuch 1999, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 109, 1-2 (2000): 226-27.
1022. Walter Haug, Der Tristanroman im Horizont der erotischen Diskurse des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit (Freiburg/Switzerland: 2000), The Medieval Review (01.09.10, internet).
1023. La vie spirituelle. Cheminer avec Jean Tauler. Pour le 7e centenaire de sa naissance. 81, 738, 155 (2001), Mystics Quarterly XXVII, 3 (2001): 115-116.
1024. Ernst Rohmer et al., eds., Texte Bilder Kontexte (Heidelberg: 2000), Wirkendes Wort 51, 2 (2001): 298-300.
1025. Bettina von Jagow, Hg., Topographie der Erinnerung. Mythos im strukturellen Wandel (Würzburg: 2000), Wirkendes Wort 51, 2 (2001): 300-302.
1026. Frederick G. Meyer, Emily Emmart Trueblood, John L. Heller, The Great Herbal of Leonhart Fuchs. De historia stirpium commentarii insignes, 1524. 2 vols. (Stanford: 1999), German Studies Review XXIV, 3 (2001): 595-97.
1027. Marina Münkler, Erfahrung des Fremden. Die Beschreibung Ostasiens in den Augenzeugenberichten des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts (Berlin: 2000), The Medieval Review (01.12.14) (internet).
1028. Peter C. Pfeiffer: Aphorismus und Romanstruktur. Zu Robert Musils “Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften” (Bonn: 1990), German Quarterly 67, 3 (1994): 426-28 (late recorded)
1029. Neil Cartlidge, Medieval Marriage. Literary Approaches, 1100-1300 (Cambridge: 1997), Studi Medievali XLII, II (2001): 644-47.
1030. Claudio Galderisi, Une poétique des enfances. Fonctions de l’incongru dans la littérature française médiévale (Orléans: 2000), Studi Medievali XLII, II (2001): 636-39.
1031. La numérisation des manuscrits de la mystique rhénane de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg (Strasbourg: 2001), Mystik Quarterly XXVII, 4 (2001): 154-55.
1032. Randal Sivertson: Loyalty and Riches in Wolfram’s Parzival (Frankfurt a.M.: 1999), Seminar XXXVIII, 1 (2002): 76-78.
1033. Irmtraud Just, Die Vita Luitgarts von Wittichen (Bern-Berlin: 2000), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CII, 3 (2001): 357.
1034. Corinne Saunders, Rape and Ravishment in the Literature of Medieval England (Cambridge: 2001), The Medieval Review 02.03.07 (Internet).
1035. Eckhard Meineke, Judith Schwerdt, Einführung in das Althochdeutsch (Paderborn-et al.: 2001), German Studies Review XXV, 1 (2002): 103-04.
1036. David N. Yeandle, ‘schame’ im Alt- und Mittelhochdeutschen bis um 1210 (Heidelberg: 2001), German Studies Review XXV, 1 (2002): 104-06.
1037. Hexenwelten. Eds. Wulf Köpken and Bernd Schmelz (Hamburg: 2001), German Studies Review XXV, 1 (2002): 107-08.
1038. John M. Efron, Medicine and the German Jews. A History (New Haven-London: 2001), German Studies Review XXV, 1 (2002): 166-68.
1039. Im sechsten Jahr des Drachen. Lektüre-Empfehlungen für das neue Jahrhundert. Ed. Ulrich Müller (Göppingen: 2000), Salzburger Nachrichten, Dec. 29/30 (Wochenendbeilage).
1040. Anne Fleig: Handlungs-Spiel-Räume. Dramen von Autorinnen im Theater des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts (Würzburg: 1999), Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts 16 (2001): 131-33.
1041. Monika Schmitz-Emans: Die Literatur, die Bilder und das Unsichtbare (Würzburg: 1999), Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts 16 (2001): 172-74.
1042. Regine Schweizer-Vüllers, Die Heilige am Kreuz. Studien zum weiblichen Gottesbild im späten Mittelalter und in der Barockzeit (Bern-Berlin: 1999), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CII, 3 (2001): 368-69.
1043. Peter Stein, Integration – Variation – Destruktion. Die ‘Crône’ Heinrichs von dem Türlin (Bern-Berlin: 2000), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CII, 3 (2001): 370-72.
1044. Volker Kalisch, “Ich bin doch selber ich”. Spuren mystischer Frömmigkeit im geistlichen Liedgut des 15. Jahrhunderts. Der Pfullinger Liederanhang (Essen: 1999), Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 45 (2001): 245-46.
1045. Martina Probst: Nu wache ûf sünder træge. Geistliche Tagelieder des 13. bis 16. Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt a.M.: 1999), Jahrbuch des deutschen Volksliedarchivs 45 (2001): 296-97.
1046. Christian Möller, ed., Kirchenlied und Gesangbuch. Quellen zu ihrer Geschichte (Tübingen: 2000), Jahrbuch des deutschen Volksliedarchivs 45 (2001): 261-63.
1047. 700e Anniversaire de la Naissance de Jean Tauler. Revue des sciences religieuses 75, 4 (2000), Mystics Quarterly XXVIII, 1 (2002): 41-43.
1048. Gesta Ernesti ducis. Die Erfurter Prosa-Fassung der Sage von den Kämpfen und Abenteuern des Herzogs Ernst. Ed. Peter Christian Jacobsen and Peter Orth (Erlangen: 1997), Leuvense Bijdragen 90 (2001): 474-75.
1049. Giles Constable, The Reformation of the Twelfth Century (Cambridge: 1996), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CII, 4 (2001): 491-92.
1050. Heinrich von dem Türlin, Diu Krone (Verse 1-12281). Ed. Fritz Peter Knapp and Manuela Niesner (Tübingen: 2000), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, CII, 4 (2001): 493-94.
1051. Arthurian Romances, Tales, and Lyric Poetry. The Complete Works of Hartmann von Aue, trans. with commentary by Frank Tobin, Kim Vivian, Richard H. Lawson (University Park, PA.: 2001), The Rocky Mountain Review 56, 1 (2002): 95-96.
1052. Stephan Selzer, Deutsche Söldner in Italien des Trento (Tübingen 2001), German Studies Review XXV, 2 (2002): 335-37.
1053. Elizabeth A. Andersen, The Voices of Mechthild of Magdeburg (Bern: 2000), Studi Medievali XLIII, 1 (2002): 436-37.
1054.Alexanderdichtungen im Mittelalter. Jan Cölln, Susanne Friede and Hartmut Wulfram, eds. (Göttingen: 2000), Studi Medievali XLIII, 1 (2002): 452-54.
1055. Kurt Flasch, Nicolaus Cusanus (Munich: 2001), Sixteenth-Century Journal XXXIII, 1 (2002): 214-15.
1056. Aspekte des 12. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Wolfgang Haubrichs et al. Wolfram-Studien XVI (Berlin: 2000), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CII, 2 (2002): 241-42.
1057. Kathlyn Gary, David Walker, Michael Lalonde, Sibyls 2. An Interactive Exploration of Women in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. CD-ROM (Hamilton: McMaster University, 1997, 1999), The Medieval Review June 27, 2002 (TMR
1058. L. Peter Johnson, Die höfische Literatur der Blütezeit (Tübingen: 1999), Colloquia Germanica 35, 1 (2002): 75-77.
1059. Politisches Denken und die Wirklichkeit der Macht im Mittelalter. Hg. Joseph Canning, Otto Gerhard Oexle (Göttingen: 1998), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 1-2 (2002): 196-97.
1060. Uwe Neddermeyer, Von der Handschrift zum gedruckten Buch. 2 vols. (Wiesbaden: 1998), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 1-2 (2002): 213-15.
1061. Gyula Kristó, Die Geburt der ungarischen Nation (Herne: 2000), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 1-2 (2002): 244-45.
1062. Thomas Gutwald, Schwank und Artushof. Komik unter den Bedingungen höfischer Interaktion in der ‘Crône’ des Heinrich von dem Türlin (Frankfurt a.M.: 2000), Seminar XXXVIII, 2 (2002): 168-70.
1063. Mittelhochdeutsche Minnereden und Minneallegorien der Prager Handschrift R VI Fc 26. Hg., übersetzt und untersucht von Michael Mareiner (Bern-Berlin-et al.: 1999), Seminar XXXVIII, 2 (2002): 172-74.
1064. Michael Philipp: Das ‘Regentenbuch’ des Mansfelder Kanzlers Georg Lauterbeck (Augsburg: appear in: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 84, 1 (2002): 251-52.
1065. Dialekte im Wandel. Referate der 4. Tagung zur bayerisch-österreichischen Dialektologie, Salzburg, 5. bis 7. Okt. 1989, hg. von Andreas Weiss (Göppingen: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 29, 2 (1998): 68-69 (late reported)
1066. Claus Traeger, ed.: Wörterbuch der Literaturwissenschaft. (Leizpig: 1986), Germanic Notes and Review 19 (1989): 60 (late reported)
1067. Wilfred L. Guerin, Earle Labor et al.: A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literatures. Third Edition (New York-Oxford: 1992), Germanic Notes and Reviews 26, 2 (1995): 136-37.
1068. Manfred Brauneck, Die Welt als Bühne: Geschichte des europäischen Theaters (Stuttgart: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 28, 1 (1997): 74. (late reported)
1069. The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance. Ed. R. L. Krueger (Cambridge: 2000), Studi Medievali 42, 2 (2001): 981-83.
1070. Gertrud Grünkorn,: Die Fiktionalität des höfischen Romans um 1200 (Berlin: 1994), Germanic Notes and Reviews 31, 1 (2000): 44-45. (late reported)
1071. Das Rolandslied des Pfaffen Konrad, ed., trans., and commented by Dieter Kartschoke (Stuttgart: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 28, 1 (1998): 71-72. (late reported)
1072. Bruce Milem, The Unspoken Word. Negative Theology in Meister Eckhart’s German Sermons (Washington, DC: 2002), Mystic Quarterly XXVIII, 3 (2002): 143-45.
1073. Till Eulenspiegel. His Adventures, trans., with introduction and notes, by Paul Oppenheimer (New York-London: 2001), Arthuriana 12, 3 (2002): 146-47.
1074. Einblattdrucke des 15. und frühen 16. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Volker Honemann et al. (Tübingen: 2000), Daphnis 30, 3-4 (2001): 735-37.
1075. Agnes Blannbekin, Viennese Beguine: Life and Revelations. Trans. from the Latin by Ulrike Wiethaus,” The Medieval Review ID: 02.09.15
1076. “Im Angesicht Gottes suche der Mensch sich selbst”. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179). Ed. Rainer Berndt (Berlin: 2001), The Medieval Review, ID: 02.09.36
1077. Sybils!2. An Interactive Exploration of Women in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (McMaster Working Group on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance), CD-ROM, 1997/1999, The Medieval Review ID: 02.06.18
1078. Uta Drecoll, Tod in der Liebe – Liebe im Tod. Untersuchungen zu Wolframs Titurel und Gottfrieds Tristan in Wort und Bild (Frankfurt a.M.: 2000), Tristania XXI (2002): 124-29.
1079. Monika Schausten, Erzählwelten der Tristangeschichte im hohen Mittelalter (Munich: 1999), Tristania XXI (2002): 130-34.
1080. Anna Keck, Die Liebeskonzeption der mittelalterlichen Tristanromane (Munich: 1998), Tristania XXI (2002): 135-40.
1081. Christoph Huber, Gottfried von Straßburg: Tristan (Berlin: 2001), Tristania XXI (2002): 140-42.
1082. Peter K. Stein, Tristan-Studien. Ed. Ingrid Bennewitz (Stuttgart: 2001), Tristania XXI (2002): 142-45.
1083. Der “Tristan” Gottfrieds von Straßburg. Symposion Santiago de Compostela, 5. bis 8. April 2000. Ed. Christoph Huber and Victor Millet (Tübingen: 2002), Tristania XXI (2002): 145-50.
1084. Emotionalität. Zur Geschichte der Gefühle. Ed. Claudia Benthien, Anne Fleig, and Ingrid Kasten (Cologne-Weimar-Vienna: 2000), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 140-142.
1085. Mittelalter-Rezeption V. Gesammelte Vorträge des V. Salzburger Symposions, hg. U. Müller und K. Verduin (Göppingen: 1996), Germanic Notes and Review 29, 2 (1998): 66-68.
1086. Werner Röcke, Helga Neumann, eds., Komische Gegenwelten. Lachen und Literatur in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (Paderborn-Munich-et al.: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 475-78.
1087. Masculinity in Medieval Europe, ed. D. M. Hadley (London: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 150-52.
1088. Kontraste im Alltag des Mittelalters, ed. Gerhard Jaritz (Vienna: 2000), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 3-4 (2002): 390-91.
1089. Von goldenen Gebeinen. Wirtschaft und Reliquie im Mittelalter, hg. Markus Mayr (Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich: 2001), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 3-4 (2002): 391-92.
1090. Hildegard von Bingen in ihrem historischen Umfeld. Ed. Alfred Haverkamp (Mainz: 2000), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 3-4 (2002): 403-05.
1091. Quellen zur Reichsreform im Spätmittelalter. Ed. Lorenz Weinrich (Darmstadt: 2001), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 3-4 (2002): 413-14.
1092. Claudia Heimann, Nicolaus Eymerich (vor 1320-1399) (Münster: 2001), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 3-4 (2002): 416-17.
1093. Johannes Merz, Fürst und Herrschaft. Der Herzog von Franken und seine Nachbarn 1470-1519 (Munich: 2000), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 3-4 (2002): 420-22.
1094. Walter Mohr, Studien zur Geistes- und Herrschaftsgeschichte des Mittelalters (Stuttgart: 1999), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, 3-4 (2002): 452-53
1095. The Material Culture of Sex, Procreation, and Marriage in Premodern Europe. Ed. Anne L. McClanan Karen Rosoff Encarnación (New York: 2002), The Medieval Review 02.12.07
1096. Josephie Brefeld: A Guidebook for the Jerusalem Pilgrimage in the Late Middle Ages. A Case for Computer-Aided Textual Criticism (Hilversum: 1994), Leuvense Bijdragen 84, 1 (1995): 102-04. (reported late)
1097. Mariella Rummel: Die rechtliche Stellung der Frau im Sachsenspiegel-Landrecht (Frankfurt a.M.-Bern-New York-Paris: 1987), Germanic Notes 19 (1989): 58-59. (reported late)
1098. Johannes Spicker: Literarische Stilisierung und artistische Kompetenz bei Oswald von Wolkenstein (Stuttgart-Leipzig: 1993), Germanic Notes and Reviews 29, 2 (1998): 72-73.
1099. Early Letters of Goethe. Facsimile Reprint of the Edward Bell Edition of 1884, with a New Introduction by Christoph E. Schweitzer (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Schatzkammer 19, 2 (1993): 92-93 (reported late)
1100. Rainer Maria Rilke: The Duino Elegies. Transl. by Leslie Norris and Alan Keele (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Schatzkammer 19, 2 (1993): 90-91. (reported late)
1101. Deutsche Literatur 1993. Jahresüberblick. Hg. von Franz Josef Görtz, Volker Hage und Uwe Wittstock (Stuttgart: 1994), German Studies Review 18, 1 (1995): 192-93. (reported late)
1102. James M. McGlathery: Grimm’s Fairy Tales. A History of Criticism on a Popular Classic (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), German Studies Review 18, 1 (1995): 146-48 (reported late)
1103. Studies in German and Scandinavian Literature after 1500. A Festschrift for George C. Schoolfield. Ed. by James A. Parente and Richard E. Schade (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), Schatzkammer 19, 2 (1993): 89-90. (reported late)
1104. Anger’s Past. The Social Uses of An Emotion in the Middle Ages. Ed. B. H. Rosenwein (Ithaca-London: 1998), Arthuriana. Quondam et Futurus 9, 4 (1999).
1105. Ann Hyland: The Horse in the Middle Ages (Thrupp, England: 1999), Arthuriana. Quondam et Futurus 9, 4 (1999).
1106. Daily Life in the Late Middle Ages. Ed. R. Britnell (Thrupp, England: 1998), Arthuriana. Quondam et Futurus 9, 4 (1999).
1107. Wilhelm Bäumker: Das katholische deutsche Kirchenlied in seinen Singweisen. Erster Band. 2nd ed. (Freiburg: 1886, rpt. Hildesheim-Zurich-New York: 1997), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 44 (1999): 171-73.
1108. Stefan Zeyen: …daz tet der liebe dorn. Erotische Metaphorik in der deutschsprachigen Lyrik des 12.-14. Jahrhunderts (Essen: 1996), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 44 (1999): 149-50.
1109. Europäische Reiseberichte des späten Mittelalters. Part I: Deutsche Reiseberichte, bearbeitet von Christian Halm. 2nd ed. (Frankfurt a.M.: 2001), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CIII, 3 (2002): 387-88.
1110. Steven Fanning, Mystics of the Christian Tradition (London-New York: 2001), Mystical Quarterly 28, 4 (2002): 187-88.
1111. Josef Sudbrack, Mystik. Sinnsuche und die Erfahrung des Absoluten (Darmstadt: 2002), Mystic Quarterly 28, 4 (2002): 189-90.
1112. Literatur und Sprache in Tirol. Von den Anfängen bis zum 16. Jahrhundert. Ed. M. Gebhardt and M. Siller (Innsbruck: 1996), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 44 (1999): 147-48.
1113. Martin Korenjek, Karlheinz Töchterle, eds., Pontes I. Akten der ersten Innsbrucker Tagung zur Rezeption der klassischen Antike (Innsbruck: 2001), Arcadia 37, 2 (2002): 400-02.
1114. Christian Kiening: Schwierige Modernität. Der ‘Ackermann des Johannes von Tepl und die Ambiguität historischen Wandels (Tübingen: 1998), Arcadia 37, 2 (2002): 402-07.
1115. Wolfgang Milde, Mediaevalia et Lesingiana. Kleine Schriften. Ed. Wolfgang Maaz et al. (Hildesheim: 2001), Arcadia 37, 2 (2002): 407-08.
1116. Septuaginta quinque. Festschrift für Heinz Mettke. Ed. Jens Haustein et al. (Heidelberg: 2000), Wirkendes Wort 51, 1 (2001): 129-31.
1117. Women, Marriage, and Family in Medieval Christendom. Essays in Honor of Michael M. Sheehan. Ed. C. M. Rousseau, J. T. Rosenthal (Kalamazoo, MI: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 142-44.
1118. Theo Kobusch, ed., Philosophen des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2000), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 187-88.
1119. Carolyn Dinshaw, Getting Medieval. Sexualities and Communities, Pre- and Postmodern (Durham-London: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 220-22.
1120. Michel Zink: The Invention of Literary Subjectivity (Baltimore-London: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 340-42.
1121. Thomas R. Hart: En Maneira de Proençal: The Medieval Galician-Portuguese Lyric (London: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 358-59.
1122. Natur und Kultur in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Ed. A. Robertshaw and G. Wolf (Tübingen: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 359-61.
1123. Frühe Nürnberger Fastnachtspiele (Paderborn-Munich-et al.: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 516-17.
1124. Wernfried Hofmeister and Bernd Steinbauer: Festschrift für Anton Schwob zum 60. Geburtstag (Innsbruck: 1997), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 517-19.
1125. Young Medieval Women. Ed. K. J. Lewis, N. J. Menuge, K. M. Phillips (New York: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 144-46.
1126. Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages. Ed. C. L. Carlson and A. J. Weisl (New York: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 147-50.
1127. Authority and Community in the Middle Ages. Ed. Donald Mowbray, Rhiannon Purdie and Ian P. Wei (Thrupp-Stroud: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 153-54.
1128. Philip Beale, A History of the Post in England from the Romans to the Stuarts (Aldershot: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 155-56.
1129. Joan Young Gregg: Devils, Women, and Jews. Reflections of the Other in Medieval Sermon Stories (Albany, NY: 1997), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 161-63.
1130. Leonard B. Glick: Abraham’s Heirs. Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe (Syracuse: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 163-65.
1131. Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Ed. M. Frassetto and D. R. Blanks (New York: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 165-67.
1132. Women in the Medieval Islamic World, ed. by Gavin R. G. Hambly (New York: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 167-69.
1133. Paul Saenger: Space Between Words. The Origins of Silent Reading (Stanford: 1997), Mediaevistik Paul Saenger: Space Between Words. The Origins of Silent Reading (Stanford: 1997), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 194-95.
1134. The World and Its Rival. Essays on Literary Imagination in Honor of Per Nykrog, ed. by K. Karczewska and T. Conley (Amsterdam-Atalanta: 1999), Mediaevistik The World and Its Rival. Essays on Literary Imagination in Honor of Per Nykrog, ed. by K. Karczewska and T. Conley (Amsterdam-Atalanta: 1999), Mediaevistik 203-04.
1135. Michelle P. Brown & Patricia Lovett: The Historical Source Book for Scribes (Toronto-Buffalo: 1999), Mediaevistik Michelle P. Brown & Patricia Lovett: The Historical Source Book for Scribes (Toronto-Buffalo: 1999), Mediaevistik 216-17.
1136. The Future of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Ed. by Roger Dahood (Turnhout: 1998), Mediaevistik in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 222-26.
1137. The Postcolonial Middle Ages. Ed. by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen (New York: 2000), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 226-28.
1138. After Rome’s Fall. Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History. Essays presented to Walter Goffart. Ed. Alexander Callander Murray (Toronto-Buffalo-London: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 235-36.
1139. Elisabeth van Houts: Memory and Gender in Medieval Europe 900-1200 (Houndsmills-Basingstoke-London: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 243-44.
1140. Mary Dockray-Miller, Motherhood and Mothering in Anglo-Saxon England (New York: 2000), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 245-46.
1141. John Peddie: Alfred, Warrior King (Thrupp, Stroud, Gloucestershire: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 248-50.
1142. Jane Tibbetts Schulenburg: Forgetful of Their Sex. Female Sanctity and Society, ca. 500-1100 (Chicago-London: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 262-65.
1143. Handbook for William… by Dhuoda. Trans. and with an Introduction by Carol Neel (Washington, D.C.: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 266-67.
1144. Berta Raposo Fernández: Textos alemanes primitivos. La edad media temprana alemana en sus testimonios literarios (Valencia: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 271-72.
1145. Georges Duby: Women of the Twelfth Century (Chicago: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 283-85.
1146. Leo de Hartog: Ghengis Khan. Conqueror of the World (London: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 312-14.
1147. Listening to Heloise. The Voice of a Twelfth-Century Woman. Ed. Bonnie Wheeler (New York: 2000), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 344-47.
1148. Schwierige Frauen – schwierige Männer in der Literatur des Mittelalters, ed. Alois M. Haas and Ingrid Kasten (Bern: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 353-55.
1149. Odo von Magdeburg: Ernestus. Ed. and commentary by Thomas A.-P. Klein (Hildesheim: 2000), Mediävistik 13 (2000): 355-56.
1150. Bonnie Apter, A Bilingual Edition of the Love Songs of Bernart de Ventadorn in Occitan and English (Lewiston: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 356-58.
1151. Waltraud Fritsch-Rößler: Finis Amoris. Ende, Gefährdung und Wandel von Liebe im hochmittelalterlichen deutschen Roman (Tübingen: 1999),Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 366-69.
1152. König Rother. Mhd Text und NHd Übersetzung von Peter K. Stein (Stuttgart: 2000), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 369-70.
1153. Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival. Studienausgabe. Mhd. Text nach der sechsten Ausgabe von Karl Lachmann, Übersetzung von Peter Knecht, Einführung zum Text von Bernd Schirok (Berlin-New York: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 376-78.
1154. Eric Marzo-Wilhelm: Walther von der Vogelweide. Zwischen Poesie und Propaganda (Frankfurt a.M.: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 378-80.
1155. Mauritius von Craûn. Hg. von Heimo Reinitzer (Tübingen: 2000), Mauricius von Craûn, übersetzt und kommentiert von Dorothea Klein (Stuttgart: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 380-82.
1156. Linda Seidel: Legends in Limestone. Lazarus, Gislebertus, and the Cathedral of Autun (Chicago-London: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 394-96.
1157. Adam S. Cohen, The Uta Codex. Art, Philosophy, and Reform in Eleventh-Century Germany (University Park, PA: 2000), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 396-98.
1158. Bible Moralisée. Codex Vindobonensis 2554. Commentary and Translation of Biblical Texts by Gerald B. Guest (London: 1995), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 399-401.
1159. Orders and Hierarchies in Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe. Ed. Jeffrey Denton (Toronto-Buffalo: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 403-04.
1160. Ronald C. Finucane: The Rescue of the Innocents. Endangered Children in Medieval Miracles (New York: 2000), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 404-06.
1161. Ralph Frenken, Kindheit und Autobiographie vom 14. bis 17. Jahrhundert. 2 vols. (Kiel: 2000), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 406-10.
1162. Women in Medieval English Society. Ed. by P. J. P. Goldberg (Stroud, Gloucestershire: 1997), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 410-12.
1163. The Salt of Common Life. Individuality and Choice in the Medieval Town, Countryside, and Church. Ed. E. Brezette DeWindt (Kalamazoo, MI: 1995), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 419-21.
1164. Jody Enders: The Medieval Theater of Cruelty (Ithaca-London: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 425-27.
1165. B. A. Hanawalt and D. Wallace, eds.: Medieval Crime and Social Control (Minneapolis-London: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 427-30.
1166. Elizabeth Sutherland: Five Euphemias. Women in Medieval Scotland, 1200-1420 (New York: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 433-34.
1167. Frances A. Underhill: For Her Good Estate. The Life of Elizabeth de Burgh (New York: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 434-35.
1168. Régine Pernouc, Marie-Véronique Clin: Joan of Arc. Her History (New York: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 444-46.
1169. Britta-Juliane Kruse: “Die Arznei ist Goldes Wert. Mittelalterliche Frauenrezepte (Berlin-New York: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 447-48.
1170. Performance and Transformation. New Approaches to Late Medieval Spirituality. Ed. M. A. Suydam and J. E. Ziegler (New York: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 452-54.
1171. Elizabeth Makowski, Canon Law and Cloistered Women. Periculoso and its Commentators, 1298-1545 (Washington, D.C.: 1997), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 458-60.
1172. Earl J. Richards, ed.: Christine de Pizan and Medieval French Lyric (Gainesville-et al.: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 482-83.
1173. The Letters of Catherine of Siena. Vol. I. Trans. with introduction and notes by Suzanne Noffke (Tempe: 2000), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 488-89.
1174. Louise O. Vasvári: The Heterotextual Body of the Mora Morilla. (London: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 490-93.
1175. Mechthild of Magdeburg: The Flowing Light of the Godhead. Trans. by Frank Tobin (New York: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 500-01.
1176. Reinfrid von Braunschweig, hg. von Karl Bartsch (Tübingen: 1871, Rpt. Hildesheim-New York: 1997), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 501-02.
1177. Heidrun Alex: Der Spruchdichter Boppe. Edition – Übersetzung – Kommentar (Tübingen: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 502-04.
1178. Summa bonorum. Eine deutsche Exempelsammlung aus dem 15. Jahrhundert nach Stephan von Bourbon. Edition und Untersuchung, ed. Susanne Baumgarte (Berlin: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 507-09.
1179. Das Straßburger Heldenbuch, ed. Walter Koffler (Göppingen: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 511-12.
1180. Medieval Outlaws. Ten Tales in Modern English. Ed. Thomas H. Ohlgren (Thrupp, Stroud, Gloucestershire: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 525-26.
1181. J. Stephen Russell: Chaucer and the Trivium (Gainesville-et al.: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 527-29.
1182. Cultures of Piety. Medieval English Devotional Literature in Translation. Ed. by A. Clark Bartlett and Th. H. Bestul (Ithaca: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 529-30.
1183. Wolfgang Schenkluhn, Architektur der Bettelorden (Darmstadt: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 534-36.
1184. Illuminating the Book. Makers and Interpreters. Ed. M. P. Brown and S. McKendrick (Toronto-Buffalo: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 536-37.
1185. Bridget Ann Henisch, The Medieval Calendar Year (University Park, PA: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 537-39.
1186. Susie Nash, Between France and Flanders. Manuscript Illuminations in Amiens (Toronto-Buffalo: 1999), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 539-41.
1187. Janet Backhouse, The Sherborne Missal (London: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 541-42.
1188. The Hunting Book of Gaston Phébus. Manuscrit français 616 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale (London: 1998), in: Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 542-43.
1189. Joachim Bumke, Die Blutstropfen im Schnee. Über Wahrmehmung und Erkenntnis im “Parzival” Wolframs von Eschenbach (Tübingen: 2001), Seminar XXXIX, 1 (2003): 62-64.
1190. Hildegard Elisabeth Keller, My Secret is Mine (Leuven: 2000), Studi Medievali XLIII, Fasc. II (2002): 985-87.
1191. Angela of Foligno’s Memorial. Interpretive Essay by Cristina Mazzoni. Trans. by John Cirignano (Woodbridge: 1999), Studi Medievali XLIII, Fasc. II (2002): 997-98.
1192. Ursula Lieseberg, Die Lieder des Peter Riedemann. Studien zum Liedgut der Täufer im 16. Jahrhundert (Frankfurt a.M.: 1998), Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 44 (1999): 174-76 (reported late).
1193. Franz X. Eder, Kultur der Begierde. Eine Geschichte der Sexualität (Munich: 2002), German Studies Review XXVI, 1 (2003): 127-28.
1194. Martin H. Jones, Timothy McFarland, eds., Wolfram’s “Willehalm.” Fifteen Essays (Rochester-Woodbridge: 2002), German Studies Review XXVI, 1 (2003): 137-38.
1195. G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., The Owl, the Raven, and the Dove. The Religious Meaning of the Grimms’ Magic Fairy Tales (Oxford: 2000), German Studies Review XXVI, 1 (2003): 151-53.
1196. Juden in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, ed. Ursula Schulze (Tübingen: 2002), The Medieval Review 03-04-03
1197. Robert M. W. Kempner, Autobiographical Fragments. Selected and trans. from “Ankläger einer Epoche” by Jane Lester (Lewiston, NY: 1996), in-house review for law case involving the press.
1198. Jane Lester, An American College Girl in Hitler’s Germany. A Memoir (Lewiston, NY: 1999), in-house review for law case involving the press.
1199. Peggy A. Knapp, Time-Bound Words. Semantic and Social Economies from Chaucer’s England to Shakespeare’s (New York: 2000), Fifteenth-Century Studies 28 (2002): 263-64.
1200. Sandra Cavallo and Lyndan Warner, eds., Widowhood in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (London: 1999), Fifteenth-Century Studies 28 (2002): 250-51.
1201. Karl Schnith, ed.: Frauen des Mittelalters in Lebensbildern (Graz-Vienna-Cologne: 1997), Fifteenth-Century Studies 28 (2002): 271-72.
1202. Regina Wunderer, Weinbau und Weinbereitung im Mittelalter (Bern-Berlin-et al.: 2001), German Studies Review XXVI, 2 (2003): 374-75.
1203. Manuel Braun, Ehe, Liebe, Freundschaft. Semantik der Vergesellschaftung im frühneuhochdeutschen Prosaroman (Tübingen: 2001), German Studies Review XXVI, 2 (2003): 379-80.
1204. Simon Julian Gilmour, daz sint noch ungelogeniu wort. A Literary and Linguistic Commentary on the Gurnemanz Episode in Book III of Wolfram’s Parizval (161, 9-179, 12), Monatshefte 95, 2 (2003): 325-26
1205. Jan Rüdiger, Aristokraten und Poeten. Die Grammatik einer Mentalität im tolosanischen Hochmittelalter (Berlin: 2001), Studi Medievali XLIV, 1 (2003): 325-29.
1206. Christopher Young, Narrativische Perspektiven in Wolframs “Willehalm” (Tübingen: 2000), Studi Medievali XLIV, 1 (2003): 330-32.
1207. Jennifer Lawler, Encyclopedia of Women in the Middle Ages (Jefferson, NC., London: 2001), The Medieval Review 03.07.05 (internet)
1208. Helmut Feld, Frauen des Mittelalters. Zwanzig geistige Profile (Cologne-Weimar-Vienna: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 228-29.
1209. Everett Jenkins, Jr., The Muslim Diaspora. Vol. 1, 570-1500 (Jefferson, NC,-London: 1999), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 234-36.
1210. Wilhelm Baum, Raimund Senoner, Indien und Europa im Mittelalter (Klagenfurt: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 236-37.
1211. Medieval Practice of Space, eds. Barbara A. Hanawalt, Michal Kobialka (Minneapolis-London: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 237-39.
1212. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Of Giants. Sex, Monsters, and the Middle Ages (Minneapolis-London: 1999), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 245-46.
1213. Monica H. Green, Women’s Healthcare in the Medieval West (Aldershot-Burlington: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 247-48.
1214. Barbara Haupt, Hg., Endzeitvorstellungen (Düsseldorf: 2001), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 249-50.
1215. Eric Jager, The Book of the Heart (Chicago-London: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 267-68.
1216. Hildegard Elisabeth Keller, My Secret is Mine (Leuven: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 273-75.
1217. Roger Collins, Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000. Sec. Ed. (Houndmills: 1999), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 283-84.
1218. Robert I. Moore, Die erste europäische Revolution. Gesellschaft und Kultur im Hochmittelalter. Aus dem Englischen von Peter Knecht (Munich: 2001), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 311-12.
1219. Crossing the Bridge. Comparative Essays on Medieval European and Heian Japanese Women Writers. Ed. Barbara Stevenson and Cynthia Ho (New York: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 332-34.
1220. Olivia Holmes, Assembling the Lyric Self. Authorship from Troubadour Song to Italian Poetry Book (Minneapolis-London: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 409-11.
1221. Margaret Porette, The Mirror of Simple Souls. Trans. from the French by E. Colledge, J. C. Marler, and J. Grant (Notre Dame: 1999), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 411-13.
1222. Chaste Passions. Medieval English Virgin Martyr Legends. Ed. and trans. by Karen A. Winstead (Ithaca-London: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 423.
1223. Patricia M. Gathercole, The Depiction of Women in Medieval French Manuscript Illumination (Lewiston-Queenston-Lampeter: 2000), in Mediaevistik 14 (2003): 429-31.
1224. Jeffrey L. Sammons, Ideology, Mimesis, Fantasy: Charles Sealsfield, Friedrich Gerstäcker, Karl May, and Other German Novelists of America (Chapel Hill-London: 1998), Wirkendes Wort 51 (2001): 137-42. (reported late)
1225. The Construction of Textual Authority in German Literature of the Medieval and Early Modern Periods. Ed. James F. Poag and Claire Baldwin (Chapel Hill-London: 2001), German Quarterly 76, 1 (2003): 110-11.
1226. Peter Dinzelbacher, Himmel, Hölle, Heilige. Visionen und Kunst im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2002), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 111, 1-2 (2003): 192-93.
1227. Die Schriften des Brixner Dommesners Veit Feichter (ca. 1510-1560). Vol. 1: Das Brixner Dommesnerbuch, ed. Andrea Hofmeister-Winter (Innsbruck: 2001), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 111, 1-2 (2003): 218-19.
1228. Jean Verdon, Night in the Middle Ages (Notre Dame, 2002), The Medieval Review 03.09.03.
1229. A Companion to the Works of Grimmelshausen. Ed. by Karl F. Otto, Jr. (Rochester, NY: 2003), in Studia Neophilologica 75 (2003): 78-79.
1230. Wolfram-Studien XVII. Wolfram von Eschenbach — Bilanz und Perspektiven. Eichstätter Kolloquium 2000. Ed. Wolfgang Haubrichs, Eckart C. Lutz, Klaus Ridder (Berlin: 2002), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CIV, 1 (2003): 126-28.
1231. Will Hasty, Art of Arms. Studies of Aggression and Dominance in Medieval German Court Poetry (Heidelberg: 2002), German Quarterly 76, 2 (2003): 251-52.
1232. Robert G. Sullivan, Justice and the Social Context of Early Middle High German Literature (New York-London: 2001), German Quarterly 75, 3 (2003): 329-30.
1233. Hubert Jannach, Richard Alan Korb, German for Reading Knowledge. 4th ed. (Boston: 1998), Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 91-92.
1234. Manuela Guilherme, Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World (Clevedon-Buffalo-et al.: 2002), Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 108-09.
1235. Hans Peter Althaus, Kleines Lexikon deutscher Wörter jiddischer Herkunft (Munich: 2003), Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 111-12.
1236. Frederick II: The Last Emperor. The Medieval Mind (Princeton, NJ: 1998), video, Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 112-13.
1237. Hildegard of Bingen. Mystic Women of the Middle Ages, 2 (Nomouth Junction, NJ: 2003), video, Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 113-14.
1238. Great Castles of Europe: Neuschwanstein and the Castles of the Rhine (Princeton, NJ: 2001), video, Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 114.
1239. Reformation: Luther and the Protestant Revolt. Video. Films for the Humanities, 2002), Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 114-15.
1240. Rudolf Suntrup, Jan R. Veenstra, eds., Normative Centering (Frankfurt a.M.: 2002), German Studies Review XXVI, 3 (2003): 611-12.
1241. Martin Bausen, Lob und Unschuld der Ehefrauen (Frankfurt a.M.: 2002), German Studies Review XXVI, 3 (2003): 615-16.
1242. Elizabeth Brient, The Immanence of the Infinite. Hans Blumenberg and the Threshold to Modernity (Washington, D.C.: 2002), German Studies Review XXVI, 3 (2003): 702-03.
1243. Medieval Concepts of the Past. Ritual, Memory, Historiography. Ed. G. Althoff, J. Fried, and P. J. Geary (Washington, D.C.-Cambridge: 2002), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 111, 3-4 (2003): 474-76.
1244. Wilfried Hartmann, Ludwig der Deutsche (Darmstadt: 2002),Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 111, 3-4 (2003): 502-03.
1245. Corinna Laude, “Daz in swindelt in den sinnen…”. Die Poetik der Perspektive bei Heinrich Wittenwiler und Giovanni Boccaccio (Berlin: 2002), Arcadia 38, 2 (2003): 433-37.
1246. Achim Geisenhanslüke, Einführung in die Literaturtheorie (Darmstadt: 2003), German Quarterly 76, 3 (2003): 329-30.
1247. Elke Axmacher, Johann Arndt und Paul Gerhardt (Bielefeld: 2001), Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchives 47 (2002): 207-09.
1248. Martin Kirnbauer, Hartmann Schedel und sein “Liederbuch” (Bern-Berlin: 2001), Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchives 47 (2002): 241-42.
1249. A Companion to Gottfried von Strassburg’s “Tristan”. Ed. Will Hasty (Rochester, NY: 2003), Tristania XXII (2003): 112-14.
1250. Anna Szirkáky, Éros Lógos Musiké. Gottfrieds ‘Tristan’ oder eine utopische renovatio der Dichtersprache und der Welt aus dem Geiste der Minne und Musik?, Tristania XXII (2003): 114-19.
1251. Paul B. Newman, Daily Life in the Middle Ages (Jefferson, NC,-London: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 185-86.
1252. Mary Ellen Snodgrass, Who’s Who in the Middle Ages (Jefferson, NC,-London: 2001), Mediaevistik.15 (2002): 186-88.
1253. Nicholas Orme, Medieval Children (New Haven-London: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 192-94.
1254. Pál Engel, The Realm of St. Stephen. A History of Medieval Hungary, 895-1526 (London-New York: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 212-14.
1255. Sources for the History of Medieval Books and Libraries. Ed. R. Schlusemann, J. M. M. Hermans, M. Hoogvliet (Groningen: 1999), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 225-27.
1256. Gender in Debate from the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Ed. Thelma S. Fenster and Clare A. Lees (New York: 20020), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 227-30.
1257. Eva Parra Membrives, Mundos femeninos emancipados. Reconstrucción teórico-empírica de una propuesta literaria femenina en la Edad Media alemana (Zaragoza: 1998), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 241-44.
1258. “swer sînen vriunt behaltet, daz ist lobelîch. Festschrift für András Vizkelety zum 70. Geburtstag. Ed. Márta Nagy and László Jónácsik (Piliscsaba-Budapest: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 244-46.
1259. Warren Brown, Unjust Seizure. Conflict, Interest, and Authority in an Early Medieval Society (Ithaca-London: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 258-60.
1260. Jaques Berlioz, Catastrophes naturelles et calamités au Moyen Age (Turnhout: 1998), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 279-80.
1261. Michael Bernsen, Die Problematisierung lyrischen Sprechens im Mittelalter (Tübingen: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 313-16.
1262. Christopher Young, Narrativische Perspektiven in Wolframs “Willehalm” (Tübingen: 2000), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 322-24.
1263. Kudrun, ed. Karl Stackmann (Tübingen: 2000), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 324.
1264. Elizabeth C. Teviotdale, The Stammheim Missal (Los Angeles: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 331-32.
1265. A. Lynn Martin, Alcohol, Sex, and Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Houndmills, Basingstoke: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 335-36.
1266. Queering the Middle Ages. Glenn Burger, Steven F. Kruger, Eds. (Minneapolis-London: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 336-39.
1267. John Larner, Marco Polo and the Discovery of the World (New Haven-London: 1999/2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 339-41.
1268. Peter Fleming, Family and Household in Medieval England (Houndsmill-New York: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 341-42.
1269. Françoise Meltzer, For Fear of the Fire. Joan of Arc and the Limits of Subjectivity (Chicago-London: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 345-48.
1270. Laurel Amtower, Engaging Words. The Culture of Reading in the Later Middle Ages (New York: 2000), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 351-53.
1271. Yasmina Foehr-Janssens, La veuve en majesté. Deuil et savoir au féminin dans la littérature médiévale (Geneva: 2000), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 359-60.
1272. Philippe de Commynes, Mémoires. Introd., éd., notes et index de Joël Blanchard (Paris: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 361-63.
1273. The Letters of Catherine of Siena. Vol. II. Trans. with introduction and notes by Suzanne Noffke, O.P. (Tempe, AZ: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 364.
1274. The World of El Cid. Chronicles of the Spanish Reconquest. Selected Sources trans. and annotated by Simon Barton and Richard Fletcher (Manchester: 2000), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 364-65.
1275. Leben und Abenteuer des großen Königs Apollonius von Tyrus zu Land zur See, trans. Helmut Birkhan (Bern, Berlin-et al.: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 367-68.
1276. A. E. Wright, ‘Hie lert uns der meister’. Latin Commentary and the German Fable 1350-1500 (Tempe, A.Z.: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 368-70.
1277. Meister Eckhart, Deutsche Predigten. Eine Auswahl, hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Uta Störmer-Caysa (Stuttgart: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 370.
1278. Die Historia von den sieben weisen Meistern, ed. Ralf-Henning Steinmetz (Tübingen: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 371-72.
1279. D. Vance Smith, The Book of the Incipit. Beginnings in the Fourteenth Century (Minneapolis-London: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 375-77.
1280. Sarah Beckwith, Signifying God. Social Relations and Symbolic Acts in the York Corpus Christi Plays (Chicago-London: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 377-78.
1281. Jeffrey F. Hamburger, The Visual and the Visionary. Art and Female Spirituality in Late Medieval Germany (New York: 1998), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 379-82.
1282. Janet Backhouse, Medieval Rural Life in the Luttrell Psalter (Toronto-Buffalo: 2000), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 382-83.
1283. Mitchell B. Merback: The Thief, the Cross and the Wheel. Pain and the Spectacle of Punishment in Medieval and Renaissance Europe (Chicago-London: 1998), Medievistik 15 (2002): 388-92.
1284. Stephen Reckert: From the Resende Songbook (London: 1998), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 392-93.
1285. Robes and Honor. The Medieval World of Investiture, ed. Stewart Gordon (New York: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 393-94.
1286. Bruce W. Holsinger, Music, Body, and Desire in Medieval Culture (Stanford: 2001), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 38, 2 (2003): 490-93.
1287. Ruth Finkch, Minor Mundus Homo. Studien zur Mikrokosmos-Idee in der mittelalterlichen Literatur (Göttingen: 1999), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 38, 2 (2003): 496-97.
1288. Thomas Bein, ed., Walther von der Vogelweide. Beiträge zu Produktion, Edition und Rezeption (Frankfurt a.M. et al.: 2002), German Studies Review 27, 1 (2004): 135-36.
1289. Luther on Women. A Sourcebook. Ed. Susan C. Karant-Nunn and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (Cambridge: 2003), German Studies Review 27, 1 (2004): 138-39.
1290. Renate Jürgensen, Bibliotheca Norica. 2 vols. (Wiesbaden: 2000), 2075 pp., Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (2004):
1291. Ava’s New Testament Narratives. Intr., Translations, and Notes by James A. Rushing, Jr. (Kalamazoo: 2003), The Medieval Review 04.03.05 (internet)
1292. La chrétienté au péril sarrasin (Aix-en-Provence: 2000), Studi Medievali 44, 2 (2003): 1025-26.
1293. Christoph Gerhard / Nigel F. Palmer, eds., Das Münchener Gedicht von den 15 Zeichen vor dem Jüngsten Gericht (Berlin: 2002), Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (March 2004),
1294. Ursula Tamussino, Maria von Ungarn. Ein Leben im Dienst der Casa de Austria (Graz-Vienna-Cologne: 1998), Fifteenth-Century Studies 29 (2003): 234-36.
