Scholarly Presentations at Conferences (most recent)

2024Démystifier le genre grammatical en français et en italien langue première et langue seconde. Invited seminar, Université de Fribourg, June 16-18
2024Présenter et publier ses travaux. Invited workshop, Université de Fribourg, June 16-18
2024The acquisition of English modality by Francophone learners in second language (ESL) and foreign language (EFL) settings. Chronos 15th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality, Université de Toulouse, 29-31 mai.
2024Lorsque les deux genres se rencontrent, il faut bien que le plus noble l’emporte. Invited seminar at the University of Lund, May 5-9
2024L’acquisition du genre en français: défis empiriques. Invited lecture at the University of Lund, May 5-9.
2023The L2 acquisition of grammatical gender in French: the impact of phonological saliency. Going Romance Conference, Nijmegen, Nov. 30-Dec. 1
2023The L2 acquisition of English TAM by Francophone learners. RéAL2, Université de Grenoble, October 18-19. Invited talk.
2023The L2 acquisition of modality by ESL and EFL French learners: a Cognitive Linguistics approach. TAM L2, University of Edinburgh, October 27-28.
2023L’ambigüité du genre en français et en italien pour les apprenants L2. Séminaire BCL, Université Côte d’Azur, June 15. Invited talk.
2022Le genre dans tous ses états. AFLS conference, University of Exeter, July 18-20. Invited plenary.
2022“Publishing in the Journal of French Language Studies”. AFLS conference, University of Exeter, July 18-20. Invited workshop.
2022“Mon cauchemar de belle-mère est-il absent ou est-elle absente?” CLILLAC Colloquium Series, Université Paris Cité, June 20. Invited talk.
2019“Gender in French: understanding and misunderstanding galore…so, should we just agree to disagree?”. GSO Conference, Indiana University, March 1-2. Invited plenary.
2018“Let’s agree to disagree: l’accord en genre chez les locuteurs natifs du français”. AFLS, Toulouse, June 27-29. Accepted submission.
2018“The acquisition of English modal auxiliaries by advanced Francophone learners”. Chronos, Neuchâtel, June 4-6. Accepted submission.
2018“Back to basics: refocusing on the input in the L2 acquisition of French morphosyntax”. Bilingualism Reading Group, University of Edinburgh, May 14. Invited talk.
2018“The acquisition of English modal auxiliaries by advanced Francophone learners”. Linguistic Circle, University of Edinburgh, May 17. Invited talk.
2018“The L2 French acquisition of grammatical gender and phonology: a longitudinal study”, with Billy Lebbs. AAAL, Chicago, March 23-27. Accepted submission.
2017“The development of a TAM system in the L2 acquisition of French: a longitudinal case study”. SLRF, Ohio State University, October 12-15. Accepted submission.
2017“The L2 acquisition of Italian grammatical gender and number by Anglophone learners”. With Stefano Maranzana. SLRF, Ohio State University, October 12-15. Accepted submission.
2017A longitudinal case study in the L2 acquisition of French”. International Bilingualism Symposium, University of Limerick, June 6-11. Accepted submission.
2017The expression of futurity by advanced francophone EFL and ESL learners”. GASLA, University of Southampton, April 7-9. Accepted submission.
2017Le genre grammatical en français et en italien: transparence ou opacité?” Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, February 26. Invited talk.
2016Looking back, looking forward: grammatical gender in L2 and NS French”. EUROSLA, Jyväskylä, August 24-27. Accepted submission.
2016“Le passé simple et le subjonctif font de la résistance…le PQP prend le maquis”. AFLS, Queen’s University, Belfast, June 20-22. Accepted submission.
2016“A longitudinal study in the L2 acquisition of French morphosyntax by English NSs, Spanish and French heritage speakers”. Chronos 12, Université de Caen, June 15-17. Invited submission.
2016“Recentrage sur les DLPS: étude longitudinale sur l’acquisition de la morphosyntaxe en français L2”. Journée d’étude sur le bilinguisme, Université Paris Diderot, May 27. Invited talk.
2016“Le genre grammatical en français: particularités et singularités”. LingLunch Colloquium, Université Paris Diderot, March 10. Invited talk.
2015“Le genre grammatical en français langue maternelle: analyse semi-diachronique”. AFLS conference, Caen, France, June 17-19.
2015“The acquisition of the subjunctive and modal alternation by advanced learners of L2 French”, with Charlène Gilbert. SLAT Roundtable, Tucson, University of Arizona.
2015Refocusing on input: a longitudinal study in the acquisition of morphosyntax in L2 French”. AAAL, Toronto, March 21-24.
2014“The expression of modality by advanced francophone EFL and ESL learners” with Charlène Gilbert. Colloquium on the Expression of Temporality by L2 Learners of French and English, Université Montpellier 3, May 22-24.
2014“The L2 acquisition of French grammatical gender and agreement: a longitudinal study”. AAAL, Portland, March 21-25.
2014“The L2 acquisition of French morpho-syntax: a longitudinal study”. University of York, May. Invited talk.
2014“The expression of modality by advanced francophone EFL and ESL learners” with Charlène Gilbert. SLAT Roundtable, University of Arizona.
