[May 2, 2023] PhD student Sidian Chen successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled “Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Multiphase Flow, Transport, and Phase Change in Porous Media: Pore-Level Physics, Network Modeling and Upscaling.” The committee members are: Bo Guo, Ty Ferre, Hoshin Gupta, Rainer Helmig (University of Stuttgart), and Jiamin Jiang (Chevron).

[April 23, 2023] Postdoc Jicai Zeng’s paper “Reduced accessible air–water interfacial area accelerates PFAS leaching in heterogeneous vadose zones” has been published in Geophysical Research Letters. [pdf]

[March 20, 2023] A collaborative paper, co-authored by Mark Brusseau and Bo Guo, “Revising the EPA dilution-attenuation soil screening model for PFAS”, has been published in Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters. [pdf]

[March 28, 2023] Four graduate students receive awards at the 2023 HAS annual El Dia student research symposium.
Sidian Chen – Montgomery Outstanding Oral Presentation Award (highest award of the year).
Mica Jarocki – Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences Award of Excellence Poster Presentation.
Jake Smith – Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences Award of Excellence Poster Presentation.
Ryan Russell – Stanley N. Davis Outstanding Poster Award.
See the full List of Awardees.

[December 27, 2022] PhD student Jianwen Du wins one of the three student photo contest awards ($500) organized by the AGU Groundwater Technical Committee.

[December 21, 2022] Bo Guo receives the National Science Foundation CAREER Award.

[August 8, 2022] Two PhD students win scholarships from the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences.
Sidian Chen – John W. Harshbarger Memorial Endowment Scholarship.
Wenqian Zhang – Shlomo and Yael Neuman Hydrology Endowment Scholarship.

[April 19, 2022] PhD student Sidian Chen wins the College of Science Scholarship Award . This prestigious award recognizes excellence in research and scholarship at the highest level among all graduate students in the College of Science.

[March 31, 2022] Bo Guo’s paper on modeling of PFAS migration and retention in the vadose zone, in collaboration with Jicai Zeng (postdoc) and Mark Brusseau, has been recognized as a Top Cited Article in Water Resources Research from 2020-2021. [pdf]

[Jan 6, 2022] PhD student Sidian Chen starts a 6-month visit in Prof. Rainer Helmig’s group at University of Stuttgart as part of the interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1313

[Jan 3, 2022] Bo Guo’s paper “A screening model for quantifying PFAS leaching in the vadose zone and mass discharge to groundwater”, in collaboration with Jicai Zeng (postdoc), Mark Brusseau, and Yonggen Zhang, has been published in Advances in Water Resources. [pdf]

[November 11, 2021] Postdoc Jicai Zeng’s paper “Model validation and analyses of parameter sensitivity and uncertainty for modeling long-term retention and leaching of PFAS in the vadose zone”, in collaboration with Mark Brusseau, has been published in Journal of Hydrology. [pdf]

[August 24, 2021] PhD student Wenqian Zhang and MS student Mica Jarocki join the group.

[August 12, 2021] Postdoc Jicai Zeng’s paper on assessing the impact of preferential and surfactant-induced flow on long-term PFAS leaching in heterogeneous vadose zones has been published in Advances in Water Resources. [pdf]

[August 10, 2021] Bo Guo is interviewed by ABC News on PFAS contamination in soils and groundwater. ABC News “‘Ticking time bomb’: PFAS chemicals in drinking water alarm scientists over health risks.”

[July 20, 2021] Bo Guo’s paper on modeling of PFAS migration and retention in the vadose zone, in collaboration with Jicai Zeng (postdoc) and Mark Brusseau, was among the Top 10% Most Downloaded Papers published in 2020 in Water Resources Research. [pdf]

[July 18, 2021] Our new ESTCP project was covered by UA News “UArizona Receives $1.3M Federal Grant to Study Synthetic Chemicals Posing Risk to Regional Aquifer” and KOLD News 13 “University of Arizona receives grant to study chemicals posing a threat to groundwater”.

[June 28, 2021] Bo Guo receives the Doctoral New Investigator Award from American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF).

[June 10, 2021] Bo Guo gave an invited talk “Compositional two-phase flow and nanoconfined phase behavior in shale rocks: pore-level physics, network modeling, and upscaling” at the international Geoscience and Geoenergy Webinar Series hosted by Prof. Hadi Hajibeygi (TU Delft) and Prof. Sebastian Geiger (Heriot-Watt University). Link to the recording of the talk on YouTube.

