This is a comprehensive, in-depth, and vigorous 3 week travel course focused on the European Middle Ages. We regularly traverse 5-7 countries, studying medieval castles, churches, cathedrals, city walls, synagogues, and mosques, wherever we can find them. Any student is invited to join this course if interested in the Middle Ages and in an intensive travel course. Below you can find the itineraries from 2004 to 2025.

And here your two leaders of this Study Abroad Program, Prof. Albrecht Classen and his wife at the Study Abroad Fair Feb. 2025

For a quick video, advertisement, see here

How to apply: See this link

Contact the instructor:
Prof. Albrecht Classen, German Studies
318 Learning Services Building
tel.: 520 621-1395

Outcome and personal growth: Study abroad is not simply a fun activity, which it certainly is, but it is a life-changing experience and will open many doors for your career and future life. For some practical tips how to utilize your study abroad experience for your future job application’s, see this link.

Scholarship Universe

Passports renewal

Passports, through Global Initiatives

One Scholarship, for instance:

Alumni, friends, and family of Dr. Donna Swaim have created an endowment to honor her academic influence and mentorship during her prestigious career at The University of Arizona.  Dr. Swaim believes that students who travel abroad with faculty will not only benefit academically, but will also perceive their faculty as more approachable and accessible, resulting in stronger student-faculty relationships.

A committee from Student Affairs and Enrollment Management / Academic Initiatives and Student Success will select two (2) recipients of the Donna Swaim Travel Abroad Scholarship.  Each recipient will receive a $1,000.00 scholarship.

The online application form can be found here:

See this advertisement video for a quick intro.

The 2013 tour was featured in UA News, June 21, 2013

Travel requirement: only one suitcase (up to 50 pounds) and a carry-on, or backpack. Check with the airline policy. You must have an umbrella and a watch. For further details, see the checklist with travel tips Participants must be in good physical health, fit to hike relatively steep hills to visit castles and churches without outside help, walk for a longer stretch when we explore medieval cities or monasteries, and keep up with a fairly fast pace. Our hotels are normally centrally located, but sometimes that cannot be the case, or the bus might not be able to take us close to it, requiring you to pull your suitcase/s for some distance and up the stairs, if the elevator in the hotel does not work or does not exist.

Helpful links:

For an enjoyable activity when we need to cover some distances:

Always count on the left foot:
eins, zwei, drei, vier, fuenf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn, ein Stock, ein Hut, ein Schirm, und (this one brings both feet together), (while standing, move the left foot) vorwaerts, rueckwaerts, seitwaerts, und…. then you start marching and counting again.

Everyone of our study tours has been a most positive, life-changing experience, but there could also be problems; hence, please note:

  • theft from anyone
  •  violent behavior (physical and /or mental)
  • chronic and deliberate non-attendance of class and/or excursions
  • chronic and excessive tardiness
  • disregard of the code of conduct of the University of Arizona


1. Verbal warning   2. Written warning   3. Dismisal if problem continues