
Warner, Natasha, Butler, Lynnika, Van Volkinburg, Heather, and Geary, Quirina.  2022.  Mutsun Text Collection: mutsun riicakma hummen.  Report 20.  Berkeley: Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California.  7198 pages.

Warner, Natasha, Butler, Lynnika, and Geary, Quirina. 2016. Mutsun-English English-Mutsun Dictionary: mutsun-inkiS inkiS-mutsun riica pappel. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication no. 11. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.  672 pages.

Archival data deposit

Butler, Lynnika, Geary, Quirina, Van Volkinburg, Heather, and Warner, Natasha.  Deposited May 27, 2022.  Materials for Mutsun Text Collection, 2022-11, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,

Refereed journal articles

Warner, Natasha.  2023.  Advancements of Phonetics in the 21st century:  Theoretical and empirical issues of spoken word recognition in phonetic research.  Journal of Phonetics, 101, 101275. (available as of 10/25 at:

Park, Seongjin, and Warner, Natasha.  2023.  The role of probability and duration in perception of speech soundsSpeech Communication, 152, 102950.

Coretta, Stefano, Casillas, Joseph V., Roettger, Timo B., et al. (including Warner, Natasha).  2023.  Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human speech analyses.  Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. 6(3) doi:

Warner, Natasha, Brenner, Dan, Tucker, Benjamin V., and Ernestus, Mirjam.  2022.  Native listeners’ use of information in parsing ambiguous casual speech.  Brain Sciences, 12, 930.

Warner, Natasha.  2019.  Reduced speech:  All is variability.  WIREs Cogn Sci. 2019;e1496.

Ussishkin, Adam, Warner, Natasha, Clayton, Ian, Brenner, Dan, Carnie, Andrew, Hammond, Michael, and Fisher, Muriel. 2017.  Lexical representation and processing of word-initial Morphological alternations: Scottish Gaelic mutation.  Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology8(1), 8. DOI:

Warner, Natasha, and Cutler, Anne.  2017.  Stress effects in vowel perception as a function of language-specific vocabulary patterns.  Phonetica, 74(2):81-106.

Warner, Natasha, and Tucker, Benjamin V.  2017.  An effect of flaps on the fourth formant in English. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 47(1):1-15.

Schertz, J., Cho, T., Lotto, A., and Warner, N.  2016. Individual differences in perceptual adaptability of foreign sound categories.  Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics78(1):355-367.

Warner, Natasha, Brenner, Dan, Schertz, Jessamyn, Carnie, Andrew, Fisher, Muriel, and Hammond, Michael.  2015.  The aerodynamic puzzle of nasalized fricatives:  Aerodynamic and perceptual evidence from Scottish Gaelic.  Laboratory Phonology 6:197-241.

Schertz, J., Cho, T., Lotto, A., and Warner, N.  2015.  Individual differences in phonetic cue use in production and perception of a non-native sound contrast.  Journal of Phonetics 52:183-204.

Bowern, Claire, and Warner, Natasha.  2015.  ‘Lone Wolves’ and ‘Data Scavengers’: A reply to Crippen and Robinson (2013).  Language Documentation and Conservation 9:59-85.

Warner, Natasha.  2014.  Sharing of Data as it relates to Human Subjects Issues and Data Management Plans.  Invited for a special issue on Archiving Sociolinguistic Data, eds. Malcah Yaeger-Dror and Christopher Cieri.  Language and Linguistics Compass 8:512-518.

Warner, Natasha, McQueen, James, and Cutler, Anne.  2014.  Tracking Perception of the Sounds of English.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135:2995-3006.

Hammond, Michael, Warner, Natasha, Davis, Andrea, Carnie, Andrew, Archangeli, Diana, and Fisher, Muriel.  2014.  Vowel insertion in Scottish Gaelic.  Phonology 31:123-153.

Vitela, A.D., Warner, N., & Lotto, A.J. 2013.  Perceptual compensation for differences in speaking style.  Frontiers in Psychology 4.

Warner, Natasha, and Tucker, Benjamin V.  2011.  Phonetic variability of stops and flaps in spontaneous and careful speech.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130:1606-1617.

Tucker, Benjamin V., and Warner, Natasha.  2010.  What it means to be  phonetic or phonological:  The case of Romanian devoiced nasals. Phonology 27:289-324.

Warner, Natasha, Otake, Takashi, and Arai, Takayuki.  2010.  Intonational Structure as a Word Boundary Cue in Japanese.  Language and Speech 53:107-131.