1295. Hochadelige Herrschaft im mitteldeutschen Raum (1200 bis 1600). Ed. Jörg Rogge and Uwe Schirmer (Stuttgart: 2003),in: German Studies Review 27, 2 (2004): 367-68.
1296. Rolf Ballof, ed., Geschichte des Mittelalters für unsere Zeit (Wiesbaden: 2003), German Studies Review 27, 2 (2004): 368-70.
1297. Literarische Leben. Rollenentwürfe in der Literatur des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters. Festschrift für Volker Mertens zum 65. Geburtstag (Tübingen 2002), in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 104, 4 (2003): 510-11.
1298. Tim Mehigan, The Critical Response to Robert Musil’s The Man Without Qualities (Rochester-Woodbridge: 2003), German Studies Review 27, 2 (2004): 410-11.
1299-1300. Wolfgang Metzger, Handel und Handwerk des Mittelalters im Spiegel der Buchmalerei (Graz: 2002); Christian Rohr, Festkultur des Mittelalters (Graz: 2002), in: Mediaevistik (2003):
1301. Jeremy Cohen, Living Letters of the Law. Ideas of the Jew in Medieval Christianity (Berkeley: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 223-25.
1302. Susan Rose, Medieval Naval Warfare, 1000-1500 (London-New York: 20002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 225-26.
1303. Jürgen Sarnowsky, England im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003) 226-28.
1304. Christoph Elsas, Religionsgeschichte Europas. Religiöses Leben von der Vorgeschichte bis zur Gegenwart (Darmstadt: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 228-30.
1305. F. Donald Logan, A History of the Church in the Middle Ages (London-New York: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 230-32.
1306. Alain Boureau, The Myth of Pope Joan (Chicago-London: 2001 [1988]), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 237-39.
1307. G. R. Evans, Fifty Key Medieval Thinkers (London-New York: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 248-49.
1308. Adriaan Verhulst, The Carolingian Empire (Cambridge 2002), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 262-63.
1309. Lisa M. Bitel, Women in Early Medieval Europe, 400-1100 (Cambridge 2002), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 264-66.
1310. Alfred P. Smyth, The Medieval Life of Kiing Alfred the Great. A Translation and Commentary on the Text Attributed to Asser (Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 267-69.
1311. Hêliand. Text and Commentary. Ed. by James E. Cathey (Morgantwon, WV: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 272-72.
1312. Günther Binding, Susanne Linscheid-Burdich, Planen und Bauen im frühen und hohen Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 276-77.
1313. Keith D. Lilley, Urban Life in the Middle Ages, 1000-1450 (Houndsmills-New York: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 279-81.
1314. The Customs of Catalonia between Lords and Vassals by the Barcelona Canon, Pere Albert, trans. and commentary by Donald J. Kagay (Tempe, AZ: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 281-82.
1315. C. Stephen Jaeger, Scholars and Courtiers: Intellectuals and Society in the Medieval West (Aldershot-Burlington: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 283-84.
1316. The Trotula. An English Transl. Ed. and trans. by Monica H. Green (Philadelphia 2001), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 285.
1317. Ulrich Köpf, ed., Theologen des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 285-87.
1318. Walter Simons, Cities of Ladies. Beguine Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, 1200-1565 (Philadelphia 2002), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 295-97.
1319. Medieval Woman’s Song. Ed. A. L. Klinck, A. M. Rasmussen (Philadelphia 2002), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 306-09.
1320. The Latin Chronicle of the Kings of Castile. Trans. by Joseph F. O’Callaghan (Tempe, AZ: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 309-10.
1321. Die Gedichte Arnulfs von Lisieux († 1184). Hg. und übersetzt von Ewald Könsgen (Heidelberg: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 312-13.
1322. Corinna Dörrich, Poetik des Rituals. Konstruktion und Funktion politischen Handelns in mittelalterlicher Literatur (Darmstadt: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 316-18.
1323. Hartmann von Aue, Iwein. 4., überarbeitete Aufl. Übersetzung und Nachwort von Thomas Cramer (Berlin and New York: 2001), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 16 (2003): 318-19. 496-97.
1324. Kristine K. Sneeringer, Honor, Love, and Isolde in Gottfried’s Tristan (New York: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 319-20.
1325. Gary C. Shockey, Homo viator, Katabasis, and Landscapes. A Comparison of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s “Parzival” and Heinrich von dem Türlin’s “Diu Crône” (Göppingen 2002), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 325-26.
1326. Brandan. Die mitteldeutsche ‘Reise’-Fassung. Ed. Reinhard Hahn, Christoph Fasbender (Heidelberg: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 326-28.
1327. Jan-Dirk Müller, Das Nibelungenlied (Berlin: 2001), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 328-29.
1328. Kerstin Schmitt, Poetik der Montage. Figurenkonzeption und Intertextualität in der “Kudrun” (Berlin: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 329-331.
1329. Thomasin von Zerklaere, Der welsche Gast secondo il Cod. Pal. Germ. 389, Heidelberg, ed. Raffaele Disanto (Trieste: 2002), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 16 (2003): 331-32.
1330. Beater Kellner, Ludger Lieb, Peter Strohschneider, eds., Literarische Kommunikation und soziale Interaktion. Studien zur Institutionalität mittelalterlicher Literatur (Frankfurt a.M.: 2001), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 332-35.
1331. Madeline H. Caviness, Visualizing Women in the Middle Ages (Philadelphia 2001), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 337-39.
1332. The Towns of Italy in the Later Middle Ages, translated and annotated by Trevor Dean (Manchester-New York: 2000), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 345-46.
1333. Donna Spivey Ellington, From Sacred Body to Angelic Soul. Understanding Mary in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Washington, D.C.: 2001), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 350-52.
1334. Lesen, Schreiben, Sticken und Erinnern. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte mittelalterlicher Frauenklöster. Ed. Gabriela Signori (Bielefeld: 2000), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 352-54.
1335. Gertrud von Helfta, Exercitia spiritualia. Ed. and trans. by Siegfried Ringler (Elberfeld: 2001), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 356-57.
1336. Falk Eisenmann, ‘Stimulus amoris’. Inhalt, lateinische Überlieferung, deutsche Übersetzung, Rezeption (Tübingen: 2001), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 359-61.
1337. Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. Ed. Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose (New York: 2001), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 363-66.
1338. Kurt Flasch, Vernunft und Vergnügen. Liebesgeschichten aus dem Decameron (Munich: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 366-68.
1339. Doreen Fischer: Witwe als weiblicher Lebensentwurf in deutschen Texten des 13. bis 16. Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt a.M.: 2002), Mediaevistik 16 (2003):369-72.
1340-1341. Maya Bijvoet Williamson, trans., The Memoirs of Helene Kottanner (Cambridge: 1998); John M. Klassen, trans., The Letters of the Rozmberk Sisters (Cambridge: 2001), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 375-77.
1342. Vom Großen Löwenhof zur Universität. Würzburg und die deutsche Literatur im Spätmittelalter. Hg. von H. Brunner und Hans-Günter Schmidt (Wiesbaden: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 377-78.
1343. Annette Poppenborg, Das Leben der heiligen Katharina von Siena. Untersuchung und Edition einer mittelniederdeutschen Legendenhandschrift (Bielefeld: 1999), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 378-79.
1344. Christoph Gerhard / Nigel F. Palmer, eds., Das Münchener Gedicht von den 15 Zeichen vor dem Jüngsten Gericht (Berlin: 2002), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 16 (2003): 379-80.
1345. Edward I. Condren, The Numerical Universe of the Gawain-Pearl Poet (Gainesville-et al. 2002), in Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 380-81.
1346. Jody Enders, Death by Drama and Other Medieval Urban Legends (Chicago-London: 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 381-83.
1347. Der Berswordt-Altar und die Dortmunder Malerei um 1400. Stadtkultur im Spätmittelalter. Hg. von Andrea Zupancic und Thomas Schilp (Bielefeld 2002), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 391-94.
1348. Jürgen Wilke, Die Ebstorfer Weltkarte. 2 vols. (Bielefeld: 2001), in: Mediaevistik 16 (2003) 399-402.
1349. Tristano e Isotta. La fortuna di un mito europeo, a cura di Michael Dallapiazza (Trieste: 2003), Arcadia 39, 1 (2004): 192-93.
1350. Andrew E. Mathis, The King Arthur Myth in Modern American Literature (Jefferson, NC.,-London: 2002), Arcadia 39, 1 (2004): 194-95.
1351. Beatrix Bastl, Europas Aufbruch in die Neuzeit 1450-1650 (Darmstadt: 2002), supposed German Studies Review, publisher later withdrew the book from the market, and I withdrew the review.
1352. New Medieval Literatures. Vol. 5. Ed. R. Copeland, D. Lawton, W. Scase (Oxford: 2002), Studi Medievali 45, 1 (2004): 575-77.
1353. Die Gedichte Arnulfs von Lisieux († 1184). Hg. und übersetzt von Ewald Könsgen (Heidelberg: 2002), Studi Medievali 45, 1 (2004): 598-99.
1354. Anthologie de la littérature française du moyen âge, IXe-XVe siècles, sous la direction de Claude Thiry (Louvain-la-Neuve: 2002), Studi Medievali 45, 1 (2004): 641.
1355. Ferdinand Urbanek, Gutes Deutsch heute (Paderborn: 2002), Unterrichtspraxis 36, 2 (2003): 228-29. (recorded late)
1356. Sternstunden der deutschen Sprache, ed. Walter Krämer and Reiner Pogarell (Paderborn: 2003), Unterrichtspraxis 36, 2 (2003): 229-30. (recorded late)
1357. Helmut Dworschak, Milch und Acker. Körperliche und sexuelle Aspekte der religiösen Erfahrung. Am Beispiel der Bussdidaxe des Strickers (Bern et al.: 2003), German Studies Review XXVII, 3 (2004): 602-03.
1358, Susan Marti, Malen, Schreiben und Beten. Die spätmittelalterliche Handschriftenproduktion im Doppelkloster Engelberg (Zürich: 2002), Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (Nov. 2004)
1359. Gerrit Jasper Schenk, Zeremoniell und Politik. Herrschereinzüge im spätmittelalterlichen Reich (Cologne et al.: 2003), The Medieval Review 04.11.10 (internet)
1360. Walther von der Vogelweide, The Single-Stanza Lyrics, ed. and trans. by Frederick Goldin (New York and London: 2003), German Quarterly 77, 4 (2004): 491-92.
1361. Medievalia et Humanistica no. 30 (2004), Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 58, 2 (2004): 74-75; see also
1362. Alfred Haverkamp, Gemeinden, Gemeinschaften und Kommunikationsformen im hohen und späten Mittelalter. Festgabe zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres (Trier 2002), The Medieval Review 05.01.06 (internet).
1363. Herrschaft, Ideologie und Geschichtskonzeption in Alexanderdichtungen des Mittelalters. Ed. Ulrich Mölk (Göttingen: 2002), Studi Medievali XLV, II (2004): 828-31.
1364. Andreas Bässler, Sprichwortbilder und Sprichwortschwank. Zum illustrativen und narrativen Potential von Metaphern in der deutschsprachigen Literatur um 1500 (Berlin and New York: 2003), in Arcadia 39, 2 (2004): 440-42.
1365. Wernher der Gärtner, ‘Helmbrecht’. Die Beiträge des Helmbrecht-Symposions in Burghausen 2001, ed. Theodor Nolte and Tobias Schneider (Stuttgart: 2001), Arcadia 39, 2 (2004): 442-44.
1366. Hans-Gert Roloff, Kleine Schriften zur Literatur des 16. Jahrhunderts (Amsterdam and New York: 2003), Arcadia 39, 2 (2004): 444-45.
1367. Stephen Knight, Robin Hood: A Mythic Biography (Ithaca and London: 2003), Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs Freiburg 48 (2003): 335-36.
1368. Claudia Spanily, Autorschaft und Geschlechterrolle. Möglichkeiten weiblichen Literatentums im Mittelalter (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 2002), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CV, 3 (2004): 373-75.
1369. Joachim Heinzle, Klaus Klein, Ute Obhof, eds., Die Nibelungen: Sage — Epos — Mythos (Wiesbaden: 2003), German Studies Review XXVIII, 1 (2005): 141-42.
1370. Daniel Furrer, Wasserthron und Donnerbalken. Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte des stillen Örtchens (Darmstadt: 2004), German Studies Review XXVIII, 1 (2005): 146-47.
1371. Andreas Urscheler, Kommunikation in Wolframs “Parzival” (Bern-Berlin: 2002), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CV, 3 (2004): 376-77.
1372. Die Codices Palatini germanici in der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (Cod. Pal. germ. 1-181), bearb. von Karin Zimmermann et al. (Wiesbaden: 2003),in: IASL (
1373. Hrotsvit of Gandersheim: Contexts, Identities, Affinities, and Performances, ed. Phyllis R. Brown et al. (Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2004), in German Quarterly 78, 1 (2005): 103-04.
1374. Erkundung und Beschreibung der Welt. Zur Poetik der Reise- und Länderberichte. Ed. Xenja von Ertzdorff and Gerhard Giesemann (Amsterdam and New York: 2003), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 113, 1-2 (2005): 176-77.
1375. Peter Dinzelbacher, Europa im Hochmittelalter 1050-1250. Eine Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichte (Darmstadt: 2003), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 113, 1-2 (2005): 194-95.
1376. Patricia Victorin, Ysaïe le Triste. Une Esthéthique de la Confluence (Paris: 2002), Studi Medievali XLVI (2005): 266-70.
1377. John D. Martin, Representations of Jews in Late Medieval and Early Modern German Literature (Oxford, Bern, et al.: 2004), German Quarterly 78, 2 (2005): 248-49.
1378. Kulturwissenschaftliche Frühneuzeitforschung. Beiträge zur Identität der Germanistik. Ed. Kathrin Stegbauer et al. (Berlin: 2004), in German Studies Review XXVIII, 2 (2005): 392-93.
1379. Charles M. Rosenberg, ed., Art and Politics in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Italy, 1250-1500 (Notre Dame: 1990), Mediaevistik 5 (1992): 436-37,
1380. John Williams/Alison Stones, eds., The Codex Calixtinus and the Shrine of St. James (Tübingen: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994): 380-82.
1381. Nico Unlandt: …E si fetz mantas bonas chansos…Techniques romanes dans le Minnesang allemand u treizième siècle (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1992), Mediaevistik 7 (1994): 400-01 (reported late).
1382. Jutta Rüth, Jerusalem und das Heilige Land in der deutschen Versepik des Mittelalters (1150-1453) (Göppingen 1992), Mediaevistik 8 (1995): 397-98 (reported late).
1383. Jacobus de Voragine, The Golden Legend. Readings on the Saints. Translated by William Granger Ryan (Princeton: 1993), Mediaevistik 9 (1996): 425-26 (reported late)
1384. Henrietta Leyser, Medieval Women. A Social History of Women in England 450-1500 (New York: 1995/1998), Mediaevistik 12 (1999): 336-37 (reported late).
1385. Ron Baxter, Bestiaries and their Users in the Middle Ages (Thrupp, Stroud, Gloucestershire: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 338-40 (reported late)
1386. Alison Williams, Tricksters and Pranksters. Roguery in French and German Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 2000), Arcadia 36 (2001): 382-84 (reported late).
1387. José Manuel Fradejas Rueda, Literatura cetrera de la edad media y el renacimiento español (London: 1998), Mediaevistik 13 (2000): 493-94 (reported late)
1388. Dominic Marner, St Cuthbert. His Life and Cult in Medieval Durham (Toronto-Buffalo: 2000), Mediaevistik 14 (2001): 291-92.
1389. Pamela Porter, Medieval Warfare in Manuscripts (Toronto-Buffalo: 2000), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 382-83.
1390. Clifford Backman, The Worlds of Medieval Europe (New York and Oxford: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 223-26.
1391. Michael Mitterauer, Warum Europa? Mittelalterliche Grundlagen eines Sonderwegs (Munich: 2003), Mediaevistik: 226-29.
1392. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns or Players?, ed. Christine Meek and Chatherine Laweless, eds. (Doublin and Portland: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 239-41.
1393. Laurel Amtower and Dorothea Kehler, ed., The Single Woman in Medieval and Early Modern England: Her Life and Representation (Tempe, AZ: 2003), in Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 241-43.
1394. Tzotcho Boiadjiev, Die Nacht im Mittelalter (Würzburg: 2003), Mediaevistik, 17 (2004): 249-52.
1395. Fama: The Politics of Talk and Reputation in Medieval Europe. Ed. Thelma Fenster and Daniel Lord Small (Ithaca and London: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 252-54.
1396. Hunt Janin, Medieval Justice (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2004), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 255-56.
1397. Gendering the Master Narrative. Women and Power in the Middle Ages. Ed. M. C. Erler and M. Kowaleski (Ithaca and London: 2003), in Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 271-73.
1398. Theodore L. Steinberg, Reading the Middle Ages. An Introduction to Medieval Literature (Jefferson, NC.-London: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 275-76.
1399. Joseph P. Clancy, Medieval Welsh Poems (Dublin: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 279-81.
1400. Walter Haug, Die Wahrheit der Fiktion. Studien zur weltlichen und geistlichen Literatur des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit (Tübingen: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 283-86.
1401. Daniel Baraz, Medieval Cruelty. Changing Perceptions, Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period (Ithaca, London: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 286-88.
1402. Quellen zur Alltagsgeschichte im Früh- und Hochmittelalter. Ed. Ulrich Nonn (Darmstadt: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 293-95.
1403. Gerd Althoff, Inszenierte Herrschaft. Geschichtsschreibung und politisches Handeln im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 296-98.
1404. Constance Brittain Bouchard, “Every Valley Shall be Exalted”. The Discourse of Opposites in Twelfth-Century Thought (Ithaca-London: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 337-38.
1405. Guidance for Women in 12th-Century Convents. Trans. by Vera Morton (Cambridge: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 361-62.
1406. R. Howard Bloch, The Anonymous Marie de France (Chicago and London: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 362-66.
1407. Germanische Heldensagen. Nach den Quellen neu erzählt von Reiner Tetzner (Stuttgart: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 371-72.
1408. Uns ist in alten Mären. . . Das Nibelungenlied und seine Welt (Darmstadt: 2003), and: Sankt Galler Nibelungenhandschrift (Cod. Sang. 857). CD-ROM 2003. Ed. Michael Stolz, Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 373-76.
1409. Rosemarie Deist, Gender and Power. Counsellors and their Masters in Antiquity and Medieval Courtly Romance (Heidelberg: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 381-83.
1410. Ruth Weichselbaumer, Der konstruierte Mann. Repräsentation, Aktion und Disziplinierung in der didaktischen Literatur des Mittelalters (Münster, Hamburg, London: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 383-85.
1411. Scott Pincikowski, Bodies of Pain. Suffering in the Works of Hartmann von Aue (New York and London: 2002), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 385-87.
1412. Eine Epoche im Umbruch. Volkssprachliche Literalität 1200-1300. Ed. Christa Bertelsmeier-Kierst and Christopher Young (Tübingen: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 392-93.
1413. Nu lôn’ ich iu der gâbe. Festschrift for Francis G. Gentry, ed. Ernst Ralf Hintz (Göppingen: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 395-97.
1414. Judah Alharizi, The Book of Tahkemoni. Trans. and Explicated by David Simha Segal (Oxford and Portland: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 397-400.
1415. Alfred Hiatt, The Making of Medieval Forgeries. False Documents in Fifteenth-Century England (London, Toronto, and Buffalo: 2004), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 418-20.
1416. Günther Schiwy, Birgitta von Schweden (Munich: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 425-26.
1417. Nancy B. Black, Medieval Narratives of Accused Queens (Gainesville, Tallahassee, et al.: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 432-35.
1418. Dietrichs Flucht. Textgeschichtliche Ausgabe. Ed. Elisabeth Lienert and Gertrud Beck (Tübingen: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 442-43.
1419. Beate Weifenbach, Die Haimonskinder in der Fassung der Aarauer Handschrift von 1531 und des Simmerner Drucks von 1535, 2 vols. (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1999), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 444-45.
1420. Dutch Romances. Vol. III: Five Interpolated Romances from the Lancelot Compilation. Ed. David F. Johnson and Geert H. M. Claassens (Cambridge: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 451-52.
1421-1422. Alixe Bovey, Monsters and Grotesques in Medieval Manuscripts (Toronto-Buffalo: 2002); Sophie Page, Astrology in Medieval Manuscripts (Toronto-Buffalo: 2002), Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 256-57.
1423. Mentis Amore Ligati. Lateinische Freundschaftsdichtung und Dichterfreundschaft in Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Festgabe für Reinhard Düchting zum 65. Geburtstag. Hg. von Boris Körkel et al. (Heidelberg: 2001), Studi Medievali XLIV, 2 (2003): 1022-23.
1424. Gottfried von Straßburg, Werke, ed. Friedrich Heinrich von der Hagen. 2 vols. (1823; Hildesheim et al.: 2003), Tristania XXIII (2005): 109-13.
1425. Gottfried von Strassburg, Tristan und Isolde, ed. Evelyn Scherabon Firchow (Stuttgart: 2004), Tristania XXIII (2005): 114-16.
1426. Charles d’Orléans in England (1415-1440). Ed. by Mary-Jo Arn (Cambridge: 2000), Studi Medievali XLII, II (2001), 908-10.
1427. Wilhelm Baum, Die Verwandlungen des Mythos vom Reich des Priesterkönigs Johannes (Klagenfurt: 1999), Studie Medievali XLII, II (2001): 912-15.
1428. Peter Damian-Grint: The New Historicism of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance (Woodbridge: 1999), Studi Medievali XLII, II (2001): 940-42.
1429. The Arthur of the Germans. Ed. by W. H. Jackson and S. A. Ranawake (Cardiff: 2000), Studi Medievali XLII, II (2001): 978-79.
1430. New Approaches to Medieval Communication, ed. Marco Mostert (Turnhout: 1999), Studi Medievali XLII, II (2001): 989-90.
1431. Arndt Weber: Affektive Liebe als rechte eheliche Liebe in der ehedidaktischen Literatur der frühen Neuzeit (Frankfurt a.M.: 2001), Daphnis 33, 1-2 (2004): 317-19.
1432. Peter Nusser, Deutsche Literatur von 1500 bis 1800 (Stuttgart: 2001), Daphnis 33, 1-2 (2004): 320-22.
1433. Il Novellino. El Novelino. Intr., trad., notas e índice temático de Isabel de Riquer; Il Novellino. Novellino. Intr., trad., notes et index thématique de Gérard Genot et Paul Larivaille. 2 vols. (Roma-Paris: 2000), Studi Medievali XLII, I (2002): 468.
1434. Le Mystère du Jour du Jugement, ed. Jean-Pierre Perrot & Jean-Jacques Nonot (Besançon: 2000), Studi Medievali XLII, II (2002): 1006-07.
1435. Marco Polo, Le Devisement du Monde. Ed. critique publiée sous la direction de Philippe Ménard. Tome 1 (Geneva: 2001), Studi Medievali XLII, II (2004): 1123-24.
1436. Kathleen Ashley, Robert L. A. Clark, eds., Medieval Conduct (Minneapolis-London: 2001), Studi Medievali XLV, II (2004): 1077-78.
1437. Frédéric Duval, La traduction du Romuleon par Sébastien Mamerot (Geneva: 2001), Studi Medievali XLV, II (2004): 1092-93.
1438. Le nu et le vêtu au moyen âge (XIIe-XIIIc siècles). Actues du 25e Colloque du CUER MA (Aix-en-Provence: 2001), in: Studi Medievali XLV, II (2004): 1117-18.
1439. Interpretation and Allegory. Antiquity to the Modern Period. Ed. Jon Whitman (Leiden-Boston-Cologne: 2000), Studi Medievali XLV, II (2004): 1165-67.
1440. The Cynewulf Reader. Ed. by Robert E. Bjork (New York-London: 2001), Studi Medievali XLV, II (2004): 1083-84.
1441. Lancelot and Guinevere. A Casebook. Ed. by Lori J. Walters (New York-London: 2002; orig. 1996); King Arthur. A Casebook. Ed. Edward Donald Kenney (New York-London: 2002; orig. 1996); Tristan and Isolde. A Casebook. Ed. by Joan Tasker Grimbert (New York-London: 2002; orig. 1996), Studi Medievali XLV, II (2004): 1111-13.
1442. Dorothy Yamamoto, The Boundaries of the Human in Medieval English Literature (Oxford: 2000), Studi Medievali XLII, I (2002): 215-18.
1443. Wolfgang Huschner, Transalpine Kommunikation im Mittelalter: Diplomatische, kulturelle und politische Wechselwirkungen zwischen Italien und dem nordalpinen Reich (9.-11. Jahrhundert). 3 vol.s (Hannover: 2003), The Medieval Review (internet) 05.07.06
1444. Sonja Emmerling, Geschlechterbeziehungen in den Gawan-Büchern des “Parzival” (Tübingen: 2003), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CV, 4 (2004): 494-95.
1445. Jürgen Petersohn, Kaiserlicher Gesandter und Kurienbischof: Andreas Jamometić am Hof Papst Sixtus’ IV. (1478-1481) (Hannover: 2004), The Medieval Review 05.09.18 (internet)
1446. Ralf Klausnitzer, Literaturwissenschaft (Berlin and New York: 2004), German Studies Review 28, 3 (2005): 621-22.
1447-48. Brian Murdoch and Malcolm Read, eds., Early Germanic Literature and Culture (Rochester and Suffolk: 2004); and: German Literature of the Early Middle Ages. Ed. Brian Murdoch (Rochester, NY, and Woodbridge, Suffolk: 2004), German Studies Review 28, 3 (2005): 623-25.
1449. Robert Scheuble, mannes manheit, vrowen meister. Männliche Sozialisation und Formen der Gewalt gegen Frauen im Nibelungenlied und in Wolframs von Eschenbach Parzival (Frankfurt a.M.: 2005), German Studies Review 28, 3 (2005): 626-27.
1450. Neil Thomas, Diu Crône and the Medieval Arthurian Cycle (Cambridge: 2002), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 60 (2005): 235-36.
1451. Rainer Decker, Die Päpste und die Hexen. Aus den geheimen Akten der Inquisition (Darmstadt: 2003), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 113, 3-4 (2005): 420-22.
1452. Gender and Holiness. Men, Women and Saints in Late Medieval Europe. Ed. S. J. E. Riches and S. Salih (London-New York: 2002), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 113, 3-4 (2005): 430-31.
1453. Wolfgang Achnitz, Babylon und Jerusalem. Sinnkonstitution im “Reinfried von Braunschweig” und im “Apollonius von Tyrland” Heinrichs von Neustadt (Tübingen: 2002), Journal of English and German Philology (2005, October): 528-30.
1454. Stefan Jonsson, Subject Without Nation. Robert Musil and the History of Modern Identity (Durham-London: 2000), Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature 29, 1 (2005): 173-75.
1455. Perceval/Parzival. A Casebook. Ed. by Arthur Groos and Norris J. Lacy (New York-London: 2002), Studi Medievali XLVI, II (2005): 949-50.
1456. Amy Hollywood, The Soul as Virgin Wife. Mechthild of Magdeburg, Marguerite Porete, and Meister Eckhart (Notre Dame-London: 1995/2001), Studi Medievali XLVI, II (2005): 954-56.
1457. Marc-René Jung, Die Vermittlung historischen Wissens zum Trojanerkrieg im Mittelalter (Freiburg i.Ü.: 2001), Studi Medievali XLVI, II (2005): 960-62.
1458. Richard Mathews, Fantasy. The Liberation of Imagination (New York-London: 2002), Studi Medievali XLVI, II (2005): 970-71.
1459. Ana Pairet, Les mutacions des fables. Figures de la métamorphose dans la littérature française du Moyen Âge (Paris: 2002), Studi Medievali XLVI, II (2005): 984-85.
1460. Medieval Families: Perspectives on Marriage, Household, and Children, ed. Carol Neel (Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 240.
1461. Medieval Jewish Civilization: an Encyclopedia, ed. Norman Roth (New York and London: 2003), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 240-42.
1462. (together with Peter Dinzelbacher) Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia. Ed. Christopher Kleinhenz (New York and London: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 242-44.
1463. Codierungen von Emotionen im Mittelalter, ed. C. Stephen Jaeger and Ingrid Kasten (Berlin and New York: 2003), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 246-49.
1464. Gudrun Gleba, Klosterleben im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 256-57.
1465. Otto Langer, Christliche Mystik im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 257-60.
1466. Gregory M. Sadlek, Idleness Working. The Discourse of Love’s Labor from Ovid through Chaucer and Gower (Washington, D.C.: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): , 266-68.
1467. Haiko Wandhoff, Ekphrasis. Kunstbeschreibungen und virtuelle Räume in der Literatur des Mittelalters (Berlin and New York: 2003), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 270-71.
1468. Ingrid Bennewitz, Ingrid Kasten, eds., Genderdiskurse und Körperbildung im Mittelalter (Bamberg: 2002), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 271-73.
1469. Jennifer Lawler, Encyclopedia of the Byzantine Empire (Jefferson, NC.: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 275-77.
1470. Martina Hartmann, Aufbruch ins Mittelalter. Die Zeit der Merowinger (Darmstadt: 2003), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 279-80.
1471. Queenship and Sanctity. The Lives of Mathilda and the Epitaph of Adelheid. Trans. with an intro. and notes by Sean Gilsdorf (Washington, D.C.: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 293-95.
1472. Horst Dieter Schlosser, ed., Althochdeutsche Literatur, 2nd ed. (Berlin: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 295-96.
1473. Alison I. Beach, Women as Scribes: Book Production and Monastic Reform in Twelfth-Century Bavaria (Cambridge: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 301-03.
1474. Alfred J. Andrea, Encyclopedia of the Crusades (Westport, CT., and London: 2003), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 303-05.
1475. Sabine Geldsetzer, Frauen auf Kreuzzügen, 1096-1291 (Darmstadt: 2003), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 305-06.
1476. Johannes Grabmayer, Europa im späten Mittelalter 1250-1500: Eine Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichte (Darmstadt: 2004), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 339-40.
1477. Marilyn Migiel, A Rhetoric of the Decameron (Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2003), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 359-62.
1478. Elke Maria Loenertz, Text und Musik bei Oswald von Wolkenstein (Frankfurt a.M.: 2003), Mediaevistik 18 (2005): 377-78.
1479. Bernd Prätorius, “Liebe hat es so befohlen”. Die Liebe im Lied der Frühen Neuzeit (Cologne, Weimar and Vienna: 2004), Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 49 (2004): 252-53.
1480. Celia Fisher, Flowers in Medieval Manuscripts (Toronto and Buffalo: 2004), The Medieval Review 06.02.04 (internet).
1481. Helene Adolf, Gesammelte Schriften (Trieste: 2004), German Quarterly 78, 4 (2005): 525-26.
1482. Fecal Matters in Early Modern Literature and Art: Studies in Scatology. Ed. Jeff Persels and Russell Ganim (Aldershot, Hampshire, and Burlington, VT: 2004), Sixteenth Century Journal 36, 4 (2005): 1105-06.
1483. Studien und Texte zur literarischen und materiellen Kultur der Frauenklöster im späten Mittelalter, ed. Falk Eisermann et al. (Leiden and Boston: 2004), Sixteenth Century Journal 36, 4 (2005): 118-20.
1484. Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, Lanzelet. Trans. Thomas Kerth (New York: 2005), The Medieval Review 06.03.14 (online).
1485. Gert Melville, Markus Schürer, eds., Das Eigene und das Ganze. Zum Individuellen im mittelalterlichen Religiosentum (Münster, Hamburg, London: 2002), Speculum 80, 1 (2005): 281-82.
1486. Sabine Obermaier, Das Fabelbuch als Rahmenerzählung (Heidelberg: 2004), Journal of English and Germanic Philology (April 2006): 360-63.
1487. David E. Wellbery, ed., A New History of German Literature (Cambridge, Mass.: 2004), German Quarterly 79, 2 (2006): 256-58.
1488. Lisa M. Bitel, Women in Early Medieval Europe, 400-1100 (Cambridge: 2003), Studi Medievali 47, 1 (2006): 396-97.
1489. Costume et société dans l’Antiquité e le haut Moyen Age, ed. François Chausson et Hervé Inglebert (Paris: 2003), Studi Medievali 47, 1 (2006): 399-400.
1490. Impies et païens entre Antiquité et Moyan Age. Textes réunis par Lionel Mary et Michel Sot. Paris: 2002), Studi Medievali 47, 1 (2006): 477-78.
1491. Jacques Paul, Du monde et des hommes (Aix-en-Provence: 2003), Studi Medievali 47, 1 (2006): 495-96.
1492. Heike Bierschwale and Jaqueline van Leeuwen, Wie man eine Stadt regieren soll: Deutsche und niederländische Stadtregimentslehren des Mittelalters (Berlin, Bern, et al.: 2005), German Studies Review 29, 2 (2006): 387-88.
1493. A Companion to the Works of Hartmann von Aue, ed. Francis G. Gentry (Rochester, NY: 2005), German Studies Review 29, 2 (2006): 388-89.
1494. Visual Culture and the German Middle Ages, ed. Kathryn Starkey and Horst Wenzel (New York: 2005), German Studies Review 29, 2 (2006): 389-91.
1495. Markus Wennerhold, Späte mittelhochdeutsche Artusromane (Würzburg: 2005), Journal of English and Germanic Philology 105, 3 (2006): 458-59.
1496. Pomp, Power, and Politics: Essays on German and Scandinavian Court Culture and Their Contexts. Ed. Mara R. Wade. Daphnis 32, 1-2 (2003), arcadia 41, 1 (2006): 206-08..
1497. Francesco Furlan, La donna, la famiglia, l’amore tra medioevo e rinascimento (Florence: 2004), Sixteenth Century Journal XXXVII, 2 (2006): 553-54.
1498. Alexander Kolerus, Aula memoriae: Zur Gestalt und Funktion des Gedächtnisraums im Tristan Gottfrieds von Straßburgt und im mittelhochdeutschen Prosa-Lancelot (Frankfurt a.M.: 2006), Tristania XXIV (2006): 153-60.
1499. Le Roman de Tristan par Thomas, suivi de La Folie Tristan de Berne et La Folie Tristan d’Oxford. Traduction, présentation et notes d’Emmanuèle Baumgartner et Ian Short avec les textes édiés par Félix Lecoy ( Paris: 2003), Tristania XXIV (2006): 161-62.
1500. Irmgard Gephart, Der Zorn der Nibelungen (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2005), German Quarterly 79.3 (2006): 386-88.
1501. Matthias Riedl, Joachim von Fiore: Denker der vollendeten Menschheit (Würzburg: 2004), The Medieval Review (online) 06.08.25
1502. Dagmar Gottschall, Konrad von Megenbergs Buch von den Natürlichen Dingen (Leiden and Boston: 2004), Speculum 81.2 (2006): 520-21.
1503. Klaus Grubmüller und Markus Stock, eds., Geld im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2005), German Quarterly 79, 4 (2006): 526-27.
1504. William Urban, The Teutonic Knights (London and Minnesota: 2003), The Medieval Review 07.01.01 (online)
1505. Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Supplement 1, ed. William Chester Jordan (New York, Detroit, et al.: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 243-45.
1506. Barbara A. Hanawalt, The European World, 400-1450 (Oxford: 2005), Mediaevistik 19 (2006):, 248-50.
1507. Melitta Weiss-Adamson, Food in Medieval Times (Westport, CT., and London: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006):, 252-53.
1508. 1000.000 Jahre Sex, ed. Vincent T. van Vilsteren, Rainer-Maria Weiss (Zwolle: 2003/2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006):, 253-55.
1509. Norman Pounds, The Medieval City (Westport, CT., and London: 2005), Mediaevistik 19 (2006):, 267-69.
1510. Jean-Denis G. G. Lepage, Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe (Jefferson, NC., and London: 2002), Mediaevistik 19 (2006):, 269-70.
1511. Jean-Denis G. G. Lepage, Medieval Armies and Weapons in Western Europe (Jefferson, NC., and London: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 270-72.
1512. Karl Bertau, Schrift – Macht – Heiligkeit in den Literaturen des jüdisch-christlich-muslimischen Mittelalters (Berlin and New York: 2005), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 287-90.
1513. Anthology of Ancient and Medieval Woman’s Song, ed. Anne L. Klinck (New York: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 299-300.
1514. Rüdiger Schnell, ed., Zivilisationsprozesse: Zu Erziehungsschriften in der Vormoderne (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 302-06.
1515. Achim Diehr, Literatur und Musik im Mittelalter (Berlin: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 306-08.
1516. Robert F. Berkhofer III, Day of Reckoning. Power and Accountability in Medieval France (Philadelphia: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 353-54.
1517. Katarzyna Dybel, Être heureux au moyen âge (Louvain: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 396-97.
1518. Susanne Hafner, Maskulinität in der höfischen Erzählliteratur (Frankfurt a.M.: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 399-401.
1519. Darren Oldridge, Strange Histories: The Trial of the Pig… (London and New York: 2005), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 413-15.
1520. Joseph P. Byrne, The Black Death (Westport, CT., and London: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 419-21.
1521. Malte Prietzel, Das Heilige Römische Reich im Spätmittelalter (Darmstadt: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 421-22.
1522. Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker, Lives of the Anchoresses, trans. Myra Herspink Scholz (Philadelphia: 2005), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 432-34.
1523. The Texture of Society. Medieval Women in the Southern Low Countries. Ed. Ellen E. Kittell and Mary A. Suydam (New York: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 434-36.
1524. Suzanne Conklin Akbari, Seeing through the Veil (Toronto, Buffalo: 2002), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 443-45.
1525. Fabliaux. Erotische Geschichten aus dem Mittelalter. Ausgewählt und ins Deutsche übertragen von Elisabeth Blum (Klagenfurt: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 449-51.
1526. Christiane Witthöft, Ritual und Text. Formen symbolischer Kommunikation in der Historiographie und Literatur des Spätmittelalters (Darmstadt: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 471-73.
1527. Zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich. Elisabeth von Lothringen, Gräfin von Nassau-Saarbrücken. Hg. von Wolfgang Haubrichs und Hans-Walter Herrmann (St. Ingbert: 2002), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 473-75.
1528. Celia Fisher, Flowers in Medieval Manuscripts (Toronto and Buffalo: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 486-87.
1529. Sophie Page, Magic in Medieval Manuscripts (Toronto und Buffalo: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 487-88.
1530. Dortmund und Conrad von Soest im spätmittelalterlichen Europa, ed. Thomas Schilp and Barbara Welzel (Bielefeld: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 494-95.
1531. Karl-Heinz Göttert, Daumendrücken. Der ganz normale Aberglaube im Alltag (Stuttgart: 2003), Unterrichtspraxis 39 (2006): 130.
1532. Frederick II: The Last Emperor. The Medieval Mind (Princeton: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 1998), Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 113-14. (reported late)
1533. Mystic Women of the Middle Ages, Part 2: Hildegard of Bingen (Monmouth Junction: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2003), Unterrichtspraxis 36, 1 (2003): 113-14. (reported late)
1534. Listen, Daughter. The Speculum Virginum and the Formation of Religious Women in the Middle Ages. Ed. Constant J. Mews (New York: 2001), Mediaevistik 15 (2002): 309-11.
1535. Gerd Althoff, Die Macht der Rituale. Symbolik und Herrschaft im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2003), Mediaevistik 17 (2004): 296-98.
1536. Hildegund Keul, Verschwiegene Gottesrede. Die Mystik der Begine Mechthild von Magdeburg (Innsbruck and Vienna: 2004), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 465-67.
1537. Francesco Petrarch, On Religious Leisure (De otio religioso). Ed. and Trans. by Susan S. Schearer. Introduction by Ronald G. Witt (New York: 2002), Mediaevistik 19 (2006): 462-63.
1538-1549. (11 vols.) Le Roman de Tristan par Thomas, suivi de La Folie Tristan de Berne et La Folie Tristan d’Oxford. Traduction, présentation et notes d’Emmanuèle Baumgartner et Ian Short avec les textes édiés par Félix Lecoy ( Paris: 2003); Robert d’Orbigny, Le Conte de Floire et Blanchefleur. Nouvelle édition critique du texte du manuscrit A (Paris, BNF, fr. 375), publié, traduit, présenté et annoté par Jean-Luc Leclanche (Paris: 2003); Chevalerie et grivoiserie. Fabliaux de chevalerie. Le Prêtre et le Chevalier, Bérenger au long Cul, La Mégère émasculée, Guillaume au Faucon, Le Fouteur, publiés, traduits, présentés et annotés par Jean-Luc Leclanche (Paris: 2003); , pp. XXII, 283 (Champion Classiques. Séries “Moyen Âge”. Editions bilingues, 3); Renaud de Beaujeu, Le Bel inconnu, publiés, traduits, présentés et annotés par Michèle Perret, traduction de Michèle Perret et Isabelle Weil (Paris: 2003); Thomas de Kent, Le Roman d’Alexandre ou Le Roman de Toute Chevalerie, Traduction, présentation et notes de Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas et Laurence Harf-Lancner avec le texte édité par Brian Foster et Ian Short (Paris: 2003); Guillaume de Berneville, La Vie de Saint Gilles, texte du XIIe siècle, publié d’après le manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Laurentienne de Florence, édition bilingue, traduite, présentée et annotée par François Laurent (Paris: 2003); Huon de Bordeaux, Chanson de geste du XIIIe siècle, publiée d’après le manuscrit de Paris BNF fr. 22555 (P), édition bilingue établie, traduite, présentée et annotée par William W. Kibler et François Suard (Paris: 2003); Alain Chartier, Le Cycle de la Belle Dame Sans Mercy: Une anthologie poétique du XVe siècle (BNF MS Fr. 1131), édition bilingue établie, traduite, présentée et annotée par David F. Hult et Joan E. McRae (Paris: 2003); Floriant et Florete, édition bilingue établie, traduite, présentée et annotée par Annie Combes et Richard Trachsler (Paris: 2003); François Villon, Lais, Testament, Poésies diverses avec Ballades en Jargon, édition bilingue établie, traduite, présentée et annotée par Jean-Claude Mühlethaler, édition bilingue, publication, traduction, présentation et notes par Eric Hicks (Paris: 2004); Le Conte du Papegau. Roman arthurien du XVe siècle, édition bilingue, publication, traduction, présentation et notes par Hélène Charpentier et Patricia Victorin (Paris: 2004), Studi medievali 48 (2007): 415-18.
1550. Scott Shay, Middle High German Verbs ([Washington, D.C.?]: 2006), Unterrichtspraxis 39, 1-2 (2006): 130.
1551. Hubertus Fischer, Ritter, Schiff und Dame: Mauritius von Craûn (Heidelberg: 2006), German Quarterly 80, 1 (2007): 108-09.
1552. Thomas Ebendorfer, Historia Jerusalemitana, ed. Harald Zimmermann (Hanover: 2006), The Medieval Review 07.05.04 (online).
1553. Opritsa D. Popa, Bibliophiles and Bibliothieves: The Search for the Hildebrandslied and the Willehalm Codex (Berlin and New York: 2003), The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 61, 1 (2007): 98-100.
1554. Alcuin Blamires and Gail C. Holian, The Romance of the Rose Illuminated: Manuscripts at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth (Tempe: 2002), The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 61, 1 (2007): 102-03.
1555. Deutsche Liebeslyrik im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert, ed. Gert Hübner (Amsterdam and New York: 2005), Sixteenth Century Journal XXXVIII, 1 (2007): 258-60.
1556. Karl Bertau, Schrift – Macht – Heiligkeit in den Literaturen des jüdisch-christlich-muslimischen Mittelalters (Berlin and New York: 2005), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 42, 1 (2007): 155-59.
1557. Das Nibelungenlied. Nach der St. Galler Handschrift hg. und erläutert von Hermann Reichert (Berlin and New York: 2005), German Quarterly 80, 2 (2007): 247-48.
1558. Das Nibelungenlied: Song of the Nibelungenlied, trans. Burton Raffel (New Haven and London: 2006), Unterrichtspraxis 40, 1 (2007): 96-97.
1559. Bettina Bildhauer, Medieval Blood (Cardiff, Wales: 2006), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 63 (2007): 259-62.
1560. The Writings of Julian of Norwich: A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman and A Revelation of Love, ed. Nicholas Watson and Jacqueline Jenkins (University Park, PA: 2006), Mystical Quarterly XXXII, 3-4 (2006): 58-60.
1561. Bruce Holsinger, The Premodern Condition: Medievalism and the Making of Theory (Chicago and London: 2005), arcadia 42, 1 (2007): 192-94.
1562. The Medieval Chronicle II. Ed. by Erik Kooper (Amsterdam and New York: 2002), arcadia 42, 1 (2007): 195-97.
1563. Hermann Conring’s New Discourse on the Roman-German Emperor. Ed. and trans. Constantin Fasolt (Tempe, AZ: 2005), Sixteenth Century Studies XXXVIII, 2 (2007): 453-55.
