Our research encompasses fundamental studies of:

  • structure
  • bonding
  • electron transfer
  • reactivity
  • catalysis

with emphasis on :

Please click on the links above to view selected publications.

A central theme of this research has been to probe and understand this chemistry at the level of electronic structure. This program contributes to the infrastructure of science through providing expertise and access to the instrumentation for photoelectron spectroscopy of large molecules. We have established the Center for Gas-Phase Electron Spectroscopy as a multi-user, shared instrumentation facility that is available to all academic researchers as well as industry. The focus of research in the Center is investigation of the electronic structure of large molecules by gas-phase photoelectron spectroscopy. As the only site anywhere that has capabilities for gas-phase photoelectron spectroscopy of large neutral molecules using laboratory photon sources, the Center has a strong commitment to collaborative research efforts with external researchers. In recent years the Center has collaborated with over 50 domestic and international research groups. Some of the users are listed here. The website for the facility is located here.

Gas-phase Photoelectron Spectrometer

Computational chemistry is also an important aspect of this research, and photoelectron spectroscopy is the most direct method to test and validate electron energies in developing computational methods.