Professional Associations
- Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
- American Dialect Society (ADS)
- International Phonetic Association (IPA;
- International Society of Phonetic Sciences (ISPhS)
- Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Software Resources
- SIL toolbox
- Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
- Plotnik: ( with links to other places)
- The Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project (SLAAP)
- Goldvarb: (
- Rbrul +manual:
- R:
Phonetics Resources
- List of Speech Software (CMU)
- Sonja’s Linguistic Surrealscape (Vowels only)
- SIL IPA rundown (a bit clunky, due to Real-Media)
- Phonetic Fonts
- Real IPA Chart
- Glossary (of voice issues, includes pictures)
- Articulators
- Audacity
- Praat
- NORM: The Vowel Normalization and Plotting Suite (with Erik Thomas)
- Vowels: Vowel Manipulation, Normalization, and Plotting in the R language
- Tyler’s script to convert Praat TextGrid transcripts to readable text
- Tyler’s script to convert Transcriber transcripts to Praat TextGrids
- Yuan’s Forced Aligner
- Essex’s field phonetics tools
Mapping Resources
- Tiger mapping at the Census Bureau
- American Factfinder
- Mapping of US Ethnic landscape (
Dialect Resources
- Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE)
- UK Dialect resources
- UK Dialect resources (from the BBC)
- Phonological Atlas of North America (Labov)
- Linguistic Atlas Projects (Kretzschmar)
- Pennsylvania Dialects
- Fun samples of US dialect geography, annotated.
- http://www.dialectatlas.mun.caDialect Atlas of Newfoundland & Labrador
Corpora Resources
- LDC (Linguistics Data Consortium)
- ELRA (European Language Resources)
- OLAC (Open Language Archive Community)
- Talk Bank
- CallFriend Soundfiles for QF, Spanish, Japanese & English (Available through Talkbank)
- CallFriend Transcripts
- Corpus of Southern Arizona Spanish=CESA (
- Corpus of Spanish in TX (
- Presidential Sound Files & Oral Histories: (Miller Center: files aligned and transcribed)[or try individual presidential libraries]
- YIVO: (
- CHILDES database
- Spanish, Catalan & English Corpora
- Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
410 Million words, about 1/4 are speech, gathered between 1990 and 2010. - American National Corpus: including the open source oanc, and the manually annotated MASC (which includes about 15 million words), can be found either here or at the LDC webpage. [thanks to Christ Cieri]
- Gutenberg text resources
- Lyon Corpus Corinte
- Centre de Ressource pour la Descrition de l’Oral CRDO
- Lyon Corpus de langues Parlées en Intéraction CLAPI
- Louvain Corpus VALIBEL
- London-Lund Corpus of Spoken English & COLT Corpus
- ICE Corpora: International Corpus of English
- American National Corpus
- Corpora at Vircotria University at Wellington
- The Kiel Corpus (German)
- The Swedish Spoken Language Corpus
- Corpus of Spontaneous Italian (Adult & Child)
- Spoken Dutch Corpus
- The Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew
- Sound to Sense, a Reserach Training Network funded by the European Commision
- The Haifa Corpus of Spoken Hebrew
Transcription Tools
- Http:// allows transcription from video files, along with ‘simultaneous’ translation trascription. Note that this form of trascript, like wikipedia, is only as good as whoever is self-selecting to carry out the transcription &/or translation task, and does not appear to have quality oversight. On the other hand, one could theoretically send students to transcribe a single segment, and then compare thier work for homework. [With thanks to Chris Cieri and Dave Graff.]
- French Forced Alignment [With thanks to Phillippe Martin.]
- MoMel & Intsint [=International Transcription System fro Intonation]
- British Prosodic Tools[Daniel Hirst]
- ANALOR : prosodic labeling and segmentation
- EasyAlign: automatic phonetic segmentation and labeling
- PROSOGRAMME : transcription of prosody using pitch contour stylization based on a tonal perception model and automatic segmentation
- TEI: Guidelines fr Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3)
- FAVE (Forced Aligner of Vernacular English)
Other relevant sites
- SAMPA (Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet)
- Jefferson references
- Labov references
- Schegloff references
- Liberman’s Language Log
- UK computer-speech question site
- Lanchart SLICE Danish Resources: corpora, social dialect info, and tools
- An index of Online Dictionaries (Bucknell University, USA, Erik Thomas).
- LDC Papers
- Phonetics articles from Leeds WPL
- Phonetics articles from Sweden
- Sociophonetics articles from Penn WPL