1564. A Companion to The Reformation World, ed. R. Po-chia Hsia (Malden, MA, and Oxford: 2006), Sixteenth Century Journal XXXVIII, 2 (2007): 480-81.
1565. The Medieval World, ed. Peter Linehan and Janet L. Nelson (Cambridge: 2001/2003), Studi Medievali XLVIII, II (2007): 931-33.
1566. Michael Baldzuhn, Vom Sangspruch zum Meisterlied (Tübingen: 2002), Lied und populäre Kultur. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs 52 (2007): 182-83.
1567. Lisa Lampert, Gender and Jewish Difference from Paul to Shakespeare (Philadelphia: 2004), Women in Judaism 4, 2 (2007): 1-3 (only online publication at:
1568. Reinhard Dithmar, Auf Luthers Spuren: Ein biographischer Reiseführer (Leipzig: 2006), Sixteenth-Century Journal XXXVIII, 3 (2007): 832.
1569. Olle Ferm and Volker Honemann, eds., Chess and Allegory in the Middle Ages (Stockholm: 2005), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 42, 3 (2007): 500-02.
1570. Pest: Die Geschichte eines Menschheitstraumas, ed. Mischa Meier (Stuttgart: 2005), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 42, 3 (2007): 502-04.
1571. Courtly Arts and the Art of Courtliness: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 29 July-4 August 2004, ed. Keith Busby and Christopher Kleinhenz (Woodbridge and Rochester, NY: 2006), The Medieval Review, 08.02.14 (online)
1572. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2006, ed. Stephan Füssel (Wiesbaden: 2006), Publishing Research Quarterly 23, 1 (2007): 92-93.
1573. Annette Helmchen, Die Entstehung der Nationen im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit (Bern et al.: 2005), Sixteenth-Century Journal XXXVIII, 4 (2007): 1192-94.
1574. Dee Dyas and Esther Hughes, The Bible in Western Culture (London and New York: 2005), Sixteenth-Century Studies XXXVIII, 4 (2007): 1202.
1575. Carolin Wirtz, Köln und Venedig: Wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Beziehungen im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (Cologne: 2006), Sixteenth-Century Journal XXXVIII, 4 (2007): 1086-87.
1576. Jews, Judaism, and the Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Germany, ed. Dean Phillip Bell and Stephen G. Burnett (Leiden: 2006), Sixteenth Century Journal XXXVIII, 4 (2007): 1094-95.
1577. Brian Patrick McGuire, Jean Gerson and the Last Medieval Reformation (University Park, PA: 2005), Fifteenth-Century Studies 33 (2008): 242-44.
1578. Franz Neiske, Europa im frühen Mittelalter 500-15050: Eine Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichte (Darmstadt: 2007), Futhark 2 (2007): 298-301.
1579. Kleinere mittelhochdeutsche Verserzählungen: Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch, ausgewählt, übersetzt und kommentiert von Jürgen Schulz-Grobert (Stuttgart: 2006), Futhark 2 (2007): 301-02.
1580-1581. Leben und Abenteuer des großen Königs Apollonius von Tyrus zu Land und zur See: Ein Abenteuerroman von Heinrich von Neustadt verfaßt zu Wien um 1300 nach Gottes Geburt. Übertragen mit allen Miniaturen der Wiener Handschrift C, mit Anmerkungen und einem Nachwort von Helmut Birkhan. Second unchanged ed. ( 2001; Bern et al.: 2005), and
Simone Schultz-Balluff, Dispositio picta – Dispositio imaginum: Zum Zusammenhang von Bild, Text, Struktur und ‘Sinn’ in den Überlieferungsträgern von Heinrichs von Neustadt “Apollonius von Tyrland” (Bern et al.: 2006), Journal of English and Germanic Philology (2008): 277-79.
1582. Approaches to Teaching the Song of Roland, ed. William W. Kibler and Leslie Zarker Morgan (New York: 2006), The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 62, 1 (2008): 49-59.
1583. Sean L. Field. Isabelle of France: Capetian Sanctity and Franciscan Identity in the Thirteenth Century (Notre Dame, 2006), The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 62, 1 (2008): 51-52.
1584. Women’s Space: Patronage, Place, and Gender in the Medieval Church, ed. Virginia Chieffo Raguin and Sarah Stanbury (Albany, NY: 2005), Studi medievali 49, 1 (2008): 454-56.
1585. Sarah S. Poor, Mechthild of Magdeburg and Her Book (Philadelphia: 2004), Studi medievali 49, 1 (2008): 490-91.
1586. Kay Slocum, Medieval Civilization (Belmont, CA: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 275-76.
1587. David d’Avray, Medieval Marriage (Oxford: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 286-88.
1588. E. Edson and E. Savage-Smith, Medieval Views of the Cosmos (Oxford: 2004), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 296-97.
1589. Lateinische Lehrer Europas, ed. Wolfram Ax (Cologne, Weimar, Vienna: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 298-99.
1590. Richard Fletcher, Ein Elefant für Karl den Großen. Christen und Muslime im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2005), in: Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 365-67.
1591. Mirakelberichte des frühen und hohen Mittelalters, ed. Klaus Herbers et al. (Darmstadt: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 370-72.
1592. Otfrid von Weißenburg, Evangelienbuch. Aus dem Althochdeutschen übertragen von Heiko Hartmann (Herne 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 374-75.
1593. Franz Posset, The Two-Fold Knowledge: Readings on the Knowledge of Self & the Knowledge of God, sel. and trans. from the works of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (Milwaukee: 2004), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 394-95.
1594. Joseph Goering, The Virgin and the Grail: Origins of a Legend (New Haven and London: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 397-99.
1595. Bea Lundt, Weiser und Weib: Weisheit und Geschlecht am Beispiel der Erzähltradition von den “Sieben Weisen Meistern” (Munich: 2002), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 399-402.
1596. Anna Kłosowska, Queer Love in the Middle Ages (New York: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 402-04.
1597. Don A. Monson, Andreas Capellanus, Scholasticism, & the Courtly Tradition (Washington, D.C.: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 411-14.
1598. Karen Sullivan, Truth and the Heretic: Crises of Knowledge in Medieval French Literature (Chicago and London: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 418-21.
1599. Zrinka Stahuljak, Bloodless Genealogies of the French Middle Ages (Gainesville: 2005), in: Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 421-22.
1600. Helmut Birkhan, Lehrhafte Dichtung zwischen 1200 und 1300 (Vienna: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 423-24.
1601. María del Carmen Balbuena Torezano, Frauenlied-Frauenstrophe: El discurso femenino en la lírica de Der von Kürenberg (Huelva: 2003), in: Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 424-26.
1602. Wirnt von Grafenberg, Wigalois. Text, Übersetzung, Stellenkommentar von Sabine Seelbach und Ulrich Seelbach (Berlin: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 426-28.
1603. Heinrich von dem Türlin, Die Krone. 2 Vols. Vol. 1: ed. Fritz Peter Knapp; Vol. 2: ed. Alfred Ebenbauer and Florian Kragl (Tübingen: 200 and 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2005): 428-29.
1604. Joachim Heinzle, Die Nibelungen. Lied und Sage (Darmstadt: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 429-32.
1605. George Beech, Was the Bayeux Tapestry Made in France? The Case for Saint-Florent of Saumur (New York: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 439-41.
1606. Elka Weber, Traveling through Text: Message and Method in Late Medieval Pilgrimage Accounts (New York and London: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 472-73.
1607. Martin le Franc, The Trial of Womankind. A Rhyming Tanslation of Book IV of the Fifteenth-Century Le Champion des dames. Ed. and trans. Steven Millen Taylor (Jefferson, NC., and London: 2005), in: Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 474-75.
1608. Ursula Kocher, Boccaccio und die deutsche Novellistik: Formen der Transposition italienischer ‘novelle’ im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (Amsterdam and New York: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 475-78.
1609. Johannes Melters, “ein frölich gemüt zu machen in schweren zeiten…” Der Schwankroman in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (Berlin: 2004), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 479-80.
1610. Hugo von Montfort, Das poetische Werk, ed. Wernfried Hofmeister (Berlin and New York: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 481-82.
1611. “der slecht weg zuo dem himelrich”. Ein oberrheinisches Erbauungsbuch. Edition und Kommentar, ed. Arnold Otto (Berlin: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 482-83.
1612. Manuela Niesner, “Wer mit juden well disputiren”. Deutschsprachige Adversus-Judaeos-Literatur des 14. Jahrhunderts (Tübingen: 2005), in: Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 483-86.
1613. Early Yiddish Texts, 1100-1750. Ed. Jerold C. Frakes (Oxford 2004), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 490-92.
1614. Catherine S. Cox, The Judaic Other in Dante, the Gawain Poet, and Chaucer (Gainesville, Tallahassee, et al.: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 492-95.
1615. Siobhain Bly Calkin, Saracens and the Making of English Identity: The Auchinlek Manuscript (New York and London: 2005), Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 495-97.
1616. Janet Backhouse, Illumination from Books of Hours (London: 2004), in: Mediaevistik 20 (2007): 515-16.
1617. Text und Text in lateinischer und volkssprachiger Überlieferung des Mittelalters, ed. Eckart Conrad Lutz. Wolfram-Studien XIX (Berlin: 2006), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CVIII, 4 (2007): 769-71.
1618. Tomas Tomasek, Gottfried von Straßburg (Stuttgart: 2007), German Quarterly 81, 2 (2008): 221-22.
1619. Die Chronik Bruder Göbels. Aufzeichnungen eines Laienbruders aus dem Kloster Böddeken 1502 bis 1543, ed. Heinrich Rüthing (Bielefeld: 2006), Daphnis 36, 1-2 (2007): 355-57.
1620. Johannes Janota, Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn der Neuzeit. Vol. III/I: Orientierung durch volkssprachige Schriftlichkeit (1280/90-1380/90) (Tübingen: 2004), Seminar XLIII, 1 (2007): 71-72.
1621. Sara S. Poor, Mechthild of Magdeburg and Her Book: Gender and the Making of Textual Authority (Philadelphia: 2004), Seminar XLIII, 3 (2007): 366-68.
1622. Growing Old in Early Modern Europe, ed. Erin Campbell (Burlington, VT: 2006),in: Sixteenth Century Journal XXXIX, 1 (2008): 131-33.
1623. Flo Keyes, The Literature of Hope in the Middle Ages and Today (Jefferson, NC., and London: 2006), arcadia 43, 1 (2008): 209-11.
1624. Gesund und krank im Mittelalter: Marburger Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte der Medizin, ed. Andreas Meyer and Jürgen Schulz-Grobert (Leipzig: 2007), arcadia 43, 1 (2008): 211-14.
1625. Margarete Zimmermann, Salon der Autorinnen: Französische dames de lettres vom Mittelalter bis zum 17. Jahrhundert (Berlin: 2005), Sixteenth Century Journal XXXIX, 2 (2008): 542-43.
1626. Michael Speier, welt /raum / reisen (Berlin: 2007), Trans-Lit 2 XV, 2 (2008): 104-05.
1627. Joachim Ringelnatz, Und auf einmal steht es neben dir. Gesammelte Gedichte (Frankfurt a. M.: 2007), XIV, 2 (2008): 107-09.
1628. Judith J. Hurwich, Noble Strategies: Marriage and Sexuality in the Zimmern Chronicle (Kirksville, MO: 2007), SMGS News and Reviews 27 (2008), online at:
1629. Fritz Wagner, Zum Mittelalterbild der Brüder Grimm (Berlin: 2005), German Studies Review 29, 3 (Oct. 2006): 656-57.
1630-31. Ernst Schubert, Essen und Trinken im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2006); Daniel Furrer, Zechen und Bechern: Eine Kulturgeschichte des Trinkens und Betrinkens (Darmstadt: 2006), German Studies Review 30, 2 (May 2007): 392-94.
1632. Fritz Wagner, Sulla fortuna di Petrarca in Germania, e altri studi, a cura di I Deug-Su (Florence: 2005), German Studies Review 29, 3 (Oct. 2006): 658-60.
1633. James A. Schultz, Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality (Chicago and London: 2006), German Studies Review 30, 2 (May 2007): 394-96.
1634. Maria Dobozy, Re-Membering the Present: The Medieval German Poet-Minstrel in Cultural Context (Turnhout: 2005), German Studies Review (May 2007): 391-92.
1635. Martina Backes, Fremde Historien: Untersuchen zur Überlieferungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte französischer Erzählstoffe im deutschen Mittelalter (Tübingen: 2004), German Studies Review 30, 1 (Feb. 2007): 163-64.
1636. Judith J. Hurwich, Noble Strategies: Marriage and Sexuality in the Zimmern Chronicle (Kirksville, MO: 2006), German Studies Review 31, 1 (Feb. 2008): 157-59.
1637. Waltraud Maierhofer, Hexen – Huren – Heldenweiber: Bilder des Weiblichen in Erzähltexten über den Dreißigjährigen Krieg (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2005), German Studies Review 31, 2 (May 2008): 423-25.
1638. Frühneuzeitliche Bildungsreisen im Spiegel lateinischer Texte, ed. Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich and Walther Ludwig (Weimar and Jena: 2007), Medievalia et Humanistica 34 (2008): 175-76.
1639. Barbara Newman, Frauenlob’s Song of Songs: A Medieval German Poet and His Masterpiece (University Park: 2007), Medievalia et Humanistica 34 (2008): 183-85
1640. Christoph Gerhardt. Grobianische Diätetik: Zu den sieben größten Freuden in Rede, Lied und Priamel sowie zu dem Fastnachtspiel ‘Das Ungetüm’ (Trier: 2007), German Studies Review 32, 1 (2009): 199-201
1641. Max Reinhart, ed. Early Modern German Literature 1350-1700 (Rochester, NY, and Woodbridge: 2007), German Studies Review 32, 1 (2009): 201-02.
1642. Mass Market Medieval: Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture, ed. David W. Marshall (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2007), arcadia 43, 2 (2008): 441-42.
1643. anima und sêle. Darstellungen und Systematisierungen von Seele im Mittelalter, ed. Katharina Philipowski and Anne Prior (Berlin: 2006), arcadia 43, 2 (2008): 443-46.
1644. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 81, ed. Stephan Füssel (Wiesbaden: 2008), Publishing Research Quarterly 25.1 (2009): 50-51.
1645. Jan M. Ziolkowski, Solomon and Marcolf (Cambridge, MA, and London: 2008), The Medieval Review (online TMR 09.03.14).
1646. Rita Haub, Die Geschichte der Jesuiten (Darmstadt: 2007), Sixteenth-Century Journal XXXIX.4 (2008): 1207-08.
1647. Gabrielle Alioth, Die Braut aus Byzanz. Roman (Munich: 2008), XV.1 (2009): 96-97.
1648. Gert Niers, In Abwesenheit: Lyrik und Prosa (Sioux Falls, SD: 2009), XV.1 (2009): 100-01.
1649-53. Marion Märrie Violett, Mitlesebuch 59; Peter Huckauf, Mitlesebuch 66; Inka Bach, Mitlesebuch 75; Richard Pietrass, Mitlesebuch 76; Hansjürgen Bulkowski, Mitlesebuch 97 (Berlin: 2008), XV.1 (2009): 98-100.
1654. Yvonne Dellsperger, Lebendige Historien und Erfahrungen: Studien zu Sebastian Francks “Chronica Zeitbuoch vnnd Geschichtbibell” (1531/1536) (Berlin: 2008), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 65 (2009): 267-69.
1655. Neidhart Lieder. Texte und Melodien sämtlicher Handschriften und Drucke. 3 Bde. Hg. von Ulrich Müller, Ingrid Bennewitz, Franz Viktor Spechtler (Berlin and New York: 2007), Jahrbuch des deutschen Volksliedarchivs 54 (2009): 408-10.
1656. Jessika Warning, Neidharts Sommerlieder: Überlieferungsvarianz und Autoridentität (Tübingen: 2007), Jahrbuch des deutschen Volksliedarchivs 54 (2009): 460-62.
1657. Emotions in the Heart of the City (14th-16th century), ed. Elodie Lecuppre-Desjardin & Anne-Laure Van Bruaene (Turnhout: 2005), Bulletin of International Medieval Research 14 (2008): 82-83.
1658. The Use and Abuse of Sacred Places in Late Medieval Towns, ed. by Paul Trio and Marjan De Smet (Leuven: 2006), Bulletin of International Medieval Research 14 (2008): 109-11.
1659. Susanna Niiranen, “Miroir de mérite”: Valeurs sociales, rôles et image de la femme dans les textes médiévaux des troibairitz (Jyväskylä, Finland: 2009), Suomalaisten Kiina: Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 107 (2009): 241-44.
1660. “No Child’s Play,” in Children and Youth in History, Item #294, (accessed September 21, 2009).
1661. Der Tod der Nachtigall: Liebe als Selbstreflexivität von Kunt, ed. Martin Baisch and Beatrice Trînca (Göttingen: 2009), Monatshefte 101.3 (2009): 408-10.
1662. Georgi Vasilev, Heresy and the English Reformation: Bogomil-Cathar Influence on Wycliffe, Langland, Tyndale and Milton (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2008), Sixteenth-Century Journal XL.2 (2009): 575-76.
1663. Barbara Tepa Lupack with Alan Lupack, Illustrating Camelolt (Cambridge: 2008), arcadia 44.1 (2009): 195-96.
1664. Mythenrezeption: Die antike Mythologie in Literatur, Musik und Kunst von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Maria Moog-Grünewald (Stuttgart and Weimar: 2008), arcadia 44.1 (2009): 196-97.
1665. Nachgetragenes: 75 Jahre PEN-Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland, ed. Gabrielle Alioth and Hans-Christian Oeser (Heidelberg: 2009), to appear in: XV.2 (2009): 117-19.
1666. La Chanson de Walther: Waltharii poesis, trad. et annoté par Sophie Albert, Silvère Menegaldo et Francine Mora (Grenoble: 2008), Encomia 31 (2009): 15-16.
1667. Fatemeh Chehregosha Azinfar, Atheism in the Medieval Islamic & European WorldThe Influence of Persian and Arabic Ideas of Doubt and Skepticism on Medieval European Literary Thought (Bethesda, MD: 2008), Medievalia et Humanistica 35 (2009): 105-07.
1668. Living Dangerously: On the Margins in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. Barbara A. Hanawalt and Anna Grotans (Notre Dame: 2007), Medievalia et Humanistica 35 (2009): 127-29.
1669. War and Peace in Ancient and Medieval History, ed. Philip de Souza and John France (Cambridge: 2008), Medievalia et Humanistica 35 (2009): 146-48.
1670. Logan E. Whalen, Marie de France & the Poetics of Memory (Washington, D.C.: 2008), Medievalia et Humanistica 35 (2009): 152-53.
1671. Maurits Smeyers, Flemish Miniatures from the 8th to the mid-16th Century (Leuven: 1999), Mediaevistik 16 (2003): 254-56 (reported late).
1672. Thordis Hennings, Französische Heldenepik im deutschen Sprachraum (Heidelberg: 2007), Journal of English and German Philology 109.1 (2010): 92-93.
1673. Pavel Blažek, Die mittelalterliche Rezeption der aristotelischen Philosophie der Ehe: Von Robert Grosseteste bis Bartholomäus von Brügge (1246/1247–1309) (Leiden and Boston: 2007), Speculum 84.4 (2009): 1013-14.
1674. Elke Koch, Trauer und Identität: Inszenierungen von Emotionen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters (Berlin and New York: 2006), Tristania XXV (2009): 176-81.
1675. A Companion to Arthurian Literature, ed. Helen Fulton. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Cultures (Malden, MA, and Oxford: 2008), Tristania XXV (2009): 187-89.
1676. Molly Robinson Kelly, The Hero’s Place: Medieval Literary Traditions of Space and Belonging (Washington, DC: 2009), Tristania XXV (2009): 190-93.
1677. Francesc Eiximenis: An Anthology. Introduction and selection of texts by Xavier Renedo and David Guixeras. Trans. by Robert D. Hughes (Barcelona and Woodbridge: 2008), Studi medievali Serie Terza, L, II (2009): 983-84.
1678. John Wijngaards, Women Deacons in the Early Church: Historical Texts and Contemporary Debates (2002; New York: 2006), Studi Medievali Serie Terza, L, II (2009): 987-89.
1679. Jakob Ruf. Leben, Werk und Studien, 5 vols., ed. Hildegard Elisabeth Keller et al (Zürich: 2008), Society for Medieval German Studies Newsletter 29 (2009/2010), ed. Ernst Hintz (, Feb. 5, 2010)
1680. Haus- und Familienbücher in der städtischen Gesellschaft des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, ed. Birgit Studt (Cologne, et al.: 2007), Sixteenth-Century Studies XL.3 (2009): 836.
1681. Margaret R. Miles, A Complex Delight: The Secularization of the Breast, 1350-1750 (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: 2008), Sixteenth-Century Studies XL.3 (2009): 997-98.
1682. Christina Antenhofer, Briefe zwischen Süd und Nord: Die Hochzeit und Ehe von Paula de Gonzaga und Leonhard von Görz im Spiegel der fürstlichen Kommunikation (1473-1500) (Innsbruck: 2007), Sixteenth-Century Studies XL.3 (2009): 1016-18.
1683. Fiona J. Griffiths, The Garden of Delights: Reform and Renaissance for Women in the Twelfth Century (Philadelphia: 2007), German Quarterly 83.1 (2010): 97-98.
1684. Reading the Middle Ages: Sources from Europe, Byzantium, and the Islamic World, ed. Barbara H. Rosenwein (Peterborough, Ontario: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 159-61.
1685. Georg Scheibelreiter, Hg., Höhepunkte des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2004), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 161-62.
1686. Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller, Die Kindlein spotten meiner schier. Quellen und Reflexionen zu den Alten und zum Vergreisungsprozeß im Mittelalter (Hamburg: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 165-67.
1687. Arbeit im Mittelalter. Vorstellungen und Wirklichkeiten, ed. Verena Postel (Berlin: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 180-83.
1688. Jean-Denis G. G. Lepage, The Fortifications of Paris (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 201-03.
1689. Progrès, Réaction, Décadence dans l’Occident Médiévale. Etudes Recueillies par Emmanuèle Baumgartner et Laurence Harf-Lancner (Geneva: 2003), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 222-24.
1690. Framing the Family: Narrative and Representation in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods, ed. Rosalynn Voaden and Diane Wolfthal (Tempe: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 239-40.
1691. Marilynn Desmond, Ovid’s Art and the Wife of Bath. The Ethics of Erotic Violence (Ithaca and London: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 246-49.
1692. Friedrich Ohly, Sensus Spiritualis: Studies in Medieval Significs and the Philology of Culture (Chicago and London: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 249-51.
1693. König Artus lebt! Eine Ringvorlesung des Mittelalterzentrums der Universität Bonn. Hg. Stefan Zimmer (Heidelberg: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 251-54.
1694. Stefan Zimmer, Die keltischen Wurzeln der Artussage (Heidelberg: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 254-56.
1695. The Fortunes of King Arthur, ed. Norris J. Lacy (Cambridge: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 256-57.
1696. Brigitte Burrichter, Erzählte Labyrinthe und labyrinthisches Erzählen. Romanische Literatur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (Cologne, Weimar, Vienna: 2003), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 257-59.
1697. Medieval Mastery. Book illuminatio from Charlemagne to Charles the Bold, 800-1475, ed. L. Preedy, W. Noel (Leuven: 2002), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 267-68.
1698. Secular Sacred: 11th – 16th Century. Works from the Boston Public Library and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, ed. Nancy Netzer (Boston: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 268-69.
1699. Sylvia Landsberg, The Medieval Garden (Toronto: 2003), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 273-75.
1700. Mittelalter und Renaissance in honorem Fritz Wagner, ed. Angelika Lozar and Sybill De Vito-Egerland (Munich and Leipzig: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 275-76.
1701. Johannes Laudage, Lars Hageneier, Yvonne Leiverkus, Die Zeit der Karolinger (Darmstadt: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 289-91.
1702. Rosvita de Gandersheim: Obras Completas, Juan Martos, Rosario Moreno Soldevila, Introducción, traducción y notas (Huelva: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 326-27.
1703. Juden, Christen und Muslime. Religionsdialoge im Mittelalter, ed. Matthias Lutz-Bachmann and Alexander Fidora (Darmstadt: 2004), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 378-80.
1704. Petrus Alfoni, Dialogue against the Jews, trans. Irven Resnick (Washington, D.C.: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 384-85.
1705. Cary J. Nederman, John of Salisbury (Tempe, AZ: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 397.
1706. An Anthology of Medieval Love Poetry, trans. Barbara K. Altmann and R. Barton Palmer (Gainesville et al.: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 398-99.
1707. Maria di Francia, Favole. Introduzione e traduzione a cura di Roberta Morosini (Rome: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 400-01.
1708. Wace, Le Roman de Brut: The French Book of Brutus, trans. Arthur Wayne Glowka (Tempe, AZ: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 402.
1709. Hartmann von Aue, Erec. 7. Aufl. besorgt von Kurt Gärtner (Tübingen: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 407-08.
1710. Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, Lanzelet, ed. Florian Kragl. 2 vols (Berlin and New York: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 409-12.
1711. Die ‘Nibelungenlied’-Handschrift C Codex Donaueschingen 63 (Karlsruhe 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 415-16.
1712. Die Kleinepik des Stickers, ed. Emilio González and Victor Millet (Berlin: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 416-17.
1713. Ulrich von Liechtenstein, Frauenbuch. Hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Christopher Young (Stuttgart: 2003), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 417-20.
1714. Women and Medieval Epic. Gender, Genre, and the Limits of Epic Masculinity. Ed. Sara S. Poor and Jana K. Schulman (New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 420-22.
1715. Günther Binding, Als die Kathedralen in den Himmel wuchsen. Bauen im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 436-37.
1716. Katharina Fietze, Im Gefolge Dianas. Frauen und höfische Jagd im Mittelalter (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 451-52.
1717. Erin L. Jordan, Women, Power, and Religious Patronage in the Middle Ages (New York: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (20008): 452-54.
1718. Monika Fehse, Dortmund um 1400. Hausbesitz, Wohnverhältnisse und Arbeitsstäten in der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt (Bielefeld: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 464-65.
1719. Nancy Caciola, Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Possessions in the Middle Ages (Ithaca and London: 2003), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 476-78.
1720. Sister Prudence Allen, The Concept of Woman. Vol. II: The Early Humanist Reformation, 1250-1500 (Grand Rapids: 2002), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 479-83.
1721. Joan of Arc: La Pucelle. Selected Sources transl. and annotated by Craig Taylor (Manchester: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 483-84.
1722. Erziehung, Bildung, Bildungsinstitutionen, ed. Rudolf Suntrup, Jan R. Veenstra, Anne Bollmann (Frankfurt a.M., et al.: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 489-91.
1723. Henning Steinführer, Die Weimarer Stadtbücher des späten Mittelalters (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 496-97.
1724. Medieval Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Dialogue: The Apparicion Maistre Jehan de Meun of Honorat Bovet. A Critical Edition with English Translation by Michael Hanly (Tempe: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 509-10.
1725. Horst Wenzel, Höfische Repräsentation. Symbolische Kommunikation und Literatur im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 521-22.
1726. Rabenschlacht: Textgeschichtliche Ausgabe, ed. Elisabeth Lienert and Dort Wolter (Tübingen: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 524-25.
1727. Bettina Hatheyer, Das Buch von Akkon: Das Thema Kreuzzug in der Steirischen Reimchronik des Ottokar aus der Gaal (Göppingen: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 525-27.
1728. Dietlinde Gade, Wissen – Glaube – Dichtung. Kosmologie und Astronomie in der meisterlichen Lieddichtung des vierzehnten und fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts (Tübingen: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 529-31.
1729. Gerhild Scholz Williams, Alexander Schwarz, Existentielle Vergeblichkeit. Verträge in der Mélusine, im Eulenspiegel und im Dr. Faustus (Berlin: 2003), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 531-33.
1730. Mareike Temmen, Das ‘Abdinghofer Arzneibuch’: Edition und Untersuchung einer Handschrift mittelniederdeutscher Fachprosa (Cologne, Weimar, Vienna: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 533-34.
1731. Gretchen Mieszkowski, Medieval Go-Betweens and Chaucer’s Pandarus (New York: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 546-48.
1732. Horst Wenzel, C. Stephen Jaeger, eds., Visualisierungsstrategien in mittelalterlichen Bildern und Texten (Berlin: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 551-53.
1733. Jeremy Lowe, Desiring Truth. The Process of Judgment in Fourteenth-Century Art and Literature (New York and London: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 553-55.
1734. Städtische Repräsentation. St. Reinoldi und das Rathaus als Schauplätze des Dortmunder Mittelalters, ed.. Nils Büttner et al. (Bielefeld: 2005), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 556-58.
1735. Rainer Kahsnitz, Carved Splendor: Late Gothic Altarpieces in Southern Germany, Austria, and South Tirol (Los Angeles: 2006), Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 564-66.
1736. Renate Jürgensen, Melos conspirant singuli in unum. Repertorium bio-bibliographicum zur Geschichte des Pegnesischen Blumenordens in Nürnberg (1644-1744) (Wiesbaden: 2006 ), Aus dem Antiquariat NF 6, 3 (2008): 200.
1737. Christian Schneider, Hovezuht: Literarische Hofkultur und höfisches Lebensideal um Herzog Albrecht III. von Österreich und Erzbischof Pilgrim II. von Salzburg (1365-1396) (Heidelberg: 2008), German Studies Review 33.1 (2010): 201-02.
1738. Martin Schuhmann, Reden und Erzählen: Figurenrede in Wolframs Parzival und Titurel (Heidelberg: 2008), German Studies Review 33.1 (2010): 202-03.
1739. Anna Linton, Poetry and Parental Bereavement in Early Modern Lutheran Germany (Oxford: 2008), German Studies Review 33.1 (2010): 204-05.
1740. Johannes Frey, Spielräume des Erzählens: Zur Rolle der Figuren in den Erzählkonzeptionen von Yvain, Íwein, Ywain und Ívens saga (Stuttgart: 2008), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXI.1 (2010): 106-07.
1741. Johannes Spicker, Oswald von Wolkenstein: Die Lieder (Berlin: 2007), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXI.1 (2010): 108-09.
1742. Wolfdietrich B: Paralleledition der Redaktionen B/K und H, ed. Walter Kofler (Stuttgart: 2008), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXI.1 (2010): 110-11.
1743. Alfredo Bauer, Mythen-Szenen (Mainz: 2009), XVI.1 (2010): 97-98.
1744. Michael Eskin, The DNA of Prejudice: On the One and the Many (New York: 2010), XVI.1 (2010): 105-07.
1745. Rüdiger Brandt, Konrad von Würzburg: Kleinere epische Werke. 2nd ed. (Berlin: 2009), Futhark 4 (2009): 296-99.
1746. Christian Schneider, Hovezuht: Literarische Hofkultur und höfisches Lebensideal um Herzog Albrecht III. von Österreich und Erzbischof Pilgrim II. von Salzburg (1365-1396) (Heidelberg: 2008), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 66 (2010): 263-65.
1747. Martin Schuhmann, Reden und Erzählen. Figurenrede in Wolframs Parzival und Titurel (Heidelberg: 2008), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 66 (2010): 266-67.
1748. Jolyon Timothy Hughes, Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Criticism of Minnedienst in His Narrative Works (Lanham, Boulder, New York, et al.: 2009), German Studies Review 33.2 (2010): 438-40.
1749. Dana E. Stewart, The Arrow of Love. Optics, Gender, and Subjectivity in Medieval Love Poetry (Lewisburg and London: 2003), Studi medievali LI.1 (2010): 437-39
1750. Miri Rubin, Gentile Tales: The Narrative Assault on Late Medieval Jews (1999; Philadelphia: 2004), Studi medievali LI.1 (2010): 440-43.
1751. Cordelia Beattie, Medieval Single Women. The Politics of Social Classification in Late Medieval England (Oxford: 2007), Studi medievali LI.1 (2010): 443-44.
1752. Winfried Frey and Andrea Frölich, Das Judenbild in den Flugschriften des 16. Jahrhundert: Kontinuität und Wandel. CD-ROM, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M., 2008, Sixteenth-Century Journal XLI.2 (2010): 514-15.
1753. Jan-Dirk Müller, Das Nibelungenlied. 3., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. (Berlin: 2009), Futhark 5 (2010): 254-56.
1754. Atlas of Medieval Europe, ed. David Ditchburn et al. 2nd ed. (London and New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 241-42.
1755. Roland Pauler, Leben im Mittelalter. Ein Lexikon (Darmstadt: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 244-45.
1756. Wind & Water in the Middle Ages. Fluid Technologies from Antiquity to the Renaissance, ed. Steven A. Walton (Tempe, AZ: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 253-54.
1757. Richard W. Unger, Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Philadelphia: 2004), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 254-56.
1758. Marshall Faintich, Astronomical Symbols on Ancient and Medieval Coins (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2008), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 256-57.
1759. Jennifer Ward, Women in England in the Middle Ages (London and New York: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 261-62.
1760. England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th-15th Century: Cultural, Literary, and Political Exchanges, ed. María Bullón-Fernández (New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 265-68.
1761. Sabine Buttinger, Hinter Klostermauern: Alltag im mittelalterlichen Kloster (Darmstadt: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 278-79.
1762. Pilgrims & Pilgrimage. Interactive CD-ROM, ed. Dee Dyas (2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 279-81.
1763. Don C. Skemer, Binding Words: Textual Amulets in the Middle Ages (University Park, PA: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 283-85.
1764. John Marenbon, Medieval Philosophy: an Historical and Philosophical Introduction (London and New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 285-87.
1765. Mittelalterliches Denken, ed. Christian Schäfer and Martin Thurner (Darmstadt: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 287-88.
1766. Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde, Die literarische Welt des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 295-97.
1767. Valerie Allen, On Farting: Language and Laughter in the Middle Ages (New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 297-99.
1768. Images of Salvation: The Story of the Bible through Medieval Art. Interactive CD-ROM. 2nd ed. General Editor Dee Dyas (Nottingham: 2004), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 316-18.
1769. Paul B. Newman, Growing Up in the Middle Ages (Jefferson, NC., and London: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 327-29.
1770. En quête d’Utopies. Textes réunis par Claude Thomasset et Danièle James-Raoul (Paris: 2005), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 331-35.
1771. Lynette Olson, The Early Middle Ages: The Birth of Europe (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 347-348.
1772. Quellen zur Alltagsgeschichte im Früh- und Hochmittelalter, ed. Ulrich Nonn (Darmstadt: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 348-49.
1773. Fürstenspiegel des frühen und hohen Mittelalters, ed. Hans Hubert Anton (Darmstadt: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 380-81.
1774. David Crouch, Tournament (London and New York: 2005), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 407-08.
1775. J. Riley-Smith, The Crusades: A History, second ed. Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 412-14.
1776. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Hybridity, Identity, and Monstrosity in Medieval Britain: On Difficult Middles (New York: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 419-21.
1777. Paula M. Rieder, On the Purification of Women. Churching in Northern France, 1100-1550 (New York: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 429-31.
1778. Jörg Oberste, Ketzerlei und Inquisition im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 431-32.
1779. Noah D. Guynn, Allegory and Sexual Ethis in the High Middle Ages (New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 437-40.
1780. Comic Provocations: Exposing the Corpus of Old French Fabliaux, ed. Holly A. Crocker (New York: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 457-60.
1781. Uta Störmer-Caysa, Grundstrukturen mittelalterlicher Erzählungen. Raum und Zeit im höfischen Roman (Berlin and New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 464-67.
1782. Hermann Reichert, Konkordanz zum Nibelungenlied nach der St. Galler Handschrift. 2 vols. (Vienna: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 468-70.
1783. Pfaffe Lambrecht, Alexanderroman. Mittelhochdeutsche / Neuhochdeutsch. Hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Elisabeth Lienert (Stuttgart: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 470-71.
1784. Silvia Reuvekamp, Sprichwort und Sentenz im narrativen Kontext: Ein Beitrag zur Poetik des höfischen Romans (Berlin and New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 471-73.
1785. Jarbel Rodriguez, Captives and Their Saviors in the Medieval Crown of Aragon. Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 524-25.
1786. Britta-Juliane Kruse, Witwen. Kulturgeschichte eines Standes in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (Berlin and New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 526-28.
1787. Dagmar M. H. Hemmie, Ungeordnete Unzucht: Prostitution im Hanseraum, 12.-16. Jahrhundert (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 528-30.
1788. Chris Given-Wilson, Chronicles: The Writing of History in Medieval England (London and New York: 2004), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 549-51.
1789. The Book of Chess by Jacob de Cessolis. Translated & Edited by H. L. Williams (New York: 2008), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 551-52.
1790. Carolyne Larrington, King Arthur’s Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition (London and New York: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 552-53.
1791. The Old French Fabliaux: Essays on Comedy and Context, ed. Kristin L. Burrg, John F. Moran, and Norris J. Lacy (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 553-55.
1792. Alpharts Tod. Dietrich und Wenezlan, ed. Elisabeth Lienert and Viola Meyer. Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 570-72.
1793. María del Carmen Balbuena Torezano, La cancíón de alba en la lírica de la baja edad media. Análisis de los poemas del Monje de Salzburgo (Córdoba, Spain: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 572-74.
1794. J. Drostel, des gerte diu edele herzoginne. Möglichkeiten und Voraussetzungen weiblicher Teilhabe am mittelalterlichen Literaturbetrieb (Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, et al.: 2009), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 574-76.
1795. Die Reise eines niederadeligen Anonymus ins Heilige Land im Jahre 1494, hg. Gerhard Fouquet (Frankfurt a. M. et al.: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 579-80.
1796. Rom – Jerusalem – Santiago. Das Pilgertagebuch des Ritters Arnold von Harff (1496-1498). Nach dem Text der Ausgabe von Eberhard von Groote übersetzt, kommentiert und eingeleitet von Helmut Brall-Tuchel und Folker Reichert (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 580-82.
1797. Scott Lightsey, Manmade Marvels in Medieval Culture and Literature (New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 582-84.
1798. Teaching Chaucer, ed. Gail Asthon and Louise Sylvester (New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 584-86.
1799. C. Wollgar, The Senses of Late Medieval England. Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 606-09.
1800. Oswald von Wolkenstein, Lieder. Frühneuhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch von Burghart Wachinger (Stuttgart: 2007), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 619-20.
1801. Frederike Timm, Der Palästina-Pilgerbericht des Bernhard von Breidenbach von 1486 und die Holzschnitte Erhard Reuwichs (Stuttgart: 2006), Mediaevistik 22 (2009): 623-25.
1802. Maria Luise Caputo-Mayr, Aus vielen Städten: Virtuelle und andere Reisen (Fidibus. Zeitschrift für Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft 35.2-3 [2007]), XVI.2 (2010): 86-87.
1803. Selected Prose of Heinrich von Kleist. Selected, translated and with an Afterword by Peter Wortsman (New York: 2010), XVI.2 (2010): 88-89.
1804. Thordis Hennings, Französische Heldenepik im deutschen Sprachraum: Die Rezeption der Chansons de Geste im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert – Überblick und Fallstudien (Heidelberg: 2008), Speculum 85.3 (2010): 684-86.
1805. William F. MacLehose, “A Tender Age”: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (New York: 2008), Speculum 85.3 (2010): 706-08.
1806. Sylvia Kohushölter, Die lateinische und deutsche Rezeption von Hartmanns von Aue “Gregorius” im Mittelalter: Untersuchungen und Editionen (Tübingen: 2006), Speculum 85.4 (2010): 983-84.
1807. Neidhart-Lieder: Texte und Melodien sämtlicher Handschriften und Drucke (Berlin and New York: 2007), Medievalia et Humanistica 36 (2010): 172-74.
1808. Caroline Schnyder, Reformation (Stuttgart: 2008), Sixteenth-Century Journal 41.3 (2010): 941-42.
1809. Bonnie Noble, Lucas Cranach the Elder: Art and Devotion of the German Reformation (Lanham, Boulder, et al.: 2009), Sixteenth-Century Journal 41.3 (2010): 967-68.
1810. Yona Pinson, The Fool’s Journey: A Myth of Obsession in Northern Renaissance Art (Turnhout: 2008), Sixteenth-Century Journal 41.3 (2010): 832-33.
1811. Bernd Fuhrmann, Mit barer Münze: Handel im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2010), German Studies Review 34.1 (2011): 162.
1812. Ulrich Schmidel. Reise in die La Plata-Gegend (1534-1554). Kritische Ausgabe von Franz Obermeier (Kiel: 2008), German Studies Review 34.1 (2011): 164-65.
1813. Der Schreiber als Dolmetscher: Sprachliche Umsetzungstechniken beim binnensprachlichen Texttransfer in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, ed.Werner Besch and Thomas Klein (Berlin: 2008), German Quarterly 84.1 (2011): 97-98.
1814. Bea Lundt, Europas Aufbruch in die Neuzeit 1500-1800: Eine Kultur- und Mentalitätsgeschichte (Darmstadt:2009), to appear in: Sixteenth-Century Journal 41.4 (2010): 1300-01.
1815. Albrecht Beutel, Reflektierte Religion (Tübingen: 2007), Sixteenth-Century Journal 41.4 (2010): 1226-27.
1816. Jörn Münkner, Eingreifen und Begreifen: Handhabungen und Visualisierungen in Flugblättern der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin: 2008), Sixteenth-Century Journal 41.4 (2010): 1257-58.
1817. Hans Keilson, The Death of the Adversary (New York: 2010), XVII.1 (2011): 83-86.
1818. Erich Wolfgang Skwara, Im freien Fall (Hamburg: 2010), XVII.1 (2011): 86-88.
1819. Von Eierschwammerlhöhen zur D. H. Lawrence-Ranch: Österreichisches Literaturgeschehen in den Rockys? Eine Begegnung, ed. Peter Pabisch and Wolfgang Greisenegger (Bern, Berlin et al.: 2010 ), XVII.1 (2011): 89-91.
1820. Reflexion und Inszenierung von Rationalität in der mittelalterlichen Literatur. Blaubeurer Kolloquium 2006, ed. Klaus Ridder (Berlin: 2008), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXI.4 (2010): 508-10.
1821. Nickolas Haydock, Movie Medievalism (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2008), arcadia 45.2 (2010): 473-75.
1822. Kathrin Utz Tremp, Von der Häresie zur Hexerei. “Wirkliche” und imaginierte Sekten im Spätmittelalter (Hanover: 2008), Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 46.1 (2011): 164-66.
1823. Kathleen Biddick, The Typological Imaginary: Circumcision, Technology, History (Philadelphia: 2003), Studi medievali LII (2011): 378-81.
1824. Dichtung und Didaxe. Lehrhaftes Sprechen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, ed. Henrike Lähnemann and Sandra Linden (Berlin and New York: 2009), Studi medievali LII (2011): 382-84.
1825. Brian Murdoch, The Apocryphal Adam and Eve in Medieval Europe. Vernacular Translations and Adaptations of the Vita Adae et Evae (Oxford and New York: 2009), Studi medievali LII (2011): 384-86.
1826. Mayke de Jong, The Penitential State. Authority and Atonement in the Age of Louis the Pious, 814-840 (Cambridge: 2009), Studi medievali LII (2011): 415-17.
1827. The Bishop Reformed: Studies of Episcopal Power and Culture in the Central Middle Ages, ed.John S. Ott and Anna Trumbore Jones (Aldershot, Hampshire, and Burlington, VT: 2007), Studi medievali LII (2011): 417-19.
1828. Mary-Michelle DeCoste, Hopeless Love: Boiardo, Ariosto, and Narratives of Queer Female Desire (Toronto: 2009), Studi medievali LII (2011): 440-41.
1829. Stephen Gaukroger, The Emergence of a Scientific Culture: Science and the Shaping of Modernity 1210-1685 (Oxford: 2006/2008), Sixteenth-Century Journal 42.1 (2011): 191-92.
1830. András F. Balogh: Studien zur deutschen Literatur Südosteuropas (Klausenburg/Cluj-Napoca: 2008), arcadia 46.1 (2011): 222-23.
1831. The Cambridge Companion to the Arthurian Legend, ed. Elizabeth Archibald and Ad Putter (Cambridge: 2009), arcadia 46.1 (2011): 224-25.
1832. Cornleia Herberichs, Poetik und Geschichte: Das “Liet von Troye” Herborts von Fritzlar (Würzburg: 2010), arcadia 46.1 (2011):226-27.
1833. Mathias Herweg, Wege zur Verbindlichkeit: Studien zum deutschen Roman um 1300 (Wiesbaden: 2010), The Medieval Review 11.10.24
1834. Stephanie Leitch, Mapping Ethnography in Early Modern Germany: New Worlds in Print Culture (New York: 2010), German Studies Review 34.3 (2011): 686-87
1835. Enzyklopädie des Mittelalters, 2 vols., ed. Gert Melville and Martial Staub (Darmstadt: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 301-04.
1836. Marcus Bull, Thinking Medieval: An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages (New York: 2005), Mediaevistik. 304-07.
