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PhD students: If you are already here at UA and interested in a rotation, please contact Martha Bhattacharya (marthab1@arizona.edu) directly to arrange for a rotation experience. If you are not yet at UA and interested in the graduate program, please contact the office of the program of your choice; Dr. Bhattacharya cannot answer inquiries from prospective applicants unless you are selected for an interview. We will not be hosting PhD student rotations for the 2024-2025 academic year due to Dr. Bhattacharya being on sabbatical.
Undergraduate students:
In general, undergraudate research positions in the lab begin with an intensive summer immersion experience between FR-SO or SO-JR year, under the guidance of a more senior lab member. Please apply through the UBRP program or other summer programs on the UA campus if interested in a summer research position, and if accepted, contact Martha Bhattacharya directly. A brief in-person interview is required for summer UBRP-funded positions. Once a summer experience is complete, academic year research may continue as a volunteer, or for course credit (minimum 10 hrs/week over 2 days of the week). Please note: the most competitive UBRP applications to the lab are generally from students who have taken some lecture/lab courses in Molecular and Cellular Biology, and will be freshmen or sophomores with an interest in staying in the lab for two years following the summer experience.
We do not take undergraduate students at the beginning of, or during, the academic year; students MUST start in the early summer. We also do not take students solely for one year of a capstone project, as projects in the lab generally take two years to complete.