Time-lapse imaging of DsRED-tagged pollen tubes, entering an ovule and reaching the portion of the ovule where synergid is expected to be located. The pollen tube remains without discharge within the ovule, as evident from the lack of a visible fluorescent spot. This is a representative movie of instances in a gfa2/GFA2 ovule where the pollen tube did not discharge. Time…Continue Reading Video 23. A semi-in vivo pollen tube guidance assay to monitor pollen tube discharge in gfa2/GFA2 ovules.
Category: Video
Video 22. A semi in vivo pollen tube guidance assay to monitor pollen tube discharge in gfa2/GFA2 ovules.
Time-lapse imaging of DsRED-tagged pollen tubes entering an ovule and reaching the portion of the ovule where a synergid is expected to be located. Within the ovule, apparently, normal pollen tube discharge occurs, presumably in one of the synergids, leaving a visible fluorescent spot. This is a representative movie of instances in a gfa2/GFA2 ovule with an apparent normal…Continue Reading Video 22. A semi in vivo pollen tube guidance assay to monitor pollen tube discharge in gfa2/GFA2 ovules.
Video 21. A semi in vivo pollen tube guidance assay to monitor pollen tube discharge in wild-type ovules.
Time-lapse imaging of DsRED-tagged pollen tubes, entering an ovule and reaching the portion of the ovule where synergid is expected to be located. Within the ovule, pollen tube discharge occurs presumably in one of the synergids, leaving a visible fluorescent spot. Time elapsed between each frame = 10 minutes. Reference: Leydon, A. R., Tsukamoto, T., Dunatunga,…Continue Reading Video 21. A semi in vivo pollen tube guidance assay to monitor pollen tube discharge in wild-type ovules.
Video 20. Description of the Arabidopsis semi-in vivo pollen tube guidance assay.
This time-lapse movie describes the steps that need to be undertaken to set up the assay as previously described (Palanivelu & Preuss (2006), BMC Plant Biology, 6:7). The assay can be used to monitor pollen tube-ovule interactions. Since the assay is modular, any combination of the three components of the assay (pollen, stigma/style and ovules)…Continue Reading Video 20. Description of the Arabidopsis semi-in vivo pollen tube guidance assay.
Video 19. Stimulation of pollen (Landsberg accession) germination by sulfinylated azadecalins.
Time-lapse imaging of Arabidopsis pollen (Landsberg accession) germination on a solid pollen growth medium. Pollen grains from the same anther were spotted proximal to three holes, one filled with 50 μM N-Methanesulfinyl 1-azadecalin, a second one filled with 50 μM N-Methanesulfinyl 2-azadecalin and a third one filled with liquid PGM (control). The pollen growth medium…Continue Reading Video 19. Stimulation of pollen (Landsberg accession) germination by sulfinylated azadecalins.
Video 18. Stimulation of pollen (Columbia accession) germination by sulfinylated azadecalins.
Time-lapse imaging of Arabidopsis pollen (Columbia accession) germination on a solid pollen growth medium. Pollen grains from the same anther were spotted proximal to three holes: one filled with 50 μM N-Methanesulfinyl 1-azadecalin, a second one filled with 50 μM N-Methanesulfinyl 2-azadecalin, and a third one filled with liquid PGM (control). The pollen growth medium…Continue Reading Video 18. Stimulation of pollen (Columbia accession) germination by sulfinylated azadecalins.
Video 17. Microfluidic procedure for growing Arabidopsis pollen tubes.
Time-lapse imaging of Arabidopsis pollen tubes emerging from the cut portion of a pistil, fanning out, and traveling across the pollen growth medium filled in a microchannel, and then the tubes respond to ovules placed in a microchamber. The cartoon below shows the setup for this procedure. The time elapsed between two frames is 15…Continue Reading Video 17. Microfluidic procedure for growing Arabidopsis pollen tubes.
Video 16. Semi-in vivo (SIV) procedure for growing pollen tubes
Time-lapse imaging of Arabidopsis PTs emerging from pollen grains deposited directly on the pollen growth medium. Time elapsed between two frames is indicated in minutes (min) on the top left hand corner. Reference: Palanivelu, R., and Johnson, M.A. (2010). Functional genomics of pollen tube-pistil interactions in Arabidopsis. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 38 (2): 593–597. Link to article or PubMed citation….Continue Reading Video 16. Semi-in vivo (SIV) procedure for growing pollen tubes
Video 15. In vitro pollen tube growth
Time-lapse imaging of Arabidopsis PTs emerging from pollen grains deposited directly on the pollen growth medium. Time elapsed between two frames is indicated in minutes (min) on the top left hand corner. Reference: Palanivelu, R., and Johnson, M.A. (2010). Functional genomics of pollen tube-pistil interactions in Arabidopsis. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 38 (2): 593–597. Link to article or PubMed citation….Continue Reading Video 15. In vitro pollen tube growth
Video 14. Multiple pollen tubes enter a single are-5/lre-5 ovule in an in vitro guidance assay
Time-lapse imaging of a LAT52:DsRed-tagged pollen tube entering a lre-5/lre-5 ovule, reaching a DD3:GFP-marked synergid cell, continuing to grow incessantly in the synergid cell, and eventually growing further into the female gametophyte. The movie shows merged time-lapse images captured in red and green channels. The time elapsed between two frames is 10 minutes. Ref: Tsukamoto, T., Qin Y., Huang, Y.,…Continue Reading Video 14. Multiple pollen tubes enter a single are-5/lre-5 ovule in an in vitro guidance assay