1837. Medieval Clothing and Textiles. Vol. 6, ed. by Robin Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker (Woodbridge, UK: 2010), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 333-34.
1838. M. B. Parkes, Their Hands Before our Eyes. A Closer Look at Scribes (Aldershot, Hampshire, England, and Burlington, VT, USA: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 335-36.
1839. Nonnen, Kanonissen und Mystikerinnen: Religiöse Frauengemeinschaften in Süddeutschland, ed. Eva Schlotheuber, Helmut Flachenecker, and Ingrid Gardill (Göttingen: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 347-50.
1840. Caroline Walker Bynum, Wonderful Blood: Theology and Practice in Late Medieval Northern Germany and Beyond (Philadelphia: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 350-52.
1841. Alexandra Cuffel, Gendering Disgust in Medieval Religious Polemic (Notre Dame, 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 352-55.
1842. Zwischen Babel und Pfingsten. Sprachdifferenzen und Gesprächsverständigung in der Vormoderne (8.- 16. Jahrhundert), ed. Peter von Moos (Vienna, Zürich, and Berlin: 2008), : Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 357-60.
1843. Suzanne M. Yeager, Jerusalem in Medieval Narative (Cambridge: 2008), : Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 368-70.
1844. Walter Goffart, Barbarian Tides: The Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire (Philadelphia: 2006), Mediaevistik 23 (2010):. 418-20.
1845. The Completed Works of Liudprand of Cremona, trans. Paolo Squatriti (Washington, DC: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010):440-41
1846. Princely Virtues in the Middle Ages 1200-1500, ed. István P. Bejczy and Cary J. Nederman (Turnhout, Belgium: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 451-54.
1847. Friederike Warnatsch-Gleich, Herrschaft und Frömmigkeit: Zisterzienserinnen im Hochmittelalter (Berlin: 2005), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 468-70.
1848. Anna Kukułka-Wojtasik, La dame et l’amour au Moyen-Age (Warsaw: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 490-92.
1849. Gautier d’Arras, Eracle, ed. and trans. Karen Pratt (London: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 492-93.
1850. Horst Brunner, Annäherungen. Studien zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 493-95.
1851. Hartmann von Aue, Erec. Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Volker Mertens (Stuttgart: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 495-96.
1852. Hartmann von Aue, Iwein or The Knight with the Lion. Ed. From Manuscript B, Gießen, Universitätsbibliothek Codex Nr. 97, and trans. by Cyril Edwards (Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, NY: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 496-97.
1853. Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival and Titurel. A new translation by Cyril Edwards (Oxford: 2006), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 497-98.
1854. Nibelungenlied: Complete Recording by Eberhard Kummer on 2 MP3 CDs (Provo: Chaucer Studio, 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 498-99.
1855. Lise Hull, Unterstanding the Castle Ruins of England and Wales. How to Interpret the History and Meaning of Masonry and Earthworks (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2009), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 531-32
1856. Marco Polo and the Encounter of East and West, ed. Suzanne Conklin Akbari and Amilcare A. Iannucci (Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 544-46.
1857. Hunt Janin, The University in Medieval Life, 1179-1499 (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 565-67.
1858. Benedek Láng, Unlocked Books. Manuscripts of Learned Magic in the Medieval Libraries of Central Europe (University Park, PA: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 568-70.
1859. John M. Fyler, Language and the Declining World in Chaucer, Dante, and Jean de Meun (Cambridge: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 593-95.
1860. Konrad von Würzburg, Pantaleon. Bereinigter diplomatischer Abdruck und Übersetzung, ed. Thomas Neukirchen (Berlin: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 608-09.
1861. Gauriel von Muntabel, trans. Siegfried Christoph (Woodbridge, Suffolk: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 609-10.
1862. Sieben weise Meister: Eine bairische und eine elsässsische Fassung der “Historia septem sapientum”, ed. Detlef Roth (Berlin: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 610-11.
1863. 550 Jahre deutsche Melusine – Coudrette und Thüring von Ringoltingen, ed. André Schnyder and Jean-Claude Mühlethaler (Bern, Berlin, et al.: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 623-25.
1864. The Medieval Imagination: Illuminated Manuscripts from Cambridge, Australia and New Zealand, ed. Bronwyn Stocks and Nigel Morgan (Melbourne: 2008), Mediaevistik 23 (2010):
1865. Peter Macardle, The St Gall Passion Play: Music and Performance (Amsterdam and New York: 2007), Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 658-59.
1866. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 86 (2011), ed. Stephan Füssel (Wiesbaden: 2011), Publishing Research Quarterly 27.4 (2011): 366-67.
1867. Angelika Quirk, After Sirens (Prescott, AZ: 2011), XVII.2 (2011): 100-02.
1868. Renate Ahrens, Fremde Schwestern (Munich: 2011), XVII.2 (2011): 103-06.
1869. Gabrielle Alioth, Die griechische Kaiserin (München: 2011), XVII.2 (2011): 107-09.
1870-71. Otfrid Ehrismann, Einführung in das Werk Walthers von der Vogelweide (Darmstadt: 2008); Hermann Reichert, Walther von der Vogelweide für Anfänger (Vienna: 2009), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 68 (2011): 263-66.
1872. David J. Collins, Reforming Saints: Saints’ Lives and Their Authors in Germany 1470-1530 (Oxford: 2008), Medievalia et Humanistica 37 (2011): 127-29
1873. Ladies, Whores, and Holy Women: A Sourcebook in Courtly, Religious, and Urban Cultures of Late Medieval Germany. Introductions, Translations, and Notes by Ann Marie Rasmussen and Sarah Westphal-Wihl (Kalamazoo, MI: 2010), Medievalia et Humanistica 37 (2011): 146-48.
1874. Quête de soi, quête de vérité du Moyen Age à l’époque moderne, ed. Lucien Faggion and Laure Verdan (Aix-en-Provence: 2007), Studi medievali 52.2 (2011): 990-91.
1875. Boccaccio and Feminist Criticism, ed. Thomas C. Stillinger and F. Regina Psaki (Chapel Hill, NC: 2006), Studi medievali 52.2 (2011): 2010-13.
1876. Amy Gebauer, ‘Christus und die minnende Seele’: An Analysis of Circulation, Text, and Iconography (Wiesbaden: 2010), The Medieval Review 12.01.20 (Jan. 26, 2012)
1877. Bis an den Rand Europas: Spanien in deutschen Reiseberichten vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, hg. von Berta Raposo Fernández und Isabel Gutiérrez Koester (Frankfurt a. M.: 2011), German Quarterly (Winter 2012): 78-80.
1878. Horst Brunner, Hans Sachs. Auf den Spuren der Dichter und Denker durch Franken (Gunzenhausen: 2009), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLII.3 (2011): 915-16.
1879. On Love: A Selection of Works of Hugh, Adam, Achard, Richard, and Godfrey of St Victor, ed. Hugh Feiss OSB (Turnhout: 2011), in The Medieval Review 12.02.15 (online)
1880. Die Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein: Edition und Kommentar. Vol. 4: 1438-1442, Nr. 277-386, ed. Anton Schwob and Ute Monika Schwob (Vienna et al.: 2011), Fifteenth-Century Studies 37 (2012): 244-46.
1881. Oswald von Wolkenstein, Das poetische Werk: Gesamtübersetzung in neuhochdeutsche Prosa, trans. Wernfried Hofmeister (Berlin and New York: 2011), Fifteenth-Century Studies 37 (2012): 246-48.
1882. Sigrid Rachoinig, Wir tun kund und lassen dich wissen: Briefe, Urkunden und akten als spätmittelalterliche Grundformen schriftlicher Kommunikation, dargestellt anhand der Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein (Frankfurt a. M. et al.: 2009), SMGS-News and Reviews 33 (2012) (online).
1883. Susanna Piontek, Have We Possibly Met Before? and Other Stories. Trans. from the German by Guy Stern (Ames, IA, 2011), Trans-Lit2 18.1 (2012): 159-60.
1884. Geertje Suhr, Von einer, die auszog, das Lieben zu lernen (Düsseldorf: 2011), Trans-Lit2 18.1 (2012): 160-61.
1885. Cornelius Schnauber, Von Dresden bis Hollywood: (Erinnerungen, Reflexionen und Begegnungen aus zwei Welten erzählt einer Freundin in 7 Vigilien) (Dresden: 2010), 18.1 (2012): 163-65.
1886. Städtische Wirtschaft im Mittelalter: Festschrift für Franz Irsigler zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. Rudolf Holbach and Michel Pauly (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2011), The Medieval Review. 05-21-2012 (online).
1887. Fremde in der Stadt: Ordnungen, Repräsentationen und soziale Praktiken (13.-15. Jahrhundert), ed. Peter Bell, Dirk Suckow, and Gerhard Wolf (Frankfurt a. M. et al.: 2010), The Medieval Review 12.05.25 (online)
1888. Susanne Knaeble, Silvan Wagner, and Viola Wittmann, ed., Gott und Tod: Tod und Sterben in der höfischen Kultur des Mittelalters (Münster: 2011), in The Medieval Review 12.06.40 (online, June 28, 2012).
1889. Keith D. Lilley, City and Cosmos: The Medieval World in Urban Form (London: 2009), Speculum 87.3 (2012): 72-74.
1890. Gerhard Roth, The Will to Sickness, trans. Tristram Wolff (Burning Deck, PR: [2006]), International Poetry Review (Spring 2012): 117-18.
1891. Peter Godman, Paradoxes of Conscience in the High Middle Ages: Abelard, Heloise, and the Archpoet (Cambridge: 2009), Studi medievali 53.1 (2012): 403-05.
1892. De Amicitia: Friendship and Social Networks in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, ed. Katariina Mustakallio and Christian Krötzl (Rome: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 239-40.
1893. Martin Clauss, Ritter und Raufbolde. Vom Krieg im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 241-42.
1894. Martin Clauss, Kriegsniederlagen im Mittelalter (Paderborn, München, et al.: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 242-44.
1895. Generationen und gender in mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Literatur, ed. Dina De Rentiis and Ulrike Siewert (Bamberg: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011) 263-64.
1896. Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture, ed. Manuele Gragnolati and Almut Suerbaum (Berlin and New York: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 267-69.
1897. Friedrich E. Grünzweig, Das Schwert bei den “Germanen” (Vienna: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 269-71.
1898. Historische Narratologie: Mediävistische Perspektiven. Hg. von Harald Haferland und Matthias Meyer (Berlin and New York: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 281-84.
1899. “Die sünde, der sich der tiuvel schamet in der helle”. Homosexualität in der Kultur des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, ed. Lev Mordechai Thoma and Sven Limbeck (Sigmaringen: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 284-86).
1900. Klöster und Inschriften. Glaubenszeugnisse gestickt, gemalt, gehauen, graviert. Beiträge zur Tagung am 30. Oktober 2009 im Kloster Lüne, ed. Christine Wulf, Sabine Wehking, and Nikolaus Henkel (Wiesbaden: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 286-87.
1901. Stephen Knight, Merlin, Knowledge and Power Through the Ages (Ithaca and London: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 287-89.
1902. Literarische und religiöse Kommunikation in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. DFG-Symposion 2006, ed. Peter Strohschneider (Berlin and New York: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 298-300.
1903. The Middle Ages. Literary Criticism, II. Ed. Alastair Minnis and Ian Johnson (Cambridge and New York: 2009),Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 300-02.
1904. The Medieval Chronicle VI, ed. Erik Kooper (Amsterdam and New York: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 306-08.
1905. Medieval Clothing and Textiles. Vol. 6, ed. by Robin Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker (Woodbridge, UK: 2010), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 308-09.
1906. Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy: Selected Readings Presenting the Interactive Discourses Among the Major Figures, ed. Richard N. Bosley and Martin M. Tweedale. 2nd ed. (Peterborough, Ontario 2006), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 321-22.
1907. Medieval Medicine: A Reader, ed. by Faith Wallis (Toronto et al.: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 323.
1908. Esther Meier, Handbuch der Heiligen (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, (2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 323-25.
1909. Alexander Murray, Suicide in the Middle Ages. Vol. II: The Curse on Self-Murder (Oxford: 2000, paperback 2011), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 327-28.
1910. Mythes à la cour, mythes pour la cour. Actes du XIIe Congrès de la Société internationale de littérature courtoise 29 juillet-4 août 2007 (Universités de Lausanne et de Genève). Réunies par Alain Corbellari, Yasmina Foehr-Janssens, et al. (Geneva: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 328-30.
1911. Ursula Peters and Rainer Warning, ed., Fiktion und Fiktionalität in den Literaturen des Mittelalters (Munich: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 330-33.
1912. “risus sacer – sacrum risibile”. Interaktionsfelder von Sakralität und Gelächter im kulturellen und historischen Wandel, ed. Katja Gvozdeva and Werner Röcke (Berlin, Bern, et al.: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 341-43.
1913. Jens Rüffer, Mittelalterliche Klöster. Deutschland – Österreich – Schweiz (Darmstadt: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 343-44.
1914. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Global Medieval Life and Culture. General Editor Joyce E. Salisbury (Westport, CT, and London: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 345-46.
1915. Thomas Schilp und Barbara Welzel, ed., Mittelalter und Industrialisierung. St. Urbanus in Huckarde (Bielefeld: 2008), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 346-48.
1916. Meinolf Schumacher, Einführung in die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 349-51.
1917. The Nature and Function of Water, Baths, Bathing, and Hygiene from Antiquity through the Renaissance, ed. Cyntia Kosso and Anne Scott (Leiden and Boston: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 353-55.
1918. Tiere und Fabelwesen im Mittelalter, ed. Sabine Obermaier (Berlin and New York: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 358-60.
1919. Vengeance in Medieval Europe: A Reader, ed. Daniel Lord Smail and Kelly Gibson (Toronto: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 368-69.
1920. Weltdeutungen und Weltreligionen 600 bis 1500, ed. Johannes Fried and Ernst-Dieter Hehl (Darmstadt: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 372-74.
1921. Achim Thomas Hack, Alter, Krankheit, Tod und Herrschaft im frühen Mittelalter (Stuttgart: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 388-91.
1922. Jon McGinnis, Avicenna (Great Medieval Thinkers), Oxford Univerity Press, Oxford 2010, xv, 300 pp. Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 410-11.
1923. Peter Purton, A History of the Early Medieval Siege, c. 450-1200 (Woodbridge: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 420-21.
1924. Venantius Fortunatus, Poems to Friends. Trans., with Introduction and Commentary, by Joseph Pucci (Indianapolis and Cambridge: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 434-35.
1925. Frank M. Ausbüttel, Die Germanen (Darmstadt: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011). 454-55.
1926. Herbert A. Davidson, Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works (Oxford: 2005/2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 463-64.
1927. William Farina, Chrétien de Troyes and the Dawn of Arthurian Romance (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 466-69.
1928. Geoffrey of Monmouth, The History of the Kings of Britain. Latin text ed. by Michael D. Reeve. Trans. by Neil Wright (Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, NY: 2007, paperback 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 470-71.
1929. Isabel Habicht, Der Zwerg als Träger metafiktionaler Diskurse in deutschen und französischen Texten des Mittelalters (Heidelberg: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 473-75.
1930. Helmar Härtel, Geschrieben und gemalt: Gelehrte Bücher aus Frauenhand. Eine Klosterbibliothek sächsischer Benediktinerinnen des 12. Jahrhunderts (Wiesbaden: 2006), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 475-76.
1931. Das Antiphonar von St. Peter. Codex Vindobonensis Ser. n. 2700 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Kommentar von Franz Unterkircher und Otto Demus. 2 Bde. (Graz: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 479-481.
1932. Gaby Herchert, Einführung in den Minnesang (Darmstadt: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 481-482.
1933. The Lays of Marie de France. Trans., with Introduction and Commentary, by Edward J. Gallagher (Indianapolis and Cambridge: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 492-93.
1934. The Letters of Heloise and Abelard. A Translation of Their Collected Correspondence and Related Writings. Translated and edited by Mary Martin McLaughlin with Bonnie Wheeler (New York: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 508-09.
1935. Jens Lieven, Adel, Herrschaft und Memoria. Studien zur Erinnerungskultur der Grafen von Kleve und Geldern im Hochmittelalter (1020-1250) (Bielefeld: 2008), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 510-11.
1936. Nine R. Miedema, Einführung in das “Nibelungenlied” (Darmstadt: 2011), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 518-19.
1937. Das Nibelungenlied. Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch, ed. Ursula Schulze (Stuttgart: 2010): 521-22.
1938. Pierre J. Payer, Sex and the New Medieval Literature of Confession, 1150-1300 (Toronto: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 524-26.
1939. Schätze der Erinnerung. Geschichte, Mythos und Literatur in der Überlieferung des Nibelungenliedes, ed. Volker Gallé (Worms: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 544-45.
1940. Stefan Seeber, Poetik des Lachens. Untersuchungen zum mittelhochdeutschen Roman um 1200 (Berlin and New York: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 549-52.
1941. Melanie Uttenreuther, Die (Un)Ordnung der Geschlechter. Zur Interdependenz von Passion, gender und genre in Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan (Bamberg: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 564-67.
1942. Friederike Warnatsch-Gleich, Herrschaft und Frömmigkeit: Zisterzienserinnen im Hochmittelalter (Berlin: 2005), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 572-73.
1943. Horst Wenzel, Spiegelungen. Zur Kultur der Visualität im Mittelalter (Berlin: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 573-77.
1944. Der Codex Manesse und die Entdeckung der Liebe, ed. Maria Effinger, Carla Meyer, and Christian Schneider (Heidelberg: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 579-81.
1945. Michael Dallapiazza, Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival (Berlin: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 582-83.
1946. Cynthia J. Cyrus, The Scribes for Women’s Convents in Late Medieval Germany (Toronto: 2009), Mediaevistik: 598-600.
1947. Studies in the Role of Cities in Arthurian Literature and in the Value of Arthurian Literature for a Civic Identity: When Arthuriana Meet Civic Spheres. Ed. Cora Dietl and Claudia Lauer (Lewiston, NY: 2009), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 600-02.
1948. Een cronike van den greven van Benthem. Edition und Übersetzung einer spätmittelalterlichen Chronik über die Grafen von Bentheim, ed. Friedel Helga Roolfs, Heike Riedel-Bierschwale and Volker Honemann (Bielefelf: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 603-04.
1949. Geoff Egan, The Medieval Household. Daily Living c. 1150-c. 1450 (London: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 604-05.
1950. Klaus Amann, ed., Das Pfäferser Passionsspielfragment. Edition – Untersuchung – Kommentar (Innsbruck: 2010), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 608-10.
1951. Elina Gertsman, The Dance of Death in the Middle Ages: Image, Text, Performance (Turnhout: 2010), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 623-25.
1952. The Good Wife’s Guide. Le Ménagier de Paris, trans. by Gina L. Greco and Christine M. Rose (Ithaca and London: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 625-27.
1953. Rolf Hammel-Kiesow, Matthias Puhle und Siegfried Wittenburg (Fotos), Die Hanse (Darmstadt: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 629-30.
1954. Heinrich Seuse, Studenbuch der Weisheit. Das “Horologium Sapientiae”, übersetzt von Sandra Fenten (Würzburg: 2007), Mediaevistik: 24 (2011): 632.
1955. Himmel auf Erden, hg. Von Rudolf Suntrup und Jan R. Veenstra (Frankfurt a. M., Berlin et al.: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 635-37.
1956. Wojciech Iwańczak, Die Kartenmacher. Nürnberg als Zentrum der Kartographie im Zeitalter der Renaissance (Darmstadt: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 639-41.
1957. Kulturtopographie des deutschsprachigen Südwestens im späteren Mittelalter, ed. Barbara Fleith und René Wetzel (Berlin and New York: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 642-44.
1958. Gunda S. Lange, Nibelungische Intertextualität. Generationenbeziehungen und genealogische Strukturen in der Heldenepik des Spätmittelalters (Berlin and New York: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 651-52.
1959. Le portrait individual: Réflexions autour d’une forme de représentation XIIIe-XVe siècles, ed. Dominic Olariu (Bern, Berlin, et al.: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 653-54.
1960. The Letters of Catherine of Siena, vol. III and IV. Trans. with intro. and notes by Suzanne Noffke (Tempe: 2007), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 654-55.
1961. Elisabeth Lienert, Die ‘historische’ Dietrichepik. Untersuchungen zu ‘Dietrichs Flucht’, ‘Rabenschlacht’ und ‘Alpharts Tod’ (Berlin and New York: 2010), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 655-56.
1962. Christopher S. Mackay, The Hammer of Witches (Cambridge: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 660-61.
1963. Daniela E. Mairhofer, Liber lacteus. Eine unbeachtete Mirakel- und Exempelsammlung aus dem Zisterzienserkloster Stams (Innsbruck, ULB, Cod. 494) (Badenweiler: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 666-67.
1964. Kirchlicher und religiöser Alltag im Spätmittelalter, ed. Andreas Meyer (Ostfildern: 2010), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 673-75.
1965. Le portrait individual. Réflexions autour d’une forme de representation XIIIe-XVe siècle, ed. Dominic Olariu (Bern, Berlin et al.: 2009, 299), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 677-79.
1966. Jessica Rosenfeld, Ethics and Enjoyment in Late Medieval Poetry. Love after Aristotle (Cambridge: 2011), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 684-86.
1967. Sabine von Heusinger, Die Zunft im Mittelalter. Zur Verflechtung von Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Straßburg (Stuttgart: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 688-90.
1968. Christiane Schonert, Figurenspiele. Identität und Rollen Reies in Heinrichs von dem Türlin “Crône” (Berlin: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 695-96.
1969. Brian Spencer, Pilgrim Souvenirs and Secular Badges (Woodbridge and London: 2010), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 696-70.
1970. Stimmen, Texte und Bilder zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, ed. Luisa Rubini Messerli and Alexander Schwarz (Bern et al.: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 699-700.
1971. Michael C. Thomsett, The Inquisition: A History (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2010), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 701-02.
1972. Ulrich von Liechtenstein: Leben – Zeit – Werk – Forschung, ed. Sandra Linden and Christopher Young (Berlin and New York: 2010), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 702-04.
1973. Bernhard von Breydenbach: Peregrinatio in terram sanctam. Eine Pilgerreise ins Heilige Land. Frühneuhochdeutscher Text und Übersetzung, ed. Isolde Mozer (Berlin and New York: 2010), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 706-07.
1974. Ulrike Hascher-Burger, Verborgene Klänge. Inventar der handschriftlich überlieferten Musik aus den Lüneburger Frauenklöstern bis ca. 1550 (Hildesheim et al.: 2008), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 711-12.
1975. Wigamur. Kritische Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Hg. von Nathanel Busch (Berlin and New York: 2009), Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 716-18.
1976. The Poetic Edda. Essays on Old Norse Mythology. Ed. by Paul Acker and Carolyne Larrington (New York-London: 2002), Studi Medievali XLVI.II (2005): 915-16 (late reporting)
1977.Interpreting Late Antiquity. Ed. G. W. Bowersock, Peter Brown, and Oleg Grabar (Cambridge, Mass.,-London 2001), Studi Medievali XLVII.I (2006): 177-79 (late reporting)
1978. Power, Gender, and Ritual in Europe and the Americas: Essays in Memory of Richard C. Trexler, ed. Peter Arnade and Michael Rocke (Toronto: 2008), Studi medievali I (2010): 480-82 (late reporting).
1979. Façonner son personnage au Moyn Âge. Actes du 31e colloque du CUER MA 9, 10 et 11 mars 2006 publiés par Chantal Connochie-Bourgne (Marseille: 2007), Studi medievali II (2010): 874-76 (late reporting)
1980. Peter D. Clarke, The Interdict in the Thirteenth Century: A Question of Collective Guilt (Oxford and New York: 2007), Studi medievali II (2010): 1029-31 (late reporting)
1981. Cultural Performances in Medieval France, ed. Eglal Doss-Quinby, Roberta L. Krueger, and E. Jane Burns (Cambridge: 2007), Studi medievali II (2010): 1047-49 (late reporting)
1982. Suzanne Kocher, Allegories of Love in Marguerite Porete’s Mirror of Simple Souls (Turnhout: 2008), Studi medievali II (2010): 1052-54 (late reporting)
1983. Peggy K. Liss, Isabel the Queen: Life and Times (1992; Philadelphia: 2004), Studi medievali II (2010): 1057-59 (late reporting)
1984. M. B. Parkes, Pages from the Past: Medieval Writing Skills and Manuscript Books. Ed. P. R. Robinson and Rivkah (Farnham, Surrey, and Burlington, VT: 2012), Publishing Research Quarterly 28.3 (2012): 266- 67
1985. Das Eckenlied. Sämtliche Fassungen, ed. Francis B. Brévart (Tübingen: 1999), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 101 (2000): 485-86. (late reporting)
1986. Caroline Huey, Hans Folz and Print Culture in Late Medieval Germany: The Creation of Popular Discourse (Farnham, Surrey, and Burlington, VT: 2012), Publishing Research Quarterly 28.3 (2012): 371-72; also online
1987. Franz Brendle, Das konfessionelle Zeitalter (Berlin: 2010), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIII.2 (2012): 457-58.
1988. Herbert Blume, Hermann Bote: Braunschweiger Stadtschreiber und Literat: Studien zu seinem Leben und Werk (Bielefeld: 2009), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIII.3 (2012): 885-86.
1989. Christian Kuhn, Generation als Grundbegriff einer historischen Geschichtskultur: Die Nürnberger Tucher im langen 16. Jahrhundet (Göttingen: 2010), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIII.3 (2012): 924-25.
1990. Poetry of Charles d’Orléans and His Circle. A Critical Edition of BNF MS. Fr. 25458, Charles d’Orléans’s Personal Manuscript. Ed. by John Fox and Mary-Jo Arn. English translation by R. Barton Palmer (Tempe, AZ: 2010), Studi medievali 53.2 (2012): 975-77
1991. Dorothee Ader, Prosaversionen höfischer Epen in Text und Bild. Zur Rezeption des ‘Tristrant’ im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (Heidelberg: 2010), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 70 (2013): 239-40.
1992. Ulrich Müller, Gesammelte Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft. Hg. von Margarete Springeth et al. 4 vols. (Göppingen: 2010), Jahrbuch des deutschen Volksarchivs: Lied und populäre Kultur 57 (2012): 524-25.
1993. Peter Pabisch, vindobonensiche geh-dicht-e: Texte und Skizzen (Krefeld: 2012), XIX.1 (2013): 83-84.
1994. Robert Göbel, Wodka trinken verboten. 25 lyrische Reisetexte. 2. Aufl. (Berlin: 2012), XIX.1 (2013): 88-90.
1995. Im Schnittpunkt der Zeiten. Autoren schreiben über Autoren. Eine Anthologie des PEN-Zentrums deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland. Hg. von Gabrielle Alioth und Hans-Christian Oeser (Heidelberg: 2012), XIX.1 (2013): 94-96.
1996. Ursula Paintner, ‘Des Papsts neue Creatur’: Antijesuitische Publizistik im deutschsprachigen Raum (1555-1618) (Amsterdam and New York: 2011), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIII.4 (2012): 1119-20.
1997. Rolf Walter, ed., Globalisierung in der Geschichte: Erträge der 23. Arbeitstagung der Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte vom 18. bis 21. März 2009 (Stuttgart: 2011), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIII.4 (2012): 1241-42.
1998. C. Stephen Jaeger. Enchantment: On Charisma and the Sublime in the Arts of the West (Philadelphia: 2012), Arthuriana 23.1 (2013): 75-76.
1999. Wolfgang Achnitz, Deutschsprachige Artusdichtung des Mittelalters. Eine Einführung (Berlin and Boston: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 177-78
2000. Gerd Althoff und Christel Meier, Ironie im Mittelalter. Hermeneutik – Dichtung – Politik (Darmstadt: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 178-80
2001. Beatrice Michaelis, (Dis-)Artikulationen von Begehren. Schweigeeffekte in wissenschaftlichen und literarischen Texten (Berlin and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 183-85
2002. Castles: A History of Fortified Structures: Ancient, Medieval & Modern, consultant editor Charles Stephenson (New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 193-94
2003. Contextualizing the Muslim Other in Medieval Christian Discourse, ed. Jerold C. Frakes (New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 194-96
2004. Jacques Dalarun, Hg., Das leuchtende Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 196-97
2005. Wolfgang Ernst, Beschwörungen und Segen Angewandte Psychotherapie im Mittelalter (Cologne: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 206-07
2006. Farbe im Mittelalter: Materialität – Medialität – Semantik, hg von Ingrid Bennewitz und Andrea Schindler, 2 vols. (Berlin: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 207-09
2007. “Ieglicher sang sein eigen ticht”. Germanistische und musikwissenschaftliche Beiträge zum deutschen Lied im Mittelalter, hg. von Christoph März (†), Lorenz Welker und Nicola Zotz (Wiesbaden: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 231-32
2008. Integration und Desintegration der Kulturen im europäischen Mittelalter. Hg. von Michael Borgolte et al. (Berlin: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 232-36
2009. Flint F. Johnson, Origins of Arthurian Romances. Early Sources for the Legends of Tristan, the Grail and the Abduction of the Queen (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 236-38
2010. ‘Landschaft’ im Mittelalter? – Augenschein und Literatur. Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 16.1 (2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 239-41
2011. Jean-Denis G. G. Lepage, British Fortifications Through the Reign of Richard III: An Illustrated History (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 243-44
2012. Magnificence and the Sublime in Medieval Aesthetics: Art, Architecture, Literature, Music, ed. C. Stephen Jaeger (New York: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 244-47
2013. Marginalität im Mittelalter, ed. Nicole Nyffenegger, Thomas Schmid, and Moritz Wedell. Das Mittelalter 16 (2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 247-49
2014. Martina Bagnoli and Kathryn Gerry, The Medieval World: The Walters Art Museum (Baltimore: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 249-50
2015. Roberta Milliken, Ambiguous Locks: An Iconography of Hair in Medieval Art and Literature (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 253-55
2016. Ulrich Müller, Gesammelte Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft. Hg. von Margarete Springeth et al. 4 vols. (Göppingen: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 255-57
2017. Cordula Nolte, Frauen und Männer in der Gesellschaft des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 257-59
2018. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology, ed. Clifford J. Rogers (Oxford: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 263-64
2019. Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages: A Reader, ed. by Brett Edward Whalen (Toronto: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 268-69
2020. Reassessing the Roles of Women as ‘Makers’ of Medieval Art and Architecture, ed. Therese Martin, 2 vols. (Leiden and Boston: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 271-73
2021. Sarah Neumann, Der gerichtliche Zweikampf: Gottesurteil – Wettstreit – Ehrensache (Sigmaringen: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 275-77
2022. Scham und Schamlosigkeit. Grenzverletzungen in Literatur und Kultur der Vormoderne. Hg. von Katja Gvozdeva und Hans Rudolf Velten (Berlin and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 277-80
2023. Herbert Schutz, Mystik Women and Lyric Poets in Medieval Society (Trier: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 286-88
2024. Sehen und Sichtbarkeit in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters. XXI. Anglo-German Colloquium London 2009, ed. Ricarda Bauschke, Sebastian Coxon, and Martin H. Jones (Berlin: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 288-90
2025. Seliges Lächeln und höllisches Gelächter. Das Lachen in Kunst und Kultur des Mittelalters, ed. Winfried Wilhelmy (Mainz: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 290-92
2026. Shipping, Trade and Crusade in the Medieval Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of John Pryor,e d. Ruthy Gertwagen and Elizabeth Jeffreys (Farnham, Surrey: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 292-94
2027. Sita Steckel, Kulturen des Lehrens im Früh- und Hochmittelalter. Autorität, Wissenskonzepte und Netzwerke von Gelehrten (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 294-97
2028. Jean Verdon, Irdische Lust. Liebe, Sex und Sinnlichkeit im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 300-02
2029. Václav Vok Filip, Einführung in die Heraldik. 2. Aufl. (Stuttgart: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 302-03
2030. Christoph Wetzel, Das grosse Lexikon der Symbole 2nd ed. (Darmstadt: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 303-04
2031. Joachim Gruber, Boethius (Stuttgart: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 315-16
2032. Achim Thomas Hack, Abul Abaz. Zur Biographe enes Elefanten (Badenweiler: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 334-35
2033. Nizar F. Hermes, The [European] Other in Medieval Arabic Literature and Culture: Ninth-Twelfth Century AD (The New Middle Ages) (New York: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 341-43
2034. Karol Modzelewski, Das barbarische Europe. Zur sozialen Ordnung von Germanen und Slawen im frühen Mittelalter. Aus dem Polnischen von Heidemarie Petersen. Mit einer Einführung von Eduard Mühle (Osnabrück: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 346-47
2035. Walahfrid Strabo, Vita sancti Galli. Das Leben des heiligen Gallus, Lateinisch/Deutsch. Übersetzung von Franziska Schnoor. Anmerkungen und Nachwort von Ernst Tremp (Stuttgart: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 357-58
2036. Katharina Winckler, Die Alpen im Frühmittelalter. Die Geschichte eines Raumes in den Jahren 500 bis 800 (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 360-61
2037. Daniela Karner, Täuschung in Gottes Namen. Fallstudien zur poetischen Unterlaufung von Gottesurteilen in Hartmanns von Aue “Iwein”, Gottfrieds von Straßburg “Tristan”, Des Strickers “Das heiße Eisen” und Konrads von Würzburg “Engelhard” (Frankfurt a. M. et al.: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 379-80
2038. Friedrich Michael Dimpel, Die Zofe im Fokus. Perspektivierung und Sympathiesteuerung durch Nebenfiguren vom Typus der Confidente in der höfischen Epik des hohen Mittelalters (Berlin: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 384-85
2039. Elye of Saint-Gilles: A Chanson de Geste. Modern Edition and First English Translation by A. Richard Hartman and Sandra C. Malicote (New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 385-86
2040. Jerold C. Frakes, Vernacular and Latin Literary Discourses of the Muslim Other in Medieval Germany (New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 390-92
2041. Hartmann von Aue, Iwein. Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Hg. und übersetzt von Rüdiger Krohn. Kommentiert von Mireille Schnyder (Stuttgart: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 401-02
2042. Christliches und jüdisches Europa im Mittelalter. Kolloquium zu Ehren von Alfred Haverkamp. Hg. von Lukas Clemens und Sigrid Hirbodian (Trier: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 402-04
2043. Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions. Articles Six to Ten on Theology, trans. and Annotated by Roland J. Teske, SJ (Milwaukee, WI: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 404-05
2044. Caroline Krüger, Freundschaft in der höfischen Epik um 1200. Diskurse von Nahbeziehungen (Berlin and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 413-15
2045. Laurin. Hg. von Elisabeth Lienert, Sonja Kerth und Esther Vollmer-Eicken (Berlin and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 415-17
2046. Ute Nanz, Die Isolde-Weißhand-Gestalten im Wandel des Tristanstoffs. Figurenzeichnung zwischen Vorlagenbezug und Werkkonzeption (Heidelberg: 2009), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 420-421
2047. Projektion – Reflexion – Ferne: Räumliche Vorstellungen und Denkfiguren im Mittelalter. Hg. von Sonja Glauch, Susanne Köbele und Uta Störmer-Caysa (Berlin and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 427-29
2048. The Song of Roland, trans. Joseph J. Duggan and Annalee C. Rejhon (Turnhout: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 432
2049. Die mittelalterlichen Wandmalereien zwischen Rhein, Neckar und Enz, ed. Klaus Gereon Beuckers (Ubstadt-Weiher and Heidelberg: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 435-36
2050. Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival. Aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen übersetzt von Peter Knecht. Nachwort von Volker Mertens (Stuttgart: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 437-38
2051. Wolfram von Eschenbach: Ein Handbuch, ed. Joachim Heinzle. Vol. I: Autor, Werk, Wirkung. Vol. II: Figuren-Lexikon, beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Handschriften, Bibliographien, Register, Abbildungen (Berlin and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 438-40
2052. A Companion to Marie de France. Ed. by Logan E. Whalen (Brill, Leiden and Boston: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 440-42
2053. Soll man um Tote trauern? Eine Antwort aus dem Jahre 1141. Edition und Übersetzung von Udo Kindermann (Erlangen: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 442-43
2054. Michel Roquebert, Die Geschichte der Katharer. Häresie, Kreuzzug und Inquisition im Languedoc (1999; Stuttgart: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 445-46
Holger Runow, Rumelant von Sachsen. Edition – Übersetzung – Kommentar (New York and Berlin: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 447-48
2055. “Melerantz von Franckreich” – Der Meleranz des Pleier. Nach der Karlsruher Handschrift. Edition – Untersuchungen – Stellenkommentar. Hg. von Markus Steffen (Berlin: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 448-49
2056. Arnaud de Villeneuve, Le Livre des vins, traduit du latin, présenté et annoté par Patrick Gifreu (Perpignan: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 458-59
2057. Matthias Johannes Bauer, Langes Schwert und Schweinespiess. Die anonyme Fechthandschrift aus den verschütteten Beständen des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln (Graz: 2009), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 463-64
2058. Die Begegnung der drei Lebenden und der drei Toten. Eine Edition nach der maasländischen und ripuarischen Überlieferung. Hg. von Helmut Tervooren und Johannes Spicker (Berlin: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 464-65
2059. Giovanni Boccaccio, Das Decameron. Mit den Holzschnitten der venezianischen Ausgabe von 1492. Aus dem Italienischen übersetzt, mit Kommentar und Nachwort von Peter Brockmeier (Stuttgart: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 469-70
2060. Chrétien de Troyes in Prose. The Burgundian Erec and Cligés. Trans. by Joan Tasker Grimbert and Carol J. Chase (Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, NY, 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 471-72
2061. La goberananza de la ciudad Europea en la edad media, ed. Jesús Ángel Solórzano Telechea and Beatriz Arízaga Bolumburu (Logroño: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 489-90
2062. Andrea Denke, Konrad Grünembergs Pilgerreise ins Heilige Land 1486: Untersuchung, Edition und Kommentar (Stuttgart: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 490-92
2063-64. Heinrich von dem Türlin, Diu Crône. Kritische mittelhochdeutsche Leseausgabe mit Erläuterungen, ed. Gudrun Felder (Berlin and Boston: 2012); Heinrich von dem Türlin, Die Krone. Unter Mitarbeit von Alfred Ebenauer † ins Neuhochdeutsche übersetzt von Florian Kragl (Berlin and Boston: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 495-98
2065. Jacob Klinger, Minnereden im Druck. Studien zur Gattungsgeschichte im Zeitalter des Medienwechsels (Berlin: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 505-08
2066. Living Saints of the Thirteenth Century. The Lives of Yvette, Anchoress of Huy; Juliana of Cornillon, Author of the Corpus Christi Feast; and Margaret the Lame, Anchoress of Magdeburg, ed. and with an Introduction by Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker. Translations by Jo Ann McNamara, Barbara Newman, and Gertrud Jaron Lewis and Tilman Lewis (Turnhout: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 516-17
2067. The Medieval Chronicle VII. Guest ed. Juliana Dresvina and Nicholas Sparks (Amsterdam and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 519-20
2068. Meister Eckhart in Augsburg, ed. Freimut Löser (Augsburg: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 520-21
2069. Mittelhochdeutsche Sangspruchdichtung des 13. Jahrhunderts. Mittelhochdeutsche / Neuhochdeutsch. Hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Theodor Nolte und Volker Schupp (Stuttgart: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 524
2070. Historicizing the “Beyond”: The Mongolian Invasion as a New Dimension of Violence? Ed. by Frank Krämer, Katharina Schmidt, and Julika Singer (Heidelberg: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 524-27
2071. Carsten Morsch, Blickwendungen. Virtuelle Räume und Wahrnehmungserfahrungen in höfischen Erzählungen um 1200 (Berlin: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 527-29
2072. Nadia Margolis, An Introduction to Christine de Pizan (Gainesville et al.: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 529-30
2073. Morimichi Watanabe, Nicholas of Cusa – A Companion to His Life and His Times, ed. Gerald Christianson and Thomas M. Izbicki (Farnham, Surrey: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 538-39
2074. Ulrike Volkhardt, Hans-Walter Stork, Wolfgang Brandis, Nonnen, Engel, Fabelwesen. Musikdarstellung in den Lüneburger Klöstern (Hildesheim et al.: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 538-39
2075. The Meanings of Nudity in Medieval Art, ed. Sherry C. M. Lindquist (Farnham, Surrey, and Burlington, VT: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 541-44
2076. Oswald von Wolkenstein. Leben – Werk – Rezeption, ed. Ulrich Müller and Margarete Springeth (Berlin and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 546-47
2077. Denys Pringle, Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, 1187-1291 (Ashgate: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 557-59
2078. Ursula Schulze, Geistliche Spiele im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit. Von der liturigschen Feier zum Schauspiel. Eine Einführung (Berlin: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 570-71
2079. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Trans., with notes, by Joseph Glaser. Introduction by Christine Chism (Indianapolis and Cambridge: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 571-72
2080. Uneasy Communion: Jews, Christians, and the Altarpieces of Medieval Spain, ed. Vivian B. Mann (London: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 572-74
2081. Burghart Wachinger, Lieder und Liederbücher (Berlin and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 577-78
2082. David Wallace, Strong Women: Life, Text, and Territory, 1347-1645 (Oxford and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 578-80
2083. Aus der Werkstatt Diebold Laubers, ed. Christoph Fasbender unter Mitarbeit von Claudia Kanz und Christoph Winterer (Berlin and New York: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 583-85
2084. Heinrich Wittenwiler, Der Ring. Text – Übersetzung – Kommentar. Nach der Münchener Handschrift hg., übersetzt und erläutert von Werner Röcke unter Mitarbeit von Annika Goldenbaum (Berlin and New York: 2012), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 587-89
2085. Mathias Herweg, Wege zur Verbindlichkeit: Studien zum deutschen Roman um 1300. Imagines Medii Aevi. (Reichert Verlag: 2010), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 498-502
2086. Ulrike Volkhardt, Hans-Walter Stork, Wolfgang Brandis, Nonnen, Engel, Fabelwesen. Musikdarstellung in den Lüneburger Klostern. (Zurich and New York: 2011), Mediaevistik 25 (2012/2013): 539-41.
2087. Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales. A Verse translation by David Wright. With an Introduction and Notes by Christopher Cannon (Oxford and New York: 2011), Studi medievali LIV.1 (2013): 475-76.
2088. Valenzen des Lachens in der Vormoderne (1250-1750, ed. Christian Kuhn and Stefan Bießenecker (Bamberg: 2012), Israeli Journal of Humor Research 3 (2013): 110-15.
2089. Neue Aspekte germanistischer Spätmittelalterforschung, ed. Freimut Löser, Robert Steinke, Klaus Vogelsang, and Klaus Wolf (Wiesbaden: 2012), German Quarterly 86.3 (2013): 354-55.
2090. Kathrin Pajcic, Frauenstimmen in der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt? Testamente von Frauen aus Lüneburg, Hamburg und Wien als soziale Kommunikation (Würzburg: 2013), (; 9-2-13).
2091. Peter-André Alt, Imaginäres Geheimwissen: Untersuchungen zum Hermetismus in literarischen Texten der Frühen Neuzeit (Göttingen: 2012), Sixteenth-Century Journal 44.2 (2013): 590-92.
2092. Renate Ahrens, Ferne Tochter (Munich: 2012), XIX.2 (2013): 85-87.
2093. Robert Schopflocher, Die verlorenen Kinder (Munich: 2013), XIX.2 (2013): 89-91.
2094. Harald Hauswald und Lutz Rathenow, Ost-Berlin: Leben vor dem Mauerfall, 5th ed. (1978; Berlin: 2011), XIX.2 (2013): 92-93.
2095. Maria Luise Caputo-Mayr, Hin und her durch die Jahrzehnte: Vermischte Schriften, in: Fidibus 3 (2013), XIX.2 (2013): 94-95.
2096. Author, Reader, Book: Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice, ed. Stephen Partridge and Erik Kwakkel (Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2012), The Rocky Mountain Review 66.2 (2012):
2097. Mario Botero García, Les rois dans le Tristan en prose: (Ré)écriture du personnage arthurien (Paris: 2011), Studi medievali LIV.2 (2013): 1007-009.
2098. Thomas Kerth, King Rother and His Bride. Quest and Counter-Quests (Rochester, NY: 2010), Studi medievali LIV.2 (2013): 1026-27.
2099. Helmut Birkhan, Pflanzen im Mittelalter: Eine Kulturgeschichte (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2012), Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 95.2 (2013): 465-67.
2100. Till Weingärtner, Comedy-Boom in Japan: Performative und mediale Rahmung
von Humor in der aktuellen Populärkultur (Munich: 2013), Israeli Journal for Humor Research 4, December (2013): 111-14.
2101. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 88, 2013, ed. Stephan Füssel (Wiesbaden: 2013), Publishing Research Quarterly 30.1 (2014): 179-81
2102. Christine Juliane Henzler, Die Frauen Karls VII. und Ludwigs XI.: Rolle und Position der Königinnen und Mätressen am französischen Hof (1422-1483) (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2013), The Medieval Review (online, 14-01-11).
2103. Brian Murdoch, Gregorius: An Incestuous Saint in Medieval Europe and Beyond (Oxford: 2012), The Medieval Review (online, 13-5-13).
