This page provides links to various online advice for postdocs/junior academics on the job market. We also list various job posting sites maintained by mathematical societies.
Application materials – academic careers
- Resources for job applicants: Faculty willing to share examples of successful research, teaching, and diversity statements, or to provide feedback on your application materials [Only available within the Math network]
- Sample Materials for Faculty Positions, from UC San Francisco
- Valuing and Evaluating Teaching in the Mathematics Faculty Hiring Process, by Derek Bruff
- Passion: Your secret weapon for job search success, by David G. Jensen
- How to Write a Statement of Teaching Philosophy, by By Gabriela Montell
- How to Get an Academic Job, by Jennifer S. Furlong and Stacy M. Hartman
Non-academic careers
The links below point to videos posted on the UArizona Postdoctoral Affairs site
- Identifying opportunities outside the academy
- Branding yourself for industry positions
- Creating industry-appropriate application materials
- Preparing for and acing industry interviews
- Leaving academia – one postdoc’s story
- “What’s next, Doc?”: From Postdoc to Careers Beyond Academia (2022)
- The Erdos Institute
Academic job postings
- Mathjobs provided by AMS
- SIAM Job Board
- Jobs in Europe provided by the European Commission
- Research in Germany
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Job search
- Interested in Applying to a Liberal Arts Institution?: Perspectives from Reva Kasman, Julie Rana, and Chad Topaz, by Linda Chen
- Applying the 80-20 rule to your job search, by David G. Jensen
- Fifteen to one: how many applications it can take to land a single academic job offer, by Nina Notman & Chris Woolston
- Choosing the nontenure track, by Amar M. Singh
- What to consider when you’re thinking about jobs, by Maggie Kuo
- Postdocs, put your best foot forward for industry jobs, by David G. Jensen
- Anatomy of a Job Ad, by Julia McAnallen
- 4 Tips on Applying for Jobs Outside of Academe, by Ben Dumbauld
- Resources from BIG Math Network to prepare for BIG (Business, Industry, Government) jobs
- What to do, and when, if you are applying for both academic and industry positions, by Jennifer S. Furlong and Stacy M. Hartman
- Ace your video interview, by David G. Jensen
- The two most critical elements of interview day, by David G. Jensen