UA involved in creating convulvaceae pollen atlas

This month’s science link is to UA Herbarium’s effort to create the convolvulaceae pollen atlas: Check out the fantastic effort to compile images of family from this important family. Pollen features are an important tool for taxonomical classification. However, many of these valuable images remain in disparate unpublished sources. The atlas project hopes to…Continue Reading UA involved in creating convulvaceae pollen atlas

Interactive Plant Biology: Plant Reproductive Biology Links for K-12

Life cycle of a flower

This month’s science link is an educational website Interactive Plant Biology: Plant Reproductive Biology links for K-12 ( This website hosts many educational links to a wide variety of topics related to plant reproductive biology. These links contain materials that are prepared for learning by K-12 students….Continue Reading Interactive Plant Biology: Plant Reproductive Biology Links for K-12

Alcanivorax microbe devouring oil spilled in Gulf of Mexico

(Image downloaded from website). From NY Times news website story on this topic: Oil Spill Cleanup Workers Include Many Very, Very Small OnesBy WILLIAM J. BROADPublished: August 4, 2010 Among the hidden stars of the gulf cleanup is an oil-hungry bacterium that Dr. Seuss could have named — Alcanivorax. It and fellow microbes are breaking down a significant amount of…Continue Reading Alcanivorax microbe devouring oil spilled in Gulf of Mexico

Learn.Genetics & Teach.Genetics

Learn genetics

This month’s science link is the educational website “Learn.Genetics” ( Learn Genetics website hosts educational materials on genetics, bioscience, and health topics. They are designed in a user-friendly manner for use by students, teachers, and anyone who is interested in genetics. The popular, fun, educative items on this website include (i) a highly interactive feature…Continue Reading Learn.Genetics & Teach.Genetics

Pollen Research Coordination Network

Pollen RCN

This month’s science link is the official website of the Pollen Research Coordination Network. Quoting from the welcome message found in the pollen research coordination network website ( “Our goal is to promote pollen-related research by sharing methods, helping newcomers to the field, supporting collaborations, educating the next generation of scientists about pollen research, and…Continue Reading Pollen Research Coordination Network