2104. Gerd Althoff und Christel Meier, Ironie im Mittelalter. Hermeneutik – Dichtung – Politik (Darmstadt: 2011), May 2013 (online:
2105. Hartmut Kokott, “…singen fa, sol la / und tichten hoflich von den schönen weiben”: Die Frauen des Oswald von Wolkenstein (Göppingen: 2011),, May 2013 (online:…;
2106. Christopher Martin, Constituting Old Age in Early Modern English Literature from Queen Elizabeth to King Lear (Amherst and Boston: 2012), Sixteenth Century Journal XLIV.3 (2013): 909-10.
2107. Peter Nusser, Deutsche Literatur. Eine Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte, 2 vols. (Darmstadt: 2012), (online)
2108. Jean d’Arras, Melusine; or, the Noble History of Lusignan. Trans. and with intro. by Donald Maddox and Sara Sturm-Maddox (University Park, PA: 2012), The Medieval Review 14.03.23 (online)
2109. Warlike Women in the German Literary and Cultural Imagination Since 1500, ed. Sarah Colvin and Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly (Rochester, NY: 2009), Eighteenth-Century Current Bibliography 35 (2013): 444-46.
2110. Peter Wortsman, Ghost Dance in Berlin: A Rhapsody in Gray (Palo Alto, CA: 2013), XX.1 (2014): 74-76.
2111. Gerda Nischan, Dieses neue Leben: Roman (Frankfurt a. M., Weimar, et al.: 2013), XX.1 (2014): 78-80.
2112. Die Aktualität der Vormoderne: Epochenentwürfe zwischen Alterität und Kontinuität. Hg. von Klaus Ridder und Steffen Patzold (Berlin: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 220-23.
2113. Walther L. Bernecker und Klaus Herbers, Geschichte Portugals (Stuttgart:2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 229-30.
2114. Das Buch in Antike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Sonderbestände der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, ed. Thomas Fuchs, Christoph Mackert, and Reinhold Scholl (Wiesbaden: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 236-37.
2115. Cosmopolitanism and the Middle Ages, ed. John M. Ganim and Shayne Aaron Legassie (New York: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 239-41.
2116. Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon: Das Mittelalter. Hg. von Wolfgang Achnitz. Bd. 3: Reiseberichte und Geschichtsdichtung. Mit einführenden Essays von Gerhard Wolf und Christoph Fasbender (Berlin und Boston: 2011), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 241-43.
2117. Dunbarton Oaks Medieval Library, ed. Jan M. Ziolkowski (Cambridge, MA, and London: 2010). 23 vols., Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 243-44.
2118. John Tolan, Gilles Veinstein, and Henry Laurens, Europe and the Islamic World: A History (Princeton and Oxford: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 244-46.
2119. Kurt Flasch, Das philosophische Denken im Mittelalter (Stuttgart: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 246-48.
2120. Justin E. Griffin, Glastonbury and the Grail (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 257-58.
2121. William Jervis Jones, Historisches Lexikon deutscher Farbbezeichnungen. 5 Bde. (Berlin: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 269-70.
2122. Medieval Narratives Between History and Fiction: From the Centre to the Periphery of Europe, c. 1100-1400, ed. Panagiotis A. Agapitos and Lars Boje Mortensen (Copenhagen: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 274-76.
2123. Michael Borgolte und Matthias M. Tischler, Hgg., Transkulturelle Verflechtungen im mittelalterlichen Jahrtausend. Europa, Ostasien, Afrika (Darmstadt: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 276-78.
2124. Wolfgang P. Müller, The Criminalization of Abortion. Its Origins in Medieval Law (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 278-80.
2124. Perspectives on Medieval Art: Learning Through Looking, ed. Ena Giurescu Heller and Patricia C. Pongracz (New York: 2010), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 290-91.
2125. Pilgrims and Politics: Rediscovering the Power of the Pilgrimage, ed. Ant¢n M. Pazos (Farnham, Surrey, and Burlington, VT: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 291-93.
2126. William M. Reddy, The Making of Romantic Love: Longing and Sexuality in Europe, South Asia, and Japan, 900-1200 C.E. (Chicago: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 294-97.
2127. Robin Waugh, The Genre of Medieval Patience Literature: Development, Duplication, and Gender (New York: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013):299-301.
2128. Reinhard Schneider, Vom Dolmetschen im Mittelalter. Sprachliche Vermittlung in weltlichen und kirchlichen Zusammenhängen (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 306-08.
2129. Joseph Shatzmiller, Cultural Exchange: Jews, Christians, and Art in the Medieval Marketplace (Princeton and Oxford: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 312-14.
2130. Text und Normativität im deutschen Mittelalter. XX. Anglo-German Colloquium, ed. Elke Brüggen, Franz-Joself Holznagel, Sebastian Coxon, and Almut Suerbaum (Berlin and Boston: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 316-18.
2131. The Vulgate Bible. Vol. VI. The New Testament (Cambridge, MA: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 318-19.
2132. Olaf Wagener, Hg., Symbole der Macht? Aspekte mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Architektur (Frankfurt a. M.: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 323-25.
2133. A Companion to Hrotsvit of Gandersheim (fl. 960): Contextual and Interpretive Approaches, ed. Phyllis R. Brown and Stephen L. Wailes (Leiden and Boston: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 337-39.
2134. Anne A. Latowsky, Emperor of the World: Charlemagne and the Construction of Imperial Authority, 800-1229 (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 343-45.
2135. Michael P. Barnes, Runes: A Handbook (Woodbridge: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 349-50.
2136. Christoph Huber, Gottfried von Straáburg: Tristan, 3rd. exp. ed. (Berlin: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 375-76.
2137. Sandra Lindemann Summers, Ogling Ladies: Scopophilia in Medieval German Literature (Gainesville, Tallahassee, et al.: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 376-78.
2138. Tim Rayborn, The Violent Pilgrimage: Christians, Muslims and Holy Conflicts, 850-1150 (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 385-86.
2139. The Song of Roland, trans. by John DuVal, intro by David Staines (Indianapolis and Cambridge: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 386-87.
2140. Walther von der Vogelweide, Gedichte. Auswahl. Mittelhochdeutsche / Neuhochdeutsch. Hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Horst Brunner (Stuttgart: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 390-91.
2141. Mark Amsler, Affective Literacies: Writing and Multilingualism in the Late Middle Ages (Turnhout: 2011), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 393-97.
2142. Merridee L. Bailey, Socialising the Child in Late Medieval England c. 1400-1600 (Woodbridge: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 397-99.
2143. Das bairisch-österreichische Buch von Troja (Buch von Troja II ). Kritische Ausgabe von Heribert A. Hilgers und Heinz Thoelen (Wiesbaden: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 401-03.
2144. Dante Alighieri, La Commedia. Die göttliche Komödie. 3 Bde. Italienisch / Deutsch. In Prosa übersetzt und kommentiert von Hartmut Köhler (Darmstadt: 2011), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 411-12.
2145. Der Mönch von Salzburg, Die Texte aller geistlichen und weltlichen Lieder. Studienausgabe. Hg. von Franz Viktor Spechtler (Göppingen: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 412-13.
2146. Die schöne Melusina. Ein Feenroman des 15. Jahrhunderts in der deutschen šbertragung des Thüring von Ringoltingen. Die Bilder im Erstdruck Basel 1473/74 nach dem Exemplar der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Hg. von Heidrun Stein-Kecks. Unter Mitarbeit von Simone Hespers und Benedicta Feraudi-Denier (Darmstadt: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 413-14.
2147. Romesh Gyaram Molle, Dschingis Khan und das Bild der Mongolenherrscher in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters (Göppingen: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 414-15.
2148. Mary Franklin-Brown, Reading the World: Encyclopedic Writing in the Scholastic Age (Chicago and London: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 424-26.
2149. Marisa Galvez, Songbook: How Lyrics Became Poetry in Medieval Europe (Chicago and London: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 426-28.
2150. Fontes Sodomitarum. Ausgewählte Quellen zur Homosexuellenverfolgung im christlichen Mittelalter. Hg. und ins Deutsche übertragen von Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller (Hamburg: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 431-32.
2151. Jens Hirt, Literarisch-politische Funktionalisierungen: Eine Untersuchung mittelhochdeutscher Kreuzzugsdarstellungen. Wilhelm von Wenden, Die Kreuzfahrt des Landgrafen Ludwigs des Frommen von Thüringen, Wilhelm von Österreich und Das Buch von Akkon (Göppingen: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 434-36.
2152. Beate Braun-Niehr, myt den figuren gemolet: Die Federzeichnungen der elsässischen Historienbibel aus der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, unter Mitarbeit von Britta-Juliane Kruse (Darmstadt: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 436-38.
2153. Jan Keupp und Jürg Schwarz, Konstanz 1414-1418: Eine Stadt und ihr Konzil (Darmstadt: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 447-49.
2154. Linne R. Mooney and Estelle Stubbs, Scribes and the City: London Guildhall Clerks and the Dissemination of Middle English Literature (York: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 456-57.
2155-2156. Christine Sauer und Elisabeth Sträter (Hgg.), Die Nürnberger Hausbücher: Die schönsten Handwerkerbilder aus dem Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2012), and Christine Sauer, Hg., Handwerk im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 464-66.
2157. The Fabliaux, trans. Nathaniel E. Dubin (New York and London: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 472-73.
2158. Wallfahrt und Kulturbegegnung: Das Rheinland als Ausgangspunkt und Ziel spätmittelalterlicher Pilgerreisen. Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums in Erkelenz am 14. Oktober 2011, ed. Helmut Brall-Tuchel (Erkelenz: 2012), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 475-78.
2159. Wilhelm von Ockham, Texte zur politischen Theorie. Ezxerpte aus dem Dialogus. Lateinisch/Deutsch. Ausgewählt, übersetzt und herausgegeben von Jürgen Miethke (Stuttgart: 1995/2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 480-81.
2160. Siegfried Wenzel, The Art of Preaching: Five Medieval Texts and Translations (Washington, DC: 2013), Mediaevistik 26 (2013): 481-83.
2161. John Block Friedman, Brueghel’s Heavy Dancers: Transgressive Clothing, Class, and Culture in the Late Middle Ages (Syracuse, NY: 2010), Speculum 88.3 (2013): 800-03.
2162. Medieval Multilingualism: The Francophone World and Its Neighbours, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz and Keith Busby. Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, 20 (Turnhout: 2010), Multilingualism 2.1 (2014): 180-83; online at
2163. Patricia Dailey, Promised Bodies: Time, Language, & Corporeality in Medieval Women’s Mystical Texts (New York: 2013), Francia-Recensio 2014/2 | Mittelalter – Moyen Âge (500-1500); URL:…
2164. Hans Christoph Fuchs, Der Mückenkrieg (1600): Ein frühneuzeitliches Tierepos, ed . Sabine Schu (St. Ingbert: 2012), Sixteenth-Century Journal 44 (2013): 1175.
2165. Isobel Maddison. Elizabeth von Arnim: Beyond the German Garden (Farnham, Surrey, and Burlington, VT: 2013), The Rocky Mountain Review 68.1 (2014): 101-02.
2166. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2014, ed. Stephan Füssel. Vol. 89 (Wiesbaden: 2014), Publishing Research Quarterly 30.4 (2014): 414-15; online also at…
2167. Fabienne Loodts und Saskia Petermann, Karl der Große: Die ganze Wahrheit (Aachen: 2014), (; Oct. 28, 2014)
2168. Michael Borgolte, Mittelalter in der größeren Welt: Essays zur Geschichtsschreibung und Beiträge zur Forschung. Hrsg. von Tillmann Lohse und Benjamin Scheller (Berlin and Boston: 2013), (Nov. 10, 2014)
2169. Renate Ahrens, Seit jenem Moment (Munich: 2013), XX.2 (2014): 71-73.
2170. Gehen und doch bleiben. Autoren schreiben über Autoren. Eine Anthologie des PEN-Zentrums deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland, ed. Gabrielle Alioth and Martin Dreyfus (Heidelberg: 2014), XX.2 (2014): 80-81.
2171. Cultural Brokers at Mediterranean Courts in the Middle Ages, ed. Marc von der Höh, Nikolas Jaspert, Jenny Rahel Oesterle (Paderborn and Munich: 2013), The Medieval Review 14.11.30 (online)
2172. Zrinka Stahuljak, Virginie Greene, Sarah Kay, Sharon Kinoshita, and Peggy McCracken, Thinking Through Chrétien de Troyes (Cambridge: 2011), Studi medievali 55.2 (2014): 860-63.
2173. Helmut Birkhan, Pflanzen im Mittelalter. Eine Kulturgeschichte (Vienna: 2012), Studi medievali 55.2 (2014): 914-15.
2174. Manfred Eikelmann, Udo Friedrich, unter Mitarbeit von Esther Laufer und Michael Schwarzbach, ed., Praktiken europäischer Traditionsbildung im Mittelalter: Wissen – Literatur – Mythos (Berlin: 2013), Fabula 55.3/4 (2014): 339-41.
2175. Die Predigt im Mittelalter zwischen Mündlichkeit, Bildlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit, ed. René Wetzel and Fabrice Flückiger (Zürich: 2010), Fabula 53.1/2 (2013): 163-65 (reported late).
2176. Ylva Schwinghammer, Das Mittelalter als Faszinosum oder Marginalie? Länderübergreifende Erhebungen, Analysen und Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung der Mittelalterdidaktik im muttersprachlichen Deutschunterricht (Frankfurt a. M. et al.: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 161-162.
2177. Christoph Bachmann, Das Mittelalter 800 – 1500. Klöster – Kathedralen – Burgen (Darmstadt: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 166-167.
2178. Michael Brauer, Quellen des Mittelalters (Paderborn: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 172-173.
2179. Catherine M. Jones, An Introduction to the Chansons de Geste (Gainesville, Tallahassee, FL, et al.: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 181-182.
2180. Hans-Werner Goetz, Die Wahrnehmung anderer Religionen und christlich-abendländisches Selbstverständnis im frühen und hohen Mittelalter (5.-12. Jahrhundert). 2 vols. (Berlin: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 203-205.
2181. Jill M. Hebert, Morgan le Fay, Shapeshifter (New York: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014) 205-206.
2182. Heresy and the Making of European Culture: Medieval and Modern Perspectives, ed. Andrew P. Roach and James R. Simpson (Farnham, Surrey, and Burlington, VT: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 209-211.
2183. Richard C. Hoffmann, An Environmental History of Medieval Europe (Cambridge: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 213-215.
2184. Hunt Janin with Ursula Carlson, Mercenaries in Medieval and Renaissance Europe (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 215-217.
2185. Klaus Schreiner, Gemeinsam leben. Spiritualität, Lebens- und Verfassungsformen klösterlicher Gemeinschaften in Kirche und Gesellschaft des Mittelalters. Hrsg. in Verbindung mit Mirko Breitenstein von Gert Melville (Münster: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 220-221.
2186. Magistra Doctissima: Essays in Honor of Bonnie Wheeler, ed. Dorsey Armstrong, Ann W. Astell, and Howell Chickering (Kalamazoo, MI: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 225-227.
2187. Medieval Arthurian Epic and Romance: Eight New Translations, ed. by William W. Kibler and R. Barton Palmer. Jefferson, NC: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 227-228.
2188. Medieval English Lyrics and Carols, ed. Thomas G. Duncan (Cambridge: 2013), Mediaevistik (2014): 228-229.
2189. Medieval Life Cycles: Continuty and Change, ed. Isabelle Cochelin and Karen Smyth (Turnhout: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 229-230.
2190. Nine Miedema und Andrea Sieber, ed., Zurück zum Mittelalter: Neue Perspektiven für den Deutschunterricht (Frankfurt a. M.: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 231-232.
2191. Mittelalter – eines oder viele?. Erstes deutsch-polnische Mediävistentreffen, Wrocław, 3-5 VI 2005 (Wrocław: 2010), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 232-234.
2192. Klaus Oschema, Bilder von Europa im Mittelalter (Sigmaringen: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 245-246.
2193. The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, ed. Judith M. Bennett and Ruth Mazo Karras (Oxford: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 246-249.
2194. Partners in Spirit: Women, Men, and Religious Life in Germany, 1100-1500, ed. Fiona J. Griffiths and Julie Hotchin (Turnhout: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 249-250.
2195. Wolfram Schmitt, Medizinische Lebenskunst: Gesundheitslehre und Gesundheitsregiment im Mittelalter (Münster: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 255-257.
2196. Paul Sire, King Arthur’s European Realm: New Evidence from Monmouth’s Primary Sources (Jefferson, NC, 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014) 260-261. (and a review in…)
2197. Straßen von der Frühgeschichte bis in die Moderne: Verkehrswege – Kulturträger – Lebensraum. Akten des Interdisziplinären Kolloquiums Köln Februar 2011, hrsg. von Thomas Fischer und Heinz Günter Horn (Wiesbaden: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 266-267.
2198. Timo Rebschloe, Der Drache in der mittelalterlichen Literatur Europas (Heidelberg: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 267-268.
2199. Mario Turchetti, Tyrannie et tyrannicide de l’Antiquité à nos jours (2001; Paris: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 268-269.
2200. Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Zeitschrift des Mediävistenverbandes. Bd. 18, Heft 2, 2013: Utopie im Mittelalter. Begriff – Formen – Funktionen, ed. Heiko Hartmann and Werner Röcke (Berlin: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 274-275.
2201. Vieler Völker Städte: Polyethnizität und Migration in Städten des Mittelalters – Chancen und Gefahren. Vorträge des gleichnamigen Symposiums vom 7. bis 10. April 2011 in Heilbronn, hg. von Kurt-Ulrich Jäschke und Christhard Schrenk (Heilbronn: 2012), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 275-276.
2202. Wolfgang Ernst, Gehirn und Zauberspruch. Archaische und mittelalterliche psychoperformative Heilspruchtexte und ihre natürlichen Wirkkomponenten. Eine interdisziplinäre Studie (Frankfurt a. M., Bern, et al.: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 278-280.
2203. Aurelius Augustinus, Confessiones / Bekenntnisse. Lateinisch / Deutsch. Übersetzt, hg. und kommentiert von Kurt Flasch und Burkhard Mojsisch (Stuttgart: 2009, rpt. 2012), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 289.
2204. Reinhard Bleck, Entstehung des Nibelungenstoffes im 8. Jahrhundert (Göppingen: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 291-293.
2205. Discovery and Distinction in the Early Middle Ages: Studies in Honor of John J. Contreni, ed. Cullen J. Chandler and Steven A. Stofferahn (Kalamazoo, MI: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 296-298.
2206. Karin Schneider-Ferber, Karl der Grosse: Der mächtigste Herrscher des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 315-316.
2207. Medieval Treasures from Hildesheim, ed. Peter Barnet, Michael Brandt, and Gerhard Lutz (New York: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 319-320.
2208. Frank Schleicher, Cosmographia Christiana. Kosmologie und Geographie im frühen Christentum (Paderborn: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 333-334.
2209. Aiol: A Chanson de Geste. Modern Edition and First English Translation by Sandra C. Malicote and A. Richard Hartman. New York: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 335.
2210. Der Albanai-Psalter: Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung, hg. Jochen Bepler und Christian Heitzmann (Hildesheim, Zürich, and New York: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 336-337.
2211. The Historia Ierosolimitana of Baldric of Bourgueil. Ed. by Steven Biddlecombe (Woodbridge: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 337-338.
2212. Dana Cushing, A German Third Crusader’s Chronicle of His Voyage and the Siege of Almohad Silves, 1189 AD / Muwahid Xelb, 585 AH: De itinere navali (S.l.: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 356-358.
2213. Harald Derschka, Individuum und Persönlichkeit im Hochmittelalter (Stuttgart: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 358-360.
2214. Georgios Theotokis, The Norman Campaigns in the Balkans 1081-1108 (Woodbridge: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 362-363.
2215. Matthias Hammele, Das Bild der Juden im Johannes-Kommentar des Thomas von Aquin: Ein Beitrag zu Bibelhermeneutik und Wissenschaftsgeschichte im 13. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart: 2012), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 363-365.
2216. Jonathan R. Lyon, Princely Brothers and Sisters: The Sibling Bond in German Politics, 1100-1250 (Ithaca and London: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 375-376.
2217. Alexander Schulz, Das Konzil der fröhlichen Fräulein von Remiremont. Concilium in monte Romarici (urjadingen-Burhave: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 390.
2218. Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, Lanzelet. Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar. 2. Aufl. Hg. von Florian Kragl (Berlin und Boston: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 391-392.
2219. Catherine Mumelter, Vita Heriberti”: Rupert von Deutz – Biographie eines Erzbischofs (Kiel: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 394-395.
2220. Walther von der Vogelweide, Leich, Lieder, Sangsprüche. 15., veränderte und um Fassungseditionen erweiterte Auflage der Ausgabe Karl Lachmanns. Aufgrund der 14., von Christoph Cormeau bearbeiteten Ausgabe neu herausgegeben, mit Erschließungshilfen und textkritischen Kommentaren versehen von Thomas Bein (Berlin and Boston: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 395-397.
2221. Writing the Early Crusades: Text, Transmission and Memory, ed. Marcus Bull and Damien Kempf (Woodbridge: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 397-398.
2222. Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Europa (c. 1400-1458), trans. by Robert Brown, intro. and annotated by Nancy Bisaha (Washington, DC: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 399-400.
2223. Antoine de La Sale, Jean de Saintré. A Late Medieval Education in Love and Chivalry. Trans. by Roberta L. Krueger and Jane H. M. Taylor (Philadelphia: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 401-402.
2224. Die Arolser Weltchronik: Ein monumentales Geschichtswerk des Mittelalters, hg. von Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde und Jürgen Wolf (Darmstadt: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 403.
2225. Katherine A. Brown, Boccaccio’s Fabliaux: Medieval Short Stories and the Function of Reversal (Gainesville, Tallahassee, et al.: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 405-407.
2226. Christians and Jews in Angevin England: The York Massacre of 1190. Narratives and Contexts, ed. Sarah Rees Jones and Sethina Watson (York and Woodbridge: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 407-409.
2227. Elizabeth de Burgh, Lady of Clare (1295-1360). Household and Other Records, ed. and trans. by Jennifer Ward (Woodbridge: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 410.
2228. The Book of Gladness / Le Livre de Leesce: A 14th Century Defense of Women, in English and French, by Jehan Le Fèvre, trans., annotated and with an intro. by Linda Burke (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 412-413.
2229. Kirsten O. Frieling, Sehen und gesehen werden: Kleidung an Fürstenhöfen an der Schwelle vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit (ca. 1450-1530) (Ostfildern: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 413-415.
2230. Loher und Maller: Kritische Edition eines spätmittelalterlichen Prosaepos, ed. Ute von Bloh (Berlin: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 422-423.
2231. Herzog Herpin. Kritische Edition eines spätmittelalterlichen Prosaepos, ed. Bernd Bastert (Berlin: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 423-425.
2232. Thomas A. Fuge, The Memory and Motivation of Jan Hus, Medieval Priest and Martyr (Turnhout: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 426-428.
2233. 1414-1418: Weltereignisse des Mittelalters. Das Konstanzer Konzil. Essays. Hg. von Karl-Heinz Braun, Mathias Herweg, Hans W. Hubert, Joachim Schneider und Thomas Zotz (Darmstadt: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 430-431.
2234. Jacques Le Goff, In Search of Sacred Time: Jacobus de Voragine and The Golden Legend (Princeton and Oxford: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 433-434.
2235. Die Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein: Edition und Kommentar. Vol. 5: 1443-1447, Nr. 387-524, ed. Schwob and Ute Monika Schwob (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 435.
2236. Lybeaus Desconus, ed. by Eve Salisbury and James Weldon (Kalamazoo, MI: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 437-438.
2237. Dr. Hieronymus Münzer’s Itinerary and The Discovery of Guinea. Translation and Notes by James Firth. London: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 446-447.
2238. The Cosmopolitan. Songs by Oswald von Wolkenstein. Ensemble Leones: Miriam Andersén, Taobie Miller, Baptiste Romain und Marc Lewon. CD (Heidelberg 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 448-449.
2239. Hans Moser, Wie eine Feder leicht: Oswald von Wolkenstein – Lieder und Nachdichtungen (Innsbruck: 2012), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 449-450.
2240. Die legent vnd dz leben des hochgelopten manlichen ritters sant joergen. Kritische Neuedition und Interpretation einer alemannischen Prosalegende des heiligen Georg aus dem 15. Jahrhundert, ed. Markus Schmitz (Berlin: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 450452.
2241. The Shorter Writings of Ulrich Putsch: Diarium, Oraciones super missam and Manuale simplicium sacerdotum, ed. Nigel Harris (Oxford, Bern, et al.: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 452-453.
2242. Tanya Stabler Miller, The Beguines of Medieval Paris: Gender, Patronage, and Spiritual Authority (Philadelphia: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 461-462.
2243. Tina Terrahe, Heinrich Steinhöwels Apollonius: Edition und Studien (Berlin und Boston: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 463.
2244. Ten Bourdes. Ed. by Melissa M. Furrow (Kalamazoo, MI: 2013), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 468-469.
2245. Augenzeugen des Konstanzer Konzils: Die Chronik des Ulrich Richental. Die Konstanzer Handschrift ins Neuhochdeutsche übersetzt von Monika Küble und Henry Gerlach. Mit einem Nachwort von Jürgen Klöckler. Darmstadt: 2014), Mediaevistik 27 (2014): 479-480.
2246. Nancy Aris und Clemens Heitmann, Hrgs., Via Knast in den Westen: Das Kaßberg-Gefängnis und seine Geschichte (Leipzig: 2014), XXI.1 (2015): 91-92.
2247. Peter Pabisch, Die Rainbacher Evangelienspiele: Voll der Erwartungen, zu Friedrich Ch. Zauner, Von Jakob, Josef und seinen Brüdern (Munich: 2014), XXI.1 (2015): 94.
2248. Valentin Weigel, Vom wahren seligmachenden Glauben; Daß das Wort Gottes in allen Menschen sei; Wie der Glaube aus dem Gehör komme und andere Schriften (vol. 5), Handschriftliche Predigtensammlung (Unvollständige Teilpostille); Einfältiger Unterricht; Vom himmlischen Jerusalem (vol. 6), ed. and intro. by Horst Pfefferl (Stuttgart: 2013), The Sixteenth Century Journal XLV.4 (2014): 1073-74.
2249. Hermann von Lerbeck, Die Chronik der Grafen von Schaumburg, ed. and trans. by Sascha Hohlt (Kiel: 2012), The Sixteenth Century Journal XLV.4 (2014): 1117-18.
2250. Amor docet musicam: Musik und Liebe in der Frühen Neuzeit, ed. Dietrich Helms and Sabine Meine (Hildesheim, Zürich, and New York: 2012), Jahrbuch für populäre Kultur 59 (2014; appeared in 2015): 299-301.
2251. A. C. Spearing, Medieval Autographies: The “I” of the Text. The Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies 2008 (Notre Dame, IN: 2012), Studi medievali 3a serie, LVI.1 (2015): 396–99.
2252. Ulrich Hoffmann, Arbeit an der Literatur. Zur Mythizität der Artusromane Hartmanns von Aue (Berlin: 2012), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 74 (2015): 253-55.
2253. Loher und Maller: Kritische Edition eines spätmittelalterlichen Prosaepos, ed. Ute von Bloh (Berlin: 2013), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 74 (2015): 256-57.
2254. Gerhild Scholz Williams, Mediating Culture in the Seventeenth-Century German Novel: Eberhard Werner Happel, 1647-1690 (Ann Arbor, MI: 2013), Rocky Mountain Review 69.1 (2015): 129-31
2255. Wolfram-Studien XXII: Finden – Gestalten – Vermitteln. Schreibprozesse und ihre Brechungen in der mittelalterlichen Überlieferung. Freiburger Colloquium 2010. In Verbindung mit Susanne Köbele und Klaus Ridder hg. von Eckart Conrad Lutz (Berlin: 2012), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXV.3 (2014): 371-73.
2256. Partners in Spirit: Women, Men, and Religious Life in Germany, 1100-1500, ed. Fiona J. Griffiths and Julie Hotchin (Turnhout: 2014), Humanities and Social Science Net Online: (Sept. 2015)
2257. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2015 vol. 90, ed. Stephan Füssel (Wiesbaden: 2015), Publishing Research Quarterly 31.4 (2015): 327-29; (Sept. 2015)
2258. Werner Stangl, Zwischen Authentizität und Fiktion: Die private Korrespondenz spanischer Emigranten aus Amerika, 1492-1824 (Cologne: 2012), Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 123 (2015): 521-22.
2259. Katie L. Walter, ed., Reading Skin in Medieval Literature and Culture (New York: 2013), Speculum 90.4 (2015): 1179-80
2260. Klaus Herbers and Hans Christian Lehner, ed., Unterwegs im Namen der Religion: Pilgern als Form von Kontingenzbewältigung und Zukunftssicherung in den Weltreligionen (Stuttgart: 2014), The Medieval Review TMR 15.11.22 (online, Nov. 19, 2015)
2261. Claudia Ansorge, Cora Dietl, and Titus Knäpper, ed., Gewaltgenuss, Zorn und Gelächter. Die emotionale Seite der Gewalt in Literatur und Historiographie des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (Göttingen: 2015), (online) at
2262. The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain: A Mediterranean Diaspora, ed. by Mercedes García-Arenal and Gerard Wiegers (Leiden and Boston: 2014), Sixteenth-Century Studies XLVI.2 (2015): 431-33.
2263. John Aberth, Plagues in World History (Lanham: 2011), Sixteenth-Century Studies XLVI.2 (2015): 531-32.
2264. Sharon Kinoshita and Peggy McCracken, Marie de France: A Critical Companion (Cambridge: 2012), Studi medievali 56 (2015): 982-84.
2265. Stephanie L. Hathaway: Saracens and Conversion. Chivalric Ideals in Aliscans and Wolfram’s Willehalm (Bern: 2012), Dec. 2012 (reported late):…;
2266. Visuality and Materiality in the Story of Tristan and Isolde, ed. Jutta Eming, Ann Marie Rasmussen, and Kathryn Starkey (Notre Dame, IN: 2012), The Comparatist 37 (2013): 338-41.
2267. The Old French Lays of Ignaure, Oiselet and Amouors. Ed. and trans. by Glyn S. Burgess and Leslie C. Brook, with the assistance of Elizabeth W. Poe for Amours (Cambridge: 2010), Studi medievali 53 (2013): 492-93.
2268. Suzanne Verderber, The Medieval Fold: Power, Repression, and the Emergence of the Individual (New York: 2013), Studi medievali 55.1 (2014): 451-53.
2269. Das Schuldbuch des Basler Kaufmanns Ludwig Kilchmann (gest. 1518), ed. and commentary by Gabriela Signori (Stuttgart: 2014), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLVI.3 (2015): 785-86.
2270. Wolfram-Studien XXI: Transformationen der Lyrik im 13. Jahrhundert. Wildbader Kolloquium 2008, in Verbindung mit Eckart Conrad Lutz und Klaus Ridder hrsg. von Susanne Köbele (Berlin: 2013), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXVI.1 (2015): 238-39.
2271. Wolfram-Studien XXII:Wolframs Parzival-Roman im europäischen Kontext. Tübinger Kolloquium 2012, ed. Klaus Ridder (Berlin: 2014), Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXVI.1 (2015): 240-41.
2272. Carolin Oster, Die Farben höfischer Körper: Farbattribuierung und höfische Identität in mittelhochdeutschen Artus- und Tristanromanen (Berlin and Boston: 2014), German Quarterly (Fall 2015): 586-88.
2273. Lothar Voetz, Der Codex Manesse: Die berühmteste Liederhandschrift des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2015), (last accessed Jan. 28, 2016)
2274. Ordentliche Unordnung: Metamorphosen des Schwanks vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne. Festschrift für Michael Schilling, ed. Bernhard Jahn, Dirk Rose, and Thorsten Unger (Heidelberg: 2014), Fabula 56.3/4 (2015): 354-56.
2275. A. S. Lazikani, Cultivating the Heart: Feeling and Emotion in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Religious Texts (Cardiff: 2015), The Medieval Review TMR 16.03.10 (online)
2276. Fierabras. Chanson de geste du XIIe siècle. Traduction en français moderne du texte du manuscrit E (fin du XIIIe siècle) (Bibliothèqe de l’Escurial, M. III – 21), complété, pour la fin manquante, par les derniers vers du ms A (début du XIVe siècle) (Paris, Bibl. Nat. f. fr. no 12.603). Traduction, présentation, bibliographie et notes par Marc Le Person (Paris: 2012), Studi medievali 57.1 (2016): 402-03.
2276. Joel Kaye, A History of Balance 1250-1375: The Emergence of a New Model of Equilibrium and Its Impact on Thought (Cambridge: 2014), Studi medievali 57.1 (2016): 374-77.
2277. Sone de Nansay. Traduction en français moderne par Claude Lachet (Paris: 2012), Studi medievali 57.1 (2016): 401-02.
2278. Aborte im Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit: Bauforschung, Archäologie, Kulturgeschichte, ed. Olaf Wagener. Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 117 (Petersberg: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 371-72.
2279. Emily Albu, The Medieval Peutinger Map: Imperial Roman Revival in a German Empire (Cambridge: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 372-73.
2280. Barlaam und Josaphat: Neue Perspektiven auf ein europäisches Phänomen. Hg. von Constanza Cordoni und Matthias Meyer (Berlin and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 380-82.
2281. Paul M. Cobb, Der Kampf ums Paradies: Eine islamische Geschichte der Kreuzzüge (Darmstadt: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 392-94.
2282. Alexander Demandt, Der Baum: Eine Kulturgeschichte, 2n rev. and ex. ed. (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 394-96.
2283. Marina Münkler, Antje Sablotny und Matthias Standke, ed., Freundschaftszeichen: Gesten, Gaben und Symbole von Freundschaft im Mittelalter (Heidelberg: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 396-99.
2284. Jan Keupp und Romedio Schmitz-Esser, ed., Neue alte Sachlichkeit: Studienbuch Materialität des Mittelalters (Ostfildern: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 401-02.
2285. Hiram Kümper, Materialwissenschaft Mediävistik: Eine Einführung in die Historischen Hilfswissenschaften (Paderborn: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 411-12.
2286. Literatur- und Kulturtheorien in der Germanistischen Mediävistik: Ein Handbuch. Hrsg. von Christiane Ackermann und Michael Egerding (Berlin und Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 414-16.
2287. Mächtige Frauen? Königinnen und Fürstinnen im europäischen Mittelalter (11.-14. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. von Claudia Zey (Ostfilern: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 416-17.
2288. Medieval Clothing and Textiles, ed. Robert Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker (Woodbridge: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 421-22.
2289-91. Rudolf Simek, Monster im Mittelalter: Die phantastische Welt der Wundervölker und Fabelwesen (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2015); Monster: Fantastische Bilderwelten zwischen Grauen und Komik, hrsg. von Peggy Große, G. Ulrich Großmann und Johannes Pommerantz (Nürnberg: 2015); Brenda S. Gardenour Walter, Our Old Monsters: Witches, Werewolves and Vampires from Medieval Theology to Horor Cinema (Jefferson, NC: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (1015): 423-28.
2292. Muslim and Christian Contact in the Middle Ages: A Reader, ed. Jarbel Rodriguez (Toronto: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 428-29.
2293. Barbara H. Rosenwein, Generations of Feeling: A History of Emotions, 600-1700 (Cambridge: 2016), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 437-39.
2294. The Medieval Chronicle IX, ed. Erik Kooper and Sjoerd Levelt (Amsterdam and New York: 2014), Mediävistik 28 (2015): 445-46.
2295. Von achtzehn Wachteln und dem Finkenritter: Deutsche Unsinnsdichtung des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Mittelhochdeutsch / Frühneuhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Horst Brunner (Stuttgart: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 446-48.
2296. Vergessene Texte des Mittelalters, ed. Nathanel Busch and Björn Reich (Stuttgart: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 448-51.
2297. Die Gumbertusbibel: Goldene Bilderpracht der Romanik. Hrsg. von Anna Pawlik und Michele C. Ferrari. Nuremberg: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 479-80.
2298. Die Kaiserchronik: Eine Auswahl. Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Übersetzt, kommentiert und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Mathias Herweg (Stuttgart: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 480-81.
2299. Richard Marsden, The Cambridge Old English Reader. Sec. ed. (Cambridge: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 489-90.
2300. Otfrid von Weißenburg, Evangelienbuch. Aus dem Althochdeutschen übertragen und mit einer Einführung, Anmerkungen und einer Auswahlbibliographie versehen von Heiko Hartmann. Bd. 2: Liber secundus / Liber tertius, Studien (I) (Herne: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 491-93.
2301. Hartmann von Aue, Der arme Heinrich. Mittelhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch. Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Nathanael Busch und Jürgen Wolf (Stuttgart: 2013), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 509-10.
2302. Lothar Voetz, Der Codex Manesse. Die berühmteste Liederhandschrift des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 512-13.
2303. Heiko Hartmann, Einführung in das Werk Wolframs von Eschenbach (Darmstadt: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 515-16.
2304. Mirabilia Urbis Romae – Die Wunderwerke der Stadt Rom. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar von Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich, Martin Wallraff, Katharina Heyden und Thomas Krönung. Freiburg, Basel, and Vienna: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 523.
2305. Jan-Dirk Müller, Das Nibelungenlied. 4. neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. (Berlin: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 524.
2306. Rupert T. Pickens, Perceval and Gawain in Dark Mirrors: Reflection and Reflexivity in Chrétien de Troyes’s Conte del Graal (Jefferson, NC: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 525-26.
2307. Christine Putzo, Konrad Fleck, ‘Flore und Blanscheflur’: Text und Untersuchung (Berlin, Munich, and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 526-28.
2308. The Romance of Tristran by Beroul and Beroul II: A Diplomatic Edition and a Critical Edition by Barbara N. Sargent-Baur. Vol. II: Student Edition and English Translation ( Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 529-30.
2309. Larissa Schuler-Lang, Wildes Erzählen – Erzählen vom Wilden: ‘Parzival’, ‘Busant’ und ‘Wolfdietrich D’ (Berlin: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 530-31.
2310. Solomon ibn Abirol (Avicebron), The Font of Life (Fons Vitae). Trans. from the Latin with an Introduction by John A. Laumakis (Milwaukee, WI: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 531-32.
2311. Wigamur, ed. and trans. by Joseph M. Sullivan (Woodbridge: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 542-43.
2312. The Histories of a Medieval German City, Worms, c. 1000-c. 1300, trans. David S. Bachrach (Farnham, Sussex, and Burlington, VT: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 543-44.
2313. Die Augsburger Cantiones-Sammlung. Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Michael Callsen (Hildesheim: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 551.
2314. Undine Brückner, Dorothea von Hof: “Das buoch der götlichen liebe und summe der tugent”: Studien zu einer Konstanzer Kompilation geistlicher Texte des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts (Ostfilern: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 559-61.
2315. Christine de Pizan, Le Livre des epistres du debat sus le Rommant de la Rose. Édition critique par Andrea Valentini (Paris: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 562-63.
2316. The Complete Harley 2253 Manuscript. Vol. 2. Ed. and trans. by Susanna Fein with David Raybin and Jan Ziolkowski (Kalamazoo, MI: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 564-65.
2317. Der Stricker, Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal. 3., überarbeitete Aufl. Hg. von Michael Resler (Berlin and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 565-66.
2318. Death, Torture and the Broken Body in European Art, 1300-1650, ed. John R. Decker and 2319. Mitzi Kirkland-Ives (Farmham and Burlington, VT: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 566-68.
2320. Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon: Das Mittelalter, ed. Wolfgang Achnitz. Vol. 7: Das wissensvermittelnde Schrifttum im 15. Jahrhundert (Berlin und Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 568-70.
2321. Arnold Esch, Die Lebenswelt des europäischen Spätmittelalters: Kleine Schicksale selbst erzählt in Schreiben an den Papst (Munich: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 574-76.
2322. Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde in Modern Verse. Trans., with Notes, by Joseph Glaser. Introduction by Christine Chism. Indianapolis and Cambridge: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 579-80.
2323. Ursula Gießmann, Der letzte Gegenpast: Felix V.: Studien zu Herrschaftspraxis und Legitimationsstrategien (1434-1451) (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 580-82.
2324. Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller, Prager Köpfe von Karl IV. bis Jan Hus: Dichter und Denker des “goldenen Zeitalters” in 25 Biogrammen (Hamburg: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 582-83.
2325. Maximilians Ruhmeswerk: Künste und Wissenschaften im Umkreis Kaiser Maximilians I., ed. Jan-Dirk Müller and Hans-Joachim Ziegeler (Berlin and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 592-94.
2326. Oton de Granson, Poems, ed. and trans. Peter Nicholson and Joan Grenier-Winther (Kalamazoo, MI: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 602-04.
2327. Passional. Buch I: Marienleben. Buch II: Apostellegenden, ed. Annegret Haase, Martin Schubert and Jürgen Wolf (Berlin: 2013), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 605-07.
2328. Paurnfeindts Fechtbuch aus dem Jahr 1516, ed. Matthias Johannes Bauer (Norderstedt: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 607-08.
2329. Pedro Martínez García, El cara a cara con el otro: la visión de lo ajeno a fines de la Edad Media y comienzos de la Edad Moderna a través del viaje (Frankfurt a. M.: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 608-10.
2330. Rosengarten. Hrsg. von Elisabeth Lienert, Sonja Kerth und Svenja Nierentz. 3 vols. (Berlin, Munich, and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 617-18.
2331. Sebastian Brant, Indices zu Tugent Spyl und Narrenschiff, ed. Frédéric Hartweg and Wolfgang Putschke. Vol. 1: Tugent Spyl. Vol. 2: Narrenschiff (Hildesheim, Zürich und New York: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 620-21.
2332. Charlotte A. Stanford, Commemorating the Dead in Late Medieval Strasbourg: The Cathedral’s Book of Donors and Its Use (1320-1521)(Farnham, Surrey, England, and Burlington, VT: 2011), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 624-25.
2333. Horst Rupp, ed., Der Waltensburger Meister in seiner Zeit (Lindenberg i. Allgäu: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 629-31.
2334. Rainer Welle, . . . vnd mit der rechtne faust ein mordstuck. Baumanns Fecht- und Ringkampfhandschrift. Edition und Kommentierung der anonymen Fecht- und Ringkampfhandschrift Cod. I.6.4o2 der UB Augsburg aus den Beständen der Öttingen-Wallersteinischen Bibliothek. 2 vols. (Munich: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 631-32.
2335. William Langland, Piers Plowman: A Modern Verse Translation, trans. Peter Sutton. Jefferson, NC: 2014), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 632-34.
2336. Der Wunderer, ed. Florian Kragl (Berlin and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 634-35.
2337. Loyalty in the Middle Ages: Ideal and Practice of a Cross-Social Value, ed. Jörg Sonntag and Coralie Zermatten (Turnhout: 2015), The Medieval Review16.05.27 (online)
2338. Yen-Chun Chen, Ritter, Minne und der Gral: Komplementarität und Kohärenzprobleme im Rappoltsteiner Parzifal (Heidelberg: 2015), Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 76 (2016): 291-93.
2339. Armin Schulz, Erzähltheorie in mediävistischer Perspektive: Studienausgabe. 2. durchgesehene Aufl., ed. Manuel Braun, Alexandra Dunkel, and Jan-Dirk Müller (Berlin und Boston: 2015), Fabula 57.1/2 (2016): 181-84.
2340. Rolf Bauerdick, The Madonna on the Moon. A Novel, trans. from the German by David Dollenmayer (New York: 2013), The Rocky Mountain Review 70.1 (2016): 85-86.
2341. E. R. Truitt, Medieval Robots: Mechanism, Magic, Nature, and Art (Philadelphia: 2015), Rocky Mountain Review 70.1 (2016): 120-22.
2342. Yassin Nasri, Der Golan-Marathon (Dresden: 2015), XXI.2 (2015): 90-91.
2343. Stuart Friebert, On the Bottom: Poems (Oak Ridge, TN: 2015), XXI.2 (2015): 93-94.
2344. Kuno Raeber, Be Quiet: Selected Poems. Trans. by Stuart Friebert (Rochester, NY: 2015), XXI.2 (2015):98-99.
2345. Arturo Giraldez, The Age of Trade: The Manila Galleons and the Dawn of the Global Economy (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: 2015), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLII.1 (2016): 236-37.
2346. Martina Oehri, Dinge, die die Welt bewegen: Zur Kohärenz im frühneuzeitlichen Prosaroman (Bern et al.: 2015), Sixteenth-Century Journal XVII.2 (2016): 503-04
2347. Giovan Francesco Straparola, The Pleasant Nights, ed. and trans. Suzanne Magnanini (Toronto: 2015), Sixteenth Century Journal XVII.2 (2016): 430-31
2348. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2016, ed. Stephan Füssel. Vol. 91 (Wiesbaden: 2016), Publishing Research Quarterly 32.4 (2016): 333-34
2349. Renate Ahrens, Das gerettete Kind (Munich: 2016), XXII.2 (2016): 89-91
2350. Angelika Quirk, Of Ruins and Rumors (Mill Valley, CA: 2015), XXII.2 (2016): 94-96.
2351. Sébastien Moureau, Le De anima alchimique du pseudo-Avicenne, 2 vols. (Florence, Italy: 2016), Sehepunkte 16.12 (2016); online at:
2352. The Middle Ages in Popular Culture: Medievalism and Genre, ed. Helen Young (Amherst, NY: 2015), The Rocky Mountain Review 70.2 (2016): 222-24.
