Time-lapse imaging of DsRED-tagged pollen tubes entering an ovule and reaching the portion of the ovule where a synergid is expected to be located. Within the ovule, apparently, normal pollen tube discharge occurs, presumably in one of the synergids, leaving a visible fluorescent spot. This is a representative movie of instances in a gfa2/GFA2 ovule with an apparent normal pollen tube discharge. Time elapsed between each frame = 10 minutes.

Reference: Leydon, A. R., Tsukamoto, T., Dunatunga, D., Qin, Y., Johnson, M. A., and Palanivelu, R. (2015). Pollen tube discharge completes the process of synergid degeneration that is initiated by pollen tube – synergid interaction in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 169: 485-496. Link to the article.