Gangopadhyay, S., C.A. Woodhouse, G.J. McCabe, C.C. Routson, and D.M. Meko. 2022. Tree rings reveal unmatched 2nd century drought in the Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098781.
Meko, D.M, C.A. Woodhouse and A.G. Winitsky. 2022. Tree-Ring Perspectives on the Colorado River: Looking Back and Moving Forward. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1-18.
Woodhouse, C.A. and B. Udall. 2022. Arid land rivers in a changing climate. Earth Interactions,
Tintor, W.L. and C.A. Woodhouse. 2021. The variable climate response of Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata Engelm.). Dendrochronologia 68, 125846.
Brice, B., G.H. Guiterman, C. Woodhouse, C. McClellan, and P. Sheppard. 2021. Comparing tree-ring based reconstructions of snowpack variability at different scales for the Navajo Nation. Climate Services 22.
Woodhouse, C.A., R.M. Smith, S.A. McAfee, G.T. Pederson, G.J. McCabe, W.P. Miller, A. Csank. 2021. Upper Colorado River Basin 20th century droughts under 21st century warming: Plausible scenarios for the future. Climate Services 21,
Williams, A. P., K. J. Anchukaitis, C. A. Woodhouse, D. M. Meko, B. I. Cook, K. Bolles, E. R. Cook. 2021. Tree rings and observations suggest no stable cycles in Sierra Nevada cool‐season precipitation. Water Resources Research,
McCabe, G., D. Wolock, C.A. Woodhouse, G. Pederson, S. McAfee, S. Gray, A. Csank. 2020. Basin wide hydro-climatic drought in the Colorado River basin. Earth Interactions 24. 1–20.
Frederick, S.E. and C.A. Woodhouse. 2020. A multi-century perspective on the relative influence of seasonal precipitation on streamflow in the Missouri River headwaters. Water Resources Research.
Martin, J.T., G.T. Pederson, C.A. Woodhouse and 16 co-authors. 2020. Increased drought severity tracks warming in the United States’ largest river basin. Proceedings of the National Academies of Science (PNAS),
Woodhouse, C.A. and E.K. Wise. 2020. The changing relationship between the upper and lower Missouri River basins during drought. International Journal of Climatology 1–18.