1. Nondestructive Inspection-Based Updating and Maintenance of Infrastructures for Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)

Special Invited Presentations without Technical Paper (international)

  • Haldar, A., Industrial applications of RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) Engineering: Present and future – A Case Study – Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), ICRESH-ARMS 2015, Lulea Technical University, Sweden, June 2, 2015.
  • Haldar, A., “Fatigue Evaluation of Steel Bridges,” Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, January 18, 1999.

Book Chapters

  • Zhao, Z. , and Haldar, A., “Fatigue reliability updating using non-destructive inspection,” in: NDT Methods Applied to Fatigue Reliability Assessment of Structures, J. Mohammadi, editor, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 139-156, 2004.
  • Chen, G., and Haldar, A., “Fatigue Reliability Assessment and Updating with On-Line Nondestructive Inspection for Pressure Vessels,” PVP Vol. 487, Aging Management and License Renewal, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, pp. 41-48, 2004.
  • Zhao, A., and Haldar, A., Chapter 6 – Reliability-Based Structural Fatigue Damage Evaluation and Maintenance Using Non-Destructive Inspections, Uncertainty Modeling in Finite Element, Fatigue, and Stability of Systems, edited by A. Haldar, A. Guran and B.M. Ayyub, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1997, pp. 159-214.

Refereed papers

  • Zhao, Z., and Haldar, A., “Fatigue Damage Evaluation and Updating Using Nondestructive Inspections,” Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 775-788, 1996.
  • Haldar, A., and Zhao, Z., “Fatigue Risk Assessment and Updating Using Non-Destructive Inspections,” Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics in Pressure Vessels and Piping, PVP-Vol. 304, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, pp. 453-460, July, 1995.
  • Zhao, Z., Haldar, A., and Breen, F.L., “Fatigue Reliability Evaluation of Steel Bridges,” Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 5, pp. 1608-1623, May, 1994.
  • Zhao, Z., Haldar, A., and Breen, F.L., “Fatigue Reliability Updating Through Inspections for Bridges,” Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 5, pp. 1624-1642, May, 1994.

Refereed conference papers (ICOSSAR & ICASP)

  • Zhao, Z., and Haldar, A., “Fatigue Damage Mitigation Using Nondestructive Inspections,” 7th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR’97), Vol. 2, pp. 1227-1234, 1998.
  • Zhao, Z., Haldar, A., and Breen, F.L., “Reliability-Based Fatigue Inspection and Maintenance for Steel Bridges,” 6th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR `93), August 9-13, Vol. 2, pp. 1035-1042, 1993.

Conference papers

  • Chen, G., and Haldar, A., “On-line Nondestructive Inspection for Fatigue Reliability Assessment and Updating for Pressure Vessels,” 9th ASCE EMD/SEI/GI/AD Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 26-28, 2004, (CD-ROM).
  • Haldar, A., and Zhao, Z., “Fatigue Reliability Updating of Aging Steel Bridges Using Non‑Destructive Inspection,” ASCE Structures Congress, Seattle, Washington, May 29 to June 1, 2003.
  • Haldar, A., and Zhao, Z., “Use of NDE in Fatigue and Fracture Reliability,” 1999 Structures Congress, ASCE, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 18-21, pp. 821-824, 1999.
  • Haldar, A., and Zhao, Z., “Reliability-Based Maintenance Strategy Using NDI,” 1996 Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Worcester, Massachusetts, August 7-9, 1996, pp. 364-367.
  • Haldar, A., and Zhao, Z., “Fatigue Reliability Evaluation, Updating and Maintenance of Steel Bridges Using NDI,” NSF Workshop on Reliability in Bridge Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, October 2-4, 1996, pp. 179-184.
  • Haldar, A., and Zhao, Z., “Reliability-Based Inspection Strategy for Fatigue Risk Management,” Fourteenth International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 1995, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. II – Safety and Reliability, pp. 215-222, June, 1995.
  • Haldar, A., and Breen, F.L., “Reliability-Based Inspection and Maintenance of a Public Transportation System,” Structure Congress 1990, ASCE, pp. 620-621, Baltimore, Maryland, April 30 to May 3, 1990.
  • Breen, F.L., and Haldar, A., “Reliability-Based Inspection and Maintenance Program For MARTA’s Structures,” 1989 Rapid Transit Conference, American Public Transit Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 3-8, 1989, (Invited Presentation).

