

Landmarks is an “Open source spatial navigation experiment framework for Unity3d”. Here at the HSCL lab, we use Landmarks to help us construct our experiments in Desktop and Immersive Virtual Reality.

The beta release for Landmarks v2.0 is available now. Landmarks is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Landmarks is compatible with Unity3d 2018.3.1f1 or later. 

  • NOTE: This initial release of version 2.0 is currently in beta. As of now, there is only support and documentation for a navigation task, although there is source code for several other tasks that will be optimized for Landmarks 2.0 in the future. Landmarks is currently configured for Desktop or SteamVR only.
  • For questions regarding Landmarks, or if you would like to contribute to Landmarks, please contact Mike Starrett (