Reasons for the study of history by Peter N. Stearns Why history, Good highlights and explanations by Gerhard Rempel Why History – political and philosophical considerations Ethical Culture…Continue Reading Why History I
Tag: GER-312
Ger 312 Wolfram v. Eschenbach
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Bibliotheca Augustana Handschriftencensus Titurel Introduction Introduction II (with good images) Wolframs von Eschenbach – town Youtube on WvE Eberhard Kummer singt Titurel Modern Reception (ART) Modern WvE MuseumI Museum II Heidelberg cpg 339 Munchener Hs. Berner Parzival Hs. Hermann Reicherts online Ausgabe mit allen Abweichungen in den Hss. (Erklaerungen bzw. Einleitung dazu)…Continue Reading Ger 312 Wolfram v. Eschenbach
Why History II
This is a brief collection of thoughts on history and its importance for us today, culled from the web and printed sources. I do not necessarily identify with them, but find them thought-provoking and certainly wise in their own way. For more extensive discussions, see the other sites in “Why History I” here on my…Continue Reading Why History II
Van Eyck Art Museums, online Samuel Kress Collection, MoA, UoA 360degrees walking through Art from the late antiquity (Ravenna) Altarpieces Balkans Ghent Altarpiece Furtmayr, Berthold German Imperial Crown Extensive Lists Glossary Illustrated Bartsch Bayeux Tapestry Tapestry, 15th c., Musee de Cluny Books of Hours PPP Texts in a Book of Hours Les Tres Riches Heures, see…Continue Reading Arts
Ger 312 Castles
International Conference on Castles and Their Imagination in the Middle Ages, Sept. 15-16, 2007, Werfen, south of Salzburg: “DIE IMAGINÄRE BURG Eine andere Kulturgeschichte”. Öffentliche interdisziplinäre Tagung 15./16. September 2007 in A-5450 Werfen (südlich von Salzburg), Markt 24 (Brennhof, Gewölbesaal) Thema ist die Mentalitätsgeschichte der Burg im Mittelalter, es geht u.a. um die Frage, mit…Continue Reading Ger 312 Castles
Ger 312 Church
Clergy German Church Lexicon (Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon) Search engines: Suchmaschine für religiöse und kirchliche Belange Christliche Suchmaschine Lexikon Kirche und Religion – Online-Lexikon vom Bistum Magdeburg Lexikon Kirche & Religion – Online-Lexikon von – freie katholische Enzyklopädie, betrieben von engagierten Katholiken im deutschsprachigen Raum – Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon Glossar – Bietet Informationen…Continue Reading Ger 312 Church
Ger 312 Everyday Life
Everyday Aspects of the Middle Ages People, History, Illustrations (in German) Hunting in the Middle Ages (Illustrations) Food, Work, Clothing, etc. Law, Love, Violence, etc. Cookbook of Sabina Welser (1553) Craftsmanship (in German) Illustrations in The Hague Royal Library (phantastic!) Luttrell Psalter…Continue Reading Ger 312 Everyday Life
Ger 312 German literature links
Middle High German Dictionary (Trier/Virginia) Woerterbuch-Netz MHG Dictionary (Salzburg) Woerterbuecher (Lexer, BMZ, Grimm, etc.) Trierer Findebuch (BMZ, Lexer, Nachtraege, Findebuch) Hartmann von Aue, Iwein (read by Alexander Sager) Jenaer Liederhandschrift Michel Beheim: Pfaelzische Reimchronik Das Bäderbüchlein von Hans Folz Hans Folz MHD Texte online Mittelhochdeutsche Literatur online Hugo von Langenstein, Martina Nibelungenlied (A, B, C,…Continue Reading Ger 312 German literature links
Ger 312 Handbook
de Gruyter HANDBOOK OF MEDIEVAL STUDIES Concepts, Methods, Historical Developments, and Current Trends in Medieval Studies ed. Prof. Dr. Albrecht Classen (Tucson, Arizona / USA) Last update: 12-01-2008 Last possible submission: Feb. 8, 2009 Bolded entries are those that had to be cut b/c they were not submitted or b/c no author could be…Continue Reading Ger 312 Handbook
Ger 312 History
