We are pleased to announce the launch of our Regents’ Research Grant project Reprocessing Copper Mine Tailings: Critical Minerals Recovery from Past, Current and Future Copper Mine Tailings.
This interdisciplinary project will bring expertise and knowledge from 13 faculty and staff in all 3 Arizona public universities to look for ways to turn Arizona’s copper mine tailings into a potential source of critical metals.
The unique team, led by Professor Isabel Barton (UA Mining & Geological Engineering) and Director Misael Cabrera (School of Mining & Mineral Resources), draws on extensive expertise in geology, mineralogy, extractive metallurgy, mining engineering, remote sensing, environmental science, and techno-economic analysis, as well as having access to world-class facilities. In partnership with industry and government, they will work to extract valuable critical metals from Arizona’s large and increasing volume of mine tailings.
This research will help provide global benefit by addressing a longstanding problem that has been increasing in importance worldwide. The economic impacts from the project will benefit industry and Arizona citizens and make Arizona a worldwide leader in mine waste reprocessing.