Mutsun is a dormant and revitalizing language of California, from the area near San Juan Bautista, Gilroy and Hollister. Mutsun is a Southern Costanoan language. It lost its last first-language speaker in 1930, but there is a very large quantity of written documentation of the language, largely from Mrs. Ascension Solarsano’s work to document the language with J.P. Harrington in 1922 and 1929-1930. The Mutsun community has been working on revitalizing the language since 1995, and I’m honored to have had the chance to work with them (collaborating primarily with Quirina Geary) since 1997. In 2016, we published the mutsun-inkiS inkiS-mutsun riica pappel, the Mutsun-English English-Mutsun Dictionary. It is available as an open access book. In 2022, we published the mutsun riicakma hummen, the Mutsun text collection, as an open access book through the Reports series of the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages of UC Berkeley. We work on language teaching materials and finding ways to help Mutsun community members learn the language. The work on the dictionary and text collection was partially funded by Preservation and Access grant #PA-51356-05 from the National Endowment for Humanities and partially by a Community Scholarship grant from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. We also deposited exports and backups of various materials associated with the dictionary, text collection, and database for long-term safe data storage with the California Language Archive.