2014“Grammatical gender and agreement in Italian: a corpus study” with Stefano Maranzana, SLAT Roundtable, University of Arizona.
2013Back to the future in the acquisition of L2 French by instructed learners”, accepted for presentation at AAAL 2013 Conference in Dallas, TX, March 16-19.
2012“The acquisition of the indicative-subjunctive contrast in L2 French”, accepted for presentation at AAAL 2012 conference in Boston, MA, March 24-27.
2010“Revisiting French grammatical gender in light of corpus data”. CLUB (Brussels French Linguistics Society), Vrije University Brussels, October 15, 2010. Invited talk.
2010“The second language acquisition of TAM in English from a minimalist perspective”. Guest lecture in graduate seminar taught by Dr. Housen, Vrije University Brussels, October 15, 2010.
2010“Grammatical gender: theoretical approaches and language acquisition”. Atelier sur l’Acquisition du Langage directed by Dr. Morgenstern, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, October 11, 2010. Invited talk.
2010“Generative/minimalist assumptions and language acquisition research”. Guest lecture in graduate seminar (LIN 532) taught by Dr. Bever, University of Arizona, Spring.
2010“A corpus analysis of French grammatical gender in context”, accepted for presentation at the AAAL 2010 Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, March 6-9, 2010.
2009“Corpus data: shedding the light on French grammatical gender…or not”. Second Language Studies departmental colloquium, University of Hawaii at Manoa. October 29. Invited Talk.
2009“French grammatical gender: against all odds?”. French Department of Birkbeck College, University of London, October 14. Invited talk.
2009“Les données de corpus éclairent-elles le genre grammatical en français?” Université François-Rabelais de Tours, October 6. Invited talk.
2009“A corpus analysis of French grammatical gender in context”. EuroSLA, Cork, September 2-5. Accepted submission.
2009“The (in)stability of gender assignment and agreement among French native speakers”. AAAL 2009 Conference in Denver, Colorado, March 21-24. 52% acceptance rate.
2008“The (in)stability of grammatical gender assignment and agreement by French native speakers”. Linguistics Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Arizona, Spring 2008. Invited talk.
2007“The development of future in L2 French”. Second Language Acquisition Studies Colloquium Series, University of Arizona. Fall 2007. Invited talk.
2007“The acquisition of English tense-aspect morphology by advanced French instructed learners”. Second Language Acquisition Studies Colloquium Series, University of Arizona. Fall 2007. Invited talk.
2006“The L2 acquisition of French grammatical gender by instructed learners: A minimalist approach”. Second Language Studies Colloquium Series, University of Hawai’i, November 30. Invited talk.
2006“The acquisition of future expression by L2 French instructed learners”. Romance Turn Workshop II, University of Utrecht, September 7-9. Accepted submission.
2006“Grammatical gender and agreement in L2 French: A minimalist approach”. PacSLRF Conference, Brisbane, Australia, July 4-6. Accepted submission.
2006“The acquisition of tense/aspect systems from a minimalist perspective”. SLAT Colloquium, University of Arizona. Invited talk.
2005The development of the future in L2 French”. Second Language Research Forum, Teachers College, Columbia University, October, 2005. Accepted submission.
2005“The acquisition of L2/L3 tense and aspect systems in Romance languages: Theoretical and applied perspectives”. Organizer of colloquium presented at GURT (Georgetown University Round Table), Washington, D.C., March 10-13. Accepted submission.
– Ayoun, D.: “The acquisition of L2 French tense/aspect from a UG/Minimalist perspective”
– Salaberry, R. :“Evidence for transfer of knowledge of aspect from L2 Spanish to L3 Portuguese
– Comajoan, L.: “The acquisition of perfective and imperfective morphology in L3 Catalan and the marking of discourse grounding
– Ayoun, D. & Salaberry, R.: “Toward a comprehensive theoretical and pedagogical mode of tense and aspect”
2004“Ultimate attainment and empirical data: the acquisition of verb movement phenomena in L2 English , EuroSLA, San Sebastian, Spain, September 8-11. Accepted submission.
2004“Minimalist perspective into the L2 French acquisition of past tense and aspect, Romance Turn Workshop, Madrid, Spain, September 16-18. Accepted submission.
2004“A follow-up study in the acquisition of the passé composé and the imparfait”. American Association of Applied Linguistics, Portland, Oregon, May 1-4. Accepted submission.
2003“Verb movement phenomena in Spanish: “mixed” languages and bilingualism”, International Bilingualism Symposium, Arizona State University, April 30-May 3. Accepted submission.
2003“Tense-aspect morphology in the English interlanguage of French native speakers”, American Association of Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virgina, March 22-25. Accepted submission.
2002“Verb movement phenomena in Spanish as a second language: learnability in a mixed language”, AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée) 13th World Congress, Singapore, December 16-21. Accepted submission.
2002“Verb movement in the acquisition of English by adult native speakers of French”, Second Language Research Forum, Toronto, October 3-6. Accepted submission.
2002“The acquisition of verb movement phenomena in English by French native speakers: clustering at last”. Second Language Studies Colloquium Series, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, September. Invited speaker.