Warner, Natasha, Luna, Quirina, Butler, Lynnika, and Van Volkinburg, Heather.  2009.  Revitalization in a scattered language community:  Problems and methods from the perspective of Mutsun language revitalization.  International Journal of the Sociology of Language 198:135-148.

Warner, Natasha, Fountain, Amy, and Tucker, Benjamin V.  2009.  Cues to Perception of Reduced Flaps. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125:3317-3327.

Ogasawara, Naomi, and Warner, Natasha.  2009.  Processing missing vowels: Allophonic processing in Japanese.  Language and Cognitive Processes 24: 376-411. (link is not final version)

Warner, Natasha, Luna, Quirina, and Butler, Lynnika.  2007.  Ethics and revitalization of dormant languages:  The Mutsun language.  Language Documentation and Conservation, 1: 58-76.

Warner, Natasha, Butler, Lynnika, and Luna-Costillas, Quirina.  2006.  Making a dictionary for community use in language revitalization:  The case of Mutsun. International Journal of Lexicography, 19: 257-285.

Warner, Natasha, Good, Erin, Jongman, Allard, and Sereno, Joan.  2006.  Orthographic vs. morphological incomplete neutralization effects.  Letter to the editor, Journal of Phonetics 34:285-293.

Warner, Natasha, Kim, Jeesun, Davis, Chris, and Cutler, Anne.  2005.  Use of complex phonological patterns in processing:  Evidence from Korean. Journal of Linguistics 41:353-387.

Warner, Natasha, Smits, Roel, McQueen, James, and Cutler, Anne.  2005.  Phonological and frequency effects on timing of speech perception:  A database of Dutch diphone perception.  Speech Communication 46:53-72.

Warner, Natasha, Jongman, Allard, Sereno, Joan, and Kemps, Rachèl.  2004. Incomplete neutralization and other sub-phonemic durational differences in production and perception:  Evidence from Dutch.  Journal of Phonetics  32:251-276.

Smits, Roel, Warner, Natasha, McQueen, James, and Cutler, Anne.  2003.  Unfolding of phonetic information over time:  A database of Dutch diphone perception.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113:563-574.

Warner, Natasha.  2002.  The phonology of epenthetic stops:  Implications for the phonetics-phonology interface in Optimality Theory.  Linguistics 40:1-27.

Warner, Natasha, Jongman, Allard, Cutler, Anne, and Mücke, Doris.  2001.  The phonological status of Dutch epenthetic schwa.  Phonology 18:387-420. 

Warner, Natasha, and Arai, Takayuki.  2001.  The role of the mora in the timing of spontaneous Japanese speech.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109:1144-1156. 

Warner, Natasha, and Arai, Takayuki.  2001.  Japanese mora-timing:  A review.  Phonetica 58:1-25. 

Warner, Natasha, and Weber, Andrea.  2001.  Perception of epenthetic stops.  Journal of Phonetics 29:53-87. 

Warner, Natasha.  1997.  Japanese Final-accented and Unaccented Phrases. Journal of Phonetics 25:43-60.

Edited publications

Ernestus, Mirjam, and Warner, Natasha, guest eds.  2011.  Special issue of Journal of Phonetics on speech reduction.  39(3).

Gussenhoven, Carlos, and Warner, Natasha, eds.  2002.  Laboratory Phonology 7.  Mouton de Gruyter.  (719 pages.)

Van Geenhoven, Veerle, and Warner, Natasha, eds.  1999.  Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Annual Report 1999.  (156 pages.)

Warner, Natasha, Ahlers, Jocelyn, Bilmes, Leela, Oliver, Monica, Wertheim, Suzanne, and Chen, Melinda, eds.  1998.  Gender and Belief Systems.  The Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Women and Language Conference, April 19-21, 1996, Berkeley, California.  (814 pages.)

Book review

Warner, Natasha.  2005.  Review of Phonetic Data Analysis:  An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques, by Peter Ladefoged.  Language in Society 34:652-655.

Book chapters, handbook chapters, conference proceedings, and other categories

Warner, Natasha.  Submitted.  A Relationship between the Feminism and the Science of Elise Richter:  Rejection of Limitations.  Submitted for a book ed. by R. Tanzmeister.

Krishnaswamy, Meghavarshini, and Warner, Natasha.  2023.  Perception of Malayalam three-way stop contrast among American English speakers. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, 2023.

Cutler, Anne, Ernestus, Mirjam, Warner, Natasha, and Weber, Andrea.  2022.  Managing speech perception data sets. The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management, ed. Berez-Kroeker et al.  MIT Press.

