Contributions to scholarly professional service
General Comments – Because of his own publication activities, Dr. Haldar receives at least two requests per month to review paper for almost all engineering journals covering different engineering disciplines. He also reviews proposals for new book for numerous publishers. Dr. Haldar reviews research proposals for numerous national funding agencies including National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., etc. At the international level, he reviews research proposals for funding agencies including Australian Research Grants Scheme, Queen Elizabeth II Fellowships, Australian Research Grants Committee, University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, Division of Science and Technology, Government of India, Academy of Science, the Czech Republic, Scientific Research and Technological Development, Government of Portugal, etc. Dr. Haldar organized many national and international technical conferences, technical sessions, chaired or co-chaired numerous technical and panel sessions, and organized celebratory event like ASCE’s 150th anniversary celebration.
Some of his major professional services are listed below.
International Community
- Chair, International Scientific Committee and one of the chief architects of the event, International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM – 2012).
- Founding Editor-in-Chief of “International Journal of Engineering under Uncertainty: Hazards, Assessment, and Mitigation”, New Delhi, India, 2008 – 2011.
- Advisory Board Member, “Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering,” Society for Reliability and Safety, Mumbai, India.
- Editorial Board Member of numerous international journals.
- Invited to make presentations at the Central Research Institute of Building and Construction, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, Beijing, Qinghua University, Beijing, and Tongji University, Shanghai, jointly sponsored by the People’s Republic of China and the National Science Foundation, 1986. (This was very significant at that time; before China opened to the outside world).
- Organized, moderated, and chaired technical sessions in numerous international gatherings.
- Chair, International Scientific Committee and organized European-Simulation Based Reliability Assessment Method (Euro-SiBRAM’2002), Prague, Czech Republic.
- Member of Technical Advisory Panel, International Integrating Structural Reliability Analysis with Advanced Structural Analysis (ASRANet), Glasgow, Scotland, 2002.
- Member of International Scientific Committee, numerous international organizations.
National Community
- Associate Editor, Journal of the Structural Engineering, ASCE, 1992 – 1995.
- Program Chair, Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis Division (SERAD), American Society of Mechanical Engineering, 2005 – 2006.
- Organized and co-Chaired Probabilistic Mechanics Conference, ASCE, University of Notre Dame, 2000.
- Chair, Technical Administrative Committee on Structural Safety and Reliability, ASCE, responsible at the national level for committees on Safety of Buildings, Reliability of Offshore Structures, Safety of Bridges, and Fatigue and Fracture Reliability, 1995-1999.
- Chair or member of numerous ASCE-sponsored technical committees.
- Organized, moderated, and chaired technical sessions in numerous national gatherings.
- Organized ASCE’s 150th anniversary celebration session, Past, Present, and Future of Reliability-Based Structural Design Worldwide, 2002.
- Reviewer of research proposals, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.
- Technical Advisor, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., March 1992 to 1997.
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1990- 2012.
- Professional Engineer, State of Arizona, 1989 – 2015 (currently inactive), State of California, 1978 – present, State of Illinois, 1979 – 1993 (currently inactive), and State of Georgia, 1980 – 1993 (currently inactive).
Invited Presentations (National)
- Haldar, A., “Past, Present and Future of Civil Engineering – Education and Practice,” ASCE/ASHE, September 13, 2019.
- Haldar, A., “A Critical Review of Structural Health Assessment” Department of Civil and Architecture Engineering, and Mechanics, University of Arizona, April 12, 2019.
- Haldar, A., “A New Design Paradigm for Seismic Loading using Multiple Deterministic Analyses,” Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Arizona, February 2, 2018.
- Haldar, A., “Structural Health Assessment,” ASCE/ASHE, June 29, 2017.
- Haldar, A., “Past, Present and Future of Structural Engineering,” Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Arizona, September 4, 2015.
- Haldar, A., “Health assessment of Bridges,” 61st Arizona Conference on Roads & Streets, April 5, 2012.
- Haldar, A., “Past, Present and Future of Structural Engineering,” Arizona Society of Civil Engineers, April 11, 2007.
- Haldar, A., “Structural Engineering – Past, Present, and Future,” Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Arizona, Tucson, February 2, 2007.
- Haldar, A., “A Novel System Identification-Based Structural Health Assessment Technique under Uncertainty,” Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, May 31, 2006.
- Haldar, A., “Structural Health Assessment – A Novel Approach,” Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, October 21, 2005.
- Haldar, A., “Local Level Defect Detection and Parameter Estimation for Existing Structures,” Raytheon Missile Systems Corporation, Tucson, AZ., April 9, 2001.
- Haldar, A., “Reliability Evaluation Using Stochastic Finite Element Method,” Sandia National Laboratory, March 27, 2000.
- Haldar, A., “Reliability Analysis of Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loadings Using Nonlinear SFEM,” Symposium Honoring Professor Alfredo H-S. Ang, May 20, 2000.
- Haldar, A., “Steel Design using LRFD,” University of Sonora, Mexico, Nov. 14, 2000.
- Haldar, A., “Modern Teaching Methods, “University of Sonora, Mexico, Nov. 15, 2000.
- Haldar, A., “Wind and Seismic Loads for Buildings,” Phoenix, AZ, October 22, 1996.
- Haldar, A., “NEHRP Seismic Regulations for Steel,” American Institute of Steel Construction, Phoenix, AZ, October 20, 1994.
- Haldar, A., “Eccentric Braced Frame,” American Institute of Steel Construction, Phoenix, AZ, October 13, 1993.
- Haldar, A., “Practical Steel Design Using LRFD,” American Institute of Steel Construction, Phoenix, AZ, February 28, 1991.
- Saadatmanesh, H., and Haldar, A., “Development of LRFD Formulation for Externally Prestressed Girders,” American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), San Antonio, May 23, 1989.
- Haldar, A., “Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamic and Fatigue Response of Structures,” University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, February 2, 1988.
- Haldar, A., “Construction Deficiency Evaluation,” American Society of Civil Engineers, Georgia Section, January 10, 1986.
- Haldar, A., “Beam Design – Load and Resistance Factor Design,” American Institute of Steel Construction, Atlanta, Georgia, December 18, 1986.
- Haldar, A., “Probabilistic Evaluation of Damage to Structures due to Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction,” School of Geophysical Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, February 27, 1984.
- Haldar, A., “Offshore Platform Fatigue: Nonlinear Drag Effects,” Hydrosystems Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, October 11, 1984.
- Haldar, A., “Bending Members – Steel Design Current Practice,” American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, Illinois, October 31, 1983.