[April 8, 2021] PhD student Matt Bigler won third place in the virtual ENViSion student conference for his oral presentation “From the Surface to Our Groundwater: Understanding PFAS in firefighting foam and its link to groundwater contamination”.

[April 5, 2021] PhD student Sidian Chen won the “Arizona Hydrological Society-Tucson Best Oral Award” at the 2021 virtual El Dia student conference and an “Outstanding Lightning Talk Award” at the Live Lightning Talk Competition among the six departments in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES). Both events were an integral part of EarthWeek 2021.

[March 3, 2021] PhD student Sidian Chen’s paper “A pore-network-based upscaling framework for the nanoconfined phase behavior in shale rocks”, in collaboration with Jiamin Jiang from Chevron, has been published in Chemical Engineering Journal. [pdf]

[February 23, 2021] Bo Guo gave an invited talk entitled “Modeling CO2 injection and migration in deep saline aquifers: reduced-order, multiscale, and hybrid approaches” at KAUST’s first online conference on “Enabling CO2 Geological Storage within a Low-Carbon Economy”. Link to the KAUST conference agenda and zoom recordings.

[February 11, 2021] PhD student Sidian Chen receives the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) from AGU 2020. The title of his talk was “Modeling the thermodynamic phase behavior of hydrocarbon mixtures in nanopores”.

[October 30, 2020] Bo Guo gave an invited talk on mathematical modeling of PFAS transport and retention in the vadose zone at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting [Session 255-T181 “Fate and Transport of PFAS in the Geologic Landscape”]. Link to the GSA press release of this session.

[October 26, 2020] PhD student Sidian Chen’s paper on fully implicit dynamic pore-network modeling of two-phase flow and phase change in porous media, in collaboration with Chaozhong Qin from Chongqing University, has been published in Water Resources Research. [pdf]

[August 13, 2020] PhD student Sidian Chen wins the “John W. Harshbarger Memorial Endowment” Scholarship from the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences.

[April 21, 2020] PhD student Sidian Chen wins the Geosystems Analysis, Inc. Best Virtual Poster Award at the 2020 virtual El Dia student conference.

[February 7, 2020] Bo Guo’s paper on modeling of PFAS migration and retention in the vadose zone, in collaboration with Jicai Zeng (postdoc) and Mark Brusseau, has been published in Water Resources Research. [pdf].
*News coverage: UA News, Phys.org, AAAS EurekAlert, ScienceDaily, The Medical News, Technology Networks, Futurity, Chem Europe, Scitech Daily, Electronics360.

[December 12, 2019] Collaborative paper led by Beatrix Becker “An adaptive multiphysics model coupling vertical equilibrium and full multidimensions for multiphase flow in porous media” (published in WRR in 2018) won the “Best SimTech PhD Student Publication 2018/2019” Award. See the paper [pdf] and News at the University of Stuttgart.

[December 3, 2019] PhD student Sidian Chen wins travel grant $750 from the Graduate & Professional Student Council. Link to the Graduate & Professional Student Council.

[September 24, 2019] Bo Guo joins the Program in Applied Mathematics at the University of Arizona as an affiliated faculty member. Link to the Program in Applied Mathematics.

[July 25, 2019] Bo Guo’s paper on multiscale formulation of pore-scale compressible Darcy-Stokes flow, in collaboration with Yashar Mehmani and Hamdi Tchelepi from Stanford University, has been published in Journal of Computational Physics. [pdf]

[May 30, 2019] Bo Guo receives AGU 2018 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing – Water Resources Research. News from AGU EoS.

[April 27, 2019] PhD student Sidian Chen receives “Shlomo and Yael Neuman Graduate Scholarship in Hydrology”. The announcement was made at the end of year department picnic took place in the Ft. Lowell Park.

[January 7, 2019] Postdoctoral scholar Jicai Zeng joins the group.
[December 10-14, 2018] Bo Guo, Yashar Mehmani, and Hamdi Tchelepi chaired four sessions “Recent Advances in Pore-Scale Modeling and Experiments for Flow in Porous Media” I-IV in AGU Fall Meeting 2018 in Washington D.C.

[Oct 6 , 2018] Bo Guo’s paper on image-based pore-scale modeling of gas flow in organic-rich shale rock has been published in Advances in Water Resources. [pdf]

[August 13, 2018] Bo Guo officially starts as an Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona. PhD student Sidian Chen joins the group.