SensMap is the name of a Matlab version of the area function tuning algorithm originally described in Story (2006)
The intent of making this public is for demonstration purposes and for researchers interested in programming this particular algorithm. Users are free to use the code as a starting point for algorithm development or as a comparison to previously written code (just give credit where due). Essentially everything in the code has been published in the paper cited above or the papers cited within it.
To install, download the “” file below and extract all files into a new folder or directory. From within Matlab, go to the folder with the extracted files, read the README file or get started by typing “TestCase_a”. Depending on your computer, in about 5-10 seconds a window will open with a case of tuning an initial area function to one that is /a/-like. Run “TestCase_i” to get an /i/-like area function. The code is documented to contain additional information and instructions on use.