Warner, Natasha.  2021.  Processes in connected speech. Handbook of Phonetics, ed. Knight, R.A. & Setter, J., Cambridge University Press. (link is not final version)

Meyer, Joshua, Kloehn, Nicholas, Carnie, Andrew, Archangeli, Diana, Clayton, Ian, Fisher, Muriel, Hammond, Michael, Ussishkin, Adam, and Warner, Natasha.  2018.  The field is not the lab and the lab is not the field:  Experimental linguistics and endangered language communities.  Invited chapter under review for Community Based Research, ed. by Shannon Bischoff and Carmen Jany, Mouton de Gruyter.

Warner, Natasha, Geary, Quirina, and Butler, Lynnika.  2018.  Creating learning materials and teaching materials for language revitalization:  The case of Mutsun.  Invited chapter under review for Community Based Research, ed. by Shannon Bischoff and Carmen Jany, Mouton de Gruyter.

Warner, Natasha.  2012.  Methods for studying spontaneous speech.  Invited chapter in A. Cohn, C. Fougeron, & M. Huffman (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Laboratory Phonology.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.  621-633.

Ernestus, Mirjam, and Warner, Natasha.  2011.  An introduction to reduced pronunciation variants.  Guest editors’ introduction to the special issue of Journal of Phonetics on speech reduction.  39(3):253-260.

Warner, Natasha.  2011.  Reduction.  Invited chapter in M. van Oostendorp, C. Ewen, E. Hume, & K. Rice (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology.  Malden, MA & Oxford:  Wiley-Blackwell.

Warner, Natasha, Cole, Jennifer, Hualde, José I., Kingston, John, Arvaniti, Amalia, Beckman, Mary, Pierrehumbert, Janet, and Whalen, Douglas H.  2010.  Understanding the complexity and variability of spoken and signed languages.  SBE Grand Challenge White Paper, National Science Foundation.  Part of the program “SBE 2020:  Future Research in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences.”

Tucker, Benjamin V., and Warner, Natasha.  2007.  Inhibition of processing due to reduction
of the American English flap.  Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, August 2007.

Warner, Natasha.  2003.  Rapid perceptibility as a factor underlying universals of vowel inventories.  In Formal approaches to function in grammar: In honor of Eloise Jelinek, ed. by Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley and MaryAnn Willie.  Amsterdam: John Benjamins.  245-261.

Warner, Natasha, Jongman, Allard, and Mücke, Doris.  2002.  Variability in direction of dorsal movement during production of /l/.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Denver, Colorado, September 2002, 1089-1092.

Warner, Natasha, and Weber, Andrea.  2002.  Perception of stop epenthesis at syllable boundaries.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Denver, Colorado, September 2002, 1121-1124.

Arai, Takayuki, Warner, Natasha, and Greenberg, Steven.  2001.  OGI tagengo denwa onsei koopasu ni okeru nihongo shizen hatsuwa onsei no bunseki.  [Analysis of spontaneous Japanese in OGI multi-language telephone-speech corpus.]  Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Japan, March 2001 1.

Warner, Natasha, Jongman, Allard, Cutler, Anne, and Mücke, Doris.  2001.  The phonological status of schwa insertion in Dutch:  An EMA study.  Proceedings of the 4th International Speech Motor Conference, Nijmegen, June 13-16, 2001, 86-89. 

Warner, Natasha.  1999.  Timing of perception of vocalic distinctive features:  Implications for vowel system universals.  Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, August 1999.  1961-1964.

Warner, Natasha, and Arai, Takayuki.  1999.  Word level timing in spontaneous Japanese speech.  Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, August 1999.  1055-1058. 

Warner, Natasha.  1998.  Integrating Speech Perception and Formal Phonology.  Texas Linguistics Forum 41:  Proceedings of the 1998 Conference of the Texas Linguistics Society, ed. by Amanda R. Doran, Tivoli Majors, Claude E. Mauk, and Nisha Merchant Goss.  Austin:  Department of Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin.   189-202.

Warner, Natasha.  1998.  The Old Japanese Vowel System:  Implications of Speech Perception.  Japanese Korean Linguistics, vol. 8, ed. by David J. Silva.  Stanford:  CSLI Publications.  387-400.

Warner, Natasha.  1997.  Recognition of Accent Patterns Across Dialects in Japanese.  Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 14-17, 1997, Berkeley, California. 

Warner, Natasha.  1996.  Sound Change and Grammaticalization in Japanese Verb Morphology.  Proceedings of the Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 16-19, 1996, Berkeley, California.  429-439.

Warner, Natasha.  1996.  Acoustic Characteristics of Ejectives in Ingush.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, October 3-6, 1996, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  1525-1528.