Exhibitions and Artworks
Margaret Mee: Portraits of Plants, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC/online.
Poetic Botany: Art & Science of the Eighteenth-Century Vegetable World, New York Botanical Garden/online.
The Botanical Mind: Art, Mysticism, and the Cosmic Tree, Camden Art Centre, London/online.
Thinking Plants, The Philosophical Life of Plants Project: A Research Network funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council/online.
Rooted Beings, Wellcome Collection London, March 24-August 29, 2022.
Eden? Plants between Science and Fiction, Universität Münster, Orangerie des Botanischen Gartens Münster, May 15-29, 2022 and University of Arizona, Poetry Center and Tree Ring Lab, October-December 2022.
Die Intelligenz der Pflanzen/The Intelligence of Plants, Frankfurter Kunstverein, October 16, 2021-February 20, 2022.
Tree Connections, Kulturstiftung Basel, May 11-July 18, 2021.
Plant Fever, CID au Grand-Hornu, Belgium, October 18, 2020-March 7, 2021 & Museum für Gestaltung Zurich, December 3, 2021-March 4, 2022.
And the Forests Will Echo with Laughter…: Forests without Trees in the Arts + Sciences, ERES-Stiftung Munich, June 21, 2020-March 21, 2021.
All Flesh Is Grass, Kim? Contemporary Art Centre Riga, June 4-August 23, 2020.
Inventing Nature: Pflanzen in der Kunst, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, May 30-September 27, 2020.
Von Pflanzen und Menschen: Ein Streifzug über den grünen Planeten/Of Plants and People: A Stroll Around the Green Planet, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, April 19, 2019-April 19, 2020.
You Will Go Away One Day But I Will Not, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin, January 24-February 16, 2020.
Nous les Arbres/Trees, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain Paris, July 12, 2019-January 5, 2020.
Gewächse der Seele: Pflanzenfantasien zwischen Symbolismus und Outsider Art/Growth of the Soul: Floral Fantasies Between Symbolism and Outsider Art, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum Ludwigshafen, Sammlung Prinzhorn Heidelberg, zeitraumexit Mannheim, Galerie Alte Turnhalle Bad Dürkheim, and Museum Haus Cajeth Heidelberg, March 3-August 4, 2019.
Poesie der Pflanze: Photographien von Karl Blossfeldt und Jim Dine, Die photographische Sammlung Cologne, February 22-July 21, 2019.
Music for Plants Disappearing, Pilot+Projects Philadelphia, February 9-March 8, 2019.
Botanical Relations, University of Arizona Museum of Art, January 26-March 31, 2019.
Big Botany: Conversations with the Plant World, University of Kansas Spencer Museum of Art, March 27-July 15, 2018.
Unter Bäumen: Die Deutschen und der Wald, Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin, December 2, 2011-March 4, 2012.
Of Green Leaf, Bird, and Flower: Artists’ Books and the Natural World, Yale Center for British Art, May 15-August 10, 2014.
Waldungen: Die Deutschen und ihr Wald/Woodlands: The Germans and Their Forest, Akademie der Künste Berlin, September 20-November 15, 1987.
Becoming Plant, Whitney Anne Trettien
Becoming Sensor, Natasha Myers and Ayelen Liberona
Chorus of the Forest, Angélica Négron
Chwasty/Weeds, Karolina Grzwnowicz
Concierto para el Bioceno, Eugenio Ampudia
Ecological Bathhouse, Pony Express (Ian Sinclair and Loren Kronemyer)
Eternal Forest Manifesto, Evgenia Emets
Every Forest a Reframing, Were X a Tree, Pine, etc., Amy Cutler
Flowers for Africa, Kapwani Kiwanga
Les paradis de Granby, Catherine Bodmer
Mantras for Plants, Heidi Norton
Mosaic Virus & Myriad (Tulips), Anna Ridler
Pliable Bio-Metamorphosis, Ida Mitrani
Sharing Human Technology with Plants, Sun Tianqi
Talk to Me: Exploring Human-Plant Communication, Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits
The Herbarium’s Shadow, Matthew Beach
The Plant Sex Consultancy, Pei-Ying Lin, Dimitris Stamatis, Jasmina Weiss, Špela Petrič
This Beautiful Monster: A Garden Featuring Crested Cancerous Cacti, Athena Aktipis, Carlo Maley, Pamela Winfrey
Tree Alphabets (New York City, Irish), Katie Holten
Treeline, Ruth Maclennan
Waiting: A Medicinal Garden for Ailing Plants, Janet Laurence