2353. Astrid Dröse, Georg Greflinger und das weltliche Lied im 17. Jahrhundert (Berlin and Boston: 2015), Jahrbuch für populäre Kultur 60/61 (2015/2016): 453-55.
2354. Dieter Burdorf, Geschichte der deutschen Lyrik. Einführung und Interpretation (Stuttgart: 2015), German Quarterly 90.1 (2017): 85-86.
2355. Dieter Burdorf, Einführung in die Gedichtanalyse. 3., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage (Stuttgart: 2015), German Quarterly 90.1 (2017): 86-87.
2356. Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages: Transcultural Perspectives, ed. Markus Stock (Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 307-08.
2357. Sandra Hindman with Scott Miller, Intro. by Diana Scarisbrick, Take this Ring: Medieval and Renaissance Rings from the Griffin Collection. [Turnhout]: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 332-33.
2358. Richard W. Kaeuper, Medieval Chivalry (Cambridge: 2016), to appear in Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 344-46.
2359. Lexikon der regionalen Literaturgeschichte des Mittelalters: Ungarn und Rumänien. Hsg. von Cora Dietl und Anna-Lena Liebermann (Berlin and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 348-49.
2360. Magia daemoniaca, magia naturalis, zouber: Schreibweisen von Magie und Alchemie in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, hrsg. von Peter-André Alt, Jutta Eming, Tilo Renz und Volkhard Wels (Wiesbaden: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 351-53.
2361. Irmgard Rüsenberg, Liebe und Leid, Kampf und Grimm: Gefühlswelten in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 358-59.
2362. Rüdiger Schnell, Haben Gefühle eine Geschichte? Aporien einer History of emotions. 2 Vols. (Göttingen: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 361-64.
2363. Verstellung und Betrug im Mittelalter und in der mittelalterlichen Literatur, hrsg. Matthias Meyer und Alexander Sager (Göttingen: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 375-79.
2364. Welterfahrung und Welterschließung in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, hrsg. von Anna Kathrin Bleuler (Heidelberg: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 379-81.
2365. Zwischen Rom und Santiago: Festschrift für Klaus Herbers zum 65. Geburtstag (Bochum: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 384-85.
2366. Ava: Geistliche Dichtungen, ed. Maike Claußnitzer and Kassandra Sperl (Stuttgart: 2014), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 391-92.
2367. Achim Thomas Hack, Karolinger Kaiser als Sportler: Ein Beitrag zur frühmittelalterlichen Körpergeschichte (Stuttgart: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 405-06.
2368. Kim Hjardar and Vegard Vike, Vikings at War (Oxford and Philadelphia: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 428-30.
2369. Anna Kathrin Bleuler, Essen – Trinken – Liebe: Kultursemiotische Untersuchungen zur Poetik des alimentären in Wolframs ‘Parzival’ (Tübingen: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 435-36.
2370. Scott G. Bruce, Cluny and the Muslims of La Garde-Freinet: Hagiography and the Problem of Islam in Medieval Europe (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 437-38.
2371. Iris Bunte, Der Tristan Gottfrieds von Straßburg und die Tradition der lateinischen Rhetorik (Marburg: 2014), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 438-40.
2372. Jutta Eming, Emotionen im ‘Tristan’: Untersuchungen zu ihrer Paradigmatik (Göttingen: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 442-43.
2373. Christine Grieb, Schlachtenschilderungen in Historiographie und Literatur (1150-1230) (Paderborn: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 446-47.
2374. Dietmar Peschel, Wie soll ich das verstehen? Neun Vorträge über Verstehen, Edieren, Übersetzen mittelalterlicher Literatur (Heidelberg: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 455-56.
2375. Julia Richter, Spiegelungen: Paradigmatisches Erzählen in Wolframs >Parzival< (Berlin and Boston: 2015), to appear in Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 458-60.
2376. Benjamin van Well, Mir troumt hinaht ein troum: Untersuchungen zur Erzählweise von Träumen in mittelhochdeutscher Epik (Vienna: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 471-72.
2377. Walter Map, Die unterhaltsamen Gespräche am englischen Königshof. De nugis curialum. Eingleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert von Elmar Wilhelm (Stuttgart: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 472-74.
2378. 700 Jahre Boccaccio: Traditionslinien vom Trecento bis in die Moderne, hg. von Christa Bertelsmeier-Kierst und Rainer Stillers (Frankfurt a. M.: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 477-78.
2379. Arnaut de Vilanova, Über den Antichrist und die Reform der Christenheit. Aus dem Katalanischen übersetzt und eingeleitet von Alexander Fidora (Barcelona: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 482-83.
2380. Die Autobiographie Karls IV. Vita Caroli Quarti. Einführung, Übersetzung und Kommentar von Eugen Hillenbrand. Hg. von Wolfgang F. Stammler (Essen: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 486-87.
2381. Gertrud Beck, Trojasummen: Das “Elsässische Trojabuch” und die gedruckten Trojakompilationen (Wiesbaden: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 487-88.
2382. Bettina Full, Passio und Bild: Ästhetische Erfahrung in der italienischen Lyrik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (Munich: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 488-90.
2383. Stefan Fischer, Im Irrgarten der Bilder: Die Welt des Hieronymus Bosch (Stuttgart: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 492-93.
2384. Pascal Vuillermin, Une itinérance prophétique: Le voyage en Perse d’Ambrogio Contarini (1474-1477) (Paris: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 496-98.
2385. Franziskus von Assissi, Sämtliche Schriften. Lateinisch/Deutsch, ed. Dieter Berg (Stuttgart: 2014), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 505-06.
2386. Lena Glassmann, Die Berliner Herpin-Handschrift in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Ms. Germ. Fol. 464): Ein illustrierter Prosaroman des 15. Jahrhunderts (Saarbrücken: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 512-14.
2387. The King of Tars, ed. John H. Chandler (Kalamazoo, MI: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 520-21.
2388. Konrad von Würzburg, ‘Trojanerkrieg’ und die anonym überleiferte Fortsetzung. Kritische Ausgabe von Heinz Thoelen und Bianca Häberlein (Wiesbaden: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 526-27.
2389. Natalino Sapegno, A Literary History of the Fourteenth Century: Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, trans. with a foreword by Vincenzo Traversa (New York, Bern, et al.: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 536-37.
2390. Neidhart: Selected Songs from the Riedegg Manuscript, intro., trans., and commentary by Kathryn Starkey and Edith Wenzel (Kalamazoo, MI: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 536-37.
2391. Nürnberg: Zur Diversifikation städtischen Lebens, in Texten und Bildern des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts, ed. Heike Sahm and Monika Schausten (Berlin: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 540-41.
2392. Emily O’Brien, The Commentaries of Pope Pius II (1458-1464) and the Crisis of the Fifteenth-Century Papacy (Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 542-43.
2393. Die Lieder Oswalds von Wolkenstein. Hg. von Karl Kurt Klein. 4., grundlegend neu bearbeitete Auflage von Burghart Wachinger (Berlin and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 545-46.
2394. Bettina Pfotenhauer, Nürnberg und Venedig im Austausch: Menschen, Güter und Wissen an der Wende vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit (Regensburg: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 549-51.
2395. Luisa Rubini Messerli, Boccaccio deutsch: Die Dekameron-Rezeption in der deutschen Literatur (15.-17. Jahrhundert) (Amsterdam and New York: 2012), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 557-59.
2396. Elisabeth Sulzer, Darmgesundheit im Mittelalter (Frankfurt a. M.: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 571-72.
2397. Universität und Kloster: Melk als Hort der Wissenschaftspflege im Bannkreis der Universität Wien – fruchtbarer Austausch seit 650 Jahren, hg. Meta Niederkorn-Bruck (Melk: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 575-76.
2398. Jeffrey F. Hamburger and Nigel F. Palmer, The Prayer Book of Ursula Begerin: Art-Historical and Literary Introduction. With a Conservation Report by Ulrike Bürger. 2 vols. (Dietikon-Zürich: 2015), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 576-80.
2399. Birgit Zacke, Wie Tristan sich einmal in einer Wildnis verirrte: Bild-Text-Beziehungen im ‘Brüsseler Tristan’ (Berlin: 2016), Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 589-91.
2400. Thomas A. Fudge, Jan Hus Between Time and Eternity: Reconsidering a Medieval Heretic (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: 2016), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLVII.3 (2016): 755-57.
2401. Landsknechte bei Hans Sachs. Alte und neue Landsknechtstexte auf Einblattdrucken mit Holzschnitten, ed. Hans Blosen and Harald Pors (Berlin: 2016), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLVII.3 (2016): 789-90.
2402. Will Hasty, The Medieval Risk-Reward Society: Courts, Adventure, and Love in the European Middle Ages (Columbus, OH: 2016), Monatsheft 109.1 (2017): 138-40.
2403. Watch Out: Selected Poems of Kuno Raeber. Trans. from the German by Stuart Friebert (Sandpoint, ID: 2016), XXIII.1 (2017): 84-85.
2404. Angelika Quirk, Unspooling (Mill Valley, CA: 2016), XXIII.1 (2017): 94-96.
2405. Phillip N. Haberkern, Patron Saint and Prophet: Jan Hus in the Bohemian and German Reformation (Oxford: 2016), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLVII.4 (2016): 1078-79.
2406. Christoph Mauntel, Gewalt in Wort und Tat: Praktiken und Narrative im spätmittelalterlichen Frankreich (Ostfildern: 2014), sehepunkte 17.6 (2017), online at:
2407. Ursula Fricker, Lügen von gestern und heute (Munich: 2016), The Rocky Mountain Review 71.1 (2017): 67-68.
2408. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2017, vol. 92, ed. Stephan Füssel (Wiesbaden: 2017), Publishing Research Quarterly 33.4 (2017): 505-07; 10.1007/s12109-017-9538-z
2409. Jörg Rogge, ed., Recounting Deviance: Forms and Practices of Presenting Divergent Behaviour in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (Bielefeld: 2016), sehepunkte 17.9 (2017):
2410. Florence Chave-Mahir and Julien Véronèse, Rituel d’exorcisme ou manuel de magie? (Florence: 2015), sehepunkte 16.5 (2016),
2411. Religious Men and Masculine Identity in the Middle Ages, ed Ph. H. Cullum and Katherine J. Lewis (Woodbridge: 2013), 14.10 (2014):
2412. Astrologers and their Clients in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. Wiebke Deimann and David Juste (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2015), 16.10 (2016):
2413. Christine Gadrat-Ouerfelli, Lire Marco Polo au moyen âge: Traduction , diffusion et réception du Devisement du monde (Turnhout: 2015), 16.2 (2016):
2414. Sébastien Moureau, Le De anima alchimique du pseudo-Avicenne (Florence: 2016), 16.12 (2016):
2415. Das Journal des Philippe de Vigneulles, trans. and ed. Waldtraud and Eduard Schuh (†), rev. Monika Schlinkmann (Wadern and Mettmann: 2005), 7.1 (2007) (late in reporting)
2416. Anton Schwob, Ute Monika Schwob, Ausgewählte Studien zu Oswald von Wolkenstein (Innsbruck: 2014), The Austrian History Yearbook XLVIII (2017): 291-92.
2417.“Hör nicht auf zu singen”: Zeuginnen der Schweizer Reformation, ed. Rebecca A. Giselbrecht and Sabine Scheuter (Zürich: 2016), Sehepunkte 17.10 (2017), online at:
2418. Transatlantische Auswanderergeschichten. Reflexionen und Reminiszenzen aus drei Generationen: Festschrift zu Ehren von Robert Schopflocher, ed. Frederick A. Lubich (Würzburg: 2014), XXIII.2 (2017): 100-01
2419. Ulrike Draesner, Nibelungen. Heimsuchung. Mit den Illustrationen von Carl Otto Czeschka (Stuttgart: 2016), XXIII.2 (2017): 106-09.
2420. Jens Nielsen, Flusspferd im Frauenbad (Lucerne, CH: 2016), Rocky Mountain Review 71.2 (2017): 236-37.
2421. Ludwig Fischer, Brennnesseln: Ein Porträt (Berlin: 2017), sehepunkte 18.2 (2018), online at:
2422. Heinz Scheible, Melanchthon: Vermittler der Reformation. Eine Biographie. Munich: 2016), to appear in Sixteenth Century Studies XLVIII.3 (2017): 747-48.
2423. Bernard McGinn, Mysticism in the Reformation: (1500–1650) (New York: 2016), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLVIII.3 (2017): 800-02
2424. Framing Premodern Desires: Sexual Ideas, Attitudes, and Practices in Europe, ed. by Satu Lidman, Meri Heinonen, Tom Linkinen, and Marjo Kaartinen (Amsterdam: 2017), sehepunkte 18.3 (2018), online at:
2425. Jürgen Walter, Zehra Çirak, Die Kunst der Wissenschaft/The Art of Science, trans. into English by Marilya Veteto Reese and Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright (Berlin and Tübingen: 2017), XXIV.1 (2018): 101-03.
2426. Harald Hauswald/Lutz Rathenow, Ost-Berlin: Die verschwundene Stadt (Berlin: 2017), XXIV.1 (2018): 109-11.
2427. Guillaume de Deguileville, Le Pèlerinage de l’âme (The Pilgrimage of the Soul). Trans. by Eugene Clasby (Tempe, AZ: 2017), The Medieval Review 18.06.20 (online).
2428. Ritter, Bauern, Lutheraner. Katalog zur Bayerischen Landesausstellung 2017, Veste Coburg und Kirche St. Moriz 9. Mai bis 5. November 2017, ed. Peter Wolf, Evamaria Brockhoff, et al. (Augsburg: 2017), Sixteenth-Century Studies XLVIII.4 (2017): 1084-86.
2429. Pierre Emonet, S.J., Ignatius of Loyola: Legend and Reality, trans. [from the French] by Jerry Ryan, ed. Thomas M. McCoog, S.J. (Philadelphia: 2016), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLVIII.4 (2017): 1200-01.
2430. Volker Meid, Der Dreißigjährige Krieg in der deutschen Barockliteratur (Stuttgart: 2017), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIX.1 (2018): 276-77.
2431. Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean (c. 1000-1500 CE), ed. Reuven Amitai and Christoph Cluse (Turnhout: 2017),, Sept. 8, 2018, online at:
2432. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2018, ed. Stephan Füssel. Vol. 93. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018), Publishing Research Quarterly (2018): 597-98; online at:
2433. Wolfgang Achnitz, Hrsg., Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon: Das Mittelalter – Autoren und Werke nach Themenkreisen und Gattungen. 8 vols. (Berlin and New York/Boston: 2011-2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 254-55
2434. Brian Ayers, The German Ocean: Medieval Europe Around the North (Sheffield and Bristol: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 260-61
2435. The Book of Magic from Antiquity to the Enlightenment. Selected and trans. with an intro. and notes by Brian Copenhaver (London: 2015/2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 261-63.
2436. Danielle Buschinger, Le Graal dans les pays de langue allemande (Paris: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 263-64.
2437. Nancy Mandeville Caciola, Afterlives: The Return of the Dead in the Middle Ages (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 264-66.
2438. Christian Kiening, Fülle und Mangel: Medialität im Mittelalter (Zürich: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 266-68.
2439. Christiane Laudage, Das Geschäft mit der Sünde: Ablass und Ablasswesen im Mittelalter (Freiburg i. Br., Basel, and Vienna: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 268-69.
2440. David Crouch, Medieval Britain, c. 1000-1500 (Cambridge: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 273-74.
2441. Europa-Räume: Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Michael Gehler et al. (Zürich and New York: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 276-78.
2442. Founding Feminism in Medieval Studies: Essays in Honor of E. Jane Burns, ed. Laine E. Doggett and Daniel E. O’Suvillan (Cambridge: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 278-80.
2443. Geschichte Österreichs, ed. Thomas Winkelbauer. 2nd, rev. and updated ed. (Stuttgart: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 283-84.
2444. Huw Grange, Saints and Monsters in Medieval French and Occitan Literature: Sublime and Abject Bodies (Cambridge: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 288-90.
2445. Jaques Le Goff, Geschichte ohne Epochen? Ein Essay (2014; Mainz: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 299-300.
2446. Kontinuitäten, Umbrüche, Zäsuren: Die Konstruktion von Epochen in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit in interdisziplinärer Sichtung, hrsg. von Thomas Kühtreiber und Gabriele Schichta (Heidelberg: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 304-07.
2447. Lachen und Schweigen: Grenzen und Lizenzen der Kommunikation in der Erzählliteratur des Mittelalters, hrsg. von Werner Röcke und Hans Rudolf Velten (Berlin and Boston: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 307-08.
2448. Medieval German Tristan and Trojan War Stories: Interpretations, Interpolations, and Adaptations (Kalamazoo Papers 2015-2016), ed. Sibylle Jefferis (Göppingen: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 312-14.
2449. Metatexte: Erzählungen von schrifttragenden Artefakten in der alttestamentlichen und mittelalterlichen Literature, hrsg. von Friedrich-Emanuel Focken und Michael R. Ott (Berlin and Boston: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 314-16.
2450. Jan-Dirk Müller, ‘Episches’ Erzählen: Erzählformen früher volkssprachiger Schriftlichkeit (Berlin: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 317-20.
2451. Oren Falk, The Bare-Sarked Warrior: A Brief Cultural History of Battlefield Exposure (Tempe, AZ : 2015), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 322-23.
2452. Andrew Scull, Madness in Civilization: A Cultural History of Insanity from the Bible to Freud, from the Madhouse to Modern Medicine (Princeton and Oxford: 2015), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 339-40.
2453. Alison L. Beringer, The Sight of Semiramis: Medieval and Early Modern Narratives of the Babylonian Queen (Tempe, AZ: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 340-42.
2454. Tears, Sighs and Laughter: Expressions of Emotions in the Middle Ages, ed. Per Förnegård, Erika Kihlman, Mia Åkestam, and Gunnel Engwall (Stockholm: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 344-46.
2455. Theologisches Wissen und die Kunst: Festschrift für Martin Büchsel, hrsg. Rebecca Müller, Anselm Rau, and Johanna Scheel (Berlin: 2015), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 347-48.
2456. The Penguin Book of the Undead: Fifteen Hundred Years of Supernatural Encounters, ed. Scott G. Bruce (New York: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 351-52.
2457. Unterwegs im Namen der Religion II: Wege und Ziele in vergleichender Perspektive – das mittelalterliche Europa und Asien, hrsg. Klaus Herbers und Hans Christian Lehner (Stuttgart: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 352-53.
2458. Waltharius: Edition, trans., and intro. by Abram Ring (Leuven, Paris, and Bristol, CT: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 396.
2459. Thomas Bein, Deutschsprachige Lyrik des Mittelalters: Von den Anfängen bis zum 14. Jahrhundert. Eine Einführung. Grundlagen der Germanistik, 62 (Berlin: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 400-01.
2460. Judith A. Green, Forging the Kingdom: Power in English Society, 973-1189 (Cambridge: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 408-09.
2461. The Lais of Marie de France: Text and Translation, ed. and trans. by Claire M. Waters (Peterborough, Ont.: 2018), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 415-16.
2462. Nicolas Mittler, Virtualität im Minnesang um 1200: Transdisziplinäre Analysen (Frankfurt a. M.: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 416-18.
2463. The Twelfth-Century Renaissance: A Reader, ed. Alex J. Novikoff. Toronto: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 419-21.
2464. Das Nibelungenlied. Nach der St. Galler Handschrift hg. und erläutert von Hermann Reichert (Berlin and New York: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 428-30.
2465. Klaus-Peter Wegera, Simone Schultz-Balluff und Nina Bartsch, Mittelhochdeutsche als fremde Sprache: Eine Einführung für das Studium der germanistischen Mediävistik. 3., durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage (Berlin: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 435-36.
2466. Claudia Zey, Der Investiturstreit (Munich: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 438-39.
2467. Béla Szolt Szakács, The Visual World of the Hungarian Angevin Legendary (Budapest: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 450-51.
2468. Ute von Bloh/Bernd Bastert, Loher und Maller. Herzog Herpin. Kommentar und Erschließung (Berlin: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 453-54.
2469. Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron. A New Translation, Contexts, Criticism, Trans. and ed. by Wayne A. Rebhorn (New York and London: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 454-55.
2470. Paul W. Knoll, “A Pearl of Powerful Learning”: The University of Cracow in the Fifteenth Century (Leiden and Boston: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 455-57.
2471. Daniela Wagner, Die Fünfzehn Zeichen vor dem Jüngsten Gericht: Spätmittelalterliche Bildkonzepte für das Seelenheil (Berlin: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 457-58.
2472. Dante Alighieri, Das Neue Leben. Aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von Thomas Vormbaum (Stuttgart: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 458-59.
2473. Der Deichsler-Altar: Nürnberger Kunst um 1420: Ausstellung im Germanischen Nationalmuseum vom 5. Mai bis 23. Oktober 2016, ed. Frank Matthias Kammel (Nuremberg: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 459-60.
2474. Michaela Eser, Augsburger Nibelungenlied und -klage. Edition und Untersuchung (Regensburg: 2015), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 460-62.
2475. Johannes Geiler von Kaysersberg, Die Augsburger Predigten, hrsg. von Kristina Freienhagen-Baumgardt und Werner Williams-Krapp, unter Mitarbeit von Katrin Stegherr (Berlin, Munich, and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 463-64.
2476. Gesta Romanorum: A New Translation by Christopher Stace, with an introduction by Nigel Harris (Manchester: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 464-65.
2477. Maren Großbröhmer, Erzählen von den Heiden: Annäherungen an das Andere in den Chanson de geste-Adaptationen “Loher und Maller” und “Herzog Herpin” (Berlin: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 465-67.
2478. Hadewijch: Lieder. Originaltext, Kommentar, Übersetzung und Melodien. Hrsg., eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert von Veerle Fraeters und Frank Willaert (Berlin and Boston: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 469-70.
2479. Hazards of the Dark Arts. Advice for Medieval Princes on Witchcraft and Magic: Johannes Hartlieb’s Book of all Forbidden Arts (1456) and Ulrich Molitoris’s On Witches and Pythonesses (1489), trans. Richard Kieckhefer (University Park, PA: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 472-73.
2480. Colette Halter-Pernet, Felix Hemmerli: Zürichs streitbarer Gelehrter im Spätmittelalter. Mit Übersetzungen aus dem Lateinischen von Helena Müller und Erika Egner Eid (Zürich: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 474-76.
2481. Lina Herz, Schwieriges Glück: Kernfamilie als Narrativ am Beispiel des “Herzog Herpin” (Berlin: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 476-78.
2482. Jürgen Hoeren, Martin V.: Papst der Einheit und der Glaubenskriege (Constance: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 480-81.
2483. Hans Holbein, The Dance of Death. With a commentary by Ulinka Rublack (London: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 481-82.
2484. Christopher Köhler, Morungen-Rezeption in Thüringen: Stiluntersuchungen zu Kristan von Hamle, Kristan von Luppin und Heinrich Hetzbolt von Weißensee (Hildesheim: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 488-90.
2485. Andreas Kurzmann, Die deutschen geistlichen Dichtungen: Speculum humanae salvationis, Soliloquium Mariae cum Jesu, De quodam moriente. Hrsg. von Peter Wiesinger und Edeltraud Weissenböck-Pfalik (Vienna: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 492-93.
2486. La Cien nuevas nouvelles (Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles). Estudio introductorio de Cristina Azuela (Mexico City: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 494.
2487. Heiner Lück, Der Sachsenspiegel: Das berühmteste deutsche Rechtsbuch des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 496-97.
2488. Mareike von Müller, Schwarze Komik: Narrative Sinnirritationen zwischen Märe und Schwank (Heidelberg: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 499-501.
2489. Alastair Matthews, The Medieval German Lohengrin: Narrative Poetics in the Story of the Swan King (Rochester, NY: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 502-03.
2490. Zachary A. Matus, Franciscans and the Elixir of Life: Religion and Science in the Later Middle Ages (Philadelphia: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 503-05.
2491. The Medieval Shepherd: Jean de Brie’s Le Bon Berger (1379), ed. and trans. by Carleton W. Carroll and Lois Hawley Wilson (Tempe, AZ: 2012), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 505-06.
2492. Betsy Chunko-Dominguez, English Gothic Misericord Carvings: History from the Bottom Up (Leiden and Boston: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 506-08.
2493. Odorico da Pordenone, Relatio de Mirabilibus Orientalium Tatarorum. Edizione critica a cura di Annalia Marchisio (Florence: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 509-10.
2494. Papier im mittelalterlichen Europa: Herstellung und Gebrauch, ed. Carla Meyer, Sandra Schultz, and Bernd Schneidmüller (Berlin and Boston: 2015), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 511-12.
2495. Johannes Probus, Cronica monasterii beati Meynulphi in Bodeken. Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kloster Böddeken 1409 bis 1457. Hrsg. und übersetzt von Heinrich Rüthing (Bielefeld: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 512-13.
2496. Satu Heiland, Visualisierung und Rhetorisierung von Geschlecht (Berlin and Bonn: 2015), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 526-28.
2497. Shayne Aaron Legassie, The Medieval Invention of Travel (Chicago and London: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 531-34.
2498. Ulrich Boner, Der Edelstein: Eine mittelalterliche Fabelsammlung. Zweisprachige Ausgabe Mittelhochdeutsch – Neuhochdeutsch. Hg., übersetzt, mit Anmerkungen, farbigen Abbildungen, einem Nachwort, Literaturverzeichnis, Register und Fabel-Verzeichnis versehen von Manfred Stange (Ubstadt-Weiher, Heidelberg: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 540-41
2499. Ulrich von Etzenbach, Wilhalm von Wenden: Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Hrsg. und übersetzt von Mathias Herwege (Berlin and Boston: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 541.
2500. Hans Rudolf Velten, Scurrilitas: Das Lachen, die Komik und der Körper in Literatur und Kultur des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (Tübingen: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 543-45.
2501. Virginal. Goldemar, ed. Elisabeth Lienert, Elisa Pontini, and Katrin Schumacher (Berlin and Boston: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 30 (2018): 545.
2502. Kathryn Warner, Isabella of France: The Rebel Queen. The Story of the Queen Who Deposed Her Husband Edward II (Stroud: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 545-47.
2503. Viola Wittmann, Adel im Konflikt: Narrative Potentiale in spätmittelalterliche Chanson de geste-Adaptation: Studien zum deutschen Malagis (Göttingen: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 547-49.
2504. Heinz Willi Wittschier, Boccaccios De mulieribus claris: Einführung und Handbuch (Frankfurt a. M., Bern, et al.: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 549-51.
2505. Xylographa Bavarica: Blockbücher in bayerischen Sammlungen (Xylo-Vav), hrsg. von Bettina Wagner (Wiesbaden: 2016), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 550-51.
2506. Les cours comme lieux de rencontre et d’élaboration des langues vernaculaires (1480-1620)/Höfe als Laboratorien der Volkssprachlichkeit (1480-1620), ed. Jean Balsamo and Anna Kathrin Bleuler (Geneva: 2016), The Renaissance Society of America 71.2 (2018): 781-82
2507. Danielle Buschinger, Poètes moralistes du Moyen Âge allemand: xiiie-xve siècle (Paris: 2017), The Renaissance Society of America 71.2 (2018): 806-08.
2508. Warren Perkins, Navajo Live: Ein Heavy-Metal-Leben im Reservat. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Marilya Veteto Reese und Klara Schroth (Tübingen: 2017), Trans-Lit2 XXIV.2 (2018): 102-04.
2509. Renate Ahrens, Alles was folgte (Munich: 2017), Trans-Lit2 XXIV.2 (2018): 98-100.
2510. Joachim P. Harms, it touches that’s the main thing/hauptsache es berührt: Gedichte (Norderstedt: 2018), Trans-Lit2 XXIV.2 (2018): 94-96.
2511. Der Rahmenzyklus in den europäischen Literaturen: Von Boccaccio bis Goethe, von Chaucer bis Gernhardt, ed. Christoph Kleinschmidt and Uwe Japp (Heidelberg: 2018), (Feb. 18, 2019),, with response and counter-response.
2512. Stefan Xenakis, Gewalt und Gemeinschaft: Kriegsknechte um 1500 (Paderborn: 2015), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIX.2 (2019): 611-13.
2513. Giovan Francesco Straparola, The Pleasant Nights, ed. and trans. Suzanne Magnanini (Toronto: 2015), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIX.2 (2019): 549-50.
2514. Karoline Dominika Döring, Sultansbriefe: Textfassungen, Überlieferung und Einordnung (Wiesbaden: 2017), The Medieval Review 19-04-09 (online).
2515. Le Banquet: Manger, boire et parler ensemble (XIIe-XVIIe siècles). Textes réunis par Bruno Laurioux, Agostino Paravicini Bagliani et Eva Pibiri. Micrologus (Florence: 2018), sehepunkte May 20, 2019,
2516. Pavel Blažek, Hrsg., Sacramentum Magnum: Die Ehe in der mittelalterlichen Theologie. Le mariage dans la théologie médiévale. Marriage in Medieval (Münster: 2018), literaturkritik May 17, 2019;
2517. Margaret Leslie Davis, The Lost Gutenberg: The Astounding Story of One Book’s Five-Hundred-Year Oyssey (New York: 2019), Publishing Research Quarterly 35.3 (2019): 523-24, DOI: 10.1007/s12109-019-09659-3
2518. Fritz Peter Knapp, Blüte der europäischen Literatur des Hochmittelalters. Teil 1: Gelehrtes und religiöses Schrifttum – Epos. Teil 2: Roman – Kleinepik – Lehrdichtung (Stuttgart: 2019), Literaturkritik June 6, 2019,
2519. Christine de Pizan, Othea’s Hector, ed. and trans. by Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski and Earl Jeffrey Richards (Toronto and Tempe, AZ: 2017), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIX.3 (2018): 795-96.
2520. Handbuch Frauenlob. Hrsg. von Claudia Lauer und Uta Störmer-Caysa (Heidelberg: 2018),, at: (June 21, 2019)
2521. Gedeon Borsa, Katalog der Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek Wien NB 16. Vol. IV (Baden-Baden: 2009), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLII.2 (2011) (reported late)
2522. City Limits: Perspectives on the Historical European City, ed. Glenn Glark, Judith Owens, and Greg T. Smith (Montreal, Kingston, et al.: 2010), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLII.2 (2011): 568-69 (reported late)
2523. Gerrit Deutschländer, Dienen lernen, um zu herrschen: Höfische Erziehung im ausgehenden Mittelalter (1450-1550) (Berlin: 2012), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIV.1 (2013): 307-08 (reported late)
2524. A Companion to Meister Eckhart, ed. Jeremiah M. Hackett. Brill’s Companion to the Christian Tradition, 36 (Leiden and Boston: 2013), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIV.4 (2013): 1080-81 (reported late)
2525. Christine Mundhenk, Matthias Dall’Asta, and Heidi Hein, ed., Philipp Melanchthon in 100 persönlichen Briefen (Göttingen: 2017), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIX.4 (2018): 1317-18.
2526. Über Krieg und Frieden: Die Friedensschriften des Erasmus von Rotterdam. Aus dem Lateinischen von Hans-Joachim Pagel, Wolfgang F. Stammler und Werner Stingl (Essen: 2017), Sixteenth-Century Journal XLIX.4 (2018): 1270-72.
2527. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2019, ed. Stephan Füssel (Wiesbaden: 2019), Publishing Research Quarterly 35.4 (2019): 742-44…
2528. Medieval Sexuality: A Research Guide, ed. Joyce E. Salisbury (London und New York: 2019), Sehepunkte 19.9 (2019):
2529. Norbert Angermann und Karsten Brüggemann, Geschichte der baltischen Länder (Stuttgart: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 235-36.
2530. Christa Bertelsmeier-Kierst, Buchkultur und Überlieferung im kulturellen Kontext (Berlin: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 239-40.
2531. Horst Brunner, Literarisches Leben: Studien zur deutschen Literatur (Berlin: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 243-45.
2532. Sophie Caflisch, Spielend lernen: Spiel und Spielen in der mittelalterlichen Bildung (Ostfildern: 2018), to appear in Mediaevistik 246-47.
2533. Juanita Feros Ruys, Demons in the Middle Ages (Kalamazoo, MI, and Bradford, UK: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 259-60.
2534. From Learning to Love: Schools, Law, and Pastoral Care in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Joseph W. Goering, ed. Tristan Sharp with Isabelle Cochelin, Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Abigail Firey, and Giulio Silano (Toronto: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 261-63.
2535. Games of Empire: Kulturhistorische Konnotationen von Brettspielen in transnationalen und imperialen Kontexten, ed. Karen Aydin et al. (Münster and Berlin: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 268-69.
2536. Gold und Bücher lieb ich sehr . . . 480 Jahre Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. Katalog zur Cimelien-Ausstellung vom 19. Oktober bis 15. Dezember 2017, ed. Karl-Georg Pfändtner (Lucerne: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 269-70.
2537. Michael A. Gomez, African Dominion: A New History of Empire in Early and Medieval West Africa (Princeton: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 271-72.
2538. Helmut Birkhan, Spielendes Mittelalter (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 273-76.
2539. Höfe und Experten: Relationen von Macht und Wissen in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Hrsg. von Marian Füssel, Antje Kuhle, and Michael Stolz (Göttingen: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 275-77.
2540. Inszenierungen von Sichtbarkeit in mittelalterlichen Bildkulturen, hrsg. von Henriette Hofmann, Caroline Schärli und Sophie Schweinfurth (Berlin: 2018), to appear in Mediaevistik, 277-78.
2541. Krisen, Kriege, Katastrophen: Zum Umgang mit Angst und Bedrohung im Mittelalter, ed. Christian Rohr, Ursula Bieber, and Katharina Zeppezauer-Wachauer (Heidelberg: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 278-81.
2542. Der Kurzroman in den spätmittelalterlichen Sammelhandschriften Europas/Pan-European Romances in Medieval Compilation Manuscripts, ed. Miriam Edlich-Muth (Wiesbaden: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 281-83.
2543. Medieval England 500-1500: A Reader, ed. Emilie Amt and Katherine Allen Smith. 2nd ed. (Toronto: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 283-84.
2544. Sherry C. M. Lindquist and Asa Simon Mittman, Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders (New York: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 284-85.
2545. Miracles of the Virgin in Middle English, ed. and trans. by Adrienne Williams Boyarin (Peterborough, Ont.: 2015), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 291-92.
2546. Mario Müller, Verletzende Worte: Beleidigung und Verleumdung in Rechtstexten aus dem Mittelalter und aus dem 16. Jahrhundert (Hildesheim: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 292-94.
2547. Medieval and Early Modern Murder: Legal, Literary and Historical Contexts, ed. Larissa Tracy (Woodbridge: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 294-96.
2548. Michael Pastoureau, Blue: The History of a Color (2000; Princeton and Oxford: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 305-07.
2549. Philology Matters! Essays on the Art of Reading Slowly, ed. Harry Lönnroth (Leiden and Boston: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 307-08.
2550. Pleasure in the Middle Ages, ed. Naama Cohen-Hanegbi and Piroska Nagy (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 309-10.
2551. Barbara H. Rosenwein and Riccardo Cristiani, What is the History of Emotions? (Cambridge:2018), Mediävistik (2018; appeared in 2019): 315-18.
2552. Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Biographies: Research, Results, and Reading, ed. Anders Jarlert (Stockholm: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 327-28.
2553. The Legacy of Courtly Literature: From Medieval to Contemporary Culture, ed. Deborah Nelson-Campbell and Rouben Cholakian ([New York]: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 333-34.
2554. Tragik und Minne, ed. Regina Toepfer (Heidelberg: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 336-38.
2555. Transkulturalität und Translation: Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalter im europäischen Kontext, ed. Ingrid Kasten and Laura Auteri (Berlin and Boston: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 339-40.
2556. Von sich selbst erzählen: Historische Dimensionen des Ich-Erzählens. Hrsg. von Sonja Glauch und Katharina Philipowski (Heidelberg: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 341-42.
2557. Dorothea Weltecke, Hg., Essen und Fasten: Interreligiöse Abgrenzung, Konkurrenz und Austauschprozesse (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 342-43.
2558. Gerd Althoff, Königin Mathilde († 968): Ihr Leben als Braut, Ehefrau, Witwe und ihre eigenartigen Lebensbeschreibungen (Bielefeld: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 346-47.
2559. A Handbook to Eddic Poetry: Myths and Legends of Early Scandinavia, ed. Carolyne Larrington, Judy Quinn, and Brittany Schorn (Cambridge: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 366-67.
2560. Pierre Bouet und François Neveux, Der Teppich von Bayeux: Ein mittelalterliches Meisterwerk. Übersetzt von Heike Rosbach und Hanne Henninger (Darmstadt: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 393-94.
2561. Christian Buhr, Zweifel an der Liebe: Zu Form und Funktion selbstreferentiellen Erzählens im höfischen Roman (Frankfurt a. M.: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 396-97.
2562. The Four Branches of the Mabinogi, ed. and trans. by Matthieu Boyd (Peterborough, Ont.: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 401-02.
2563. Veronika Hassel, Das Werk Friedrichs von Hausen: Edition und Studien (Berlin: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 405-06.
2564. Heinz Andermahr, Die Edelherren von Bergheim aus dem Jülicher Grafenhaus (1231-1335) (Bergheim: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 406.
2565. Sara Harris, The Linguistic Past in Twelfth-Century Britain (Cambridge: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 412-13.
2566. James L. Smith, Water in Medieval Intellectual Culture: Case-Studies from Twelfth-Century Monasticism (Turnhout: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 415-17.
2567. The Nibelungenlied with the Klage, ed. and trans. with an intro. by William Whobrey (Indianapolis, IN, and Cambridge: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 417.
2568. The Saga of the Volsungs, with The Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok. Trans., with intro., by Jackson Crawford (Indianapolis, IN, and Cambridge: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 418.
2569. Approaches to Teaching the Middle English Pearl, ed. Jane Beal and Mark Bradshaw Busbee (New York: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 423-24.
2570. Dieter Berg, Franziskus von Assisi: Der sanfte Rebell (Stuttgart: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 424-25.
2571. Christine de Pizan, The Book of the Cyte of Ladyes, trans. by Brian Anslay, ed. by Hope Johnston. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 457 (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2014), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 431-32.
2572. Claire Taylor Jones, Ruling the Spirit: Women, Liturgy, and Dominican Reform in Late Medieval Germany (Philadelphia: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 432-33.
2573. De Frédéric II à Rodolphe II: Astrologie, divination et magie dans les cours (XIIIe-XVIIe siècle), ed. Jean-Patrice Boudet, Martine Ostorero, and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (Florence: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 435-37.
2574. Karoline Dominika Döring, Sultansbriefe: Textfassungen, Überlieferung und Einordnung (Wiesbaden: 2017), Mediaevistik 437-38.
2575. The Erlau Playbook: Five Medieval German Dramas for Christmas and Easter. Trans. with an Intro. and Commentary by Stephen K. Wright (Tempe, AZ: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 440-41.
2576. Felix Fabri, Les Errances de frère Félix, pèlerin en Terre sainte, en Arabie et en Égypte. Introduction générale et édition critique par Jean Meyers. Traduction et notes par Jean Meyers et Michel Tarayte. 6 vols. (Paris: 2013-2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 441-42.
2577. Markus Gneiß, Das Wiener Handwerksordnungsbuch (1364-1555): Edition und Kommentar (Vienna: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 445-46.
2578. The Works of Gwerful Mechain, ed. and trans. Katie Gramich (Peterborough, Ont.: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 449-50.
2579. Eva Jullien, Die Handwerker und Zünfte der Stadt Luxemburg im Spätmittelalter (Cologne, Weimar, and Wien: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 458-59.
2580. The Multilingual Muse: Transcultural Poetics in the Burgundian Netherlands, ed. Adrian Armstrong and Elsa Strietman (Cambridge: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 465-67.
2581. Werner Paravicini, Ehrenvolle Abwesenheit: Studien zum adligen Reisen im späten Mittelalter, ed. Jan Hirschbiegel and Harm von Seggern (Ostfildern: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 469-70.
2582. Patrick Leiske, Höfisches Spiel und tödlicher Ernst: Das Bloßfechten mit dem langen Schwert in den deutschsprachigen Fechtbüchern des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit (Ostfildern: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 471-72.
2583. Rechtsnovellen: Rhetorik, narrative Strukturen und kulturelle Semantiken des Rechts in Kurzerzählungen des späten Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. von Pia Claudia Doering und Caroline Emmelius (Berlin: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 475-77.
2584. Robert the Devil: The First Modern English Translation of Robert le Diable, an Anonymous French Romance of the Thirteenth Century. Prepared by Samuel N. Rosenberg (University Park, PA: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 477-78.
2585. Stefan Seeber, Diesseits der Epochenschwelle: Der Roman als vormoderne Gattung in der deutschen Literatur. Göttingen: 2017) Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 479-80.
2586. Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte DArthur: Selections, ed. Maureen Okun (Peterborough, Ont.: 2015), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 482-83.
2587. The Digby Play of Mary Magdalene, ed. Chester N. Scoville (Peterborough, Ont.: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 483-84.
2588. Wendy Pfeffer, Le festin du troubadour: Nourriture, société et littérature en Occitanie (1100-1500). Traduction de Wendy Pfeffer et Patrick Ffrench [sic]. Cahors cedex: 2016), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 486-87.
2589. Matthew Wranovix, Priests and Their Books in Late Medieval Eichstätt (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: 2017), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 487-89.
2590. The York Corpus Christi Play: Selected Pageants, ed. Christina M. Fitzgerald (Peterborough, Ont.: 2018), Mediaevistik 31 (2018; appeared in 2019): 489-90.
2591. Carissa M. Harris, Obscene Pedagogies: Transgressive Talk and Sexual Education in Late Medieval Britain (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2018), sehepunkte 19.10 (2019), online at:
2592. Claudia Klingenschmid, Parasit ToGo: Die geheimen Wirtschaften eines Urtierchens (Munich: 2019), 25.2 (2019): 83-85.
2593. Claire Trenery, Madness, Medicine and Miracle in Twelfth-Century England (London and New York: 2019), sehepunkte 19.12 (2019), online at:
since 2020
2594. Thijs Porck, Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History. Anglo-Saxon Studies, 33 (Woodstock: 2019), Journal of British Studies 59.1 (2019): 148-50.
2595. Nasrullah Munshi, Kalila and Dinna, trans. from the Persian by Wheeler Thackston (Indianapolis and Cambridge: 2019), The Rocky Mountain Review 73.2 (2019): 221-23
2596. Stephan Füssel, Gutenberg, trans. by Peter Lewis (London: 2019), Publishing Research Quarterly 36.2 (2020): 307-09;DOI 10.1007/s12109-020-09720-6
2597. Norbert Bolz, Zurück zu Luther (Paderborn: 2016), Sixteenth-Century Journal L.2 (2019): 600-01
2598. Renate Ahrens, Der andere Himmel (Munich: 2019), Trans-Lit2 XXVI.1 (2020): 82-84.
2599. E. T. A. Hoffmann, Der Sandmann / The Sandman. The Original German and a New English Translation with Critical Introductions by Jolyon Timothy Hughes (Lanham, MD: 2020), Trans-Lit2 XXVI.1 (2020): 89-91.
2600. Paola Tartakoff, Conversion, Circumcision, and Ritual Murder in Medieval Europe (Philadelphia: 2020), sehepunkte 20.5 (2020), online at:
2601. Arne Schumacher, Konrad Humerys ‘Tröstung der Weisheit’: Antikenrezeption zwischen christlichem Trostanspruch und volkssprachigem Wissenstransfer. Mit einer Editionsprobe (Berlin: 2019), Sixteenth-Century Studies L.4 (2019): 1290-92
2602. Nicholas J. Higham, King Arthur: The Making of the Legend (New Haven, CT, and London: 2018), Studi medievali 61.1 (2020): 384-87.
2603. A Companion to Medieval Translation, ed. Jeanette Beer (Leeds: 2019), Speculum 95.3 (2020): 805; doi:10.1086/709654
2604. François-Xavier Fauvelle, The Golden Rhinoceros: Histories of the African Middle Ages (Princeton: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 251-52.
2605. Allegra Iafrate, The Long Life of Magical Objects: A Study in the Solomonic Tradition (University Park, PA: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 252-54.
2606. Martin Arnold, The Dragon: Fear and Power (London: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 254-55.
2607. Michael D. Barbezat, Burning Bodies: Communities, Eschatology, and the Punishment of Heresy in the Middle Ages (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 258-59.
2608. The Cambridge History of Welsh Literature, ed. Geraint Evans and Helen Fulton (Cambridge: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 265-66.
