Most of my current research is in the philosophy of science (and specifically the philosophy of physics) from a contemporary pragmatist perspective.
My book The Quantum Revolution in Philosophy, a self-contained but opinionated introduction to quantum theory and its significance for philosophy, was published in 2017 (paperback 2019). I wrote this to engage the interest of the educated reader as well as philosophers and scientists beyond specialists in conceptual foundations of physics. It illustrates the philosophical worth of pragmatist ideas by showing how they help us understand perhaps our most successful but most puzzling scientific theory.
Since writing this book I have continued to publish specialist papers in the philosophy of physics, and others exploring the relations between science and metaphysics from a broadly pragmatist perspective. An aim of my earlier research in the philosophy of physics was to shed light on metaphysical topics such as holism, realism and causation. In The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, I developed an approach toward the understanding of quantum theory according to which the theory portrays a nonseparable world, but my view of quantum theory has changed since writing this book. My book, Gauging What’s Real, locates a different kind of nonseparability in contemporary gauge theories.

Some Recent Papers
Quantum Interpretation
- Quantum States as Objective Informational Bridges
- Quantum Theory and the Limits of Objectivity
- Pragmatist Quantum Realism
- Is Quantum Mechanics a New Theory of Probability?
- The Measurement Problem for Emergent Spacetime in Loop Quantum Gravity
- Representation and the Quantum State
- Securing the Objectivity of Relative Facts in the Quantum World
Philosophy of Science and/or Metaphysics
- Quantum Theory: Realism or Pragmatism
- A Pragmatist View of the Metaphysics of Entanglement
- On the Independent Emergence of Spacetime
- A Pragmatist Perspective on Causation, Laws and Explanation
- Scientific Objectivity and its Limits
- Laws of Nature as Epistemic Infrastructure not Metaphysical Superstructure
Some Older Publications
- “Can Physics Coherently Deny the Reality of Time?”, Craig Callender, ed. Time, Reality and Experience, (Cambridge: University Press, 2002), 293-316.
- Physical Composition, 2011.
- The world as we know it in Spinoza on Monism edited by Philip Goff, 2011.
- Quantum theory: a Pragmatist Approach, 2012.
- Local Causality, Probability and Explanation, 2014.
Recent Talks
- Hanover, New Hampshire, Participatory Reality and Quantum Measurement Conference “A plea for plurality” June 26, 2024
- IQOQI, Vienna, Austria “Pragmatism, fundamentalism and quantum theory” October 16, 2024
- IQOQI, Vienna, Austria “Quantum probabilism and the right kind of objectivity” October 17, 2024
- Oxford, England “How to be a single-world quantum relativist” December 5, 2024
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid “A neopragmatist intervention in science” November 14, 2023: “How good a friend would a quantum computer make?” November 15, 2023.
Encyclopedia/Handbook Entries
- Stanford Electronic Encyclopedia of Philosophy | Holism and Nonseparability in Physics
- Stanford Electronic Encyclopedia of Philosophy | Quantum-Bayesian and Pragmatist Views of Quantum Theory
- Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Science | Metaphysics in Science
- Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Physics | Holism