German / Religious Studies 379: Religion in German Culture

This course can count toward the Cultural Minor in German Studies or toward the THEMATIC MINOR IN MEDIEVAL STUDIES. It is also a TIER 2 course, open to students across campus, for history, English, creative writing, anthropology, etc. It is, primarily, a cross-listed course counting toward German Studies and Religious Studies. It addresses the history of religion…Continue Reading German / Religious Studies 379: Religion in German Culture

Ger 379. Schedule for Spring 2022

Spring 2022. For links to the readings (homework assignment before class), see the major syllabus. Jan. 12: Introduction: What is the relevance of religion as a cultural-historical topic. For today, we examine one short statement recently published about the nature of Christianity as an hermeneutic religion Jan. 17: MLK Day, no class. Jan. 19: Critical approaches…Continue Reading Ger 379. Schedule for Spring 2022