Professional Associations

Software Resources

Phonetics Resources

Mapping Resources

Dialect Resources

Corpora Resources

Transcription Tools

  • Http:// allows transcription from video files, along with ‘simultaneous’ translation trascription. Note that this form of trascript, like wikipedia, is only as good as whoever is self-selecting to carry out the transcription &/or translation task, and does not appear to have quality oversight. On the other hand, one could theoretically send students to transcribe a single segment, and then compare thier work for homework. [With thanks to Chris Cieri and Dave Graff.]
  • French Forced Alignment [With thanks to Phillippe Martin.]
  • MoMel & Intsint [=International Transcription System fro Intonation]
  • British Prosodic Tools[Daniel Hirst]
  • ANALOR : prosodic labeling and segmentation
  • EasyAlign: automatic phonetic segmentation and labeling
  • PROSOGRAMME : transcription of prosody using pitch contour stylization based on a tonal perception model and automatic segmentation
  • TEI: Guidelines fr Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3)
  • FAVE (Forced Aligner of Vernacular English)

Other relevant sites