Deutsche Geschichte (auf Deutsch) Deutsche Geschichte (Universitaet Helsinki: Netzkurs: kultur – radi) German History (in English) Roman Antiquity (visuals!) Beginning of the Middle Ages High Middle Ages End of the Middle Ages II III Antiquarian Books Worldwide (good search engine) Archivforschung – online Lehrgang Medieval Artefacts Arthuriana Bibliography (online, since 1986) (Jahresberichte fuer deutsche Geschichte)…Continue Reading Ger 312 History
Ger 312 Illustrations
Wars and Crusades British Library: Turn a page French History King Edward the Confessor Koninjklijche Bibliotheek Scandinavian picture databases Illustrations – World Chronicle German Imperial Crown Charles IV Cantigas de Santa Maria (music scenes) Collection of Manuscript Illuminations University of Heidelberg Library Deutsche Handschriften im Netz (German mss.) The Hague Royal Library (phantastic) Hunting Scenes …Continue Reading Ger 312 Illustrations
Ger 312 Jews 14th – 17th Centuries
Jewish History: Fourteenth through Seventeenth Centuries Based on: Judah Gribetz, Edward L. Greenstein, and Regina Stein, The Timetables of Jewish History. A Chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History (New York, London, et al.: Simon & Schuster, 1993) Synopsis by A. Classen …Continue Reading Ger 312 Jews 14th – 17th Centuries
Ger 312 Jews History 1st – 14th Centuries
JEWS VERSUS CHRISTIANS (1st through fourteenth century) Excerpts from: Jeremy Cohen, Living Letters of the Law (1999). Adversus Iudeos polemics since the first century (St. Paul, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Origen, etc.) Augustine of Hippo (354-430): Slay them not, they are living testimony of the Christian promise. Jews represent the literal interpretation of Scripture. Isidore of…Continue Reading Ger 312 Jews History 1st – 14th Centuries
Ger 312 Jews
History of Jews 69 C.E. to the Present Barbara Stevenson’s webpage Juden und der Schwarze Tod (in German, excellent bibliography, maps, and illustrations) History 1st-14th Centuries History 14th-17th Centuries…Continue Reading Ger 312 Jews
Ger 312 Literature
Links to Literature Databases Worterbuch Netz (alles zusammen, inkl. Kroenitz, Lexer, Goethe, etc.) Video Clips Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft 1985-2004 Bibliotheca Augustana All Dutch medieval mss. Capelli Literary Encyclopedia: The Literary Encyclopedia provides author profiles, text profiles, topic essays and time lines in a series of user-friendly indexed databases. List continues below: Arthuriana…Continue Reading Ger 312 Literature
Ger 312 Manuscripts
Great Selection, with videos Aberdeen Bestiary (original page; for an easier access see this link Medieval Bestiary (including the weasel) Austrian manuscripts Bamberg Codex Gigas (Vulgate, 12th c., Bohemia) online list French medieval mss., plus a huge bibliography Neustift Illuminated German manuscripts, catalogue, with search functions Manuscripts in libraries: great selection Dresden: Werner J. Hoffmann, Die Mittelalterlichen…Continue Reading Ger 312 Manuscripts
Ger 312 Maps
World Europe World Maps Historical Maps Huge Collection of Maps II III German Site with lots of Historical Maps Maps for Medieval Europe and the Renaissance World Maps Medieval England Multiple Maps of Antquity and the Middle Ages Ebstorfer Weltkarte Ebstorf map details St. Gallen plan The Catalan Atlas (14th c.) Hereford Mappa Mundi Peutinger Map…Continue Reading Ger 312 Maps
Ger 312 Marriage
MARRIAGE AND LOVE IN THE MIDDLE AGES AND THE RENAISSANCE General reflections: Love, sexuality, and marriage have always been a matter of public discourse They have always represented problematic issues They are a matter of labor The person who does not invest much energy and commitment to love and marriage will not sustain either one…Continue Reading Ger 312 Marriage
