Apollonius MHD Lyrik Gottfried von Strassburg Tristan Tree Melusine Chaucer, CT, digital version free to leaf through MEMGS (The Medieval and Early Modern German Studies Network) Nibelungenlied (Bartsch) Old French Dictionary Dictionaries: Dictionnaire de l’occitan médiévale (definitions in French): https://dom-en-ligne.de/ Dizionario di Occitano medievale (definitions in Italian) : https://www.dizionariodoc.unisa.it/ Emil Lévy, Petit dictionnaire Provençal-Français Facsimile print edition :…Continue Reading Literature
Category: Time Periods
Woerterbuch/Dictionary Georges Boethius Roman Emperors The World of Classical Rome Link Collection Women in Roman Antiquity (Agrippina), plus family trees Everyday Life Mythology Maps Maps II Maps III Photos Antiquity (UPenn) World Map of the Middle East from antiquity to the present…Continue Reading Antiquity
Continue on to this page for a more detailed list of Renaissance topics to explore….Continue Reading Renaissance
Middle Ages Resources
Love in Lit./Arts | Abelard/Heloise | Apollonius | Aucassin et N | Carmina Burana | Chaucer | Chretien de Troyes | Christine de Pizan | Dietrich v.d.Gletze | Fabliaux | Flore and Blanche | Gottfried von S. | Hartmann vA | Herzog Ernst | Hildebrandslied | Hrosvita of G. | Johann v. Tepl | Juan…Continue Reading Middle Ages Resources
Why History I
Reasons for the study of history by Peter N. Stearns Why history, Good highlights and explanations by Gerhard Rempel Why History – political and philosophical considerations Ethical Culture…Continue Reading Why History I
Why History II
This is a brief collection of thoughts on history and its importance for us today, culled from the web and printed sources. I do not necessarily identify with them, but find them thought-provoking and certainly wise in their own way. For more extensive discussions, see the other sites in “Why History I” here on my…Continue Reading Why History II
Van Eyck Art Museums, online Samuel Kress Collection, MoA, UoA 360degrees walking through Art from the late antiquity (Ravenna) Altarpieces Balkans Ghent Altarpiece Furtmayr, Berthold German Imperial Crown Extensive Lists Glossary Illustrated Bartsch Bayeux Tapestry Tapestry, 15th c., Musee de Cluny Books of Hours PPP Texts in a Book of Hours Les Tres Riches Heures, see…Continue Reading Arts
Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture
FUNDAMENTALS OF MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN CULTURE (FMC) Ed. by Albrecht Classen (University of Arizona) and Marilyn Sandidge (Westfield State University, MA) Published by Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York (For a checklist regarding formatting your contribution, please see: CHECKLIST The contributions to the individual books are always peer reviewed. Because of the team…Continue Reading Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture
Middle Ages
Why study the Middle Ages? According to Kent Emery, jr., “[a]rtistic expression, in the strict sense, ‘perfects nature,’ liberates the human spirit from the ‘bare necessities’ of its animal and cultural existence, and, moreover, shows ‘disdain’ for them. So delicate table manners, extravagant fashion, unfunctional architecture, contrived landscapes and gardens, conceited, indirect, and musical speech,…Continue Reading Middle Ages
Wasserzeichen: http://www.ksbm.oeaw.ac.at/wz/wzma.php http://watermark.kb.nl/ French and other medieval mss. (extremely useful, ALIMA) Handschriftencensus Marburger Repetorium Ambraser Heldenbuch Die Hausbucher der Nurnberger Zwolfbruederstiftung Swiss mss., or in German Global Catalogue of Digitized Manuscripts Jenaer Liederhandschrift Switzerland (online mss.) Plants in the Middle Ages Oxford Catalogue of Incunabula (Bodleian) Chaucer’s Ellesmere Ms. Illustrated Blockbooks (up to 1500) in…Continue Reading Manuscripts
Greiffenberg (poems); Greiffenberg (meditations Architecture Architecture in Germany Dresden: Zwinger Baroque-2 Art More Links Paintings San Giovanni in Laterano (Rome) Ludwigsburg Wieskirch (almost Rococo) Würzburger Dom, Rundumblick Video…Continue Reading Baroque
World Peutinger World Map Changing map of Europe from the twelfth through 2011 Europe World Maps Historical Maps Huge Collection of Maps II III German Site with lots of Historical Maps Maps for Medieval Europe and the Renaissance World Maps Medieval England Multiple Maps of Antquity and the Middle Ages Ebstorfer Weltkarte Ebstorf map details St….Continue Reading Maps
Everyday Life
Wide range of sources for the entire period Everyday Aspects of the Middle Ages Introduction, maps, texts – quite useful Middle Ages for young folks Freilichtmuseum Funkenburg, Thuringen Freilichtmuseum Klein Koeris, Brandenburg Sagnlandet Lejre People, History, Illustrations (in German) Hunting in the Middle Ages (Illustrations) Food, Work, Clothing, etc. Law, Love, Violence, etc. Cookbook of…Continue Reading Everyday Life
History of Jews 69 C.E. to the Present Barbara Stevenson’s webpage Juden und der Schwarze Tod (in German, excellent bibliography, maps, and illustrations) History 1st-14th Centuries History 14th-17th Centuries Drawing of the ugly Jew in the Swedish church of Härkeberga: Regesten, Bd. 5, Austria…Continue Reading Jews
