
Science talks on chemical weather, and air quality for the general and/or specific audience:

UA SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

UA ADVANCE (Sustainable Technologies Data Blitz)

UA SCIENCE CONNECTIONS (Science Cafe) Fall 2012

2013 Alaska Weather Symposium

UA GIDP Statistics Colloquium Fall 2015

UA Applied Math U2 can UQ 2017

UA Chemical and Environmental Engineering Seminar 2018

UA Applied Math 586 (Research Tutorial Group) Spring 2019

Panorama Actual de las Ciencias Atmósfericas 2019

KJZZ Interview on Air Quality and Arizona Summers


UA Chemical and Environmental Engineering Seminar 2022

Frontiers in Atmospheric Chemistry Seminar Series (FACSS) 2023

Banff IRS (BIRS) Mathematical Approaches of Atmospheric Constituents Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling (23w5093) 

Purdue EAPS Spring Seminar Series 2024 

Professional Activities

Member, American Geophysical Union (AGU), American Meteorological Society (AMS), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE)

Co-Chair, NCAR Early Career Scientist Assembly (ECSA) Junior Faculty Forum on Future Scientific Directions 2010, July 13-15, 2010 – NCAR Center Green Campus, Boulder, Colorado. See https://arellano.faculty.arizona.edu/collaborations

Member, NASA Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team (2012)

Primary Convener, AGU Fall 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Sessions: Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling for Atmospheric Composition.

Co-Convener, AMS 2021-2024 Sessions: Air Quality and Carbon Cycle science of the African continent 

Co-Chair, Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA) Evaluation and Data Assimilation Working Group

Co-Chair, IGAC Analysis of eMIssions usinG Observations (AMIGO)

Member Representative for University of Arizona, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Members Institution (2021 to present)

Member, NCAR System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere (SIMA) External Advisory (2021 to present)

Member, NASA Decadal Survey Incubation PBL Science Team (2022)

External Teaching Activities

Co-Organizer, NCAR ASP Summer Colloquium 2024, Integrating atmospheric and social approaches to improve urban air quality (AEROPOLIS), 15-26 Jul, Boulder, CO.

Co-Chairperson, NCAR ASP Summer Colloquium 2016, Advances in Air Quallity Analysis and Prediction: The Interaction of Science and Policy, 25 Jul – 5 Aug, Boulder, CO.

Students, teachers, and organizers of the 2016 ASP Colloquium

International Activities

Co-Chair, International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Analysis of eMIssions usinG Observations AMIGO activity. See AMIGO in IGACnews.

Participants of the scoping meeting for AMIGO in Toulouse, France last April 5-6, 2018.

AMIGO organized an online workshop to discuss the changes in atmospheric composition as derived from surface and satellite observations, and the use of observations to better quantify the changes in emissions related to the lockdowns.

AMIGO organized a training workshop in Brussels, Belgium, called “Atmospheric chemistry modeling, data assimilation, inverse modeling and model evaluation”. See AMIGO in IGACnews.

Participants of the AMIGO workshop in Brussels in June 2023


Reviewed articles in Tellus, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Environment, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, Monthly Weather Review, Remote Sensing of Environment, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, Weather and Forecasting, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere Japan, and Water Resources Research, Scientific Reports

Associate Editor, Frontiers of Earth Science (Special Section on Atmospheric Science)

Academic Editor, PeerJ Environmental Sciences

Editorial Board Member, Atmosphere