Ger 312 Music
Beowulf performance Introduction to Early Music Introduction II CB Lyrics Carl Orff (good intro plus visuals) Orff III CB video CB Amor/Dies/Stetit Puella CB and Excalibur CB for commercial II (gatorade) CB for commercial III (beer) Michael Jackson stardom video Manuscript Illustrations Links Carmina Burana Hurdy-Gurdy Bernart de Ventadorn Raimbaut de Vaqueiras: Kalenda Maja see…Continue Reading Ger 312 Music
Ger 312 People
People of many social classes Portraits Picture of Peasants (9th c.) (CVP-Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus 387, f.90v) Sexuality, as the medieval Church saw it…Continue Reading Ger 312 People
Ger 312 Philosophy
Meister Eckhart Society – good intro Life and Works Quotes from his Works Background and Context (German site) Dictionary of the History of Ideas John of Salisbury I JoS II JoS III Denis Foulechat reads John of Salisbury: Paris, 14th century,Manuscripts Department, Western Section, Fr. 24287, Parchment JoS. Text Excerpts Excerpts II Letter 303 Letter…Continue Reading Ger 312 Philosophy
Ger 312 Recording MHG
READING OF MIDDLE HIGH GERMAN TEXTS by Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona Original Texts in Middle High German Copyright: web-based texts Der von Kürenberg and subsequent texts: Der von Kürenbergca. 1150/70 Lieder Minnesangs Frühling II.I.1 «Vil lieben vriunt verkiesen, daz ist schedelîch;swer sînen vriunt behaltet, daz ist lobelîch. [7,3]die site wil ich minnen. [7,5]bite…Continue Reading Ger 312 Recording MHG
Ger 312 Society
Food in the Middle Ages Various Aspects of Medieval Life…Continue Reading Ger 312 Society
Ger 312 Spain
Links for Medieval Spain: American Historical Research on Medieval Spain Chronology Sourcebook History of Medieval Spain Catalan Manuscripts Islamic Conquest of Spain Maps Espana medieval Imagenes Fotos de Siguenza Photos Valencia…Continue Reading Ger 312 Spain
Ger 312 Spring Poems
PROFESSOR ALBRECHT CLASSEN My Courses at the University of Arizona Come along on my medieval travel course in Europe during May/June (every year, with changing itineraries!) Medieval and Renaissance Spring Poems Read by Members of the University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Committee (UAMARRC) accompanied by the Collegium Musicum Program arranged by: Albrecht Classen Thursday,…Continue Reading Ger 312 Spring Poems
Ger 312 Violence
Please take note: This collection of web links with illustrations was assembled as a resource for the academic study of violence in the Middle Ages. To study violence critically, to examine its causes, effects, and consequences, however, is the first crucial step forward in limiting, if not eliminating it altogether. For a critical examination of…Continue Reading Ger 312 Violence
Ger 312 Weapons/War
History of Weapons (with good illustrations) Short narrative Siege machinery Cannons Articles on battles in naval warfare Articles on warfare SaveSave…Continue Reading Ger 312 Weapons/War
Ger 312 Women
Women in Art: a 3-minute online video Literature MYSTICISM Art and Music Introductory article Religion Mystics in Love Medicine Dr. Ralph Frenken’s psychological interpretation of Mysticism Daily Life Medieval Mysticism Compilations – Links References – Bibliographies Notable Women Short Biographies Wienhausen Interactive Page…Continue Reading Ger 312 Women
Ger 312 Women
Women in Art: a 3-minute online video Literature MYSTICISM Art and Music Introductory article Religion Mystics in Love Medicine Dr. Ralph Frenken’s psychological interpretation of Mysticism Daily Life Medieval Mysticism Compilations – Links References – Bibliographies Notable Women Short Biographies Wienhausen Interactive Page on Medieval Women…Continue Reading Ger 312 Women