In addition to graduate courses in Spanish phonology and phonological theory, I teach undergraduate courses in Spanish linguistics.
My teaching career spans over two decades and various Research-I institutions: the University of Illinois, Indiana University, Arizona State University and the University of Arizona.
Here is a list of some courses that I teach or have taught at the University of Arizona:
- SPAN 452 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
- SPAN 455 History of the Spanish language
- SPAN 459 Spanish Phonology (undergraduate )
- SPAN 340 Spanish Phonetics
- SPAN 580a Spanish Phonology I (graduate)
- SPAN 580b Spanish Phonology II (graduate)
- SPAN 580c Spanish Phonology III (graduate)
- SPAN 585 Introduction to Translation Studies (graduate)
- SPAN 561 Translation Pedagogy Seminar
- SPAN 410 Online Medical Translation
- SPAN 459 Business Translation
At the University of Arizona I also designed the Online Translation Certificate, with support from a grant from ABOR (Arizona Board of Regents).
I have also taught numerous courses in translation at Arizona State University, Indiana University and the University of Illinois, such as:
Medical Translation (hybrid delivery); Scientific and Technical Translation (graduate and undergraduate); Medical and Legal Translation (graduate and undergraduate); Business and Financial Translation (graduate and undergraduate); Translation Theory
In addition to regular teaching assignments at universities, I have taught for the National Center for Interpretation, University of Arizona (Train the Trainer Program, Summers 2004-06) and at the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile (Intensive Translation Course, Legal Internship Program, March 8-12, 1994).
Translation Seminars (oniine and face-to-face):
- for Professional Translators: for the American Translators Association, Upper-MidWest Interpreters and Translators Association, Hablamos Juntos (Raters Workshop).
- for Translation managers and decision-makers: the Institute for Diversity, Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations, Hablamos Juntos Grantee meeting.