Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters

Ayoun, D. (2024). Morphological variability in the L2 acquisition of French gender and number agreement: a longitudinal study. In Oxford Handbook of French Language, M. McLaughlin & W. Ayres-Bennett (eds), pp. 658–684. Oxford University Press.

Ayoun, D. (2022). Indeterminacy in French L1 grammars: the case of gender and number agreement. Journal of French Language Studies 1-33.

Ayoun, D. and Maranzana, S. (2022). The second language acquisition of grammatical gender and number in Italian. In The Acquisition of Gender. Crosslinguistic perspectives, D. Ayoun (ed.), pp. 97-126. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. (2022). Introduction. Gender, geslag, Geschlecht, γένος, ਲਿੰਗ, 性別.In The Acquisition of Gender. Crosslinguistic perspectives, D. Ayoun (ed.), pp. 1-12. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. and Maranzana, S. (2020 ). Grammatical gender in Italian: a corpus study from a second language perspective. Italica 97(2): 306-333.  

Ayoun, D. (2020).  A longitudinal study in the L2 acquisition of the French TAM system. Languages 5 (4): 42.  Special issue on the Acquisition of French as a first and second language.  

Ayoun, D. (2019). The L2 acquisition of French tense, aspect and modality: refocusing on the input. In Grammatical Representations and Processing in L2 Acquisition. D. Arteaga (ed.), pp. 47-67. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Ayoun, D., Celle, A. and Lansari, L. (2018). On the gradience of TAM-E categories. In Tense, Aspect, Modality and Evidentiality: Cross-linguistic Perspectives, Ayoun et al. (eds.), 1-18. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. (2018). Grammatical gender assignment in French: dispelling the native speaker myth. Journal of French Language Studies 28: 113-148

Ayoun, D. and Gilbert, C. (2017). The acquisition of modal auxiliaries in English by advanced Francophone learners. In Tense-Aspect-Modality in a Second Language: Contemporary perspectives, M. Howard & P. Leclercq (eds), 181-209. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. (2015). There’s no time like the present: a longitudinal case study in L2 French acquisition. In The Acquisition of the Present, D. Ayoun (ed.), 87-113. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. (2015). Preface: there is no time like the present. In The Acquisition of the Present, D. Ayoun (ed.), vii-ix. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. (2015). Conclusion and directions for future research. In The Acquisition of the Present, D. Ayoun, (ed.), 335-340. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. (2014). The acquisition of future temporality by L2 French learners. Journal of French Language Studies 24: 181-202.

Ayoun, D. and Rothman, J. (2013). Generative approaches to the L2 acquisition of temporal-aspectual- mood. systems. In R. Salaberry & L. Comajoan (eds), Research Design and Methodologies in Studies on L2 Aspect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Ayoun, D. 2010. Corpus data: shedding the light on French grammatical gender…or not. EUROSLA Yearbook 10: 119-141.

Ayoun, D. (2007a). The second language acquisition of grammatical gender and agreement. In D. Ayoun (Ed.), French Applied Linguistics (pp. 130-170). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. (2007b). The past, present and future of French in applied linguistics. In D. Ayoun (Ed.), French Applied Linguistics (pp. 2-20). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. and Salaberry, R. 2008. The expression of temporality in English as a foreign language by French native speakers. Language Learning 58: 555-595.

Ayoun, D. 2005. Verb movement in the L2 acquisition of English by adult native speakers of French. EUROSLA Yearbook 5: 35.75.

Ayoun, D. (2005a). Verb movement phenomena in Spanish: “Mixed” languages and bilingualism. In J. Cohen, K. T. McAlister, K. Rolstad & J. MacSwan (Eds), Proceedings of the 4th International Bilingualism Symposium (pp. 143-162). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Ayoun, D. (2005b). The acquisition of tense and aspect in L2 French from a Universal Grammar perspective. In D. Ayoun & R. Salaberry (Eds), Tense and Aspect in Romance Languages: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives (pp. 79-127). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. & Salaberry, R. (2005). Towards a comprehensive model of the acquisition of L2 tense/aspect in the Romance languages. In D. Ayoun & R. Salaberry (Eds), Tense and Aspect in Romance Languages: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives (pp. 253-282). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Salaberry, R. & Ayoun, D. (2005). The development of L2 tense/aspect in the Romance languages. In D. Ayoun & R. Salaberry (Eds), Tense and Aspect in Romance Languages:Theoretical and Applied Perspectives (pp. 1-34). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ayoun, D. (2004). The effectiveness of written recasts in the second language acquisition of aspectual distinctions in French: a follow-up study. Modern Language Journal 88: 31-55.

Ayoun, D. (2001). The role of negative and positive feedback in the second language acquisition of passé composé and imparfait. Modern Language Journal 85: 226-243.

Ayoun, D. (2000). Web-based elicitation tasks in SLA research. Language Learning and Technology 3: 78-98.

Ayoun, D. (1999/2000). Verb movement in French revisited: syntactic theory and experimental data. Arizona Working Papers in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching 7: 70-91.

Ayoun, D. (1999a). Verb movement in French L2 acquisition. Bilingualism, Language and Cognition 2: 103-125.

Ayoun, D. (1999b). Bilingualism and the “mixed language” phenomenon. Bilingualism: Language & Cognition 3: 187-189.

Ayoun, D. (1998). Revisiting traditional assumptions in principles-and-parameters theory. Arizona Working Papers in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching 6: 61-79.

Ayoun, D. (1996). The Subset Principle in second language acquisition. Applied Psycholinguistics 17: 185-213.

Ayoun, D. (1995). Parameter resetting in second language acquisition. Working Papers in Linguistics 27: 15-35.
