For more up-to-date results, please check out Google Scholar.
- McGuire, L.A., Rengers, F.K., Youberg, A.M., Gorr, A.N., Hoch, O.J., Beers, R. and Porter, R. Characteristics of debris-flow-prone watersheds and debris-flow-triggering rainstorms following the Tadpole Fire, New Mexico, USA. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(4), 2024.
- Gorr, A.N., McGuire, L.A., Youberg, A.M., Beers, R. and Liu, T. Inundation and flow properties of a runoff‐generated debris flow following successive high‐severity wildfires in northern Arizona, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(2), 2024.
- McGuire, L.A., Ebel, B.A., Rengers, F.K., Vieira, D.C. and Nyman, P. Fire effects on geomorphic processes. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2024.
- Prescott, A.B., McGuire, L.A., Jun, K.S., Barnhart, K.R. and Oakley, N.S. Probabilistic assessment of postfire debris-flow inundation in response to forecast rainfall. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(7), 2024.
- Liu, T., McGuire, L.A., Youberg, A.M., Prescott, A.B., Gorr, A.N., Struble, W.T. and Beers, R. A prefire approach for probabilistic assessments of postfire debris‐flow inundation. Earth’s Future, 12(6), 2024.
- Yu, G., T. Liu, L.A. McGuire, D.B. Wright, B.J. Hatchett, J.J. Miller, M. Berli, J. Giovando, M. Bartles. Process-based Quantification of the Role of Wildfire in Shaping Flood Frequency. Water Resources Research. 2023.
- Liu, T., L.A. McGuire, A.M. Youberg, A.N. Gorr, and F.K. Rengers. Guidance for parameterizing post‐fire hydrologic models with in situ infiltration measurements. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2023.
- Struble, W.T., L.A. McGuire, S.W. McCoy, and K.R. Barnhart. Debris‐Flow Process Controls on Steepland Morphology in the San Gabriel Mountains, California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2023.
- Gorr, A.N., L.A. McGuire, R. Beers, and O. Hoch. Triggering conditions, runout, and downstream impacts of debris flows following the 2021 Flag Fire, AZ, USA. Natural Hazards, 2023.
- McGuire, L.A., S.W. McCoy, O. Marc, W.T. Struble, and K.R. Barnhart. Steady-state forms of channel profiles shaped by debris-flow and fluvial processes. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2023.
- Rengers, F.K., L.A. McGuire, K.R. Barnhart, A.M. Youberg, D. Cadol, o A.N. Gorr, O. Hoch, R. Beers, and J.W. Kean. The Influence of Large Woody Debris on Post-Wildfire Debris Flow Sediment Storage. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2023.
- Oakley, N.S., T. Liu, L.A. McGuire, M. Simpson, B.J. Hatchett, A. Tardy, J.W. Kean, C. Castellano, J.L. Laber, J.L. and D. Steinhoff. Toward probabilistic post-fire debris-flow hazard decision support. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2023.
- Gorr, A.N., L.A. McGuire, A.M. Youberg, F.K. Rengers, A progressive flow-routing model for rapid assessment of debris-flow inundation, Landslides, 2022.
- Liu, T., L.A. McGuire, N. Oakley, F. Cannon, Temporal changes in rainfall intensity-duration thresholds for post-wildfire flash floods and sensitivity to spatiotemporal distributions of rainfall, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2022.
- Hoch, O. J., L.A. McGuire, A.M. Youberg, F.K. Rengers, Hydrogeomorphic recovery and temporal changes in rainfall thresholds for debris flows following wildfire, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021.
- Ganesh, I., L.A. McGuire, L.M. Carter, Modeling the dynamics of dense pyroclastic flows on Venus: Insights into pyroclastic eruptions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2021.
- Rengers, F.K., L.A. McGuire, J.W. Kean, D.M. Staley, M. Dobre, P.R. Robichaud, T. Swetnam. Movement of Sediment through a Burned Landscape: Sediment Volume Observations and Model Comparisons in the San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021.
