General Recommendations
A postdoctoral fellowship should be viewed as an opportunity to develop as an independent researcher, teacher, and scholar. It is also a period of transition between graduate student years and the time you will spend in the workforce.
The following recommendations supplement the yearly professional development plans described below.
- Identify your goals and make plans for achieving them.
- Find diverse activities to support your professional development plan.
- Produce influential research.
- Establish connections and make yourself known in your field, e.g. by attending conferences.
- Think of supervising students.
- A good place to start is by working with a group of undergraduates in the mathematical modeling course (MATH 485).
- You may also want to propose small research projects suitable for undergraduates.
- You could also work with one of your mentor’s graduate students and take a leadership role in mentoring.
- Learn how to balance time.
- Determine who you are (an analyst, a geometer, etc).
- Do some outreach.
Year 1
- Volunteer to give a seminar on the topic of your thesis, so that people in the department know you and your work.
- Plan to attend UA professional development workshops (see main resource pages for details).
- In consultation with your mentor, develop a teaching plan for the next 3 years.
- If you have not yet done so, finish publishing your thesis.
- Develop or update your web site.
- Start exploring new projects; try to be diverse.
- Get involved in some outreach.
- Start drafting research proposals for your second year.
- Apply for travel grants and plan to attend conferences.
Year 2
- Finish all of the Year 1 items that are still pending.
- Give talks, both inside and outside the department.
- Plan your teaching for Year 3; try to diversify.
- Go to (big) conferences.
- Finish some of your ongoing projects.
- Think about mentoring students.
- Consider applying for grants and for selected jobs.
- Make contacts for potential external references.
Year 3
- Update your resume and web site.
- Finish your big projects.
- Apply for grants.
- Apply for jobs.
- Make sure to be involved in outreach/service if you have not yet done so.