Towards energy and the environment
Dr. Bo Guo



Bo Guo, Ph.D.

I am an Assistant Professor in Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences and an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Program in Applied Math. Before I joined the U of A, I was a postdoc in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University working with Prof. Hamdi Tchelepi. I received my PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University in 2016 working with Prof. Michael Celia in the Subsurface Hydrology Research Group, and my B.S. (with highest honor) in Hydraulic Engineering from Tsinghua University in China in 2011. See Curriculum Vitae.

Postdoctoral Scholar

Jicai Zeng, Ph.D.

Jicai joined our group as a postdoctoral research associate in January 2019. He received his BS and PhD degrees both from Wuhan Univeristy, China. He specializes in numerical modeling of multiphase flow and transport in porous media. His current research focuses on: 1) coupled flow and geomechanics modeling of gas/water production, and storage of carbon dioxide in unconventional shale formations, and 2) field-scale numerical modeling of PFAS transport in soil and groundwater.

Graduate Students

Sidian Chen

Sidian joined our group as a PhD student in August 2018. He received his BS in Hydraulic Engineering from Tsinghua University and MS in Environmental Science from Peking University. He is interested in pore-scale modeling of multiphase flow, transport, and phase behaviors in porous media. His current project focuses on modeling these complex processes in liquid-rich shale gas formations.

Matt Bigler

Matt is a PhD student in the Department of Environmental Science started in August 2018. He is interested in combining experimental and modeling approaches to understand PFAS transport in soil and groundwater. Matt is co-advised by Prof. Mark Brusseau.

Hassan Saleem

Hassan joined our group as a PhD student in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences in August 2019. He is interested in computational modeling of contaminant transport in soil and groundwater. Hassan is co-advised by Prof. Hoshin Gupta.

Mica Jarocki

Mica is a Master of Science student in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences who joined our group in August 2021. She has a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Mathematics and Earth Systems Science from Trinity University. Her interests include using her background in mathematical modeling to study PFAS transport in soil and groundwater.

Wenqian Zhang

Wenqian joined our group as a PhD student in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences in August 2021. He received his BS and MS degrees both in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics from Chongqing University. His research interest lies in microscale multicomponent transport and interfacial phenomena in porous media.

Jianwen Du

Jianwen joined our group as a PhD student in August 2022. She received her BS in Groundwater Science and Engineering from Chang’an University and MS in Hydrology and Water Resources from Nanjing University. Jianwen is interested in critical zone science, hydro-bio-geochemistry, reactive transport modeling, and deep learning methods. Her current research focuses on modeling the hydro-bio-geochemical processes during chemical weathering. Jianwen is co-advised by Prof. Guo-Yue Niu and Prof. Peter Troch.

Jake Smith

Jake joined the group in Summer 2022 as a Master of Science student. He received his BS in Hydrology at the University of Arizona in May of 2022. He has been working on analytical and numerical modeling of PFAS leaching in the subsurface.

Ryan Russell

Ryan is a Master of Science student in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences who joined the group in August 2022 after he worked as a hydrogeologist for a few years in an environmental consulting firm. He received a B.S. in Environmental Geology with a subtrack in Hydrogeology from the University of Kansas. His research interests include numerical modeling of the fate and transport of contaminants, especially PFAS.

Xenia Gracia

Xenia De Gracia joined the group in 2022 as a first-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Environmental Sciences where she is co-advised by Prof. Jon Chorover. She holds an MSc. in Hydrology from the University of Arizona, and she graduated in Environmental Engineering and Geological Engineering from the Technological University of Panama. Her research interest lies in the reactive transport of metal(loid)s through mine tailings and how they get to soil and groundwater.


Alyssa Burritt

Alyssa was a master’s student of the Applied Mathematics Program (2020-2021). She received a Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics and is now a staff research scientist at PING.

Li Zhang

Li was a visiting scholar in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences (2018-2020). She completed her PhD in the State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry in Guangzhou, China. Her PhD research focused on understanding and quantifying the pore structures and flow and transport processes in unconventional shale formations using both high-resolution imaging and pore-scale modeling approaches.