Martha started out in science by shadowing researchers at the Cleveland Clinic as a senior in high school and taking an independent study under the mentorship of her favorite high school biology teacher, Mr. Doug Walker. She then attended Harvard University, where she studied biochemistry and worked in the lab of Dr. Douglas Melton, studying pancreatic beta cell development in chicks. She completed a PhD in cell biology and neuroscience at UCSF in the lab of Dr. David Julius, where she worked on the molecular mechanisms of the sense of touch (mechanotransduction). She then did a postdoc at Washington University in St. Louis with Dr. Aaron DiAntonio, where she learned fly genetics and studied axon degeneration mechanisms. Her first faculty position was at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in the Basic Sciences department (2.5 years). She began her position at the University of Arizona in January 2017 and received tenure in May 2023. To de-stress, Martha likes to run, bike, play acoustic guitar, and play Euchre with her husband and two little boys.