Beowulf and Nibelungenlied performance Introduction to Early Music Introduction II CB Lyrics Carl Orff (good intro plus visuals) Orff III CB video CB Amor/Dies/Stetit Puella CB and Excalibur CB for commercial II (gatorade) CB for commercial III (beer) Michael Jackson stardom video Old Music Radio Station Manuscript Illustrations Links Carmina Burana Gautier de Coinci,…Continue Reading Music
Meister Eckhart Society – good intro Life and Works Quotes from his Works Background and Context (German site) Dictionary of the History of Ideas John of Salisbury I JoS II JoS III Denis Foulechat reads John of Salisbury: Paris, 14th century,Manuscripts Department, Western Section, Fr. 24287, Parchment JoS. Text Excerpts Excerpts II Letter 303 Letter…Continue Reading Philosophy
Food in the Middle Ages Various Aspects of Medieval Life…Continue Reading Society
Links for Medieval Spain: American Historical Research on Medieval Spain Chronology Sourcebook History of Medieval Spain Catalan Manuscripts Islamic Conquest of Spain Maps Espana medieval Imagenes Fotos de Siguenza Photos Valencia…Continue Reading Spain
Winter Poems
ANCIENT, MEDIEVAL, AND EARLY MODERN WINTER POETRY READING BY MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA MEDIEVAL, RENAISSANCE, AND REFORMATION COMMITTEE (UAMARRC) NOV. 14, 2005, 6-8 P.M., UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, ILC 140. Funded by COH. Organized by Albrecht Classen, Dept. of German Studies Ancient Greek, read by Kenneth Porter: Hesiod (b. ca. 700 B.C.E.), Works and…Continue Reading Winter Poems
Please take note: This collection of web links with illustrations was assembled as a resource for the academic study of violence in the Middle Ages. To study violence critically, to examine its causes, effects, and consequences, however, is the first crucial step forward in limiting, if not eliminating it altogether. For a critical examination of…Continue Reading Violence
Women of the Middle Ages
Compiuta Donzella. Talk by Prof. F. Alfie, intro. by Prof. A. Classen Women in Art: a 3-minute online video Frauen in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte Literature Hildegard von Bingen Mechthild of Magdeburg, text MYSTICISM Art and Music Introductory article Religion Mystics in Love Medicine Dr. Ralph Frenken’s psychological interpretation of Mysticism Daily Life Medieval Mysticism Compilations…Continue Reading Women of the Middle Ages
International Conference on Castles and Their Imagination in the Middle Ages, Sept. 15-16, 2007, Werfen, south of Salzburg: “DIE IMAGINÄRE BURG Eine andere Kulturgeschichte”. Öffentliche interdisziplinäre Tagung 15./16. September 2007 in A-5450 Werfen (südlich von Salzburg), Markt 24 (Brennhof, Gewölbesaal) Thema ist die Mentalitätsgeschichte der Burg im Mittelalter, es geht u.a. um die Frage, mit…Continue Reading Castles
Salzburg University on-line medieval ms. catalogue Huge link collection of German on-line catalogues…Continue Reading Catalogues
Wars and Crusades British Library: Turn a page French History King Edward the Confessor Koninjklijche Bibliotheek Scandinavian picture databases Illustrations – World Chronicle German Imperial Crown Charles IV Cantigas de Santa Maria (music scenes) Collection of Manuscript Illuminations University of Heidelberg Library Deutsche Handschriften im Netz (German mss.) The Hague Royal Library (phantastic) Hunting Scenes …Continue Reading Illustrations
Recording MHG
READING OF MIDDLE HIGH GERMAN TEXTS by Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona Original Texts in Middle High German Copyright: web-based texts Der von Kürenberg and subsequent texts:http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/germanica/Chronologie/d_saec12.htmlNibelungenlied: http://www.mediaevum.de/texte/epik.htm Der von Kürenbergca. 1150/70 Lieder Minnesangs Frühling II.I.1 «Vil lieben vriunt verkiesen, daz ist schedelîch;swer sînen vriunt behaltet, daz ist lobelîch. [7,3]die site wil ich minnen. [7,5]bite…Continue Reading Recording MHG
Spring Poems
PROFESSOR ALBRECHT CLASSEN My Courses at the University of Arizona Come along on my medieval travel course in Europe during May/June (every year, with changing itineraries!) Medieval and Renaissance Spring Poems Read by Members of the University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Committee (UAMARRC) accompanied by the Collegium Musicum Program arranged by: Albrecht Classen Thursday,…Continue Reading Spring Poems
Middle Ages
Why study the Middle Ages? According to Kent Emery, jr., “[a]rtistic expression, in the strict sense, ‘perfects nature,’ liberates the human spirit from the ‘bare necessities’ of its animal and cultural existence, and, moreover, shows ‘disdain’ for them. So delicate table manners, extravagant fashion, unfunctional architecture, contrived landscapes and gardens, conceited, indirect, and musical speech,…Continue Reading Middle Ages
See my new book: Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, 2009…Continue Reading Sexuality
Medieval Culture: A Compendium of Critical Topics
Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, in preparation). Contributors, please note: November 10, 2013 is the last possible date to submit your pieces. Well, that date also passed. But now, the very last date to have everything in will be March 31, 2014….Continue Reading Medieval Culture: A Compendium of Critical Topics
Squire and Knight Weapons Music in the Middle Ages Vikings and Normans…Continue Reading Videos