![Cover of IPCC Assessment Report](https://sites.arizona.edu/bgdlab/files/2023/10/wg1cover.jpg)
September 2013
Public Release of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report
Arizona Daily Star Article – Oceans Absorbing more global heat, UA researcher says
July 2013
Storm Warning: The winds of climate change in New Scientist
A low-resolution version of the article can be downloaded here.
![AAPG Logo](https://sites.arizona.edu/bgdlab/files/2023/10/AAPG_Logo.jpg)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Distinguished Lecturer
Information available here.
![Ross Ice Shelf](https://sites.arizona.edu/bgdlab/files/2023/10/Ross_Ice_Shelf.jpg)
July 2011
Warming Ocean Layers Will Undermine Polar Ice Sheets
Reference: Yin, J., J.T. Overpeck, S.M. Griffies, A. Hu, J.L. Russell and R.J. Stouffer (2011), Opposite Ocean Warming Extremes Projected Around the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets, Nature Geoscience, 4, 524-528. [doi:10.1038/ngeo1189] (pdf) (Supplement)
March 2011
Winds Can Keep Mountains From Growing
Reference: Kapp, P., J.D. Pelletier, A. Rohrmann, R. Heermance, J.L. Russell and L. Ding (2011), Wind erosion in the Qaidam Basin, Central Asia: Implications for tectonics, paleoclimate and the source of the Loess Plateau, GSA Today, 21(4/5), 4-10. [doi: 10.1130/GSATG99A.1](pdf)
November 2010/May 2011
Antarctic penguin colonies threatened by changing climate
Reference: Ainley, D., J.L. Russell, S. Jenouvrier, E. Woehler, P. O’B. Lyver, W.R. Fraser, and G.L. Kooyman (2010), Antarctic penguin response to habitat change as Earth’s troposphere reaches 2°C above preindustrial levels. Ecological Monographs, 80(1), 49-66. (pdf)
The Science Show: ABC Radio, Interview by Robyn Williams (MP3 or transcript)
New York Times
Winter 2010
What Does A Professor Really Do? in Arizona Alumni Magazine
A PDF of the article can be downloaded here.
April 2007
Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerability Workshop
Invited Speaker At UNESCO in Paris, France
(Agenda) and (Participants)
![Amicus Brief](https://sites.arizona.edu/bgdlab/files/2023/10/AmicusBrief.gif)
April 2007
Climate Scientists File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case Massachusetts vs. The EPA
Reference: (Amicus Brief)
Reference: (Massachusetts vs. The EPA)
Arizona Daily Star
December 2006
Southern Ocean Could Slow Global Warming
Reference: Russell, J.L., K.W. Dixon, A. Gnanadesikan, R.J. Stouffer, & J.R. Toggweiler (2006), The Southern Hemisphere Westerlies in a Warming World: Propping Open the Door to the Deep Ocean. J. Climate, 19(24), 6382-6390. (pdf)
The Science Show: ABC Radio, Interview by Robyn Williams (MP3 or transcript)
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Gould-Simpson Building – Rm 317, 1040 E 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85721
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