
Our laboratory consists of 800 sq. ft of lab space that can accommodate several researchers. We are equipped to perform all molecular and cell biology experiments that are considered routine in a modern plant biology laboratory. We have access to shared facilities that include an equipment room, a cold room, and autoclaves.

Conviron growth chambers

We grow our Arabidopsis and other Brassicaceae plants in two Conviron plant growth reach-in chambers (photo to the left). They are equipped with LED lights and temperature, humidity, and photoperiod controls.

basement growth chamber

We grow tomato plants in walk-in plant growth rooms (with >100 sq ft of growth space; photo to the left) equipped with LED Grow Lights and perform heat stress experiments in reach-in growth chambers (not shown).

confocal microscope

We perform time-lapse imaging using a Leica SP5 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (photo to the left), equipped with automated X, Y, and Z stages and shutters to generate multiple time-lapse movies using bright light plus green and red fluorescent laser lights. Observations are captured by photo multiplier unit and analyzed using Leica and ImageJ software.

Microscopy setup

We also perform time-lapse imaging using a Zeiss Axiovert 100 fluorescent microscope retrofitted with automated X, Y, and Z stages and shutters to generate multiple time-lapse movies using bright light plus green and red fluorescent laser lights. Observations are captured by a Retiga CCD digital camera and analyzed using Metamorph and ImageJ software.

Microscopy setup

Besides these, we have access to university-wide research facilities such as DNA sequencing, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, and proteomics facilitie