2. Missile Impact on Nuclear Power Plants and Construction Deficiency Evaluation (Bechtel Power Corporation)

Refereed papers

  • Haldar, A., “Fabrication/Construction Deficiency Evaluation – A Novel Approach,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 43-50. 2003.
  • Haldar, A., Discussion of “Damage Probability of Turbine Missile Impact,” Journal of the Structural Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 3, pp. 644-645, March, 1987.
  • Haldar, A., and Hamieh, H.A., “Local Effect of Solid Missiles on Concrete Structures,” Journal of the Structural Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 110, No. 5, pp. 948-960, May, 1984.
  • Haldar, A., Hatami, M., and Miller, F.J., “Concrete Structures: Penetration Depth Estimation,” Journal of the Structural Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 109, No. 1, pp. 245-250, January, 1983.  Closure published, Journal of the Structural Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 109, No. 12, pp. 2956, December, 1983.
  • Haldar, A., “Probabilistic Evaluation of Welded Structures,” Journal of the Structural Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 108, No. ST9, Proc. Paper 17321, pp. 1943-1955, September, 1982.  Closure published, Journal of Structural Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 109, No. 10, pp. 2482-2483, October, 1983.        
  • Haldar, A., and Miller, F.J., “Penetration Depth in Concrete for Non-deformable Missiles,” Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 79-88, July (II), 1982.
  • Haldar, A., Discussion on “Impact of Solid Missiles on Concrete Barriers,” Journal of the Structural Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. ST11, pp. 2307-2309, November, 1981.
  • Haldar, A., “Probabilistic Evaluation of Construction Deficiencies,” Journal of the Construction Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. CO1, Proc. Paper 16114, pp. 107-119, March, 1981.
  • Haldar, A., “Turbine Missile – A Critical Review,” Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 293-304, November, 1979.
  • Haldar, A., “A Probabilistic Evaluation of Turbine Missile Damage Potential,” Publication PVP-PB-030, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 1-20, December, 1978.

Conference papers

  • Ayyub, B.M., and Haldar, A., “Probabilistic Safety Analysis of RC Buildings During Construction,” Structure Congress 1990, ASCE, pp. 71-71, Baltimore, Maryland, April 30 to May 3, 1990.
  • Haldar, A., “Energy-Balanced Approach to Evaluate Local Effects of Impact of Non-Deformable Missiles on Concrete Structures,” Eighth International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT), Paper No. J 6/3, Brussels, Belgium, August 1985.
  • Ayyub, B.M., and Haldar, A., “Reliability of RC Buildings during Construction,” Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Berkeley, California, pp. 355-358, January 11-13, 1984.
  • Haldar, A., Hamieh, H.A., and Miller, F.J., “Penetration and Spallation Depth Estimation for Concrete Structures,” Seventh International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT), Chicago, Illinois, Paper No. J 7/2, October, 1983.
  • Haldar, A., and Miller, F.J., “Local Effects Evaluation of Concrete Structures,” Interassociation Symposium, Concrete Structures Under Impact and Impulsive Loading, West Berlin, West Germany, pp. 345-357, June, 1982.
  • Haldar, A., “Impact Loading – Damage Predicting Equations,” Proceedings, Sixth Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT), Paris, France, Paper No. J 8/4, Vol. J(b), pp. 1-8, August, 1981.
  • Haldar, A., “Probabilistic Evaluation of Welded Structures,” Preprint 80-540, presented at the ASCE Convention of South Florida, October 27-31, 1980.
  • Haldar, A., “Composite Strength – A Probabilistic Evaluation,” Symposium on Evaluation of Existing Concrete Structures, ACI Committee 437, Washington, D.C., November, 1979.

3. Health Assessment of Lock Gates (U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station)

Book Chapters

  • Chowdhury, M., and Haldar, A., Chapter 4 -Performance Based Reliability Evaluation of Structure-Foundation Systems, Recent Developments in Reliability-Based Civil Engineering edited by A. Haldar, World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 55-75, 2006.

Refereed papers

  • Chowdhury, M. R., Wang, D., and Haldar, A., “An Investigation on the System Reliability of Pile Supported Navigational Structures,” Journal of the Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 80-88, January, 1998.
  • Wang, D., Chowdhury, M., and Haldar, A., “System Reliability Evaluation Considering Strength and Serviceability Requirements, ” International Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 883-896, March, 1997.

4. Seismic Design with Post-Northridge Connections (Seismic Structural Design Associates, California)

Refereed papers

  • Merabian A., Ali, T., and A. Haldar, A., “Nonlinear Analysis of a Steel Frame,” Journal of Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 71(12), pp. 616-623, 2008.
  • Mehrabian, A., and Haldar, A., “Mathematical Modeling of a “Post-Northridge” Steel Connection,” International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 195-207, 2007.
  • Mehrabian, A., and Haldar, A., “Some Lessons Learned from Post-earthquake Damage Survey of Structures in Bam, Iran Earthquake of 2003,” Structural Survey, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 180-192, 2005.
  • Mehrabian, A., Haldar, A., and Reyes, A. S., “Seismic Response Analysis of Steel Frames with Post-Northridge Connection,” Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 271-287, 2005.

Conference papers

  • Mehrabian A., Ali, T., and A. Haldar, A., “Nonlinear Analysis of Steel Frame,” Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Nonlinear Analysis (WCNA-2008), Orlando, Florida, July, 2008.
  • Mehrabian, A., Haldar, A., and Moslehpour, S., “Nonlinear Analysis of Steel Frames with Ductile Connections,” Session ENG 204-087, Proceedings of The 2006 IJME – INTERTECH Conference, 14 pages, 2006.