Towards energy and the environment
Dr. Bo Guo
Farewell party for Mica Jarocki at Tohono Chul (June, 2023).
Graduation (May, 2023).
Sidian Chen (PhD) and Mica Jarocki (MS).
Sidian Chen’s PhD defense (May, 2023).
HAS El Dia Annual Student Research Symposium (March, 2023).
Happy hour at Gentle Ben’s to celebrate the start of the Spring semester (January, 2023).
Group photo (September, 2022).
Group photo (August, 2021).
Catching crawfish at Rose Canyon Lake on Mount Lemmon (June, 2021).
First group trip since the pandemic started in March 2020.
Group photo (September, 2020).
Bo’s road trip from Princeton to the bay area (2016).
8-day trip crossing 14 states in the US (3723 miles, July 19-26, 2016)