Video 13. Pollen tube reception defect in a lre-5/lre-5 ovule is recapitulated in an in vitro guidance assay

Time-lapse imaging of a LAT52:DsRed-tagged pollen tube entering a lre-5/lre-5 ovule, reaching a DD3:GFP-marked synergid cell, continuing to grow incessantly in the synergid cell, and eventually growing further into the female gametophyte. The movie shows merged time-lapse images captured in red and green channels. The time elapsed between two frames is 10 minutes. Ref: Tsukamoto, T., Qin Y., Huang, Y.,…Continue Reading Video 13. Pollen tube reception defect in a lre-5/lre-5 ovule is recapitulated in an in vitro guidance assay

Video 12. Pollen tube interaction with a lre-5/lre-5 ovule that induces normal pollen tube reception in an in vitro guidance assay

Time-lapse imaging of LAT52:DsRed-tagged pollen tube entering a lre-5/lre-5 ovule, reaching DD3:GFP-marked synergid cell, and undergoing normal pollen tube reception. The video shows merged time-lapse images captured in red and green channels. Time elapsed between two frames is 10 minutes. Ref: Tsukamoto, T., Qin Y., Huang, Y., Dunatunga, D. and Palanivelu, R. (2010). Plant J 62 (4): 571-588…Continue Reading Video 12. Pollen tube interaction with a lre-5/lre-5 ovule that induces normal pollen tube reception in an in vitro guidance assay

Video 11. Pollen tube interaction with a wild-type ovule in an in vitro guidance assay

Time-lapse imaging of LAT52:DsRed-tagged pollen tube entering a wild-type ovule and traveling within the ovule before arresting growth and bursting in the DD3:GFP-marked synergid cell. The targeted ovule repels the second, late-arriving pollen tube away from the ovule micropyle. The video shows merged time-lapse images captured in red and green channels. The time elapsed between two frames…Continue Reading Video 11. Pollen tube interaction with a wild-type ovule in an in vitro guidance assay

Video 10. Pollen tube interaction with the synergid cell in an in vitro guidance essay

Time-lapse imaging of DsRed-tagged pollen tubes entering the ovule and traveling within the ovule before approaching the GFP-tagged synergid cell within the female gametophyte. Left video, time-lapse images captured in the red and green channels. Right video, time-lapse images captured in the green channel only. The time elapsed between frames is 10 minutes (indicated in…Continue Reading Video 10. Pollen tube interaction with the synergid cell in an in vitro guidance essay

Video 9. Pollen tube interaction with the synergid cell in an in vitro guidance assay

Time-lapse imaging of DsRed-tagged pollen tubes entering the ovule and traveling within the ovule before approaching the GFP-tagged synergid cell within the female gametophyte. Left video, time-lapse images captured in the red and green channels. Right video, time-lapse images captured in the green channel only. The time elapsed between frames is 10 minutes (indicated on…Continue Reading Video 9. Pollen tube interaction with the synergid cell in an in vitro guidance assay

Video 8. Pollen tube interaction with the synergid cell in an in vitro guidance assay

Time-lapse imaging of DsRed-tagged pollen tubes entering the ovule and traveling within the ovule before approaching the GFP-tagged synergid cell within the female gametophyte. Left video, time-lapse images captured in the red and green channels. Right video, time-lapse images captured in the green channel only. The time elapsed between frames is 10 minutes (indicated in…Continue Reading Video 8. Pollen tube interaction with the synergid cell in an in vitro guidance assay

Video 7. Pollen tube interaction with the synergid cell in an in vitro guidance assay

Time-lapse imaging of DsRed-tagged pollen tubes entering the ovule and traveling within the ovule before approaching the GFP-tagged synergid cell within the female gametophyte. Left video, time-lapse images captured in the red and green channels. Right video, time-lapse images captured in the green channel only. The time elapsed between frames is 10 minutes (indicated on…Continue Reading Video 7. Pollen tube interaction with the synergid cell in an in vitro guidance assay

Video 4. Pollen tube repulsion by a targeted ovule in an in vitro guidance assay

Three pollen tubes approach an ovule, however, the pollen tube that arrived at the micropyle first was successful. The unsuccessful tubes approached the micropyle; however, one of them turned away from it, while the other one skips the micropyle and grows over the successful tube and stalls. The repulsion behaviors initiate well ahead of pollen…Continue Reading Video 4. Pollen tube repulsion by a targeted ovule in an in vitro guidance assay