Participate in Research at the HSCL Lab
Our lab utilizes equipment such as Virtual Reality, fMRI, Scalp EEG, and eye tracking in studies that involve memory or spatial navigation. Our studies range from source memory tasks to navigation tasks that involve wearing a Head Mounted Display for Virtual Reality.
We are interested in how aging can affect these domains of human cognition over the course of an individual’s life. We are currently recruiting healthy individuals between the ages of 18-35 & 63-80 for studies. All our research is paid, so you will be compensated for your time. If this sounds of interest to you, please email the lab at or give us a call at (520) 621-9557.
See below for specific studies we are recruiting for as well as an archive of some past studies.
Spatial Memory Using Immersive Virtual Reality Study
Study Description:
The Human Spatial Cognition Laboratory is currently recruiting healthy young (18-35 years) and older (65-80 years) adults to participate in a study using virtual reality to study spatial navigation and memory. The study uses immersive virtual reality techniques to test your ability to remember the locations of hidden objects in a virtual environment. A portion of the study will involve standing and walking while wearing a head mounted display. The amount of walking will not be strenuous and you will have the opportunity to take breaks as needed.
- Participants must be between 18 and 35 years or 65 and 80 years of age
- Have normal or corrected to normal vision with contacts (glasses cannot be worn during this study)
- No neurological disorders or history of seizures
This study requires being on your feet for an extended period of time, so dress comfortably. If you require corrective lenses, please wear contacts to the session and refrain from wearing excessive makeup.
Time Commitment & Compensation:
The study will take approximately 4-5 hours.
You will be reimbursed $18/hour for your time.
For additional information or to sign up, please email. In the Subject line, please specify “Immersive VR Study.”
You may send to the lab directly:
or Dr. Paul Hill:
Closed Studies Archive
Navigation in Virtual Reality and Human Memory
Study Description:
This study aims to examine human memory and navigation behavior.
The study will take 2-3 hours. You will wear a VR headset and walk in an immersive virtual environment. The researcher will explain more about the tasks when you come to the lab.
Participant Eligibility:
To participate in this study, you will need to meet the following requirements:
- Cannot have participated in the previous “hallway” study in Human Spatial Cognition Lab. (If you are not sure of previous participation, please email the researcher Yu Karen Du to ask.)
- Age: 18-35 yr
- Must currently not be sick/injured. This includes having no COVID-19-related symptoms.
- Must have normal vision or corrected-to-normal vision.
- *NOTE: If you have corrected-to-normal vision, wear contact lenses for the experiment. Do NOT wear glasses, because some glasses frames might not fit the VR headset.*
- No piercings or jewelry in the facial area where the VR headset might cover.
- No neurological or psychiatric history.
- No history of motion sickness or fainting.
You will be granted $15/hour for your participation.
Memory Training Study
Study Description:
The Human Spatial Cognition Laboratory is currently recruiting healthy adults (18-35 years) to participate in a study aiming at training episodic memory.
The study teaches you different kinds of effective memory strategies, and tests your ability to remember different items after you have fully mastered each strategy. In order to reduce the interference between different memory strategies, the task will take place in 5 separate days.
The study will take approximately 2-3 hours per day, for 5 days in total. *Note: 5 consecutive days are not necessary – you can come any 5 days within 2 weeks.
Participant Eligibility:
To participate in this study, you will need to meet the following requirements:
- Between 18 and 35 years of age
- Have normal or corrected to normal vision without color blindness
- No neurological disorders or history of seizures
- Must currently not be sick/injured. *This includes having no COVID-19-related symptoms.
You will be reimbursed $15/hour for your time.
Training your Cognitive Abilities Study
Interested in seeing if your cognitive abilities can improve over a short period of time? In our study you will undergo brain imaging before and after a 2-week learning experience. This learning experience will occur over 10 days for about 2 hours per session. The rate of compensation for this study is $20/hour.
On the day of the study, participants will do a series of cognitive tasks on a desktop computer (about 1.5 hours). Following these cognitive tasks, participants will perform a passive memory task during an fMRI scan (about 1.5 hours). Participants will follow similar procedures for Time 1 fMRI scan and Time 2 fMRI scan.
Participants should be ready to commit to:
- The initial fMRI session (1.5 hours in fMRI and 1.5 hours on cognitive tasks)
- 10 sessions of training for 2 hours each (1 session = 1 day)
- The final fMRI session (1.5 hours in fMRI and 1.5 hours on cognitive tasks)