The Global Seismology and Tectonics Group is located in the northwestern corner of the fifth floor of the Gould-Simpson Building on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson, Arizona. When we are not in the field, we are fortunate to reside in the Sonoran Desert, a region of fascinating geology and tectonics that includes a view through our windows of the Catalina Mountains, a famous “core-complex”.
Our lab consists of two computing labs with several high-end PCs and Apple desktops. Additionally, we have access to the department’s Computational Geosciences Center (CGC) and the university’s High Performance Computing (HPC) system.
The GSAT Lab has at its disposal a nodal instrument pool. Nodal seismometers are portable enough to be deployed in large numbers over rugged terrain and can record continuously for ~35 days. The University of Arizona FairfieldNodal Zland system includes 96 nodes, a 32 dock charging/harvesting rack, a PowerT Dell server, and two Trimble handheld devices for activating instruments in the field. Each node houses lithium ion battery packs, three perpendicular 5 Hz geophones, and a datalogger. A spike is attached to bottom of each node for coupling of the node to the surface or to the bottom of small holes when the instruments are buried. To see how we’re using the nodes, check out our nodes’ webpage!
The GSAT Lab also operates (jointly with the USGS and Incorporated Research Institute for Seismology) the Global Seismic Network station TUC. The seismic data from the TUC stations goes to the Data Management Center at IRIS and is distributed to hundreds of users for Earth structure and earthquake hazard studies around the world.
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1040 E 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85721
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