University rules regarding PI eligibility
These rules apply to grants that are managed by the university and go through sponsored projects.
Math Department postdoc funding request form
Form to fill out to request funding for travel to conferences or to support visitors, undergraduates working with you, etc. Please note that for travel budget increases, there is a strong expectation that you should pursue external funding sources before you ask the Department for additional support.
Postdocs may use their start-up funds and request additional funding for equipment purchases (books that are not available in electronic format, software licenses, laptops, printers, etc). Any item purchased in this manner will remain the property of the University of Arizona and will have to be returned to the Department of Mathematics at the end of the postdoc’s employment period. Please use the above form for such requests: make sure to provide specific information about the proposed purchase and upload a detailed budget. The library already provides access to many e-books. You may request a purchase or contact our library liaison, Jim Martin, if you need an e-book that the library does not have.
UA Postdoctoral Research Development Grant (PRDG)
Grants (up to $2000) to help postdoctoral scholars develop independent research activities. Applications are due mid-March.
UA Proposal application guides
Tips, resources, and tools that will help you write a good grant proposal.
→ NSF proposal templates in LaTeX format (repository assembled by NSF monitors)
A funding adviser’s guide to writing a great grant application
“Mireille Consalvey draws on years of experience to present a 13-step checklist for success.”
NSF 101
5 tips on how to work with an NSF program officer
AMS-Simons travel grants
Support research-related travel for early-career mathematicians ($2,000 per year for 2 years). Applications are due in February-March of each year.
→ Examples of successful applications [Available only from within the Math network]
AWM travel grants
Travel and mentoring grants for women in mathematics. Deadlines vary depending on type of funding. Standard travel grant applications are due at the beginning of February, May, and October.
→ Examples of successful applications [Available only from within the Math network]
MAA Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching)
Professional development program for early-career mathematical scientists. Applications are due on April 15th of each year.
NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Applications are due in October of each year.
→ Examples of successful applications [Available only from within the Math network]
Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MPS-Ascend)
New program that provides postdoctoral support to individuals “who will broaden the participation of groups that are underrepresented in MPS fields in the U.S.” Applications are due in January of each year.
Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
Provides 1 year of support for postdocs committed to a career in academia. Applications are due in November of each year.
Air Force Science & Technology Fellowship Program
Postdoctoral fellowships at Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Institute of Technology, U.S. Air Force Academy. Candidates for postdoctoral awards should have held a doctorate for less than 5 years. Apply at any time.
Army Research Laboratory Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships
One-year appointments renewable for up to three years. Application may be submitted between mid-March and May. Candidates should have held a doctorate for less than 5 years.
NRC Research Associateship Programs
These programs offer “graduate, postdoctoral, and senior level research opportunities at sponsoring federal laboratories and affiliated institutions.” Candidates for postdoctoral awards should have held a doctorate for less than 5 years. Apply at any time.
L’Oreal USA for Women in Science
$60,000 grants for women in scientific postdoctoral fellowships. Applications are due in early February of each year.
Fulbright Scholar Program
Grants for postdoctoral and early-career applicants. Opportunities vary – explore their site to know more!
The Royal Society University Research Fellowship (UK)
Five-year fellowships for researchers who have 3 to 8 years of post PhD experience. “Suitable individuals of any nationality can apply for a University Research Fellowship to be held in an eligible UK host research organisation.” Applications are due in early September.
NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences
→ Examples of Successful Applications and names of faculty who can provide feedback on your proposals [Available only from within the Math network]
NSF Mathematical Sciences Institutes
Many research institutes have short-term and long-term programs that support postdoctoral fellows.
European Research Council
Funding for “top researchers anywhere in the world.” Check the website for areas of interest and deadlines.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
Funding for researchers at any stage of their career as well as for collaborations between industry and academia. Different calls open at different times and deadlines vary.
NIH Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Program (K01)
Funding for early-career researchers, in order to “provide support and protected time for an intensive, supervised career development experience in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences leading to research independence.”