2609. Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange Across Medieval Saharan Africa, ed. Kathleen Bickford Berzock (Evanston, IL: Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University; Princeton, NJ, and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 266-67.
2610. Dingkulturen: Objekte in Literatur, Kunst und Gesellschaft der Vormoderne. Hrsg. von Anna Mühlherr, Heike Sahm, Monika Schausten und Bruno Quast (Berlin and Boston: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 275-77.
2611. Drachenblut & Heldenmut, ed. Stefanie Knöll (Regensburg: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 2798-79.
2612. Franz X. Eder, Eros, Wollust, Sünde: Sexualität in Europa von der Antike bis in die Frühe Neuzeit (Frankfurt a. M. und New York: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 279-81.
2613. Karl-Heinz Göttert, Als die Natur noch sprach: Mensch, Tier und Pflanze vor der Moderne (Stuttgart: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 284-86.
2614. Heilige: Bücher – Leiber – Orte: Festschrift für Bruno Reudenbach, ed. Daniela Wagner and Hanna Wimmer (Berlin: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 289-90.
2615. Klassiker des Mittelalters. Hrsg. von Regina Toepfer (Hildesheim: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 299-301.
2616. Transkulturalität und Translation: Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters im europäischen Kontext, ed. Ingrid Kasten and Laura Auteri (Berlin und Boston: 2017), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 304-06.
2617. Literarische Orte in deutschsprachigen Erzählungen des Mittelalters: Ein Handbuch. Hrsg. von Tilo Renz, Monika Hanauska und Mathias Herweg (Berlin and Boston: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 314-15.
2618. Michael Schwarzbach-Dobson, Exemplarisches Erzählen im Kontext: Mittelalterliche Fabeln, Gleichnisse und historische Exempel in narrativer Argumentation (Berlin and Boston: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 318-20.
2619. Mystique, langage, musique: dire l’indicible au Moyen Âge, ed. René Wetzel, Laurence Wuidar, with Katharina Wimmer (Wiesbaden: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 322-23.
2620. Poetiken des Staunens: Narratologische und dichtungstheoretische Perspektiven, hrsg. von Nicola Gess, Mireille Schnyder, Hugues Marchal und Johannes Bartuschat (Munich: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 322-25.
2621. Michael Stolz, Hrsg., Randgänge der Mediävistik. Vols. 3 and 7 (Bern: 2013 and 2017), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 325-26.
2622. Recognition and Religion: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, ed. Maijastina Kahlos, Heikki J. Koskinen, and Ritva Palmén (London and New York: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 326-28.
2623. The Medieval Literary Beyond Form, ed. Robert J. Meyer-Lee and Catherine Sanok (Woodbridge, Suffolk: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 337-39.
2624. Ulrich Rehm, Klassische Mythologie im Mittelalter: Antikenrezeption in der bildenden Kunst (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 339-40.
2625. Die Welt und Gott – Gott und die Welt? Zum Verhältnis von Religiosität und Profanität im “christlichen Mittelalter”. Ed. Elisabeth Vavra (Heidelberg: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 346-49.
2626. Deborah Deliyannis, Hendrik Dey, and Paolo Squatriti, Fifty Early Medieval Things: Materials of Culture in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 364-66.
2627. Europa in Bewegung: Lebenswelten im frühen Mittelalter. Hrsg. von Maria Bormpoudaki, Marieke van den Doel et al. (Darmstadt: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 367-69.
2628. Jesse Keskiaho, Dreams and Visions in the Early Middle Ages: The Reception and Use of Patristic Ideas, 400–900 (Cambridge, 2015), Mediaevistik 375-77.
2629. Walter Pohl, The Avars: A Steppe Empire in Central Europe, 567-822 (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 381-81.
2630. Matthew X. Vernon, The Black Middle Ages: Race and Construction of the Middle Ages (Cham, Switzerland: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 387-88.
2631. Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, The Care of Nuns: The Ministries of Benedictine Women in England During the Central Middle Ages (Oxford: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 391-93.
2632. The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the Crusades, ed. Anthony Bale (Cambridge: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 393-94.
2633. Anne Foerster, Die Witwe des Königs: Zur Vorstellung, Anspruch und Performanz im englischen und deutschen Hochmittelalter (Ostfildern: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 401-03.
2634. Herzog Ernst Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. In der Fassung B mit den Fragmenten der Fassungen A, B und Kl nach der Leithandschrift herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert von Mathias Herweg (Stuttgart: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 408-09.
2635. William Chester Jordan, The Apple of His Eye: Converts from Islam in the Reign of Louis IX (Princeton and Oxford: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 412-14.
2636. Beate Kellner, Spiel der Liebe im Minnesang (Munich: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 414-16.
2637. Megan Cassidy-Welch, War and Memory at the Time of the Fifth Crusade (University Park, PA: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 417-18.
2638. Rainer Nübel, Walther von der Vogelweide: Das gradualistische Ideal in den dingen: Eine philologisch-analytische Studie mit didaktischem Ausblick (Berlin, Bern, et al.: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 426-27.
2639. The Quest of the Holy Grail: From the Old French Lancelot-Grail Cycle, trans. and ed. by Judith Shoaf (Peterborough, Ont.: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 431-32.
2640. The Romance of Thebes (Roman de Thèbes), trans. by Joan M. Ferrante and Robert W. Hanning (Tempe, AZ: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 432-33.
2641. Florian Schmitz, Der Orient in Diskursen des Mittelalters und im “Willehalm” Wolframs von Eschenbach (Berlin, Bern, et al.: 2018), Mediaevistik 433-35.
2642. Patricia Strohmaier, Die erneuernde Kraft der Tradition: Spätmittelalterliche Schatz- und Ausstattungsobjekte des Halberstädter Doms (Berlin: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 438-39.
2643. Theodore Evergates, Marie of France, Countess of Champagne, 1145-1198 (Philadelphia: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 440-41.
2644. Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival. Vol. 1: Text nach der Handschrift D als “Leithandschrift”. Vol. 2: Untersuchungen. Ed. Hermann Reichert (Vienna: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 445-46.
2645. The Auchinleck Manuscript: New Perspectives, ed. Susanna Fein (York: 2016/2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 455-57.
2646. Madeline H. Caviness and Charles G. Nelson†, Women and Jews in the Sachsenspiegel Picture-Books (Turnhout: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 462-64.
2647. Chronique rimée de Livonie, traduction de Danielle Buschinger et Mathieu Olivier. Introduction et notes de Mathieu Olivier (Paris: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 466-67.
2648. Sebastian Cöllen, Gefiolierte blüte kunst: Eine kognitionslinguistisch orientierte Untersuchung zur Metaphorik in Frauenlobs Marienleich (Uppsala: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 472-73.
2649. Die Welt des Frater Felix Fabri. Hrsg. von Folker Reichert und Alexander Rosenstock (Weißenhorn: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 479-80.
2650. Evgeny Khvalkov, The Colonies of Genoa in the Black Sea Region: Evolution and Transformation (New York and London: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 482-84.
2651. Johannes Gerson (1363-1429), Trost der Theologie und Apologetischer Dialog. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert von Helga Köhler (Stuttgart: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 489-91.
2652. Matthew Boyd Goldie, Scribes of Space: Place in Middle English Literature and Late Medieval Science (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 491-92.
2653. Historia Apollonii regis Tyri: A Fourteenth-Century Version of a Late Antique Romance. Ed. from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Vaticanus Latinus 1961, by William Robins (Toronto: 2019), Mediaevistik 497-98.
2654. Joanna Miles, The Devil’s Mortal Weapons: An Anthology of Late Medieval and Protestant Vernacular Theology and Popular Culture (Toronto: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 500-02.
2655. Kaiser Maximilian I. und das Ambraser Heldenbuch, ed. Mario Klarer (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 502-03.
2656. Königin Sibille. Huge Scheppel. Editionen, Kommentare und Erschließungen. Hrsg. on Bernd Bastert und Ute von Bloh (Berlin: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 504-05.
2657. Volker Leppin, Franziskus von Assisi. Darmstadt: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 507-08.
2658. Das Lied vom Hürnen Seyfrid, ed. Maike Claußnitzer and Kassandra Sperl (Stuttgart: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 508-09.
2659. Milvia Bollati, Flora Cassen, and Marc Michael Epstein, The Lombard Haggadah. Introduction by Christopher de Hamel. Ed. Sandra Hindman (New York: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 509-11.
2660. Mary Harvey Doyno, The Lay Saint: Charity and Charismatic Authority in Medieval Italy, 1150-1350 (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 511-12.
2661. Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp Dialogue, ed. Virginia Blanton, Veronica O’Mara, and Patricia Stoop (Turnhout: 2017), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 518-20.
2662. Oswald von Wolkenstein, Poèmes. Traduits et présentés par Danielle Buschinger et Sieglinde Hartmann (Paris: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 526-27.
2663. Paolino da Venezia, Tractatus de Ludo Scachorum. A cura di Roberto Pesce (Venice: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 527-28.
2664. Picatrix: A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic. Trans. with an intro. by Dan Attrell and
David Porreca (University Park, PA: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 530-32.
2665. Anselm Rau, Das Model Franziskus: Bildstruktur und Affektsteuerung in monastischer Meditations- und Gebetspraxis (Frankfurt a. M.: 2019), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 534-36.
2666. Reisen und Reisende in Bayerisch-Schwaben und seinen Randgebieten in Oberbayern, Franken, Württemberg, Vorarlberg und Tirol, bearbeitet von Johannes Mordstein und Barbara Rajkay. Hrsg. von Helmut Gier (Weißenhorn: 2015), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 536-37.
2667. Renana Bartal, Gender, Piety, and Production in Fourteenth-Century English Apocalypse Manuscripts (London and New York: 2016), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 539-40.
2668. Sebastian Schmidt, Abbild/Selbstbild: Das Porträt in Nürnberg um 1500 (Wiesbaden: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 544-45.
2669. Medieval Combat in Colour: Hans Talhoffer’s Illustrated Manual of Swordfighting and Close-Quarter Combat from 1467 (Barnsley, S. Yorkshire: 2018), Mediaevistik 548-49.
2670. The Velislav Bible, the Finest Picture Bible of the Late Middle Ages: Biblia depicta as Devotional, Mnemonic and Study Tool, ed. Lenka Panušková (Amsterdam: 2018), Mediaevistik 32 (2019): 550-51.
2671. Katelynn Robinson, The Sense of Smell in the Middle Ages: A Source of Cartainty. Studies in Medieval History and Culture. London and New York: 2020), sehepunkte 20.10 (2020), online at:
2672. Anthony Grafton, Inky Fingers: The Making of Books in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, MA, and London: 2020), Publishing Research Quarterly Oct. 20 (2020); DOI: 10.1007/s12109-020-09767-5; or:…
2673. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 95 (2020), ed. Stephan Füssel (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2020), Publishing Research Quarterly 36.4 (2020): 673–75, DOI: 10.1007/s12109-020-09760-y;…
2674. Peter Pabisch, Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Dialektliteratur seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts: Ein literaturhistorischer Überblick mit Textbeispielen in 6 Büchern. Vol. 1 (Berlin: 2019), The Rocky Mountain Review 74.1 (2020): 73-76.
2675. Dunja Hayali, Haymatland: Wie wollen wir zusammenleben? (Berlin: 2018), Translit-2 XXVI.2 (2020): 100-04.
2676. Margot Scharpenberg, Fundort Schlweswig. Letzte Gedichte. Hrsg. von Rainer Hering (Husum: 2020), Translit-2 XXVI.2 (2020): 105-07.
2677. Irmgard Hunt, Recht ist fehl und fehl ist recht: Leben. Fakt. Fiktion (Leipzig: 2020), PEN Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland: Newsletter 2 (2020): 33-35;…
2678. Nicolas Weill-Parot, Mireille Ausécache, Joelle Chandelier et al., ed., De l’homme, de la nature et du monde: Mélanges d’histoire des sciences médiévales offerts à Danielle Jacquart (Geneva: 2019), sehepunkte 20.12 (2020), 15.12.2020, online at:
2679. Bettina Bildhauer, Medieval Things: Agency, Materiality, and Narratives of Objects in Medieval German Literature and Beyond (Columbus, OH: 2020), The Rocky Mountain Review 74.2 (2020): 221-23.
2680. Anglo-Norman Chiromancies, ed. Tonz Hunt and Stefano Rapisarda (Paris: 2020), sehepunkte 21.4 (2021), online at:
2681. Beat Kümin, Imperial Villages: Cultures of Political Freedom in the German Lands c. 1300–1800 (Stuttgart: 2019), The Medieval Review 21.05.01, online.
2682. Companion to Medieval Translation, ed. Jeanette Beer (Leeds: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 241-42.
2683. A Companion to World Literature. Vol. 2: 601 CE to 1450. Gen. ed.: Ken Seigneurie, vol. ed.: Christine Chism. Chichester, West Sussex: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 242-44.
2684. Thomas Bein, Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters (Berlin: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 251-54.
2685. The Cambridge World History of Violence. Vol. II: 500-1500 CE, ed. Matthew S. Gordon, Richard W. Kaeuper, and Harriet Zurndorfer. Cambridge: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 260-62.
2686. Criticising the RulerPre-Modern Societies – Possibilities, Chances, and Methods / Kritik am Herrschervormodernen Gesellschaften – Möglichkeiten, Chancen, Methoden, ed. Karina Kellermann, Alheydis Plassmann und Christian Schwermann (Göttingen: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 269-71.
2687. Das maritime Europa: Werte – Wissen – Wirtschaft. Hrsg. Jürgen Elvert, Lutz Feldt, Ingo Löppenberg und Jens Ruppenthal (Stuttgart: 2018), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 276-77.
2688. Peter Dinzelbacher, Vision und Magie: Religiöses Erleben im Mittelalter (Paderborn: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 33 (2020): 279-81.
2689. Fluid Bodies and Bodily FluidsPremodern Europe: Bodies, Blood, and TearsLiterature, Theology, and Art, ed. Anne M. Scott and Michael David Barbezat (Leeds: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 281-83.
2690. Germanistik zwischen Mittelalter und Gegenwart: Festschrift für Václav Bok zum 80. Geburtstag, ed. Jana Kursová (Vienna: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 283-84.
2691. Jack Hartnell, Medieval Bodies: Life, Death and Artthe Middle Ages (London: 2018; paperback 2019, Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 296-98.
2692. Thomas Haye, Verlorenes Mittelalter: Ursachen und Muster der Nichtüberlieferung mittellateinischer Literatur (Leiden and Boston: 2016), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 300-02.
2693. Alfred Hiatt, Dislocations: Maps, Classical Tradition, and Spatial Playthe European Middle Ages (Toronto: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 303-05.
2694. Richard Hayman, Illuminated Manuscripts (Oxford: 2017), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 302-03
2695. Die Kaiser und die Säulen ihrer Macht: Von Karl dem Grossen bis Friedrich Barbarossa, hrsg. von der Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz und Bernd Schneidmüller (Darmstadt: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 311-12.
2696. Formen der Selbstthematisierungder vormodernen Lyrik, ed. Dorothea Klein (Hildesheim: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 314-16.
2697. Lautsphären des Mittelalters: Akustische Perspektiven zwischen Lärm und Stille, hrsg. von Martin Clauss, Gesine Mierke und Antonia Krüger (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 318-20.
2698. Mark Spurrell, The Symbolism of Medieval Churches: An Introduction (London and New York: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 325-26.
2699. Medicine and Healingthe Premodern West: A HistoryDocuments, ed. Winston Black (Peterborough, Ont.: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 326-28.
2700. MehrsprachigkeitOstmitteleuropa (1400‒1700): Kommunikative Praktiken und Verfahrengemischtsprachigen Städten und Verbänden, ed. Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg and Norbert Kerske (Wiesbaden: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 331-32.
2701. Meisterwerke des Bischöflichen Dom- und Diözesanmuseums Mainz. Bd. 1: Von Bonifatius zum Naumburger Meister. Hrsg. Winfried Wilhelmy (Mainz and Regensburg: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 332-33.
2702. The Monster Theory Reader, ed. Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock (Minneapolis, MN, and London: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 335-36.
2703. The Metaphor of the Monster: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding the Monstrous OtherLiterature, ed. Keith Moser and Karina Zelaya (New York et al.: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 337-38.
2704. Cary J. Nederman, The Bonds of Humanity: Cicero’s Legacies: European Social and Political Thought, ca. 1100–ca. 1550 (University Park, PA: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 338-40.
2705. Rethinking Medieval Margins and Marginality, ed. Anne E. Zimo, Tiffany D. Vann Sprecher, Kathryn Reyerson, and Debra Blumenthal (London and New York: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 361-62.
2706. Abdoulaye Samaké, Liebesträumeder deutsch-, französisch- und italienischsprachigen Erzählliteratur des 12. bis 15. Jahrhunderts (Paderborn: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 363-64.
2707. Silk Roads: From Local Ralities to Global Narratives, ed. Jeffrey D. Lerner and Yaohua Shi (Oxford and Philadelphia: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 366-68.
2708. Kathryn L. Smithies, Introducing the Medieval Ass (Cardiff: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 368-70.
2709. Karl Steel, How Not to Make a Human: Pets, Feral Children, Worms, Sky Burial, Oysters (Minneapolis, MN, and London: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 370-72.
2710. Hans Georg Thümmel, Ikonologie der christlichen Kunst. Vol. 1: Alte Kirche. Vol. 2: Bildkunst des Mittelalters (Paderborn: 2019 and 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 376-80.
2711. Toward a Global Middle Ages: Encountering the World Through Illuminated Manuscripts, ed. Bryan C. Keene. Los Angeles: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 380-83.
2712. Hans T. Bakker, The Alkhan: A Hunnic PeopleSouth Asia (Groningen: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 392-93.
2713. John Carey, Magic, Metallurgy and ImaginationMedieval Ireland (Aberystwyth: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 397
2714. Anna Sara Lahr, Diversität als Potential: Eine Neuperspektivierung des frühesten Minnesangs (Heidelberg: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 421-23.
2715. Lucy K. Pick, Her Father’s Daughter: Gender, Power, and Religionthe Early Spanish Kingdoms (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2017), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 431-33.
2716. Amadas et Ydoine: Édition bilingue by Christine Ferlampin-Acher and Denis Hüe (Paris: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 446-47.
2717. Roger Crowley, Der Fall von Akkon: Der letzte Kampf um das Heilige Land (Darmstadt: 2020, orig. 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 450-51.
2718. Eberhard der Deutsche, Laborintus. Nach dem Text von Edmund Faral herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert von Justin Vollmann (Basel: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 457.
2719. Gerd Althoff, Rules and RitualsMedieval Power Games (Leiden and Boston: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 458-60.
2720. Gottfried von Strassburg, Tristan and Isolde, with Ulrich von Türheim’s Continuation. Ed. and trans. with an intro., by William T. Whobrey (Indianapolis, IN, and Cambridge: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 460-62.
2721. Hartmann von Aue: Iwein. Mittelhochdeutsch und frühneuhochdeutsch. Parallelabdruck der Gießener Hs. B (13. Jahrhundert) und der Lindauer Hs. u (16. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. und kommentiert von Helmut Graser (Regensburg: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 465-66.
2722. Marie-José Heijkant, Tristano multiforme: Studi sulla narrative arturianaItalia (Florence: 2018), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 466-67.
2723. Hermann Reichert, Nibelungenlied-Lehrwerk: Sprachlicher Kommentar, mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik, Wörterbuch. Passend zum Text der St. Galler Fassung (“B”). 2., neu bearb. und erweiterte Aufl. (Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 467-68.
2724. John of Garland’s De triumphis Ecclesiae: A New Critical Edition, ed. and trans. Martin Hall (Turnhout: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 33 (2020): 470-71.
2725. Claudia Lauer, Die Kunst der Intrige: Studien zur höfischen Epik des 12. Jahrhunderts (Heidelberg: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 472-74.
2726. North & South: Medieval Art from Norway and Catalonia 1100-1350, ed. Justin Kroesen, Micha Leeflang, and Marc Sureda i Jubany (Utrecht: Museum Catharijneconvent; Vic: Museu Episcopal de Vic; Zwolle: WBooks, 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 478-80.
2727. Carl Phelpstead, An Introduction to the Sagas of Icelanders (Gainesville, Tallahassee, et al., FL: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 482-83.
2728. Herrmann Reichert, Minne: Eine Vorlesung (Vienna: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 483-85.
2729. Robert-Tarek Fischer, Richard I. Löwenherz 1157–1199: Ikone des Mittelalters. 2nd rev. ed. (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 485-86.
2730. Grischa Vercamer, Hochmittelalterliche Herrschaftspraxis im Spiegel der Geschichtsschreibung: Vorstellungen von “guter” und “schlechter” HerrschaftEngland, Polen und dem Reich im 12./13. Jahrhundert (Wiesbaden: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 498-500.
2731. Hannah Barker, The Most Precious Merchandise: The Mediterranean Trade in Black Sea Slaves, 1260-1500 (Philadelphia: 2019), in Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 505-07.
2732. The Astrological Autobiography of a Medieval Philosopher: Henry Bate’s Nativitas (1280–81), ed. and intro. by Carlos Steel, Steven Vanden Broecke, and David Juste and Shlomo Sela (Leuven: 2018), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 509-10.
2733. Von Christen, Juden und von Heiden: Der Niederrheinische Orientbericht. Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Helmut Brall-Tuchel (Göttingen: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 515-16.
2734. The Crisis of the 14th Century: Teleconnections Between Environmental and Societal Change? Ed. Martin Bauch and Gerrit Jasper Schenk (Berlin and Boston: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 523-26.
2735. Deutsche Versnovellistik des 13. bis 15. Jahrhunderts (DVN), ed. Klaus Ridder and
Hans-Joachim Ziegeler (Berlin: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 531-34.
2736. Paul Fermon, Le peintre et la carte: Origines et essor de la vue Figurée entre Rhône et Alpes (XIve-XVe siècle) (Turnhout: 2018), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 541-42.
2737. Folgore da San Gimignano and His Followers: The Complete Poems, trans. Fabian Alfie (Tempe: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 545-55.
2738. Michael M. Hammer, Gemeine Dirnen und gute Fräulein: Frauenhäuser im spätmittelalterlichen Österreich (Berlin: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 550-52.
2739. Volker Honemann, Deutsche Literatur der Laienbibliothek der Basler Kartause 1480-1520 (Münster and New York: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 558-59.
2740. Inwardness,dividualization, and Religious Agency the Late Medieval Low Countries: Studies the Devotio Moderna and Its Contexts, ed. Rijcklof Hofman et al. (Turnhout: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 56-61.
2741. Kay Peter Jankrift, Im Angesicht der “Pestilenz”: Seuchen westfälischen und rheinischen Städten (1349-1600) (Stuttgart: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 561-63.
2742. Stephen Morrison and Jean-Jacques Vincensini, The Middle English Kynge Appolyn of Thyre. Translated by Robert Copland. Edited from the Text Published by Wynkyn de Worde (1510) with a Parallel Text of The Medieval French La cronicque et hystoire de Appollin, roy de Thir (Heidelberg: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 563-64.
2743. Gottfried Liedl, Granada. Ein europäisches Emirat an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit (Vienna: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 567-69.
2744. Daniel McCann, Soul-Health: Therapeutic Reading Later Medieval England (Cardiff: 2018), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 574-75.
2745. Michel Beheim’s History of Trieste, Von der statt Triest (ca. 1465). Trans. and with antro. by James Ogier (Göppingen: 2018), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 581-82.
2746. Mike Ingram, Richard III and the Battle of Bosworth (Warwick: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 583-84.
2747. Kathrin Müller, Musterhaft naturgetreu: Tiere Seiden, Zeichnungen und Tapisserien des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts (Berlin: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 584-85.
2748. From Pax Mongolica to Pax Ottomanica: War, Religion and Trade the Northwestern Black Sea Region (14th-16th Centuries, ed. Ovidiu Cristea and Liviu Pilat (Leiden and Boston: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 591-93.
2749. Perpignan 1415: Un sommet européen à l’époque du Grand Schisme d’Occident, Aymat Catafau, Nikolas Jaspert, and Thomas Wetzstein (Zurich: 2018), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 593-95.
2750. Max Plassmann, Eine Stadt als Feldherr: Studien zur Kriegsführung Kölns (12.-18. Jahrhundert) (Vienna, Cologne and Weimar: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 595-97.
2751. Reinfried von Braunschweig. Mittelhochdeutscher Text nach Karl Bartsch. Übersetzt und mit einem Stellenkommentar versehen von Elisabeth Martschini. 3 vols. (Kiel: 2017-2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 602-03.
2752. Michael Stolz, Parzival im Manuskript: Profile der Parzival-Überlieferung am Beispiel von fünf Handschriften des 13. bis 15. Jahrhunderts (Basel: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 615-16.
2753. Jörg Schwaiger, Die Lebensspuren Ulrichs von Liechtenstein: Dokumentarische Studie zur Mythisierung eines mittelalterlichen Autors zwischen Selbstinszenierung, literarischer Rezeption und außerliterarischer Nachwirkung (Berlin: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 620-21.
2754. Villon: Hier et à jamais: Deux décennies de recherches sur François Villon, ed. Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet (Paris: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 623-24.
2755. Lydia Zeldenrust, The Mélusine RomanceMedieval Europe: Translation, Circulation, and Material Contexts (Cambridge: 2020), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 631-32.
2756. Michael Speier, Verwunschenheitszustand (Berlin: 2020), Trans-Lit2 XXVII.1 (2021): 106-08.
2757. Die Welt und Gott – Gott und die Welt? Zum Verhältnis von Religiosität und Profanität im “christlichen Mittelalter”, ed. Elisabeth Vavra (Heidelberg: 2019), The Medieval Review 21.06.13.
2758. Schola Cordis: Indagini sul cuore medievale: Letteratura, teologia, codicologia, scienza, a cura di Donatella Manzoli e Patrizia Stoppacci (Florence: 2020), sehepunkte 21.6 (2021), online at:
2759. Les Versions en prose du Purgatoire de Saint Patrice en ancien Français, ed. Martina Di Febo (Paris: 2013), Studi Medievali 62.1 (2021): 440-41.
2760. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2021. Vol. 96, ed. Stephan Füssel. Wiesbaden: 2021), Publishing Research Quarterly 37.4 (2021): 679-81; online at:
2761. The Intolerant Middle Ages: A Reader, ed. by Eugene Smelyansky (Toronto, Buffalo and London: 2020), to appear in sehepunkte 21.11 (2021), online at:
2762. Andrea Hofmeister-Winter, Helmut W. Klug and Karin Kranich, ed., Der Koch ist der bessere Arzt: Zum Verhältnis von Diätetik und Kulinarik im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit (Frankfurt a. M.: 2014), The Medieval Review 15.10.14 (reported late)
2763. Stefan Frey. Fromme feste Junker: Neuer Stadtadel im spätmittelalterlichen Zürich (Zürich: 2017), The Medieval Review 18.02.07 (reported late)
2764. Britta Bussmann, Wiedererzählen, Weitererzählen und Beschreiben: Der Jüngere Titurel als ekphrastischer Roman (Heidelberg: 2011), Journal of English and Germanic Philology 113.3 (2012): 386-87 (reported late).
2765. Scot McKendrick und Kathleen Doyle, Heilige Pracht. Die schönsten Bibeln des Mittelalters (2016; Stuttgart: 2017), Mediaevistik 30 (2018): 415-16 (reported late)
2766. Alles wandelt sich. Echos auf Ovid. Hrsg. von Gabrielle Alioth und Hans-Christian Oeser (n.p.: 2016), Glossen Dec. 2016, online at:… (reported late).
2767. Christoph Höhtker, Alles Sehen (Mainz: 2016), The Rocky Mountain Review 72.2 (2018): 328-29 (reported late)
2768. Wolfgang Mieder, “Was soll es bedeuten”: Das Lorelei-Motiv in Literatur, Sagen, Kunst, Medien und Karikaturen (Vienna: 2021), appear in Trans-Lit2 XXVII.2 (2021): 98-99.
2769. Religious Connectivity in Urban Communities (1400‒1550): Reading, Worshipping, and Connecting Through the Continuum of Sacred and Secular, ed. Suzan Folkerts (Turnhout: 2021), sehepunkte 22.2 (2022), online at:
2770. Florian Nieser, Die Lesbarkeit von Helden: Uneindeutige Zeichen in der Bataille d’Aliscans und im Willehalm Wolframs von Eschenbach (Berlin: 2018), The Medieval Review 19.03.05 (online).
2771. Dealing with the Dead: Mortality and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. Thea Tomaini (Leiden and Boston: 2018), The Renaissance Society of America 72.4 (2019): 1473-1474
2772. Les mobilités monastiques en Orient et en Occident de l’antiquité tardive au moyen âge (IVe-XVe siècle), ed. Olivier Delouis, Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert, and Annick Peters-Custot (Rome: 2019), Mediaevistik 33 (2020): 334-35.
2773. Noble Ideals and Bloody Realities: Warfare in the Middle Ages, ed. Niall Christie and Maya Yazigi (Leiden: 2006), Sixteenth-Century Journal XXVII.3 (2007) (late reporting)
2774. Anne Derbes and Mark Sondona, The Usurer’s Heart: Giotto, Enrico Scrovegni, and the Arena Chapel in Padua (University Park: PA: 2008), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
2775. Luthers Schatzkammer: Kostbarkeiten im Lutherhaus Wittenberg, ed. Volkmar Joestel (Dößel: 2008), Sixteenth-Century Journal XL.2 (2009) (late reporting)
2776. Jordan Kirk, Medieval Nonsense: Signifying Nothing in Fourteenth-Century England (New York: 2021), sehepunkte 22.3 (2022):
2777. Ruth Mazo Karras, Thou Art the Man: The Masculinity of David in the Christian and Jewish Middle Ages (Philadelphia, PA: 2021), sehepunkte 22.3 (2022):
2778. František Šmahel, Die Basler Kompaktaten mit den Hussiten (1436): Untersuchung und Edition (Wiesbaden: 2019), in Speculum 97.2 (2022): 570-71.
2779. Von der Oralität zum SchriftBild: Visuelle Kultur und musikalische Notation (9.-13. Jahrhundert), ed. Matteo Nanni and Kira Henkel (Leiden and Boston: 2020), Monatshefte 114.1 (2022): 131-33
2780. Dennis Duncan, Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age (New York: 2021), Publishing Research Quarterly April 7 (2022), online at:
Book Reviews to appear in print
F. W. von Kries, ed.: Thomasin von Zerclaere: Der welsche Gast, GAG 425 (Göppingen: 1984), to appear in: Germanic Notes.
Walter Haug: Strukturen als Schlüssel zur Welt. Kleinere Schriften zur Erzählliteratur des Mittelalters (Tübingen: 1989), to appear in: Germanic Notes.
Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pius II) and Niklas von Wyle: The Tale of Two Lovers. Eurialius and Lucretia. Ed. with Introduction, Notes and Glossary by E. J. Morrall (Amsterdam: 1988), to appear in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie.
Rüdiger Brandt: Konrad von Würzburg, Erträge der Forschung 249 (Darmstadt: 1987), to appear in: Synopsis.
Women & Power in the Middle Ages. Edited by Mary Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski (Athens, Georgia: 1988), to appear in: Germanic Notes.
Inevitabilis Vis Fatorum. Der Triumph des Schicksalsdramas auf der europäischen Bühne um 1800. Hg. von Roger Bauer et al. (Bern-Frankfurt a.M.-New York-Paris: 1990), to appear in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen.
Medieval Women’s Visionary Literature, ed. by Elizabeth Alvilda Petroff (Oxford- New York: 1986), to appear in: Synopsis.
Deutsche Dichter. Leben und Werk deutschsprachiger Autoren. Hg. von E. Grimm und Frank Rainer Max. Band 1: Mittelalter. Band 2: Reformation, Renaissance und Barock (Stuttgart: 1988/1989), to appear in: Synopsis.
Fritz Tschirch: Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. II. Entwicklung und Wandlungen der deutschen Sprachgestalt vom Hochmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. 3., ergänzte und überarbeitete Aufl., bearbeitet von Werner Besch (Berlin: 1989), to appear in: Synopsis.
Elly Vijfvinkel: Das Donaueschinger Passionsspiel im Luzerner Osterspiel. Ein Vergleich zweier Passionsspiele (Amsterdam: 1986), to appear in Synopsis.
Germany and Europe: The Politics of Culture. Proceedings ofa DAAD Conference at the University of Toronto, Sept. 1990. Ed. Eitel Timm (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Novellas of Ludwig Tieck and E.T.A. Hoffmann. Transl. by Thomas Carlyle, with an Introduction by Eitel Timm (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Hans Peter Duerr: Nacktheit und Scham. Der Mythos vom Zivilisationsprozeβ 1 (Frankfurt a.M.: 1988), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Hans Peter Duerr: Intimität. Der Mythos vom Zivilisationsprozeβ 2 (Frankfurt a.M.: 1988), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Die Schulordnung und das Gemerkbuch der Augsburger Meistersinger. Hg. von H. Brunner, W. Dischner, E. Klesatschke, B. Taylor (Tübingen: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Richard H. Lawson: Elias Canetti (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Musarion and Other Rococo Tales by Christoph Martin Wieland. Transl. and with an Introduction by Thomas C. Starnes (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Margarete Zimmermann: Vom Hausbuch zur Novelle. Didaktische und erzählende Prosa im Frankreich des späten Mittelalters (Düsseldorf: 1989), to appear in: Synopsis.
Barbara Könneker: Satire im 16. Jahrhundert. Epoche – Werke – Wirkung (München: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Deutsche Geschichte. Von den Anfängen bis zur Wiedervereinigung. Hg. von Martin Vogt. 2. Aufl. (Stuttgart: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Jeffrey L. Sammons: The Shifting Fortunes of Wilhelm Raabe. A History of Criticism as a Cautionary Tale (Columbia, S.C.: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival. Ed. by André Lefevere (New York: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Ruth Schmidt-Wiegand, Dagmar Hüpper, eds.: Der Sachsenspiegel als Buch (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1991), to appear in: Synopsis.
Conrad Porta: Jungfrawenspiegel. Faksimiledruck der Ausgabe von 1580. Hg. und eingeleitet von Cornelia Niekus Moore (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1990), to appear in: Synopsis.
Gottfried von Strassburg: Tristan und Isolde. Originaltext (nach F. Ranke) mit einer Versübersetzung und einer Einleitung von Wolfgang Spiewok (Amiens: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Gunhild Roth: Sündenspiegel im 15. Jahrhundert (Frankfurt a.M.-et al.: 1991), to appear in: Synopsis.
Hermann Apfelböck: Tradition und Gattungsbewuβtsein im deutschen Leich (Tübingen: 1991), to appear in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik.
Christian Gryphius: Christinai Gryphii Gedächtnisschriften. Neudruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1702 (Frankfurt a.M.: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Michelle P. Brown: Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts (Toronto-Buffalo: 1991), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Roger Chartier, ed.: Passions of the Renaissance. A History of Private Life, III (Cambridge, Mass.,-London: 1989), to appear in: Synopsis.
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Willehalm. Mittelhochdeutscher Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Hg. von Joachim Heinzle (Frankfurt a.M.: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Microhistory & the Lost Peoples of Europe. Ed. by Edward Muir and Guido Ruggiero (Baltimore-London: 1991), to appear in: Synopsis.
Wolfgang Neuber: Fremde Welt im europäischen Horizont. Zur Topik der deutschen Amerika-Reiseberichte der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Carlo Ginzburg: The Night Battles. Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Baltimore: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Carlo Ginzburg: The Cheese and the Worms. The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller (Baltimore: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Carlo Ginzburg: Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method (Baltimore: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Thomas Calryles’s Life of Friedrich Schiller (1925). Facsimile Edition with a New Introduction by J. L. Sammons (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Heinrich Wittenwiler, Der Ring. Frühneuhochdeutsch/ Neuhochdeutsch. Nach dem Text von E. Wieβner ins Neuhochdeutsche übersetzt und herausgegeben von Horst Brunner (Stuttgart: 1991), to appear in: Seminar.
Geschichte der Philosophie in Text und Darstellung, 2 and 3. Mittelalter, ed. Kurt Flasche (Stuttgart: 1982/1988); Renaissance und frühe Neuzeit, ed. Stephan Otto (Stuttgart: 1984/1986), to appear in: Synopsis.
Hiltgart L. Keller: Reclams Lexikon der Heiligen und der biblischen Gestalten, 7th ed. (Stuttgart: 1991), to appear in: Synopsis.
Hermann Paul: Deutsches Wörterbuch. 9., vollständig neu bearbeitete Aufl. von Helmut Henne und Georg Objartel unter Mitarbeit von Heidrun Kämper-Jensen (Tübingen: 1992), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Histoire et littérature au moyen âge. Actes du Colloque du Centre d’Etudes Médiévales de l’Université de Picardie (Amiens 20-24 mars 1985). Publiés par les soins de Danielle Buschinger (Göppingen: 1991), to appear in: Synopsis.
German and International Perspectives on the Spanish Civil War: The Aesthetics of Partisanship, ed. by L. Costa, R. Critchfield, R. Golsan, W. Koepke (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), to appear in: Studia Neophilologica.
Friedrich Schiller: The Ghost-Seer. Transl. by Henry G. Boh and with a Critical Introduction by J. L. Sammons (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), to appear in: Studia Neophilologica.
Christopher Michael Stevens: Directional Adverbs in Fourteenth-Century Southwestern German (Göppingen: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Warren R. Maurer: Understanding Gerhart Hauptmann (Columbia: 1992), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Herder Yearbook. Publications of the International Herder Society. Ed. by K. Menges, W. Koepke, W. Malsch (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Augustinus P. Dierick: Gottfried Benn and his Critics: Major Interpretations 1912-1992 (Columbia, S.C.: 1992), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Medieval Texts and Images. Studies of Manuscripts from the Middle Ages. Ed. by M. M. Manion and B. J. Muir (Chur-Reading-et al., and Sydney: 1991/1992), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Die Historie von Herzog Ernst. Die Frankfurter Prosafassung des 16. Jahrhunderts. Aus dem Nachlaß von K.C. King hg. von John L. Flood (Berlin: 1992), to appear in: Fifteenth-Century Studies.
Margaret M. Manion and Bernard J. Muir, eds.: Medieval Texts and Images. Studies of Manuscripts from the Middle Ages (Chur-Reading-et al.: 1991), to appear in: Fifteenth-Century Studies.
The Diario of Christopher Columbus’s First Voyage to America 1492-1493. Abstracted by Fray Bartolomé de las Casas. Transcribed and Transl. by Oliver Dunn and James E. Kelley, Jr. (Norman-London: 1989/1991), to appear in: Synopsis.
Bartolomé de las Casas: The Devastation of the Indies. Transl. by H. Briffautl. Introduction by Bill M. Donovan (Baltimore-London: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Philip P. Boucher: Cannibal Encounters. Europeans and Island Caribs, 1492-1763 (Baltimore-London: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Gerhard Hahn, Hedda Ragotzky, eds.: Grundlagen des Verstehens mittelalterlicher Literatur (Darmstadt: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Peter Nusser: Deutsche Literatur im Mittelalter (Stuttgart: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Harry Kühnel: Bilderwörterbuch der Kleidung und Rüstung (Stuttgart: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Peter Dinzelbacher: Sachwörterbuch der Mediävistik (Stuttgart: 1992), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Richard Kieckhefer: Magie im Mittelalter (Munich: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Michel Mollat du Jourdin: Europa und das Meer (Munich: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Der Stricker: Erzählungen, Fabeln, Reden. Hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Otfried Ehrismann (Stuttgart: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Johanna Lanczkowski: Kleines Lexikon des Mönchtums (Stuttgart: 1993), to appear in: Synopsis.
Anthony Grafton: New Worlds, Ancient Texts. The Power of Tradition and the Shock of Discovery (Cambridge, MA,-London: 1992), to appear in: Synopsis.
Marie de France, Saint Patrick’s Purgatory. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes by Michael J. Curley (Binghamton, N.Y.: 1993), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Ina Karg: …sîn süeze sûrez ungemach… Erzählen von der Minne in Wolframs “Parzival” (Göppingen: 1993), to apear in: Synopsis.
Otfried Ehrismann: Volk. Mediävistische Studien zur Semantik und Pragmatik von Kollektiven (Göppingen: 1993), to appear in: Synopsis.
Le droit et sa perception dans la littérature et les mentalités médiévales. Publiés par les soins de Danielle Buschinger (Göppingen: 1993), to appear in: Synopsis.
Reiner Weick: Der Habicht in der deutschen Dichtung des 12. bis 16. Jahrhunderts (Göppingen: 1993), to appear in: Synopsis.
Brigitte Labs-Ehlert: Versalschreibung in althochdeutschen Sprachdenkmälern (Göppingen: 1993), to appear in: Synopsis.
Was bleibet aber, stiften die Dichter. Festschrift für Bert Nagel zum 85. Geburtstag, ed. G. Müller (Göppingen: 1993), to appear in: Synopsis.
Claudia Maria Riehl: Kontinuität und Wandel von Erzählstrukturen am Beispiel der Legende (Göppingen: 1993), to appear in: Synopsis.
Franz Otten: mit hilff gottes zw tichten…got zw lob vnd zw auspreittung seines heisamen wort. Untersuchungen zur Reformationsdichtung des Hans Sachs (Göppingen: 1993), to appear in: Synopsis.
Blake Lee Spahr: Andreas Gryphius: A Modern Perspective (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Cultural Transformations in the New Germany: American and German Perspectives. Ed. by F. Eigler and P. C. Pfeiffer (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), to appear in: Germanic Notes.
John Van Cleve, A. Leslie Willson: Remarks on the Needed Reform of German Studies in the United States (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), to appear in: Germanic Notes.
Volker Meid: Metzler Literatur Chronik. Werke deutschsprachiger Autoren (Stuttgart-Weimar: 1993), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Alfred Noe: Der Einfluß des italienischen Humanismus auf die deutsche Literatur vor 1600 (Tübingen: 1993), to appear in: Fifteenth-Century Studies.
Kleinere Erzählformen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Hg. von W. Haug und B. Wachinger (Tübingen: 1993), to appear in: Fifteenth-Century Studies.
Katharina Fietze: Spiegel der Vernunft. Theorien zum Menschsein der Frau in der Anthropologie des 15. Jahrhunderts (Paderborn-et al.: 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Heide Wunder: “Er ist die Sonn’, sie ist der Mond”. Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit (München: 1992), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Alemannisches in der Regio. Beiträge zur 10. Arbeitstagung alemannischer Dialektologen in Freiburg/Br. 1990, hg. von V. Schupp (Göppingen: 1993), to appear in: Germanic Notes.
Todd Kontje: The German Bildungsroman: History of a National Genre (Columbia, S.C.: 1993), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Jacques Rossiaud: Dame Venus. Prostitution im Mittelalter (ND Munich: Beck, 1994), to appear in: Fifteenth-Century Studies.
Lambertus Okken: Kommentar zur Artusepik Hartmanns von Aue (Amsterdam-Atlanta: 1993), to appear in: German Studies Review.
The Danse Macabre of Women. Ms. fr. 995 of the Bibliotheque Nationale. Ed. by Ann Tukey Harrison with a chapter by S. L. Hindman (Kent, Ohio,-London: 1994), to appear in: Synopsis.
The Writings of Christine de Pizan. Selected and ed. by Charity Cannon Willard (New York: 1994), to appear in: Synopsis.
Tristrant und Isalde. Prosaroman. Faksimile-Ausgabe des ältesten Druckes von Augsburg aus dem Jahre 1484. Hg. von Danielle Buschinger und Wolfgang Spiewok (Greifswald: 1993), to appear in: Medii Aevi.
Bärbel Zühlke: Christine de Pizan in Text und Bild. Zur Selbstdarstellung einer frühhumanistischen Intellektuellen (Stuttgart: 1994), to appear in: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte.
John W. Baldwin: The Language of Sex. Five Voices from Northern France around 1200 (Chicago-London: 1994), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Willehalm, hg. von Joachim Heinzle (Tübingen: 1994), to appear in: Synopsis.
Streifzüge durch das Mittelalter. Ein historisches Lesebuch. Hg. von Rainer Beck (München: Beck, 1994), to appear in: Germanic Notes.
Frauen. Ein historisches Lesebuch. Hg. von Annette van Dülmen (München: Beck, 1991), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Karl-Heinrich Bieritz: Das Kirchenjahr (München: 1994), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Die Juden. Ein historisches Lesebuch. Hg. von Günter Sternberger (München: 1995), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Nürnberger Prosa-Äsop. Hg. Klaus Grubmüller (Tübingen: 1994), to appear in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik.
Hermann Greive: Die Juden. Grundzüge ihrer Geschichte im mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Europa (Darmstadt: 1992), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Friedrich Hölderlin: Poems & Fragments, transl. by Michael Hamburger (London: 1994), to appear in: German Studies Review.
P. M. Mitchell: Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766) (Columbia, S.C.: 1995), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Medieval France. An Encyclopedia. William Kibler, Grover A. Zinn, Eds. (New York-London: 1995), to appear in: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte.
