Projects and Deployments

The Global Seismology and Tectonics Group is involved in broadband and active source seismology studies of earthquake sources, Earth structure and active tectonics. We study earthquakes and the structure related to subduction zones from the megathrust earthquakes to the structure of the arc volcanoes to large-scale tomographic imaging of orogenic systems. We collect data or use existing seismic data from South America, the western US, Japan and Turkey. A few of our current projects are listed below:

Current Projects

NewFOS (Alaska)

New Frontiers of Sound – using seismology to map permafrost changes in Alaska

3D Imaging of Controls on Subduction Zone Megathrust Rupture and Slip Behavior

TANGO (South America)

TransANdean Great Orogeny

Past Projects

Nodal Deployments (USA)

Follow where our nodal seismometers are going

MIMOSA (South America)

Multi-scale Imaging of Modern Orogenic South America

iMUSH (Washington)

Imaging Magma Under St. Helens

Subduction Dynamics, Mantle Structure and Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of South America (South America)

Seismic imaging, geodynamic modeling and structural analysis

Ecuador RAMP (Ecuador)

Aftershock study, 2016 M7.8 Ecuador earthquake

CDCAT (Turkey)

Continental Dynamics: Central Anatolian Tectonics

CAUGHT (Bolivia, Peru)

Central Andean Uplift and Generation of High Topography

PULSE (Peru)

PerU Lithosphere and Slab Experiment

LaBarge (Wyoming)

Wyoming Seismic Project

IMAD (Chile)

International Maule Aftershock Deployment

Batholiths (British Colombia, Canada)

Batholiths Continental Dynamics Project

SNEP (California, USA)

Sierra Nevada Earthscope Project

SIEMBRA (Argentina)

Sierras Pampeanas Experiment using a Multicomponent BRoadband Array

NAF (Turkey)

North Anatolia Faults Passive Seismic Experiment

CHARGE (Chile, Argentina)

CHile ARgentina Geophysical Experiment

BANJO/SEDA (Bolivia)

Broadband ANdean JOint (BANJO) and Seismic Exploration of the Deep Altiplano (SEDA) experiments

Department of GeosciencesUniversity of Arizona1040 E 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85721
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