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Category: Image
Confocal image of an unfertilized ovule, showing the expression of LRE-cYFP fusion protein in both synergid cells of the female gametophyte in each ovule.
The green signal in the nuclei of cells in the ovule and the female gametophyte is from the ACT11: H2B:GFP transgene…Continue Reading Confocal image of an unfertilized ovule, showing the expression of LRE-cYFP fusion protein in both synergid cells of the female gametophyte in each ovule.
Confocal image of a wild-type pollen tube growing towards an ovule
Confocal image of a wild-type pollen tube growing towards an ovule (Congored stained image, picture captured by Dr. Anna Edlund) …Continue Reading Confocal image of a wild-type pollen tube growing towards an ovule