Chaucer, CT, digital version free to leaf through
MEMGS (The Medieval and Early Modern German Studies Network)
- Dictionnaire de l’occitan médiévale (definitions in French):
- Dizionario di Occitano medievale (definitions in Italian) :
- Emil Lévy, Petit dictionnaire Provençal-Français
- Facsimile print edition :
- Digital scan from HathiTrust (accessible in the US):
- William D. Paden, An Introduction to Old Occitan (MLA):
- Joseph Anglade, Grammaire de l’Ancien Provençal
- Digital scan on
Medieval Literature in English translation
Global Library, Russian website
brief summaries of medieval texts
Salzburg Projekt. MHD Begriffsdatenbank
Regesta Imperii – bibliography online
Humanities: How to defend them, from a medieval perspective
Identify Latin phrases: Enigma
E-texts (mostly MHG texts, mystical texts, travelogues, religious texts, but also Reinecke Fuchs, (K)
Worterbuch Netz (alles zusammen, inkl. Kroenitz, Lexer, Goethe, etc.)
Althochdeutsches Woerterbuch, Koebler, 6th ed. 2014
Fruehneuhochdeutsches Woerterbuch
Deutsches Textarchiv: Grundlage für ein Referenzkorpus der neuhochdeutschen Sprache
Video Clips: modern performances of medieval epics, romances, and lais. I recommend, esp., Beowulf and Nibelungenlied
Dante – Purgatorio, with text and videos
Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft 1985-2004
Troubadour poetry 1, poetry 2, poetry 3, Troubadour Poetry 4; Troubairitz poetry Syllabus. Images
Kulturgeschichte (id: kultur; password: radi)
Literary Encyclopedia: The Literary Encyclopedia provides author profiles, text profiles, topic essays and time lines in a series of user-friendly indexed databases.
List continues below:
Camelot Project (many Arthurian texts, images, etc.)
Exempla literature (motif search)
Althochdeutsches Worterbuch/Old High German
Motivregister (mit Bibliographie)
Christine de Pizan (Nadia Margolis, 2024)
Medieval France (images and audio in French
Digitalisierte Buecher (UB Freiburg), z.B. Barlaam und Josaphat, Zimmernsche Chronik etc.
Medieval French Literature (alternative sites)
Marguerite de Porete Bibliography
Partonopeus de Blois Partonopeus II
Medieval Latin Literature II (plus English trans.)
Ancient and Medieval Latin and Greek Literature
11th-century manuscripts, University Library of Graz
Exhibitions at the Univ. Library of Graz.
Reinmar und Intertextualitaet (Miguel Torres Morales)
Middle English Romances in Translation
Wolfram von Eschenbach online bibliography
Library visit: Prag, Strahov National Library or this link, or this link
Ritter mit den Nuessen
Werevolves – excellent bibliography, with lots of PDFS (Password: vilkolakis)