Journal Entry Rubric (currently not used, 2015)

Journal Entry Nr. ___  Total points: ______/ 50

Development of reflection, thoughts about the reading, knowledge of reading: ____/ 25:

25 points:  reflections is clearly stated and is supported by coherent argumentation. At least two to three text passages are used to support thesis. Write 4 pages (min. 1000 words) per period. Writing reflects excellent knowledge of reading. Journal is turned in on time. 15 points: reflection is vague and does not reflect the writers opinion. Only one text passage is used to support the argumentation. Not all journal entries are 4 pages (1000 words) long. Writing reflects some knowledge of reading. Journal is turned in on time 5 points: reflective write does not express a reflective opinion. No text passages are used to support the argumentation. Journal entries are rarely 4pages, mostly less than 4 pages long (1000 words). Writing reflects no knowledge of readings. Journal is not turned in on time.

Use of Vocabulary, Grammar and Style: ____/ 25:

25 points: no to little grammatical errors. Reflective write is developed and structured in a logical order. Journal entry has introduction, main body and conclusion/. Dates and organizes the weekly entries clearly. Uses course related vocabulary. 15 points: some grammatical errors. Reflective write is structured, but misses’ major components (such as conclusion or introduction). View keyword from the readings are used in the journal entry. Weekly entries are not always clearly marked with dates and somewhat disorganized. 5 points: many grammatical errors. Journal entry has no dates and does not relate back to readings. Journal entry has neither introduction, nor conclusion or full developed body. No use of key vocabulary. Journal entries are not labeled with dates and cannot be related back to readings