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Anran HouDepartment of Englishdisability studies, ecofeminism, posthumanism
Brian SilversteinSchool of Anthropologyeconomies of qualities, ethnography, food, plant studies, socio-technical innovation
Calvin CoonDepartment of Englishagriculture, agriculture and literature, american regionalist literature, animal studies, rural studies
Chloe PennaDepartment of Englishbotanical modernism, environmental writing, modernism
Daniel SullivanDepartment of Psychologyclimate change, contamination, environmental health, mental health, psychological stress
David PietzDepartment of East Asian Studiesanimal history, animal studies, china, water history, water studies
Grace HumphreysDepartment of Englishecohorror, plant studies, environmental pedagogy
Gregory T. CushmanDepartment of Historyglobal environmental history, ecological imperialism, discard studies, critical Anthropocene studies
Gretchen E. HendersonPoetry Centerblue humanities, desert humanities, ecopoetics, environmental arts, environmental health, environmental writing, plant studies
Joela JacobsDepartment of German Studiesanimal studies, cultures of environmentalism, plant studies
Johanna SkibsrudDepartment of English, Department of Gender and Women’s Studiesecopoetics
John MelilloDepartment of Englishagriculture, blue humanities, ecopoetics, noise, soundscapes, waves
Katherine MorrisseyDepartment of Historyenvironmental history, borderlands/Southwest history, cultural history
Leerom MedovoiDepartment of Englishbiopolitics, ecomarxism, race and environment
Maura BesteDepartment of Gender and Women’s Studiesanimal studies
Nicholas MolinaryDepartment of Spanish and Portugueseanimal studies, early modern transatlantic literatures, visual studies
Patrick RobinsonSchool of Anthropologyenvironmental anthropology, political ecology, political ontology, science and technology studies
R.A. KashanipourDepartment of Historycolonialism and natural disasters, ethnobotany, history of epidemics, indigeneity
Sheyda SafaeyanDepartment of Englishspeculative literature and film, plant studies, critical posthumanities, environmental health
Stacie G. WiddifieldSchool of Artart history, visual studies, water studies
Stefanie GraeterCenter for Latin American Studies, School of Anthropologyconservation, environmental anthropology, environmental health, mining, political ecology
Susan BrianteDepartment of Englishecopoetics