- McGuire, L.A., C. Rasmussen, A.M. Youberg, J. Sanderman, and B. Fenerty, Controls on the spatial distribution of near-surface pyrogenic carbon on hillslopes one year following wildfire, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021c.
- Liu, T., L.A. McGuire, H.Wei, F.K. Rengers, H. Gupta, L. Ji, D.C. Goodrich, The timing and magnitude of changes to Hortonian overland flow at the watershed scale during the post-fire recovery process, Hydrological Processes, 2021.
- Thomas, M.A., F.K. Rengers, J.W. Kean, L.A. McGuire, D.M. Staley, K.R. Barnhart, B.A. Ebel, Postwildfire soil-hydraulic recovery and the persistence of debris flow hazards, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021.
- McGuire, L.A., A.M. Youberg, F.K. Rengers, N.S. Abramson, I. Ganesh, A.N. Gorr, O. Hoch, J.C. Johnson, P. Lamom, A.B. Prescott, J. Zanetell, and B. Fenerty, Extreme precipitation across adjacent burned and unburned watersheds reveals impacts of low severity wildfire on debris-flow processes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021b.
- McGuire, L.A., F.K. Rengers, J.W. Kean, D.M. Staley, N. Oakley, M. Orla-Barile, H. Tang, A.M. Youberg, Time since burning and rainfall characteristics influence post-fire debris flow initiation and magnitude, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 2021a.
- Rengers, F.K., L.A. McGuire, N. Oakley, o H. Tang, J.W. Kean, D.M. Staley, Landslides after wildfire: initiation, magnitude, and mobility, Landslides, 2020b.
- McGuire, L.A., A.M. Youberg, What drives spatial variability in rainfall intensity-duration thresholds for post-wildfire debris flows? Insights from the 2018 Buzzard Fire, NM, USA, Landslides, 2020.
- Tang, H., L.A. McGuire, J.W. Kean, J.B. Smith, The impact of sediment supply on the initiation and magnitude of runoff-generated debris flows, Geophysical Research Letters, 2020.
- Rengers, F.K., J.W. Kean, N.G. Reitman, J. Smith, J.A. Coe, L.A. McGuire, The Influence of Frost Weathering on Debris Flow Sediment Supply in an Alpine Basin, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2020a.
- Raymond, C.A., L.A. McGuire, A.M. Youberg, J.W. Kean, D.M. Staley, Thresholds for post-wildfire debris flows: Insights from the Pinal Fire, Arizona, USA, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4805.
- Tang, H., L.A. McGuire, J.W. Kean, D.M. Staley, and J.B. Smith, Developing and testing physically-based triggering thresholds for runoff-generated debris flows, Geophysical Research Letters, 2019b, DOI: 10.1029/2019GLo83623.
- Rengers, F.K., L.A. McGuire, J.W. Kean, D.M. Staley, and A.M. Youberg, Progress in simplifying hydrologic model parameterization for broad applications to post-wildfire flooding and debris flow hazards, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4697.
- McGuire, L.A., A.M. Youberg, Impacts of successive wildfire on soil hydraulic properties: Implications for debris flow hazards and system resilience, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4632.
- Tang, H., L.A. McGuire, F.K. Rengers, J.W. Kean, D.M. Staley, and J.B. Smith, Evolution of debris flow initiation mechanisms and sediment sources during a sequence of post-wildfire rainstorms, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2019a, DOI is 10.1029/2018JF004837.
- Staley, D.M., J.W. Kean, L.A. McGuire, H.E. Pauling, F.K. Rengers, J.B. Smith, A.C. Tillery, Estimating post-fire debris-flow hazards in the western United States prior to wildfire, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2018.
- McGuire, L.A., F.K. Rengers, J.W. Kean, D.M. Staley, and B.B. Mirus, Incorporating spatially heterogeneous infiltration capacity into hydrologic models with applications for simulating post-wildfire debris flow initiation, Hydrological Processes, 2018.
- Rengers, F.K, L.A. McGuire, B.A. Ebel, and G.E. Tucker, The evolution of a colluvial hollow to a fluvial channel with periodic steps following two transformational disturbances: a wildfire and a historic flood, Geomorphology, 2018.
