Dr. Kielar receives funding from the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and National Institutes of Aging
Fatima Jebahi and Dr. Kielar publish a paper in Cognitive Neuropsychology
Welcome Isabella Lopez and welcome back Noah Frazier
Emily Abraham completes Honors Thesis and receives acceptance to the Medical School
Fatima Jebahi and Dr. Kielar publish a paper in the Journal of Communication Disorders
Older News
October 2023
- Fatima presents at the Academy of Aphasia 61st Annual Meeting, Reading, England.
- Katlyn gives a talk at the Academy of Aphasia 61st Annual Meeting, Reading, England.
September 2023
- Dr. Kielar gives a talk at the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium 24th Annual Scientific Conference, Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
- Fatima & Katlyn present a poster Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Scientific Conference, Tempe, AZ.
June 2023
- Dr. Kielar and Fatima published a paper in Aphasiology, https://doi.org/10.1080/02687038.2023.2221998
May 2023
- Dr. Kielar presents our work at the Innovations in Healthy Aging Summit in Washington, DC.
- Emma Slenkovich presents at the Chemistry and Biochemistry Poster Fair.
- Elle Goehring presents at Pinnacle, the Franke Honors College’s Annual Research Symposium.
March 2023
- Dr. Kielar and Fatima published a paper in Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 1-64. https://doi.org/10.3233/RNN-231344
January 2023
- Katlyn Nickels and Dr. Kielar publish paper in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
- Noah presents at Undergraduate Biology Research Project Conference.
November 2022
- Katlyn presents at the 2022 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention.
October 2022
- Fatima and Noah present at Society for the Neurobiology of Language 14th annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Spring 2022
- Dr. Kielar, Patterson, and Chou publish paper in Clinical Neurophysiology.
May 2020
- Dr. Kielar presents results of rTMS study at the Research Innovation Showcase, BIO5 Institute.
- Dr. Kielar interviewed for Thesis Thursday, KXCI 91.3 about using neuromodulation to enhance recovery after the stroke.
April 2020
- Mike Shen, NSCS & Linguistics, completed honors thesis: fMRI Localizer Task for Cortical Responses to Phonology, Semantics, and Orthography: A Pilot Study.
- Steffi Haya Pertsovsky, NSCS, completed honors thesis, Effects of Stroke Lesion on Language Performance and White Matter Connectivity in Post-Stroke Aphasia.
August 2019
- Mike Shen presents his project at the 24th Annual UROC Research Conference, University of Arizona, Graduate College.
June 2019
- Dr. Kielar received BIO5 Institute University of Arizona: Team Scholars Program grant to work on non-invasive neurostimulation protocol for treatment of language deficit in post-stroke aphasia.
May 2019
- Dr. Kielar receives University of Arizona College of Science Dean’s Innovation Award.
- Dr. Kielar publishes paper: Slowing is slowing: Delayed neural responses to words are linked to abnormally slow resting state activity in Primary Progressive Aphasia in Neuropsychologia.
- Dr. Kielar interviewed by NPR KJZZ about using imaging for early dementia detection. http://kjzz.org/content/946826/ua-study-language-disorder-could-aid-early-dementia-detection
April 2019
- Kimberly Skvarla, NSCS completed undergraduate honors thesis Electrophysiological signature of verb argument processing: ERP study.
- Alexis Morrison, NSCS completes undergraduate honors thesis “Narrative production in stroke related aphasia and older adults”
- Alexis and Kimmy present at the Neuroscience & Cognitive Science Poster Forum.
March 2019
- Poster presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference (CNS), San Francisco, CA, USA. Relationship between phonology, semantics and paste tense inflection in post-stroke aphasia.