Erich Bayer, Frank Wende: Wörterbuch zur Geschichte (Stuttgart: 1995); Eric M. Moormann, Wilfried Uitterhoeve: Lexikon der antiken Gestalten (Stuttgart: 1995); Wörterbuch der Kunst, begründet von Johannes Jahn, fortgeführt von Wolfgang Haubenreisser (Stuttgart: 1995), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Burkhardt Krause, Ulrich Scheck, Eds.: Verleiblichungen. Literatur- und kulturgeschichtliche Studien über Strategien, Formen und Funktionen der Verleiblichung in Texten von der Frühzeit bis zum Cyberspace (St. Ingbert: 1996), to appear in: Studia Neophilologica.
Ulrike Wiethaus: Ecstatic Transformation. Transpersonal Psychology in the Work of Mechthild of Magdeburg (Syracuse: 1996), to appear in: Medievalia et Humanistica.
Edward R. Haymes, Susann T. Samples: Heroic Legends of the North. An Introduction to the Nibelung and Dietrich Cycles (New York-London: 1996), to appear in: Mediaevistik..
Kulturthema Toleranz. Ed. Alois Wierlacher (Munich: 1996), to appear in: Schatzkammer.
Marion E. Gibbs, Sidney M. Johnson: Medieval German Literature. A Companion (New York-London: 1997), to appear in: Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association.
Ulrike-Marianne Schulz: Liebe, Ehe und Sexualität im vorreformatorischen Meistersang. Texte und Untersuchungen (Göppingen: 1996), to appear in: Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association.
Lewis W. Tusken: Hermann Hesse. The Man, His Myth, His Metaphor (Columbia, S.C.: 1998), to appear in: German Studies Review.
Deutschsprachige Lyrik im Königreich Ungarn um 1800. Redigiert und hg. von Lásló Tarnói (Budapest: 1996), to appear in: Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik.
Jan-Dirk Müller: Spielregeln für den Untergang. Die Welt des Nibelungenlieds (Tübingen: 1998), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Joachim Heinzle: Einführung in die mittelhochdeutsche Dietrichepik (Berlin-New York: 1999), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
David Pike: Passage through Hell: Modernist Descents, Medieval Underworlds (Ithaca-London: 1997), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Oliver Gschwender: Internet für Philologen. Eine Einführung in das Netz der Netze (Berlin: 1999), to appear in: Unterrichtspraxis.
Mittelalter und frühe Neuzeit. Ed. Walter Haug (Tübingen: 1999), to appear in: Germanistik.
Paul Strohm, Theory and the Premodern Text (Minneapolis-London: 2001), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Jan-Dirk Müller, Minnesang und Literaturtheorie (Tübingen: 2001), to appear in: Wirkendes Wort.
Ernst Schubert, Alltag im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2002), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Textsorten deutscher Prosa vom 12./13. bis 18. Jahrhundert und ihre Merkmale. Ed. Franz Simmler (Bern-Berlin: 2002), to appear in: Leuvense Bijdragen.
Clyde Lee Miller, Reading Cusanus. Metaphor and Dialectic in a Conjectural Universe (Washington, D.C.: 2003), to appear in Mediaevistik
Heinrich Schmidinger, Hg., Wege zur Toleranz. Geschichte einer europäischen Idee in Quellen (Darmstadt 2002), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
David Wesley, Kathy Garay, and Madeleine Jeay, Mystic Women of the Middle Ages, Part 2 (Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities, 2003), video, to appear in: Unterrichtspraxis.
Wissen und neue Medien. Bilder und Zeichen von 800 bis 2000. Ed. Ulrich Schmitz and Horst Wenzel (Berlin: 2003), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Dianne Hall, Women and the Church in Medieval Ireland, c. 1140-1540 (Dublin: 2003), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Gabriela Signori, ed., “Heiliges Westfalen”. Heilige, Reliquien, Wallfahrt und Wunder im Mittelalter (Bielefeld: 2003), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Wörterbuch der Burgen, Schlösser und Festungen, ed. Horst Wolfgang Böhme, Reinhard Friedrich and Barbara Schock-Werner (Stuttgart: 2003), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Carlo Ginzburg, Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath (Chicago and London: 2004; orig. 1989), scheduled to appear in: Fifteenth-Century Studies (later withdrawn)
Guillaume de Palerne. An English Translation of the 12th Century French Verse Romance. Trans. and ed. by Leslie A. Sconduto (Jefferson, N.C., and London: 2004), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Jörg Meier and Arne Ziegler, eds., Edition und Internet (Berlin: 2004), to appear in: German Quarterly
Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre, Women and Family Life in Early Modern German Literature (Rochester, NY: 2004), to appear in: Germanic Notes and Reviews
Johannes Janota, Orientierung durch volkssprachige Schriftlichkeit (1280/90-1380/90) (Tübingen: 2004), to appear in: Seminar.
Wendy J. Reardon, The Deaths of the Popes (Jefferson, NC., and London: 2004), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Women Medievalists and the Academy, ed. Jance Chance (Madison, WI: 2005), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Heiko Friedler-Rauer, Arthurische Verhandlungen: Spielregeln der Gewalt in Pleiers Artusromanen Garel vom blühenden Tal und Tandaradeis und Flordibel (Heidelberg: 2003), to appear in: Journal of English and Germanic Philology.
Gottfried von Straßburg, Tristan. 2 vols., ed. Werner Marold, rev. ed. Werner Schröder, trans. Peter Knecht, intro. Tomas Tomasek (Berlin and New York: 2004), to appear in: Tristania (review did not appear in print)
Nibelungenlied und Nibelungenklage: Neue Wege der Forschung, ed. Christoph Fasbender (Darmstadt: 2005), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Renate Oldermann, Stift Fischbeck. Eine geistliche Frauengemeinschaft in mehr als tausendjähriger Kontinuität (Bielefeld: 2005), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Ulrike Graßnick, Ratgeber des Königs: Fürstenspiegel und Herrscherideal im spätmittelalterlichen England (Cologne, Weimar, Vienna: 2004), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Widows, Heirs, and Heiresses in the Late Twelfth Century: The Rotuli de Dominabus et Pueris et Puellis, ed. and trans. JohnWalmsley (Tempe, AZ: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Joachim Heinzle, Die Nibelungen: Lied und Sage (Darmstadt: 2005), to appear in: Monatshefte.
Friedemann Bedürftig, Die Staufer (Darmstadt: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Klaus Grubmüller, Die Ordnung, der Witz und das Chaos. Eine Geschichte der europäischen Novellistik im Mittelalter (Tübingen: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Malte Prietzel, Krieg im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Edeltraud Klueting, ed., Fromme Frauen – unbequeme Frauen? Weibliches Religiosentum im Mittelalter (Hildesheim: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
John F. Moffitt, The Enthroned Corpse of Charlemagne: The Lord-in-Majesty Theme in Early Medieval Art and Life (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2007), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Ines Heiser, Autorität Freidank: Studien zur Rezeption eines Spruchdichters im späten Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit (Tübingen: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Erika Langmuir, Imagining Childhood (New Haven and London: 2006), to appear in: Medievalia et Humanistica.
Nicholas Orme, Medieval Schools: From Roman Britain to Renaissance England (New Haven and London: 2006), to appear in: Medievalia et Humanistica.
Lyndal Roper, Witch Craze Terror and Fantasy in Baroque Germany (New Haven and London: 2004), to appear in: Medievalia et Humanistica
Marijana Kresic, Sprache, Sprechen und Identität (Munich: 2006), to appear in: Unterrichtspraxis.
Sex, Aging, & Death in a Medieval Compendium. Trinity College Cambridge MS R. 14.52, Its Texts, Language, and Scribe, ed. M. Teresa Tavormina. 2 vols. (Tempe, AZ: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Mindful Spirit in Late Medieval Literature: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth D. Kirk, ed. Bonnie Wheeler (New York: 2007), to appear in: Futhark.
Virginia Nixon, Mary’s Mother: Saint Anne in Late Medieval Europe (University Park: 2004), to appear in: Mediaevistik
James A. Schultz, Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality (Chicago: 2006), to appear in: Medieval Perspectives
Armut und Armenfürsorge in der italienischen Stadtkultur zwischen [sic] 13. und 16. Jahrhundert (Frankfurt a. M.: 2006), to appear in: Medievalia et Humanistica.
C. M. Woolgar, The Sense in Late Medieval England (New Haven and London: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Lara Farina, Erotic Discourse and Early English Religious Writing (New York: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Daniel Anlezark, Water and Fire: The Myth of the Flood in Anglo-Saxon England (Manchester and New York: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Martin K. Foys, Virtually Anglo-Saxon. Old Media, New Media, and Early Medieval Studies in the Late Age of Print (Gainesville, Tallahassee, et al.: 2007), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Comic Provocations: Exposing the Corpus of Old French Fabliaux, ed. Holly A. Crocker (New York: 2006), to appear in: Mediaevistik
The Light of the Soul: The Lumen anime C and Ulrich Putsch’s Das liecht der sel. Critical Edition with Introduction, ed. Nigel Harris (Oxford et al.: 2007), to appear in: Fifteenth-Century Studies.
Althochdeutsche Literatur: Eine kommentierte Anthologie. Zweisprachig. Übersetzt, herausgegeben und kommentiert von Stephan Müller (Stuttgart: 2007), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Bernhard Dietrich Haage and Wolfgang Wegner,.Deutsche Fachliteratur der Artes in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (Berlin: 2007), to appear in: German Quarterly.
Jessica Brantley, Reading in the Wilderness. Private Devotion and Public Performance in Late Medieval England (Chicago: 2007), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Martin Luther und Eisleben, ed. Rosemarie Knape (Leipzig: 2007), to appear in: Sixteenth-Century Journal.
Victor Millet, Germanische Heldendichtung im Mittelalter: eine Einführung (Berlin and New York: 2008), to appear in: Mediaevistik
D. H. Green, Women Readers in the Middle Ages (Cambridge: 2007), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
A Short Reader of Medieval Saints, ed. Mary-Ann Stouck (Toronto: 2009), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Anchoress and Abbess in Ninth-Century Saxony. The Lives of Liutbirga of Wendhausen and Hathumoda of Gandersheim. Trans. with an introduction and notes by Frederick S. Paxton (Washington, D.C.: 2009), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Medieval Domesticity, ed. Maryanne Kowaleski and P. J. P. Goldberg (Cambridge: 2008), to appear in: Medievistik.
The Song of the Cid: A Dual-Language Edition with Parallel Text, trans. Burton Raffel (New York et al.: Penguin, 2009), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
John Van Engen, Sisters and Brothers of the Common Life: The Devotio Moderna and the World of the Later Middle Ages (Philadelphia: 2008), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Beowulf. Trans. Seamus Heaney. An Illustrated Edition. Illustrations ed. and with an afterword by John D. Niles (New York and London: 2008), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Sigrid Rachoinig, Wir tun kund und lassen dich wissen: Briefe, Urkunden und Akten als spätmittelalterliche Grundformen schriftlicher Kommunikation dargestellt anhand der Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein (Frankfurt a. M.: 2009), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Paul Oldfield, City and Community in Norman Italy (Oxford: 2009), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Margit Krenn and Christoph Winterer, Mit Pinsel und Federkiel. Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Buchmalerei (Darmstadt: 2009), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Peter Dinzelbacher, Unglaube im “Zeitalter des Glaubens”: Atheismus und Skeptizismus im Mittelalter (Badenweiler: 2009), to appear in: Medievalia & Humanistica.
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, ed. Robert Boenig and Andrew Taylor (Peterborough, ON: 2008), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Approaches to Teaching Teresa of Ávila and the Spanish Mystics, ed. Alison Weber (New York: 2009), to appear in: Rocky Mountain Review
Heinz Sieburg, Literatur des Mittelalters (Berlin: 2009), to appear in Unterrichtspraxis.
Johann-Friedrich Huffmann, Hg., Die großen Themen unserer Zeit. Autoren im Dialog 2009 (Berlin: 2009), to appear in:
Anne Spier, Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Mit Witzen Deutsch lernen (Berlin: 2005), to appear in: Unterrichtspraxis.
Mythes à la cour, mythes pour la cour. Actes du XIIe Congrès de la Société internationale de littérature courtoise 29 juillet-4 août 2007 (Universités de Lausanne et de Genève). Réunies par Alain Corbellari, Yasmina Foehr-Janssens, et al. (Geneva: 2010), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Frank D. Reno, Arthurian Figures of History and Legend: A Biographical Dictionary (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2011), to appear in arcadia.
Eulenspiegel trifft Melusine. Der frühneuhochdeutsche Prosaroman im Licht neuer Forschungen und Methoden. Akten der Lausanner Tagung vom 2. bis 4. Oktober 2008, ed. Alexander Schwarz with Catherine Drittenbass, and André Schnyder (Amsterdam and New York: 2010), to appear in: arcadia.
Jaqueline de Weever: Aesop and the Imprint of Medieval Thought. A Study of Six Fables as Translated at the End of the Middle Ages (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2011), to appear in: arcadia.
Das Nibelungenlied. Mittelhochdeutsche / Neuhochdeutsch. Nach der Handschrift B herausgegeben von Ursula Schulze. Ins Neuhochdeutsche übersetzt und kommentiert von Siegfried Grosse (Stuttgart: 2010), to appear in Mediaevistik
Victor Millet, Germanische Heldendichtung im Mittelalter: Eine Einführung (Berlin and New York:2008), to appear in: Unterrichtspraxis
Lesevorgänge: Prozesse des Erkennens in mittelalterlichen Texten, Bildern und Handschriften, ed. Eckart Conrad Lutz, Martina Backes, and Stefan Matter (Zurich: 2010), to appear in: Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Oswald von Wolkenstein, Das poetische Werk. Gesamtübersetzung in neuhochdeutsche Prosa mit Übersetzungskommentaren und Textbibliographien von Wernfried Hofmeister (Berlin and New York: 2011), to appear in: Fifteenth-Century Studies
Paul B. Newman, Travel and Trade in the Middle Ages (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Daniela Karner, Täuschung in Gottes Namen. Fallstudien zur poetischen Unterlaufung von Gottesurteilen in Hartmanns von Aue “Iwein”, Gottfrieds von Straßburg “Tristan”, Des Strickers “Das heiße Eisen” und Konrads von Würzburg “Engelhard” (Frankfurt a. M. et al.: 2010), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Ulrich Müller, Gesammelte Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft. Hg. von Margarete Springeth et al. 4 vols. (Göppingen: 2010), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Cordula Nolte, Frauen und Männer in der Gesellschaft des Mittelalters (Darmstadt: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Nadia Margolis, An Introduction to Christine de Pizan (Gainesville et al.: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Meister Eckhart in Augsburg, ed. Freimut Löser (Augsburg: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Joachim Gruber, Boethius (Stuttgart: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Mittelhochdeutsche Sangspruchdichtung des 13. Jahrhunderts. Mittelhochdeutsche / Neuhochdeutsch. Hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Theodor Nolte und Volker Schupp (Stuttgart: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Hartmann von Aue, Iwein. Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Hg. und übersetzt von Rüdiger Krohn. Kommentiert von Mireille Schnyder (Stuttgart: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Castles: A History of Fortified Structures: Ancient, Medieval & Modern, consultant editor Charles Stephenson (New York: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Christoph Wetzel, Das grosse Lexikon der Symbole 2nd ed. (Darmstadt: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Jacques Dalarun, Hg., Das leuchtende Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Farbe im Mittelalter: Materialität – Medialität – Semantik, hg von Ingrid Bennewitz und Andrea Schindler, 2 vols. (Berlin: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Václav Vok Filip, Einführung in die Heraldik. 2. Aufl. (Stuttgart: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
“Melerantz von Franckreich” – Der Meleranz des Pleier. Nach der Karlsruher Handschrift. Edition – Untersuchungen – Stellenkommentar. Hg. von Markus Steffen (Berlin: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Ute Nanz, Die Isolde-Weißhand-Gestalten im Wandel des Tristanstoffs. Figurenzeichnung zwischen Vorlagenbezug und Werkkonzeption (Heidelberg: 2009), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Chrétien de Troyes in Prose. The Burgundian Erec and Cligés. Trans. by Joan Tasker Grimbert and Carol J. Chase (Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, NY, 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Magnificence and the Sublime in Medieval Aesthetics: Art, Architecture, Literature, Music, ed. C. Stephen Jaeger (New York: 2010), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Sarah Neumann, Der gerichtliche Zweikampf: Gottesurtail – Wettstreit – Ehrensache (Sigmaringen: 2010), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Caroline Krüger, Freundschaft in der höfischen Epik um 1200. Diskurse von Nahbeziehungen (Berlin and New York: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Carsten Morsch, Blickwendungen. Virtuelle Räume und Wahrnehmungserfahrungen in höfischen Erzählungen um 1200 (Berlin: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Trans., with notes, by Joseph Glaser. Introduction by Christine Chism (Indianapolis and Cambridge: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
German and European Poetics After the Holocaust: Crisis and Creativity. Ed. Gert Hofmann, Rachel MagShamhráin, Marko Pajević, and Michael Shields (Rochester, NY: 2011), to appear in: The Rocky Mountain Review
‘Landschaft’ im Mittelalter? – Augenschein und Literatur. Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 16.1 (2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Beatrice Michaelis, (Dis-)Artikulationen von Begehren. Schweigeeffekte in wissenschaftlichen und literarischen Texten (Berlin and New York: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions. Articles Six to Ten on Theology, trans. and Annotated by Roland J. Teske, SJ (Milwaukee, WI: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Jean Verdon, Irdische Lust. Liebe, Sex und Sinnlichkeit im Mittelalter (Darmstadt: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik.
Christliches und jüdisches Europa im Mittelalter. Kolloquium zu Ehren von Alfred Haverkamp. Hg. von Lukas Clemens und Sigrid Hirbodian (Trier: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Wolfgang Ernst, Beschwörungen und Segen Angewandte Psychotherapie im Mittelalter (Cologne: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Oswald von Wolkenstein. Leben – Werk – Rezeption, ed. Ulrich Müller and Margarete Springeth (Berlin and New York: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
“Ieglicher sang sein eigen ticht”. Germanistische und musikwissenschaftliche Beiträge zum deutschen Lied im Mittelalter, hg. von Christoph März (†), Lorenz Welker und Nicola Zotz (Wiesbaden: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Marginalität im Mittelalter, ed. Nicole Nyffenegger, Thomas Schmid, and Moritz Wedell. Das Mittelalter 16 (2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Friedrich Michael Dimpel, Die Zofe im Fokus. Perspektivierung und Sympathiesteuerung durch Nebenfiguren vom Typus der Confidente in der höfischen Epik des hohen Mittelalters (Berlin: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Holger Runow, Rumelant von Sachsen. Edition – Übersetzung – Kommentar (New York and Berlin: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Historicizing the “Beyond”: The Mongolian Invasion as a New Dimension of Violence? Ed. by Frank Krämer, Katharina Schmidt, and Julika Singer (Heidelberg: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ulrike Volkhardt, Hans-Walter Stork, Wolfgang Brandis, Nonnen, Engel, Fabelwesen. Musikdarstellung in den Lüneburger Klöstern (Hildesheim et al.: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival. Aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen übersetzt von Peter Knecht. Nachwort von Volker Mertens (Stuttgart: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Achim Thomas Hack, Abul Abaz. Zur Biographe enes Elefanten (Badenweiler: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Andrea Denke, Konrad Grünembergs Pilgerreise ins Heilige Land 1486: Untersuchung, Edition und Kommentar (Stuttgart: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages: A Reader, ed. by Brett Edward Whalen (Toronto: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Die mittelalterlichen Wandmalereien zwischen Rhein, Neckar und Enz, ed. Klaus Gereon Beuckers (Ubstadt-Weiher and Heidelberg: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Projektion – Reflexion – Ferne: Räumliche Vorstellungen und Denkfiguren im Mittelalter. Hg. von Sonja Glauch, Susanne Köbele und Uta Störmer-Caysa (Berlin and New York: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Burghart Wachinger, Lieder und Liederbücher (Berlin and New York: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Hartmut Kokott, “…singen fa, sol la / und tichten hoflich von den schönen weiben”: Die Frauen des Oswald von Wolkenstein (Göppingen: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Jean-Denis G. G. Lepage, British Fortifications Through the Reign of Richard III: An Illustrated History (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Morimichi Watanabe, Nicholas of Cusa – A Companion to His Life and His Times, ed. Gerald Christianson and Thomas M. Izbicki (Farnham, Surrey: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
David Wallace, Strong Women: Life, Text, and Territory, 1347-1645 (Oxford and New York: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Jerold C. Frakes, Vernacular and Latin Literary Discourses of the Muslim Other in Medieval Germany (New York: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Integration und Desintegration der Kulturen im europäischen Mittelalter. Hg. von Michael Borgolte et al. (Berlin: 2011), to appear in: Mediaevistik
Roberta Milliken, Ambiguous Locks: An Iconography of Hair in Medieval Art and Literature (Jefferson, NC, and London: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Michel Roquebert, Die Geschichte der Katharer. Häresie, Kreuzzug und Inquisition im Languedoc (1999; Stuttgart: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
The Medieval Chronicle VII. Guest ed. Juliana Dresvina and Nicholas Sparks (Amsterdam and New York: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Ein Handbuch, ed. Joachim Heinzle. Vol. I: Autor, Werk, Wirkung. Vol. II: Figuren-Lexikon, beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Handschriften, Bibliographien, Register, Abbildungen (Berlin and New York: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Gerd Althoff und Christel Meier, Ironie im Mittelalter. Hermeneutik – Dichtung – Politik (Darmstadt: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Soll man um Tote trauern? Eine Antwort aus dem Jahre 1141. Edition und Übersetzung von Udo Kindermann (Erlangen: 2010), to appear in Mediaevistik
kunst und saelde: Festschrift für Trude Ehlert, ed. Katharina Boll and Katrin Wenig (Würzburg: 2011), to appear in Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik
Uneasy Communion: Jews, Christians, and the Altarpieces of Medieval Spain, ed. Vivian B. Mann (London: 2010), to appear in Mediaevistik
Martina Bagnoli and Kathryn Gerry, The Medieval World: The Walters Art Museum (Baltimore: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Laurin. Hg. von Elisabeth Lienert, Sonja Kerth und Esther Vollmer-Eicken (Berlin and New York: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Heinrich Wittenwiler, Der Ring. Text – Übersetzung – Kommentar. Nach der Münchener Handschrift hg., übersetzt und erläutert von Werner Röcke unter Mitarbeit von Annika Goldenbaum (Berlin and New York: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Die Begegnung der drei Lebenden und der drei Toten. Eine Edition nach der maasländischen und ripuarischen Überlieferung. Hg. von Helmut Tervooren und Johannes Spicker (Berlin: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
La goberananza de la ciudad Europea en la edad media, ed. Jesús Ángel Solórzano Telechea and Beatriz Arízaga Bolumburu (Logroño: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Matthias Johannes Bauer, Langes Schwert und Schweinespiess. Die anonyme Fechthandschrift aus den verschütteten Beständen des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln (Graz: 2009), to appear in Mediaevistik
Giovanni Boccaccio, Das Decameron. Mit den Holzschnitten der venezianischen Ausgabe von 1492. Aus dem Italienischen übersetzt, mit Kommentar und Nachwort von Peter Brockmeier (Stuttgart: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Sehen und Sichtbarkeit in der Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters. XXI. Anglo-German Colloquium London 2009, ed. Ricarda Bauschke, Sebastian Coxon, and Martin H. Jones (Berlin: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Scham und Schamlosigkeit. Grenzverletzungen in Literatur und Kultur der Vormoderne. Hg. von Katja Gvozdeva und Hans Rudolf Velten (Berlin and New York: 2011), to apear in Mediaevistik
Living Saints of the Thirteenth Century. The Lives of Yvette, Anchoress of Huy; Juliana of Cornillon, Author of the Corpus Christi Feast; and Margaret the Lame, Anchoress of Magdeburg, ed. and with an Introduction by Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker. Translations by Jo Ann McNamara, Barbara Newman, and Gertrud Jaron Lewis and Tilman Lewis (Turnhout: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Katharina Winckler, Die Alpen im Frühmittelalter. Die Geschichte eines Raumes in den Jahren 500 bis 800 (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Jacob Klinger, Minnereden im Druck. Studien zur Gattungsgeschichte im Zeitalter des Medienwechsels (Berlin: 2010), to appear in Mediaevistik
Arnaud de Villeneuve, Le Livre des vins, traduit du latin, présenté et annoté par Patrick Gifreu (Perpignan: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
A Companion to Marie de France. Ed. by Logan E. Whalen (Brill, Leiden and Boston: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Aus der Werkstatt Diebold Laubers, ed. Christoph Fasbender unter Mitarbeit von Claudia Kanz und Christoph Winterer (Berlin and New York: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Karol Modzelewski, Das barbarische Europe. Zur sozialen Ordnung von Germanen und Slawen im frühen Mittelalter. Aus dem Polnischen von Heidemarie Petersen. Mit einer Einführung von Eduard Mühle (Osnabrück: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik
Walahfrid Strabo, Vita sancti Galli. Das Leben des heiligen Gallus, Lateinisch/Deutsch. Übersetzung von Franziska Schnoor. Anmerkungen und Nachwort von Ernst Tremp (Stuttgart: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ursula Schulze, Geistliche Spiele im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit. Von der liturigschen Feier zum Schauspiel. Eine Einführung (Berlin: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Sita Steckel, Kulturen des Lehrens im Früh- und Hochmittelalter. Autorität, Wissenskonzepte und Netzwerke von Gelehrten (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: 2011), to appear in Mediaevistik (1295 pp.)
Seliges Lächeln und höllisches Gelächter. Das Lachen in Kunst und Kultur des Mittelalters, ed. Winfried Wilhelmy (Mainz: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
The Meanings of Nudity in Medieval Art, ed. Sherry C. M. Lindquist (Farnham, Surrey, and Burlington, VT: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Denys Pringle, Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, 1187-1291 (Ashgate: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Shipping, Trade and Crusade in the Medieval Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of John Pryor,e d. Ruthy Gertwagen and Elizabeth Jeffreys (Farnham, Surrey: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Heinrich von dem Türlin, Diu Crône. Kritische mittelhochdeutsche Leseausgabe mit Erläuterungen, ed. Gudrun Felder (Berlin and Boston: 2012); Heinrich von dem Türlin, Die Krone. Unter Mitarbeit von Alfred Ebenauer † ins Neuhochdeutsche übersetzt von Florian Kragl (Berlin and Boston: 2012), to appear in Mediaevistik
Medieval Writings on Secular Women, trans. and with an intro. by Patricia Skinner and Elisabeth van Houts (London: 2011), to appear in Penguin Newsletter
Tales of the German Imagination from the Brothers Grimm to Ingeborg Bachmann. Selected, trans. and ed. by Peter Wortsman (London: 2012), to appear in Penguin Newsletter
Hermann Hesse, Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth, trans. Damion Searle. Foreword by James Franco. Introduction by Ralph Freedman (London: 2013), to appear in Penguin Newsletter
Anne Marie Wolf, Juan de Segovia and the Fight for Peace: Christians and Muslims in the Fifteenth Century (Notre Dame, IN: 2014), to appear in Mediaevistik
Anthologia Latina. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert von Wolfgang Fels (Stuttgart: 2014), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ich, Hans von Waltheym: Bericht über eine Pilgerreise im Jahr 1474 von Halle in die Provinz, ed. Birte Krüger and Klaus Krüger (Halle a. d. S.: 2014), to appear in Sixteenth-Century Journal.
Undine Brückner, Dorothea von Hof: “Das buoch der götlichen liebe und summe der tugent”: Studien zu einer Konstanzer Kompilation geistlicher Texte des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts (Ostfildern: 2015), to appear in Renaissance Quarterly
Allen J. Frantzen, Food, Eating and Identity in Early Medieval England (Woodbridge, Suffolk: 2014), to appear in Mediaevistik
Journeying along Medieval Routes in Europe and the Middle East, ed. by Alison L. Gascoigne, Leonie V. Hicks, and Marianne O’Doherty (Turnhout: 2016), to appear in Studi medievali
Wolfram-Studien XXIV: Die Kunst der brevitas. Kleine literarische Formen des deutschsprachigen Mittelalters. Rostocker Kolloquium 2014, ed. Franz-Josef Holznagel and Jan Cölln (Berlin: 2017), to appear in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
Spielräume literarischer obscuritas im Mittelalter: Zürcher Kolloquium 2016, ed. Susanne Köbele and Julia Frick (Berlin: 2018), to appear in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
Virtue Ethics and Education from Late Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century, ed. Andreas Hellerstedt (Amsterdam: 2018), to appear in Mediaevistik
Marie de France, Le Purgatoire de Saint Patrick. Accompagné des autres versions françaises en vers et du Tractatus de Purgatorio sancti Patricii de H. de Saltrey. Édition bilingue, établie, traduite, présentée et annotée par Myriam White-Le Goff (Paris: 2019), to appear in Studi medievali
Gerhard von Augsburg, Vita Sancti Uodalrici: Die älteste Lebensbeschreibung des heiligen Ulrichs, lateinisch – deutsch. Mit Kanonisationsurkunde von 993. Einleitung, kritische Edition und Übersetzung besorgt von Walter Berschin und Angelika Häse (1993; Heidelberg: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik 406-07
Trond Berg Eriksen, Håkon Harket und Einhart Lorenz, Judenhass: Die Geschichte des Antisemitismus von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Unter Mitarbeit von Izabela A. Dahl. Aus dem Norwegischen von Daniela Stilzebach (2005; Göttingen: 2019), to appear in Mediaevistik
Hunnic Peoples in Central and South Asia: Sources for Their Origin and History, ed. Dániel Balogh (Groningen: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Wolfgang Hasberg, Von Chiavenna nach Gelnhausen: Zur Fiktionalität der Geschichte. Münster und New York: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Wolfram-Studien XXVI: Walther von der Vogelweide. Düsseldorfer Kolloquium 2018. Hrsg. von Ricarda Bauschke und Veronika Hassel (Berlin: 2020), to appear in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen.
The Wanderer’s Havamál. Trans. and Ed., with Old Norse Text and Related Texts, by Jackson Crawford (Indianapolis, IN, and Cambridge: 2019), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Making the Medieval Relevant: How Medieval Studies Contribute to Improving Our Understanding of the Present, ed. Chris Jones, Conor Kostick, and Klaus Oschema (Berlin and Boston: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
De Troie en Thuringe: L’Eneas de Heinrich von Veldeke/Von Troja nach Thüringen: Heinrichs von Veldeke Eneas, hrsg. von Peter Andersen, Patrick del Duca und Delphine Pasques (Paris: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Die Tochter des Papstes: Margarethe von Savoyen. Bearbeitet von Peter Rückert, Anja Thaller und Klaus Oschema (Stuttgart: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Frauen │ Lyrik: Gedichte in deutscher Sprache, hrsg. von Anna Bers (Stuttgart: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Dante Alighieri, Die Göttliche Komödie. In Prosa übersetzt von Hartmut Köhler (Stuttgart: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Kristen B. Neuschel, Living by the Sword: Weapons and Material Culture in France and Britain, 600-1600 (Ithaca, NY, and London: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
The Saga of the Jómsvikings: A Translation for Students by Alison Finlay and Þórdís Edda Jóhannesdótir (Kalamazoo, MI: 2019), to appear in Mediaevistik
Beasts, Humans, and Transhumans in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. J. Eugene Clay (Turnhout: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Poesie des Widerstreits: Etablierung und Polemik in den Literaturen des Mittelalters. Hrsg. von Anna Kathrin Bleuler und Manfred Kern (Heidelberg: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Patrick J. Geary, Herausforderungen und Gefahren der Integration von Genomdaten in die Erforschung der frühmittelalterlichen Geschichte (Göttingen: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
The Life of Christina of Hane. Trans., intro., and annotations by Racha Kirakosian. New Haven, CT, and London: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Medieval Futurity: Essays for the Future of a Queer Medieval Studies, ed. Will Rogers and Christopher Michael Roman (Berlin and Boston: 2020), to appear in sehepunkte
Schloss Maienfeld und seine Fresken, hrsg. von Horst E. Rupp. Lindenberg i. Allgäu: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ina Serif, Geschichte aus der Stadt: Überlieferung und Aneignungsformen der deutschen Chronik Jakob Twingers von Königshofen (Berlin and Boston: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ludger Lieb, Hartmann von Aue: Erec – Iwein – Gregorius – Armer Heinrich (Berlin: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
‘In vriuntschaft als es was gedâht’: Freundschaftsschrift für Hans-Joachim Solms. Hrsg. von Jessica Ammer, Gerhard Meiser und Heike Link (Berlin: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Philippe Cordez, Treasure, Memory, Nature: Church Objects in the Middle Ages, trans. Chloe Morgan, ed. Julia Oswald (Turnhout: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Katja Krause, trans., Thomas Aquinas on Seeing God: The Beatific Vision in his Commentary on Peter Lombard’s Sentences (Milwaukee, WI: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ken Mondschein, On Time: A History of Western Timekeeping (Baltimore, MD: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
The Marvels of the World: An Anthology of Nature Writing Before 1700, ed. Rebecca Bushnell (Philadelphia: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
A Glossed Wycliffite Psalter: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Bodley 554, ed. Michael P. Kuczynski (Oxford: 2018 for 2019), to appear in Mediaevistik
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, Philosophiae Consolatio / Trost der Philosophie. Lateinisch/Deutsch. Hrsg., übersetzt und erläutert von Joachim Gruber (Stuttgart: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Rita Wood, Paradise: The World of Romanesque Sculpture. York: 2019), to appear in Mediaevistik
Katharina Prinz, Helden und Verbrecher: Herausforderungen der wert- und normbezogenen Erzähltextanalyse (Berlin: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Daniela Mairhofer und Agata Mazurek, Der ‘Oxforder Boethius’: Studie und lateinisch-deutsche Edition (Berlin: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Die Figur des Herrschers in der Exempelliteratur – Transkulturelle Perspektiven/The figure of the Ruler in Exemplary Literature – Transcultural Perspectives, ed. Mechthild Albert and Ulrike Becker (Göttingen: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Origins of the Witches’ Sabbath, trans. Michael D. Bailey (University Park, PA: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Huon of Bordeaux: First Modern English Translation by Catherine M. Jones and William W. Kibler (New York and Bristol: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Relations of Power: Women’s Networks in the Middle Ages, ed. Emma O. Bérat, Rebecca Hardie, and Irina Dumitrescu (Göttingen: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Gabriele Eckart, Vogtlandstimmen. Roman (Würzburg: 2021), to appear in Glossen
Bianca Häberlein, Gestimmte Räume: Zur Poetizität und Interpassivität im ‘Wigalois’ Wirnts von Grafenberg (Berlin: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Günther Bärenthaler, Fragen an Hagen: Wege zum Nibelungenlied für jugendliche Schülerinnen und Schüler (Berlin, Bern, et al.: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Der Teufel und seine poietische Macht in literarischen Texten vom Mittelalter zur Moderne, ed. Jutta Eming and Daniela Fuhrmann (Berlin und Boston: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Wessam Elmeligi, The Poetry of Arab Women from the Pre-Islamic Age to Andalusia (London and New York: 2019), to appear in Mediaevistik
Konzepte und Funktionen der Gewalt im Mittelalter, hrsg. von Claudia Garnier (Münster: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
The Intolerant Middle Ages: A Reader, ed. Eugene Smelyansky (Toronto, Buffalo, and London: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Steffen Kremer, Herrscherbesuche: Inszenierungen elitärer Gastfreundschaft in der profanen Wandmalerei Italiens (1300-1750) (Göttingen: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ann-Kathrin Barfuß, Narration und Gattung: Konstruktionen des poetischen Erzählens in der Kleinepik des Frühmittelalters (Hildesheim: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Unser Mittelalter: Die erste jüdische Gemeinde in Wien. Hrsg. von Astrid Peterle, Adina Seeger, Dornagoj Akrap und Danielle Spera (Vienna: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
allmächtig und unfassbar: Geld in der Literatur des Mittelalters. Hrsg. von Nathanael Busch und Robert Fajen (Stuttgart: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Falconry in the Mediterranean Context During the Pre-Modern Era, ed. Charles Burnett and Baudouin Van den Abele (Geneva: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Jan Rüdiger, All the King’s Women: Polygyny and Politics in Europe, 900–1250, trans. Tim Barnwell (Leiden and Boston: 2020 [orig. 2015]), to appear in Mediaevistik
Gabriele Annas and Christof Paulus, Geschichte und Geschichten: Studien zu den ‘Deutschen Berichten’ über Vlad III. Drăculea (Wiesbaden: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Vater für die Armen: Otmar und die Anfänge des Klosters St. Gallen. Sommerausstellung 12. März 2019 bis 17. November 2019. Hrsg. von Cornel Dura (Base: 2019), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Der Basler Edelstein: Ulrich Boners Fabelsammlung in der Handschrift der Universitätsbibliothek Basel AN III 17, ed. Kristina Domanski, Charlotte Gutscher-Schmid, and Cordula Kropik (Basel: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Hieronymus Münzer, Itinerarium, ed. Klaus Herbers (Wiesbaden: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Martin Clauss, Gesine Mierke, and Antonia Krüger, ed. Lautsphären des Mittelalters: Akustische Perspektiven zwischen Lärm und Stille (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2020), to appear in The Medieval Review
Kirsten Darby, Die “Lachverständigen” im Mittelalter: Untersuchung zu Darstellungen und Bewertungen des Lachens in Heiligenviten (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Kimberly Klimek, Pamela L. Troyer, with Sarah Davis-Secord and Bryan C. Keene, Global Medieval Contexts 500–1500 (New York and London: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Jeffrey F. Hamburger and Joshua O’Driscoll, Imperial Splendor: The Art of the Book in the Holy Roman Empire, 800‒1500 (New York: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Roland Pauler, Karl der skrupellose Große: Das Ergebnis von zwei Jahrhunderten Fehlinterpretationen im Bann des Nationalismus (Göttingen: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Approaches to the Medieval Self: Representations and Conceptualizations of the Self in the Textual and Material Culture of Western Scandinaiva, c. 800-1500, ed. Stefka G. Eriksen, Karen Langsholt Homqvust, and Bjørn Bandlien (Berlin and Boston: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Wizlav, Sangsprüche und Minnelieder. Melodien, Texte, Übersetzungen, Kommentar. Hrsg. von Horst Brunner und Dorothea Klein (Wiesbaden: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Renate Ahrens, Schicksals Freundin (Munich: 2021), to appear in Trans-Lit2
Cognitive Sciences and Medieval Studies: An Introduction, ed. Juliana Dresvina and Victoria Blud. Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages (Cardiff: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Education of Nuns, Feast of Fools, Letters of Love: Medieval Religious Life in Twelfth Century Lyric Anthologies from Regensburg, Ripoll and Chartres. Ed., trans., and intro. by David A. Traill and Justin Haynes (Leuven, Paris, and Bristol, CT: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Tobias Bulang, guldîne linge: Fünf Essays zu Gottfrieds Tristan (Wiesbaden: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
William Langland, Piers Plowman: The A Version. A New Translation with Introduction and Notes by Michael Calabrese (Washington, DC: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Geheimnis und Verborgenes im Mittelalter: Funktion, Wirkung und Spannungsfelder von okkultem Wissen, verborgenen Räumen und magischen Gegenständen, hrsg. von Stephan Conermann, Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck und Miriam Quiering (Berlin and Boston: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Cornelia Logermann, Das große Fressen: Tapisserien und Texte der condamnation de Banquier (Baden-Baden: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Christine de Pizan, Le Livre des fais d’armes et de chevalierie, ed. critique par Lucien Dugaz (Paris: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Peter Glasner, Narrheit und Ästhetik: Erzählen von intriganten Narren im Mittelalter (Cologne: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Julia Burkhardt, Von Bienen lernen. Das Bonum universale de apibus des Thomas von Cantimpré als Gemeinschaftsentwurf. Analyse, Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar. 2 vols. (Regensburg: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik.
Germans and Poles in the Middle Ages: The Perception of the ‘Other’ and the Presence of Mutual Ethnic Stereotypes in Medieval Narrative Sources, ed. Andrzej Pleszczyński and Grischa Vercamer (Leiden and Boston: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Die Lieder Wolframs von Eschenbach. Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von Joachim Heinzle. Stuttgart: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Jenseits der ausgetretenen Pfade: Normüberschreitungen in der höfischen Epik vom späten 12. bis zum frühen 14. Jahrhundert, hrsg. Désirée Mangard und Miriam Strieder (Innsbruck: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Falk Quenstedt, Mirabiles Wissen: Deutschsprachige Reiseerzählungen um 1200 im transkulturelln Kontext arabischer Literatur: Straßburger Alexander, Herzog Ernst, Reise-Fassung des Brandan (Wiesbaden: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Der Mönch von Salzburg im Interpretationsprofil der Gegenwart, ed. Siegrid Schmidt and Thomas Hochradner, prepared by Isolde Delyto Rösner and Stefanie Hiesel (Vienna: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Katharina Christa Schüppel, Fasten, Lehren, Heilen: Die Indienreise des Apostels Thomas in mittelalterlichen Manuskripten und Karten. Berlin: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Semantiken und Narrative des Entscheidens vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. von Philip Hoffmann-Rehnitz, Matthias Pohlig, Tim Rojek und Susanne Spreckelmeier (Göttingen: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
The Legend of Charlemagne: Envisioning Empire in the Middle Ages, ed. Jace Stuckey (Leiden and Boston: 2022), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ann Marie Rasmussen, Medieval Badges: Their Wearers and Their Worlds (Philadelphia: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Das 15. Jahrhundert, ed. Günter Frank, Franz Fuchs, and Mathias Herweg (Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Peter N. Stearns, World Past to World Present: A Sketch of Global History (New York and London: 2022), to appear in Mediaevistik
Frank Meier, Gewalt und Gefangenschaft im Mittelalter (Stuttgart: 2022), to appear in Mediaevistik
Ulrich Fuetrer, Iban, ed. and trans. Joseph M. Sullivan (Woodbridge: 2002), to appear in Mediaevistik
Reinhard Berron, Elemente grotesken Erzählens in der europäischen Versnovellistik (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Anne Derbes, Ritual, Gender & Narrative in Late Medieval Italy: Fina Buzzacarini and the Baptistery of Padua (Turnhout: 2020), to appear in Mediaevistik
Laetitia Rimpau, Visionen neuer Wissenschaft: Zur dialogischen Dichtung von Dante Alighieri und Johannes Kepler (Heidelberg: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Nicola Kaminski, Julia Kunz, Sebastian Mittelberg, Julia Schmidt, “Zuo schyff Zuo schyff bruoder: Eß gat / eß gat”: zur Performanz des Exemplarischen im Narrenschiff (Hildesheim: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Julia Rüthemann, Die Geburt der Dichtung im Herzen: Untersuchungen zu Autorschaft, Personifikation und Geschlecht im Minnesang, im “Parzival”, in “Der Welt Lohn” und im “Roman de Silence” (Berlin: 2022), to appear in Mediaevistik
Otherness’ in the Middle Ages, ed. Hans-Werner Goetz and Ian Wood (Turnhout: 2022), to appear in Mediaevistik
Christian Kiening, Fortunatus: Eine dichte Beschreibung. Mit Beiträgen von Pia Selmayr (Zürich: 2021), to appear in Sixteenth-Century Studies
Kirsten Darby, Die “Lachverständigen” im Mittelalter: Untersuchungen zu Darstellungen und Bewertungen des Lachens in Heiligenviten (Vienna, Cologine, and Weimar: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Lesebuch Frauenlob: Texte, Übersetzungen , Kommentare. Hrsg. von Uta Störmer-Caysa und Claudia Lauer, unter Mitarbeit von Mirna Kjorveziroska (Heidelberg: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
The Arthur of the Low Countries: The Arthurian Legend in Dutch and Flemish Literature, ed. Bart Besamusca and Frank Brandsma. Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, X. Cardiff: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Mittelalterliche Handschriften und Urkunden aus deutschen Beständen in der Bibliothek der Staatlichen Universität Tomsk, zusammengestellt von Valentin Portnykh, beschrieben von id., Dmitriy Weber, Ekaterina Nosova, Valeria Esipova and Sergey Agishev, ed. by Dominik Kuhn und Ann-Mailin Behm (Lübeck: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Aventiure: Ereignis und Erzählung. Hrsg. von Michael Schwarzbach-Dobson und Franziska Wenzel (Berlin: 2022), to appear in Mediaevistik
Entscheidungsfindung in spätmittelalterlichen Gemeinschaften, ed. Wolfgang Eric Wagner (Göttingen: 2022), to appear in Mediaevistik
Thomas Frenz, Mittelalter. 100 Seiten (Stuttgart: 2022), to appear in Mediaevistik
Anja Micklin, Der “Niederrheinische Orientbericht”: Edition und sprachliche Untersuchung (Vienna, Cologne, and Weimar: 2021), to appear in Mediaevistik
Isabella Lazzarini, ed., The Later Middle Ages (Oxford: 2021), to appear in The Medieval Review