- Pelletier, J.D., G.A. Barron-Gafford, H. Guttierez-Jurado, E.S. Hinckley, E. Istanbulluoglu, L.A. McGuire, G.Y. Niu, M.J. Poulos, C. Rasmussen, P. Richardson, T.L. Swetnam, and G.E. Tucker, Which way do you lean? Using slope aspect variations to understand Critical Zone processes and feedbacks, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4306, 2017.
- McGuire, L.A., F.K. Rengers, J.W. Kean, and D.M. Staley, Debris flow initiation by runoff in a recently burned basin: Is grain-by-grain sediment bulking or en masse failure to blame?, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL074243, 2017.
- Rasmussen, C., L.A. McGuire, P. Dhakal, and J.D. Pelletier, Coevolution of soil and topography across a semiarid cinder cone chronosequence, Catena, 2017.
- Kean, J.W., L.A. McGuire, F.K. Rengers, J.B. Smith, and D.M. Staley, Amplification of post-wildfire peak flow by debris, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2016GL069661, 2016.
- McGuire, L.A., J.W. Kean, F.K. Rengers, D.M. Staley, and T.A. Wasklewicz, Constraining the relative importance of raindrop- and flow-driven sediment transport mechanisms in post-wildfire environments and implications for recovery time scales, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2016b.
- Rengers, F.K., L.A. McGuire, J.W. Kean, and D.M. Staley, Model simulations of flood and debris flow timing in steep catchments after wildfire, Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2015WR018176, 2016b.
- McGuire, L.A., F.K. Rengers, J.W. Kean, J.A. Coe, B.B. Mirus, R.L. Baum, and J.W. Godt, Elucidating the role of vegetation in the initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides: Insights from an extreme rainfall event in the Colorado Front Range, Geophysical Research Letters, 2016a.
- Rengers, F.K., McGuire, L.A., J.A. Coe, J.W. Kean, R.L. Baum, D.M. Staley, and J.W. Godt, The influence of vegetation on debris-flow initiation during extreme rainfall in the northern Colorado Front Range, Geology, 2016a.
- McGuire, L.A., and J.D. Pelletier, Controls on valley spacing in landscapes subject to rapid base-level fall, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.3837, 2015.
- Hayakawa, Y.S., T. Oguchi, H. Saito, A. Kobayashi, V.R. Baker, J.D. Pelletier, L.A. McGuire, G. Komatsu, and K. Goto, Geomorphic imprints of repeated tsunami waves in a coastal valley in northeastern Japan, Geomorphology, 2015.
- McGuire, L. A., J. D. Pelletier, and J.J. Roering, Development of topographic asymmetry: Insights from dated cinder cones in the western United States, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2014JF003081, 2014.
- McGuire, L. A., J. D. Pelletier, J. A. Gomez, and M. A. Nearing, Controls on the spacing and geometry of rill networks on hillslopes: Rain splash detachment, initial hillslope roughness, and the competition between fluvial and colluvial transport, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1002/jgrf. 20028, 2013.
- McGuire, L. A., and J. D. Pelletier, Relationships between debris fan morphology and flow rheology for wet and dry flows on Earth and Mars: A numerical modeling investigation, Geomorphology, 197, 2013.
- Pelletier, J.D., DeLong, S.B., C. Orem, P. Becerra, K. Compton, K. Gressett, J. Lyons-Baral, L.A. McGuire, J. L. Molaro, and J. C. Spinler, How do vegetation bands form in drylands? Insights from numerical modeling and field studies in southern Nevada, U.S.A., Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2012JF002465, 2012.
- Pelletier, J. D., L. McGuire, J. Ash, T. M. Engelder, L. Hill, K. Leroy, C. Orem, S. Rosenthal, M. Trees, C. Rasmussen, and J. D. Chorover, Calibration and testing of upland hillslope evolution models in a dated landscape: Banco Bonito, New Mexico, USA, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2011JF001976, 2011.